
President Trump Responds to Q Question, Media Panic, Human Trafficking Down 96% Due to Wall

@00:04:11 no testing mexico as you know has a very
@00:05:15 on between mexico and the united states

Drone Almost Hits AF1, 17 Flint Satanic Pedos Arrested, Alec Baldwin in Full Blown Panic

@00:05:21 of california and mexico both ways which
@00:08:54 8 near the california border with mexico
@00:08:59 smuggling illegal aliens from mexico

Dumitru Duduman: Prophecy from 36 Years Ago Beginning to Unfold in the USA

@00:04:14 central america mexico and two other

Judge Orders Unsealing Epstein Docs, 23 Children Rescued, Canada Busts Pedo Ring, Cuomo Impeachment

@00:03:12 mexico to canada first we'll start in
@00:03:14 mexico
@00:03:26 away from a market in southern mexico

Simpson's Creator, Epstein & Adrenochrome, HRC's Pizza, Q's Ominous Warning

@00:09:19 mexico against american states

Sullivan Stalls, Trafficking in Persons Report, DOJ on Inditcment Spree Against Anarchists

@00:08:17 mexico he was quickly arrested but was

Clinton Haiti Pedophile Ring Linked to Contact Tracing, Italy Calls for Bill Gates Arrest

@00:15:02 mexico with his wife claudia and he's
@00:15:14 lived down in mexico
@00:16:19 journalist living down in mexico saying

Covid Crackdown Arrests 30 Pedophiles, Staged Media Hoax, Protecting Children from Big Pharma

@00:07:37 expeditiously deported to mexico
@00:08:32 get right back to mexico faster than the

POTUS Confirms Child Sex Trafficking Crackdown, Hillary Clinton Loses, COVID-19 Per Corey's Digs

@00:02:59 like the president of mexico because he
@00:04:21 mexico and on the border when we're in

Trump's War on Child Sex Traffickers: From Venezuela, to the Vatican, to New York

@00:01:51 the us-mexico border sees 29 million
@00:03:22 mexico i remember this this was under
@00:03:27 announces partial us-mexico border
@00:04:23 trafficking routes run through mexico to
@00:04:47 venezuela and mexico to the united
@00:08:41 between the drug cartels from mexico
@00:08:44 mexico to venezuela all the way to iran

More Media Lies About Coronavirus, Cuomo Frees Satanic Pedophiles, Teen Hero Rescues Small Children

@00:13:40 mexico is being hailed as a hero after
@00:14:21 mexico tried to kidnap three kids a 16

POTUS Rushes Cure, Sex Trafficking Victim Rescued, Mexico Demands Border Security, More Google Truth

@00:08:21 us virus outbreak mexico suddenly wants
@00:08:24 border security mexico has suddenly
@00:08:48 disease mexico wouldn't bring the virus
@00:09:00 to the south so mexico wants to now shut

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:17:22 between mexico now ordering troops to

State of the Union, Pelosi Rips Up Speech, The Best is Yet to Come

@00:03:46 you know to to the nation from mexico

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:15:19 in tijuana mexico near the ota msf port
@00:15:39 the california mexico border the
@00:16:12 ever discovered between mexico and the

Deep State on Trial, Mexico Pays for Trump's Wall, Kobe Bryant's Date of Assassination

@00:06:50 and mexico is paying for it that's
@00:07:00 mexico illegal immigrant crossings
@00:07:06 arizona-mexico border illegal crossings
@00:07:15 empty and mexico is keeping illegals who
@00:07:26 negotiation with mexico trump understood
@00:07:28 mexico needs us far more than we need it
@00:07:33 nanosecond mexico bleak just like china
@00:07:57 human wall and mexico is paying for it

Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

@00:03:53 the united states mexico and the

64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:31:29 mexico there's one i think in europe but

Iranian People Want Peace, Wall News, 21 Cadets Expelled for Child Porn, Iran Revival

@00:06:45 and mexico and the more this wall goes

Trump Wall Victory, NY Columnist Child Porn, Ginsburg Back From the Dead

@00:03:34 sides of the border mexico and the
@00:03:58 between the united states and mexico

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:03:43 mexico and florida in virginia home to

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:15:56 in from mexico and south america that

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:02:37 second one was in albuquerque new mexico

Biden Sick Pedophile, Amazon Children Books To Summon Demons

@00:06:54 hillary clinton visited the new mexico
@00:08:10 albuquerque but the ranch in new mexico

Epstein's Private Banker Suicide, Trump & Supreme Court, Televangelist Pleads Guilty to Pedophilia

@00:09:15 implement the us-mexico canada agreement
@00:16:44 albuquerque new mexico that happened in

Pilgrims, Sukkot, New Moon, Los Lunas Stone, Prophetic 9th Hebrew Month: Special Thanksgiving Day

@00:09:31 albuquerque new mexico in los lunas on
@00:12:39 mexico during that time so we did

Part 2 of 5: Tour of Juneau, Alaska with John & Jeff

@00:27:17 stone in new mexico just south of

Part 1 of 5: Tour of Juneau, Alaska with John & Jeff

@00:40:30 states ones in mexico and ones in europe

Satanic Pedophilia Downtown Juneau Alaska Image, Kanye West Unplugged, George Soros Custody

@00:04:13 conference in albuquerque new mexico the

Cahn & Copeland, Hillary Projects, Disney Stonewalling, Epstein Sacrifice Altar

@00:09:36 mexico in mid-october and then i had

MSM Helped Satanic Pedophile Epstein, Fiona Exposes Tunnels, POTUS to Smash Drug Cartels, Field Mcc

@00:08:01 president trump offers mexico military
@00:08:13 cartel ambush attack on monday in mexico
@00:08:34 cartel armies in northern mexico in fact
@00:08:48 missing if mexico needs a request help
@00:08:59 president of mexico has made this a big
@00:09:41 mexico he's directly telling us the

Assange Extradition, Elijah Cummings Execution, Darknet Child Porn Ring Destroyed

@00:00:28 mexico just a couple days ago which was

Interview with SRA Survivor: Abused by Robert De Niro & John Travolta

@00:00:12 new mexico a couple of nights ago he is

Navy Intel: Elijah Cummings Executed by Military Tribunal

@00:00:49 new mexico area because friends of mine

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:00:19 mexico raise your hand wow
@00:00:22 is anyone not from new mexico okay where
@00:00:47 cool well so we got new mexico and
@00:36:19 former new mexico governor would be an

From Colorado to ABQ: Preparing for Q Conference

@00:00:44 we are in what we're now in new mexico
@00:02:50 mexico to the blue icy glaciers of

Driving Through New Mexico-Colorado Desert Mountains: Oct 13, 2019

@00:00:07 albuquerque new mexico up to southern
@00:00:22 landscape of northern new mexico as i
@00:02:30 northern new mexico as i make my way to
@00:03:57 new mexico
@00:04:08 been to new mexico so that was a long
@00:04:15 i haven't been to new mexico a long time
@00:06:05 mexico

Holmseth, Pence & Ukraine, DUMBS in Cali, Hagmann Cheats Subscribers with Fraud

@00:01:39 plug trade with mexico and canada that

POTUS MN Rally & Holmseth, Navy Intel Source on UN Troop Rumors, Trump Admin Attacks Child Sex Abuse

@00:16:43 albuquerque new mexico is the closest
@00:16:53 we'll be in albuquerque new mexico so

Grassley: Harvest Begins, Biden Turns on Obama, UN Bankrupt, John B Wells & Aquino

@00:23:02 mexico conference at about 32 people now
@00:23:09 new mexico it's very similar to the q

IG Report 2 Weeks, Audio Bombshell, Return of Q, MK Ultra Exposed

@00:15:13 be having one in albuquerque new mexico

Navy Intel: More Info on Marines Directive 550/19 & StormisUponUs Responds to Jeb Bush

@00:14:21 it'll be an albuquerque new mexico on

Navy Intel: POTUS Activates Marines Directive 550/19: The Storm

@00:13:43 new mexico i have about 25 people now so

POTUS Traps the Deep State, Sarah Palin a Satanist, Bethel Church are Satanists

@00:14:28 mexico and southern colorado for the
@00:14:47 down in albuquerque new mexico so if

POTUS at UN, Satanic Hand Symbols of the Elite, All Roads Lead to Rome...

@00:10:42 out to albuquerque new mexico and

Deep State's Plan Backfires, Gowdy & Purple Revolution, Epstein Xanax Scandal

@00:07:15 that live in new mexico the albuquerque
@00:07:41 in albuquerque new mexico if you want
@00:08:45 mexico and the other thing i want to
@00:10:13 new mexico on october 29th of course

Comey Threatens POTUS, Alabama, Children's Hospitals, Google, Megachurch Pastor Suicide

@00:03:52 mexico it is currently hanging over one

Epstein Flights Columbus OH, Cemex, Major Satanic Pedo Ring Busted Near Cincinnati

@00:03:38 of president trump's wall mexico based
@00:04:01 child sex trafficking for mexico

Anaheim Subscriber Blows Lid Off Disneyland Child Trafficking

@00:08:54 border with mexico like the florida park

All FISA Warrants Illegal, Pedophile Pence AF2 SAM 239, The Perfect Storm

@00:05:39 deep state clown network in mexico
@00:05:47 is being reported out of mexico multiple
@00:06:01 mexico president enrique pena nieto the
@00:06:04 story is trending in mexico right now i

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:04:10 a big cat in his new mexico ranch

Timothy Holmseth Strikes Back, Defending my Navy Intel Source with Common Sense

@00:03:20 across the us-mexico border and some

The Wheels Are Falling Off The Satanic Pedophile Chariot

@00:07:54 trump said mexico will pay for the wall
@00:08:05 we're we're basically making mexico pay

Cemex, Blood, Dayton Autopsies, Poland Boy Defies LGBT, Judge Slaps Down Dem Impeachment Probe

@00:02:12 richest city in mexico and in
@00:02:15 northeastern part of mexico the owner is

Epstein Luxury Home 90 Miles from Dayton, Shriners Children's Hospitals, CEMEX

@00:02:05 mexico now he has this luxury estate in

John Legend, Dayton Ohio, Children's Hospitals, Les Wexner

@00:04:22 smuggle him through the texas-mexico
@00:08:37 from mexico and so he was postulating is

Epstein, Navy Intel, Q on Clinton Health, DS in Mad Panic Mode

@00:06:46 george mitchell and former new mexico

2000 Epstein Docs Released, More On Dayton Children's Hospitals

@00:07:36 out through the texas-mexico border so
@00:09:10 system that delivered parts from mexico

Mass Shootings Tied Directly to Satanic Pedophiles

@00:04:08 out in new mexico so i reported on john

Photos of RIBS Disney Epstein Island, Vatican Started Islam, Q's Godfather III

@00:01:50 of the atlantic ocean and gulf of mexico

Trump: Let's Go After Obama, Mother Theresa was a Child Trafficker

@00:03:01 mexico the courts five conservative
@00:04:09 in arizona california and new mexico

Preaching in Front of The White House

@00:18:59 mexico

Mexico sending 15,000 Troops to Border, Epidemic of USA Child Sex Trafficking

@00:00:45 not but mexico deploying 15,000 troops
@00:01:00 that mexico is deploying thousands of
@00:01:02 soldiers to the us-mexico border to help
@00:01:09 mexico has deployed almost 15,000 troops
@00:01:13 to the us-mexico border to curve
@00:01:25 border with guatemala and belize mexico
@00:01:45 this kind of cooperation from mexico
@00:01:50 by mexico comes after the trump
@00:02:06 that mexico would face tariffs that
@00:02:40 the only reason the only reason mexico
@00:02:54 this threatening mexico with these

POTUS Fakes out Deep State, American Human Trafficking Worst in the World

@00:03:29 that mexico is now giving us probably
@00:07:50 were the united states mexico and the

Pushing Past MSM Spin on NXIVM

@00:01:38 london madrid guatemala city mexico city
@00:01:57 jurors see renews child porn as mexico
@00:05:17 traffic from mexico endured including a
@00:05:37 from mexico and imprisoning them on
@00:06:55 for mexico said that some children are
@00:10:39 involving many children from mexico it

Netflix Pushes Pedophilia AGAIN, Mexico Cracks Down on Caravans

@00:07:52 good news coming out of mexico so we
@00:07:57 threatening mexico with these tariffs
@00:07:59 and texas mexico decided to sign an
@00:08:11 it says mexico finally draws a line
@00:08:21 mexico his rhetoric regarding the border
@00:08:38 rising frustration within mexico
@00:08:53 oh braider of mexico seems to be
@00:09:05 authorities in mexico have arrested
@00:09:20 mexico and flown together to the
@00:09:47 states and mexico negotiated a deal
@00:09:49 readers explained mexico agreed to clamp
@00:10:02 through mexico many of them without
@00:11:30 of the arrests mexico also froze bank
@00:12:03 mexico that benefits both neighboring

Mexico Freezes Human Trafficking Bank Accounts

@00:00:46 mexico with five percent tariff starting
@00:00:53 immigrants coming through mexico across
@00:01:01 is reporting mexico freezes accounts of
@00:01:07 mexico said thursday it is frozen the
@00:01:28 mexico with tariffs before they're
@00:01:48 know it looks like mexico is starting to
@00:01:55 go mexico still needs to comply more and
@00:02:06 until mexico plays its part in doing the
@00:02:22 mexico continues to have to pay the

POTUS Bans Aborted Fetal Tissue, Several Victories Against Human Trafficking

@00:00:59 apostle of la luz del mundo a mexico

My Personal Conversations with Isaac Kappy

@00:03:35 albuquerque new mexico i attended or i
@00:12:16 he is from albuquerque new mexico from

Another Unsealed Indictment, Graham Pushing to Declass Key Doc

@00:09:31 mexico thanks for the support joe yeah

POTUS Exposes Human Trafficking, Update on NXIVM

@00:02:51 u.s. and mexico it's going on on both

Sex Trafficking Sting, GA Gov Stands Against Hollywood, 9th Circuit POTUS Victory

@00:06:52 seekers to mexico a federal appeals
@00:06:59 returning asylum seekers in mexico for
@00:07:07 allowing the migrants to stay in mexico
@00:08:10 of returning asylum seekers to mexico as
@00:08:38 mexico until they've had a trial we
@00:09:04 people in mexico while our court system

NBC Lies About Measles, Child Recycling, Love w/Trump Supporters

@00:10:15 efforts in las cruces new mexico

POTUS Breaking Down the Swamp Across the Board!

@00:07:28 mexico is doing very little for us the
@00:07:43 through mexico it has been reduced in
@00:07:46 size by mexico but it is still coming
@00:07:49 mexico must apprehend the remainder or
@00:08:09 mexico soldiers recently pulled guns
@00:08:22 word mexico is not doing nearly enough
@00:08:35 mexico a whole year president trump's
@00:08:47 mexico doesn't get away with this that

Sundance Film Festival Co-Founder Charged with Pedophilia

@00:07:39 the border from mexico to the united
@00:07:40 states are not only coming from mexico

Child Recycling Rings, NY Supreme Court Overturns Medical Martial Law

@00:04:25 through mexico up to the border they're
@00:07:36 majority of it especially in mexico they

12 Huge Recent Bombshells Proving Q & POTUS True!

@00:06:49 number ten the new mexico terrorist camp
@00:06:57 camp discovered last year in new mexico
@00:07:30 albuquerque new mexico returned a

Ukraine Opens Clinton Probe, Obama WH Counsel in Trouble

@00:01:54 into arizona from mexico one man 35 year

Monster Doctor, Houston Library, Pro Life Victory in New Mexico

@00:01:27 texas-mexico border immigration officers
@00:09:13 pro-abortion new mexico governor shocked
@00:10:36 mexico i really am glad by 2418 tally
@00:11:03 actually rose up in new mexico because
@00:11:06 mexico eight democrats crossed over to

Q, Denver Airport, Alabama Unborn Baby Turning Point

@00:02:24 mustang by new mexico artist luis

Timothy Holmseth: Florida Sex Trafficking Sting & Bob Kraft

@00:30:01 was probably taken down into mexico i

Wall Ahead of Schedule, POTUS Defies CIA Created ISIS

@00:01:11 the us-mexico border so while the hits
@00:01:21 on one section of new mexico was
@00:02:07 the speedy construction in new mexico
@00:02:49 us-mexico border said on sunday he won't

Inside Intel: Texas National Guard, Del Rio, Border Crisis

@00:03:25 prepping for an invasion from mexico

The DNAJLION7 Interview: TCP Interviews Me

@00:44:29 university of new mexico having on

Whitaker in Control, Iowa Reverses Decision, NM Approves Baby Murder

@00:04:38 new mexico passes law to execute babies
@00:04:44 the video the new mexico house approved
@00:10:51 not going to help things in new mexico

POTUS Sends 3750 Troops To Border, Endgame for Abortion

@00:05:02 with caravans marching through mexico

POTUS Speaks: Superbowl and Human Trafficking

@00:05:31 mexico and again highlighting the need

Pope Attacks POTUS, N735HC Plane Number Explosive Intel, Kamala Harris

@00:04:20 build a wall along the us-mexico border
@00:08:37 the us-mexico border
@00:12:54 united states and arizona new mexico and

POTUS 21 Days, Q, The Wall, Endgame

@00:03:23 of mexico venezuela what's happening is

Critical GITMO Intel, Purim White House Event, My New Itinerary

@00:19:40 include new mexico and texas new stuff

Tim Holmseth: Crimes Against Humanity Involving Obama, Wetterlings, Rothschilds

@00:21:15 mexico
@00:21:16 they took hayley into mexico oh but we

San Diego Cop Arrests Satanic Pedophiles: Part 2 of 4

@00:01:38 mexico to here and back with the child
@00:01:44 mexico do you have any experience of
@00:03:51 get off the bus from mexico come drop

POTUS Tweets on Wall & Child SexTrafficking

@00:02:05 between like california and mexico texas
@00:02:08 and mexico things like that

Tim Holmseth: Clinton Probe Leads Directly to Pence

@00:28:16 mexico of chill for children russia the

BOOM! Testimony Right Now Exposing Clintons Dec 13, 2018

@00:04:07 and new mexico the southwest united
@00:04:29 the border and on mexico use to traffic

MASSIVE Breakthrough in 9-11 Investigation Dec 1st 2018

@00:04:10 posting that mexico has been reclaimed

POTUS Shuts Down US-Mex Border, Tear Gas Fired

@00:00:10 between the u.s. and mexico at tijuana
@00:01:55 border us-mexico tear gas yeah here we

Pres Trump Curbs Child Sex Trafficking on Border

@00:03:03 mexico outside of a port of entry and
@00:04:58 other than mexico had removed or
@00:06:25 mexico from guatemala from south

Insider Exposes Satanic Pedophilia in Mormon Church

@00:43:11 idaho three california for mexico two

Menorah Carved on Native American Artifact

@00:01:04 stone the das the dumas stone new mexico
@00:01:27 mexico mister you got a lot of stuff
@00:01:28 here paleo-hebrew in new mexico so you

Q's Vanishing Act, Skyfall, The Turning Point

@00:06:34 coming up through mexico and trump

Trump Threatens Mexico: Child Sex Trafficking

@00:05:05 folks remember mexico has a wall on

Another VICTORY!! Oct 13: Trump Policy: Life Begins at Conception!!!!

@00:04:51 the mexico city policy which prohibits

Trump Order Issued Oct 11, 2018: End Child Sex Trafficking

@00:04:59 mexico to to the united states and here
@00:05:14 a rail system is found in her mexico
@00:06:02 mexico

POTUS Declassified FISA Docs!!!! VICTORY!!!!

@00:08:18 sunsoft new mexico has been observing

North Korea, Missiles, Iran Navy in Gulf

@00:01:10 mexico which has a lot of people alarmed
@00:01:21 naval fleet to the gulf of mexico that's

The Emerald City at Night

@00:02:04 to mexico

The Time Is Cut Short: Part 1

@00:01:07 mexico then we had this that the fires

2017 --- 2027: The Final Decade?

@00:07:42 earthquakes down in mexico like the

Spirit of Intercession . . . Groanings for the Bride! On The Brink . . .

@00:23:15 you know rattled mexico i mean just so

Prophetic Message of Hurricane Irma

@00:00:52 that just absolutely shook mexico of
@00:03:08 in the mexico there's the 8.1 earthquake
@00:03:09 that hit mexico down south there's the

The Pacific Northwest in Sackcloth and ASHES

@00:02:26 of the caribbean and gulf of mexico and

Preaching on Shabbat 8-6-16: Part 8

@00:02:02 have the experience in mexico when i
@00:02:04 went to mexico

Trump's Foreign Policy Speech and the Walls of Torah!!!!

@00:02:37 border of mexico the wall of torah is

Donald Trump, Prophecy and Spiritual Warfare: Part 1 of 2

@00:02:44 and mexico and many of these countries
@00:03:10 mexico from devaluating their currencies

Ferguson, Missouri Riots & Duduman's Prophecy of Civil War

@00:01:28 nicaragua mexico and then he told me to

Skype Fellowship Live Recording: Daniel 9 Teaching: 12/23/13

@00:20:06 gulf of mexico it exploded her across

The Syrian Proxy War, World War III and the 16 Weeks of Summer PART 3

@00:07:47 support the soviet union in mexico while

Love Never Fails: Chapter 12 - The Journey Part 2

@00:06:47 albuquerque new mexico our next stop and
@00:08:04 new mexico were extremely harsh the