
64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:35:00 antonin scalia and you know again i was
@00:35:04 raised believe antonin scalia was this

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:06:03 he was raped by you know antonin scalia
@00:06:11 raised to believe that anton scalia was
@00:06:17 out that antonin scalia and ruth bader

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:39:24 so okay anthony scalia so i like
@00:39:38 scalia was this champion of conservative
@00:39:49 scalia was very close friends with ruth
@00:40:16 that way for decades and scalia always
@00:40:29 repeatedly by antonin scalia brutally
@00:40:32 raped and antonin scalia like to use
@00:40:40 happened antonin scalia he was at a
@00:40:49 knife that antonin scalia had brought
@00:41:08 to take emma and scalia out sighs and
@00:41:22 couldn't replace antonin scalia
@00:41:49 scalia was a hero of the constitution

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Suddenly ill: Navy Intel Source Right Again

@00:08:59 replace antonin scalia and he was within

Tarot Cards at Bethel in Redding, Cali, Numerous CEO's Resigning, the STORM Is Now

@00:10:17 the satanic pedophilia of antonin scalia
@00:10:23 scalia as a just a vile satanic
@00:10:34 scalia ruth bader ginsburg you think
@00:10:41 antonin scalia is dead and ruth bader

Deep State's Plan Backfires, Gowdy & Purple Revolution, Epstein Xanax Scandal

@00:03:13 scalia who was supposedly this great
@00:03:27 he was abused by antonin scalia well

24 Subscribers Meet for Q Related Conference in Seattle!

@00:19:22 he was actually abused by antonin scalia

Navy Intel: Ginsburg & Kavanaugh, Obama & Levar Burton, McCabe Deep State Allies Abandon Him

@00:13:48 couldn't replace antonin scalia because

RBG Body Double & Pence Pedophile Unplugged

@00:04:39 antonin scalia who was supposedly this
@00:04:52 scalia and scalia loved using weapons
@00:04:59 scalia died was not some deep state plot

John Legend, Dayton Ohio, Children's Hospitals, Les Wexner

@00:15:50 satanic pedophilia of antonin scalia and

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:10:06 to he wanted to replace antonin scalia

Infanticide, POTUS, EO, Q Drop Ginsburg & Scalia

@00:08:25 antonin scalia died now if you know
@00:08:36 satanic pedophile antonin scalia you
@00:08:38 know then antonin scalia he was not
@00:08:53 death antonin scalia was a serial
@00:09:11 to remind us that just as antonin scalia
@00:09:20 and scalia basically reaped what he had
@00:09:33 scalia if you'll look at the interviews
@00:09:37 three of them anthony and scalia was
@00:09:59 autopsy was done and so anthony scalia
@00:10:29 to anthon and scalia where she was

Ruth Ginsburg, Q Warning of False Flags, MSM Propaganda

@00:05:44 those five has already replaced scalia

Trump Threatens Mexico: Child Sex Trafficking

@00:06:03 the videos i made against antonin scalia

SRA Survivor David Shurter -- Antonin Scalia Raped Him as a Boy/Bohemian Grove

@00:00:22 sources for exposing antonin scalia the
@00:00:29 by antonin scalia when he when david was
@00:14:31 scalia and a myriad of other people and
@00:14:46 exactly how did antonin scalia meet you
@00:14:56 know as a sex slave anton scalia was
@00:15:57 go through bait anton scalia was part of
@00:16:23 people there and anton scalia stood out
@00:35:09 graham or antonin scalia yeah but like
@00:39:30 exactly where that ranch was that scalia
@00:41:53 in self-defense killed antonin scalia no
@00:42:25 personal experience with anton scalia i
@00:42:47 said that antonin scalia is very

Isaac Kappy Twitter Suspended, Back on GAB

@00:03:06 scalia when he was a little boy but

Nathan Stolpman (LTV) Interviews Daniel Lee: Exposing Satanic Pedophiles

@00:42:41 late antonin scalia he was a luciferian

Interview with Michael Whalen: Exposing Portland Pedophiles Part 1

@00:14:36 antonin scalia who was a supreme court

Bush Sr, W, Bernie Sanders Are Pedophiles/Warrant for Pope BOMBSHELLS!!!

@00:05:17 democrats uh antonin scalia jerry brown
@00:06:54 this information that antonin scalia did
@00:06:59 boy that antonin scalia was raping at a

45,000 Indictments For Top Hollywood Pedophiles and Others!!!

@00:04:07 of course of an atom here antonio scalia
@00:04:11 antonin scalia excuse me so i'm gonna

Antonin Scalia, Bruce Willis, Tommy Lee Jones All Pedophiles!!!

@00:02:26 antonio scalia well actually first of
@00:02:51 actually admire so antonia scalia our
@00:03:20 antonio scales scalia and antonin scalia
@00:03:52 antonin scalia which i knew something
@00:04:45 this ranch where antonia scalia died was
@00:06:02 so again antonin scalia was a luciferian