
Ratcliffe Coordinating with Durham, Huge Pro Freedom Rallies in Berlin, Japan, London, Boston, OR

@00:07:45 uh in the war against vaccines and the
@00:07:48 dangers of vaccines

The Beatles, Nygard Exposed, Alex Jones Fires Millie, Epstein & Gates, Bill Clinton Photos

@00:11:29 mandate all these vaccines and all this

Trump's Bedminster Weekend, Ukraine, Obamagate & Draining the Swamp

@00:10:06 standoffs in all 50 states if vaccines
@00:10:10 he will never allow forced vaccines
@00:10:47 showing how he he talks about vaccines
@00:11:03 against mandatory vaccines there's no
@00:11:17 we're headed toward mandated vaccines

Bill Gates & Anderson Cooper in Panic Mode, Nadler Says Portland Riots a Myth, Ditka Defends Anthem

@00:02:17 vaccines because you're going to inject
@00:03:19 buy vaccines to save lives uh than in
@00:03:28 vaccines or by inventing something uh
@00:03:34 with vaccines but you actually have you

Durham Negotiating Guilty Pleas, Trump Wishing Ghislaine Well & Wearing Mask, Trump Protects Census

@00:08:28 saying he doesn't believe in vaccines
@00:08:35 says he does not believe in vaccines
@00:09:09 awesome against mass against vaccines

Target "Pizza" Slippers, CO Bill Attempts to Re-Educate Parents, Deep State Push Back on Trump Rally

@00:06:53 school-aged children making vaccines
@00:07:21 vaccines are not being required for the
@00:07:29 to convince a person to get the vaccines
@00:07:54 vaccines so this is a bill that's again

Trump Promises EO Targeting Social Media, Deep State Burns Down MN, Fauci Changes Tune

@00:02:34 about vaccines truth about cures like

South Dakota: Bill Outlaws All Vaccine and Medical Mandates, Satanic Pedos Arrested in TX, OR, NE

@00:01:45 the link between vaccines and autism and
@00:01:48 how deadly these vaccines are well south
@00:02:32 vaccines for children and adults
@00:03:00 never questioned vaccines before now
@00:03:26 why i am opposed to vaccines i want to
@00:05:05 these vaccines but still why should we

16 Children Rescued, Trump's Position on Vaccines, Grenell to Release Flynn Calls, Field McConnell

@00:03:47 president trump and vaccines again
@00:03:52 trump is for mandatory vaccines this is
@00:04:02 president trump's stance on vaccines
@00:04:51 for mandatory vaccines

Epstein Defender Supports Forced Vaccinations, Dems Paid PA Officials to Stuff Ballot Box

@00:02:37 his position on vaccines and he says now
@00:06:12 speaking again about vaccines i wanted
@00:08:13 coded vaccines have always faltered at

Clinton Haiti Pedophile Ring Linked to Contact Tracing, Italy Calls for Bill Gates Arrest

@00:14:19 the fact that vaccines have devastated
@00:14:25 children because of his deadly vaccines
@00:15:34 purpose they don't want the vaccines and

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:13:37 also i wanted to touch again on vaccines
@00:13:43 any way for vaccines for mandatory
@00:13:47 vaccines like everyone kept saying and i
@00:15:23 not for mandatory vaccines president

HRC, Obama & Pizza Gate, Trump's Position on Vaccines, How Barr Can Intervene in Flynn Case

@00:10:30 questioning vaccines you may also be
@00:11:15 vaccines and he said something very
@00:11:18 interesting about vaccines and kovat 19
@00:12:30 is not for mandated vaccines and he's
@00:12:58 military to impose vaccines no he's not
@00:13:26 act to force mandated vaccines that'll

Dr. Mikovits Willing to Expose Fauci Before Congress, HR 6666, Judge Strikes Down MI Tyranny

@00:04:09 have multiple vaccines today essentially
@00:04:31 about trump's position on vaccines
@00:04:42 vaccines
@00:05:46 vaccines are wonderful
@00:05:53 ever making vaccines mandatory now i

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:05:09 vaccines doling out lucrative federal
@00:06:41 tainted vaccines fraud and more and foul

Calling for Death Penalty on Fox News, POTUS Retweets Durham & Obama Posts, Protests Rage Across USA

@00:07:40 interesting memes about vaccines once
@00:08:25 what with these vaccines such hypocrisy
@00:09:42 warfare and vaccines is definitely part

17 Victims of Epstein, Trump Blasts Enemy of the People, Durham Investigating Media, Flynn Rehire

@00:15:46 vaccines i showed that mean that showed
@00:15:50 modern-day vaccines and candace owen

Sex Abuse Victims Speak Out, Police Chief Caught, Barr Crackdown On Unlawful Restrictions

@00:18:26 ruled vaccines are unavoidably safe way
@00:18:51 infants by the number of vaccines doses

Flynn Exoneration This Week, Ukrainian Baby Selling, Largest Child Porn Website Taken Down

@00:04:24 about the dangers of vaccines i mean
@00:04:38 number of vaccines a child has by the
@00:04:57 many vaccines a little child gets in the

Covid Crackdown Arrests 30 Pedophiles, Staged Media Hoax, Protecting Children from Big Pharma

@00:15:46 take my vaccines and get chipped and
@00:20:02 distributing vaccines will be the next
@00:20:58 vaccines vaccines are filled with so

Michelle Obama & Laura Bush Fund,, PP Charged 25G for Body Parts, RFK Jr Links Fauci & Gates

@00:13:33 player in deciding what vaccines get
@00:14:11 vaccines and he's been doing this for a

POTUS to Force Recess, Robert Kennedy Jr Exposes Fauci, Famous Boxer Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles

@00:05:38 vaccines showing the dangers of vaccines
@00:05:41 and how vile vile vaccines are how much

New Q Drops: Boris Healed, Brennan Key Focus of Durham, Trump Admin Opposes Bill Gates

@00:11:54 vaccines the trump administration has

POTUS Confirms Child Sex Trafficking Crackdown, Hillary Clinton Loses, COVID-19 Per Corey's Digs

@00:12:55 global fund 2.0 for mandatory vaccines
@00:13:59 gates to push his vaccines at what point
@00:20:40 big pharma the 16 year plan vaccines the

Durham's Ambush, Deep State Engineering Coronavirus in 2015, Seth Rich, Fauci Admits Vaccines Hurt

@00:13:17 admitting that vaccines cause harm
@00:14:56 is what vaccines you this is why i've
@00:15:12 these vaccines do they're based and
@00:15:19 vaccines as well now there's one other

deleted 100% Cure for Coronavirus, Hanks & Bar Code Door, ID2020 Mark of the Beast

@00:13:42 science of vaccines putting formaldehyde

Afghanistan US Troops Start Coming Home, Justice for Ohio Pedophiles, New Q Drops

@00:05:26 that vaccines do not cause autism this
@00:05:43 that vaccines given to babies do not
@00:05:49 vaccines do not cause autism but despite
@00:05:57 vaccines for their child's autism
@00:06:00 typically pointing pointing to vaccines
@00:06:03 life vaccines given during the first six
@00:06:12 different vaccines for a total of 15
@00:06:33 for all the other vaccines as
@00:06:39 these vaccines during the first six
@00:07:05 vaccines do not cause autism
@00:07:16 saying oh no no vaccine vaccines don't
@00:07:26 fact vaccines do cause autism vaccines
@00:07:36 vaccines i mean what does artlessly 15
@00:07:45 think a total of 6 or 7 vaccines total
@00:07:59 under all of these vaccines that they
@00:08:07 their statement that vaccines do not

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:08:51 retweeted a claim that vaccines are
@00:09:37 vaccines are completely completely
@00:09:45 vaccines have caused so much damage to

Riverside Q Conference Video Recording

@00:24:40 against ben carson and said no vaccines
@00:25:06 when he was running vaccines are

Trump Tweets Blagojevich Bait, Bloomberg Pulls a Biden w/ 11 Year Old Girl, Spielberg's Daughter

@00:10:54 exemption from vaccines and effectively
@00:11:44 is just trying to force vaccines on

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:16:22 and get these vaccines and they want it

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:01:37 a vaccines or something to be totally

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:04:07 their vaccines already being
@00:05:57 vaccines for this so-called disease and
@00:07:56 vaccines but we need to pray that

Iranian People Protest Ayatollah, POTUS Tweets Farsi, Vaccines Fail Again, Origins of Public Schools

@00:04:10 vaccines
@00:04:11 i believe vaccines are bad science i
@00:04:22 take these vaccines well there's a very
@00:04:38 vaccines don't work yet again a texas
@00:04:55 that vaccines don't work as advertised
@00:05:14 vaccines work all the time and that no
@00:05:17 children are ever harmed by vaccines on
@00:06:31 ineffectiveness of vaccines again i
@00:07:01 a shadow of a doubt that vaccines from

False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

@00:09:56 advocates and advances vaccines which i
@00:10:44 administer the vaccines bill gates is

Gates Refused to Vaccinate, The Trump Legacy: Takedown of Satanic Pedophiles Continues

@00:01:27 they've used these cells in vaccines so
@00:01:32 proponents of vaccines doesn't even
@00:02:43 religiously pushed vaccines as the holy
@00:03:00 rory never got vaccines and are now

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 2 of 4

@00:00:41 much opposed to vaccines i remember him
@00:00:47 you know the typical i know no vaccines
@00:00:59 get vaccines so i know that sometimes
@00:01:48 vaccines and with their crazy curriculum
@00:24:31 vaccines he puts people off off their

Anti Vaccine Hero Found Dead, Dustin Nemos Exposed, Hillary Clinton Tweets Her Love for Vaccines

@00:07:00 vaccines she's written books and she was
@00:07:13 how grateful they are for vaccines and
@00:07:53 and disabling vaccines are here's this
@00:08:42 our vaccines that save lives let's all
@00:09:04 clinton saying hey vaccines are great we
@00:09:35 wicked vaccines the reason my channel
@00:09:37 exposes vaccines and i've done you have
@00:09:43 exposing the evils of vaccines to the
@00:09:51 babies and putting them in vaccines i've
@00:09:53 always been very opposed to vaccines
@00:10:16 no vaccines and i would never vaccine a
@00:10:44 makes it clear why vaccines are so evil
@00:10:51 how evil and wicked these vaccines are
@00:11:59 these vaccines that are so evil we need
@00:12:24 pharma and vaccines hey we're gonna
@00:16:06 vaccines and i'm here most of all to

Personal Organ Harvesting Testimony, Mercy Corp & Clintons, Flynn Exoneration Clarifies

@00:07:38 fetal cell line in vaccines and let that
@00:08:32 vaccines for money for profit for all

Hannity: All Will Be Revealed this Fall, RFID Chip in Sex Trafficking Victim, CPS Weaponized

@00:11:47 pressured into receiving two vaccines
@00:11:59 mother into getting the vaccines with
@00:12:03 ever she ended up getting the vaccines
@00:12:07 after receiving the vaccines the twins

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:02:39 vaccines completely my urging with this

Military Insider Pete & POTUS Vow Removing Millions of Illegals

@00:09:08 against vaccines he's shown how bad
@00:09:10 science these vaccines are and how
@00:09:51 vaccines as a matter of personal faith
@00:10:11 medical choice when it comes to vaccines
@00:10:46 being very vocal against the vaccines
@00:11:00 these horrible horrible vaccines

RFK Jr Opposes Vaccines, Gen Flynn Update, Kershaw Helps Child Sex Trafficking Victims

@00:01:24 completely and totally against vaccines
@00:03:21 associated with vaccines 150 entries are
@00:03:32 product insert of many of these vaccines

NBC Lies About Measles, Child Recycling, Love w/Trump Supporters

@00:03:47 i believe vaccines are poison i believe
@00:03:55 think it's 77 vaccines now that little
@00:04:12 you find in these various vaccines but

POTUS: Investigate the Investigators, Epstein Court Docs Unsealed, Challenging Vaccine Order!

@00:05:22 resistance to vaccines in a slice of the
@00:06:21 vaccines upon them or levy a fine if
@00:06:25 they don't get these vaccines of course
@00:06:29 totally opposed to vaccines there are

Update on Deadmans Switch, Ohio Pedophile Mayor Pleads Guilty

@00:01:53 multivalent vaccines for rat rabies
@00:03:28 multivalent vaccines for rabies virus
@00:04:15 vaccines for rabies virus and filio

Q: We Have the Source, NYC Vaccine Tyranny, RCC Sexual Abuse History

@00:03:50 vaccines i'm completely and totally anti

SWAT Team Storms AZ Home For Unvaccinated Children

@00:00:56 one we're going back to vaccines i've
@00:00:59 highlighted vaccines quite a bit in the
@00:05:57 my goodness just say no to vaccines
@00:06:31 i'm against vaccines but also because

Q: Clinton & Obama DOJ Collusion, Ohio Defunds Planned Parenthood

@00:06:24 touched on vaccines before this is from
@00:06:43 or indirect financial stake in vaccines
@00:06:52 utilization of vaccines and total
@00:08:31 vaccine it is evidence of the vaccines

South Dakota House of Rep & AZ National Guard Whistle Blower

@00:45:03 kinds of vaccines we have all kinds of

Forced Vaccines, Q, Barr, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg

@00:02:13 posing this just say no to vaccines
@00:02:28 fetal cells on a lot of these vaccines
@00:02:46 always always reject vaccines in fact i
@00:02:51 will say vaccines is child abuse it is
@00:02:57 administrating vaccines to their

POTUS at 76% Approval, Epstein Probe Re-Opened

@00:09:53 with vaccines but basically this is like

POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

@00:11:32 still used in over 60 vaccines causes
@00:11:57 vaccines are evil and they totally

Barr Delayed, POTUS Wins, Graham Rebukes Mueller, Vaccine Fraud

@00:06:20 against vaccines in fact i'll post that
@00:06:26 vaccines and how it just provides so
@00:06:53 proving that vaccines don't work

POTUS 21 Days, Q, The Wall, Endgame

@00:09:00 answer the problem or the vaccines to
@00:17:32 about this whole my stance on vaccines
@00:17:47 whole reason why we have vaccines it
@00:18:04 vaccines by the way because of his
@00:19:02 talking about that thinks that vaccines
@00:19:11 vaccines are evil just say no to
@00:19:14 vaccines they are not a solution and i

Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

@00:06:14 vaccines in north korea and he's
@00:07:13 capability and they have the vaccines

Satanic Pedophile Signaling at Golden Globes

@00:01:46 vaccines now a lot of people of course
@00:01:50 vaccines is horrible it's it's based off
@00:02:07 posing vaccines during the 2016 debates
@00:02:20 not just about vaccines you can see it
@00:02:32 about vaccines guys and i'm not gonna

Episode 44 - Doomsday on 11/09/2011????

@00:03:55 vaccines go there's only like 40 for
@00:04:00 will actually get the anthrax vaccines