Bill Gates

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:16:18 for it bill gates was uh masterminding

deleted Dr. Andrew Wakefield on The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Lie, Covid19 & Will Trump Mandate Vaccines?

@00:24:20 bill gates saying on television we're

deleted Terrorism, Subversion, Propaganda, Economic War & More! Never a dull moment in 2020.

@00:04:39 which of course fauci and bill gates are
@00:05:01 massive pain as bill gates himself said
@00:05:12 in the big pharma and bill gates and

deleted Pamela Popper & Dustin Nemos on The Plandemic Organize & Resist MakeAmericansFreeAgain com

@00:20:11 and bill gates said that just a few
@00:22:30 which was financed by the bill and
@00:22:31 melinda gates foundation
@00:22:36 uh bill and melinda gates rockefeller

deleted DN The War on Children is the War on the USA, From Communism, Evil & Foreign Powers & Election Chao

@00:10:37 bill gates responding to roger stone's
@00:10:52 but on the other hand um bill gates
@00:11:58 because bill gates talks about it
@00:14:05 of the trials and bill gates was called

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:36:04 vaccine attitude it's a gates fouchy
@00:36:12 luring bill gates into a massive mistake
@00:36:15 and bill gates is about to overextend

deleted President Trump & Military Distribution of Vaccines. Force, or Transparency?

@00:07:32 especially with bill gates is
@00:07:45 thanks to bill gates

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:21:30 book on bill gates desk in that one
@00:21:38 we know bill gates likes to lie with

deleted Vicious Assault By Enemies On All That Is Good, Checkpoints in NYC

@00:06:21 uh bill gates chip technology

deleted Alex Newman & Dustin Nemos on Public v Private Education in 2020

@00:29:10 know they see bill gates pushing it and
@00:29:24 bill gates funded research they want to

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:32:17 we also have from bill gates you don't


@00:06:37 bill gates is finally being asked not

deleted Big Pharma Takes a Hit, HCQ V The Censorship

@00:00:11 bill gates big pharma dr fauci
@00:24:08 we have uh bill gates panicking
@00:24:29 this video is very telling bill gates is
@00:26:27 this is bill gates himself perhaps mr

deleted The Silent War Spills Onto the Streets of Portland. More Q!

@00:28:36 include bill gates

deleted Biden's Radical Left "Coming Out" Moment, Bill Gates Called a Pedo on TV, MaskWarz

@00:00:14 interesting bill gates was called out as
@00:19:19 i promised it a video where bill gates
@00:19:45 is funded by bill and melinda gates and
@00:19:51 good man and bill gates spent a lot of
@00:20:03 it relates to our kids so if bill gates
@00:20:10 and bill gates has asked dr. pouchy to
@00:20:12 serve on his board for the bill in the
@00:20:14 gates foundation so stop listening to
@00:20:16 bill gates and dr. pouchy they are
@00:20:18 corrupt individuals and bill gates hangs

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:27:22 you mean gavin newsome and bill gates i

deleted 7.9.20 - Prince Andrew Sweating Pedo Secret Tape. Presidential Harassment Heats Up

@00:15:32 probably bill gates you know he's

deleted Masks, tests, vaccine - spreading the virus

@00:02:30 you take the vaccine from bill gates not

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:02:14 bill gates foundation who oversaw 17

deleted 6.24.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Chris Jacobson - Introducing Q Con Live - Gold Moves

@00:30:25 of the cdc the who and bill gates known

deleted 6.8.20 - A Bloody War on Cops. Epstein Case Subpoenas Prince Andrew!

@00:27:30 with the cova 19 vaccine that bill gates

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:26:02 bill gates getting dealt with pushing

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:38:41 organizations like the w-h-o and bill
@00:38:44 gates calls for a national tracking

deleted 5-20-2020 A Recap of the Coronavirus - Trends and Patterns - Two Narratives Emerge

@00:11:43 millions dead based on their bill gates

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:25:12 since then bill gates microsoft gone

deleted 5-13-2020- John Michael Chambers Ft. Dr. David E. Martin - COVID-19 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism

@00:36:37 place and that leads me to bill gates
@00:36:38 how does bill gates playing all this
@00:36:41 well bill gates is a bully who happens
@00:36:57 bill gates sees the world through the

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:06:23 morning that bill gates is going to get
@00:06:37 bill gates be involved unless
@00:07:05 raised a good point about bill gates i
@00:09:55 with bill gates and with the world
@00:37:54 bill gates's bill gates is getting

deleted How is Everyone? CoronaChat - As America Reopens - How are YOU Doing?

@00:29:36 we really are winning bill gates is out
@00:36:40 know gmo meat that bill gates wants us

deleted PLANDEMIC Part 1 Dr Judy Mikovits

@00:09:16 letting somebody like bill gates with

deleted 5.5.20 - FakeWhistleblower #2 - Here We Go. & So Much MORE!

@00:03:31 he's working for bill gates

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:05:54 coronavirus right now bill gates is
@00:07:27 pacific defending bill gates and
@00:07:33 bill gates isn't that interesting now of
@00:08:46 after bill gates to get the truth to
@00:08:48 expose bill gates for what's happening
@00:09:02 says if you don't trust bill gates your

deleted 5.3.20 - Q+ Stick With Me Deplorables, You'll Love the Ending

@00:18:34 tearing down falchi and berks and bill
@00:18:36 gates and then wait for the next


@00:02:59 have the power to do this bill gates is

deleted Sunday Night Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:08:03 bill gates is trying to do as many of


@00:13:11 from bill gates who wants to be

deleted 4.28.20 - Food Shortages, War & Lies Deep State's Final Stand

@00:26:19 certificates we already know that bill
@00:26:21 gates and many other powers that be are

deleted 4.25.20 - Covid19 Falls apart, Fake News & Deep State Ignore and Push Fear

@00:06:59 bill gates says until we get our chip to
@00:18:06 false predictions given to them by bill
@00:18:08 gates and they ignored all the other
@00:18:10 models except for bill gates model

deleted Panel of Doctors - China, Thailand, USA - with Lior Sher

@00:34:30 related matters people like bill gates
@00:34:41 people how to heal bill gates
@00:46:40 bill gates was talking about so this

deleted 4.18.20 - Q - It's Time, We're Ready - First Set of Arrests INCOMING

@00:24:45 plan dimmick we're exposing the bill
@00:24:47 gates who i believe is a pedophile right

deleted 4.18.20 - The Grand Reopening of America vs Fake Plandemic

@00:18:27 the boys now bill gates coronavirus
@00:18:38 fairly assumed that dr. falchi is a bill
@00:18:41 gates puppet we cannot rely on and i

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:11:00 united nations bill gates and the folks
@00:11:21 the un we know bill gates funds funds
@00:11:32 she's been mouthing off and bill gates
@00:22:20 the gates foundation question of motives
@00:22:23 an agenda bill gates should actually go
@00:24:20 that bill melinda gates is there and
@00:25:54 bill gates and more he's not my doctor

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:18:41 the kennedy family exposing bill gates
@00:19:03 supposedly had a hand in resisting bill
@00:19:06 gates agenda went missing and they were

deleted Dr. Fauci BUSTED IN MASSIVE LIE TO AMERICANS! Trump #FireFauci

@00:02:24 this is not the first time these bill
@00:02:26 gates cronies have been involved in fake

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 4 - CoronaHoax Falls Apart - Justice Phase Coming.

@00:07:24 two very smart people include bill gates
@00:07:32 of whom are friends with bill gates even
@00:07:40 bill gates model over any
@00:09:42 of thing i would expect from the bill
@00:09:43 gates confidant and friend dr. deborah

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 3 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:13:10 work with bill gates and you are hilary
@00:13:25 model space from bill gates and no
@00:13:29 models in fact and she's on bill gates

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You

@00:04:14 bill gates and other in deep state types

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:10:40 have both got big money ties to bill
@00:10:45 gates in fact birch's on the bill gates
@00:10:59 bill gates so of all the models she

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:10:01 hats are permitting gates bill gates to
@00:10:15 theory there they're inviting gates to
@00:10:23 it out for us bill what do you want what
@00:10:26 do you want done lay it out gates just

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:10:31 population control we do know that bill
@00:10:34 gates had patents on this and has just
@00:22:04 accelerating with the recent exodus bill
@00:22:07 gates who has the patents on coronavirus
@00:33:57 americans are in fact that was the bill
@00:33:59 gates john hopkins university world
@00:36:37 party in the pla and of course bill
@00:36:39 gates all knew that the panic was coming
@00:41:12 what's the significance of bill gates
@00:41:45 what's interesting is bill gates is
@00:41:56 hathaway because why because if bill
@00:41:59 gates has a sealed indictment or two or

deleted 3.24.20 - John Michael Chambers ft. Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott - The News Behind the News

@00:06:29 know that bill gates had patents and

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:09:34 this coronavirus exercise with bill
@00:09:38 gates before you know before it happened

deleted Justice is Coming - Nothing Can Stop it. Deep Stater Death Penalties.

@00:11:41 that's probably patented by bill gates

deleted 2.16.20 - Coronavirus Updates. China is LYING - XI XINPING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH

@00:13:14 the swine now bill gates who many allege

deleted Livechat Sunday Nights with Dustin Nemos 7pm EST - More QAnon Q posts. Panic in DC - In Theaters NOW

@00:31:48 will find out bill gates was behind the
@00:31:50 virus release you know supposedly bill
@00:31:53 gates has this thing patented certainly

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:09:10 people are saying that bill gates and
@00:09:30 road that would imply that bill gates

deleted 1.28.20 - Impeachment, Bolton, IncestOmar, Pelosi Threats, & More

@00:29:20 bill gates group endorsing and funding
@00:29:25 idea of kind of mocking it to all bill
@00:29:28 gates is talking about it must be okay

deleted Candyce Estave of Autism0ne Radio w/ Dustin Nemos & Michelle Ford on Censorship

@00:06:13 bill gates and his boss out of

deleted 8 17 19 They Can't Sell This Lie - Epstein & New strategy - race

@00:04:41 bill gates founder and former ceo of

deleted Oct 21, 2018 - Candyce Estave & Dustin Nemos on Upcoming AutismOne Conference & Vax Truth

@00:07:41 our children but then we see bill gates
@00:35:12 growth control agenda by the un bill
@00:35:17 gates talked about it which comes back

deleted A Rebuttal to ButthurtAnons and ::: Did Q and Dustin Nemos Try to Kill Alex Jones???

@00:06:04 sees me in which he will help out bill
@00:06:08 gates is also yes i did i actually did


@00:21:02 books like the bill gates types you know

deleted Dustin Nem0s And Dan Pilla - The T@X Man Is About To Get a Major Overhaul (For the Worse)

@00:22:38 say no gates bill gates they couldn't
@00:22:43 know there's big rich billionaire bill
@00:22:45 gates if you know big bean guy well

deleted 10.30.18 - Caravan Opens Fire, More Dem Scandals, Who to Vote For

@00:05:52 know he was basically a bill gates 1.0

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:33:47 similarly with bill gates i participated

deleted 10.15.18 - Assange UnSilenced, Stormy To Pay Trump, Pocahantas Fail, and Evil

@00:38:57 and of course bill gates the the guy
@00:41:03 a man to fish don't give him fish bill
@00:41:09 gates is a scummy person to another

deleted 10.5.18 - A Turning Point in History On China. Threats to Russia, Threats FROM PP. Kava+ Ramble&Rant

@00:27:47 look like bill gates here's some strange

deleted Dustin Nemos & Rosanne Lindsay of NatureOfHealing Discuss Vaccines, Holistic Medicine, Big Pharma

@00:11:55 who who was basically i called him bill
@00:11:57 gates 1.0 and he wrote this book in his
@00:12:42 population bill gates says if we do a

deleted 9/2/18 LIVE CHAT! Open Discussion w/ Dustin Nemos (Flow State Conversation!)

@00:15:34 of the wisest basically bill gates 1.0

deleted Q, McCain, Fisa, And Corruption - SeethingFrog and Dustin Nemos

@00:27:36 polio vaccine talked about eugenics bill
@00:27:40 gates i mean it goes on and on and on

deleted Up and Coming Youtuber Profiles: New Q Posts and a Little History with ContemptibleThought

@00:17:41 bill maher was able to make a joke with
@00:17:43 michele bachmann and planeta gates and

deleted 5.19.18 - Gina Haspel, Shooting, Corsi, NKorea, Syria, Vaccines Autism Linked (Again)

@00:02:36 seen you know bill gates has kind of

deleted Maga Update 3.15.18 - Mccabe to be fired & Charged, cold war 2.0, Mueller's "Fixer", Vegas Update

@00:02:04 worth mentioning bill gates is meeting
@00:02:22 we'll see what to be funny if bill gates

deleted Maga Update 3.(2-3).18 China, Russia, Censorship, Guns, Sessions, More Kids with Guns

@00:04:33 people are in it like the bill gates
@00:04:43 eating your gmos i'm sorry so bill gates
@00:11:29 remember bill gates that's one of his

deleted The Vaccine Debate, Anti Vaxxer Evidence Compilation

@00:01:48 from bill gates where he admits that
@00:01:55 bill gates his father was was heavily
@00:02:03 while and also bill gates is one of the
@00:09:46 effect in population control even bill
@00:09:49 gates was was quoted as saying if we do

deleted Deleted video

@00:32:40 and then of course bill gates

deleted Deleted video

@00:27:04 wanted to kill people off he was a bill
@00:27:06 gates kind of person i'm telling you

deleted Deleted video

@00:48:42 osen and bill gates types

deleted Deleted video

@00:45:27 wisest and he was basically a bill gates

deleted Deleted video

@00:33:46 deborah bill gates would see himself as

deleted Deleted video

@00:24:08 this is bill gates it's soros behind

deleted Private video

@00:16:32 london reel that hits bill gates very
@00:17:03 revealed that not only did bill gates
@00:17:21 philanthropy that bill gates just wanted
@00:17:42 a very interesting question and uh bill
@00:17:45 gates of course has been all denial
@00:17:48 so we know bill what kind of person you

deleted Private video

@00:09:32 like bill gates is
@00:09:51 bill gates wants to do to us

deleted Private video

@00:10:50 bill gates gave hundreds of millions in