
deleted Debate Recaps (Biden Cheated and Still Flopped) - Flynn, VoterFraud, 911 Down, & More!

@00:17:45 those sealed indictments we've talked
@00:17:49 000 sealed indictments are ready to drop

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:15:18 me up when there are indictments and or

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:23:36 000 sealed indictments over the last
@00:23:46 indictments

deleted Pete Santilli & Dustin Nemos - What Can be Done to Help Win 2020

@00:12:02 i've looked at the indictments i've seen
@00:12:06 indictments and convictions for

deleted Q Responds to Twitter's Purge. Jordan Demands Indictments in Obamagate

@00:00:01 now jim jordan is demanding indictments
@00:05:20 must be indictments
@00:05:50 until those indictments come

deleted Q Hints It's Time for Arrests. Meadows States It's Time for Jail

@00:00:00 indictments expected the cdc

deleted Ghislaine will Roll on Deep State Pedophiles

@00:01:16 be more indictments and just remember
@00:01:50 there's going to be more indictments

deleted 6.24.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Chris Jacobson - Introducing Q Con Live - Gold Moves

@00:10:13 sure 160,000 sealed indictments felonies
@00:17:11 opinion the first set of indictments and

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:13:49 expect that we will see indictments for

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:13:47 expect that we will see indictments for

deleted Defend America Livestream: New QAnon - Antifa Updates, Trump CALLS OUT Police Violence HOAX & More

@00:14:02 saying there's over 500,000 indictments
@00:14:15 indictments that's a huge number for
@00:16:01 seen them unsealed indictments in that
@00:16:06 indictments in the case of epstein
@00:16:10 indictments and it really is like a it's

deleted WWG1WGA - The Final Stretch We're nearly there!

@00:05:26 some of these sealed indictments will

deleted Live: Nervous Rod Rosenstein Testifies Before Senate on Russia Investigation w/ CHAT!

@00:08:36 before you saw any indictments
@00:08:57 decisions or the indictments is that
@00:09:03 indictments
@00:12:51 they return indictments

deleted 6.3.2020 - Q Foretold This Years Ago. Civil War 2.0 over before it began. Military Prepared

@00:20:58 indictments have been building for some

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:08:01 sealed indictments problem reaction
@00:34:32 and indictments are being served and

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:10:19 indictments have been building for some
@00:10:21 time sealed indictments and a close
@00:10:50 being sealed indictments basically
@00:10:54 indictments indictments have been
@00:11:03 to be the silt indictments a lot of the
@00:11:07 indictments let me go back to live chat
@00:38:11 plus indictments but there's a hundred
@00:38:13 and seventy thousand indictments sealed
@00:38:16 indictments and arrests some big names i

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:04:10 indictments have been building for some
@00:04:49 of those ünzile indictments that have
@00:04:56 indictments those are those are largely

deleted 6.1.20 - Q - Do you See What is Happening

@00:18:27 indictments we know there's around
@00:18:29 170,000 sealed indictments over the last

deleted 5.31.2020 - Civil War 2.0 - Deep State Insurgency In America - & More Q

@00:19:15 are probably already sealed indictments
@00:19:25 sealed indictments i haven't confirmed

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - America, Meet George Soros. Violence, Race Riots.

@00:24:32 sealed indictments are going to be for
@00:24:43 150,000 sealed indictments now it's
@00:25:35 indictments are gonna be bad for not
@00:25:53 indictments thank you for the update

deleted Trump Rally Transforms Former Democrat - Dr. Karlyn Borseynko, Productive & Fulfilling Work

@00:03:04 in route to indictments charges and

deleted 5.25.20 - Mueller Team Criminal Referrals, China Threatens War, Vax Caused 1918 Flu

@00:00:21 criminal indictments coming against some
@00:14:47 indictments coming soon criminal
@00:14:52 indictments so i think that is most of

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:11:46 events arrests of people and indictments
@00:15:40 first indictments that are going to come
@00:16:51 indictments are coming they're going to
@00:16:57 out and say that the first indictments
@00:17:02 indictments and it lists grand jury
@00:17:05 indictments one count for modifying the
@00:17:27 telling us that the first indictments
@00:17:54 indictments
@00:20:59 indictments and there is ellis chatter
@00:21:47 expect that indictments are going to
@00:25:57 indictments is going to come a public
@00:45:11 the arrests unseal the indictments and
@00:45:44 indictments well they're there for a

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:02:58 accelerating and arrests and indictments
@00:15:46 indictments are coming and that's gonna
@00:22:42 sealed indictments without question and
@00:28:33 indictments come soon in a very big way

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:14:27 the fact that indictments are coming and
@00:14:40 sources that there are many indictments
@00:14:47 indictments and again the general needs
@00:16:06 hence the reason these indictments are
@00:16:36 indictments comey mccabe clapper page
@00:16:56 indictments hit that's right they are
@00:24:06 levels besides the indictments that are
@00:25:58 indictments and being called out for
@00:27:08 heard about indictments coming and
@00:34:48 between 50 and 55 indictments total all

deleted 4.29.2020 - Important Updates From Economist Kirk Elliot, General Flynn Free, AG Barr Warns Govs.

@00:04:06 thousand federal sealed indictments
@00:05:15 opinion the indictments and arrests are

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:05:09 state we are ready now indictments and
@00:06:57 first indictments would certainly be the
@00:07:26 he reminded us that the indictments are
@00:10:02 that they're going to be indictments in
@00:10:22 indictments if he has the evidence quote
@00:10:49 get one because the indictments are
@00:11:02 indictments and the attorney general
@00:42:06 report the indictments are coming you've

deleted 4.18.20 - Q - It's Time, We're Ready - First Set of Arrests INCOMING

@00:09:17 indictments may be coming this week in
@00:13:12 10 or 12 indictments but there could be
@00:13:13 a handful of indictments and much more

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:01:32 that indictments are coming now q posted
@00:01:41 indictments that are coming the image
@00:02:44 to be indictments in this case when he
@00:03:02 getting ready to bring indictments if he
@00:03:32 indictments are coming as we have
@00:03:43 thing is to bring indictments and the
@00:17:42 sealed indictments that can be found at
@00:21:42 indictments coming we're starting to

deleted 4.15.20 - USA, Barr, & Trump vs the Deep State & China

@00:03:55 report may well produce indictments so

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:06:20 indictments holy cow

deleted 4.13.20 - Q - The Great Awakening WW - ChildTrafficking Docu. (Pizzagate!)

@00:00:35 we're gonna see six indictments and q is

deleted QAnon Drops Major TruthBombs!! Evil Infiltrated America. __________ Gets Indicted Soon!

@00:05:55 indictments equals the start public
@00:06:02 of these indictments soon i think it's
@00:12:42 fisa indictments will be the start of
@00:20:01 indictments placeholder indictments
@00:20:11 indictments that are gonna be filled in
@00:20:26 indictments non-civilian and then when
@00:20:53 indictments tracking civilian

deleted 4.10.20 - Q Decimates Fake News And [D]emocrats - Hunters about to become Hunted

@00:20:54 fisa indictments equals the start oh man

deleted 4.9.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Attorney, Mark Adams

@00:13:14 indictments issued by the grand jury or
@00:14:42 lied to get the indictments to spy on

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 3 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:08:49 indictments but it's something that we

deleted Sunday Nights Livestream 7pm EST w/ Dustin Nemos - Nemos Community Chat. Deadline moves to April 30

@00:39:46 indictments for maduro which is really

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:17:15 grand juries indictments charges and
@00:23:12 plus federal sealed indictments in the

deleted HollyWeirdos, Covid19, Lockdown and Economic Update

@00:05:12 fifty two silt indictments and that is
@00:05:22 indictments per month
@00:05:43 thousand sold indictments average for a

deleted 3.12.20 Clowns, corruption, and Pedophiles. Biden & the Swamp

@00:10:46 you know the sealed indictments these

deleted FAKE NEWS & Trojan MAGA Jack "Chatlogs" Posobiec Trolled & Exposed by Q Patriots - Hilarious! ALERT!

@00:05:27 players sealed indictments behind the

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:07:33 we'll see what kind of indictments these

deleted Q Posts 1.28.30 - Trump is Washington Crossing the Delaware- MORE TO COME

@00:04:25 140,000 plus of sealed indictments and

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:05:28 is one maybe 2000 sealed indictments now
@00:05:34 140 thousand civil indictments now a few

deleted 12.23.19 - 25% TRUMP JUDGES, VA to ENFORCE Gun control, China Paying Fake News to Fake & More..

@00:16:10 something like 36 pages have indictments

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:02:43 how sold indictments work with with both

deleted 12.17.19 - Q to Deepstate - Prepare for Jail (Flynn Fisa is Bogus, too)

@00:24:41 indictments so the phi sadi class is

deleted 12.16.19 - Gitmo Ready for Schiff, Snowden & Others. The Great AWAKENING

@00:14:43 sealed indictments to finally burst

deleted 12.15.19 - Q Posts Hint Major Reveals.

@00:04:54 indictments you can ignore the thousands

deleted IG Report Breakdown Mixed Reactions

@00:04:40 issue indictments and arrests and ig

deleted 12.7.19 - Q - Did You Think They Would Escape Justice?

@00:11:19 had 140,000 sealed indictments which is
@00:12:04 is coming sealed indictments everything

deleted 12.5.19 - Impeachment is CorruptionGate - Criminals Shouting Crime, Censorship WINTER (fixed)

@00:16:11 sealed indictments which are a hundred

deleted 11.25.19 - Giuliani vs The Deep State, Hunters become the Hunted

@00:21:01 months we're gonna see indictments or at

deleted Netanyahu + Dem, Indictments. Investigations into Epstein, Death Penalty 4 Abortion Dr's

@00:11:14 begins slowly right those indictments

deleted 11.16.19 - QP0sts - The Harvest Dark to Light 11-18-19 10am ET

@00:02:16 post back even indictments twenty

deleted Barr - Dems Seditious V Executive Branch & Much More

@00:14:15 thousand sealed indictments in less than

deleted 11 13 19 - Major Q Drops

@00:00:58 indictments 2019 that's exciting and
@00:02:12 indictments coming 2019 over here on the
@00:13:55 sealed indictments typical for years mm


@00:31:07 i expect indictments i expect major news

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:00:52 promising 20 19 arrests and indictments

deleted Potus Admits to being Q, Adam Schiff's time is nearly up, Gen Flynn's Victory Pending

@00:03:32 so indictments and growing about 5,000 a

deleted BIDEN, IMPEACHMENT, CORRUPTION, EXPOSED! Schiff to be Questioned!

@00:25:07 130,000 i think now sealed indictments

deleted News Brief 102119 Bernie The REAL Manchurian Candidate

@00:28:08 see some indictments for shift on top of

deleted Hillary Clinton Must Be Terrified, After This

@00:03:33 sealed indictments all of these things

deleted War, CNN, Troops Home, Trump Murder Plot, Weiner Laptop, CPS ABUSES

@00:06:26 indictments now and we have so much more

deleted News Brief 10/14/19: VICTORY Over Globalism! IMF Deal Scrapped to End Equador Chaos!

@00:06:49 result in charges or indictments it can

deleted Biden is in Big Trouble Now

@00:24:14 indictments wow all right but what is

deleted Dustin Nemos Speaks At SARASOTA PATRIOTS FOR TRUMP

@00:21:16 sealed indictments though 100,000 plus

deleted Biden for Treason2020, Q Justice Phase, Mass Arrests, Trends, Impeachment=Dem Fear

@00:10:21 hundred thousand sold indictments still

deleted Biden, Obama, Ukraine, Child Trafficking, and the Great Awakening's Justice Phase

@00:12:36 of these sealed indictments you know

deleted News Brief 8/2/19: Comey Not Charged/ Trump to Pull Troops/ ICE Most Wanted Arrested

@00:18:02 indictments including a money laundering

deleted News Brief 7/12/19: Vessel Busted With Cocaine Owned by JP Morgan/ R Kelly Arrested

@00:16:05 indictments of child sex trafficking

deleted 6.15.19 - Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview. Major Updates !

@00:13:09 investigation indictments are on the way

deleted The Great Game of Power. America's Own 'Game of Thrones' Updates from Censorville.

@00:22:17 remember this almost 100,000 indictments

deleted Mueller Fails to Rescue Dying Deepstate Narrative, Dems Panic, Eat their Own

@00:10:10 indictments do we pope francis trashes

deleted Trending Towards the Abyss - Deep State in FreeFall Panic

@00:11:01 over 90,000 sold indictments at this

deleted Blockade is Over, Q Justice Phase Commences Blitzkrieg Attack

@00:21:38 today's indictments involve obstruction

deleted How this Ends: Hillary & Obama in Prison.

@00:05:01 indictments and that all these people
@00:05:12 there will be indictments it will be an

deleted #DrainTheSwamp Disaster Relief Blocked Border Update

@00:00:13 indictments that are happening right now
@00:06:22 unsealed indictments happen where it has

deleted X22Report and Dustin Nemos Discuss Current Political Trends and The Plan

@00:07:49 having all the indictments put into
@00:10:03 oig report drop the sealed indictments

deleted Swamp Boils: Trends To Note, Pedos, Panic - Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, NXIVM, Smolett

@00:17:33 indictments on his kids that bars now

deleted The End of The Russian Collusion Delusion Investigation (Right On Time..)

@00:00:11 any indictments or any more indictments
@00:00:18 indictments that we'll never see a

deleted Those Violent, Crazy QAnon People

@00:07:44 indictments in six months

deleted Q - Complete Blatant Push that It's all about to HIT! Hannity Echoing. BE READY! SHARE

@00:04:48 sealed indictments installed dc prior to
@00:04:55 indictments dc blockade last resort
@00:19:50 first several indictments will bring

deleted Did Q just Promise Obama is First Unsealed Indictment Wave?

@00:00:42 indictments of trump's children the
@00:00:50 of this unsold indictments for treason
@00:01:29 first several indictments will bring

deleted Q's Ultimatum to Snowden, Instructions to Whiistleblower, Predicted JPBarlows Death

@00:23:17 muller sealed indictments installed dc
@00:23:23 sealed indictments dc blockade last

deleted A Major Step in Pursuit of Justice for HRC.

@00:01:12 matter of time we have sold indictments

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:17:09 80,000 plus sealed indictments the deep

deleted Qu - 3.9.19 - Anons Ready? ENJOY THE SHOW! WWG1WGA!!! - It's about to HIT!

@00:20:37 indictments coming that's 80,000 plus
@00:20:40 still indictments guys eighty thousand


@00:12:12 80-something vowels and sill indictments

deleted Qanon 3 7 19 Huber Hammer FISA Brings Down the House

@00:01:14 keep track of the sealed indictments

deleted 3 5 19 Dustin Nemos Challenges Ben Shapiro to a Debate! (He had to Push THIS Issue!)

@00:05:36 indictments coming up thousands of them
@00:05:39 till indictments usually it's a thousand

deleted 3.5.19 - "CU" - NSA Humor & Chat (Segmented Clips Soon)

@00:14:04 indictments can't see who's in them

deleted US M3xico Bord3r Humen Traffcking - Dem0cratic Donors in - Fet@l Tlssue Trafflcking

@00:06:54 indictments there are people being taken

deleted 3.1.19 - Recap, Major Events. Trudeau Scandal, Netanyahu Indictment, Mueller Past Blackhatting, etc

@00:07:08 indictments of thousands of innocent

deleted Trudeau's Sinking Ship, Socialism's Grip on Canada Weakens

@00:03:59 indictments at this point i think we

deleted Mueller Setup Cohen to Lie

@00:01:09 indictments against or you know i'm sure

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:32:37 thousand sealed indictments or somewhere

deleted 2.5.19 - Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

@00:08:02 sealed indictments so things are still
@00:08:20 these indictments in the courts i

deleted Patriot Corner #3 John Durham/James Clapper Deep Dive

@00:14:50 arrests indictments and what-have-you

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:06:29 these sold indictments in the courts we

deleted 1.24.19 - Power Shifts, Wall Emergency Proclamation, IRS SuperComputer, MSM Layoffs.

@00:17:31 up to about 71 thousand sold indictments

deleted 1.15.19 - Q - GJ's Opened at State Level - Mueller Passing Ball to House? Won't Work

@00:03:24 government these sealed indictments and

deleted 1.11.19 - PROWALL DEMS! Dollar Dump, Corruption, Virus!, Pedo Culture, 9 11 Monument to Allah

@00:11:56 indictments that sort of linked up

deleted 1.9.19 - Q Framed for Violence, Big Political Happenings, Macron Cracks Down, RR & ISRAEL OUT, WALL!

@00:23:53 month of new sealed indictments don't be
@00:24:40 indictments every month like that has to

deleted Lynette Zang & Dustin Nemos on The Unfolding POP of The Everything Bubble

@00:45:55 there's indictments gonna be chasing her

deleted 1.7.19 - *Quickening Intensifies* - War, Economy, and Setups, Assassinations, & Yellow Vests

@00:13:42 indictments about to drop on her i think

deleted 1.1.19 - War Talk, Culture War, Brazil vs Socialism, Giuliani on Assange, Yellow Vests WorldWide

@00:16:28 were some sealed indictments and this
@00:16:38 sealed indictments you know it plus

deleted 12.21.18 - ℚ👀 - Mueller, Whitaker, HRC, Hussein Future Proves Past

@00:02:30 are a lot of sold indictments sc quote

deleted 12.21.18 - Cultural Decline, Evil Flaunts, Syria, ISIS, Assange, Whitaker

@00:30:24 indictments regarding julian assange and

deleted EducatingLibs & Dustin Nemos on Current Events, Q & The Social Media War on Truth

@00:06:26 indictments is a really encouraging sign

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:22:08 lots of sillim indictments recently and
@00:39:32 indictments are being filed by someone
@00:40:05 deal 9 as the indictments are sealed and
@00:42:46 indictments were still sealed on june

deleted 12.11.18 - Q Posts from 6th-10th - THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS

@00:04:14 sealed indictments yet either so 5,000 a

deleted 12.4-7.18 - More Q & Clinton Foundation under Scrutiny

@00:03:51 you know we have indictments we have we
@00:04:54 that now sealed indictments that's i
@00:07:22 tonight there's so many sold indictments

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:10:14 still indictments things like that but

deleted 11.29.18 - Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave - Pain Phase is Nearly Upon Us.

@00:30:20 with those phony russian indictments

deleted Dustin Nemos & Bob Stanley Discuss FREOS, Economy, Freedom, and Q

@00:05:58 those sealed indictments and all the

deleted 11.21.18 - Justice Phase Updates, Thanksgiving Updates

@00:24:22 all this time the sealed indictments

deleted The Many Attempts to Kill President Trump (Threats Included)

@00:02:58 sealed indictments things like that the

deleted Roy Davis CaptainRoyD & Dustin Nemos on The Q Movement & End of 2018

@00:16:52 unsealed indictments and and we know
@00:35:04 indictments that you saw the list that
@00:37:16 you know release these indictments and
@00:38:32 ahead with indictments i think some
@00:38:35 indictments on the board we know they've


@00:00:13 indictments they're coming down the
@00:02:22 have placed it in the indictments pdf
@00:02:34 hundreds of indictments
@00:02:36 okay so unsealing of indictments is
@00:08:58 indictments these appear to be
@00:09:03 belong to sold indictments currently on
@00:11:06 be listed in multiple so indictments so

deleted Sarah Westall & Dustin Nemos - Censoring Reality: Keep Them Ignorant, Contintinue The Abuse

@00:02:17 know with this the sealed indictments
@00:04:48 so when all these these indictments come
@00:04:52 out these sealed indictments this is
@00:14:12 they unseal some of these indictments
@00:17:35 let me see indictments are based on
@00:23:53 indictments and stuff you know we have

deleted 11.13.18 - Could Things be Any Better for MAGA?

@00:21:50 indictments huber in horowitz while
@00:24:20 the sealed indictments and other legal
@00:25:06 d-class and sold indictments are

deleted 11.11.18 Declas Week Ahead? Fraud Pushback Grows

@00:18:54 the first one 24 81 indictments tracking
@00:18:59 sif or civilian indictments tracking
@00:21:16 with indictments no you're not you have

deleted 11.10.18 - Electi0n Fraud (Political Suicide) & Distractions from it

@00:14:11 indictments this is because of sessions

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:03:57 plus still indictments all he stepped
@00:06:16 indictments don't mean anything where's

deleted (fixed) - 11.7.18 - The Plan Moves Ahead Flawlessly, Q & Potus are Genius

@00:18:21 indictments in their names pending she

deleted 11.5.18 - Scandals, Voter Fraud, Victory is Nigh RED WAVE (Jobs NOT Mobs)

@00:05:58 indictments like a little slow for that
@00:06:14 sealed indictments maybe that could mean

deleted Q's Midterms Advice & Posts - 'We Will Do Our Part, Will You?' Antifa Planning to Intimidate Voters

@00:08:39 indictments as fast as they are you know

deleted Borders Secured, Leakers Arrested&Sentenced, Midterm RedWave

@00:01:50 first or the indictments signs are

deleted 101 Reasons to End the Federal Reserve System

@00:17:41 she's got about 30 pages of indictments

deleted Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

@00:40:22 thousands of sealed indictments 57 and i

deleted Q 10.10.18 - Why Justice Has Taken So Long, How to Bypass Their Blockade (Mueller)

@00:03:07 indictments it is happening it is

deleted Rules For Radicals #13, Nafta Done, 57,000 Sealed Indictments, And New Q

@00:09:19 we're up to 57,000 sealed indictments

deleted ℚ: RED TSUNAMI AHEAD - Q Lays out October and Beyond - Trusting the Plan Just Got Even Easier

@00:15:39 these sealed indictments are waiting to

deleted 9.21.18 - Q - FiveEyes Takes the Bait. RedWave Hits Democratic Plantation, IG Audit Actions

@00:19:42 arrests 35 indictments in 21 convictions
@00:26:22 arrests 35 indictments and 21

deleted ℚ - Kavanaugh First, Rosenstein Next. They All Knew Russia/Trump was BS, But Pushed it Anyways

@00:03:56 indictments now this particular page

deleted 9.19.18 - ℚ Does Q&A, Talks Aliens, Moon Landings, RRs Failure, Trudeau, Rebuts Arguments V Sessions

@00:06:14 thousand plus sealed indictments but the
@00:06:57 plus sealed indictments across the u.s.
@00:07:11 through these sealed indictments that

deleted 9.16-18.18 - FBI Busted Destroying Evidence, Israel Russia War?, Veritas Deep State Videos, FISA! ++

@00:10:42 indictments and treason out there if you
@00:10:45 50,000 sealed indictments at this point
@00:13:03 indictments for for kerry for his

deleted 9.17.18 - FISA Declassified. Sessions Activates. Rosenstein Rejected Again - MEME WAR TIME!

@00:07:43 indictments coming out that kind of
@00:22:06 indictments or or the sorry the physis

deleted Q: We will NEVER forgive, we will NEVER forget. Battle Stations. Memes Ready. Tomorrow is 9/11. GO!

@00:02:46 indictments everything there's a lot of

deleted ℚ👀 - 9.3-4.18 - Satanism, HRC - "Almost Time" Everything is Now Prepared to DROP THE HAMMER

@00:10:40 drop 50,000 plus civil indictments a
@00:12:49 indictments across the u.s. what

deleted ℚ - Did Seal Team 6?! Just Pull Off a Secret Mission? And What is with This "All Seeing" Eye Sword?

@00:10:37 the sealed indictments recently you know
@00:10:40 the sealed indictments are absolute
@00:10:48 indictments to you know the to seal them
@00:11:07 indictments for people back in 2016 and

deleted Trump is Going STRONG - Stacking the Courts, Fighting Big Tech Censors, Kerry now Implicated w/ HRC

@00:14:44 sealed indictments are up to fifty one
@00:14:55 indictments reminder for those who are

deleted 8.31.18 - ℚ 👀 Just Blinded the Enemy - Fake News Counterpunch is Weak and Ineffectual And obvious

@00:08:23 get 45,000 plus sealed indictments an

deleted ❗8.29.18 - More ℚ posts👀, A taste of things to come in 2018 - And More (Fixed)

@00:11:32 she's shot 30 pages of indictments going
@00:34:05 indictments who else has the manpower
@00:34:09 sealed indictments for a month

deleted 🍷🍷🍷8.29.18 - Tipsy Social Bloopers Edition!🍷🍷🍷 Wrong first Clip.

@00:06:01 indictments who else has the manpower
@00:06:05 sealed indictments for a month

deleted 8.20.18 - More Updates - The DC Police Call Donna Brazile a Liar, Q Gives us a Timeline

@00:27:53 freed i've got the silt indictments and

deleted Q Debate Discussion with Marfoogle News (Echo issue only at beginning)

@00:19:01 is indeed doing some sealed indictments

deleted Organic Apples & Alex Jones - My Reasoning Elaborated On. (Why I Trust Trump/Q, Not Alex.)

@00:10:04 sealed indictments and then he flips
@00:10:08 high levels of indictments he would stay

deleted Tracking the Resignations with ResignationAnon Resignation.Info

@00:00:19 those silve indictments and the
@00:16:42 indictments so some weeks ago i started
@00:17:40 side on indictments you can see some
@00:17:46 the indictments data and if you look
@00:17:49 into the indictments lists you can also
@00:18:05 confirmed indictments from people on the
@00:18:21 or maybe multiple indictments for the
@00:18:43 in the in the sealed indictments and
@00:19:28 and the indictments list is

deleted Recapping the News - New Q Targets Epstein and Numerous Pedos / NBC Scrambles to Delete Pedo Tweets

@00:33:14 got sealed indictments you've got the

deleted Patriot Profile: Yig - Q Deep Research & Tracking

@00:00:26 indictments and things like that so you
@00:01:18 indictments and stuff watching the
@00:10:10 all these indictments when will we ever

deleted Mercury Detoxxing, Antischool, Twitter Censorship Bypass?, Raw Cacao

@00:01:16 for the 45,000 plus sealed indictments

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:16:46 indictments you've got cute proofs calm
@00:27:01 thank sealed indictments count over

deleted Sunday Livechat 7pm EST 7.22.18 - Ask me Anything

@00:17:21 the indictments will go back to 9/11
@00:24:41 had seen the indictments of some
@00:25:14 very useful like the sealed indictments

deleted 8.1.18 - Q Goes MAINSTREAM, TOMMY FREED, PEDOS EXPOSED, 3D Print POPULAR Guns at home!

@00:15:07 one of the unsealed indictments with

deleted Isaac Kappy Exposing Pedo's

@00:26:39 done the indictments are in so if you

deleted Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO!

@00:33:31 the 40,000 sealed indictments all of the

deleted 7.14.18 - What's going on? is Assange Freed? Mueller's up to her Tricks

@00:01:12 to have quite a few indictments total
@00:01:17 quantity thing i mean his indictments
@00:19:03 a bunch of junk indictments in february

deleted Walking Through the Fire with Tasneem Conley & Dustin Nemos (Interview Series)

@00:41:02 these indictments you know so people
@00:41:16 these sealed indictments a sealed
@00:41:54 so with these sealed indictments hoover
@00:42:47 behind these indictments and it's

deleted 7.2.18 Censored all Over, Violence, Q Drops, Disinfo Liars Spread FUD

@00:22:08 eighty-three sealed indictments wow and
@00:32:30 filing the indictments it would take a
@00:32:52 indictments and horowitz can't
@00:33:04 24/7 just filing indictments because
@00:33:36 indictments think resignations of ceos
@00:35:31 indictments i imagine you know it just

deleted 6.21-22.18 - They are Trying so Hard To Distract or Discredit as it All Comes Out

@00:22:06 that's silk that's sealed indictments

deleted 6.19.18 - IG Report Fallout, Huber, Q: End Near? +More

@00:26:59 begins on ceiling of indictments i feel
@00:27:15 oh my gosh unsealing indictments to
@00:34:26 crimes unsealing of indictments next

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:29:38 houmous sealed indictments in november
@00:30:01 indictments issued by huber ig began
@00:31:57 humor under sealed indictments from uber
@00:33:00 indictments the queuing on research

deleted 6.13.18 - IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto - EOS

@00:32:55 over 30 k sealed indictments not 100%
@00:43:23 charges seek indictments and get results

deleted 5.26.18 - Vegas, Broward County, Antifa, Tommy Robinson's Arrest, Censorship, Culture, and Weinstein

@00:18:04 there's the sealed indictments here and

deleted 5.(20-21).18 - Q Being Setup? Brennan, RR, Trump Forces Investigation! Iran Sanctions

@00:08:36 indictments the trello for the research

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:28:56 unsealing of indictments could not occur

deleted 5.16.18 - QAnon: Time for a Sealed Indictment (Weiner - UNSEALED 16th, Laptop!) Pedogate is REAL!

@00:00:48 right so one of the sealed indictments
@00:03:54 indictments he's been calling for pain
@00:05:26 sealed indictments you know that's 30
@00:05:55 are unsealed indictments are happening
@00:06:01 these unsealed indictments the laptop is
@00:08:32 indictments and that q is is absolutely

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.13.18 - FBI Unravels, Iran Rats Dems, China Arms Race, Kanye Culture, HRC

@00:17:12 the swamp hugh says sealed indictments
@00:18:22 what happens if fed criminal indictments

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.11.18 - Q Community Civil War: Corsi, Alex Jones, Seaman Vs Qanon

@00:04:30 seen one of the unsealed indictments or
@00:04:33 indictments or something like that

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.10.18 - Iran, Israel, Stormy, NYSE to add Bitcoin? Q - Now comes the pain

@00:14:49 sealed indictments removed and resolved
@00:14:58 seen one of the sealed indictments i

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.8.18 - Trump withdrew from Iran Deal (AND took control?), Israel teasing WW3.

@00:11:38 29,000 indictments pompeo cleaned ca and

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:01:27 sealed indictments massive corruption
@00:08:56 to create the indictments mueller and

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.28.18 - Trump Calls for Investigation into Clinton. Vegas, Syria, Cultural Shift

@00:18:10 indictments but we don't have our people
@00:21:03 indictments and arrests

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.27.18 - Flynn, Peace in Korea, Mueller (White or black hat Narrative?)

@00:16:07 about the sealed indictments and stuff
@00:16:11 there to sealed indictments he says why
@00:24:00 indictments bad actors support mueller

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:01:51 possible criminal indictments and

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.4.18 - Zuck to step down, Shooting Distractions, Mueller embattled with RR, Trade

@00:19:09 tax division can authorize indictments

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 4.3.18 - Swamp, Immigrants, FBI, Mueller, Qanon: Arrests Coming

@00:23:44 sealed indictments are over 25
@00:24:37 these sealed indictments get broken
@00:31:03 broken indictments unsealed high-level

deleted Rebutting American Intelligence Media's Anti-Q claims (False Premises)

@00:03:37 sealed indictments but he did he did
@00:08:17 indictments in washington dc trump
@00:08:25 silt indictments in those towns - forgot

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:50:13 like the thousands of sealed indictments

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.27.18 - Stormy Lied, Uranium1 Witness Ungagged, Guns, Pro HRC Sex Cult, Q psyop?

@00:12:55 hundred sealed indictments in six months

deleted Q@non Update - 3.23.18 - Was the Spending bill a 4d chess move? HRC video coming soon?

@00:02:47 goes down in flames indictments unsealed

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:11:52 indictments have been issued by the doj
@00:26:06 saw him discuss sealed indictments and

deleted Maga Update 3.19.18 - Drug War, Mass Stabbing, Calls for Assassination of Trump

@00:20:12 going to actually face indictments and i
@00:20:15 have to face indictments and i think

deleted Qanon Update 3.14.18 - Q and Trump status update on Draining the Swamp

@00:06:35 indictments have already been issued by

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:24:37 what are sealed indictments are sealed
@00:25:05 those indictments include their names
@00:25:40 thousand plus it'll indictments remember
@00:27:36 sealed indictments now it seems to be

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives (better copy)

@00:11:16 of these is the new sealed indictments
@00:11:22 almost 19,000 sealed indictments since
@00:12:03 indictments going through the roof

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives

@00:11:16 of these is the new sealed indictments
@00:11:22 almost 19,000 sealed indictments since
@00:12:03 indictments going through the roof

deleted Qanon & Maga Updates 2.25.18 - Trump hits 50% Approval, Prager U vs Google, Fisa Abuse Breakdown+

@00:09:40 13,000 indictments 13,000 places being

deleted Who is Qanon? A FAST Primer

@00:08:10 indictments the ten thousand plus i'm

deleted Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi - Qanon Story Unfolds

@00:47:41 indictments you're gonna have to be able

deleted The Evidence Qanon is REAL! and Working directly with TRUMP!

@00:16:59 the sealed indictments in washington dc
@00:17:08 number of sealed indictments in those
@00:17:22 sealed indictments remember we have like
@00:17:26 thousand sealed indictments your average
@00:17:34 normal rates of sealed indictments that
@00:17:44 sealed indictments are about number five
@00:31:53 sealed indictments and the improvements
@00:32:00 sealed indictments first it was 800 then
@00:33:14 13,000 605 sealed indictments between
@00:34:31 indictments this is by by different
@00:35:27 indictments in 30 days this is this
@00:36:04 that some of these indictments may
@00:36:09 maybe in multiple indictments so it

deleted Deleted video

@00:29:07 means sealed indictments that have been

deleted Deleted video

@00:21:42 high levels of indictments of some of

deleted Deleted video

@00:18:46 he has so many indictments but its

deleted Deleted video

@00:14:23 sealed indictments these people mark
@00:15:15 indictments and that's getting to be
@00:15:29 unsealed indictments but i don't know
@00:15:32 up to 57 sealed indictments

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:54 along with thee and with indictments

deleted Deleted video

@00:07:24 placeholder for many more indictments

deleted Deleted video

@00:30:01 and a half sealed federal indictments

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:27 indictments or different places where
@00:39:26 high-level indictments and then he

deleted Deleted video

@00:28:17 indictments it's up to 18,000 and 500
@00:28:21 confirmed sealed indictments that's in
@00:29:22 of these sealed indictments are gonna

deleted Deleted video

@00:44:37 made public with arrests and indictments

deleted Deleted video

@00:35:36 indictments the massive things are going
@00:59:18 indictments all of that linked you know

deleted Deleted video

@00:28:28 indictments maybe for you know like a

deleted Deleted video

@00:33:18 indictments so far now so arrests would

deleted Deleted video

@00:18:30 don't know if we've had indictments yet

deleted Deleted video

@00:31:37 indictments sodo that's an older number

deleted Deleted video

@00:35:47 indictments personally himself of some

deleted Private video

@00:12:18 indictments that are coming down the

deleted Private video

@00:03:52 000 and growing sealed indictments we do

deleted Private video

@00:23:04 could be more indictments in the ongoing

deleted Private video

@00:35:56 me up when there are indictments and or