Mass arrests

deleted Executive Order Bypassing Dem Block on Covid Relief, Gold Will End the Fed Don't Miss out!

@00:02:27 talked about these mass arrests and

deleted WWG1WGA - The Final Stretch We're nearly there!

@00:05:18 least of those arrested with the mass
@00:05:21 arrests i think we're already starting

deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

@00:12:18 but all we do these mass arrests we

deleted 4.3.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. DR. Sherri Tenpenny

@00:39:18 piece of the story is mass arrests are

deleted 3.31.20 - Plannedemic Continues Despite Obvious Cure

@00:33:17 move on the deep state and do mass
@00:33:19 arrests i don't want to go that far but

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:26:56 some of these mass arrests because

deleted Q Post 2.25.20 - Draining the Swamp

@00:02:19 you get the emotions out that and a mass
@00:02:22 arrests of the deep state would have

deleted 2.23.20 - Q - You're Ready, Prepare for the Storm

@00:02:24 that you would expect before the mass
@00:02:26 arrests before that i mentioned that

deleted 2.14.20 - The Silent War vs Trump - Deep State on Defense

@00:18:40 know that there are mass crows we know
@00:18:42 that there are mass arrests we know that

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:16:23 don't have mass arrests and we don't

deleted 12.28.19 Q - Pelosi's Biden Moment, DNC backdoor to NSA, DNC Server, & More

@00:06:48 looking forward to the day of the mass
@00:06:51 arrests and i do believe that these

deleted 12-22-2019 Mifsud, Spaceforce, Virginia v Guns, Soros, Schiff - We are Winning

@00:26:19 have to believe in the mass arrests that

deleted 12.8.19 - More QPosts, MOS & FAKE MAGA are the THREAT

@00:22:23 had the mass arrests 3661 here's a spy

deleted 12.7.19 - Q - Did You Think They Would Escape Justice?

@00:11:13 we're gonna have mass arrests they
@00:11:17 to have mass arrests i mean yeah we've

deleted CBSFakeNews HIDES the Latest Q Reference, from Melania Trump Herself.

@00:10:38 have the mass arrests now going on of

deleted Barr - Dems Seditious V Executive Branch & Much More

@00:14:26 the the mass arrests would never happen

deleted 11 13 19 - Major Q Drops

@00:13:48 clear the legal justice phase of mass
@00:13:51 arrests that are coming

deleted Hillary Clinton Must Be Terrified, After This

@00:03:28 quite a while i mean the mass arrests
@00:03:30 the the mass resignations the mass
@00:03:35 are real and the mass arrests justice

deleted Dustin Nemos Speaks At SARASOTA PATRIOTS FOR TRUMP

@00:21:10 queue and on mass arrests and some those

deleted Arizona CPS Child Sex Scandal & Ukraine Truths Emerge (Audio Issues in tech)

@00:29:22 that movement where there will be mass
@00:29:24 arrests there will be arrests of the

deleted Biden for Treason2020, Q Justice Phase, Mass Arrests, Trends, Impeachment=Dem Fear

@00:10:19 you say mass arrests can you say a

deleted Oct 21, 2018 - Candyce Estave & Dustin Nemos on Upcoming AutismOne Conference & Vax Truth

@00:44:30 next step is the mass arrests probably

deleted Trudeau's Sinking Ship, Socialism's Grip on Canada Weakens

@00:03:53 mass arrests that are definitely coming

deleted 2.22.19 -Q- Vows to Break the Evil

@00:00:19 doubts the mass arrests are coming let's

deleted 2.10.19 - Full Soci@lism Push, Ds Raising Army, Car@van Invasi0ns, Blood Libel vs Whites, Pope

@00:24:37 because the mass arrests are coming

deleted 2.5.19 - Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

@00:08:09 we need mass arrests until that's

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:36:45 with just wide-scale mass arrests of

deleted 1.30.19 - Pedos, Fake MAGAs, Violent Governments - Oh my! Also - Winter (And Islam) is Coming...

@00:13:02 during periods of mass arrests as for
@00:34:42 phase because the mass arrests haven't

deleted 1.19.19 - Walls Work, Drama - Fake News OverExtends, Taiwan Preps for Invasion

@00:15:14 you know mass deaths events are or
@00:15:18 i don't know mass arrests maybe the

deleted 1.1.19 - War Talk, Culture War, Brazil vs Socialism, Giuliani on Assange, Yellow Vests WorldWide

@00:00:07 year's 2019 we haven't had those mass
@00:00:10 arrests yet but of course some things

deleted 12.21.18 - ℚ👀 - Mueller, Whitaker, HRC, Hussein Future Proves Past

@00:12:28 of a mass arrests countrywide he had to

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:06:12 goes the way we expect it to mass
@00:06:15 arrests breaking the house over the over

deleted 12.4.18 - Daily Update & Typical DS Delay Right Outta the Playbook.

@00:00:58 the mass arrests like the next couple

deleted 12.4.18 - Q - Counterpunch to Bus Distraction INC, The Path to Mass Arrests Laid Out

@00:04:12 point the mass arrests have to happen
@00:07:12 the next couple steps to mass arrests

deleted 12.2.18 - Q Speaks on Clowns Clas. Tech, RR vs Whitaker, Q Goes Worldwide

@00:06:57 effective and then maybe the mass
@00:06:59 arrests will be our new year's gift you

deleted 12.2.18 - Mass Update, Bush Death to Distract from Huber

@00:02:48 that the mass arrests really are coming

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:10:11 are starting to report on these mass
@00:10:12 arrests that are coming and and these

deleted Roy Davis CaptainRoyD & Dustin Nemos on The Q Movement & End of 2018

@00:11:18 so that we just don't have mass hysteria
@00:11:20 mass panic in the streets for the the
@00:11:24 many arrests it is good to have all of

deleted 11.11.18 Declas Week Ahead? Fraud Pushback Grows

@00:18:21 for voter id laws and mass deportations
@00:18:24 and mass arrests let's clean this

deleted 11.10.18 - Electi0n Fraud (Political Suicide) & Distractions from it

@00:08:01 supporting the mass arrests of people

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:06:06 thinking required a how can arrests
@00:06:14 the mass arrests i mean all these sealed

deleted (fixed) - 11.7.18 - The Plan Moves Ahead Flawlessly, Q & Potus are Genius

@00:18:14 justice phase is coming the mass arrests

deleted 10.29.18 - Midterm Updates, Caravan, War Positioning

@00:20:33 to round them up ready to do the mass
@00:20:35 arrests ready to kick out the communists

deleted 10.27.18 - Mass Shooter @ Jews, Mexico Helping Caravan, MSM Spin, Stocks Crash, Soros: "Lock Him Up"

@00:05:56 the same thing that we expect here mass
@00:05:59 arrests for terrorists and ngos traitors

deleted Bombs to Soros, Obama, HRC. Caravan, Midterms Tilting Republican Heavy

@00:39:25 lose and the mass arrests are coming i

deleted 10.21.18 - Caravan, Tax Cuts, Midterms, War Treaties, World Fleeing Dollar

@00:09:08 been following q and the the mass
@00:09:09 arrests that are coming maddis is naming

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall on the Current Bubble, Q, and Political Landscape - Ending the Fed?

@00:14:28 see mass roundups and arrests or
@00:15:05 supreme court level that when the mass
@00:15:07 arrests happen they will be backed by
@00:15:11 the mass rs happens the clueless masses
@00:20:36 we can't go on mass arrests when we have

deleted Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

@00:36:03 are these mass arrests in saudi arabia
@00:40:02 which will lead to the mass arrests is

deleted ℚ: RED TSUNAMI AHEAD - Q Lays out October and Beyond - Trusting the Plan Just Got Even Easier

@00:01:30 mass arrests and this is going to be
@00:01:56 october possibly mass arrests i don't
@00:14:02 would stop trump from doing these mass
@00:14:04 arrests if it was compromised or if he

deleted 9.27.18 - ℚ2: Feinstein Busted in China? Pictured making Threats? Blumenthal Shame Spread Far & Wide

@00:03:26 or mass arrests of bad actors it's gonna

deleted The Evidence for the Coming Mass Arrests of the Deep State, Military Tribunals: Draining the Swamp

@00:00:52 reveal trump is planning mass arrests
@00:01:08 planning to carry out mass arrests of
@00:02:23 for president trump's plan to issue mass
@00:02:25 arrests of deep state traitors and then
@00:03:46 across the nation as the arrests and
@00:03:49 underway we should all expect mass

deleted 9.21-22.18 - Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED (Q) Despite Derailment/Smear PLOT (Yes, Plot!) +Observatory

@00:07:44 right before the mass arrests we kind of

deleted 9.21.18 - Q - FiveEyes Takes the Bait. RedWave Hits Democratic Plantation, IG Audit Actions

@00:00:33 mass arrests and things like that i more

deleted 9.19-20.18 - FISA Sedition&Refusal, False Smear Campaign, Shooting, DeepState Video Sting, NK Nukes

@00:08:32 treason we may be seeing some mass
@00:08:35 arrests soon hi gee buddy stay not yet

deleted 9.17.18 - FISA Declassified. Sessions Activates. Rosenstein Rejected Again - MEME WAR TIME!

@00:15:47 stuff this is the beginnings of mass
@00:15:49 arrests that's what this signifies and

deleted Aslans Army Interview with Dustin Nemos 9.16.18

@00:20:32 you see is the timeline for the mass
@00:20:34 arrests you know i've been saying for a

deleted Q: Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition, Big Tech Censorship to Push Patriots TO Him & AWAY from Q

@00:15:55 needs to be met is will they do the mass
@00:15:57 roundup or will they start the arrests

deleted QAnon Dangerous? MSM are Creating a Fake Narrative to Distract from Treason.

@00:14:59 mass arrests of the bad guys who are

deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

@00:18:52 is a prelude to mass arrests this is a

deleted Antifa Throws Bomb into Crowd - a Turning Point. MSM Exploits Dead Journalists

@00:01:23 to mass arrests and crack down on these

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.13.18 - FBI Unravels, Iran Rats Dems, China Arms Race, Kanye Culture, HRC

@00:26:52 integrity report arrests etc it will be
@00:26:58 this before you start a large-scale mass
@00:27:03 arrests of people in the enemy political

deleted Q@non Update - 3.23.18 - Was the Spending bill a 4d chess move? HRC video coming soon?

@00:03:14 conducting mass arrests holding

deleted Deleted video

@00:49:24 couldn't do mass arrests until we a

deleted Deleted video

@00:12:21 they round up and do the mass arrests as
@00:12:24 for the mass arrests and stuff that has
@00:24:06 mass arrests can happen they are facing

deleted Deleted video

@00:13:12 mass arrests you'd probably see some
@00:22:29 website linked there there won't be mass
@00:22:35 arrests before the election because what

deleted Deleted video

@00:44:02 for the mass arrests i don't think most

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:56 of you know prelude to the the mass
@00:04:59 arrests that's gonna happen if you

deleted Deleted video

@00:24:18 you believe that the mass arrests have

deleted Deleted video

@00:22:14 mass arrests it seems to be the plan so

deleted Deleted video

@01:00:01 been talking about mass arrests using

deleted Deleted video

@00:26:11 if it's if if mass arrests occurred

deleted Deleted video

@00:14:04 that's so cool mass arrests hashtag hewn
@00:14:08 on great awakening qr me q patriot mass
@00:14:11 arrests this is cool there's praying