Pizza gate

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:37:15 past for example pizzagate
@00:37:17 supposedly remember pizzagate was
@00:37:31 the pizzagate narrative was that uh
@00:37:48 pizzagate which actually goes further

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:24:54 deception you know the the the pizzagate
@00:25:08 the moment that pizzagate was debunked
@00:25:19 what started the pizzagate thing

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:18:04 generation z kids are waking up to pizza
@00:18:07 gate which is uh excuse me it's a really
@00:43:55 he admits he tried to debunk pizza gate

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:11:11 potus mentioning pizzagate in 2011

deleted 6.18.20 - Peak Hypocrisy, Peak Censorship, Peak Incitement by Fake News - Peak Panic in the Swamp

@00:25:40 trafficking we saw that in the pizza
@00:25:43 gate emails from wikileaks where seth

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:09:12 pizza gate was debunked those emails
@00:09:22 that is the source of pedo gate pizza
@00:09:27 gate was a distraction with a pizza

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:46:33 really well known now pizza gate was

deleted 5.31.20 - QAnon_ American Burns - ANTIFA WILL be Dealt With

@00:10:34 because of you know wikileaks and pizza
@00:10:37 gate and we know what pasta really

deleted 5.28.20 - Executive Order on Censorship, Fake News v America, New Investigations

@00:08:02 of place in 2016 and pizza gate and all
@00:08:05 to throw it back to pizza gate to try to

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:23:16 wikileaks and now we know about pizza
@00:23:18 gate now we know about the pedophilia

deleted 5.5.20 - Michael Obama Enters Race - Dems Weaponize DARPA AI vs Trump.

@00:11:43 debunk pizza gate he tried to push a

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:23:54 another pizza gate situation and then
@00:24:03 documentary that is in essence pizza
@00:24:06 gate documentary out of shadows if you
@00:24:09 haven't seen it pizza gate wasn't

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:20:18 pizza gate documentary basically that's

deleted 4.13.20 - Q - The Great Awakening WW - ChildTrafficking Docu. (Pizzagate!)

@00:10:34 basically a pizza gate documentary if

deleted Q Drops 2.15.2020 - Dark to Light, McCabe is NOT off the Hook. President Trumps 10point Attack

@00:08:27 pizza gay thing anything out there to
@00:08:33 right pizza gate was just debunked but

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:24:03 gate or you know the pizza gate emails

deleted 12.8.19 - More QPosts, MOS & FAKE MAGA are the THREAT

@00:05:04 with with pizza gate or or sandy hook or

deleted Interview with Tiffany Fitzhenry - This Fallen World is Being Cleansed

@00:24:41 so it was like the first pizza gate

deleted Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview Major Updates 6/20/19

@00:15:16 with the pizza gate issues and all the
@00:15:19 much larger issue called pedo gate but
@00:15:23 pizza place yeah although i will say in

deleted Mike Rothschild and the Paytriot Psyop on JoeM and Patriots

@00:23:07 true like they had made pizza gate

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:33:23 example pizza gate where he actually had

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:32:07 example pizza gate where he actually had

deleted The Left's Frothing Hatred of White Christian America & Trump, Weaponized Government Ignores Islam

@00:18:48 involved in pizza gate ad a debunk it's

deleted 3 28 19 - Qu - Blockades Removed, Did Smollett Really Escape Justice? Schiff is NEXT! Obama too...

@00:23:51 leaves pizza gate super pac
@00:24:03 with a group founded by pizza a

deleted Deaths, Coverups, RBG Tampering?, Mueller Retells DNC Hack 'Big Lie'

@00:09:53 trafficking and that's what pizza gate
@00:10:00 distract from pizza gate and the truth

deleted Epstein and Kraft Updates RC Marina Abromovic Link!

@00:26:29 says i became aware of the pizza gate
@00:26:44 being circulated by pizza gate theorists

deleted As the Deep State Plot Goes Public, They Try One Last Push to Censor Q

@00:03:51 that's where a lot of the pizza gate you

deleted Obama Knew! How Much and When?

@00:12:25 you know sort of post pizza gate where

deleted Michael Easton & Dustin Nemos on Justin Trudeau and SNC Lavalin Scandal in Canada

@00:10:08 pizza gate and the whole nine yards well

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:01:43 trudeau choosing pizza gate conspiracy

deleted 3.1.19 - Recap, Major Events. Trudeau Scandal, Netanyahu Indictment, Mueller Past Blackhatting, etc

@00:39:30 pizza gate debunk story and then give up

deleted 2.28.19 - Cohen laughs, Awan Silenced, PedoCultWhistlebLower Silenced, NK Progress

@00:35:46 the pizza gate stuff was going on and

deleted 2.22.19 -Q- Vows to Break the Evil

@00:31:44 and then they try to link it the pizza
@00:31:46 gate which has tons of very suspicious
@00:31:57 so pizza gate pedo gate whatever there's
@00:32:05 to people at the top the pizza gate was

deleted Dustin Nemos & Liz Cr0kin on Hum@n Traffickking & Subsequent Cens0rship (Deception Fears Truth)

@00:11:40 that have studied pizza gate know that
@00:15:09 sex trafficking and the pizza gate and
@00:16:02 acknowledge that pizza gate is real like

deleted 1.7.19 - *Quickening Intensifies* - War, Economy, and Setups, Assassinations, & Yellow Vests

@00:03:11 not even going into like the pizza gate

deleted 1.5.19 - Russia Witch-Hunt Continues, Shutdown (for YEARS) or Wall, War Moves: China.

@00:07:39 basically against pizza gate on twitter

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT (Fixed Audio)

@00:30:29 position how pizza gate is faking all of

deleted 12.27.18 - Mueller Sealed Case Before SC, Fed Vs Trump HEATING UP, WALL WILL BE BUILT

@00:30:30 how pizza gate is fake and all of that i

deleted 12.11.18 - Q Posts from 6th-10th - THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS

@00:23:34 the pizza gate conspiracy theory i'm

deleted Everyone's Favorite Fake Maga Poster Boy - "Chatlogs" is at it AGAIN.

@00:01:00 position on things like pizza gate we

deleted 11.25.18 - Border Heats Up, New Q - 'Thank you Soros', Ukraine Vs Russia, UK Vs FB, Asylum "Deal" ?

@00:18:41 they've switched on pizza gate since

deleted 11.13.18 - Updates on Voter Fraud. (Criminal Investigation Began!)👀

@00:33:41 sandy hook or pizza gate or his attempt

deleted 11.13.18 - Could Things be Any Better for MAGA?

@00:11:12 the pizza gate investigations ended up

deleted 10.2.18 - Kavanaugh Updates, Uranium One + Clinton News, Trade War&Hostilities

@00:16:43 pizza gate just over and over and over

deleted 9.22.18 - ℚ: 'We are at the Precipice.' - The Rats are Turning on Each Other. LL Recorded RR? !!!👀

@00:13:06 pita gate pizza gate you know i prefer
@00:13:09 pedo gate because pizza gate has such a

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 1)

@00:14:56 sandy hook pizza gate the piers morgan

deleted Aslans Army Interview with Dustin Nemos 9.16.18

@00:33:18 lot of work myself for the peter gate
@00:33:25 pizza gate was bad enough and and at the

deleted 9.13.18 - Gas Explosions in Boston. Panic In DC as Sessions Preps Antitrust HAMMER.

@00:02:42 positions like pizza gate things like

deleted Alex Jones- Mossad, Radical Islam, Bronfman's (Nxivm cult) and CIA. Sleeper Cells in the Movement

@00:04:40 initially jones promoted pizza gate his
@00:04:53 reconciled the dismissal of pizza gate
@00:05:05 pizza gate by the nsa on 12 for 2016
@00:05:11 deleted pizza gate is real do not give

deleted Alex Jones hypocritically Attacks Dustin Nemos with Sophistry & Lies, plays victim -Over the Target?

@00:05:51 down when it came to pizza gate he made

deleted Q Destroys Posobiec's Fake Chat Logs for all to See. And Dustin Nemos had a small part to play!

@00:04:27 has a has a room based on like pizza
@00:04:30 gate stuff investigation into that we

deleted Will Q Send Alex Jones to Prison for Treason? No One "Playing the Game" Gets a Pass - Mossad Disinfo

@00:00:57 pizza gate he made us look like crazy
@00:10:01 the debunking of pizza gate which was

deleted Q: Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition, Big Tech Censorship to Push Patriots TO Him & AWAY from Q

@00:14:44 q okay pizza gate every single time we

deleted Exposing Fake Magas And Clown Disinfo Agents Tactics (Credit to Swampy)

@00:03:57 flipped on pizza gate but we'll see so
@00:15:28 pizza gate sandy hook the gun rights
@00:16:09 certain of itch is pushing the pedo gate
@00:16:13 the pizza gate stuff i guess so i guess

deleted Q Debate Discussion with Marfoogle News (Echo issue only at beginning)

@00:27:38 of the time we need him like pizza gate
@00:27:47 them he's like he got with the pizza
@00:27:49 gate thing he got sued he all there's
@00:28:19 over the pizza gate stuff and i don't

deleted Organic Apples & Alex Jones - My Reasoning Elaborated On. (Why I Trust Trump/Q, Not Alex.)

@00:02:41 around that - pizza gate the reason like
@00:02:56 about this or any expert on pizza gate
@00:03:52 pizza shop on her and if you notice his
@00:03:56 social media accounts i've debated pizza
@00:03:58 gate plenty we know ala fantas has a
@00:04:00 pedophile and the reason that pizza gate
@00:05:16 pizza gate where was he when we needed

deleted Here is why I QUIT Trusting Alex Jones NOW. After 15 years of his being my Hero. (Qx3 callouts+More)

@00:00:50 pizza gate was supposedly debunked right
@00:01:02 intentional i don't know then pizza gate
@00:02:40 okay where was he on pizza gate he's the

deleted Decentralization & Dealing With Collapsing Paradigms With The Epistemologers

@00:15:32 actually doing a lot for pizza gate you

deleted Dustin Nemos on Patriots Soapbox Discussing New Q drops

@00:09:21 tweeting about pizza gate kind of and
@00:09:36 piper and they did deny pizza gate was
@00:10:21 a fact that pizza gate is very real so i
@00:34:42 is said like trying to take you to pizza
@00:34:44 gate specifically you know or whatever
@00:38:25 child sex ring out of a pizza parlor and
@00:38:32 anybody in pizza gate or investigating

deleted 8.9.18 - Get Comfy, Q:Time is Up! Fisa to Be Unveiled, Arrests to be Made, Clinton Going Down!

@00:12:28 you know what that means don't you pizza
@00:12:33 gate is real hugh just posted the

deleted The Clint0n F0undation IS A HUM@N TR@FFICKING FRONT! - Q

@00:00:25 pizza gate is real hugh just posted the

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:21:39 way he treated pizza gate did he set up
@00:21:44 all look stupid to implode pizza gate

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:08:19 sorry quote jack pasaba called pizza
@00:08:21 gate fake news called john mccain hero
@00:08:25 flip-flopped on pizza gate and cue he

deleted How to (Politely) Handle Q Shills, Fake Maga's, and Win Q Debates (or any debate) - Conveniently.

@00:03:57 he's flip-flopped on pizza gate he's
@00:04:03 pizza gate fake they called john mccain
@00:04:07 he's flip-flopped on pizza gate and cue
@00:04:14 and voice on pizza gate all right so
@00:05:06 pizza gate and and tried to like attack

deleted QAnon Dangerous? MSM are Creating a Fake Narrative to Distract from Treason.

@00:02:03 just like they did with pizza gate and

deleted 8.1.18 - Q Goes MAINSTREAM, TOMMY FREED, PEDOS EXPOSED, 3D Print POPULAR Guns at home!

@00:38:03 bans pizza gate this is an older article
@00:38:22 shut you down like the pizza gate

deleted Isaac Kappy Exposing Pedo's

@00:11:59 their symbols like after pizza gate hit
@00:16:34 was when pizza gate hit i was

deleted 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI

@00:12:36 and on pizza conspiracy theory nonsense
@00:12:43 they're just try to link it to pizza
@00:12:45 gate basically because they think that

deleted Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO!

@00:00:31 pizza gate on this video i'm gonna go
@00:01:38 from q to pizza gate and then to other
@00:01:50 so an example and i will use the pizza
@00:01:53 gate example that we're talking about so
@00:01:59 references to pizza and everything else
@00:05:21 pizza gate look at liz crow cans work
@00:05:23 i'm not one of the head pizza gate like
@00:06:13 intentional but like i said not pizza
@00:06:18 if you guys want a pizza gate video
@00:42:28 about pizza gate

deleted Interview Series) Dustin Nemos & T.R.U Reporting - QAnon Interview

@00:20:55 the whole pizza gate and he obviously
@00:24:05 the whole pizza gate thing in the back
@00:24:38 pizza gate i guess here maybe i wouldn't
@00:25:08 pizza gate as well like it was a big

deleted Pamphlet is QAnon? DEBUNKED! (Debate Coming SOON TO PROVE Q)

@00:03:48 and he covers things like pizza gate and

deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

@00:18:56 this is a prelude to pizza gate this is
@00:19:00 pizza gate all of the people who

deleted 6.26.18 - PowderKeg ready to Blow for Civil War - Trade, China Endorses EOS, More.

@00:25:54 actually ridiculing the idea of pizza
@00:25:57 gate despite we have quotes from the

deleted 6.14.18 - IG Report, EOS, Ethereum NOT Security, Tariffs and Q

@00:08:28 can she says that this is pizza gate

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:27:42 that now is the time to talk about pizza
@00:27:45 gate whether you like it or not america
@00:27:53 and on mega pizza gate a lot of hashtags

deleted 5.25.18 - Smug Weinstein Arrested - 4 More Attacks, Tommy Robinson Imprisoned, NK, Seth Rich, China

@00:24:06 pizza gate and peter gate has done is

deleted 5.(23).18 - The Pain has Begun - Q Offensive is Massive. 1st Amendment Victory

@00:04:28 never said anything about the pizza gate
@00:04:45 wikileaks kind of acted like pizza gate
@00:05:12 with derision toward the pizza gate

deleted 5.16.18 - QAnon: Time for a Sealed Indictment (Weiner - UNSEALED 16th, Laptop!) Pedogate is REAL!

@00:00:16 so the floodgates are open pizza gate is

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 5.3.18 - Jetblue+Soros, The Days Palace intrigue...

@00:07:43 and pizza gate are largely unexplored

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:43:20 wonder how much he knows about pizza
@00:43:22 gate if you're paying attention to the

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.22-23.18 - Culture Victory, Counterstrike Gains Momentum, Dems are losing it

@00:11:16 pizza gate pita gate research was going
@00:11:24 were over the target on pizza gate

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.21.18 - Banning Bible, Tons of Trump Counterpunch, Tons of Q

@00:44:58 a lot of the peano gate pizza gate
@00:45:06 scrub pizza and pedo gate research from

deleted Maga Update 4.18.18 - Updates on Criminal Cabal, Russia, Trade War China, Mexico

@00:12:26 pizza gate is gonna have to have a

deleted Why do the MSM keep showing us Fake Video technology

@00:07:59 another pizza gate which was never
@00:08:07 the pizza place which killed all the

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.15.18 - Syria Update, Comey, Lynch In trouble! Video Soon? (Or is it out now!?)

@00:28:35 about pizza gate they just throw pizza

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.13.18 - WW3? Trump to hit Syria// Crypto Markets// Mccabe, Comey, sessions, RR, IG

@00:20:48 expert on all things pizza gate peter

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:24:38 communicate with comet pizza follower
@00:24:39 ray chandler on instagram pizza gate so
@00:24:44 where the the majority of the pizza gate

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.8.18 - Who wants to keep us in Syria? Not Assad + more Q, Ray Chandler

@00:07:57 anyways so hey slash pizza gate this is
@00:08:01 about pizza gate you know information
@00:09:06 pizza gate theory several weeks ago not
@00:09:19 circulated by pizza gate theorists the

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.7.18 - Trump & Q: "We will Win Soon." / Trade War, Vegas, Shadow War Casualties

@00:19:17 earlier the pizza gate link from jimmy
@00:22:34 released pizza gate bots

deleted Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts Too many incidents

@00:07:13 distract from them in reference to pizza
@00:07:17 gate as long as there are positions of

deleted Maga Update - 3.24.18 - Was the Omnibus a Trump Trojan Horse against Dems?

@00:13:01 after pizza gate my pizza gate came out

deleted Maga & Queue Updates 3.21-22.18 - Corruption, Tradewar, The Death of the Dollar begins on 26th

@00:25:50 pizza gate narrative which i discuss in
@00:26:22 with pizza gate they ignored the entire
@00:26:37 pizza gate and they used that guy to a
@00:26:39 straw man and demonized the entire pizza
@00:26:43 gate truth community which was never

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:01:36 remember pizza gate the two crazy not to
@00:01:43 up a real pizza parlor with an ar-15
@00:01:46 pizza gate pizza oh i remember
@00:02:06 pizza gate didn't really start centered
@00:02:51 do we know about pizza gate itself well
@00:03:34 so not only was pizza gate never
@00:06:32 the podesta pizza emails actually give
@00:06:35 rise to the name pizza gate now the late
@00:10:49 on pizza gate this is actually about the
@00:14:06 faster than pizza gate it's so big that
@00:15:18 discussing pizza gate just can't make

deleted Victurus Libertas Censorship Roundtable - Jordan Sather, Titus Frost, Dustin Nemos, and more

@00:44:48 there laughing about stuff like pizza
@00:44:50 gate like it's something to laugh at

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:32:52 my debate folders under the pizza gate
@00:37:57 reporting on pizza gate with the chrissy
@00:39:41 quote from him is pizza gate real they
@00:40:37 pizza gate today look at what they do to

deleted The Evidence Qanon is REAL! and Working directly with TRUMP!

@00:22:02 ten times worse than pizza gate maybe

deleted Maga Update 2.23.18 - Thing's are speeding up, Lots of points

@00:02:00 on this topic pizza gate pita gate

deleted Deleted video

@00:44:47 pizza gate was debunked because alex
@00:45:09 jones is the reason that the pizza gate

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:50 pizza gate like queuing on
@00:13:25 pizza gate was debunked because alex
@00:17:54 shut down people talking about pizza
@00:17:56 gate during the pizza gate investigation
@00:18:08 after that pizza gate was debunked right

deleted Deleted video

@00:05:41 be pizza gate it won't be conspiracy

deleted Deleted video

@00:42:37 know sandy hook pizza gate he apologized
@00:44:39 jones is the reason that pizza gate was

deleted Deleted video

@00:50:57 pizza gate the piers morgan gun debate

deleted Deleted video

@00:34:07 the pizza gate group what if i mean he
@00:34:30 position on the whole pizza gate thing
@00:34:48 pizza gate when we needed him for sandy

deleted Deleted video

@00:40:03 like the pizza gate situation with james

deleted Deleted video

@00:03:48 the the pizza gate stuff lately - i
@00:09:31 with the pizza gate stuff even though in
@00:26:05 progressing toward pizza gate justice

deleted Deleted video

@00:06:12 sandy hook pizza gate he acted crazy on