Deep state

deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

@00:14:45 deep state and he has seemed appeared to
@00:20:22 publicly named chris ray is a deep state

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:04:06 secretly working for the deep state and
@00:04:34 swampy deep state people

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - Prepare for Zero Day Attacks

@00:14:21 what it is the bad actors in the deep
@00:14:24 state they can try to shut down the

deleted Qanon July 6, 2020 - It's Going to Be a Hot Summer

@00:01:01 deep state you can find calm before the

deleted Qanon June 30, 2020 - Rising to the Occasion

@00:04:18 this was referring to ways that the deep
@00:04:22 state was communicating ye-es was
@00:16:21 deep state and who expresses those goals
@00:17:05 children of light just as there's a deep
@00:17:07 state there is also a deep church that
@00:17:42 deep state which you wisely oppose and
@00:19:37 subservient to the deep state to

deleted Qanon June 25, 2020 - Rewriting History

@00:01:10 there's a chapter on the deep state

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:01:05 on the deep state there's also a
@00:04:54 much tells me he's a it's a deep state
@00:11:12 state if he was the former director of
@00:11:20 the takedown of the deep state is being
@00:11:51 the bad actors in the deep state and

deleted Qanon May 31, 2020 - Stay Strong. Stay Together

@00:03:51 so the point here being that the deep
@00:03:56 state which is losing control quickly is

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:04:16 talking about the deep state it's

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:21:47 part of the deep state and i was like

deleted Qanon May 16, 2020 - Time To Stand

@00:23:28 systems go for the takedown of the deep
@00:23:32 state and president trump is still

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:14:37 expose a deep state and then that
@00:29:44 drop in there and find out what the deep
@00:29:47 state is doing so q posted this it's
@00:30:31 smoking gun deep state private chat you
@00:32:13 deep state people chatting alright we

deleted Qanon April 16, 2020 - The End Won't Be For Everyone

@00:11:51 states deep state exposed twitter

deleted Qanon April 15, 2020 - Imagine If We Were Not Here

@00:09:11 seeing the deep state line this anon
@00:12:50 sympathetic to the deep state so those

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:08:16 does the deep state this is going to do
@00:08:58 guarantee you the deep state would know
@00:14:59 the deep state we don't need to guess
@00:18:01 anything about the deep state it's a
@00:24:51 so the deep state media already doing
@00:25:06 sympathetic to the deep state
@00:25:09 look the deep state media hates bar and

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:48:49 deep state and q asked do people really

Do Not Fear (Live)

@00:16:52 go back to the state department or as i
@00:16:54 say that deep state department hey les
@00:17:19 signaling to the deep state and he's got
@00:17:29 the media he's chilling the deep state
@00:17:42 media and kind of provoking the deep
@00:17:46 state
@00:21:35 they get rid of some swampy deep state

Do Not Fear - Part 2

@00:01:30 bunch of swampy deep state people and

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:30:32 the deep state the military mark martial
@00:32:51 deep state plan to weaponize this
@00:36:25 the takedown of the deep state i think
@00:37:48 to give the the deep state any clues or
@00:49:27 out deep state actors are freaking out
@00:49:51 i think the deep state is freaking out

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:06:27 involved in the corruption those deep
@00:06:30 state bureaucrats who abuse their power
@00:07:06 current and former deep state officials

deleted Qanon February 12, 2020 - Signatures: The Silent War Continues

@00:10:51 deep state was planning for many years

deleted Qanon February 10, 2020 - An Informed Public

@00:15:21 to expose a corruption in the deep state

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:08:52 of the deep state will new articles of
@00:21:04 bet the deep state will deny it to their

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:02:19 well the deep state knew it could not
@00:03:39 in the deep state as long as he is under
@00:04:04 of the deep state therefore nancy
@00:34:17 waking up all right the deep state media

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:15:48 deep state and anan said it was talking
@00:33:40 deep state and people in congress who

deleted Qanon December 9, 2019 - Think Timing

@00:02:30 anti-trump deep state and came to court
@00:12:11 was intended to get the deep state to
@00:12:29 deep state to expend ammunition they
@00:14:48 diagram of how the deep state through
@00:21:24 operative of the deep state to find
@00:25:21 deep state for blackmail

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:20:16 bait to get the deep state to expend
@00:20:39 the deep state to make a move and we may

deleted Qanon November 27, 2019 - Tripcode Verification

@00:22:20 so the deep state and the fake news

deleted Qanon November 20, 2019 - Information Warfare

@00:16:30 deep state to maintain control someone

deleted Qanon November 16, 2019 - The Harvest

@00:05:21 believe the deep state has been prepared
@00:05:43 reference to these deep state people who
@00:06:37 is coming where the deep state rats are
@00:07:24 certainly true the deep state has always
@00:08:20 deep state is moving to star wars q

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:21:42 movement who the deep state might
@00:33:23 sympathetic to the deep state he

deleted Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Will be Indicted

@00:07:19 now confirmation that our first deep
@00:07:22 state crook is going to be charged so

deleted Qanon August 10, 2019 - Jeffrey Epstein Update

@00:16:45 did a deep dive into the fbi
@00:16:52 to state conclusively what i think about

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:10:19 is going to be turned up on the deep
@00:10:21 state and corrupt people during the
@00:11:33 the deep state all right just to let you
@00:20:36 beholden to the deep state shall we say
@00:42:40 probably supportive of the deep state so

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:26:45 by the deep state he played his role he
@00:26:54 deep state asset how long did it take
@00:26:58 deep state as six months right it's
@00:39:15 chris ray is deep state even though a

deleted Qanon July 27, 2019 - Declass is Here

@00:03:16 is going to give us about how the deep
@00:03:20 state set up people in the trump
@00:30:05 but high up people in the deep state had

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:13:26 with trump was an effort for the deep
@00:13:29 state to maintain control of the fbi and

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:20:18 deep state indicted or impeaching him
@00:21:41 is a tool of the deep state sometimes
@00:24:09 by the deep state to block what trump is
@00:24:24 much muller is a deep state tool alright
@00:26:28 muller is actually working with the deep
@00:26:30 state i do not believe muller is a white
@00:27:24 controlled by the deep state prominent
@00:30:53 bar is gonna be bombing the deep state
@00:33:25 hr mcmaster deep state plant inside
@00:39:48 the deep state where so many people have

deleted Qanon July 15, 2019 - The Hunters Become the Hunted

@00:16:50 deep state and the vatican and

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:14:06 deep state and those who were once
@00:27:10 tend to overlook all those career deep
@00:27:13 state employees who have been removed by

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:14:31 of the deep state and the cia they
@00:17:29 rogue elements in the cia state
@00:17:34 the deep state
@00:17:35 that is the military end of the deep sea
@00:17:57 rhetorical question did the deep state
@00:18:17 the cia and the deep state calculated
@00:18:52 who would oppose the deep state the plan
@00:19:13 deep state that their cia the assets and
@00:19:34 military against the deep state and the
@00:20:01 the deep state and their assets so you
@00:20:03 have the deep state and their assets and
@00:23:56 state department there are some rogue
@00:24:02 deep state and it's only a matter of
@00:27:36 the deep state in the mainstream media
@00:34:50 once the deep state continued pushing
@00:44:10 deep state or on his own initiative to
@00:45:34 maybe by the deep state maybe john kerry
@00:46:04 gonna get our deep state plans back on
@00:46:09 right because the deep state is not
@00:46:28 deep state wants to do and they may have
@00:48:13 with rogue elements in the deep state if

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:17:31 calling him a deep state traitor because
@00:44:10 has been backed by the deep state deep
@00:44:14 state lost power when trump got elected
@00:44:16 and all all the deep states regimes are
@00:45:57 but the deep state is toast the deep
@00:45:59 state has been disempowered trump is is
@00:46:29 started by the deep state to continue
@00:46:48 all right speaking of the deep state
@00:47:03 can't be trusted chris raised a deep
@00:47:05 state plant chris rea wah-wah-wah he's
@00:50:31 because that's where the deep state
@00:50:33 operates deep state doesn't typically

deleted Spygate Update May 16 2019

@00:16:57 about how the deep state is trying to
@00:22:43 deep state behind the latest thing with
@00:22:58 have been under the control of the deep
@00:23:00 state for a long time trump and pompeyo
@00:23:09 influence of the deep state we'll see

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:42:34 the deep state corrupt people in the fbi

deleted Qanon May 3, 2019 - The Kickoff

@00:04:21 them they just see the deep state in
@00:07:18 capture a very dangerous animal deep
@00:07:20 state how do you attack it from the
@00:07:35 going to be taking down the deep state
@00:07:47 the deep state know that you're
@00:09:55 media the deep state political heads why

deleted Qanon April 28, 2019 - Truth, Transparency and Equal Justice

@00:11:51 evidence the deep state used to spy on
@00:14:31 think he is a deep state plant they
@00:15:50 every deep state leaker plant and
@00:16:01 there if pence was a deep state plant he
@00:16:09 with a deep state operative so for me to
@00:16:16 allow a deep state plant to be the

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:08:42 donald trump who rails against a deep
@00:08:43 state coup but it strikes another
@00:11:45 of q's mission is to keep the deep state
@00:19:03 of the deep state that's just kind of
@00:21:59 testimony evidence against the deep
@00:22:01 state alright that is all i have for now

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:09:42 intended to fake out the deep state when
@00:15:09 is very difficult for the deep state to
@00:15:29 remove the ammunition that the deep
@00:15:31 state has and look i follow q's lead i
@00:15:53 know head fake for the deep state but i
@00:16:04 for the deep state for evil people for
@00:17:03 seven members of the deep state clapper
@00:24:08 desperate the deep state is drawn strike
@00:24:18 take down the deep state made obvious

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:35:07 washington post article a deep state

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:03:18 deep state do you attack it from the
@00:10:03 because the deep state wants to silence
@00:12:22 post where q explained how the deep
@00:12:27 state set up people like papadopoulos
@00:15:35 would have leaked if it the deep state

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:18:34 the clintons and deep state as serious

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:06:53 the obama administration the deep state
@00:12:15 give the deep state information they
@00:24:38 deep state okay a none 93 let's see this
@00:48:09 sending a warning to the deep state new

deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

@00:02:41 deep state it could be who knows one of
@00:13:51 crimes of the deep state all right
@00:14:25 it was a coup by the deep state to try
@00:20:25 serious situation if the deep state
@00:22:18 deep state to house to president trump
@00:24:54 assumed that she was dead in the deep
@00:24:56 state was trying to hide this fact to

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:03:31 the deep state is winning the dems are
@00:04:35 deep state knows trump is an existential
@00:05:15 evidence needed to expose a deep state
@00:08:34 deep state would like you to believe
@00:10:11 did not accomplish everything the deep
@00:10:13 state had hoped so now adam schiff and
@00:11:08 allegations so the deep state is
@00:27:06 deep state guessing rod rosenstein and
@00:47:12 deep state sends 4 a.m. memos out

Praying Medic News Update January 28

@00:08:09 am i still alive did the deep state get
@00:08:11 me no the deep state hasn't gotten me a

News Update January 15, 2019

@00:02:25 power all these deep state operatives
@00:04:38 going to prosecute the deep state they

Praying Medic News Update January 13, 2019

@00:25:45 suggest that anyone from the deep state
@00:27:38 a lot of people in the deep state ruth
@00:27:58 comey was signaling to the deep state
@00:33:56 the deep state and that would be under

deleted Qanon January 11, 2019 - Boom Friday

@00:07:10 deep state has not gotten the best of

January 10 2019 News Update

@00:04:02 he's a deep state plant this is terrible

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:06:34 are doing with the deep state there is a

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:33:29 deep state all right so this anon asks
@00:33:45 been using humor to confuse the deep
@00:33:48 state but humor is definitely very real
@00:36:00 trying to fake out the deep state during

deleted Qanon September 30, 2018 - Welcome to the Police State

@00:04:13 the deep state to insert some malware
@00:15:53 working for the deep state same thing

deleted Qanon November 8, 2018 - Mission Forward

@00:18:14 concern for the deep state he wasn't
@00:24:17 the deep state or was q telling us that

deleted Qanon November 6, 2018 - The Entire World is Watching

@00:09:04 explaining how the deep state targeted
@00:09:29 be very dangerous for the deep state to
@00:13:48 told us that after we get our deep state

deleted Qanon October 11, 2018 - Logic and Critical Thinking

@00:13:35 the deep state why do they keep firing
@00:18:13 needed to expose a deep state and in
@00:19:27 against them deep state and in brackets
@00:19:48 that would expose deep state corruption
@00:21:09 the deep state to convince world leaders

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:13:25 post anything that the deep state can
@00:13:35 deep state it's usually too late for
@00:41:04 that the deep state used to gain access
@00:45:08 irritates the deep state i believe very
@00:45:42 deep state to
@00:46:25 it's propaganda from the deep state q
@00:47:57 and the deep state is pretty cozy with

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:05:44 broadcast is deep state fake-out i'm
@00:09:10 deep state because general flynn as
@00:09:20 the deep state so that is what we have
@00:19:36 going to drop the hammer on the deep
@00:19:37 state what are the odds mathematical
@00:20:44 capture a very dangerous animal the deep
@00:20:46 state do you attack it from the front do
@00:20:54 if you're going to prosecute the deep
@00:20:55 state you have to be very sneaky about
@00:25:19 deep state please allow us to counter
@00:26:31 deep state to
@00:27:57 knowing the deep state would do
@00:30:46 flags some problems that the deep state
@00:32:21 adjusted every time the deep state makes
@00:32:48 they knew the deep state would do
@00:32:57 telegraph's a big release coming deep
@00:32:59 state manufacture as a distraction or
@00:33:09 sessions he had to make the deep state
@00:36:01 is a threat to the deep state he was
@00:38:23 teeth oh and death to the deep state
@00:41:05 guy in the deep state that no one has

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:06:06 missing to confuse the deep state q has
@00:06:50 fact muller is a tool of the deep state
@00:06:58 why the deep state wanted to appoint
@00:07:42 muller was installed by the deep state q
@00:08:03 definitely working for the deep state
@00:09:01 q yes time is running out for the deep
@00:09:06 state and i for one i'm pretty happy
@00:29:51 trouble the deep state is experiencing
@00:33:16 well played deep state please allow us
@00:34:05 well the deep state can delay all they
@00:35:07 deep state q posted this the public is

deleted Qanon November 30, 2018 - A Picture is Worth Many Sentences

@00:07:29 the prosecution of the deep state needed
@00:09:26 that is going to be used against a deep
@00:09:28 state his acting attorney general matt

deleted Qanon November 27, 2018 - Be Vigilant in December

@00:07:01 many net shut down q would the deep
@00:07:05 state shut down the internet in order to
@00:08:11 prosecution of the deep state which is

Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval - Part 3

@00:08:08 on protecting deep state actors in the
@00:08:14 us and the deep state the cia and those
@00:10:21 you know throw the deep state off itself
@00:13:33 work with him to help put away the deep
@00:13:37 state as kind of a little revenge for
@00:14:47 is tracks you basically deceive the deep
@00:14:51 state into trusting someone they
@00:15:53 not harmful to us if he gives the deep
@00:15:57 state wrong information it is harmful to
@00:16:41 initially the deep state did not trust
@00:19:56 even the deep state got the impression
@00:20:35 the deep state he could never be the one
@00:21:05 the deep state and trump's at opponents
@00:23:02 why the deep state installed muller and
@00:27:30 the deep state a la rosenstein and
@00:27:34 keep the deep state happy and as soon as
@00:27:45 off heads and now the deep state is
@00:31:49 it's to take out the deep state
@00:31:52 to see the deep state go down but i'm
@00:44:52 deep state
@00:51:20 lindsey graham was trolling the deep
@00:51:22 state because he knew it was coming but

Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

@00:27:16 own deep state i have a friend who
@00:27:34 have the same problems with the deep
@00:27:37 state that we have here the deep state
@00:27:49 have a deep state that is a corrupt
@00:28:04 standing up to the deep state here in

deleted Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling

@00:13:39 take down the the deep state
@00:15:33 of the deep state if that is in fact how
@00:17:45 intimately familiar with the deep state

deleted Qanon September 22, 2018 - Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

@00:06:32 that it was planted by the deep state in
@00:11:31 be left standing the deep state rats are
@00:12:04 narrative and go against the deep state
@00:14:27 is coming in the deep state is in panic

deleted Qanon September 11, 2018 - Activate Sleeper Cells

@00:08:18 business model is based on a deep state
@00:08:20 existence if there is no deep state
@00:09:20 the deep state for 19 years and fors
@00:09:27 his platform has flourished and the deep
@00:09:30 state has never taken any action against
@00:09:37 reported on the deep state for less than
@00:09:45 living reporting on the deep state
@00:34:42 deep state would be accused of being an
@00:43:08 deep state to forcibly remove your

deleted Qanon August 30, 2018 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

@00:03:02 a deep state operative connecting people
@00:12:02 what he knows about the deep state under
@00:12:08 the deep state doesn't understand or
@00:46:10 all right why is a deep state and its

deleted Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name

@00:22:37 came from russia the deep state shipped

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:20:41 deep state they're going to have layers
@00:35:05 can do and the deep state is terrified
@00:35:40 deep state concern that trump and putin
@00:36:30 deep state and and i think that's that
@00:37:27 deep state they don't want that so at
@00:38:09 a lot of them are deep state pawns and

deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

@00:14:40 expose the deep state splinter followed
@00:15:52 an authority on the deep state that
@00:15:56 who has confirmed the deep state exist
@00:16:02 where comey confirms that the deep state
@00:16:12 there's a mythological deep state that

deleted Qanon July 31, 2018 - FISA is the Foundation

@00:41:33 investigation is an attack by the deep
@00:41:36 state to try to get rid of a duly
@00:49:46 deep state chose to wage this war we

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:16:15 part of the deep state and they're
@00:23:44 the deep state is reporting directly to
@00:25:15 it is there to keep the deep state and
@00:31:30 mentions bad actors in the deep state

deleted Qanon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta

@00:08:36 president wanted to prosecute the deep
@00:08:40 state and the swamp it wouldn't work if
@00:11:03 deep state why are they cleaning their
@00:12:15 confusion who maybe keep the deep state
@00:12:57 the deep state would see him as an ally
@00:15:53 cia prior to becoming secretary of state
@00:16:03 deep state has deep pockets that they
@00:17:23 of the deep state state department and
@00:20:29 taking all the prosecution of the deep
@00:20:31 state through huber's office in utah can

deleted Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts

@00:03:49 that they were actually paid by the deep
@00:03:52 state to do their reporting so how to
@00:08:58 know that q is aware that the deep state
@00:13:02 dig into all the crimes of the deep
@00:13:05 state to do the research if you had to
@00:16:26 as being something of a deep state

deleted Qanon July 14, 2018 - The Five Eyes by Paul Serran

@00:10:52 clearances welcome to the deep state

deleted Qanon July 11, 2018 - General Mike Flynn

@00:05:12 likely some of the creeps in the deep
@00:05:15 state would like to harm the president
@00:06:32 the the cabal the deep state whatever
@00:19:33 of the deep state
@00:20:07 huber to give testimony on the deep
@00:20:11 state that is something to think about
@00:20:49 knew that the deep state was listening
@00:21:17 and the deep state the entire time would
@00:27:58 charges simply a way of making the deep
@00:28:00 state think they're safe i suspect
@00:28:16 know he was a tool of the deep state and

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:43:36 alluded to the idea that the deep state

deleted Qanon July 1, 2018 - Conspiracy No More

@00:01:32 intelligence community the deep state
@00:01:41 intelligence community in the deep state

deleted Qanon June 29, 2018 - Power to the People

@00:16:44 the ds and deep state and anon was

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:08:30 state and the deep state was in there
@00:08:53 whatever kind of deep state remnants
@00:10:40 probably a lot of deep state propaganda

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:10:37 the deep state spawn marc sparkman
@00:13:08 information on the deep state they look
@00:13:17 and infowars that report on the deep
@00:13:21 state lose relevance they lose traction
@00:17:03 people in the deep state that are
@00:23:26 working together should scare the deep
@00:23:28 state because john bolton has been

deleted Daniel, Boogie & I Discuss the Border, the Space Force & Q Anon

@00:37:37 about the deep state right now for i
@00:38:58 the way about the takedown of the deep
@00:39:01 state that takedown of you know corrupt

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:17:04 support him in his takedown of the deep
@00:17:06 state and q has been telling us for the
@00:17:13 dismantle the deep state and render it
@00:27:35 source of information on the deep state
@00:28:32 deep state to get information on human
@00:39:30 control of the cia in the deep state cia
@00:39:34 and deep state
@00:39:55 deep state during the 90s dick cheney
@00:40:01 known that the deep state the the career
@00:41:54 bush wars the obama wars all deep
@00:41:58 state-run operations and trump well
@00:42:18 deep state was doing got sick and fed up
@00:43:57 state department and the deep state and
@00:50:03 the deep state has been doing it wasn't
@00:50:16 derail the work that the deep state was
@00:50:42 all deep state plants
@00:51:36 first of all what are the layers of deep
@00:51:41 state according to q revelations and

deleted Q Anon - POTUS Sends a Signal to Debbie Wasserman Schultz

@00:04:02 haberman in the deep state before and he

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - If Rod Rosenstein is the Problem, is Trey Gowdy the Solution?

@00:10:10 investigation is turning toward the deep
@00:10:13 state the cabal
@00:10:25 the deep state and in the clinton cabal
@00:11:16 the deep state was confident that they
@00:11:44 place peep someone that the deep state

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - Follow the Pen

@00:16:51 deep state doesn't want released what do
@00:23:42 a dream where i watched as a deep state

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:14:04 a it's an it's an attempt by the deep
@00:14:08 state in the new york times to put some

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:07:31 source of information on the deep state
@00:07:56 regarding the deep state and you know
@00:08:09 the deep state to the illuminati i mean
@00:08:32 deep state actors then when i say cue i
@00:09:36 the deep state if they put in jail the
@00:10:27 isn't dealing with the deep state trump
@00:34:42 think that deep state people are slow

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

@00:10:39 useful to the deep state in that
@00:27:57 crime family in the deep state that is
@00:28:44 be prosecuting the deep state who knows
@00:30:06 the deep state they will lie to you
@00:37:29 that rosenstein is deep state and that
@00:37:32 muller is deep state and that they
@00:39:52 muller because q wants the deep state do
@00:43:11 and then go-to says the state department
@00:43:16 they're both part of the deep state
@00:44:05 start cleaning up the deep state

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:09:14 zoom in again that the deep state like i
@00:14:30 case hmm set up yes deep state set up
@00:16:21 deep state obama hated him clapper and
@00:16:29 danger to the deep state everyone knew
@00:16:37 team with trump the deep state figured
@00:16:45 generals they knew that the deep state
@00:17:25 injured that gave the deep state
@00:18:32 after the deep state that is what
@00:25:30 deep states plan they knew rodgers knew
@00:25:33 flynn knew that the deep state wanted to
@00:25:38 existential threat to the deep state so
@00:26:18 all right a deep state thinks that
@00:27:50 sessions because the deep state and a
@00:28:40 recused himself to let the deep state
@00:28:51 with it the deep state was okay rosen
@00:29:44 we're taking down the deep state and you
@00:29:59 can help us take down the deep state you
@00:30:20 team prosecute the deep state because he
@00:30:41 the deep state trusted to people who
@00:30:47 them on board and let the deep state
@00:30:57 deep state think
@00:31:05 the generals knew that the deep state
@00:32:05 shadows where the deep state wouldn't
@00:32:53 deep state a little bit happy they were
@00:32:59 deep state was concerned flynn was out
@00:33:08 the deep state thinks it's a win
@00:33:51 and the deep state hope that muller was
@00:34:13 on however deep state rats are being
@00:43:15 act like you're helping the deep state
@00:43:31 deep state think that trump is going
@00:44:12 muller for the takedown of the deep
@00:44:15 state trump needs to stay away from them
@00:44:46 muller's team the dems in the deep state
@00:47:30 actually going after the deep state and
@00:48:00 going after the deep state and they have
@00:48:24 because the deep state people clapper
@00:49:51 muller prosecute the deep state that's

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:09:14 zoom in again that the deep state like i
@00:14:33 yes deep state set up struck's buddy
@00:16:21 deep state obama hated him clapper and
@00:16:29 danger to the deep state everyone knew
@00:16:37 team with trump the deep state figured
@00:16:45 generals they knew that the deep state
@00:17:25 injured that gave the deep state
@00:18:33 deep state that is what started
@00:25:26 trump's team knew the deep states plan
@00:25:35 the deep state wanted to take out trump
@00:25:39 to the deep state so flynn and admiral
@00:26:19 a deep state thinks that they've got the
@00:27:50 sessions because the deep state and a
@00:28:40 recused himself to let the deep state
@00:28:52 deep state was okay rosen stein's in
@00:29:44 we're taking down the deep state and you
@00:30:00 take down the deep state you can go down
@00:30:20 the team prosecute the deep state
@00:30:39 find two people that the deep state
@00:30:49 the deep state think that these guys
@00:30:55 that would let the deep state think they
@00:31:05 generals knew that the deep state was
@00:32:04 background in the shadows where the deep
@00:32:06 state wouldn't see him as a threat as an
@00:32:59 deep state was concerned flynn was out
@00:33:08 the deep state thinks it's a win
@00:33:51 and the deep state hope that muller was
@00:34:12 investigation moves on however deep
@00:34:15 state rats are being picked off one by
@00:43:16 like you're helping the deep state hugh
@00:43:30 the mainstream media and the deep state
@00:44:14 of the deep state trump needs to stay
@00:44:46 muller's team the dems in the deep state
@00:47:30 actually going after the deep state and
@00:48:00 going after the deep state and they have
@00:48:24 because the deep state people clapper
@00:49:51 muller prosecute the deep state that's

deleted Qanon April 26, 2018 - What Would Happen If?

@00:10:42 muller to talk about who in the deep
@00:10:45 state is going to be prosecuted just my
@00:12:43 nothing harmful to the deep state in

deleted Qanon April 25, 2018 - Iran Next

@00:28:51 essentially becoming hillary's deep
@00:28:54 state handler they were inseparable they

deleted Qanon Update April 22, 2018 - Learn Our Comms

@00:19:51 from the deep state at 4 a.m.
@00:20:04 to cooperate with the deep state and its
@00:24:50 from the eu probably by the deep state
@00:25:06 points from the deep state in the

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:08:34 some of them are deep state operatives
@00:13:50 know the deep state and the criminal

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:15:07 rogue agents and the deep state alright
@00:15:59 the 17th yesterday so the deep state is
@00:19:35 the deep state that a strike is coming
@00:19:45 warning a threat to the deep state to

deleted Qanon April 14, 2018 - Sparrow Red

@00:07:56 know i've been taken over by the deep
@00:07:57 state he is not the guy we thought he

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:06:40 to a plant by the deep state so he was
@00:06:54 campaign by the deep state okay so i
@00:08:20 that is actually hurting the deep state
@00:09:47 representing a deep state then why are
@00:09:49 all of these deep state operatives
@00:37:41 glitch rather than being a deep state
@00:48:52 stuff there's a lot more a deep state

deleted Qanon April 4, 2018 - Dark to Light

@00:04:25 with the deep state and everybody has to

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:10:49 or the deep state and the mainstream
@00:14:31 the deep state he has already proven
@00:15:49 there's your message to the deep state
@00:18:04 people that are involved in this deep
@00:18:06 state operation are going to take their
@00:28:22 deep state he is raising money for the
@00:37:40 a deep state operation so they say you

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:04:18 deep state they are scared brackets for
@00:34:52 the deep state he has been hired by
@00:35:43 however there are still our deep state
@00:48:09 deep state are desperate they're

deleted Qanon March 24, 2018 - Enjoy the Show

@00:02:05 deep state they are scared brackets for

deleted Qanon March 22, 2018 - Trust The Plan

@00:14:41 concerning because if the deep state is
@00:14:46 state department in the fbi
@00:14:47 now the deep state is just running
@00:29:16 because the deep state doesn't want you
@00:29:51 that is how the deep state works the
@00:29:52 deep state is not going to want you to
@00:31:26 fed a script that is written by the deep
@00:31:29 state they're not telling you the truth

deleted Qanon March 20, 2018 - Bring the Rain

@00:03:10 it could mean bad news for the deep
@00:03:13 state we'll talk about more on that in
@00:07:30 the mainstream media deep state and
@00:27:52 be a danger to the deep state that's why
@00:29:05 it's a deep state is going down if they
@00:30:20 yes the deep state is panicking james
@00:31:22 that the deep state has six ways from

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:05:53 it could mean bad news for the deep
@00:05:56 state we'll talk about more on that in
@00:10:13 the mainstream media deep state and
@00:30:35 danger to the deep state that's why they
@00:31:48 it's the deep state is going down if
@00:33:03 yes the deep state is panicking james
@00:34:05 that the deep state has six waves from
@00:47:25 the deep state and trump is either going
@00:47:31 deep state or they're gonna kill him not

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:24:10 google youtube twitter and facebook deep
@00:24:13 state in the elites try to control the
@00:30:33 deep state thief states being taken down
@00:30:35 there in a deep long downtrend and they

deleted March 1 News Update - The Truth About Trump and Sessions

@00:22:19 controlled by the deep state and the

deleted Qanon February 21, 2018 - For God and Country

@00:04:02 well you know the deep state has a plan

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:15:02 media in the deep state politicians

The Overlooked Problem With FISA Title 1 Surveillance

@00:03:57 deep state they are they're really
@00:04:04 the deep state for the corruption and
@00:04:59 deep state he's what's wrong with him

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:11:02 probably you know a deep state operative
@00:14:13 q so my summary is there's a deep state

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:03:42 trump he's probably you know a deep
@00:03:44 state operative and there are these
@00:06:56 summary is there's a deep state message

deleted January 31, 2018 News: Trey Gowdy, General Flynn and the Nunes Memo

@00:06:27 taken on the deep state and the puppet
@00:16:50 on him and we can control him the deep
@00:16:53 state was thinking that rosenstein is a
@00:16:57 muller investigation the deep state and
@00:18:46 because the deep state didn't trump
@00:18:58 to the deep state and that was rosen
@00:36:01 panic by the deep state because they
@00:39:12 times became connected to the deep state
@00:39:22 new york times and i saw the deep state
@00:39:27 york times to the deep state and it i
@00:39:35 deep state got connected and how the new
@00:40:05 i saw how they were linked to the deep
@00:40:08 state and how they were corrupted i
@00:40:24 all one complex the media the deep state

deleted Jan 30, 2018 News Update

@00:04:49 got the memo from the deep state that

deleted Qanon January 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

@00:17:12 their message out and if the deep state
@00:20:09 against hannity because the deep state
@00:32:57 news media is exposed as a deep state is

deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

@00:06:19 that so speaking of the deep state
@00:06:33 the two outlets that the deep state
@00:06:43 whenever the deep state wants to
@00:08:11 there are still a lot of deep state
@00:09:04 words between trump and the deep state
@00:09:19 that's all a buncha lies it's deep state
@00:12:49 oh the deep state again alright so i
@00:19:08 the deep state and put it all in a

deleted Qanon January 25, 2018 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President?

@00:05:16 of second so as far as the deep state
@00:12:32 them the deep state again to show that
@00:15:15 is more deep state maneuvering and
@00:26:29 helping deep deep state by
@00:26:38 deep state had insurance policies by
@00:26:47 diligently building his group deep stay
@00:40:43 of this deep state issue where it looks

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:24:00 think a lot of people in the deep state
@00:24:43 swamp and the deep state they would
@00:26:09 unlike the leakers in the deep state who
@00:27:58 bad actors in the deep state all right
@00:28:06 people in the deep state we hear you we
@00:47:40 going on in congress in the deep state

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:18:45 in the deep state probably saw trouble
@00:19:24 perceived by the swamp and the deep
@00:19:27 state they would never accept it i think
@00:20:53 unlike the leakers in the deep state who
@00:22:42 bad actors in the deep state all right
@00:22:49 people in the deep state we hear you we

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:10:55 reference to the deep state being put
@00:21:52 okay fbi state department the seventh
@00:21:59 of people inside the deep state queue is
@00:22:21 escape has been blocked even the deep
@00:22:23 state seventh floor has been neutralized

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:09:44 black side which is a deep state after

January 8, 2018 Update - Trump, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange

@00:34:20 to the deep state
@00:34:21 it's defcon 1 for the deep state it's

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:43:00 sympathizing with the deep state they're

January 6th Update - Mike Rogers - The Man Who Saved Our Nation

@00:01:01 community the deep state that's all
@00:01:41 happening in the deep state without
@00:03:39 don't think we're gonna get some deep
@00:03:42 state hooligan who wants to take down
@00:15:23 on with all this deep state crime that's

January 4, 2018 Update - North Korea, Iran & Sessions Changes Marijuana Enforcement

@00:10:52 deep state update devin nunez last night

January 3, 2018 News Update - North Korea & Bannon - Trump Feud

@00:14:10 rein in this out-of-control deep state
@00:14:17 department of justice the deep state
@00:14:32 deep state and there's a battle that's
@00:14:41 speaking of the deep state there's a new
@00:25:01 is a deep state doing to us yeah if

Jan 2, 2018 News Update - North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Mueller Investigation, Trump Tweets

@00:08:22 exclamation mark deep state justice
@00:08:43 are deep state operatives and he is
@00:10:19 so trump tweets at the deep state and he
@00:11:34 so mccabe and the deep state people in
@00:12:37 with the deep state all right now i
@00:34:58 don't think the deep state wants us to

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:33:47 on it was the deep state that created
@00:34:03 imperative that the deep state have a
@00:34:18 damage to people so the deep state
@00:35:40 so so the deep state creates this really
@00:36:00 by the deep state that president could
@00:36:34 the deep state did not anticipate donald
@00:36:43 the deep state he is his own guy they
@00:37:37 blackmailed controlled by the deep state
@00:37:55 months so the deep state lost a big
@00:38:38 get elected because the entire deep
@00:38:41 state would be exposed and possibly
@00:42:10 thing just think about this the deep
@00:42:15 state
@00:42:23 tons of probable cause on all the deep
@00:42:26 state actors because they've all been

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:27:23 deep state and all these other

December 27 2017 News Update - Trump's Executive Order

@00:03:11 corrupt people in the deep state who
@00:04:42 that it is a danger to the deep state
@00:04:47 the deep state the media doesn't want to
@00:19:54 became aware that the deep state had
@00:23:54 department the state department and the
@00:23:57 deep state decide that there
@00:36:22 decades the cia and the deep state they
@00:36:40 deep state organizations and i think
@00:36:55 the deep state and my theory is that
@00:39:09 corruption in deep state organizations
@00:39:48 controlled by the deep state and the the
@00:41:28 expose these deep state monsters and get
@00:41:52 all of the deep state operatives are i

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:14:45 muller is a deep state operative
@00:15:46 benefit the deep state or the the
@00:16:50 he's deep state well it doesn't again it
@00:17:45 if rosenstein is a deep state weasel he
@00:19:18 months ago you want all these deep state
@00:21:11 deep state wanted to test trump's

Will President Trump be Charged With Obstruction of Justice?

@00:11:58 deep state or if muller is a white hat

Mueller Investigation Update - The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

@00:17:03 of flynn that's what the deep state and
@00:24:39 interests of the deep state then you are

December 7 News Update - Flynn and His Spies

@00:32:08 the press by people inside the deep
@00:32:13 state
@00:36:38 the deep state were trying to take down

President Trump - A Dream of New Direction

@00:06:57 by the deep state or by other you know
@00:14:35 susceptible to the deep state influence

North Korea - Fire and Fury Prophetic Update

@00:15:49 and he is not a puppet of the deep state
@00:15:55 stuff is all state department cia deep
@00:15:58 state operations and trump is having
@00:16:02 it may be true that there are some deep
@00:16:04 state people in the trump's circle of
@00:16:49 the deep state he is not beholden to the
@00:18:21 people in the deep state are giving him

Political Roundtable

@00:00:25 myself is this sea state war against the
@00:00:35 forth and edinson such as the deep

George Webb and Deep State Update

@00:33:41 it the deep state war that's what a lot
@00:33:45 people in the deep state sometimes
@00:34:19 between those two groups in the deep
@00:34:21 state so the new state fbi cia nsa
@00:34:34 war going on in the deep state a
@00:34:52 connected to the deep state so trump is
@00:34:56 threatening these deep state actors who
@00:35:07 deep state they are trying to help the
@00:39:10 to stay ahead of the deep state and the

The Deep State Fights Back & The New Media Arises

@00:17:46 lot of people in the beach state and
@00:17:47 that the beef state is pushing back
@00:17:53 goes after the deep state the deep state
@00:18:35 swamp the deep state the career

Wiretapping Trump - A Look at FISA Warrants

@00:01:09 talked about the deep state and
@00:04:40 of people in the deep state he
@00:30:11 by the deep state they are trying to get
@00:30:26 against the deep state and people who
@00:32:44 running this deep state those are the
@00:35:30 deep state war there's an intelligence

deleted Private video

@00:05:40 talking about obama hillary and the deep
@00:05:44 state cabal they're on suicide watch

deleted Private video

@00:09:51 chris ray he's part of the deep state

deleted Private video

@00:16:36 one in metaphor the deep state put
@00:27:42 clearance welcome to the deep state
@00:33:17 is basically telling the whole deep
@00:33:19 state we're going to release the full ig
@00:35:36 the deep state as some people claim if
@00:35:39 the deep state is in control
@00:35:45 if the deep state is running everything
@00:35:47 if sessions is a deep state operative if
@00:36:22 if the deep state is still in control

deleted Private video

@00:07:16 pompeo to stop purging all of her deep
@00:07:19 state friends from the state department

deleted Private video

@00:14:11 the deep state and it's the first
@00:14:44 the deep state and taking the red pill
@00:34:48 is that there is a deep state that
@00:34:57 thumb of the deep state in his country
@00:35:04 corruption and there is a deep state
@00:37:33 deep state in
@00:37:46 expose the deep state doj block
@00:40:17 deep state huber is a stealth bomber and

deleted Private video

@00:06:36 kicking the deep state sympathizers out

deleted Private video

@00:01:13 being subverted by the deep state people
@00:06:22 people in the deep state in doj fbi and

deleted Private video

@00:02:58 deep state the black hats and the other
@00:10:39 misdeeds of the deep state you can say

deleted Private video

@00:03:42 of the deep state and a malevolent cabal

deleted Private video

@00:14:08 track and follow you might be deep state

deleted Private video

@00:02:16 circular firing squad where the deep
@00:02:18 state is now taking shots and blaming

deleted Private video

@00:08:02 corruption that was going on in the deep
@00:08:04 state all right so the anon reposted

deleted Private video

@00:40:51 to collect data on the deep state
@00:46:15 based on a deep states existence if
@00:46:17 there is no deep state there is no alex

deleted Private video

@00:11:08 chris rea is a member of the deep state
@00:21:22 intentional because that gives the deep
@00:21:26 state that gives corrupt people no
@00:23:32 the deep state and they're listening to
@00:23:56 deep state even if hillary and john

deleted Private video

@00:05:33 that essentially the cia in the deep
@00:05:35 state were in control of north korea the

deleted Private video

@00:02:09 from the deep state the talking point
@00:04:11 to let the crimes of the deep state go
@00:48:00 office the deep states in control well
@00:48:02 you find out in the last week the deep
@00:48:04 state is not in control president trump

deleted Private video

@00:23:33 their message out and if the deep state
@00:26:31 deep state and the corrupt media want to
@00:39:19 as a deep state is exposed as people

deleted Private video

@00:35:00 was about what i can only call the deep
@00:35:02 state i'm not sure if it was pertaining
@00:35:05 to the state department or the cia or
@00:35:11 period of corruption in the deep state
@00:35:37 deep state or cia or state department
@00:35:48 deep state so i think we're going to see

deleted Private video

@00:01:58 here is essentially trolling the deep
@00:02:02 state q is telling them look you know
@00:02:25 information for the deep state that
@00:02:37 the deep state in panic because their
@00:13:32 tip off the deep state isn't that going
@00:25:40 the deep state he does their bidding in

deleted Private video

@00:13:55 deep state people on social media people

deleted Private video

@00:05:10 the deep state create a network kind of
@00:07:58 and giving the information to the deep
@00:08:02 state so they can get around

deleted Private video

@00:20:44 coordinated demolition of the deep state

deleted Private video

@00:16:58 nothing but a pawn of the deep state and
@00:21:37 the state department it's all being
@00:21:45 this deep state is behind all of it all
@00:28:44 mouth of the deep state and while their
@00:32:50 of the deep state and nothing's changed

deleted Private video

@00:05:18 all the corrupt people in the deep state
@00:06:07 who's been getting rid of all these deep
@00:06:11 state rats in the fbi that would be
@00:06:56 okay rubik he was a deep state rat you
@00:15:46 hat if he was a deep state asset he

deleted Private video

@00:01:57 against the alleged deep state adherents
@00:27:49 anything he's a deep state operative

deleted Private video

@00:10:30 suspect he's a deep state plant all
@00:19:25 total control the deep state has been
@00:30:05 are i think that's deep state operators

deleted Private video

@00:06:49 targets of the deep state this is a cue
@00:17:45 and the deep state will be eradicated

deleted Private video

@00:26:57 theory when it is used against a deep
@00:26:59 state by accuse open-source operation
@00:27:11 acted upon by the deep state would hurt
@00:27:23 the deep state can't effectively be
@00:43:43 exist deep state is taking down evidence

deleted Private video

@00:04:22 talks about how the deep state used the
@00:12:54 deep state the question is how much
@00:15:13 trump's statement is brilliant deep
@00:15:15 state loaded the bill with multiple

deleted Private video

@00:19:21 working with the deep state control
@00:19:37 is working with the deep state first of
@00:19:39 all you have to define the deep state
@00:19:40 what is the deep state well the heart of
@00:19:43 the deep state is career employees in
@00:20:36 is the heart of the deep state and
@00:21:39 trump is working for the deep state or
@00:23:27 deep state sessions was a member of
@00:30:10 corrupt deep state operation is being
@00:48:35 deep state those are the three things i

deleted Private video

@00:07:42 the deep state yes they're failing panic
@00:07:49 the deep state and the main and stream
@00:24:19 security clearance welcome to the deep
@00:24:21 state future proves past cute
@00:32:50 the deep state sharing of intel to bad

deleted Private video

@00:22:08 bad is about to happen for the deep
@00:22:09 state they know it's coming they know
@00:23:28 why does the deep state still exists it
@00:23:32 being dismantled the deep state rogue
@00:27:22 these people in the deep state and the
@00:46:46 get rid of the deep state
@00:47:35 deep state is being gutted and i believe

deleted Private video

@00:05:51 essentially trolling the deep state q

deleted Private video

@00:06:14 said the deep state is in full-blown
@00:21:57 was controlled by the deep state until
@00:22:35 thumb of the deep state countries that
@00:22:51 the deep states black operations when a
@00:22:57 deep state the way that north korea was
@00:23:10 control of the deep state and google
@00:23:49 and north korea were tools of the deep
@00:23:51 state it's more likely that they were
@00:24:06 through which the deep state could at

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@00:27:29 the deep state will stoop to anything to

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@00:01:59 deep state these are bad people you know
@00:02:01 a lot of people say deep state i don't
@00:02:03 say deep state we have a lot of bad

deleted Private video

@00:24:35 happens to people who report on the deep
@00:24:37 state in the illuminati and all the
@00:24:39 crazy things that are going on does deep
@00:24:43 state no more equal info wars no more
@00:29:04 of the deep state critical-thinking
@00:29:18 of the deep state you are listening to

deleted Private video

@00:21:36 the real war against the deep state has
@00:22:09 against the deep state
@00:22:22 deep state are going to be indicted and

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@00:32:36 we have this tweet from deep state

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@00:00:54 about queue and nothing about the deep
@00:00:56 state you don't have to know anything

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@00:16:52 and on they the deep state thought it
@00:17:25 deep state kind of panicked because they
@00:27:22 reason so the deep state was confident

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@00:04:59 heber investigation that caused the deep
@00:05:04 state to have a funeral for george hw
@00:05:57 and this was sent to the deep state
@00:06:02 during john mccain's state funeral and
@00:06:07 deep state players in washington it must
@00:06:33 so he was just letting the deep state

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@00:04:04 deep state and that is when you talk
@00:04:08 about removing the deep state which is
@00:22:00 just be the kind of thing that the deep
@00:22:03 state would do because they want to have
@00:28:09 they're desperate the deep state is
@00:28:31 that is how desperate the deep state has
@00:28:47 deep state are they're now pushing let's
@00:29:21 is waking up because the deep state is
@00:41:54 that's what the deep state would tell
@00:43:37 so certainly throws the deep state off
@00:45:43 and november the deep state is going to
@00:46:14 the deep state has the plan and they're
@00:46:33 deep state does beep state is massively
@00:47:18 seven eight months i think the deep
@00:47:21 state is death desperate leftist

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@00:07:41 deployed by the deep state to prevent
@00:18:10 i think the deep state is a little bit
@00:24:40 enables state surveillance no queue also
@00:24:43 mentioned deep dream right deep dreaming

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@00:09:17 was replaced with a deep state
@00:09:30 dan coats who was loyal to the deep
@00:09:32 state was brought in as director of
@00:09:48 john bolton chris wray and other deep
@00:09:50 state sympathizers
@00:10:44 deep state sympathizers are being
@00:11:40 missteps by the deep state so kova 19
@00:19:56 intelligence community and the deep
@00:19:57 state have been telling us for a long

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@00:02:37 strategy of the deep state so we're
@00:07:18 the latest move by the deep state is an