
deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:05:16 a perfect zero delta with no seconds

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:27:15 have been what we call a zero delta when

deleted Qanon April 17, 2020 - They're Not After Me, They're After You

@00:07:26 not sure why is zero delta is relevant

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:03:27 two-year delta shot heard around the
@00:08:46 there was a delta that's a time interval
@00:09:18 there's a 30-second delta q posted first
@00:33:59 confirmed a two-year delta between a
@00:34:33 indicated that was a two year delta all
@00:34:38 noticed a zero delta between q's first
@00:35:17 seconds and another delta hard to do sit

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:21:29 date the zero delta is when q posts and

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:07:27 tweet trip id n delta brackets minus 1 q
@00:07:41 is a one minute delta between the
@00:08:37 the delta it's a 53 second difference
@00:13:02 very interesting two year delta all

deleted Qanon November 22, 2019 - It's Time

@00:18:59 nice two-year delta on december 9th of

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:13:22 have a zero delta all right so i was
@00:13:34 wanted to see a 0 delta well we had a
@00:13:35 zero delta yesterday in this tweet by
@00:14:38 importance of a 0 delta here's the

What You Avoid Limits Your Growth - Supernatural Mentoring

@00:12:01 would be nice if q posted a zero delta

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:10:41 posted a zero delta q and the president

deleted Qanon March 2, 2019 - The Countdown Continues

@00:06:34 camp david tomorrow one year delta

deleted LIVE Qanon January 7, 2019 - Follow the Watch

@00:34:12 and then q puts in brackets 1 year delta
@00:34:15 delta is a time interval

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:02:23 twitter 0 delta exchanges fake news
@00:09:53 there was a 17 minute delta between the
@00:09:57 q the 17 minute delta 17 that delta's
@00:42:39 president and asked zero delta q potus
@00:42:48 two means but q said that the zero delta

deleted Qanon September 22, 2018 - Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

@00:01:22 so yes a delta of 17 seconds that is

deleted Qanon September 18, 2018 - I See Q People

@00:19:08 delta and then q posted this content

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:39:08 chatter q delta when i was watching the

deleted Qanon June 20, 2018 - Where We Go One We Go All

@00:01:17 one minute delta conspiracy q if you

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:01:26 delta engine fire coincidence how rare
@00:04:41 fire on the delta flight yesterday was

deleted Qanon February 26, 2018 - Question Everything

@00:01:43 series this is it is delta in brackets
@00:35:58 delta 3 here's another one rt underscore
@00:42:50 delta in his posts and delta has several
@00:43:07 to figure out what is delta mean delta
@00:43:18 experiment that's one way that delta is
@00:43:20 used delta is also a military term and
@00:43:44 and then you have threatcon delta which
@00:43:51 sometimes in q's referring to delta he
@00:43:58 delta is also part of the phonetic
@00:44:09 is delta e is echo so if you want to
@00:44:12 know what terms like delta mean i think
@00:44:22 delta and then bracket six and then an
@00:44:37 six and why sometimes it's delta six i

deleted Qanon January 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

@00:08:56 there is a delta symbol on the end each

January 8, 2018 Update - Trump, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange

@00:24:27 delta c
@00:24:35 get mo there's a camp delta so and i'm
@00:24:42 moe but they believe f delta c is a

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:24:25 the end also q had posted a tl delta so
@00:24:35 delta is it delta airlines is atlanta
@00:24:55 the hub of delta airlines and there
@00:33:19 so in one of the queue posts delta right
@00:33:22 what is delta well delta is an airline
@00:33:24 but delta is also a camp at guantanamo
@00:33:27 bay right camp delta so i just find it

Dec 19 News Update

@00:09:22 maycomb county saginaw delta county

Alex Jones & Steve Pieczenik discuss General Flynn's resignation

@00:00:09 co-founded delta force with general

deleted Private video

@00:30:38 3-second delta and i'm all out of

deleted Private video

@00:15:17 there is a delta symbol on the end each

deleted Private video

@00:38:28 in brackets seven-minute delta today

deleted Private video

@00:04:00 it was a zero delta between q's post and
@00:44:06 interval delta this graphic is pretty
@00:44:10 it shows a seven second delta with q

deleted Private video

@00:23:47 proof double zero delta trump's team is
@00:24:39 latest 0 delta post and tweet by queue
@00:33:14 president one minute delta and it's
@00:33:33 today three 0 delta posts what are the
@00:33:43 total zero delta posts for q's mission

deleted Private video

@00:08:32 created a graphic of a 0 delta president
@00:09:01 just another zero delta

deleted Private video

@00:16:27 delta was actually less than one minute
@00:16:44 of this delta warning ons posted this q
@00:17:49 an 18-second delta between the

deleted Private video

@00:13:47 may 7th delta or a difference of 17 days

deleted Private video

@00:10:47 research on what we call a zero delta

deleted Private video

@00:36:35 wow another 0 delta so 0 delta is 1 q