false flag

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:16:22 the hood canal as a potential false flag

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:14:13 presented false flag and brackets do you
@00:14:20 come by the last false flag that i

deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

@00:16:51 days false flag attempts may be carried
@00:25:31 out for false flags i don't know that
@00:25:33 this is a false flag operation but that

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:16:34 elaborate false flag operation that

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:21:38 be a false flag to divert attention away

deleted Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here

@00:01:08 the media insists that false flag school

deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

@00:34:42 may be a false flag but i'm not going to
@00:45:58 surprised if they create a false flag

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:02:56 throated false flag attempt because the
@00:03:20 whether this false flag was inverted

deleted Daniel, Boogie & I Discuss the Border, the Space Force & Q Anon

@00:05:06 narrative whether it's a false flag that
@00:06:52 false flag to retake the narrative from

deleted Qanon June 20, 2018 - Where We Go One We Go All

@00:02:39 q q posted this false flag prevented

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:01:00 of false flag disinformation campaign

deleted Qanon April 14, 2018 - Sparrow Red

@00:13:44 heard reports that it was a false flag
@00:14:20 of chemicals in syria was a false flag
@00:14:23 your intelligence the false like videos

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:16:22 distractions ff usually means false flag
@00:18:10 not going to talk about the false flag

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:33:25 was it a false flag probably i'm not

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:10:38 false flag what events change the new
@00:17:15 just a minute so q says define a false
@00:17:19 flag this is a wikipedia link and this
@00:17:30 so a false flag refers to covert
@00:17:44 responsibility so essentially a false
@00:17:48 flag is designed to make one group or
@00:18:18 las vegas shooting wasn't a false flag
@00:19:25 they created something like a false flag

deleted Qanon February 26, 2018 - Question Everything

@00:23:17 do they create false flag events a false
@00:23:24 flag event is not a fake event that is
@00:23:27 false it is a real event but it is it is
@00:23:51 about one issue they create a false flag

Feb 14 News Update & Church Dropout Discussion

@00:02:42 wondering if this was a false flag this
@00:50:51 what do i know about cnn false-flag

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:23:10 a train incident of false-flag today q s
@00:23:36 this is just q says that it was a false
@00:23:39 flag it's probably gonna be more by the
@00:38:02 but if it was as q says a false flag and
@00:39:50 set up a false flag

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:15:51 a train incident of false-flag today
@00:16:17 this is just q says that it was a false
@00:16:20 flag is probably gonna be more by the
@00:30:45 was as q says a false flag an attempt to
@00:32:29 this is how you set up a false flag you

deleted Qanon January 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

@00:46:54 combined with black ops or false flag

deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

@00:05:05 if that's a false flag i'm not sure oh

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:29:40 security checkpoint false flag attempt
@00:29:58 to set up a false flag and they got

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:24:22 failed at security checkpoint false flag
@00:24:42 to set up a false flag and they got

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:07:29 is a false flag they had intercepted

A Dream - Don't Get off the Trump Train

@00:04:54 was it really assad was it a false flag

deleted Private video

@00:15:58 be a false flag next article is about

deleted Private video

@00:50:53 warning about the hawaiian false flag

deleted Private video

@00:02:48 vigilant today expect a major false flag

deleted Private video

@00:24:19 21st hate hoax by smollett false-flag

deleted Private video

@00:29:16 chicago pd in the smollett false-flag
@00:29:24 or a false flag a little bit of both
@00:29:38 was booker and harris what false flag
@00:29:42 passing of the bill did the false flag
@00:29:44 event involve a noose to the false flag

deleted Private video

@00:26:15 purpose of staging false flag operations
@00:26:40 logistics for future terror and false
@00:26:42 flag operations against us i think that

deleted Private video

@00:21:57 false flag yeah i think that's a good

deleted Private video

@00:28:22 happened in america whether it's false
@00:28:24 flag for everything else that actually