North Korea

deleted Qanon September 8, 2020 - History Repeats Itself

@00:09:30 some of all fears north korea potus
@00:09:48 north korea

Do Not Fear - Part 2

@00:15:03 north korea we're on our way to ending

deleted Qanon February 10, 2020 - An Informed Public

@00:09:55 secretary of state north korea russia

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:38:52 young young in north korea so there was
@00:39:07 reactor in north korea
@00:39:19 slow north korea's nuclear and missile
@00:39:22 capabilities who feeds north korea
@00:39:43 to north korea and this was something

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:01:29 from north korea enabled the president
@00:01:39 with north korea and that fact

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:16:28 north korea generals
@00:16:34 that time north korea was actually under
@00:17:36 numbers in north korea changed the press
@00:17:50 the phone numbers of north korea after
@00:17:59 obama and north korea and the cia i

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:30:13 cross north korea red cross dot red

President Trump's Comments on Iran - Reading the Signals

@00:08:12 to meet with kim north korea to talk
@00:08:35 with north korea right so trump is
@00:09:57 economic sanctions on north korea he was
@00:10:25 get us into a war with north korea what
@00:10:34 in south korea he was in north korea he
@00:12:33 do to help modernize north korea and kim
@00:12:54 agreement to denuclearize north korea
@00:13:34 way north korea is actually being run by
@00:13:40 in control who controls north korea and
@00:13:44 controls north korea alright
@00:13:51 someone controlling north korea that yi
@00:14:13 rogue cia elements that were in north
@00:14:16 korea they cut the strings of control
@00:14:39 nuclear weapons to north korea one of
@00:14:46 denuclearize north korea and he has to
@00:33:36 if you look back at north korea we know
@00:33:41 with rogue nations like north korea and
@00:37:21 working simultaneously with north korea

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:41:49 do you think iran feels about that north
@00:41:51 korea how do you think europe feels
@00:44:36 sanctions on north korea i'm china

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:08:20 with north korea the end of the iran

deleted Qanon February 27, 2019 - We Are at War

@00:03:17 to discuss denuclearization of north
@00:03:20 korea

deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

@00:18:46 canada route to north korea

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:23:59 with north korea which leads to de nuke
@00:37:43 meeting with north korea leads to d new
@00:38:15 people of north korea economic sanctions

deleted Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Global Threats January 29, 2019

@00:03:24 of wmd and rogue actors like iran north
@00:03:28 korea and regional instability we've
@00:13:11 russia north korea and around
@00:16:10 in cuba iran north korea syria and
@00:16:31 influence regarding north korea the
@00:16:39 north korea has not conducted any
@00:17:00 that north korea will seek to retain its
@00:17:28 maintained north korea seeks to mitigate
@00:19:08 china russia north korea and iran are
@00:25:08 biological weapons we assess that north
@00:25:11 korea russia syria and isis have all

deleted Qanon January 11, 2019 - Boom Friday

@00:15:34 are posed by china or by iran and north
@00:15:36 korea

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:22:11 removed in north korea it would move on

Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

@00:15:58 places north korea iran syria russia

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:09:40 north korea who controls the money who

deleted Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name

@00:14:49 president trump he's able to get north
@00:14:53 korea to talk about denuclearization and
@00:14:56 we have been told for decades that north
@00:14:58 korea would never be we'd never be able
@00:25:39 blind eye to north korea as they build
@00:26:12 supply iran and north korea and reduce
@00:26:20 get uranium into north korea iran and

deleted Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here

@00:04:23 classified to the very end north korea
@00:05:21 access closed north korea access closed
@00:12:40 north korea afghanistan places like that

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:41:37 about north korea and it was a walk in
@00:42:02 pompeyo has been over to north korea
@00:43:06 comey about oh oh no no no north korea
@00:43:20 from home tom pam has been over in north
@00:43:22 korea so much if anything weird is going
@00:43:24 on the north korea pompey was on top of
@00:43:32 along with north korea i will say this
@00:44:01 north korea issue and he has tom trusted
@00:44:12 with north korea just in the next few

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:13:54 launched in north korea or russia or any

deleted Qanon August 8, 2018 - They All Claim to be Insiders

@00:16:31 cause war with north korea he'll cause
@00:16:49 the talks with north korea fail they'd
@00:16:52 rather see north korea peace
@00:16:58 the north korea issue scandalous media

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:06:39 at the end north korea is not being run

deleted Qanon July 11, 2018 - General Mike Flynn

@00:19:13 afghanistan and north korea and iran he
@00:24:59 involves north korea iran russia china

deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

@00:02:10 meet with north korea in the nuclear
@00:08:42 departure think north korea many drafts
@00:10:03 traveled to north korea to set up some

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:36:03 narrative north korea is not advancing
@00:36:29 if susan rice is telling us that north
@00:36:32 korea has a secret nuclear facility and

deleted Qanon July 1, 2018 - Conspiracy No More

@00:19:10 promoting an end to the north korea

deleted Qanon June 29, 2018 - Power to the People

@00:30:41 rumors that north korea was wrapping up
@00:30:51 said this north korea and is fake news
@00:30:54 uk origin he says north korea has

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:05:19 that have been hitting us with north
@00:05:20 korea executive orders what's going on
@00:07:30 was coming with north korea welcome q is
@00:07:32 he was talking about north korea in
@00:07:36 einon north korea you know i think
@00:07:46 north korea been hearing now despite
@00:08:14 those people when it comes to north
@00:08:15 korea where many on on the don't i don't
@00:08:25 been telling me frank that north korea
@00:08:55 were in north korea were now gone and
@00:09:15 are showing that north korea is ramping
@00:09:42 wait and see i would not throw north
@00:09:45 korea out yet my prediction is that
@00:09:48 we'll have a fully denuclearize north
@00:09:50 korea at a peace agreement we'll have an
@00:09:53 embassy in pyongyang north korea will be
@00:10:28 north korea that kim weeks ago destroyed
@00:34:33 agreement with north korea trump is

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:24:30 and north korea iran was next i don't
@00:30:55 for north korea not good enough impeach

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:12:16 with north korea what does this have to
@00:30:54 and one of the anons guess is north
@00:30:56 korea and q suggested that yes north
@00:31:03 korea was below why was it relevant okay
@00:31:35 did we decide that north korea was below
@00:31:39 it was north korea and q said do you
@00:32:30 control that the cia had in north korea
@00:36:24 us about what q has said regarding north
@00:36:27 korea he has said a lot a lot of it has
@00:36:42 research north korea in many respects is
@00:36:47 there is a huge opium trade in north
@00:36:50 korea there's a lot of opium poppy that
@00:37:15 north korea for a long time and trump
@00:37:22 north korea the this essentially the
@00:37:41 and applied it to north korea it's gonna
@00:38:27 and you tied the cia to north korea now
@00:38:39 was north korea and their geopolitical

G7 Summit Update - POTUS, Russia and Iran

@00:17:53 on air force one on his way in north
@00:17:54 korea
@00:17:58 attention to speaking of north korea is
@00:19:02 to allow iran in north korea to get
@00:19:16 north korea wipe out our countries and
@00:20:38 removed the cia influence in north korea
@00:21:25 to denuclearize north korea and come to
@00:22:47 so north korea is a satellite of china
@00:29:45 happened with north korea north korea
@00:30:19 deal with china to get north korea to
@00:31:17 saw with north korea and china if you

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:02:03 north korean news was fake that's the
@00:02:06 news that north korea may be pulling out

deleted Qanon May 14, 2018 - All for a LARP?

@00:05:51 from north korea yeah that's this
@00:06:33 came back from north korea okay you

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:26:46 iran and afghanistan north korea and

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:08:40 think and katy north korea many drafts

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:08:40 think and kate north korea many drafts

deleted Qanon April 25, 2018 - Iran Next

@00:05:08 think nk north korea who controls the
@00:20:12 cue said like north korea they have been
@00:20:29 way we did in north korea before they
@00:20:31 got free by the way speaking of north
@00:20:35 korea
@00:20:36 looks like the talks between south korea
@00:20:39 and north korea are moving along pretty
@00:20:59 arabia first then north korea north
@00:21:03 korea
@00:26:07 pakistan red cross north korea red cross
@00:37:49 aren't north korea
@00:37:51 why aren't north korea developments
@00:38:16 talks in north korea getting worldwide
@00:52:56 state north korea iran russia china

deleted Qanon Update April 20, 2018 - The War Is Real

@00:22:07 big error pelosi admits travel to north
@00:22:12 korea brackets past
@00:24:41 could follow if left undeterred north
@00:24:45 korea would continue what it's doing
@00:25:03 to north korea as part of the
@00:25:32 regarding the intel trip to north korea
@00:25:38 most senior official to visit north
@00:25:40 korea since i believe that was 2000
@00:25:49 night by running her mouth about north
@00:25:50 korea and it's going to come back to

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:03:17 iran north korea uranium one fbi
@00:11:03 his fire and fury speech about north
@00:11:06 korea and the missiles so q is telling
@00:11:12 north korea a missile launch right again
@00:21:25 north korea to talk with kim jong-un

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:10:14 all right iran and north korea this is

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:16:56 all right q posted this north korea
@00:17:10 right so now that the tensions in north
@00:17:15 korea have been defused with peace talks
@00:17:48 say that the cia is in control of north
@00:17:52 korea and the cia is in control of iran
@00:18:02 and china is in control of north korea
@00:18:04 okay think about it this way can north
@00:18:08 korea do economic trade with the cia no
@00:18:23 iran purchases uranium from russia korea
@00:18:28 north korea purchases a lot of what it
@00:19:18 all right as north korea moves away from
@00:35:47 north korea and on says hey i bet trump
@00:50:04 q posted this think nk north korea think
@00:50:22 is a plan the way that trump got north
@00:50:27 korea to agree to denuclearize and come

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:02:35 entered north korea to establish comms
@00:02:37 think logically why did goog visit north
@00:02:42 korea why would the former chairman and
@00:03:00 china north korea brackets three and
@00:03:22 north korea personally to set up a
@00:03:32 north korea and i'm guessing that that
@00:03:39 and communication system in north korea
@00:04:18 peninsula and denuclearization of north
@00:04:21 korea we
@00:12:43 uranium one canada eu russia iran north
@00:12:48 korea syria pakistan iran is next 700
@00:13:24 north korea probably went to syria and
@00:16:02 what does north korea represent threat
@00:16:57 leakers q said what does north korea
@00:17:01 represent threat safeguard well north
@00:17:04 korea is a buffer zone north korea is a
@00:17:25 south korea so for china north korea has
@00:17:38 north and south korea unite become one
@00:17:47 air bases in north korea which would be
@00:21:04 the president about china north korea

Trump Expels Diplomats To Leverage Peace Talks With Russia

@00:03:18 north korea all right and i've written
@00:04:00 to rein in north korea he did it by

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:22:22 eye on north korea this is an article
@00:22:26 that talks about how south korea has
@00:22:33 between north korea and south korea on
@00:22:39 so this was south korea offering and
@00:22:49 news agency came across this north korea
@00:23:06 but that's all you get north korea
@00:23:19 president and north korea a couple of

deleted Qanon March 24, 2018 - Enjoy the Show

@00:20:21 eye on north korea this is an article
@00:20:24 that talks about how south korea has
@00:20:32 between north korea and south korea on
@00:20:37 so this was south korea offering and
@00:20:48 news agency came across this north korea
@00:21:05 but that's all you get north korea
@00:21:18 president and north korea a couple of

deleted Qanon March 22, 2018 - Trust The Plan

@00:05:35 was dealing with china and north korea
@00:21:25 north korea he held china accountable
@00:21:29 for their bad behavior and north korea's

deleted Qanon March 20, 2018 - Bring the Rain

@00:03:42 context with the north korea talks and i
@00:17:23 held in north korea and sweden is
@00:17:47 cia's influence in north korea that is

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:06:25 context with the north korea talks and i
@00:20:05 hostages were being held in north korea
@00:20:29 of the cia's influence in north korea

deleted Qanon March 12, 2018 - No Deals

@00:06:11 president is going to north korea
@00:06:13 okay here we going on wow huge north
@00:06:17 korea will meet with 45 president trump
@00:07:08 was north korea and q respondent do you
@00:07:15 had to do with north korea and anan then
@00:11:52 made north korea come to the negotiating
@00:32:40 observations about north korea i'm just
@00:32:52 of north korea president g told me he
@00:38:40 that i'll show t her north korea has not
@00:38:56 they don't trust north korea trump is
@00:39:04 why would north korea suddenly stop

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:15:32 north korea out of the news cycle and
@00:16:08 so to me what's relevant is why is north
@00:16:13 korea out of the news cycle lately the
@00:16:15 mainstream media news cycle well north
@00:16:19 korea is in the news in the mainstream
@00:16:26 if north korea is not in the news that's
@00:16:56 of march 5th on south korea sending a
@00:17:01 delegate of diplomats to talk to north
@00:17:05 korea and this is now wednesday and the
@00:25:14 it talks about north korea meeting with
@00:25:16 south korea and the fact that north
@00:25:18 korea says they are now willing to
@00:26:45 operations in north korea

deleted Qanon February 26, 2018 - Question Everything

@00:35:31 that it's related to north korea but i

deleted Qanon Feb 17, 2018 - Spread the Message Far and Wide

@00:00:39 co-operation merlyn tech iran north
@00:00:43 korea iran deal funding iran north korea
@00:01:04 then iran north korea operation merlin
@00:01:21 later north korea a functional nuclear
@00:02:30 so the stringer here iran north korea t
@00:02:41 than a billion dollars to fund north
@00:02:43 korea and then iran's nuclear weapons
@00:03:35 north korea succeeds suck at
@00:03:57 rogue states like north korea and iran

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:34:30 schmidt traveling to north korea es
@00:35:08 between north korea and president obama
@00:35:25 communications between north korea and

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:29:14 eric schmidt traveling to north korea es
@00:29:52 between north korea and president obama
@00:30:08 communications between north korea and

January 16, 2018 News Update Trump the Stable Genius, North Korea Missile Alert

@00:13:22 saying north korea appeared to have
@00:14:05 was the one in hawaii was that north
@00:14:13 didn't have to do with north korea but
@00:14:17 they're saying this was a second north
@00:14:20 korea-related missile alert failure now
@00:14:30 two north korean related false miss
@00:14:34 saying the first one was about north
@00:14:36 korea was it about north korea really
@00:14:45 there was no missile launch north korea
@00:14:51 hawaiian missile alert was north
@00:14:53 korea-related because and this is a root
@00:15:23 north korea and it really wasn't about
@00:15:26 north korea and i think there is a
@00:15:32 north korea and you'll see it you're
@00:16:22 north korea our leaders have failed us
@00:16:29 seriously and prevent a nuclear north
@00:16:31 korea and the people of hawaii are now
@00:16:48 north korea without preconditions
@00:16:50 deescalate denuclearize north korean
@00:17:00 doing enough with respect to north korea
@00:17:18 donald trump north korea now you have
@00:19:37 attack and the false alarm and north
@00:19:40 korea problem
@00:20:33 this about north korea and you have all
@00:22:22 a second north korea false alert what is
@00:22:28 mean the first one was north
@00:22:29 korea-related wasn't it because they've
@00:22:34 trump somehow caused a north
@00:22:38 korea-related false micellar we had all
@00:22:47 in north korea so they're trying to give
@00:22:49 trump a black eye on north korea now
@00:22:54 negotiations of north korea what is
@00:23:04 that north korea those to north korea

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:07:00 after it had been launched by north
@00:07:02 korea so we're talking about what the

January 8, 2018 Update - Trump, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange

@00:13:59 happen if north korea fell that has been
@00:14:20 discussions about north korea falling
@00:14:29 backlash from north korea if they talk
@00:14:31 about the possibility of north korea
@00:14:53 in place for when north korea falls that
@00:15:17 plans of occupying north korea if and
@00:15:33 north korea we had these kind
@00:15:35 because if we do we're gonna north
@00:15:49 north korea has become a much more
@00:15:58 north korea falling before but now due
@00:16:06 back and forth with north korea people
@00:16:11 north korea the regime falling and what
@00:35:50 have something for north korea are they
@00:36:04 about that so i'm gonna north korea some

January 5, 2018 News Update - Noko, Iran, China, Trump & Sessions

@00:00:09 gonna give you my my north korea update
@00:00:16 north korea and south korea agreed to
@00:01:00 the u.s. in pushing north korea to halt
@00:01:24 direction for north korea
@00:01:36 what hang on a sec north korea you know
@00:01:39 what i did have a dream about north
@00:01:41 korea i know that you have been praying
@00:01:43 for me to have dreams about north korea
@00:01:49 ago about north korea i'm still praying
@00:01:56 north korea yep q is back saw that i
@00:02:17 north korea that is just like i don't
@00:02:26 about north korea or whatever is on in

January 4, 2018 Update - North Korea, Iran & Sessions Changes Marijuana Enforcement

@00:02:15 north korea i don't know i have this
@00:02:20 i just leave north korea at the top
@00:02:25 stabilize at north korea it's the thing
@00:02:51 would be going on between north and
@00:02:53 south korea right now if i wasn't firm
@00:02:59 might against the north fools but talks
@00:03:11 negotiations with north korea through
@00:03:34 leverage over north korea and that was
@00:03:40 war games in south korea with japan and
@00:03:51 makes north korea very nervous and it

January 3, 2018 News Update - North Korea & Bannon - Trump Feud

@00:00:55 going on in north korea you would not be
@00:01:01 what's going on in north korea and what
@00:01:53 wash up last night north korea and south
@00:02:08 korea and north korea that hotline got
@00:02:13 got rid of it north korea didn't want it
@00:02:15 and last night north korea is real said
@00:02:19 hotline of communication between north
@00:02:23 and south korea and there's been a lot
@00:02:37 diplomacy goes from north korea towards
@00:03:00 used to live in north korea they publish
@00:03:09 and the military in north and south
@00:03:11 korea in that whole area and they
@00:03:23 on over there in north and south korea
@00:03:35 or anyone defects from north korea to
@00:03:39 south korea across the demilitarized
@00:03:44 shot to be a defector from north korea
@00:04:02 that north korea is allowing their
@00:04:09 you know much about north korea there's
@00:04:17 out that north korea is allowing their
@00:04:23 interesting things going on in north
@00:04:24 korea and i think

Jan 2, 2018 News Update - North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Mueller Investigation, Trump Tweets

@00:00:11 so north korea is the big news right now
@00:00:33 north korea
@00:00:49 busted shipping oil to north korea in
@00:00:51 defiance of the sanctions against north
@00:00:54 korea there was an interesting report
@00:01:12 to north korea while appearing to honor
@00:01:34 aid to north korea so trump is not happy
@00:01:41 north korea
@00:01:48 there may be a possible north korean
@00:02:15 pass that along in north korea it's kind
@00:35:49 to be missiles launched in north korea
@00:35:57 north korea in a couple of weeks or a
@00:36:22 north korea who really controls north
@00:36:25 korea and who controls the media if the
@00:36:35 north korea and the media they'll be

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:01:51 north korea through a couple of news
@00:03:33 north korea somewhere 27 percent of the
@00:04:21 from north korea i think he has a
@00:04:29 going on in north korea i don't think we
@00:04:42 way to neutralize the threat in north
@00:04:45 korea sooner rather than later

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:17:55 articles from north korea our south

December 13 News Update - Did Adam Schiff Get Caught in An Intelligence Sting?

@00:05:16 north korea a trip to north korea and
@00:06:07 talks with north korea without firing a
@00:06:21 get some peace with north korea and
@00:06:41 dropping a key us demand that north
@00:06:43 korea must first accept that any
@00:07:19 in order to have peace talks with north
@00:07:21 korea and like i said i think that's

North Korea - Fire and Fury Prophetic Update

@00:00:23 with north korea so if you listen to the
@00:02:29 that concern north korea and it's
@00:02:37 now for a few months on this north korea
@00:02:51 that has to do with north korea
@00:03:08 in north korea some of the people have
@00:03:13 heard that god is going to unite north
@00:03:17 and south korea that that is his plan
@00:03:19 and that he is going to bring north
@00:03:21 korea and south korea into unity as one
@00:03:50 on a volcanic mountain in north korea
@00:04:04 nations north and south korea and that
@00:04:10 people of north korea so if you know
@00:04:12 anything at all about north korea you
@00:04:27 oppression and tyranny than in north
@00:04:29 korea
@00:04:40 people in north korea would be
@00:04:56 know that that is god's will for north
@00:04:59 korea for the people of north korea he
@00:05:26 into north korea and help them
@00:05:43 situation of korea and i believe that he
@00:05:53 bring freedom to north korea you may not
@00:06:25 bring freedom to north korea where obama
@00:07:37 people of north korea set free a lot of
@00:07:42 north and south korea being united as
@00:08:39 new type of government for north korea
@00:08:51 north korea is so out of step with every
@00:09:02 sensibly in north korea this is a great
@00:09:54 jong-un and china we know that north
@00:09:57 korea is a proxy for china and he wants
@00:12:28 comes to north korea maybe they get
@00:16:20 something his comment about north korea
@00:19:15 and prayer keep north korea in prayer
@00:19:53 seoul south korea and the other foot on
@00:19:55 a mountain and north korea he said i
@00:20:08 north korea and that was what brought
@00:20:10 the change to north korea was us waging

French Elections and a Donald Trump Dream

@00:36:03 north korea resolved as trump continues

How to Pray for North Korea - Dutch Sheets

@00:00:45 north korea syria some of these
@00:03:22 course but also north korea has really
@00:03:42 evil regime in north korea i believe
@00:03:51 god wants to save those north korean
@00:04:13 madman like this guy in north korea stop
@00:05:19 going to be wiped out by north korea

A Dream - Don't Get off the Trump Train

@00:28:16 north korea and his attempts to spool up
@00:29:47 neutralize the threat of north korea
@00:29:54 north korea and syria are standing
@00:31:26 with these these issues like north korea

March 30 Intelligence Update With Adam Gingrich

@00:10:43 suffering and they've got the north
@00:10:45 korea issue yeah they've got their own
@00:11:15 ballistics that are coming out of north
@00:11:16 korea

March 24 Intelligence Update

@00:38:22 computer code from china from north
@00:38:26 korea from russia from any country some

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@00:15:34 north korea the first thing that had to
@00:15:38 corrupt cia assets that were in north
@00:15:41 korea controlling kim strings of control
@00:15:53 peace modernizing north korea so north
@00:15:58 korea could become like south korea have
@00:16:07 they had to get rid of the cia in north
@00:16:10 korea now that we're getting reports
@00:17:05 trump north korea had to get rid of the
@00:17:07 corruption in north korea same things
@00:17:11 happened in north korea and and saudi

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@00:35:17 saudi arabia they did it in north korea

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@00:23:16 q has had a lot to say about north korea
@00:23:59 one of the anons took a guess north
@00:24:02 korea nk okay we're gonna skip ahead to
@00:24:10 q began posting about north korea again
@00:24:21 what does it signify why is north korea
@00:24:33 was north korea when q asked what was
@00:24:42 q so i'm guessing he said yet was north
@00:24:44 korea on the 7th of march after a south
@00:24:50 korean envoy visited pyongyang north
@00:24:53 korea said it was willing to discuss
@00:25:05 going ons wow huge north korea might
@00:25:15 north korea picks everything is meaning
@00:25:50 causing trouble in north korea which

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@00:46:15 on to us north korea singapore summit
@00:48:19 booms boom number one u.s. and north
@00:48:23 korea commits to establish new relations
@00:48:32 boom number two us and north korea will
@00:48:42 27 penguin john declaration north korea
@00:48:50 boom number four the u.s. and north
@00:48:53 korea commit to recovering pio wmia

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@00:19:40 turning a blind eye to north korea's
@00:19:52 with north korea was strategic patience
@00:20:00 was to allow north korea and iran to
@00:20:31 north korea and iran to develop weapons
@00:27:21 it to iran and north korea so yes our
@00:27:24 uranium was going to iran and north
@00:27:27 korea the money was helping fund their

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@00:04:13 how did nk north korea obtain uranium
@00:05:08 north korea who really controls north
@00:05:10 korea don't think of a single person
@00:05:21 held hostage and controlled by north
@00:05:23 korea having miniaturized nuclear
@00:05:35 state were in control of north korea the
@00:05:39 work out a deal to denuclearize north
@00:05:41 korea was they cut the strings of
@00:14:13 like north korea afghanistan iran syria
@00:17:05 closed haiti closed north korea closed

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@00:05:17 places like north korea which was

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@00:08:17 north korea new build class one two and
@00:13:04 north korea plus reduce u.s. capacity

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@00:18:46 schmidt went to north korea so this is
@00:19:07 in north korea i suspect that he was
@00:19:26 eric schmidt doing in north korea what
@00:19:30 north korea at the time that is new
@00:20:39 schmidt departure think north korea many

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@00:40:21 north korea is a cia black site and this
@00:40:28 said who controls north korea who really
@00:40:31 controls north korea people are starting
@00:40:35 running a lot of black ops out of north
@00:40:37 korea the same way they did in
@00:40:41 thing in north korea south korea is a
@00:40:54 glorifying north korea to spite trump
@00:41:04 journalists that are propagating north
@00:41:06 korea let's not let them hide behind
@00:41:15 questions ask yourself why is north
@00:41:18 korea participating in the olympic games
@00:41:33 why did korea come together as a country
@00:41:37 versus north and south separated what
@00:42:13 north korea be the autists we know you
@00:43:21 questions why is north korea in the
@00:43:31 that were initiated by south korea and
@00:43:37 north korea and south korea entered the
@00:43:49 to attempt to unite north and south
@00:43:53 korea that has been my feeling for the
@00:44:03 perspective is to get north and south
@00:44:05 korea united and the bringing them into
@00:44:51 controls north korea who really controls
@00:44:53 north korea don't think of a single

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@00:18:34 public q said iran north korea uranium
@00:18:47 written about iran and north korea what
@00:19:03 north korea it's very interested in that
@00:22:22 down q and q responded in north korea
@00:22:28 yep did anyone see north korea coming
@00:22:32 nobody saw north korea kim jong-un

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@00:18:34 coming out about north korea around the

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@00:21:52 entries q has told us that north korea
@00:22:25 north korea allowed kim jong-un to make
@00:22:31 prior to this north korea was under the
@00:22:57 deep state the way that north korea was
@00:23:19 of a communications network in north
@00:23:21 korea they have shown some hostility
@00:23:49 and north korea were tools of the deep
@00:23:57 faster internet for north korea i'm
@00:24:04 non us-based server in north korea
@00:43:50 schmidt's departure think north korea

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@00:07:10 iran north korea iran deal funding iran
@00:07:15 north korea t-cells payoffs nk nuclear
@00:07:34 north korea operation merlin we know was
@00:07:47 was to give iran and then later north
@00:07:50 korea a functional nuclear weapon lots
@00:08:58 so the stringer here iran north korea
@00:09:11 north korea and then iran's nuclear
@00:10:03 north korea succeeds suck at
@00:10:25 rogue states like north korea and iran

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@00:08:53 north korea hussein asia why was that