Saudi Arabia

deleted Qanon September 8, 2020 - History Repeats Itself

@00:00:40 foundation there's a chapter on saudi
@00:00:42 arabia we talk about

deleted Qanon September 2, 2020 - How is Blackmail Used?

@00:01:49 foundation there's a chapter on saudi
@00:01:51 arabia we talk about

deleted Qanon July 6, 2020 - It's Going to Be a Hot Summer

@00:00:55 saudi arabia disinformation game theory

deleted Qanon June 30, 2020 - Rising to the Occasion

@00:01:02 months of the operation saudi arabia the

deleted Qanon June 25, 2020 - Rewriting History

@00:00:56 movement there's a chapter on saudi
@00:00:58 arabia disinformation learning to read

deleted Qanon June 21, 2020 - Durham Is Not the Only Game In Town

@00:00:52 a chapter on saudi arabia disinformation

deleted Qanon June 19, 2020 - End Goal? Government Control

@00:02:31 saudi arabia s a saudi arabia has
@00:02:49 saudi arabia controls assigned us uk
@00:05:04 this december 1st 2017 saudi arabia
@00:05:20 coincidence directly after saudi arabia
@00:05:23 the arrests of the saudi princes don't
@00:06:08 returned to saudi arabia saudi arabia

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:43:51 called saudi arabia the bloody
@00:44:05 clinton and saudi arabia and how the two
@00:44:10 the saudi princes controlled hillary in

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:01:09 about the arrests of the saudi princes
@00:01:12 in saudi arabia talked about the clinton

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:05:59 saudi arabia alone worldwide human

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:01:38 members of the saudi royal family and
@00:01:40 saudi businessman on november 4th then
@00:01:47 were the events in saudi arabia
@00:01:52 lot of saudi princes who were arrested
@00:18:21 huma abedin was raised in saudi arabia

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:18:44 rothschilds si saudi arabia and george
@00:19:15 of 2017 the saudi arabia was taken out
@00:19:20 the arrest of the saudi princes changed
@00:19:30 because saudi arabia was removed in
@00:19:45 saudi princes one of the business
@00:19:52 the kingdom of saudi arabia that listed
@00:19:55 all of the businessman and saudi

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:30:01 families are the house of saud the saudi
@00:30:14 about your kushner's trip to saudi
@00:30:16 arabia asked what country he had visited
@00:30:19 what is saudi arabia known for where the
@00:30:24 other hints about saudi arabia had been
@00:31:03 crackdown in saudi arabia it wasn't just
@00:31:07 princes and hundreds of saudi
@00:31:32 real distractions are necessary saudi
@00:31:38 corruption was removed in saudi arabia
@00:32:01 from saudi arabia where the arrests were

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:03:15 saudi arabia recently this was actually
@00:03:23 crackdown in saudi arabia q asked what
@00:03:26 is saudi arabia known for where do the
@00:03:34 what else is relevant with saudi arabia
@00:03:57 received a lot of money from saudi
@00:03:59 arabia the mccain institute received a 1
@00:04:08 the kingdom of saudi arabia and actually
@00:04:17 the kingdom of saudi arabia we don't
@00:04:30 jared kushner travel to saudi arabia
@00:04:38 saudi arabia mom had been sulman with
@00:04:42 arrested corrupt members of the saudi
@00:05:06 from saudi arabia many us and uk
@00:05:12 the kingdom of saudi arabia that is not

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:04:20 out of saudi arabia this is a post from
@00:04:29 this post what just happened in saudi
@00:04:32 arabia this was on november 5th right
@00:04:36 after the arrest of the corrupt saudi
@00:04:53 was jared kushner and saudi arabia
@00:04:57 before the arrest of the saudi princes
@00:04:59 why was potus last tweet regarding saudi
@00:05:02 arabia prior to this the arrests
@00:05:11 refocus again who was arrested in saudi
@00:05:13 arabia any ownership in us companies why
@00:06:04 the arrest of the saudi princes in 2017
@00:06:10 saudi arabia was pretty commonplace this
@00:06:17 saudi arabia's child brides now after
@00:06:26 saudi arabia and after mohammed bin
@00:06:35 of saudi arabia including a law banning
@00:08:06 foreshadowed the kingdom of saudi arabia

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:19:21 hillary and saudi arabia alice in

deleted Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing on Global Threats January 29, 2019

@00:21:22 problems in saudi arabia public support

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:17:47 saudi arabia the bloody wonderland

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:20:18 to saudi arabia and the terrorist
@00:22:08 from saudi arabia then it would be

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:26:09 then we have sa saudi arabia oil tech
@00:26:13 sex and children saudi arabia controls
@00:27:59 q said that saudi arabia exerts control
@00:28:15 saudi arabia controls a tech sector

deleted Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name

@00:06:18 corrupt saudi princes last year cue
@00:06:23 was about to happen in saudi arabia
@00:06:40 foundation by saudi arabia how much
@00:06:44 institute by saudi arabia the pelosi
@00:06:48 schumer receive from saudi arabia what
@00:06:52 other bad actors have been paid by saudi
@00:06:54 arabia bribed not just democrats why did
@00:07:02 questions is saudi arabia has
@00:07:14 the relationships between obama saudi
@00:07:17 arabia harvard university muslim alumni
@00:07:36 saudi arabia and hussein obama hlr
@00:07:55 received a lot of money from saudi
@00:07:57 arabia over here on the right side q
@00:12:00 saudi arabia etc not complete and then
@00:19:28 name inside out destruction saudi arabia
@00:19:32 saudi arabia saudi arabia huma and who's
@00:19:42 said who paid saudi arabia vital saudi
@00:19:45 arabia backed hussein and paid for

deleted Qanon August 18, 2018 - Nothing to See Here

@00:05:03 countries si is saudi arabia sa us bush
@00:05:08 is saudi arabia working with the u.s. in
@00:05:13 operations saudi arabia access has been
@00:05:31 pending government agreement in saudi
@00:05:34 arabia u.s. push in syria access is
@00:05:42 same situation but saudi arabia is
@00:05:52 access is pending and saudi arabia is

deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

@00:32:37 feed s a saudi arabia
@00:33:15 saudi arabia who want to get back at

deleted Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts

@00:10:03 because it directly relates to saudi
@00:10:05 arabia and then las vegas what hotel did
@00:10:21 the mandalay bay to saudi arabia i will

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:02:45 that person what are they doing in saudi
@00:02:46 arabia how is it connected why is it

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:18:53 regarding the saudi arabia national

deleted Qanon June 14 - All About Q With Dan Duval

@00:10:24 about saudi arabia okay yep this is
@00:10:58 foundation to saudi arabia why is it
@00:11:12 what's the relationship between saudi
@00:11:14 arabia and pakistan why is this relevant
@00:11:17 why would saudi arabia provide tens of
@00:11:22 what does saudi arabia can receive in
@00:11:37 to the clinton foundation by saudi
@00:11:39 arabia during the election
@00:11:48 saudi arabia occur if so how why did
@00:12:18 do with saudi arabia and the clinton
@00:12:25 to do with slush funds why is saudi
@00:12:27 arabia so vitally important follow the
@00:12:31 happening in saudi arabia today why is
@00:12:45 on asking about saudi arabia actually
@00:12:52 did jared kushner travel to saudi arabia
@00:12:54 what is saudi arabia known for where do
@00:13:01 iran and saudi arabia and the
@00:13:15 posting all the stuff about saudi arabia
@00:13:17 november 5th 11 saudi princes are
@00:14:51 all this information about saudi arabia
@00:14:52 and then the next day the saudi prince
@00:16:01 was in saudi arabia the decoy operation
@00:37:24 same thing that he did in saudi arabia

deleted Qanon April 25, 2018 - Iran Next

@00:20:55 saudi arabia order is important saudi
@00:20:59 arabia first then north korea north

deleted Qanon Update April 22, 2018 - Learn Our Comms

@00:40:27 destruction saudi arabia saudi arabia
@00:40:29 saudi arabia huma and hussein there's a
@00:40:36 who paid saudi arabia vital cute alright
@00:42:04 saudi arabia has n relationships with us
@00:42:14 reformers the new saudi leadership is
@00:42:33 saudi arabia for a long time so we're

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:06:03 saudi arabia united arab emirates and

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:28:50 regarding as a saudi arabia and ng
@00:29:37 researching something like sa saudi
@00:29:40 arabia is it's going to give you every

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:04:59 corrupt prince's in saudi arabia when q
@00:41:20 collusion fbi agent says saudi arabia

deleted Jan 27 News - Q Anon Is Posting and The Deep State Is Panicking

@00:02:26 that's one of my news headlines saudi
@00:02:39 saudi arabia he got free today a bunch

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:11:54 change in saudi arabia there is an
@00:12:36 it's in saudi arabia when president
@00:12:40 trump went to saudi arabia and he talked

December 31, 2017 Update - Iranian Protests, Q Anon Dream, Comey, Mueller & Gitmo

@00:03:13 brought radical change to saudi arabia

Dec 19 News Update

@00:21:05 went to saudi arabia they made very
@00:21:37 kushner goes to saudi arabia and shortly
@00:21:40 thereafter a whole bunch of saudi
@00:22:33 puppet masters in saudi arabia who are
@00:22:43 soon as the saudi princes were gone all

December 7 News Update - Flynn and His Spies

@00:37:21 plan to build a nuclear reactor in saudi
@00:37:25 arabia i think and the they're trying to

Alex Jones & Steve Pieczenik discuss General Flynn's resignation

@00:06:33 very bright he went to saudi arabia
@00:07:45 ally will be now saudi arabia israel
@00:07:53 together saudi arabia uae dubai all

Stopping Government Corruption

@00:38:49 answer saudi arabia visits and donations

deleted Private video

@00:16:49 saudi arabia how did they get saudi
@00:16:52 arabia to work with trump they had to
@00:16:57 saudi arabia arrest them freeze their
@00:17:02 saudi started began to work alongside of

deleted Private video

@00:01:02 the ones about saudi arabia look at the

deleted Private video

@00:35:17 saudi arabia they did it in north korea

deleted Private video

@00:05:59 how did saudi arabia welcome the
@00:06:06 how did saudi arabia welcome barack
@00:06:13 it relevant not suggesting saudi arabia
@00:06:21 going to talk a little bit about saudi
@00:06:22 arabia in this first few minutes looking
@00:06:35 kushner travelled to study arabia recent
@00:06:38 what is saudi arabia sa known for what
@00:06:45 relevant with saudi arabia safe harbor
@00:07:13 unannounced trip to saudi arabia you
@00:07:44 he was talking about saudi arabia donors
@00:07:51 these saudi princes are arrested on
@00:07:57 arrests of the saudi princes qsy jared
@00:08:00 kushner traveled to saudi arabia in
@00:08:11 trip to saudi arabia what was the
@00:08:25 kushner went to saudi arabia to talk to
@00:08:51 janey's in saudi arabia what are the
@00:08:53 laws in saudi arabia versus us charge
@00:09:01 actively deployed in saudi arabia again
@00:09:20 and questioning of the saudi princes why
@00:09:25 deployed in saudi arabia that might be

deleted Private video

@00:06:55 s a saudi arabia uk united kingdom jb

deleted Private video

@00:05:07 right we saw a similar thing in saudi
@00:05:12 arabia i keep going back to this this is
@00:05:22 saudi arabia when that when the royal
@00:05:33 of saudi arabia and they arrested them
@00:19:57 in saudi arabia there was disinformation
@00:20:13 preceded the arrests in saudi arabia all

deleted Private video

@00:07:07 who took an undisclosed trip to saudi
@00:07:09 arabia what was the purpose of the trip
@00:07:22 trip undisclosed trip to saudi arabia q
@00:07:31 muslim brotherhood saudi arabia at the
@00:07:48 how did saudi arabia welcomed trump
@00:08:06 does saudi arabia welcome barack obama
@00:08:56 clinton and saudi arabia you could throw
@00:11:22 in the u.s. they were arrested in saudi
@00:11:24 arabia and this was a saudi purge when a
@00:11:50 and if there were arrest of saudi
@00:11:56 martial law declared in saudi arabia why
@00:12:02 saudi arabia the john mccain institute
@00:12:06 chuck schumer's yes received from saudi
@00:12:09 arabia what other bad actors have been
@00:12:11 paid by saudi arabia bribed not just
@00:12:19 one of the laws in saudi versus the us
@00:12:29 saudi arabia to us we'll talk about that
@00:12:33 deployed in saudi arabia national guard
@00:12:52 saudi arabia claiming the kushner had a
@00:13:19 global scale it began in saudi arabia
@00:13:37 necessary saudi arabia is the primary us
@00:13:54 in saudi arabia then it would happen in
@00:15:03 finally correct reference saudi arabia
@00:15:12 outlook website saudi arabia the bloody
@00:15:19 record that saudi arabia had on human
@00:15:26 there in saudi arabia pretty regularly
@00:15:35 and wonderland hillary and saudi arabia
@00:15:41 by lewis carroll saudi arabia the bloody
@00:17:00 15th saudi arabia access was closed this
@00:17:16 cooperation saudi arabia sa in u.s. are
@00:17:27 saudi are helping to push that to get it
@00:17:41 palace s a saudi arabia wonderland who
@00:17:47 regarding saudi arabia have faith
@00:18:08 trip was to visit saudi arabia where he
@00:18:26 links here and q wrote saudi arabia was
@00:18:34 child marriage and saudi arabia and how
@00:18:42 rights abuse in saudi arabia and the
@00:18:49 that saudi arabia has regarding human
@00:18:53 before the purge of this corrupt saudi

deleted Private video

@00:25:05 saudi arabia has undergone a major shift
@00:25:11 saudi arabia used to be run by princes

deleted Private video

@00:03:39 saudi arabia relevant this was right
@00:03:42 after the arrest of the corrupt saudi
@00:10:45 announced when did events in saudi
@00:10:48 arabia transpire the arrest of the saudi

deleted Private video

@00:16:51 corruption in the saudi arabia and the

deleted Private video

@00:08:19 east from saudi arabia iran china japan

deleted Private video

@00:40:30 is jared kushner si is saudi arabia we
@00:41:01 so q asked why did jk travel to saudi
@00:41:04 arabia recently what is saudi arabia sa
@00:41:13 what else is relevant with saudi arabia
@00:43:07 saudi arabia including one of the mill
@00:43:30 wonder if the saudi arrests are
@00:43:37 sa saudi arabia a skeptical and on
@00:44:00 what was going on in saudi arabia were
@00:44:13 saudi arabia another anon posted a link
@00:45:01 something was gonna happen with saudi
@00:45:02 arabia the previous day on the 3rd and
@00:46:33 saudi arabia is the primary us is

deleted Private video

@00:12:56 necessary to understand usa saudi arabia

deleted Private video

@00:01:18 says that saudi arabia controlled
@00:02:48 donation from saudi arabia money that is
@00:03:25 received millions of dollars from saudi
@00:03:27 arabia qatar other countries other
@00:31:29 of the earth have power saudi arabia so
@00:31:36 in saudi arabia these are sort of like i

deleted Private video

@00:19:51 in saudi arabia
@00:19:57 they were arrested in saudi arabia and

deleted Private video

@00:15:37 did when it happened in saudi arabia
@00:15:39 saudi arabia i think was a good example
@00:24:29 first in saudi arabia mohammed bin
@00:25:01 get rid of corruption in saudi arabia
@00:25:03 strings were cut the saudi control over

deleted Private video

@00:13:52 in saudi arabia of the royal family and
@00:13:55 then the broad saudi businessman and the
@00:24:50 and that was saudi arabia so cue on i
@00:25:05 saudi arabia who did he talk to why did
@00:25:13 what is saudi arabia known for right so
@00:26:13 happening in saudi arabia now the
@00:26:18 kingdom of saudi arabia has donated tens
@00:26:33 kingdom of saudi arabia donated between
@00:26:45 kingdom of saudi arabia also donated a
@00:30:27 saudi arabia is going to happen here
@00:30:42 reason why that happened in saudi arabia
@00:31:13 saudi arabia for men grown men to able
@00:31:36 some of the laws in saudi arabia that's
@00:33:22 saudi arabia who did he talk
@00:33:42 saudi arabia to talk with mohammed bin
@00:34:00 explained which members of the saudi
@00:34:09 saudi arabia and and then three weeks
@00:34:21 4th the day that the saudi princes were
@00:34:27 deployed in saudi arabia arrests of
@00:34:49 it's true for saudi arabia so on that
@00:34:55 are deployed in saudi arabia right now
@00:35:12 been in saudi arabia since the beginning
@00:35:14 helping interrogate the saudi royal
@00:35:19 there were american mercenaries in saudi
@00:35:21 arabia the day that it was happening but

deleted Private video

@00:01:16 arrests happening in saudi arabia but it
@00:03:40 people in saudi arabia and then the
@00:03:50 happened in saudi arabia will happen in

deleted Private video

@00:00:58 months of the operation saudi arabia the

deleted Private video

@00:11:20 in saudi arabia so
@00:15:23 there was an arrest of saudi political
@00:15:32 dropping clues about saudi arabia that
@00:15:53 happen first in saudi arabia