
deleted Qanon March 26, 2020 - Infiltration Instead of Invasion

@00:09:21 than selling uranium more than selling

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:44:17 the indictments this is uranium one

deleted Qanon February 18, 2020 - It's Going To Be A Hot Summer

@00:03:28 regarding uranium 1 the fbi informant

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:05:09 american uranium one company to the
@00:05:17 sale of uranium one former head of
@00:05:19 russia's uranium company made for hidden
@00:06:02 uranium one deal fbi uncovered evidence
@00:06:21 uranium internationally and that
@00:06:36 involved in uranium deal a lot of those
@00:07:09 holmes lied about selling uranium 1
@00:07:15 lot of scandals involved in uranium 1
@00:11:17 ukraine think uranium 1 sale of us
@00:11:20 uranium to russia sold out us to benefit
@00:14:23 ukraine uranium one sale sold out
@00:16:36 selling uranium selling us space

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:22:47 clinton foundation in uranium 1q then

deleted Qanon July 24, 2019 - Flags Out

@00:14:13 the fbi muller and uranium one muller
@00:14:36 uranium 1 maybe some other things

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:21:19 muller and uranium one muller and
@00:23:20 regarding uranium one he's working to
@00:26:40 uranium one all right moving along

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:26:24 foundation probably possibly uranium one

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:31:46 into the clinton foundation and uranium
@00:32:00 uranium one winokur who was sessions
@00:32:55 uranium one of the clinton foundation

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:08:43 uranium 1 investigation and then issues
@00:09:06 in uranium 1 all right so we know that

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:04:03 robert muller's involvement in uranium
@00:04:05 one the uranium one scandal and a couple
@00:04:24 uranium one
@00:05:07 uranium 1 and russia the clinton

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:13:02 the clinton foundation in uranium one
@00:14:32 investigate uranium one and the clinton
@00:15:39 investigating clinton foundation uranium

deleted Qanon February 27, 2019 - We Are at War

@00:03:50 explosive uranium one facts
@00:03:57 uranium company made for hidden
@00:04:25 investors involved in the uranium deal
@00:04:40 about selling uranium one before clinton
@00:05:05 public interest high regarding uranium 1
@00:05:18 i think uranium one and the tarmac

deleted Qanon February 15, 2019 - Night Crawl Active

@00:10:37 exposed prevent regarding uranium one
@00:10:48 to the disclosure about the uranium one
@00:10:52 deal and sending uranium covertly to

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:44:52 role in uranium 1 then there was a basis

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:03:48 abuse to the uranium one deal all great

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:22:40 uranium one deal all a great hook you're

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:16:04 investigations into uranium one and the

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:06:20 reconcile what about muller and uranium
@00:08:15 charges regarding uranium one he is
@00:08:31 director under obama when the uranium

deleted Qanon September 11, 2018 - Activate Sleeper Cells

@00:04:29 uranium one and i'm just going to read
@00:04:35 uranium one in three separate
@00:04:42 to the clinton foundation uranium once

deleted Qanon August 27, 2018 - We Don't Say His Name

@00:20:30 uranium one material end up is this
@00:20:35 to find cover what if the uranium one
@00:20:56 foreign state supplied uranium to iran
@00:21:01 what does uranium 1 provide define cover
@00:21:36 purchase uranium and if russia sold
@00:21:39 uranium to them the united states would
@00:21:55 hugh suggested that most of the uranium
@00:21:58 from the uranium 1 deal went to russia
@00:22:05 from the same batch why because uranium
@00:22:12 sell uranium to syria or iran but not to
@00:22:18 the uranium one deal and the cover story
@00:22:20 was that all the uranium would go to
@00:22:24 batch of uranium went to syria and iran
@00:22:35 had obtained uranium they would think it
@00:22:39 uranium to syria and iran to start a war
@00:23:13 gotten evidence that syria had uranium
@00:23:18 russia and how did syria cat the uranium
@00:23:31 uranium people have asked why would we
@00:23:34 sell uranium to iran and syria
@00:26:09 put in replacements uranium one fund and
@00:26:15 u.s. capacity the uranium one deal had
@00:26:20 get uranium into north korea iran and
@00:26:29 own uranium kill the nsa kill and nasa

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:17:42 barack obama and all the dirt uranium

deleted Qanon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta

@00:12:38 involved in uranium one molar was head
@00:12:41 of the fbi he approved the uranium one
@00:12:47 maryland where the uranium one was

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:26:52 goods on uranium one someone in the
@00:27:34 uranium one deal approved and of course

deleted Qanon June 29, 2018 - Power to the People

@00:14:45 putin and uranium one is going to come
@00:15:40 trump putin summit has concluded uranium

G7 Summit Update - POTUS, Russia and Iran

@00:30:37 centrifuges to enrich uranium you can
@00:30:43 uranium to continue working on their

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - If Rod Rosenstein is the Problem, is Trey Gowdy the Solution?

@00:10:59 dirty they're both wrapped up in uranium

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:14:50 exchange in quotes uranium one it's the
@00:14:59 uranium one as i understand it now was a
@00:15:04 way to ship uranium to russia from north
@00:15:19 because uranium could be traced the goal
@00:15:25 out that iran had gotten the uranium
@00:15:31 secret way to get uranium into iran so
@00:15:56 iran deal i'm sorry the uranium one deal
@00:16:15 foundation after the uranium one deal
@00:16:21 hillary ran against obama uranium one

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

@00:04:26 the uranium one scam
@00:23:54 she'd be prosecuted over uranium one
@00:24:22 uranium one they only prosecuted that
@00:40:26 connected to uranium one if muller is

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:27:00 of wrapped up in the uranium one scandal
@00:27:04 had jurisdiction over the uranium one
@00:27:23 in uranium one if you would like to be
@00:27:29 regarding the uranium one thing you are
@00:29:28 down you were there when uranium one
@00:37:57 what about muller and uranium one
@00:42:59 involvement in uranium 1 was it used as

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:27:00 of wrapped up in the uranium one scandal
@00:27:04 had jurisdiction over the uranium one
@00:27:23 in uranium one if you would like to be
@00:27:29 regarding the uranium one thing you are
@00:29:28 down you were there when uranium one
@00:37:57 what about muller and uranium one what
@00:42:59 involvement in uranium 1 was it used as

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:03:17 iran north korea uranium one fbi
@00:03:50 interest high uranium one wouldn to keep

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:07:45 uranium one the elan brothers and the

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:18:16 can i ran purchase uranium from the cia
@00:18:23 iran purchases uranium from russia korea

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:12:43 uranium one canada eu russia iran north
@00:13:12 quick the uranium one scandal gave
@00:13:15 russia uranium which they enriched and

Q Anon Update March 24 - Enjoy the Show - LIVE

@00:49:38 q has said canada is involved in uranium

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:51:35 involved in uranium one right so they're
@00:52:19 uranium one muller has done a lot of
@00:52:56 uranium one so my question is are

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:26:42 their involvement in the uranium one and
@00:29:46 investigating uranium one quite an email

deleted Qanon February 21, 2018 - For God and Country

@00:08:03 that they're looking into the uranium 1

deleted Qanon February 8, 2018 - Transfer of the Wealth of the Puppet Masters

@00:25:47 says public interest keep high uranium
@00:26:13 uranium one information i posted a link
@00:26:25 the uranium one informant has now said
@00:26:37 administration with regards to uranium
@00:41:25 foundation russia uranium fiasco hillary

deleted January 31, 2018 News: Trey Gowdy, General Flynn and the Nunes Memo

@00:15:01 look the uranium one deal worse rosen
@00:15:06 attorney in maryland where the uranium

deleted Qanon January 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

@00:18:40 everything from the uranium one story

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:13:27 with respect to uranium one we don't
@00:26:38 some uranium one and covering for those

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:08:12 uranium one we don't know a whole lot
@00:21:21 got some dirt on his hands from uranium

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:04:14 believe in coincidences uranium one is
@00:04:33 occurred concerning uranium 1 this is a
@00:04:52 uranium company raza tom which bought
@00:04:55 uranium 1 the co-founder of that
@00:05:11 twitter page so the uranium 1

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:05:08 purchased uranium won mark lambert who
@00:06:41 in the uranium one operation and the
@00:06:56 uranium one transporting uranium out of
@00:07:00 the country is unfounded because uranium
@00:07:06 uranium well
@00:07:15 uranium internationally that's how they
@00:07:21 uranium one folks are are it's it's
@00:30:51 foundation and into uranium one so we

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:24:15 request involves uranium one and the
@00:24:32 include uranium one and the clinton
@00:28:15 of uranium one by the company raza tom
@00:28:36 comey into the uranium one question
@00:28:44 was and his knowledge of the uranium one
@00:39:38 uranium one which was an issue that

deleted Qanon December 28, 2017 - Who Is Q Clearance Patriot?

@00:20:55 was connected to uranium one well i

Dec 21 News Update - UN Vote, Uranium One, Government Shutdown

@00:05:06 uranium 1 now we know i think it was a
@00:05:32 into the clinton foundation uranium one
@00:06:10 talking about uranium one that you might
@00:06:19 uranium one when this is a story that
@00:06:55 never told them that this uranium one
@00:07:45 relation to this uranium one thing
@00:07:51 the uranium one scandal went down when
@00:07:55 uranium 1 was transferred to the russian
@00:08:48 now the spotlight is on uranium 1 and
@00:08:52 muller play in this uranium one thing
@00:09:02 and now he has to deal with uranium one
@00:09:51 that was talking about uranium 1:00 this
@00:10:17 people have raised about this uranium
@00:10:19 one thing is that uranium one did not
@00:10:22 have a license to export uranium
@00:10:30 of transferring uranium to russia or any
@00:10:35 uranium one never was given a permit by
@00:10:41 export uranium well it's true that
@00:10:45 uranium one didn't have an export
@00:10:57 license to export uranium so it is very
@00:11:03 likely that uranium was being exported

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:16:56 look rosen stein was in on the uranium
@00:17:08 kickbacks with uranium one

Mueller Investigation Update - The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

@00:05:44 uranium 1 and what's going on with
@00:05:46 uranium 1 i look at people like sarah
@00:05:57 record for reporting on uranium 1 why is
@00:06:05 feeding the information about uranium 1

March 24 Intelligence Update

@00:39:27 produce enriched uranium well the virus

Stopping Government Corruption

@00:38:54 uranium fiasco hillary and the israel
@00:39:27 uranium things the gold mining companies

deleted Private video

@00:31:15 about the uranium one deal and it would
@00:31:20 about uranium 1 but putin knows a lot
@00:31:23 more about uranium 1 and that would not

deleted Private video

@00:19:00 the clinton foundation uranium one those

deleted Private video

@00:08:37 interest hi about the uranium one

deleted Private video

@00:22:17 things like uranium one they have
@00:24:19 uranium and other and probably
@00:26:45 the uranium one transfer funded and
@00:27:02 canadian company uranium one which has a
@00:27:06 pretty large share of uranium rights in
@00:27:15 we start shipping uranium to russia they
@00:27:24 uranium was going to iran and north
@00:27:36 uranium we have to purchase uranium from

deleted Private video

@00:08:44 clinton foundation uranium one

deleted Private video

@00:04:13 how did nk north korea obtain uranium
@00:04:16 how did iran obtain uranium why did bo
@00:21:40 america's secrets in uranium to china

deleted Private video

@00:25:00 everything from the uranium one story

deleted Private video

@00:31:25 uranium one material end up is the
@00:31:32 define cover what if uranium one
@00:31:53 uranium to iran or syria war what does
@00:31:59 uranium one provide define cover why did
@00:32:43 medium enriched uranium cut its
@00:32:45 stockpile of low-enriched uranium to 98%
@00:32:55 uranium up to three point six seven
@00:33:03 uranium enrichment activities have been
@00:36:00 did the uranium one material end up
@00:36:10 what really happened with the uranium
@00:36:12 that came out of the uranium one deal
@00:36:28 asked what if the uranium one material
@00:36:49 suggesting that some of the uranium that
@00:37:25 singing is he singing about uranium
@00:37:37 foreign state supplied uranium to iran
@00:37:56 what does uranium one provide define
@00:38:00 cover right so the uranium one narrative
@00:38:06 is a cover story that the uranium was
@00:38:21 uranium from the uranium one deal would
@00:38:32 because as q said uranium can be traced
@00:38:35 uranium isotopes have a unique
@00:38:41 was illegal to sell uranium to enriched
@00:38:47 uranium to syrian iran because of the un
@00:38:56 uranium to russia because they were not
@00:39:07 together the uranium one deal and they
@00:39:31 batch of uranium that went to russia
@00:39:37 obtained uranium they would do a trace
@00:39:50 deep stage shipped uranium to syria and
@00:40:44 some of that uranium and we now have
@00:40:52 uranium to syria from the batch that we
@00:41:23 syria get the uranium
@00:41:38 uranium into syria all right
@00:41:58 uranium that was shipped to syria mccain
@00:43:16 iran and uranium one connection where
@00:45:32 government transfer american uranium and

deleted Private video

@00:30:28 server the uranium one issue comes to
@00:30:40 approve the sale of 20% of us uranium to
@00:31:17 delivered a uranium sample to moscow in
@00:32:01 directly connected to the uranium one

deleted Private video

@00:11:26 uranium to iran and syria covertly as
@00:11:28 part of the uranium one sale that
@00:11:31 uranium was officially going to go to
@00:11:41 that uranium secretly to iran and to
@00:11:56 where did the uranium one material and
@00:12:00 define cover what if the uranium one
@00:12:15 uranium to iran or syria war what does
@00:12:19 uranium one provide cover
@00:12:27 uranium to russia secretly we're going
@00:12:42 uranium because it would be traced back
@00:14:06 program and the uranium one transfer

deleted Private video

@00:22:53 dossier uranium one would you believe
@00:25:37 both uranium one and the steel dossier
@00:47:10 that purchased uranium 1 was this person

deleted Private video

@00:11:40 intend to increase uranium enrichment

deleted Private video

@00:12:56 or key players in the uranium scandal q
@00:13:07 the time that the uranium one deal went
@00:13:18 the people involved in uranium 1 and
@00:13:42 involved in uranium 1 scandal why aren't

deleted Private video

@00:15:48 the uranium one thing no one heard
@00:18:34 public q said iran north korea uranium
@00:19:09 more to be revealed about uranium one

deleted Private video

@00:13:56 foundation uranium one and corruption in
@00:15:34 investigating clinton foundation uranium
@00:28:50 uranium 1 comes out
@00:34:32 clinton foundation uranium one all that

deleted Private video

@00:04:34 transfer called uranium one where we
@00:04:37 sold 20% of north american uranium to
@00:04:44 uranium some of that we renamed ended up
@00:05:00 diverting uranium to iran and syria
@00:05:15 clinton uranium one is one of those
@00:05:18 issues and i would say about uranium one
@00:05:44 uranium 1 deal high-level people defense
@00:06:01 to sign off on this uranium 1 deal
@00:06:15 powerful people when uranium 1 comes out
@00:10:25 him to pursue hillary clinton uranium
@00:11:37 do not talk about uranium one

deleted Private video

@00:00:54 that canada was used to funnel uranium

deleted Private video

@00:04:01 layers uranium one iran human
@00:04:13 you know uranium one and all the other

deleted Private video

@00:01:28 interest high uranium one fbi informant

deleted Private video

@00:21:20 clinton foundation and uranium one and
@00:21:24 the clinton foundation of uranium one
@00:26:43 in canada i think the uranium one deal

deleted Private video

@00:25:15 goods on uranium one does stating q

deleted Private video

@00:45:24 clinton foundation uranium one scandal