
Let The October Surprises Begin: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:33:32 like the big tech giants like twitter
@00:33:56 with instagram and facebook twitter did
@00:34:15 say twitter
@00:34:37 twitter and they know that
@00:35:39 that we have in that twitter can't get
@00:37:50 and twitter will go away overnight
@00:37:53 people want to stay on twitter
@00:37:58 who has the most twitter followers it's
@00:42:52 instagram gab twitter and youtube from

They Will Censor Us Every Day Up To Election: Dustin Nemos

@00:03:13 this on facebook and twitter
@00:05:39 on twitter today on his twitter account
@00:05:41 against twitter
@00:15:16 twitter or whatever and you get like a
@00:21:01 twitter and youtube from the links below

The Deep State is Signaling! Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:11:19 us marshals on twitter and they they
@00:12:51 a billion people on twitter
@00:30:17 twitter and youtube from the links below

Is Technology Ruining Your Life? Dopamine Is The New Heroin. Social Media, Gaming, Porn, Apps.

@00:03:37 facebook and twitter and the dating apps

Trump the Maestro and his COVID Operation: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:32:08 instagram gab twitter and youtube from

New Q Posts, DECLAS is happening!

@00:00:08 there's a post here on twitter
@00:00:27 then there's a twitter status from

Does Trump Really Have COVID? What is Going On?????!!!!!

@00:06:11 twitter at ethical hacker x

Qanon Community Decodes For Us 10/2/20

@00:00:05 queue community right now on the twitter
@00:00:12 donald trump on twitter and if you look
@00:00:56 jason bourne on twitter said when you
@00:03:13 look to twitter
@00:04:41 twitter patreon roku for comments on

Do the Debates Matter? Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:40:12 twitter and youtube from the links below

Your Daily Q Qountdown 9/29/20

@00:02:54 a john solomon twitter link

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/21/20

@00:01:02 twitter post from dr simon gold

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/15/20

@00:01:08 is um a twitter link let's take a look

Your Second Daily Qanon Qountdown for Sept 14th 2020

@00:01:03 and then there's twitter status for andy

Douglas Belmore Was Fired For Qanon

@00:04:11 twitter account then
@00:04:15 and james woods and others on twitter
@00:04:58 was kicked off twitter and uh
@00:10:24 twitter was
@00:16:50 twitter is cancel netflix awesome
@00:19:12 twitter and it was a college professor
@00:22:41 posted on twitter about how his theory
@00:29:02 fellow i've been following on twitter
@00:37:29 are you familiar with the twitter um
@00:37:36 the twitter account three days three
@00:38:08 uh on twitter yesterday um did you see a
@00:38:18 most people i read on twitter said oh it

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/11/20

@00:02:51 link to a twitter status
@00:03:10 so the twitter thread is about how the
@00:08:01 it says facebook twitter using darpa

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 9/10/20

@00:02:52 are two twitter statuses

Big Tech Election Interference: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:37:34 twitter and youtube from the links below

The UK is Awakening with Travis Cook

@00:12:40 how he did the twitter messages with the
@00:18:31 twitter and youtube from the links below

The Calm Before The Storm: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:19:45 google and twitter and
@00:45:12 twitter and youtube from the links below

The Risks Of Entering The Riot Zone

@00:02:13 tries to message me on twitter i realize

The Kenosha Shooter...Not Quite A Hero

@00:01:31 on twitter but
@00:02:22 twitter
@00:05:14 follow on twitter like richie mcginnis
@00:05:33 andy ngo on twitter and also elijah

Qanon Qommunity Update 8/25/20

@00:00:08 go through the latest in the twitter
@00:01:02 link from my website on twitter they
@00:01:40 drawn strike on twitter as a journalist

Public Awakening Is Their Greatest Fear: Craig Mason Interview

@00:19:45 editorialize the president on twitter
@00:34:48 per month like literally on twitter they

Qanon Going Mainstream: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:07:19 more aware of how twitter and youtube
@00:09:52 got kicked off of twitter now he had
@00:10:39 twitter that's where the battlefield is
@00:43:11 direct message on twitter
@00:43:32 and um twitter
@00:43:35 twitter stuff you know articulate
@00:43:38 twitter would not let me send the link

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 8/20/20

@00:02:18 twitter and you can see

The George Floyd Saga Continues with Maryam Henein

@00:12:58 twitter that i could find
@00:23:03 thread on twitter
@00:24:16 twitter
@00:26:22 instagram gab twitter and youtube from

The Deep State's Dark Religion with Joshua Reid of The Red Pill Project

@00:16:18 it's on my twitter feed it's probably on

Exposing the Communist Revolution. Social Media Blackout Coming.

@00:16:29 on twitter and then i posted it on

The Democrat's Playbook: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:07:23 and gab is a really nice twitter
@00:32:33 facebook kill twitter kill
@00:34:14 deactivated his twitter account um
@00:34:56 twitter so it's those now become the
@00:37:01 twitter and youtube from the links below

Qanon Livestream 8/12/20

@00:01:14 go on twitter right now and
@00:01:42 at the twitter news feed and there's
@00:02:18 on twitter
@00:03:48 twitter is if you go to it
@00:25:38 on uh on twitter and he said that he had
@00:28:33 posted on twitter and they said we have
@00:29:04 navy twitter says
@00:39:25 because of being kicked off of twitter

Beirut Mystery Blast Update

@00:06:15 kind of notorious on twitter as
@00:06:38 out on twitter

The Qanon Movement Is Unstoppable: The Bread Crumbs Project

@00:09:36 and twitter has censored her as a result
@00:09:45 for twitter by trying to censor sidney
@00:30:57 there's a guy on twitter that
@00:39:46 get a twitter account you can get an

We Got You Creepy Joe! The Deep State Down Fall.

@00:01:40 trump getting locked out of his twitter
@00:03:22 and yet the big tech tyrants at twitter
@00:03:29 that tweet or else your your twitter
@00:06:00 and facebook would be shut down twitter
@00:09:04 anyone else on twitter so
@00:09:22 maybe like a twitter parlor is that like
@00:09:24 a twitter kind of thing like a twitter
@00:09:39 but hey anything's better than twitter
@00:10:39 maybe the twitter facebook kind of

Blackout Coming. Brace yourself: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:04:01 facebook kill twitter kill um
@00:04:31 house twitter feed
@00:09:31 uh this this uh post on twitter here is

Order Out of Election Chaos: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:26:36 twitter if they try to

Foreshadowing The Deep State Downfall: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:06:20 a quote from someone on twitter
@00:06:26 this person on twitter
@00:06:43 he's gotten kicked off of twitter a
@00:06:44 couple of times now he's back on twitter
@00:10:05 order every couple of days on twitter
@00:26:58 twitter facebook youtube and google

Qanon Livestream 7/29/20

@00:06:11 twitter
@00:07:40 community in the twitter sphere so just
@00:07:53 so this is my twitter profile guys and
@00:10:03 so gab is like a twitter alternative
@00:10:22 and then we've got twitter and youtube
@00:11:45 against twitter for censorship
@00:18:45 are saying on twitter
@00:19:20 check it out follow me on twitter and
@00:22:43 what twitter is doing by banning the the

This video was deleted by youtube once. Watch while you still can.

@00:00:02 happening with twitter suspending don jr
@00:00:09 almost 6 million followers on twitter
@00:00:40 twitter
@00:01:07 is in control of big tech like twitter

Big Tech Panic: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:02:44 um twitter and fa and youtube and
@00:09:43 they they suspended the twitter account
@00:10:06 one of the personalities on twitter that
@00:12:58 ever been on twitter
@00:13:20 and twitter and some of these big tech
@00:13:47 either twitter shut down their their
@00:13:50 hats shut down the twitter website

Twitter Bans 7,000 Qanon Accounts & Limits 150,000!

@00:01:29 like youtube twitter
@00:02:54 twitter has actually announced that they
@00:03:04 on twitter and by the way these are all
@00:03:10 purging twitter of trump's supporters
@00:04:31 on twitter
@00:06:02 she's like twitter if you don't do
@00:06:07 twitter and then
@00:06:08 twitter kind of used that as an excuse
@00:09:03 twitter
@00:09:04 so twitter was hacked just a week or so
@00:09:14 at twitter and it showed that these
@00:09:18 administrators at twitter have
@00:09:44 the ceo of twitter jack dorsey
@00:11:00 twitter and and um

deleted Front Line Doctors Speak Out ON COVID Cures and Misinformation

@00:00:02 happening with twitter suspending don jr
@00:00:10 twitter
@00:00:40 twitter
@00:01:07 is in control of big tech like twitter
@00:32:06 publish on twitter
@00:32:08 um this twitter has been great lately so
@00:33:03 twitter although they have some flaws

The Riot News Is Fake, The War Is Real #Antifa

@00:01:58 to get on twitter get on gab get on all

Your Daily Qanon Qommunity Qountdown 7/27/20

@00:00:00 on twitter because that's where a lot of
@00:00:04 and so i'm here on my twitter profile
@00:00:32 that's on my on my twitter profile i
@00:06:13 he writes on twitter he says they want

Qanon Warns Us About Deep State Inbreeding

@00:13:34 or however you want to call it twitter

Battle Fatigue During Psychological War: Over the Horizon with Jim Cutler 7/15/20

@00:28:39 there's a conversation on twitter that i and Sean Morgan

@00:02:32 getting deep platform from twitter

The Deep State Is Shooting Blanks! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:18:21 to do posts and and twitter and gab and
@00:26:00 channel and the same thing with twitter

FLYNN IS FREE!!!!! Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:15:00 twitter right now called bubba smollett
@00:19:28 that like what twitter does to the
@00:37:47 instagram gab twitter and youtube from

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 6/23/20

@00:01:24 and this post here from twitter

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/17/20

@00:04:34 a twitter status let's go ahead and take
@00:09:25 p.m. and it's a twitter link from steve
@00:20:12 movements on twitter including a picture
@00:31:53 there's a twitter post here this says

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 2

@00:17:38 i saw on twitter a lot of a lot of black
@00:19:15 take down trump's twitter account take
@00:25:24 youtube and facebook and twitter who are
@00:31:53 righty well for now i'm on twitter for
@00:33:49 facebook instagram gab twitter and

Understanding The White Hat Playbook with Praying Medic 6/12/20 PART 1

@00:10:46 messages some people on twitter how have
@00:12:45 twitter people that i follow on twitter
@00:13:17 say five accounts on twitter
@00:13:58 get their information from twitter and
@00:14:17 on my twitter page then cnn or msnbc or
@00:15:48 tech people like twitter they the
@00:15:51 twitter has gotten really bold started
@00:18:34 public and when twitter started slapping
@00:23:33 twitter and i see people are posting
@00:32:02 facebook instagram gab twitter and

A Pastor's Perspective On Qanon: Patriot Spotlight Series

@00:01:53 following on twitter and just started
@00:39:13 facebook instagram gab twitter and

Predicting Future Elections With Red Eagle Patriot: Patriot Spotlight Series

@00:18:56 i again my twitter account was was
@00:25:14 facebook instagram gab twitter and

The Plan To Destroy America In 4 Stages: Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler

@00:17:37 attention span that twitter attention
@00:26:00 locations and with big tech with twitter
@00:42:08 twitter and youtube from the links below

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 6/12/20

@00:05:53 gab twitter and youtube from the links

Your Daily Q Qountdown 6/11/20

@00:00:46 and this is a twitter post here says
@00:02:47 twitter status from
@00:02:52 on twitter there's this account called
@00:03:02 twitter is following this account
@00:03:23 q says not anonymous but twitter
@00:04:00 then this status on twitter
@00:09:29 instagram gab twitter and youtube from

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/10/20

@00:02:26 you follow on twitter follow me on
@00:02:30 twitter i often retweet a lot of the
@00:08:40 twitter and look at these trends over
@00:13:29 twitter or tv or facebook or i don't
@00:23:01 a twitter thread and i also sent it to
@00:26:26 tried to use twitter as the back channel
@00:26:29 but not everyone uses twitter so the
@00:28:17 accountability and this is a twitter

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown

@00:01:57 weird anti trump stuff on his twitter

Your Daily Qanon Qountdown 6/8/20

@00:02:14 twitter post it's a it's a photograph of
@00:04:26 the next post here is from twitter and
@00:05:35 obama foundation twitter where there's
@00:06:16 on twitter and i did a post here i don't
@00:06:42 they control twitter and two they saw
@00:07:22 most a recent post on twitter and it
@00:09:30 twitter and youtube from the links below

Will China Surrender In WW3? A Qanon Conversation With Paul Furber

@00:24:07 twitter i'll put a link below he has

Paul Furber Decodes Youtube Channel That Predicted Qanon Operation

@00:04:22 on twitter and there was so there was a
@00:19:56 i don't if you saw that twitter account
@00:20:05 took the twitter chance of pretty much

Michigan Democrat Apologizes to Trump (Over The Horizon With Jim Cutler)

@00:01:47 twitter i believe this was a blog on
@00:30:30 on twitter i got a twitter account i

Trump Is Exercising The DemonCrats! (Over The Horizon with Jim Cutler)

@00:03:50 nights on twitter said that trump was
@00:09:40 that someone on twitter posted that
@00:39:12 kicked off twitter this week you know
@00:39:30 said facebook kill twitter kill and then

Qanon LiveStream Black hat vs White hat 6/3/20

@00:24:30 facebook kill twitter kill instagram
@00:24:52 facebook twitter youtube so that they
@00:26:55 the guy's twitter account because they
@00:31:19 even be on twitter you know he might get
@00:31:20 banned from twitter they might they
@00:31:23 might try to shut twitter down if he
@00:33:10 because twitter is censoring the
@00:33:15 twitter homepage to get his direct

Get Your Daily Q Qountdown 6/3/20

@00:05:06 go there it's a twitter status that's

Your Daily Q Countdown 6/1/20

@00:04:59 of twitter and then the president's
@00:05:11 this twitter thread where this woman is
@00:08:42 here's a twitter status here white
@00:09:20 the buildings then there's this twitter
@00:10:19 we have this a link to twitter why does
@00:11:09 here's a twitter status here who all is

The Rioters Will Face Justice #ANTIFA

@00:04:05 has announced on twitter that he will

Dustin Nemos On Modern Day Book Burning #Qanon

@00:11:26 so if you were on twitter in that you
@00:11:38 twitter tried to trend trump gate which
@00:11:48 twitter more than ever even with
@00:12:00 think until trump leaves twitter
@00:12:57 twitter puts a disclaimer under
@00:15:02 legal repercussion against twitter for
@00:20:38 censored on youtube and twitter
@00:29:27 twitter and uh big tech actually right
@00:29:36 on twitter within 30 minutes

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/29/20

@00:00:43 executive of twitter you were warned not

The Truth About Racism, Rioting, and George Floyd

@00:01:46 despite the fact the media twitter and
@00:02:46 although twitter has attempted to even
@00:02:57 speech so now we can all sue twitter and
@00:04:10 action lawsuit against twitter against

Qanon LiveStream Black Hat vs White Hat 5/27/20

@00:04:27 days three nights' on twitter created

Q Qountdown 5/27/2020 #Qanon

@00:00:37 up crimes so here's a link to twitter
@00:01:52 there's a twitter link here with a link

Proof The Deep State Is A Cult

@00:15:09 brotherhood on twitter one time and then

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/25/20

@00:00:23 chatter on twitter and all the other
@00:02:54 there is a link to a twitter post where

Daily Qanon Qountdown 5/24/20

@00:01:35 did some research on twitter to see what

Paul Furber On Insider Predicting Qanon

@00:28:09 his twitter profile i'll put a link

Q Post Analysis with Jim Cutler LiveStream 5/20/20

@00:09:09 you see it in twitter every day i see
@00:43:49 a big twitter user that said hey where's
@00:45:02 roubini is a big guy on twitter and he

Interview with Paul Furber On CoronaVirus and Qanon

@00:01:41 twitter i'm dipping into the stream all
@00:02:31 going to twitter following people like
@00:10:15 by email or twitter dms or whatever paul
@00:12:36 i'm always as i always say on twitter

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/13/20

@00:28:31 there's a twitter a twitter link here we
@00:35:28 twitter who has been basically following
@00:52:20 twitter i always knew

Q Post Analysis LiveStream 5/8/20

@00:16:10 twitter link from adam schiff
@00:38:26 remove me from twitter and youtube and

The Deep State Is LIABLE!!!! #Qanon

@00:43:40 easy to just go on twitter and the

They Knew About Corona and HCQ! Qanon Live Post Analysis 5/4/20

@00:00:18 and democrats darpa facebook twitter
@00:17:08 twitter so follow me on gab all the
@00:18:08 twitter feed because i i follow i think
@00:18:32 this is my twitter at mastery of change
@00:33:35 big dick anon and he posts it on twitter

Q Posting Continually During LiveStream with Jim Cutler 5/3/20

@00:10:36 and post it on twitter and hashtag where
@00:13:29 hide this why would twitter block people
@00:14:57 regularly from his personal twitter
@00:15:29 personal twitter as well
@00:18:23 twitter they have a lot of info
@00:26:27 twitter and stuff like that so you guys
@00:27:02 and so it does say twitter kill facebook

Q Posts During LiveStream! 4/30/20

@00:05:59 it's a twitter status and it says
@00:10:19 twitter so you cannot go against this
@00:13:45 twitter today that there was an anon
@00:48:23 it you can also go to my twitter page

Qanon LiveStream 4/29/20

@00:03:34 twitter link so let's check it out and
@00:03:39 so this guy on twitter where we go when
@00:11:29 win by any means necessary so twitter is
@00:12:50 she put out a message on twitter from
@00:19:08 twitter but i don't know what that means
@00:20:37 knowledge that they use twitter and

Proof of Covert Operation for Coup: Qanon Drop

@00:03:10 can go onto twitter you can see who some

Why Trump Keeps His Enemies So Close #Qanon

@00:15:37 twitter and youtube are removing

They are signaling! Governors posting photoshopped images. #Qanon

@00:00:38 tommy g on twitter looked at the picture
@00:00:42 for the twitter profile of gavin newsom
@00:02:06 twitter cover with a what seems to be a
@00:02:38 on their twitter profiles why are they

Qanon Is Posting Today LiveStream 4/17/20

@00:02:19 president's twitter and compare as well
@00:10:34 gonna go into my twitter because i
@00:15:37 interesting guy to follow on twitter he
@00:19:42 that twitter is going to start banning
@00:19:53 posting hashtag queueing on on twitter
@00:21:42 hedge was kicked off of twitter two
@00:21:52 hedge back on twitter are they gonna
@00:21:54 kick everyone off from twitter i mean
@00:23:02 a lot of funny things on twitter of
@00:30:06 president posted a white house twitter

Sean Morgan's Qanon Interview on SpirituallyRAW UNCENSORED 4/13/20

@00:12:38 a link of your twitter account or what

Qanon AMA Livestream With Decoder Q Patriot 4/15/20

@00:08:02 twitter post going out there from some
@00:12:08 verbal he's been on twitter with all
@00:18:51 from twitter so if you go onto your
@00:18:54 download an image from twitter it's
@00:31:19 down if they shut down twitter and all
@00:43:59 to the uk and he posted on twitter the

Latest Qanon Livestream 4/14/20

@00:01:23 on twitter or anything and then slowly
@00:01:39 so i started sharing more on twitter
@00:02:47 rum on twitter i'll just read what
@00:03:06 fox in some capacity and twitter is
@00:03:18 anonymous guy on twitter very outspoken
@00:04:02 twitter with the words
@00:06:11 twitter you could see various people
@00:10:59 video and a twitter thread about why
@00:37:24 twitter and all of he was just banned
@00:37:27 from twitter he's on instagram now but
@00:46:44 them on twitter they had they do a lot

New Qanon Posts!!!! 4/10/20

@00:00:35 on that takes you to a twitter post
@00:03:57 here's a link to donald trump twitter

Qanon Community Tweets 4/10/20

@00:00:37 twitter feed here because i've been kind
@00:02:11 limiting and twitter of course by
@00:02:27 can go to my my twitter to see all this
@00:08:06 follow on twitter lo mein lo does

I'm Back! With Qanon Content Curation! 4/10/20

@00:00:34 twitter account here at mastery of
@00:04:45 people to look at my twitter account say
@00:06:19 general flynn's banner on twitter and
@00:06:37 interesting guy to follow on twitter you
@00:11:38 the lalita express in 2013 twitter

Rescue of the missing children happening now? #Qanon

@00:00:28 are our twitter posts from people i
@00:00:31 follow on twitter who i would suggest
@00:05:07 to follow on twitter you can see he's

BOOM WEEK! Qanon timeline theories.

@00:00:18 post i found on twitter i'll put the

COVert ID 2019 The Year Of The Boomerang. Qanon Theory.

@00:01:06 my twitter mastery of change and it

Candace Owens Spits CoronaVirus Truth. #Qanon

@00:00:16 can check out her twitter here at real

Corona Military Ships For Freed Human Trafficking Victims? #Qanon

@00:00:18 they ever wrote on twitter they did some

Corona Response Could Be Military Prep: Dilly Show #Qanon

@00:00:14 show dilly show this is on twitter this

Quarantined Celebs Decoded Part 2 #Qanon

@00:02:03 also joe m from twitter also pointed out
@00:02:34 you can give him a follow on twitter in

Quarantined Celebs Coded Communication #Qanon PART 1

@00:00:18 twitter profile for joe m he's the
@00:00:24 video and his twitter is called storm is
@00:00:30 it's a pin tweet on his twitter profile
@00:05:40 matthew mcconaughey twitter see what
@00:06:10 twitter that are decoding these videos

New Qanon CoronaVirus Drop! We Knew It!

@00:03:22 that out there's another twitter link to

Exposing Hollywood- ALEX KAZEMI's Satanism and THE DANGERS OF POP MAGICK

@00:01:37 ya see g truth on twitter as well and so
@00:04:13 exposing twitter threads to really get

Is COVID 19 A BioWeapon?

@00:04:26 censored on twitter so you can't even
@00:04:28 view it on twitter so you'll have to

The Main Stream Media Hates Qanon.

@00:01:01 youtube or twitter or what-have-you

Could Trump and Qanon be DeepState? Nahhhhhh!

@00:00:02 wrote on twitter and this is about you
@00:01:29 in his twitter history the feud with

Who can you trust to follow in Qanon Movement | My curated list | Must Watch

@00:00:08 follow on twitter and this is a very
@00:00:19 us twitter he's the one who creates the
@00:00:41 and decoder exclusively on twitter
@00:01:22 channel and is on twitter as well but
@00:02:45 also on the boards and on twitter so get

Why are memes important? Must Watch

@00:00:18 on twitter and gab all the people on
@00:00:44 facebook or google or twitter and they

What is the origin of the Q Operation?

@00:04:46 with me on twitter and and talk to me

What proof is there that Q is not a LARP (Live Action Role Player)

@00:01:07 twitter how one of the letters changed
@00:02:22 twitter posts from the president and

Why Does Q Write In Code? Amazing Video

@00:00:14 commenting on twitter with certain

Best Resources For Qanon Research | Must Watch

@00:03:45 where you can access pdfs twitter