

@00:06:20 dc assigned by sessions with the same
@00:06:39 outside dc assigned by sessions with the
@00:07:30 jeff sessions in october of 2017 but
@00:07:49 start and sessions probably started this
@00:25:23 out that sessions appointed durham to

President Trump Retweets Me & Twitter DELETES It. Is This Still America or Communist China?

@00:20:17 sessions wouldn't do it rod rosenstein

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:00:40 one bad decision jeff sessions and now i

What TRUTH Scares THEM The MOST?

@00:28:42 advisor to jeff sessions he talked about

How Far Were THEY Willing To Go?

@00:10:23 immediately jeff sessions was a disaster
@00:18:42 move to fbi floor 7 do j push sessions

Is The HIDDEN ENEMY Directly Beneath US?

@00:14:18 ag's what was ag sessions confirmation

What THEY Don't Want YOU To SEE About The HOAX?

@00:09:31 now the next one here is jeff sessions
@00:09:53 sessions so think about this the person


@00:17:09 attorney was appointed by jeff sessions


@00:18:10 attorney general i believe jeff sessions

Are WE Seeing The PLAN Come Together?

@00:17:15 obstructed themselves trumpet sessions
@00:17:27 trump's team of sessions and flynn and

Are THEY Going To JAIL?

@00:24:34 appointed by jeff sessions we have the

Are THEY Above The Law?

@00:12:28 sessions appointed john durham to head
@00:20:23 assigned by sessions with the same

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:21:27 sessions attorney general jeff sessions

Spy Tactics Used Against Trump Backfiring?

@00:12:46 assigned by sessions with the same


@00:04:44 sessions appointed us attorney john

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming...

@00:15:48 appointed by trust sessions on october
@00:16:08 was appointed by jeff sessions is it a

Are Rogue CLOWNS Infiltrating EVERYTHING?

@00:13:03 appointed by jeff sessions on october
@00:14:59 outside of dc assigned by sessions with
@00:15:15 jeff sessions appoints on october 20

Q: 93 Days of Darkness Explained?

@00:12:54 october 28th 2017 after sessions
@00:13:21 it was jeff sessions who appointed him
@00:20:07 said that basically jeff sessions was

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:19:09 what happened with sessions and getting

The Beginning Of Their Downfall...

@00:30:22 sessions there's gonna be all types of

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:07:19 sessions recusing himself after he had
@00:13:27 sessions started all these

How Did THEY Lose The POWER To Control?

@00:05:05 position after jeff sessions resigned

Do You Realize How Much THEY Did?

@00:14:12 jeff sessions was the one who started
@00:14:30 on jeff sessions and his time is you

How Do You Clean DIRTY MONEY???

@00:19:10 william s sessions who had been
@00:19:21 reviewed mr. sessions leadership and
@00:19:44 administration william sessions now
@00:19:58 it says and further it says mr. sessions
@00:20:07 home mr. sessions was asked to resign
@00:20:17 sessions from his post yeah right
@00:26:38 back attorney general jeff sessions

Secret Military Operations Cause PANIC IN DC?

@00:13:40 with jeff sessions over at the doj and a
@00:15:00 sessions doj and became a national

How Did THEY Get Away With It?

@00:22:18 sessions horowitz humor whittaker durham

Are BLACKOUTS Necessary For Secret Ops?

@00:08:42 talks about sessions and about his
@00:14:21 that sessions is the one who started

When Does A Bird Sing? WATCH NYC & CA!

@00:05:40 jeff sessions was the one who began the
@00:06:44 started by jeff sessions will we have
@00:06:53 by jeff sessions into planned parenthood

Think THEY'RE Untouchable? THINK AGAIN!

@00:06:48 trust sessions and look here we are
@00:06:53 later and jeff sessions obviously

The Choice To KNOW Will Be Yours...

@00:05:21 that by saying sessions began the
@00:05:41 telling you that a jeffrey sessions was
@00:05:44 or jeff sessions was the guy who had to
@00:06:01 trust sessions also here we have the
@00:06:58 receptions jeffrey sessions saying that
@00:07:24 was jeff sessions okay well that's
@00:07:44 trust sessions for a good reason because
@00:26:43 direction and oversight of ag sessions


@00:30:03 he was lovin beating up on jeff sessions


@00:11:27 from q is will sessions drop the hammer
@00:11:39 when q saying will sessions sessions
@00:11:47 that sessions recuse himself from that
@00:12:09 should say is that sessions had to go

Are You Ready For The FIRST STRIKE?

@00:08:37 sessions that outline the fact that not

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:15:07 attorney general jeff sessions put to an
@00:15:11 attorney general jeff sessions former

We Already Know What Is Coming Next...

@00:12:39 former attorney general jeff sessions on


@00:12:35 endless sessions and he used it the
@00:12:53 counting user sessions over the past 24
@00:13:30 just monitoring sessions if you're
@00:13:34 you know making new sessions on your

You Won't Believe What's Been Uncovered...

@00:15:47 because just jeff sessions had recused

Everything You Need To Know About The 'SET UP'...

@00:02:49 of the closed-door sessions testimony

If You Don't Believe Anything Is Happening...WATCH THIS.

@00:12:10 last result installed post sessions
@00:12:15 sealed indictment count dc post sessions

They're Preparing For The Worst Case Scenario...TRUTH REVEALED.

@00:05:36 installed post sessions departure and
@00:05:41 count dc post sessions departure sealed
@00:08:13 jeff sessions resigns where you see an
@00:08:32 resort installed post sessions departure
@00:08:36 indictment count dc post sessions
@00:09:10 when if you remember jeff sessions

THEY have something very serious to FEAR...WE KNOW!

@00:01:52 investigated not just trump but sessions
@00:01:55 to or during the sessions probe was
@00:02:20 actually also looking into jeff sessions
@00:02:34 sessions perjured himself during his
@00:02:59 directly at jeff sessions and these are
@00:03:08 sessions said in reply to all of this
@00:03:42 allies why was sessions targeted who
@00:04:23 jeff sessions so it says clear
@00:05:37 sessions directing huber to look into
@00:06:32 this jeff sessions was now according to
@00:06:59 chief of staff for sessions it was it
@00:07:08 sessions down to huber and and
@00:18:36 general jeff sessions who directed his
@00:24:33 jeff sessions like oh i just i don't
@00:24:51 conceal and it's saying quote sessions
@00:25:39 sessions was acting as a necessary actor

The Q Movement & The Book About It ALL + MUCH MORE!

@00:28:24 sessions before he left today state ag's

The Enemy Has Opened The Front Door...BIG MISTAKE!

@00:05:02 design shadow to sessions by design
@00:05:14 for jeff sessions before he was actually
@00:05:22 that when sessions was removed and
@00:05:33 untouchable by jeff sessions through his

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:11:23 former attorney general jeff sessions
@00:11:49 transition now from jeff sessions to

Do You Want To Know The Full Story?

@00:26:02 sessions that he should recuse why
@00:27:16 did you recommend that sessions recuse

Sometimes making a connection leads to uncovering...

@00:05:57 former attorney general jeff sessions in
@00:06:25 trump as heavily as sessions was trump
@00:10:58 sessions in november i made sessions

What if this was always the plan?

@00:06:13 quote-unquote mission did sessions
@00:06:17 why did sessions make this public optics
@00:08:34 that sessions publicly announced to find
@00:08:43 sessions make that public basically to

Why are WE a threat to THEM?

@00:04:15 sessions would never be removed removed
@00:05:59 sessions and muller good people
@00:07:06 alex jones is the enemy and sessions is
@00:07:10 gonna suno arrest them all well sessions

How many senior FBI & DOJ officials have been removed?

@00:27:19 departure intel sessions departure law
@00:27:50 don't think kelly and sessions and

Do you still think nothing is happening?

@00:04:52 general sessions appointed us attorney

Is this WHY people are panicking?

@00:29:46 president jeff sessions is basically a
@00:30:08 about how appointing sessions appointing
@00:34:03 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:34:50 sessions forced release of name of name
@00:36:00 put in place by sessions and that it's

What is scheduled to happen this week?

@00:07:28 sessions who was is assigned to huber

What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

@00:18:56 obviously he answers the jeff sessions

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:05:42 sessions formerly and now matthew
@00:26:15 jeff sessions now being wrapped up by

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:26:00 at jeff sessions until he resigned and
@00:26:09 sessions not only ran the justice

The World is about to change.

@00:16:03 jeff sessions you know basically just

Who's working to save himself?

@00:04:01 says to all those who doubted sessions
@00:04:15 doubting sessions in huber what's been
@00:05:46 sessions sort of should appoint a second
@00:06:01 sessions should appoint a second special
@00:06:18 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:06:22 sessions in huber are following standard
@00:06:31 sessions but hubert ability to prosecute
@00:07:08 sessions shouldn't be trusted why huber
@00:07:26 this is what potus is attacking sessions
@00:07:34 trust sessions but interestingly if
@00:08:28 that was being run by jeff sessions and
@00:19:17 take sessions out and then it's what was
@00:19:20 the senate confirmation of sessions so

Everything you need to know about the plan...

@00:21:30 sessions had recuse himself now

Nothing can stop what is coming.

@00:01:48 jeff sessions to probe alleged
@00:02:53 sessions appointed huber last year to
@00:03:17 than sessions sessions is addressed to
@00:11:20 who replaced jeff sessions and has taken
@00:11:29 jeff sessions last week whitaker who has
@00:11:52 sessions met with her excuse me lizzie

Do you believe in coincidences?

@00:19:11 sessions unruhe cues or number three

Latest News w/ JustInformed Talk

@00:02:05 plan everyone saying oh trust sessions

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:09:15 the scenes while jeff sessions was there
@00:11:54 again q 5 3 7 trusts sessions and q 5 3
@00:12:13 plan all along was to get sessions to
@00:12:37 phase to the justice phase sessions
@00:13:02 thing was to put jets a chef sessions in

What if the above could be proven?

@00:16:58 trump and sessions right when they

WHY? = "We knew then. We know now."

@00:16:02 that jeff sessions has resigned well
@00:26:35 me back to jeff sessions being removed

They are freaking out! Here's why...

@00:05:22 may be the reference to jeff sessions
@00:05:27 think that jeff sessions may have it it
@00:07:32 sessions
@00:07:32 good luck goudy in sessions all resigned
@00:07:37 audience sessions all resigned it says
@00:07:39 who did sessions appoint in november of
@00:08:02 appointed by jeff sessions because jeff
@00:08:06 sessions was recused and they wanted to
@00:08:22 so far of jeff sessions now jeff
@00:08:24 sessions has stepped down what does that
@00:08:26 mean well it means that jeff sessions
@00:09:17 who is sessions is chief of staff what
@00:10:26 assigned directly to sessions by potus
@00:10:33 security adviser two sessions
@00:11:04 attorney general jeff sessions so that's
@00:12:46 good luck audi in sessions and how they
@00:13:06 good latin gaudi in sessions all were
@00:14:40 basically good like gowdy and sessions
@00:17:18 can't so it says who was jeff sessions
@00:18:03 sessions steps down jeff sessions
@00:21:39 directly to sessions by potus and of
@00:22:20 security eyes are jeff sessions
@00:31:25 about you have sessions and the grift of
@00:36:09 thing i mean with jeff sessions stepping

Q Anon | Crossing The Red Line!

@00:06:11 sessions and his resignation and like
@00:06:32 that so jeff sessions because he had
@00:07:08 attorney general so when jeff sessions
@00:07:14 tweets about jeff sessions recusing
@00:07:34 so jeff sessions steps down and resigns
@00:08:18 jeff sessions could resign so now he can
@00:08:55 different paths here jeff sessions
@00:09:27 attorney general without jeff sessions

Q Anon | "Do you understand why?"

@00:00:04 sessions latest resignation and that the
@00:04:40 jeff sessions and how he had resigned
@00:04:52 tanner here but with the jeff sessions
@00:04:54 resignation is that with jeff sessions
@00:08:22 now again with this sessions replacement
@00:19:52 country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:20:08 sessions for his service and wish him
@00:20:43 attorney general jeff sessions is
@00:20:51 embattled turney jeff sessions resigns
@00:21:00 sessions interim replacement said
@00:21:44 best part about having jeff sessions
@00:22:43 attorney-general jeff sessions for his
@00:24:12 jeff sessions should recuse himself look
@00:24:23 sessions it has resigned to come out and
@00:25:27 made the recommendation to jeff sessions
@00:25:35 sessions as a national security adviser
@00:25:37 to jeff sessions now is it possible that
@00:25:43 sessions that would be pretty incredible
@00:25:56 jeff sessions that definitely puts him
@00:27:28 having jeff sessions stepped down having
@00:28:00 her two sessions have him resign have a

"Eyes On, VIP Patriots! The World Is Watching."

@00:13:32 sessions and huber and horowitz you know

Q Anon Exposes The Inside Story Of What's To Come...

@00:08:20 directly to sessions important to
@00:13:15 tool you use jeff sessions basically so

Q Anon | "Re_read drops re: Polls"

@00:08:20 basically going after jeff sessions and

JustInformed Talk Answers Comments: Censorship, Hypocrisy, and Media Bias!

@00:07:43 have sessions check his sedition law
@00:07:49 interesting thought for jeff sessions to

They Know If They Lose It's Over!

@00:01:21 or jeff sessions or a combination of him
@00:14:45 jeff sessions and michael flynn and rex

Do Not Look Here

@00:33:09 why did mccabe try to take sessions out
@00:33:26 jeff sessions based on this this idea
@00:33:28 that somehow jeff sessions perjured
@00:33:50 andrew mccabe went after jeff sessions
@00:34:08 fake news it says what was the sessions
@00:38:34 president trump and jeff sessions put
@00:39:05 jeff sessions would be doing is removing
@00:39:21 stealth bomber that's jeff sessions and

Q Anon | "Your voice is spreading."

@00:13:30 sessions subpoena mccabe memos delivery
@00:15:31 session subpoena is how jeff sessions

Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out!

@00:01:41 jeff sessions testifying to the
@00:01:53 now finally jeff sessions has been
@00:24:20 sessions kind of said the jate the
@00:24:25 and has jeff sessions there and

Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story...

@00:05:15 sessions tomorrow doc related justice
@00:05:37 not rod rosen jeff sessions is supposed
@00:05:59 jeff sessions has been subpoenaed to

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:01:58 sessions discussing what documents are
@00:02:10 huber and jeff sessions are where
@00:02:52 attorney jeff sessions is at the justice
@00:03:06 then also it's so that jeff sessions can
@00:03:55 says sessions meeting huber the same day
@00:03:57 as potus alert sessions sessions meeting
@00:04:08 jeff sessions to appear before the
@00:04:25 jeff sessions is going to be testifying
@00:04:37 sessions will be testifying giving his
@00:05:59 the scenes where sessions has been
@00:06:24 jeff sessions who had been writing
@00:06:51 basically jeff sessions ability to unruh
@00:14:34 jeff sessions may be announcing tomorrow
@00:15:04 sessions supreme subpoena power
@00:15:06 if sessions is recused from russia probe
@00:15:12 info etc how can sessions learn rod
@00:15:16 probe per subpoena two sessions schedule
@00:15:29 where it's talking about jeff sessions
@00:15:56 is that if jeff sessions recused himself
@00:16:21 sessions having recused himself but they
@00:16:37 president trump that gave jeff sessions
@00:16:55 jeff sessions will be going to testify
@00:17:11 sessions huber and horowitz so you guys

Q Anon | Is she a product of the FARM?

@00:07:01 friendly therapy sessions notated as
@00:16:07 friendly therapy sessions notated as
@00:16:46 sessions conducted where the the notated

"You will be 'shocked' to learn what you've 'essentially' witnessed."

@00:25:57 never named in those therapy sessions so
@00:26:28 during eyes closed sessions so they

Q Anon | "The rats are panicking."

@00:07:11 and it says sessions on recuse or number
@00:07:15 three until refill so sessions unruh
@00:07:23 ago q dropped it that jeff sessions has
@00:07:52 would have went sessions rosenstein

Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?

@00:09:51 love jeff sessions using pretty much the
@00:10:01 jeff sessions and lo and behold the
@00:10:15 president trump they love jeff sessions
@00:17:42 see in our sessions you know obviously

Q Anon | "When do birds sing?"

@00:09:11 that the left to love jeff sessions by
@00:09:17 trump troll jeff sessions on twitter you
@00:09:25 sessions even though they historically
@00:10:06 jeff sessions we love jeff sessions he

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:05:33 general jeff sessions appoints utah us
@00:05:46 sessions and john huber started working
@00:06:00 but sessions and then q goes in all
@00:06:05 is but sessions should appoint a second
@00:06:09 swamp but sessions should appoint a
@00:06:17 take a gamble but sessions should
@00:06:35 the appointment of humor by sessions and
@00:06:40 sessions and huber are following
@00:06:49 fire sessions but huber ability to
@00:07:10 but potus is attacking sessions via
@00:07:16 potus democrats left love trust sessions

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:03:47 direct oversight of mute mauler sessions
@00:05:11 sessions i think and what we have to
@00:05:34 doj meaning after jeff sessions recusal
@00:05:58 jeff sessions recused himself a long
@00:12:48 that attorney general set jeff sessions
@00:19:23 next one says activate sessions now
@00:31:51 dc sessions in huber weekend meetings
@00:32:32 sessions classified letter to supreme
@00:32:58 because jeff sessions is writing a


@00:05:50 excuse me to get rid of jeff sessions
@00:09:11 talk about that now it says sessions in
@00:09:16 recusal sessions senate confirmation
@00:09:21 vote reconcile if sessions wasn't a
@00:09:42 today left supporting sessions left
@00:09:45 defending sessions strategic advantage
@00:14:17 and removed you had sessions removed
@00:14:45 they're defending jeff sessions and
@00:29:29 about sessions open to the probe to a

Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!"

@00:24:26 tag on sessions and justices most

Q Anon | "Division keeps them in power."

@00:12:39 between sally ates and jeff sessions and

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:04:25 under jeff sessions and

Q Anon | Is "Mad Dog" worried?

@00:13:42 jeff sessions moron basically all of
@00:18:56 sessions mentally retarded and a dumb

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:00:01 the media into trusting sessions and
@00:06:02 sessions must love him now same thing
@00:06:42 into loving sessions and it's wonderful
@00:06:47 message from q' saying trust sessions
@00:07:18 fervently supporting jeff sessions
@00:07:30 jeff sessions is a ku klux klan member
@00:07:45 love jeff sessions and how much they
@00:20:33 you know but sessions in huber a
@00:21:00 sessions should appoint the second a
@00:21:10 years take a gamble says but sessions
@00:21:31 the appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:21:35 says but sessions in huber are following
@00:21:43 fire sessions right great it says but
@00:22:14 sessions via twitter so that therefore
@00:22:21 left love trust sessions but
@00:24:20 the appointment of humor by sessions and
@00:26:46 want jeff sessions to stay on his
@00:28:07 trump blast sessions all these accounts
@00:29:01 it's all same story trump last sessions
@00:29:03 trump last sessions trump last sessions

Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG"

@00:02:38 sessions okay so this is really
@00:03:07 sessions the kabuki that is presidents
@00:03:09 trump's feud with jeff sessions in order
@00:03:14 attack jeff sessions and to actually
@00:03:17 side with jeff sessions somehow i don't
@00:03:25 to trust sessions q said that multiple
@00:04:02 jeff sessions now and he's been kind of

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:22:09 sessions just standing back
@00:22:39 so true you know jeff sessions are just
@00:22:58 to trust sessions that this is all

Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?"

@00:03:27 of jeff sessions into hillary clinton's
@00:06:20 believe that jeff sessions is on their
@00:06:24 sessions i tend to go to on the trust
@00:06:38 for jeff sessions and president trump
@00:06:43 hard on jeff sessions why he's always
@00:06:53 media from going after jeff sessions
@00:09:41 muller in sessions yeah backfires they
@00:09:43 support sessions while he's gonna rest
@00:09:50 faces when sessions like rolls out these
@00:10:00 you know we we trust we trust sessions
@00:10:06 trust sessions now we don't trust
@00:10:08 sessions the double standard is amazing
@00:10:18 first sessions and more over trump oh
@00:10:23 most americans side with sessions over
@00:10:30 more americans support jeff sessions
@00:11:07 sessions muller investigation poll finds
@00:12:24 majorities back molar in sessions again
@00:12:30 there's leave jeff sessions alone this
@00:12:43 sessions over trump oh poll disapprove
@00:13:33 alert inactive told to support sessions
@00:13:42 total support sessions every battle is
@00:14:15 sessions which i think is a feat in of

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:23:35 says ajay sessions job safe until after
@00:24:06 sessions remove fire nothing being done
@00:24:16 blank sessions is not blending such as
@00:24:18 dot blank window sessions by
@00:24:20 sessions playing who does huber work
@00:26:19 about it what's happened with sessions
@00:26:24 sessions to keep the media from
@00:26:26 attacking jeff sessions because it would
@00:26:33 really you know cheering jeff sessions

"Who discovered the link to HRC's server(s)?"

@00:10:11 huber was tapped by sessions to
@00:10:56 attorney general jeff sessions announced
@00:11:04 attorney general sessions revealed us


@00:32:30 jeff sessions to investigate where she
@00:32:56 the direction of jeff sessions with the
@00:39:12 rosenstein and jeff sessions and it says

"There is a price we will not pay."

@00:14:24 picked the doj we have jeff sessions
@00:14:26 obviously accused said trust sessions
@00:14:35 basically to give jeff sessions cover in

President Trump's Epic Troll of MSM + Deep State?

@00:20:15 sessions must be separated from and
@00:20:26 sessions were going after hrc directly
@00:20:48 sessions had to be removed from this as
@00:20:51 sessions has been leading the charge in
@00:21:05 federal dockets sessions has been

Q Anon & POTUS Expose Deep State Cover-Up?

@00:21:48 jeff sessions i said i did but i really
@00:22:54 need to keep trusting sessions because
@00:23:09 sessions i've talked i've said this
@00:23:14 sessions because the reality is if
@00:23:17 say i love jeff sessions and i support
@00:24:17 after all this stuff about jeff sessions

Q Anon - The Great Awakening

@00:16:40 that and i talked about jeff sessions
@00:16:56 the first name i think it is sessions
@00:17:32 sessions since like november i would say
@00:17:43 together between jeff sessions and
@00:25:21 sessions parody account i guess you
@00:27:02 determined there's jeff sessions saying
@00:28:06 anton said listen closed sessions hints
@00:41:12 sessions recusal and subsequent 14 month

Who Hacked Q ANON?

@00:14:14 sessions that have been going on behind

Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump.

@00:06:29 you have jeff sessions was accusing

"Why did POTUS reject in the past?"

@00:01:37 talking about how jeff sessions actually
@00:02:07 better policies that jeff sessions has
@00:05:16 know jeff sessions or you know we all

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:29:06 sessions open statement regarding leak

"Direct comms come in many different forms."

@00:04:14 shut the sessions challenge rod
@00:04:17 demonstrate that sessions must be aware
@00:04:34 sessions given his clear involvement in
@00:04:50 sessions recuse is the left
@00:04:53 attacking sessions what advantage exists
@00:05:15 sessions in rob rosenstein to run his
@00:06:51 it says could sessions publicly
@00:06:58 sessions is not supposed to know
@00:07:21 again sessions to get him out of there
@00:07:25 the sessions must be aware of key muller
@00:07:46 sessions shouldn't be privy to any
@00:08:03 trigger attacks remove sessions given
@00:08:14 reports to sessions but it's it i don't
@00:08:30 sessions or directly regardless and
@00:08:36 why did sessions recused is the left
@00:08:39 attacking sessions and just a quick
@00:09:00 he's out there sessions is out playing
@00:09:32 having jeff sessions be under public
@00:09:53 that is why jeff sessions needs to be
@00:11:14 sessions in rob roses seem to run his
@00:12:01 working with jeff sessions in a very
@00:19:11 course it's thank you jeff sessions so
@00:19:32 actually like jeff sessions because of
@00:19:37 he doesn't like what jeff sessions is
@00:19:41 media want to love just jeff sessions
@00:21:09 about huber and jeff sessions working

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:02:13 sessions appointing federal prosecutor
@00:02:22 here it explains that sessions has
@00:02:25 ordered humor so obviously sessions is
@00:02:31 jeff sessions to team up with the
@00:02:38 sessions inform congress in his letter
@00:03:17 sessions and the president you know
@00:11:07 which is a letter to jeff sessions
@00:21:58 don't have a grand jury sessions appoint
@00:22:17 the letter that jeff sessions center

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:15:41 again here april a ig report sessions

Q ANON: Rocket Man.

@00:05:05 categorize it but sessions where they're
@00:26:03 jeff sessions there says presidents have

Q ANON: "Matters of National Security."

@00:27:09 sessions will be in news about middle

Q ANON: "Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?"

@00:23:49 attacking pruett new york post sessions
@00:24:01 jeff sessions is investigating a slush
@00:24:34 when with regard to the sessions recusal


@00:03:57 thing i said think sessions think the
@00:04:02 chastised attorney general jeff sessions
@00:04:28 jeff sessions saying oh well i would

Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump.

@00:06:28 sessions had recused himself from the
@00:24:52 think trump tweets on sessions god bless
@00:25:04 rides sessions saying oh if i knew he
@00:25:10 never have hired you sessions you oh you
@00:25:21 so he says that did two sessions in
@00:25:28 lot of the fire off of sessions the

Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED."

@00:11:25 department of justice jeff sessions has
@00:17:27 sessions case and if ron rosenstein is
@00:18:12 sessions doesn't run recuse himself then

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:18:05 sessions and those in the department of

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:10:33 general jeff sessions has also said us
@00:11:07 the department in 2016 and 2017 sessions
@00:12:30 sessions informed congress in his letter
@00:13:32 counsel can do if sessions feels that
@00:14:28 jeff sessions and how pointing the
@00:15:16 sessions is saying that they can cover

Q ANON: "Full moon coming."

@00:17:44 attorney general jeff sessions and he's
@00:18:09 jeff sessions so he's been demanded to


@00:10:07 oversight of mueller sessions on recuse


@00:09:38 explaining how jeff sessions appointing
@00:12:06 pointed out before and that sessions you
@00:12:11 sessions it's all a big it's a big


@00:35:56 general jeff sessions isn't fighting
@00:36:41 here you have jeff sessions saying no


@00:03:49 hoax continues all because jeff sessions
@00:03:58 wasted so many lives ruined and sessions
@00:04:14 behind the scenes jeff sessions is
@00:04:31 basically calling out sessions and if
@00:04:33 trump doesn't like sessions and the
@00:04:34 media's gonna love sessions if that
@00:05:05 you know we don't know what sessions is
@00:05:15 really fire jeff sessions at any time so
@00:05:19 is so mad at jeff sessions for all this
@00:05:27 sessions now we've talked about how it
@00:05:47 because he's jeff sessions has recused
@00:05:59 gut is telling me that sessions is
@00:06:37 desk jeff sessions to even put jeff
@00:06:39 sessions in an adversarial position
@00:18:09 you know oh man i wish sessions would

The Mysterious Connections: TG + POTUS = TRUST SESSIONS.

@00:03:19 sessions should have shared these
@00:03:39 read that senator sessions why didn't
@00:07:09 us to trust sessions he's saying trey

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:08:56 jonathan turley saying sessions
@00:10:30 about attorney general jeff sessions
@00:11:10 from both political parties sessions
@00:11:41 sessions reassured goodlatte gaudí and
@00:12:21 time and that sessions behind the scenes
@00:13:18 reporting the sessions will not appoint
@00:13:26 instead totally explained that sessions
@00:13:35 matters unquote sessions informed
@00:14:44 jay sessions march 29th letter explains
@00:18:53 sessions added in his letter which means
@00:19:33 quote i think sessions did the right
@00:19:40 listen to general sessions on this one
@00:19:42 unquote and in sessions quote can always
@00:20:15 sessions where what he did is
@00:20:49 sessions believes crimes were committed
@00:20:53 charges quote sessions has reserved the
@00:21:10 sessions and trump totally said no
@00:27:16 that sessions chose this route of

Q ANON: Latest News - "Flood is coming."

@00:10:50 turley sessions federal the article from
@00:11:06 sessions as investigating things like

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It failed."

@00:03:03 sessions unruh cues or number three
@00:12:22 have to have sessions on recuse himself
@00:13:11 sessions right here where he basically
@00:13:33 sessions one that she's literally
@00:13:45 sessions giving her a basically a veiled
@00:21:41 that that q's told us to trust sessions
@00:23:28 sessions appointing the federal
@00:24:27 and sessions working together to get to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Be prepared."

@00:08:38 sessions and rosenstein and others at

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Why are we here?"

@00:04:59 interesting and jeff sessions has said
@00:07:26 trust sessions trust ray trusts kansas
@00:07:34 know that sessions r a so we're talking
@00:07:37 about jeff sessions the attorney general
@00:07:49 that was put on the case by by sessions
@00:08:13 turley sessions using utah federal it's
@00:08:49 appointed by jeff sessions subsequently
@00:10:12 trump he was reappointed by sessions and
@00:10:36 turns his resignation then sessions
@00:19:24 was appointed by sessions and reen amin
@00:19:38 sessions to look into the wrongdoings of


@00:02:32 require jeff sessions to turn over
@00:09:17 and this is why did sessions recuse what
@00:12:08 sessions and huber is and with the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Already written?"

@00:23:03 sessions out of what they're trying to
@00:33:09 instruct internee general jeff sessions
@00:36:16 general jeff sessions to immediately
@00:36:30 or the executive order to have sessions

Q AN0N: Latest Posts - "This is not a game."

@00:21:11 does potus trust sessions to protect the
@00:21:16 country reconcile with sessions be
@00:21:51 sessions job or that the president is
@00:22:08 the trump sessions phenomena of their
@00:22:19 two sessions but that behind the scenes
@00:22:26 how he wouldn't have nominated sessions
@00:22:28 and he doesn't like sessions and he lets
@00:22:31 sessions go and have lunches with rod
@00:22:46 wants sessions to be able to do his job
@00:22:48 all those sessions recuse himself from
@00:23:09 sources attorney general sessions has
@00:23:46 trust sessions to fake the lies were
@00:23:58 trust sessions and it's saying our
@00:24:14 about how trump paid sessions i'm sure

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes "Insurance File".

@00:36:23 in the next post then it says sessions
@00:36:30 sessions is maybe outside of the loop or
@00:39:15 referring to to jeff sessions then but

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:04:29 says who appointed huber sessions what
@00:09:21 where it's saying trust sessions trust
@00:09:59 hoover it was set hubert sessions what

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Attempts to divide."

@00:42:41 plan sessions is good and you are
@00:43:40 so when we are against sessions why

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself."

@00:39:19 sessions iran he knows exactly what to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:06:45 general jeff sessions to have him

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:03:03 pipe if sessions and ray are in our dc
@00:03:53 why did sessions pick rod rosenstein
@00:04:36 de sessions step back in already is why
@00:04:39 did sessions secretly engage huber why
@00:04:42 did sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:09:35 attorney general obviously jeff sessions
@00:09:40 doj officials obviously jeff sessions
@00:18:04 q saying here if sessions in rayar dc
@00:18:43 sessions on the other hand is in charge
@00:19:47 sessions and off of ray because they
@00:22:21 sessions behind the scenes without
@00:27:47 important to that what was sessions
@00:27:48 sessions a senate confirmation vote what
@00:27:56 sessions had a very close vote in the
@00:28:13 senate who do not like jeff sessions
@00:28:51 than jeff sessions which it kind of
@00:28:55 cue saying when he says trust sessions
@00:30:21 says why did sessions pick rod rose the
@00:30:39 what i mean by that is that did sessions
@00:31:24 sessions found out and he it's the
@00:37:01 sessions is working with huber behind
@00:37:14 why did sessions secretly engage huber
@00:37:17 why did sessions reveal huber timing is
@00:38:24 he's working with sessions and hueber in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "UNPRECEDENTED?"

@00:12:57 jeff sessions work behind the scenes i
@00:13:00 they say trust jeff sessions you know
@00:13:08 sessions q tells us to trust the plan

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:22:24 being alluded to that jeff sessions has
@00:24:59 one why did sessions recuse well like we
@00:26:05 sessions appointed the federal

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:02:19 article title here's why jeff sessions
@00:02:50 mastery of jeff sessions behind the
@00:04:25 so and it talks about how sessions
@00:04:45 and sessions stems from the fact that
@00:04:51 they understand that removing sessions
@00:06:56 people and i think that's what sessions
@00:07:02 allow jeff sessions recusal i think that
@00:07:12 sessions is on trump's side trump will
@00:07:15 about just jeff sessions in order to
@00:32:38 sessions deception i think why we need
@00:32:40 to trust sessions it seems like more and


@00:23:26 who's recused himself in sessions now i
@00:23:29 know q says trust sessions so we'll just

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "America for sale."

@00:20:01 i refer to jeff sessions as mister magoo

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What will next week hold?"

@00:05:15 post here saying think sessions public
@00:06:29 talking about how sessions warrants the
@00:06:50 sessions out you know maybe this is a
@00:07:40 and it's all because sessions recused

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "ARE Y0U AWAKE?"

@00:20:54 is sessions investigating a slush fund
@00:22:43 sessions is weak and q has told us to
@00:22:47 trust sessions we're kind of looking at
@00:22:50 sessions as maybe playing possum right
@00:22:56 general sessions sessions has taken a
@00:23:08 that is a part of what jeff sessions has
@00:23:33 sessions for enact for hanging around
@00:23:38 sessions is compromised


@00:07:30 opinion that sessions is compromised


@00:28:08 know that says that sessions is

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - SYRlAN CONFLlCT

@00:03:40 department of justice and sessions has
@00:03:45 keeps telling us to trust sessions so is
@00:03:47 this another part of sessions long game
@00:04:42 and he'll be working under sessions and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "FBl burning midnight oil."

@00:07:58 so trust sessions q says trust ready
@00:08:15 sessions can we still trust all these
@00:09:00 trust chef sessions trust ray trusts

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q Responds to me!

@00:10:14 that you know sessions should have told

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:01:19 sessions public attack rod rosenstein
@00:06:11 rod rosen's team problems and sessions
@00:06:27 sessions had let trump know he was

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:27:09 general report sessions public attack

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "B00Ms en route."

@00:25:23 i'm going to replace a g jeff sessions

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:09:06 was removed i believe by jeff sessions
@00:09:10 and then reappointed by jeff sessions
@00:13:52 sessions quote-unquote with children
@00:16:30 a public attack against sessions we're

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:00:02 radar and the genius behind the sessions
@00:11:10 turley sessions appointing utah federal
@00:11:18 genius why we should have trust sessions
@00:11:22 the genius of what sessions did we'll
@00:15:36 sessions so trust sessions right that
@00:15:40 removed by sessions and i think
@00:15:42 reappointed by sessions so i think the
@00:15:51 it was a head-fake basically by sessions
@00:16:10 dismissing it and saying sessions is a
@00:16:34 sessions and that aside looking at what
@00:17:21 genius again of sessions recusal the
@00:17:42 guess what sessions doesn't have to do
@00:20:41 thoughts on sessions i know you guys are
@00:20:53 report sessions public attacked public
@00:22:20 us trust sessions and look at what's
@00:36:46 sessions where it says trust bolton this

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated."

@00:02:42 sessions now people are going to be
@00:15:36 says jeff sessions exposed cue agent of
@00:15:39 the clowns in action jeff sessions agent
@00:16:06 in america jeff sessions mueller comey
@00:16:19 take america down scumbag sessions and


@00:13:07 trust sessions okay and we'll read
@00:13:09 through this it says trust sessions trey


@00:02:09 we have all the dirt on jeff sessions
@00:06:38 sessions can't be trusted but we can't
@00:09:08 you know they know jeff sessions is a

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Enjoy the show."

@00:03:42 sessions seat and so on and so forth you

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "AMERICA FOR SALE."

@00:03:42 before sessions you know sally aides who
@00:03:58 jeff sessions and you can see exactly
@00:04:18 down and then jeff sessions took up so i

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go."

@00:02:21 revealed sessions has appointed someone

Q ANON: Latest New Post - " a way to escape."

@00:13:40 sessions coming out and saying he's

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Set the stage" "Clowns out" "Strings Cut"

@00:00:39 first do you trust sessions boom q now
@00:00:46 sessions going and calling out
@00:01:22 saying here is basically that sessions
@00:01:29 lot of different things i think sessions

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Careful Who You Follow."

@00:04:43 jeff sessions in the inspector general

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:26:34 it says why is sessions acting weak why
@00:26:46 sessions for for what i guess he's
@00:26:52 alright so trump calls sessions now
@00:26:56 trump tweeted at sessions basically
@00:27:39 i think it's jeff sessions so showing

Q ANON: New Latest Posts: Sheriffs, C.A.I.R., & FFs?

@00:31:29 before attorney general jeff sessions

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:01:24 secret sessions been underway how could
@00:03:02 before attorney general jeff sessions

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17)

@00:09:33 slush fund did attorney general sessions
@00:09:46 early days of the you know sessions a

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.1.17)

@00:14:07 sessions there how many military
@00:15:11 sessions possibly there possibly sat

Q ANON Posts from Day 1: (10.28.17)

@00:22:01 gleaned from close sessions of congress
@00:24:41 attorney general sessions on leakers
@00:42:40 remember attorney general sessions


@00:04:35 attorney general sessions us cyber

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - @Snowden & @Jack Exposed

@00:03:15 one says trust sessions trust rae 2018
@00:03:24 sessions and ray will be good actors i
@00:03:45 and also sessions was just on in the

Q ANON: More Mysterious Deaths Expose Deep State Tactics.

@00:09:09 coincidence why did sessions brackets at

Infowars Zach / Zack Reveals Plot Superbowl LII FF Plot!!

@00:29:12 sessions sort of he knows this

Q Anon Reveals Truth!! GOP Train Crash | Gowdy New Dep. AG?

@00:04:48 jeff sessions has decided to recuse
@00:05:06 jeff sessions to overview so my thought

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/22/2018 New Posts Triumph Tribulations Q is Real!

@00:04:37 says will sessions drop the hammer one
@00:04:48 reinstate sessions authority re russia
@00:04:58 know the collusion but then sessions is
@00:11:52 sessions and new year's or russian ops

Q Anon January Bombshell 1/17/2018 Revelations Triumphs Tribulations Join The Resistance Q Is Real!!

@00:13:11 sessions so apparently we need to trust
@00:13:13 jeff sessions even though i have my own