
Live Call In Show 10-5 "He's BAAAACKKKK!!"

@00:28:17 so this is from uh brennan murphy this
@00:30:41 i don't know but this is from brennan
@00:30:44 can see brennan murphy just makes

The President Is Waging Asymmetric Warfare!! Red October Has Arrived "aka" [D5]!! :coded:

@00:11:33 peter strzok brennan clapper
@00:12:25 first brennan raised the problem of
@00:12:36 two months earlier then brennan turned
@00:12:44 brennan was now aware that at least a
@00:12:57 we know you were doing this brennan said
@00:13:19 could backfire brennan warned abortnikov
@00:13:37 scapegoating moscow absolutely brennan

Live Call In Show 9/28/20

@00:52:37 brennan dilly he had made his nostra

We Were Warned About [their] Mass Extinction And TransHumansim Agenda!! :coded:

@00:08:37 sergey brennan and washiki was from

Justice Is Coming For The Righteous Ones! :coded:

@00:02:43 julian assange john brennan many many
@00:18:11 47-11 john brennan could we be seeing a
@00:18:14 between john brennan sr and j.a
@00:21:02 brennan james clapper so many more

Evil Lurks In The Shadows And The President Intends To Expose It! :coded:

@00:05:43 think john brennan may testify against

[they] Have Lost Control! The Age Of Enlightenment Is Upon Us! :coded:

@00:12:34 degenova says brennan appears to be a
@00:12:42 john brennan here we go he says former
@00:12:56 former ca director john brennan was
@00:13:37 surmised that brennan is now a witness
@00:14:23 correct i'm assuming that brennan is
@00:15:15 and that is what brennan got the benefit

Pay Attention: This Is A Controlled Demolition! :coded:

@00:21:56 of clapper brennan

TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/14/20

@00:33:26 it has to do with obama and brennan whoa
@00:49:02 james brennan she was the one
@00:49:58 obama and brennan were the ones that

The Final Nail In The Coffin Right Before The Election!? :coded:

@00:19:26 former ca director john brennan

TRUreporting Live Cal ln Show 7/29/20

@00:13:59 michael brennan excellent thank you for

TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:51:01 um brennan with yeah yeah yeah they all

deleted Information Warfare: We're In For One Hell Of A Show!! :coded:

@00:16:55 post 4331 john brennan obama cia
@00:17:16 manipulated by in the kill box brennan

deleted The Hive Mind Is Alive And Well!! :coded:

@00:06:57 brennan clapper and carter pushed to

deleted Greta A Virologist?! [GS] A Board Member Of Contact Tracing!! Celebrity Email Hacks! :coded:

@00:01:20 you're the bodies in the obama brennan

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/8/20

@00:21:26 who john brennan james clapper you know
@00:57:04 james clapper john brennan all these

deleted A Gift From The [RedCross] Incoming?! :coded:

@00:08:00 brennan and comey assessment clapper
@00:08:06 treason brennan come--and clapper all
@00:09:34 can see oh bummer and john brennan james

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/4/2020

@00:49:04 comey clapper brennan sunday monday

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Kate Awakening And Severe Anon!!!!

@00:28:58 agencies have done what you know brennan

deleted Executive Order To Activate All Armed Forces!? Brace For Impact The Storm Has Arrived!! :coded:

@00:13:27 god john brennan ah ah what have i done

deleted WAKE EM' UP WEDNESDAY LIVE!!!! 4/29/2020

@00:26:40 stefan halper this is john brennan

[DS] Comms Have Been Varified By 17!! An Amazing Thread By IET!! :coded:

@00:00:52 brennan comey and sally yates and others
@00:24:09 brennan into the picture because of the

deleted Durham Adds Violent Crime Agents To Investigation!! Gavin's Twitter Symbol!? :coded:

@00:08:59 brennan is he's the one who was actually
@00:09:30 frederic brennan say this infinity and
@00:09:51 patriots so if frederic brennan says

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 4/20/2020

@00:38:27 level fbi and john brennan that's who
@00:38:44 see john brennan as well and it very

deleted The Moment We've All Been Waiting For Has Now Arrived! Now Comes The PAIN! :coded:

@00:13:37 hillary comey rice mckay brennan clapper

deleted TRUreporting Podcast And Live Call In Show

@00:35:19 subpoenas co me john brennan james
@00:50:15 john brennan so many more so many more

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast / Presser / Call In Show

@00:15:36 shift page struck schumer pelosi brennan

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:26:09 schiff james clapper john brennan barack

Beyond The Headlines: The Nazi Bell Time Machine

@00:30:59 i'm waiting on brennan ad with a full

Threads For All You Naysayers Out There! All Hands On Deck! :coded:

@00:12:15 and a barack obama from john brennan and
@00:12:31 brennan ran and coo the fbi followed
@00:13:11 john brennan james clapper barack obama

Did You Hear About Canada's Nuclear "incident"?! Let's Begin The Decode :coded:

@00:13:57 and other documents from brennan this

Well Human Cloning Is Officially Mainstream TODAY!? :coded:

@00:04:46 john kerry john brennan these people

[their] Final Attempt: An Interview With "JohnHereToHelp" :coded:

@00:41:10 people in the know mike comey brennan

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!

@00:22:04 right now you have clapper john brennan

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:07:07 friends page struck mccabe brennan
@00:22:29 including brennan clapper and comey why

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest: Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

@00:54:07 in the top five him john brennan john

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:09:31 john brennan john james clapper loretta
@00:10:01 confirm john brennan as see a director
@00:10:21 brennan is in the wrong place at the
@00:10:24 wrong time what are the odds brennan
@00:10:31 before 9/11 what are the odds brennan
@00:15:46 and ca brennan and d

Who Trapped Who?! The [WB] Has A Name! :coded:

@00:14:25 brennan disarray in chaos than ingraham

Starbucks Symbolism Is VERY Demonic! :coded:

@00:03:42 one frederic brennan the previous
@00:04:00 watch brennan launch d platforming
@00:04:34 former owner being fred brennan and guys
@00:04:51 this has been brennan getting two cows
@00:06:57 brennan in the corporate complicity of
@00:08:24 brennan he's been utterly unable to stop

Neon Revolt: Jim Watkins Files Criminal Complaint Against Former 8Ch Owner!! :coded:

@00:00:55 complaint against frederic brennan
@00:04:31 has been filed against frederic brennan
@00:04:44 frederic brennan noted on twitter but he
@00:04:52 terms brennan is correct when he says
@00:05:26 hit back at frederick brennan after
@00:05:40 it's because frederick brennan is no
@00:06:22 brennan is disabled so again we see here
@00:06:28 brennan with a subpoena earlier and
@00:06:30 brennan almost immediately took to
@00:06:35 frederick brennan in translation i can't
@00:07:03 please dm me frederick brennan says i
@00:07:29 frederick robert brennan respondent the
@00:09:00 revolt says brennan left out a number of
@00:09:09 was given the full complaint brennan
@00:09:42 history brennan is a huge troll on there
@00:09:46 about brennan or about watkins and his
@00:11:32 brennan now faces you can see for
@00:11:38 by brennan should the walk-ins prove
@00:11:40 their case in the court of law brennan

The White Hats Have Possession Of Highly Sensitive Material On Who Created The Enemy!! :coded:

@00:22:44 we see here brennan then we see here the

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:25:42 we're battling frederick brennan for the

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:02:16 interviewing former cia director brennan
@00:10:24 interviewing former cia director brennan
@00:10:43 director john brennan and former
@00:13:17 to question brennan and clapper
@00:16:22 brennan and former director of national
@00:17:06 brennan himself also told msnbc where he
@00:17:47 sometime in mid 2016 brennan formed an
@00:17:59 trump campaign brennan appeared to
@00:18:12 between john brennan right we put
@00:18:31 additionally brennan and some of his cia
@00:20:03 unofficial foreign intelligence brennan
@00:20:10 brennan testified to congress in may of
@00:20:21 shared with the bureau brennan also
@00:22:00 clapper brennan you were lying this view
@00:22:07 discussing both brennan and the former
@00:22:20 got a better argument than brennan based
@00:22:27 unofficial foreign intelligence brennan
@00:22:45 with his interview with mad dog brennan
@00:24:15 collection described by brennan doesn't
@00:24:27 campaign brennan began his process of
@00:24:39 investigation these actions by brennan

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show With Special Guest RedPill78

@00:08:57 about fred brennan oh fred brennan yeah
@00:09:12 brennan is he's the original owner of
@00:17:11 brennan who suffers from osteogenesis
@00:18:17 now let's see did brennan have nothing
@00:18:25 brennan discussed this matter at length
@00:18:40 brennan's frankenstein 8chan brennan
@00:19:23 while brennan would continue to run the
@00:19:31 brennan formally signed the domain over

A War For The Boards: Will 8Kun Survive?! :coded:

@00:01:12 talking about fred brennan hotwheels
@00:13:26 original h and creator fredrik brennan
@00:13:31 brennan created a chain in 2013 as a
@00:14:05 can see here from frederic brennan
@00:14:28 brennan told the daily dot but why is 8
@00:15:01 baffled by this brennan said of the
@00:17:42 not a chan brennan sees them as a
@00:17:51 brennan said the daily stormer was toxic
@00:18:28 this is the key to what brennan is doing
@00:18:35 isolating him brennan said i got zaire
@00:19:02 brennan believed that once their
@00:19:19 that most of us use brennan says the
@00:19:24 people think so does brennan think a
@00:19:53 october 17th brennan discovered watkins

This Is A Time For War And POTUS Is The Only One Fighting For Us!

@00:15:51 eliminate him it's why brennan created

A Complete Breakdown Of #CrowdStrike :coded:

@00:24:46 mccabe to lisa page peter struck brennan
@00:25:29 name clapper brennan rice loretta lynch


@00:14:18 comey clapper yeah brennan all these

A Lot Of Speculation About Epstein's Suicide! What WIll The Outcome Be?

@00:15:56 former cia director john brennan fears

We Need To Investigate Barry!

@00:05:41 here from john o brennan right dan coats
@00:06:02 that if john brennan likes someone

The Disney Connection To Little Saint James Island Is Mind blowing!

@00:12:34 a liar and a leaker clapper and brennan
@00:14:08 hannity i believe clapper brennan and

A MUST WATCH: An Exclusive Interview With Political Cartoonist Ben Garrison!

@00:20:08 young man named frederick brennan and he
@00:27:06 these people you know of john brennan

What We've Been Patiently Waiting For (DECLAS) Is Happening! The Gloves Are Off!

@00:14:42 clinton james comey john brennan james
@00:20:04 clapper and brennan are all going to say
@00:20:21 brennan clapper the lovebirds possibly

Isaac's Dead Man Switch Video

@00:06:37 spoken to john brennan about me hmm
@00:06:40 a month later john brennan had lost his

Trump Dumps Pence In 2020? / NXIVM Whistle Blower Exposes Clinton's / Daily News

@00:21:36 indictments of brennan and comey in late

Neon Revolt: Tracking The Maltese Phantom and Spy Gates Crown Connections!

@00:21:16 director john brennan when really his
@00:28:34 brennan

Memes / Assange / Abramovich / Censorship

@00:00:56 brennan james clapper bruce or obviously
@00:15:38 john brennan and stefan halper with

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:17:05 activated under director brennan

3/20/19 T.R.U.reporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@01:01:59 thinkin budge john brennan james clapper

Are You Ready For March Madness?!

@00:24:13 to open brennan needed to tie up all of
@00:24:28 brennan is the conductor of this

February 5th: The State of The Union Address [All Hell Breaks Loose]

@00:01:42 jim comey and john brennan had been
@00:02:40 brennan had been indicted by a grand
@00:06:27 brennan comey loretta lynch sally yates
@00:07:48 february 8th fbi anton leak on brennan
@00:08:11 comey and john brennan being indicted
@00:08:23 made public that's the john brennan
@00:08:26 trial will be public the brennan trial
@00:09:17 comey and john brennan have been
@00:10:23 comey brennan clapper lisa paige and
@00:12:17 name you the big players john brennan
@00:16:54 also comey and brennan will be indicted
@00:17:50 a john brennan trial in front of us a

Update And News

@00:06:38 indicted that john brennan has been

The Plan To Eliminate Both Trump And Pence: [Nancy Pelosi]

@00:03:54 of information also on john brennan and

Lisa Page Is About To Sabotage A Huge Portion Of The Deep-State Players!!!

@00:08:19 john brennan all traitors all treasonous

Has Ruth Bader Ginsburg Died? [Think Optics]

@00:16:23 hussein brennan jerrod holder rice

Pelosi & Schumer's Video: Pre-Recorded? Green Screen? Clones? "We Are Watching A Movie"

@00:08:18 obama's podesta's john brennan george

I Hope This Makes You Feel More Optimistic About 2019 And "The Plan". #WWG1WGA

@00:14:27 feinstein john brennan james clapper and

High Ranking Cabal Members Haven't Been Heard From! No Tweets, No Posts, NOTHING!

@00:01:12 brennan and a cia director john brennan
@00:01:36 here about john brennan after checking
@00:01:40 has been revealed that john brennan has
@00:01:52 brennan as the infamous internet
@00:02:22 web on silk road john brennan is just
@00:03:13 sacrifices brennan says brennan is
@00:03:42 john brennan has been arrested by the
@00:03:49 brennan as the infamous internet
@00:04:09 not just on the chance guys brennan is
@00:21:23 twitter account private now brennan no

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!! ReeeeEEEEEEEE!!!!!

@00:09:17 brennan i will get to that also with
@00:25:05 john brennan there is definitely a lot
@00:25:18 brennan but there is some truth to it

This Is As REAL As It GETS! No Escape! No Deals!

@00:07:08 it gets no escape no deals ad brennan to
@00:08:44 seditious clown at john brennan we know
@00:09:07 john o brennan whenever you send out

PipeBomb: How Do You Introduce Evidence Into An Investigation [Legally]

@00:14:15 waters john brennan george soros all of


@00:24:05 brennan and rosenstein do our guys now

live stream 10-9-18

@00:25:12 i think comey mccabe struck brennan and

15 min chat! GO!! [KAV] 50-48 confirmed

@00:16:20 mccabe rod rosenstein john brennan peter
@00:16:40 john brennan who died leave out that
@00:17:30 mantas mike says brennan is one of the

Christine Ford's Past Will Blow Your Mind!

@00:15:19 brennan yuck robert muller james comey
@00:16:46 brennan mckay bryce lynch podesta etc
@00:25:34 each of the deep state criminals brennan

DECLAS of FISA Will Put An End To The Swamp!

@00:02:52 director of the cia and the nsa brennan

The Week Of The 17th In September Is Going To Be Yuuuge!

@00:04:30 brennan and clapper and all these

8-28-18 TRUreporting Live Stream

@00:28:11 long time john brennan will get life in

Latest Q-Anon Posts !!

@00:04:30 brennan q i believe he needs to do that

CA Fires Started On Purpose?! Michael Avenatti Running Scared!?

@00:03:18 brennan hussein dates white house
@00:03:26 no name brennan clapper rice who's

Isaac Kappy Dropping TRUTH BOMBS on 8ch!! #pedogate #NeonRevolt

@00:20:21 spoken to john brennan about me five

"A Call To Arms! The Roaring Majority! " By: NEON REVOLT

@00:09:07 brennan q.q then aunt we made sure a
@00:09:17 with brennan in order to sign off on the

34 Bishops Resign Over Sex Abuse / MEMES / Mole Within Trump Campaign Exposed

@00:11:39 of federal criminal law brennan needs

Q-Anon Postings / George Soros / Edward Snowden / EPIC

@00:23:20 state torch at logs with it brennan

I explain: updated Q posts, Seth Rich, D.U.M.B's, Decoded Q posts, and alot more!

@00:09:30 and cia clowns in america john o brennan

Q's Revolution, PornStars Dying, Late Night Hosts, Trump!

@00:03:17 rosenstein sr susan rice jb john brennan