
Was It Truly A Hit Job? Or Was It All Optics From The White Hats?! :coded:

@00:07:54 mccabe along with comey along with

Live Call In Show 10-5 "He's BAAAACKKKK!!"

@00:27:23 the scotus amy comey barrett's

The President Is Waging Asymmetric Warfare!! Red October Has Arrived "aka" [D5]!! :coded:

@00:04:09 james comey and his daughter remember
@00:05:00 daughter maureen comey married to lucas
@00:11:26 goons that are in america comey

Every Detail Accounted For. Every Scenario Planned For. Enjoy The Show! :coded:

@00:11:05 whistle on comey mccabe
@00:12:56 comey testified to
@00:12:58 while comey did not know at the time
@00:15:33 explain why fbi director comey

Justice Is Coming For The Righteous Ones! :coded:

@00:20:57 will be brought to justice comey

TRUreporting Live Call In Show 9/11/20

@00:41:04 james comey that's one of the

TRUreporting Streams The Michigan Rally!! 9/10/20

@00:11:49 hopefully comey the big players i think

Evil Lurks In The Shadows And The President Intends To Expose It! :coded:

@00:05:38 comey is definitely on the chopping

[they] Have Lost Control! The Age Of Enlightenment Is Upon Us! :coded:

@00:12:38 against comey in the durham inquiry that
@00:12:44 fbi director james comey appears to be
@00:13:14 of a criminal investigation and comey
@00:13:39 against comey
@00:13:50 but there's no doubt that comey is at
@00:14:28 witness against james comey

Pay Attention: This Is A Controlled Demolition! :coded:

@00:21:53 indictments you think of comey you think
@00:21:58 james comey oh my goodness the list goes

TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/14/20

@00:37:56 these were sent shortly after comey

The Final Nail In The Coffin Right Before The Election!? :coded:

@00:19:24 and former fbi director james comey and
@00:23:26 fbi head james comey unloaded a

deleted Information Warfare: We're In For One Hell Of A Show!! :coded:

@00:17:33 comey barack obama hillary clinton nancy

deleted The Hive Mind Is Alive And Well!! :coded:

@00:05:15 director comey affirmed that he is
@00:05:24 a national security perspective comey
@00:05:41 absolutely uh comey said that could be
@00:05:49 asked if comey was saying that the nsc

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/8/20

@00:21:20 know the hell james comey is a lot of

deleted A Gift From The [RedCross] Incoming?! :coded:

@00:08:00 brennan and comey assessment clapper

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/4/2020

@00:49:04 comey clapper brennan sunday monday

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/2/2020

@00:26:34 and then we see all comey boy here

deleted Executive Order To Activate All Armed Forces!? Brace For Impact The Storm Has Arrived!! :coded:

@00:10:07 comey john brenner james clapper a lot
@00:13:20 checkmated as you can see here comey
@00:18:43 says yeah people are focusing on comey
@00:18:48 since comey is clearly a criminal that

deleted WAKE EM' UP WEDNESDAY LIVE!!!! 4/29/2020

@00:26:46 comey

[DS] Comms Have Been Varified By 17!! An Amazing Thread By IET!! :coded:

@00:00:52 brennan comey and sally yates and others
@00:12:36 comey wrote in a memo that president

deleted Wake Em Up Wednesday!!!! 4-22-2020

@00:23:21 with director comey making his
@00:24:54 page peter struck james comey on that

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 4/20/2020

@00:38:33 this is what's gonna be james comey

deleted The Moment We've All Been Waiting For Has Now Arrived! Now Comes The PAIN! :coded:

@00:06:01 scrub and comey had to spill it be
@00:13:37 hillary comey rice mckay brennan clapper

deleted TRUreporting Podcast And Live Call In Show

@00:50:11 grand jury james comey james clapper

deleted TRUreporting Call In Show

@00:08:22 james comey in yeah and andrew mccabe

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast / Presser / Call In Show

@00:15:45 already right james comey bye-bye

deleted TRUreporting Live Podcast

@00:15:02 comey a higher loyalty truth lies and

deleted TRUreporting Interviews Tommy G!!

@00:28:26 who else james comey i've seen who else

deleted TRUreporting Podcast + Live Call in Show! 3/19/20

@00:48:43 comey right page right struck right

deleted Feeling Discouraged?! You Won't Be After Listening To This!! WINNING!

@00:17:02 on comey mccabe over warrantless spying

Threads For All You Naysayers Out There! All Hands On Deck! :coded:

@00:11:10 james comey a.m. peter struck lisa paige
@00:13:23 lisa paige am james comey all coming

Do Not Trust What [they] Are Telling You!! :coded:

@00:09:21 and jonathan karl reported that comey
@00:09:25 that comey told trump three times he was
@00:09:29 then comey did the opposite cnn's thomas

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:31:42 comey is those people yeah are in
@00:33:45 about mccabe or comey you know throwing

Well Human Cloning Is Officially Mainstream TODAY!? :coded:

@00:10:15 to trader james comey the harvest in
@00:11:06 do with mr. james comey we shall see

[their] Final Attempt: An Interview With "JohnHereToHelp" :coded:

@00:41:10 people in the know mike comey brennan

We Are Witnessing A Slow Death of The [D] Party!! :coded:

@00:01:06 entitled fbi director james comey before


@00:06:46 about james comey and it spelled out

The Mocking Bird Media And [DS] Will Both Be Destroyed Accordingly, Perfection Takes Time!! :coded:

@00:14:20 our former fbi director james comey and
@00:16:35 obama oh barna obama comey corny which
@00:16:43 documented that the comey in the corny
@00:19:36 james comey andrew mccabe a lot of

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!

@00:08:38 and comey comes up in the ig report if
@00:08:47 comes up comey that's such a troll move
@00:21:57 and handcuffs mccabe struck paige comey
@00:22:01 maybe comey
@00:43:00 people are saying james 8 comey and

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:08:28 pre-snap james comey kevin kline smith
@00:12:52 comey fbi leadership supported relying
@00:18:01 searched the report for keyword comey
@00:18:08 resort results for comey hash tag corny
@00:18:12 hash tag comey boom right here you type
@00:22:29 including brennan clapper and comey why

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:09:27 barack hussein obama we have james comey
@00:12:59 on posts on 4chan july 5th 2016 comey in
@00:13:25 comey says no reasonable prosecutor
@00:14:04 and hot dogs did comey become a red hat
@00:14:07 october 28th of 2016 comey suddenly
@00:14:53 contacts and their context comey signed
@00:15:17 if comey and rod rosen's team became red
@00:15:37 the future regardless of whether comey
@00:15:43 managed by our fb you know what comey
@00:19:28 probe may 3rd of 2017 comey top clinton

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:19:37 and comey delivered to then president
@00:22:09 fbi director james comey noted it's

Another Swamp Creature Dead!! :coded:

@00:00:45 comey whether it's struck and his lover


@00:14:38 james comey not a fan of these people

Have The White Hats Seized Military Satellites?! :coded:

@00:02:29 covering a jim comey tweet speaking
@00:12:23 coded tweet this is what james comey

A Complete Breakdown Of #CrowdStrike :coded:

@00:28:39 loretta lynch james comey am peter
@00:29:04 us senators class 1 class 2 james comey


@00:14:18 comey clapper yeah brennan all these
@00:27:33 for comey remember when q said that yes

The FEDS Confirms Epstein Did Not Die In His Cell!!

@00:13:56 comey said in previous interviews that
@00:14:11 much-anticipated report on comey it was
@00:14:23 comey on horowitz referral which that
@00:15:03 why did comey reveal to trump that the
@00:16:06 instead comey claimed obstruction of
@00:16:17 comey said in one of the most
@00:16:30 that trump asked everyone but comey to
@00:16:58 however comey later admitted that the
@00:17:05 ambassador according to comey in the
@00:17:18 however if comey would have advised
@00:17:30 it looks like comey who would have been

Painting Of Bill Clinton Wearing A Dress Surfaces! :coded:

@00:16:54 he was a secret fbi director james comey

A Lot Of Speculation About Epstein's Suicide! What WIll The Outcome Be?

@00:12:16 director james comey says he is worried
@00:14:24 but this was the same month comey began
@00:15:43 russia deal comey and other former obama

Where Do We Go From Here? :coded:

@00:08:37 trump's nemesis jim comey admitted in
@00:08:55 is from james comey guys but he is a

A Subtle Message In Plain Site To The Movement?!

@00:06:30 under loretta lynch and the comey led
@00:08:50 update comey crimes exposed by judicial

Post Rally Thoughts🇺🇸

@00:06:20 mm you know you said comey is done yes

A Meeting Of The Minds In Sicily/ Epstein's Transhumanism?! :coded:

@00:07:46 story but officially confirmed comey
@00:08:00 comey for leaking classified information
@00:08:08 comey is cooperating in multiple

The Disney Connection To Little Saint James Island Is Mind blowing!

@00:12:24 so hannity has asked this question comey
@00:12:32 think of these people he asked comey is
@00:14:11 mccabe comey these people will never see

What All Transpired Yesterday Was Incredible! :coded:

@00:02:25 trigger subsequent release of comey our
@00:02:56 comey report equals d-class followed by
@00:03:44 horowitz comey d 'class indictments

What We've Been Patiently Waiting For (DECLAS) Is Happening! The Gloves Are Off!

@00:00:26 down the wrong person look at comey look
@00:09:46 the comey report moves and countermoves
@00:09:59 publicly see coming soon comey in the
@00:14:42 clinton james comey john brennan james
@00:20:02 innocence gates says now comey and
@00:20:18 people go down we're talking comey

Is J_A Being Tortured In Prison?!

@00:03:49 post 3335 old james comey we see here
@00:04:06 landslide is comey goes down first then
@00:05:18 anton's meme reference comey about to
@00:05:23 all bombs comey wrote an op-ed calling
@00:05:53 comey transcript next week to coincide

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:44:11 one about james comey you know i did
@00:44:25 that comey said that trump is gonna get
@00:44:28 reelected comey said that yeah he just

Trump Dumps Pence In 2020? / NXIVM Whistle Blower Exposes Clinton's / Daily News

@00:21:21 equals comey ray equals another trader
@00:21:36 indictments of brennan and comey in late

History Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes!

@00:06:47 director james comey and former deputy

Neon Revolt: Tracking The Maltese Phantom and Spy Gates Crown Connections!

@00:27:28 night rosenstein fired james comey

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:14:18 i think he lied in the comey rapport in

Memes / Assange / Abramovich / Censorship

@00:00:45 investigated james comey sally yates

Assange Jailed For 50 WEEKS!! The Walls Are Closing In On The FISA Abusers!

@00:05:44 james comey and former director pewt
@00:08:37 comey unconvincingly is rejecting
@00:08:49 concerning cereal up talker comey said

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:06:36 comey report ig report d-class boom

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:06:18 with trump but i've also seen comey

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:22:34 me everything on comey is going to be

Do We Have Another LBJ In The White House?? I PRAY NOT!

@00:09:51 other than james comey now that's
@00:11:06 we james comey leaves the justice
@00:14:29 james comey knee hit with a six million
@00:14:58 happened next in april 2016 james comey
@00:15:33 attorney general comey gets fired based
@00:15:35 upon a letter by rosenstein comey leaks

It Is Now Time To Investigate The Investigators! "Justice Will Be Served."

@00:09:49 former fbi director james comey who
@00:10:01 health care plan to comey is briefing to


@00:07:18 then fbi director james comey to
@00:07:28 state days later comey said nothing in
@00:07:39 comey shared blame for her loss to a
@00:07:40 republican donald trump comey has said

#FreeAssange [Think Optics]

@00:05:57 fbi director james comey would testify
@00:18:07 clapper or james comey says here server

F.B.I. anon Unleashed!?

@00:05:28 director comey will likely resign in any
@00:08:01 fbi director comey has been trying to

WE Are Witnessing History Being Made!

@00:07:49 james comey loretta lynch hrc barack

12 YUUUGE BombShells In One Week: But, "Nothing's Happening?

@00:12:31 comey cramer revealed he had contact
@00:13:39 provided the dossier to director comey
@00:14:28 james comey deputy attorney general
@00:14:35 the following day comey then met with
@00:14:39 the adazi a comey would only inform
@00:14:50 dossier were leaked to cnn comey in

Is This The President's Reflection?

@00:16:16 by former fbi officials james comey


@00:29:07 is his best friend james comey is his
@00:30:46 comey should be fired or worse if
@00:31:48 roderick a comey i said lisa page peter

[RBG] Seen Alive At Airport?! Latest Q Postings! Whistle Blower Article On CF

@00:07:32 comey andrew mckay peter struck lisa
@00:10:29 syndicate comey was protecting it lynch

" A New Phase In The Battle ! "

@00:01:32 director fire james comey director fired
@00:02:27 josh campbell assistant of james comey
@00:03:15 james comey everyone under these people
@00:03:18 everyone under james comey has been
@00:04:03 sent to then director james comey since
@00:04:27 staff to comey fbi intelligence analysis
@00:16:04 but by now james comey rod rosenstein

February 5th: The State of The Union Address [All Hell Breaks Loose]

@00:01:42 jim comey and john brennan had been
@00:02:37 fbi and on here jim comey and john
@00:06:27 brennan comey loretta lynch sally yates
@00:07:51 and comey indictments becoming public
@00:08:11 comey and john brennan being indicted
@00:09:17 comey and john brennan have been
@00:10:23 comey brennan clapper lisa paige and
@00:16:54 also comey and brennan will be indicted

Update And News

@00:06:37 tweeted that james comey has been

The Plan To Eliminate Both Trump And Pence: [Nancy Pelosi]

@00:11:08 and comey are a part of the fbi help

Lisa Page Is About To Sabotage A Huge Portion Of The Deep-State Players!!!

@00:01:13 mccabe jim james comey a lot of stuff
@00:08:14 sally yates loretta lynch james comey

Has Ruth Bader Ginsburg Died? [Think Optics]

@00:01:58 tweets from james comey ruth bader
@00:12:11 james comey a lot going on so we see
@00:13:04 james comey a total sleaze and that was
@00:15:03 think comey either flipped or has always
@00:15:34 firing of comey was a dramatic was going
@00:15:47 comey leaked to the press and just the
@00:16:28 possessed in evil james comey on the
@00:16:36 tweet from james comey the perfect day
@00:17:37 it's very strange that james comey

"What Makes A Great Movie?" GOOD ACTORS.

@00:05:36 comey must be fired it was just 10 days
@00:05:48 fires fbi director comey following rosen
@00:05:57 viewing comey as the guilty one for the
@00:06:29 page also james comey as an insurance

Live Call In Show. Open Forum. Phone Lines Open At 200 Likes

@00:31:13 james comey and what do you think of you


@00:40:58 loretta lynch james comey catherine

High Ranking Cabal Members Haven't Been Heard From! No Tweets, No Posts, NOTHING!

@00:06:56 russia following clinton comey struck
@00:21:17 willy no tweets in four days comey no

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044 Lines Open At 100 Likes!!! ReeeeEEEEEEEE!!!!!

@00:11:02 not tweeting james comey it's not

The Clock Is Ticking. [D] Day, Patriots. We Will Have Our Country Back!

@00:05:39 questions than comey on certain topics
@00:06:31 comey and his lawyers did on many topics
@00:06:38 less contentious than comey
@00:06:43 comey did with certain topics so wind is

FBI Attempted Assassination On Trump Revealed In Missing Text Messages!!!

@00:12:36 committee comey testifies excuse me

This Is As REAL As It GETS! No Escape! No Deals!

@00:07:24 bomb of the clintons eric holder comey

Why Is John "skippy" Podesta Suddenly Doing Interviews? And WTH Is Smocking?!

@00:10:42 remember if that occurred here comey
@00:10:48 calendar we asked comey if this briefing
@00:10:57 and the weiner investigation comey
@00:11:32 coleman comey said he thought very
@00:11:36 straight shooter we asked comey if this
@00:11:44 october comey responded i don't think so
@00:12:08 coleman and comey rebecky stated that he
@00:12:17 meeting between comey and coleman but he
@00:12:38 believe the actual emails mr. comey it's
@00:13:08 those conspiratorial theories mr. comey
@00:13:30 the crime that are ongoing now mr. comey
@00:15:30 campaign to russia after james comey
@00:16:29 emails i know james comey is being is

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044! Phone Line Opens At 100Likes!

@00:02:17 but i know james comey is in a hell of a

Feds Received Whistle-Blower Evidence Against Clinton Foundation! Body Language At Bush's Funeral

@00:09:19 comey we all know what's going on right
@00:17:28 james comey by the man in charge of the
@00:17:48 he makes fun of her comey brennan
@00:18:14 looking the comey brandon bruce or his
@00:18:16 wife clapper comey all these you know
@00:24:10 you are learning in on jc james comey
@00:24:14 i believe james comey i might be wrong
@00:24:17 riots in france today comey testimony do

"Two Ex-Presidents Will Be Taken & Three WIll Be Shaken" - Mark Taylor

@00:07:07 bitches comey is shaking in his boots
@00:07:33 do the math q talking about comey right
@00:07:42 testimony comey why so yeah that's what
@00:16:54 james comey all of these men i believe
@00:24:55 comey said died this afternoon because

11/20/18 Live Call In Show 803-399-0044

@00:02:34 comey and clinton arrested is it coming

Jim Acosta Should Lose Press Pass!! AND Jeff Sessions RESIGNS!??

@00:02:44 huge guys james comey the director of

This TimeLine Is So Crazy! Its Being Altered By White Hats!

@00:11:42 comey history will prove itself i'm

PipeBomb: How Do You Introduce Evidence Into An Investigation [Legally]

@00:20:00 381 so there's a lot there james comey


@00:05:40 of a point so we see here james comey

live stream 10-9-18

@00:25:12 i think comey mccabe struck brennan and

15 min chat! GO!! [KAV] 50-48 confirmed

@00:16:18 a friend of mine james comey andrew
@00:16:33 byrne and absolutely james comey rod
@00:17:15 caliber of a james comey and these


@01:09:05 about those players - yeah comey mccabe

Christine Ford's Past Will Blow Your Mind!

@00:15:19 brennan yuck robert muller james comey
@00:16:44 comey good lord
@00:22:35 mueller protege of comey
@00:25:36 comey mccabe muller rice and lynch who

DECLAS of FISA Will Put An End To The Swamp!

@00:17:12 comey all the sudden democrats tried to
@00:18:06 comey mccabe struck even obama if we get

#TRUreporting 9-17-18

@00:34:41 comey

Trump To Take Things Into His Own Hands! #KEK #Qanon #WWG1WGA

@00:03:00 without redaction of james comey andrew

The Week Of The 17th In September Is Going To Be Yuuuge!

@00:04:27 obama hillary clinton james comey
@00:04:35 comey mccabe all of them debbie

Learn Who To Trust. Attacks Coming From Every Angle! WWG1WGA

@00:10:14 similar coded messages as comey et all

Happy Labor Day!

@00:08:45 james comey director fired it basically

Snow White 7 Is Now Offline. Package Complete. Have a Nice Day.

@00:27:20 after all their missteps comey mccabe

My Tribute To John "No Name" Mccain !!

@00:23:25 comey either way the movie kicks into

Show This To Your Normie Friends & Family!

@00:33:40 james comey coincidence guess who was
@00:34:32 four years later james comey leaves the
@00:37:33 2013 none other than james comey who
@00:38:12 comey drafts an exoneration letter of
@00:38:28 comey is james steps out into the
@00:38:43 general comey gets fired based upon a
@00:38:45 letter by rosenstein comey leaks
@00:39:35 let us not forget that comey brother
@00:40:05 law is a protege of james comey and
@00:40:15 mueller three times james comey v barack
@00:41:19 the clapper leaks the comey leaks the

Latest Q-Anon Posts !!

@00:11:44 anxious over comey testify
@00:12:54 day james comey tweet translation

New Images Surfacing Of Epstien Island?!?

@00:06:21 never forget direct comey or excuse me
@00:06:23 director comey fired department of

Another Comet PingPong! But This Time Were Dealing With Doughnuts!?

@00:02:24 director james comey signed three 5s

The Media's FF Setup?! And Hillary's SECOND Server?! By: NEON REVOLT

@00:28:20 investigation james comey fbi director
@00:38:55 comey mccabe struck fbi knew about the
@00:39:14 explain it comey mccabe struck they're
@00:39:18 come out mr. comey you've been here
@00:39:26 investigation comey mumbles some bs
@00:39:30 that's right mr. comey number of times

CA Fires Started On Purpose?! Michael Avenatti Running Scared!?

@00:03:20 visitor logs no name brenham comey

Thoughts On Trump Putin Press Conference!

@00:04:13 obama comey mueller

This "Missing Server" Will Inevitably Be The Downfall Of Evil In America

@00:00:12 clinton barack obama james comey and the
@00:01:05 graph we see obama lynch comey sally
@00:02:31 director james comey on october 4th 2016
@00:03:51 recall this briefing with comey coleman
@00:03:56 comey would be consistent with normal
@00:04:05 a one-on-one meeting with comey and told
@00:04:19 comey to discuss coleman's upcoming
@00:05:17 here comey told us that he did not
@00:05:24 we asked comey if the briefing could
@00:05:32 weiner investigation comey stated it's
@00:05:51 4th to comey comey did not recall being
@00:05:55 the notes when asked about coleman comey
@00:06:04 liar we asked comey if this information
@00:06:10 of it in the early october comey
@00:06:28 coleman and comey rebecky stated that he
@00:06:36 between comey and coleman but he had no
@00:06:58 the fbi director comey seldom if ever

"Fist Pumps And False Flags" By: NEON REVOLT

@00:15:15 correctly it looks like comey had
@00:19:17 came out on monday breaking james comey
@00:19:47 unexpected intervention by comey
@00:20:13 to comey
@00:20:19 with comey and that while the government
@00:20:42 told to stand down by warner comey was
@00:20:57 this would implicate comey and the

Coverage Of The Trump Rally That I Attended In South Carolina!

@00:15:27 to say breaking james comey personally
@00:15:41 from dirty cop james comey killed

"When I Was 18 People Called Me..." By NEON REVOLT

@00:08:51 spanish jc james comey or james clapper

George Soros Detained?! / Latest Q-Anon / Can We Trust Horowitz?

@00:12:49 comey why classified by intel

Latest Q-Anon Posts / [RR] Checkmate?! / SpaceForce / FBI Agent Murdered

@00:18:49 james comey and the kill box or james
@00:22:49 so i mean really that's believable comey
@00:23:03 fbi director james comey refused to

Latest Q-Anon / Hussien In Drag?! / MEMES

@00:01:32 crooked hillary and slippery james comey
@00:02:56 came out in the ig report james comey
@00:03:24 james comey nhrc

"A Call To Arms! The Roaring Majority! " By: NEON REVOLT

@00:05:12 james comey and offered that more
@00:08:49 comey throws a j lynch under the bus why

Roseanne Vs. VJ / FBI Insider To Testify Against Obama!! / Tommy Robinson / MEMES

@00:02:48 comey and obama to congress so let's
@00:10:44 spill beans on comey and obama to
@00:11:11 f and fired fbi director james comey for
@00:11:40 of the law exposing comey also shines a

#dgfffcf "Why Is This Tweet So YUUUGE?!"

@00:06:11 like a jim comey these are an mueller

PART 2 / SerialBrain 2 Decode / NYPD [2] [187] / CIA Hacked

@00:06:43 cummings tweet in q 645 james comey
@00:18:42 comey sent peter struck to london 90
@00:18:48 try to frame trump then comey lied about

Q-Anon Posts May 2nd-4th / JetBlue / Apple HQ / No Name / Savannah GA

@00:07:08 james comey fire department of justice
@00:24:01 comey rod rosenstein loretta lynch eric

Does James Comey Answer To A Satanic Cult Leader?! YOU BET!

@00:00:17 about james comey it's very in-depth if
@00:00:19 you don't know a lot about james comey
@00:05:09 rightly reminding comey that by
@00:05:20 classification comey makes his first
@00:05:33 attack this is comey attacking anderson
@00:06:06 gives us a very telling shot at comey at
@00:06:31 wrong in your question anderson comey
@00:07:02 veiled threat then comey makes his
@00:07:29 coming the law is now what comey says it
@00:07:32 is your majesty comey has his own
@00:07:50 what is is cooper's answer to comey
@00:08:06 comey tries to recover by reminding him
@00:08:35 damn cooper knows comey is now agonizing
@00:09:27 comey redefining leaking too he learned
@00:09:41 details about its origin so comey pick a
@00:09:50 to cooper and see what comey has to say
@00:10:01 interesting do you know what comey is
@00:10:42 james comey a higher loyalty
@00:10:50 so continue on a higher loyalty comey is
@00:11:22 why did comey drop this who was the fbi
@00:12:55 think logically if comey dropped the
@00:13:13 family threats comey was also offered a
@00:13:31 trump isn't firing james comey as fbi
@00:13:40 director comey has a 10-year term that
@00:13:47 to fire comey
@00:15:22 culture comey is talking about it's

Latest Q-Postings / #EAGERLION18 / Netanyahu / Trump Nobel Peace Prize

@00:05:11 south carolina james comey i don't trust

Trump Calls Out Mccain / Latest Q-Posts #804-810 / Gun Grab / Distraction

@00:16:09 clinton jc jc is james comey james

I discuss a Minneapolis Dirty Bomb?! Building the Gallows for traitors!

@00:02:32 unequivocally states that comey it
@00:07:19 why mccabe lawyered up why comey
@00:13:38 in on this comey
@00:13:40 james comey andy mccabe yates rod

Releasing of memo!!! Is this the end of Hillary Clinton and her DNC cronies?!

@00:07:41 probable cause then director james comey
@00:15:24 january 2017 director comey james comey
@00:19:40 damning to the fbi fbi doj cia comey
@00:19:50 james comey and about 10 other people

Trump in Nuclear Bunker? Adam Schiff = pedophile? Releasing of memo! Imminent false flags?!

@00:07:11 comey special agent andrew mccabe stood
@00:10:49 and you know comey posted a tweet

State of the Union/ The magnitude of this Memo being released! #Releasethememo

@00:01:54 have the director of the fbi james comey

I explain: updated Q posts, Seth Rich, D.U.M.B's, Decoded Q posts, and alot more!

@00:11:10 comey am is andrew mccabe ps is peter

Q's Revolution, PornStars Dying, Late Night Hosts, Trump!

@00:03:05 jc james comey jc james clapper cs chuck

Q is back! #Releasethememo NewsWeek Raid, CNBC Plants Bomb! Confused? Ill explain!

@00:05:59 supporting james comey termination why
@00:07:58 rodham clinton james comey james comey