
10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:04:21 rod rosenstein susan rice john brennan
@00:09:58 reveal about brennan no name coordinate

Nothing to See Here Ep#3 - F BOMBS & CROWDSTRIKE

@00:22:57 right now we have comey and brennan and
@00:24:56 brennan is accused of seeing those
@00:25:42 comey or i told brennan if that's the
@00:25:54 uh john brennan said that he thinks his
@00:26:17 real quick on brennan first rick

It's About Time Something Happens, Red October, Marathon End

@00:11:41 everything that john brennan james comey
@00:15:14 john brennan cia
@00:22:08 reason brennan tapped
@00:22:13 tapped by brennan
@00:22:14 brennan classif classified regarding

BREAKING: RIG FOR RED: JA, SR, JB, and "L"uccifer 2.0

@00:02:46 john brennan q
@00:06:03 director which is brennan
@00:07:58 seth rich john brennan cia goosa and
@00:28:32 john brennan cia how this is tied to the
@00:28:40 is linked to cia john brennan


@00:01:59 director john brennan
@00:09:38 brennan peter strzok and the doj
@00:10:49 brennan james comey and peter strzok and
@00:13:15 this article why brennan and i'm going
@00:13:17 to add comey here brennan comey peter
@00:21:14 brennan
@00:23:14 brennan has admitted strzok helped write
@00:27:57 brennan gave the guy who mysteriously
@00:29:55 agency task force brennan established
@00:29:59 article in interview with matto brennan
@00:30:17 the article is called did brennan admit
@00:30:25 here it's possible that brennan was
@00:40:03 apparatus participated with brennan and

SNOWDEN Review- Potential Pardon by POTUS - Homecoming2020?

@00:11:30 acting under the direction of brennan
@00:13:10 john brennan and him were basically
@00:25:52 banking on brennan to bring you home you
@00:40:18 brennan

More Spygate Released, Twitter Censors QAnon, and MORE!

@00:21:28 the q post that mccain and brennan were

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:35:28 why is john brennan still free why is

Ability To See [Clearly] What They've Hid from You for So Long

@00:10:40 the nsa on the orders of john brennan it

The PEOPLE'S General. Soon!

@00:18:35 mr clapper and mr brennan for example

Do Anons Understand What is About to be Unleashed?

@00:40:37 yeah clapper and brennan actually in a
@00:40:39 little bit of trouble cuz brennan it's
@00:40:43 talked about in the past that brennan

Intel Weaponization: Spies, Lies, and The Press EC, Grassley and More!

@00:32:46 clapper and brennan were all over it
@00:34:07 been brennan that could have been james

Shall we play a game? Change of Batter coming? FISA = START week 3

@00:33:20 comey brennan yeah that will set the
@00:33:55 pawns first comey brennan yeah do you
@00:34:20 brennan and clapper and comey

THE HOOK AND SET UP = They thought they could prevent exposure and remain protected. Woops!

@00:30:11 john brennan hiding information that
@00:34:32 brennan suppressed intel saying russia
@00:35:33 could get sticky for john brennan in
@00:36:04 chief john brennan also had intel saying
@00:36:24 that brennan suppressed some
@00:36:39 john john brennan as cia chief held back
@00:37:45 about brennan holding back positive
@00:37:59 hacked by russia cia brennan force

Seth Rich, Crowdstrike, James Baker, and Flynn FISA?! Don't miss this one!

@00:01:01 set up within the fbi clapper brennan

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:01:52 pretty clear that john brennan if he
@00:04:05 false document created by john brennan
@00:06:17 severity of the conduct of brennan and
@00:06:43 a guy like john brennan yes
@00:07:02 i have no doubt that john brennan

A Tale of 2 Whistleblowers - and the Muslim Brotherhood

@00:28:08 so john brennan the cia is the big new
@00:29:52 is john brennan as part of his cia duty
@00:30:47 to pakistan employees of john brennan
@00:31:02 brennan heads a firm that was sited in
@00:31:59 both brennan and brzezinski being in the
@00:34:28 mentor to obama john brennan is in
@00:34:37 of them brzezinski and john brennan okay
@00:35:10 brennan and obama's paths cross using
@00:38:53 mr. john o brennan spent most of his cia
@00:42:43 operatives brennan and brzezinski would
@00:45:13 and then no punishment for brennan by
@00:45:23 this guy john brennan actually comes out


@00:07:47 taught and she's talking about brennan


@00:01:24 to come former cia director john brennan
@00:04:02 times article about john brennan being
@00:04:27 going on with brennan not gonna play the
@00:04:32 brennan at just nine minutes after
@00:04:58 conjunction with with john brennan so i
@00:05:11 do with brennan but after i see this you
@00:05:23 brennan then i was right that's what cuz
@00:05:27 about john brennan and the steel dossier
@00:05:50 brennan in a second but what i think is
@00:08:48 okay and i think that's and then brennan
@00:08:56 i'll get to the to the john brennan
@00:09:28 john brennan blah blah blah so durham is
@00:10:37 brennan cia was attempting to keep other
@00:11:30 and brennan basically lied to the fbi
@00:12:09 whether brennan was pushing for a biased
@00:14:01 interviewed brennan though the report
@00:16:15 president director brennan also advised
@00:16:22 brennan stein including congressional
@00:17:49 the brent the brennan relayed
@00:25:01 assessment that john brennan got done
@00:25:25 john brennan and john brennan told you
@00:27:22 durham is looking at john brennan as he
@00:27:36 putting former cia director john brennan
@00:30:19 focusing very closely on john brennan
@00:30:32 brennan testified under oath to trey
@00:30:49 brennan did say he used it in the

The Shot Heard Around the World. The GREAT AWAKENING. Rudy to testify?

@00:18:52 rod rosenstein susan rice john brennan
@00:29:21 down potus threats at john brennan was

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:22:17 james john brennan and then classified
@00:24:01 strock lisa page no-name clapper brennan

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:33:35 because it's got to do with brennan and
@00:35:04 bringing the information to brennan and
@00:38:20 brennan tapped directly for support yes
@00:38:25 brennan classified secure division
@00:40:23 tapped he was telling us that brennan
@00:40:27 brennan tapped directly for support of
@00:45:48 brennan rice ll hrc bill clinton hugh

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:10:08 brennan went to harry reid in september

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:15:36 by comey clapper and brennan require

Monday Morning w/Joe DiGenova on Comey, FISA, IG, Durham and MORE...

@00:04:05 brennan and others including the
@00:05:10 rice clapper brennan and comey so i hope
@00:11:24 rice james clapper john brennan and

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:26:36 july 29th 2019 we get this brennan says

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:22:51 no escape no deals had brennan to the
@00:24:26 brennan added back in and he's saying
@00:24:33 out the tweet with john brennan in it
@00:24:50 clown john brennan we know you are
@00:25:23 brennan you know how much blood you have

The Public Awakening - Be Ready! QPost Analysis: 3637-3646

@00:21:32 brennan initiated the ica is a risk to

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:24:51 worked with joe biden and john brennan
@00:26:05 director john brennan a vocal critic of
@00:45:28 john brennan was some assistance from
@00:47:33 brennan became the point man in the
@00:47:53 brennan took unofficial foreign

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:08:43 brennan to run an operation against
@00:10:43 additionally brennan has admitted struck
@00:11:26 career for the cia director john brennan
@00:15:24 it's just like that time john brennan
@00:17:25 task force brennan established
@00:17:29 interview with maddow brennan is
@00:17:46 did brennan admit to using reverse
@00:17:55 possible that brennan was describing the
@00:27:33 brennan and strock also have a vested

QAnon is Back! Rigged for Red and Ready to Surface!

@00:07:55 somebody for this is frederick brennan

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:38:08 case she's talking about brennan no name
@00:38:14 two brennan and no-name how they

Remember Romania? And Finalizing FISA, Durham Criminal Investigation

@00:20:09 james clapper john brennan we've already

Durham/Horowitz Sets Sights on Senate Intel Committee - A Deep Dive

@00:10:15 national intelligence brennan and
@00:16:02 john brennan and former director of
@00:16:07 brennan told nbc news okay okay hello
@00:16:13 brennan durham has also requested to
@00:18:06 what the legal basis for this is brennan
@00:43:46 that was initiated by john brennan very


@00:04:30 director john brennan expressed outrage
@00:05:05 interference john brennan is a naked
@00:05:15 but john brennan is not ashamed far from
@00:06:28 cia of john brennan and phil mudd does
@00:08:13 brennan had been working for a

AG Preparing to Deliver Evidence of "DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY"?

@00:09:11 candidate donald trump john brennan

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:34:10 talking equals truth reveal brennan no
@00:34:17 brennan are the start of the whole thing

The REAL Insurance Policy and it's Ties to JB's CIA Russian Asset

@00:09:19 brennan had declined to refer to the
@00:09:27 the obama administration brennan sent
@00:10:11 brennan made secret trip to moscow this
@00:10:25 director john brennan visited moscow on
@00:10:44 okay it's no secret that brennan was
@00:11:47 john brennan in moscow on march 14th
@00:15:02 wikileaks john brennan and this guy cia
@00:15:08 director john brennan first alerts the
@00:16:06 director john o brennan kept it out of
@00:16:52 officials had learned from brennan in
@00:19:40 little bit here in early august brennan
@00:21:21 brennan convened a secret task force at
@00:22:31 officials were allowed to attend brennan
@00:22:51 bryce hanes brennan clapper lynch comey
@00:26:18 brennan gee i'm sorry james clapper yeah
@00:27:27 insertions a hussein hrc ll brennan
@00:27:57 the cia under brennan okay this is the
@00:28:24 information brennan
@00:28:31 brennan clapper lynch comey
@00:28:34 brennan clapper lynch comey those were
@00:29:47 besides the dossier all right so brennan
@00:30:41 meeting brennan first he goes to moscow
@00:41:17 the ones that brennan talked to i
@00:42:18 all over the place and brennan leaking
@00:42:59 we're dealing with think brennan when he
@00:43:13 it's the it's the one that john brennan
@00:43:23 john brennan made secret trip to moscow
@00:44:53 sources well what if john brennan and

The REAL Trump Tower SCANDAL!

@00:10:48 brennan to actually manufacture the
@00:16:56 john brennan and james clapper directors


@00:34:40 why did brennan i mean brennan is in
@00:34:50 why did brennan and others provide false
@00:35:59 clapper clown director brennan and then
@00:37:09 rice john brennan human aberdeen and

TRUST GRASSLEY! Billionaire CEO Whistleblower! Stay Tuned...

@00:20:12 brennan clapper all suppressed evidence
@00:25:02 of the names involved were john brennan

Attacks on QAnon Movement will Increase: Stay the Course

@00:28:54 and uncreate 8chan frederick brennan
@00:28:57 brennan mmm who was who founded the

5 Buckets of Declas! We NOW Have Plenty of Space #Qanon

@00:05:53 from john brennan on twitter and let's
@00:06:10 a bigger john o brennan oh brennan oh
@00:12:04 brennan that coach is bad and right it
@00:24:21 including john brennan this is a federal
@00:28:58 director john brennan to fbi director
@00:33:37 bruce ors emails john brennan and commis

SPYsa/FISAgate, Epstein,and Lawmaker Targets?

@00:39:02 and then under cia we have john brennan
@00:39:37 and then you've got cia john brennan
@00:40:55 okay under john brennan you're your
@00:42:49 dni so james clapper or john brennan and
@00:44:06 no name brennan hussein no name brennan
@00:44:08 comey hussein no name brennan clapper

Whistleblowers and Mueller Witnesses

@00:01:04 the he being john brennan denies that he
@00:26:26 cia director john brennan to fbi

All the Presidents Men (BHO) Treason!

@00:07:43 bill clinton john bra john brennan james
@00:41:48 what you can see is that clapper brennan
@00:41:51 john brennan clapper and james comey are

Predicate for FISA points to UK! PAIN is COMING in DAYS?

@00:09:57 director john brennan to fbi director
@00:10:28 to page ec document that brennan gave to
@00:11:54 from cia director john brennan to fbi
@00:33:27 director john brennan in early 2016 the

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:00:50 right john brennan against comey co me
@00:21:04 a lot of that you clap or brennan those
@00:21:17 jeff carlson why are the brennan comey
@00:26:41 brennan james comey and former national
@00:27:20 making the circuits john brennan james
@00:32:44 by brennan basically of when he went to

Italy & "Crown" Connections NeonRevolt Part 2

@00:05:52 director john brennan insisted the
@00:20:56 it's not jim comey it's not john brennan

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:00:25 director john brennan insisted the
@00:00:45 assessment brennan and call me right now
@00:01:02 brennan based on what i've seen but in a
@00:01:09 quote former director brennan along with
@00:13:11 and john brennan are in big trouble and
@00:13:36 brennan based on what i've seen but in a
@00:13:43 quote former director brennan along with
@00:14:08 these emails between comey and brennan
@00:14:18 argument john brennan they're throwing
@00:15:02 brennan and comey are both correct it
@00:15:24 brennan and
@00:17:24 meeting with brennan all right john
@00:17:26 brennan and cohen for dinner tonight
@00:17:40 with john brennan and the assistant cia
@00:17:57 between cia director john brennan odni
@00:18:32 brennan along with dhs secretary jeh
@00:21:47 brennan and clapper would need some
@00:21:56 director john brennan enlisted fbi agent
@00:22:31 brennan himself selected the cia and fbi
@00:22:51 the intermediary between brennan and
@00:23:13 between brennan clapper and cohen
@00:23:35 effing brennan he says the scale of the
@00:25:42 status and reports of brennan versus
@00:26:32 john brennan and james comey are
@00:26:45 that john brennan is gonna be some
@00:27:33 director john brennan and the former dni
@00:32:42 brennan under president obama fighting
@00:37:03 brennan are probably gonna be the first
@00:37:49 using ex-spy member brennan called it
@00:38:07 no-name clapper brennan rice ll hrc
@00:40:52 brennan are fighting each other and this

Is the Comey Report the next BOOM? TRUTH TO LIGHT. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:15:49 john brennan james clapper that means

Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19

@00:00:39 brennan as part of a scheme to do
@00:00:44 trump the problem for brennan and
@00:01:17 going to be grand juries john brennan
@00:06:49 brennan as part of a scheme to do
@00:06:54 trump the problem for brennan and
@00:07:27 juries john brennan isn't going to need
@00:31:43 clapper knew and brennan knew i think

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:33:19 clapper knew and brennan knew i think

Spy/Leakgate : Part 2 - Crowdstrike, Contractors, Assange

@00:34:43 we've talked about brennan okay i know
@00:36:11 now because but you know brennan is the
@00:36:27 high-level until it okay hello brennan
@00:36:32 brennan obviously is the one who
@00:37:15 amassed by john brennan no doubt about

Spy/LeakGate Origins PART 1

@00:16:22 brennan established himself as the point
@00:16:38 australia brennan then fed this
@00:16:40 information to the fbi brennan stated
@00:18:09 york director brennan last time we were
@00:19:54 brennan also admitted that his
@00:24:07 brennan regarding alleged communications
@00:24:18 also through bharat through brennan in
@00:24:52 meet with brennan regarding alleged
@00:24:59 brennan formed this is very little
@00:25:28 brennan appeared to have employed the
@00:27:07 brennan began a process of feeding his

It was SPYING! Panic. Q calls out FAKE MAGA AGAIN!

@00:03:40 oh don't know like james brennan and
@00:03:43 john brennan and james clapper the act

1st and 10 @ the 50 = Predictable and Prepared

@00:05:19 brennan began briefing members of the
@00:06:13 provided by brennan to the in senate
@00:06:19 brennan is giving a brief it's not a
@00:06:28 according to meadows brennan briefed
@00:06:43 director brennan would be aware of the
@00:06:48 surprised that brennan would have been
@00:08:10 something that brennan was strongly
@00:17:52 media john brennan james comey leaks
@00:18:48 mccain leaked to the media john brennan

MAXIMUM Transparency - Indictments Coming - These People Are Stupid

@00:27:50 brennan and cohen for dinner last night
@00:29:40 washington field office john brennan and
@00:29:43 john brennan is always talking to cook

The Real Panic Comes in the Form of A Last Resort

@00:38:53 john brennan all i have to do is say his

Dark to Light! GOOG -Crowdstrike - C_A

@00:19:23 clown directors brennan then there's one


@00:19:31 the same exact time john brennan was
@00:19:58 the same exact time brennan saying we
@00:20:21 being briefed by you know by by brennan

@snowden Deep Dive Edition: Parade or Restraints?

@00:03:48 who's saying brennan co me for starters

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:22:39 the official liaison between brennan and
@00:23:37 think brennan spy campaign on the us

Moves & Countermoves. Death Blossom. D^ARP*A = F*^B, G00G

@00:35:30 coming from but think cia brennan so i'm
@00:35:36 he's talking about brennan here thinks

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:22:34 brennan who you know the high top secret

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:17:47 somebody said the same with brennan he's
@00:19:25 hussein hrc loretta lynch brennan
@00:23:21 john brennan and then classified one
@00:23:55 and then you've got cia john brennan
@00:25:14 brennan your your foreign spies how berm
@00:27:07 dni so james clapper or john brennan and
@00:28:24 brennan hussein no name brennan comey
@00:28:26 hussein no name brennan clapper rice
@00:29:55 no-name media john brennan james clapper
@00:30:27 brennan
@00:33:20 brennan they never thought she would
@00:39:45 activated under director brennan

Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

@00:01:18 john brennan extra rector of the

LL - The Deal of a Lifetime? **FF** Anti$a, LL

@00:26:07 down potus threats from john brennan was

A Traitor’s Justice. Phase III. Panic in DC. RATS EVERYWHERE

@00:35:42 team is jim comey and brennan clapper

Q-"We never left. It is Time To Return Publicly" - Mueller Probe and RR END, SDNY

@00:10:28 the brennan center for justice and a

Deep Dig: The Importance of CHINA CHINA CHINA in the Q Posts

@00:24:41 brennan these people and loretta lynch
@00:42:11 the cia and then recruited by brennan to
@00:42:47 talking about no punishment for brennan
@00:43:07 brennan can you see what i see where

Deep Dig: A July 2017 Important Timeline and a Few Days in May

@00:15:09 contradict / brennan tweeted a

Lights On! Grand Jury Testimony In Several States = Brennan Perjury!

@00:01:15 john brennan investigated for perjury so
@00:02:32 brennan and other obama intelligence
@00:02:42 brennan perjures himself in public
@00:02:54 so basically when did brennan know about
@00:03:05 the intelligence panel brennan emphatic
@00:03:17 chances of victory brennan also swore
@00:03:46 director brennan to trey gowdy who
@00:03:54 friend from arkansas director brennan do
@00:05:44 brennan says nope didn't know nothing
@00:06:34 brennan as well as president obama's
@00:07:00 john brennan did more than anyone to
@00:07:13 trump attempts to reach brennan for
@00:07:17 capitol hill sources say brennan a
@00:08:48 brennan knew nothing about but then
@00:09:31 were passed along by brennan they add
@00:09:34 that brennan gave more than one briefing
@00:09:49 brennan later swore the dossier did not
@00:10:08 brennan swore he had no idea who
@00:10:14 say brett brennan was the most pop
@00:10:23 veteran who served under brennan said he
@00:10:45 interview brennan claimed he first
@00:11:35 grand juries with brennan and clapper
@00:11:48 besides brennan but at least brennan
@00:12:24 of trey gowdy questioning john brennan
@00:34:46 and brennan requires accountability that
@00:35:58 including cia director john brennan
@00:36:06 brennan was aware of the so-called steel
@00:36:23 let's look up let's just go for brennan
@00:38:00 the same day director brennan is
@00:38:07 unaware that director briefed brennan
@00:38:21 brennan is giving a brief it's not a
@00:38:40 were you aware that director brennan had
@00:39:15 timing focused on precisely how brennan
@00:40:24 brennan was the representative pressed
@00:40:26 on why would director brennan be aware
@00:40:56 you that director brennan would have
@00:41:02 director brennan so we got that
@00:42:36 string basically tells her that brennan
@00:43:02 you know why are the brennan comey and
@00:43:26 transcripts of comey brennan and rogers
@00:44:02 by the fbi and doj brennan and comey
@00:44:15 narrative brennan who in august
@00:44:27 brennan also appeared to be coordinating

News Update: Leak Wars? Woah Nellie!

@00:22:06 testimonial transcript on cia brennan
@00:24:44 to the cia activity of john brennan
@00:24:53 issue of brennan the cia and more
@00:25:34 allegations brennan has admitted during
@00:26:47 day that director brennan is briefing
@00:27:05 25th director brennan is giving a brief
@00:27:22 were you aware that director brennan had
@00:27:58 anything about brennan worth noting as
@00:28:19 precisely how brennan might have been
@00:29:30 what the purpose of brennan was a
@00:29:35 sorry guys why would direct er brennan
@00:30:06 you that director brennan would be aware
@00:30:11 due honesty if director brennan so we
@00:32:16 however cia director brad john brennan
@00:38:29 team includes brennan incorporated they
@00:38:46 director brennan always knew of the
@00:38:49 brennan was part of the construction
@00:39:44 of course cia director brennan was
@00:39:59 brennan has was briefing harry reid in
@00:40:07 brennan

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:09:11 including cia director john brennan
@00:09:29 information suggesting brennan was aware
@00:09:50 so basically brennan was the start of
@00:09:59 this thing so brennan got his hands on

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:34:04 director brennan who carr praises
@00:36:38 for brennan by hussein edmond regarding
@00:37:31 brennan where did snowden work prior to
@00:37:50 it was brennan okay
@00:39:09 what role did brennan play in the
@00:46:09 comey clapper and brennan requires

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:01:24 clapper you got clown director brennan
@00:08:15 under cia we have john brennan and then
@00:08:54 brennan right and then five classified
@00:10:08 okay under john brennan your your
@00:12:02 dni so james clapper or john brennan and
@00:13:19 okay no name brennan hussein no name
@00:13:21 brennan comey hussein no name brennan
@00:14:54 brennan james clapper leaks right
@00:15:23 brennan
@00:18:15 brennan they never thought she would
@00:21:07 the fbi affidavits of john brennan
@00:24:17 brennan hussein so you got you got
@00:24:18 mccain brennan obama then you've got
@00:24:22 mccain brennan comey and obama you see
@00:24:26 no it wasn't it was for mccain brennan
@00:26:47 brennan thank presidential daily

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:12:41 as it gets no escape no deals ad brennan
@00:12:46 place here cue sane ad brennan to this
@00:13:05 and he adds john brennan right here okay
@00:16:09 brennan we know you we know you are
@00:16:25 brennan who said whenever you send out
@00:17:07 course john brennan has to pipe in he
@00:17:37 over mr. brennan american people are
@00:17:55 in your pants brennan johnny b would
@00:26:27 states so it was that the the brennan

QAnon - A Peek Inside the OIG FISA ABUSE Report Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:09:00 brennan and clapper media collusion okay

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:34:37 oh john brennan john brennan all right

Mind Blowing Double Standards and the Curious Case of Rod Rosenstein

@00:03:18 brennan who was somewhere speaking
@00:04:39 political rant by john brennan and they

Ep#6 - The Shady MSM Saudi Arabia Narrative, Oleg Deripaska US Assets Seized, and Soros Funded Stalk

@00:23:24 damascus experience where brennan who
@00:23:39 brennan once said releasing a classified
@00:24:45 oh geez disappearance brennan had this
@00:25:03 brennan talking when i say this but you
@00:26:18 he says really mr. brennan never turned

Rod Rosenstein Called to the WH and the Kavanaugh Circus

@00:21:46 dc to meet with cia director brennan but
@00:21:52 not brennan which is awfully strange
@00:22:06 with brennan which makes no sense

QAnon - RR & Omarosa, The Redline, AM, JC

@00:04:22 truth reveal brennan no name coordinate

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:33:58 director brennan director clapper with
@00:38:23 but brennan set up a six agency task
@00:38:45 the fusion center set up by brennan
@00:39:05 brennan clapper national security white

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:14:01 another headline john brennan hopes
@00:14:11 mener former cia director john brennan
@00:14:37 brennan said tuesday during an interview
@00:15:46 craven political purposes brennan said
@00:16:20 better they better resign brennan said
@00:19:22 john cia x cia director john brennan
@00:19:31 we've got brennan joins republic
@00:33:50 and that obama brennan and clapper also

Episode #1 Obama Admin was Genesis of Russia Hoax, FISA Declassified

@00:40:59 director john brennan as brennan
@00:41:27 sane oh okay and then what brennan was
@00:41:53 brennan in his own words tell you about

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:01:34 through it like ooh there's john brennan
@00:17:04 hear brennan and or clapper either say

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:01:35 characters it starts with john brennan
@00:25:42 this this diatribe by john brennan that

QAnon - Thomas Drake/Bill Binney, Fake Maga Posobiec, More FISA

@00:22:39 director brennan director clapper with

Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild!

@00:26:20 brennan to authenticate sources as
@00:30:12 so brennan heads for the exits it says
@00:30:14 what we learned that brennan fed a
@00:30:21 brennan i made sure anything that was
@00:30:48 out of his own mouth brennan was careful
@00:31:21 brennan had already informed obama so
@00:31:29 daily briefing placement by brennan to
@00:31:42 briefing by brennan and before you know

QAnon - Watch Iran - Something Incredible is About to Happen! 8/29/18

@00:03:12 nervous brennan should be very nervous
@00:10:29 brennan should be nervous kerry very

Qanon - Halper, Ohr, DOD Whistleblower

@00:28:52 contact with john brennan okay we're
@00:29:51 about john brennan and then he said
@00:34:24 think john brennan and part of the mix

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:42:52 clinton bill clinton john brennan james

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:17:34 senator calls on john brett brennan to
@00:20:41 like john brennan oh yeah our true

ES/ES, Gmails, Bonus Round! Aug 14-15 Q Drops

@00:09:54 former cia director john brennan huh
@00:15:51 know brennan just lied his butt off

CF, Haiti, Spy Ops, and FISA Comfy? #Qanon 8.10.18

@00:12:30 under cia we have john brennan and then
@00:13:05 and then you've got cia john brennan
@00:14:24 brennan your your foreign spies halper
@00:16:18 or john brennan and all those guys would
@00:17:34 no name brennan hussein no name brennan
@00:17:36 comey hussein no name brennan clapper
@00:19:05 no-name media john brennan james clapper
@00:19:37 brennan james clapper leaks and with the
@00:22:30 brennan they never thought she would
@00:33:30 john brennan may issue one of the

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:07:13 intelligence brennan right and the
@00:07:59 intelligence agency brennan and the
@00:08:06 i meant brennan and then this rasmussen
@00:09:34 hussein also checked no name brennan
@00:09:37 hussein also check new name brennan
@00:09:39 comey hussein no name brennan clapper

Qanon - Connecting Wolfe Indictment to Released FISA App

@00:19:12 could not be achieved but brennan i
@00:29:51 brennan intelligence community efforts
@00:31:35 director john brennan may 23rd 2017

QAnon - 2016 FISA App Released...Here we go....

@00:13:56 he says when when comey brennan yates
@00:14:14 yes this it is my hope that brennan
@00:28:13 or clapper brennan and one you know

QAnon - "Divide they try. Fail they will." FVEY/State Dept Exposure

@00:09:14 brennan clapper national security white

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:20:28 brennan hillary kerry clapper comey and

QAnon - LIVE Q&A Tonight 9PM EST Katie&JimG

@00:55:32 gonna be able to did john brennan give
@00:55:50 podesta's or john brennan to the

QAnon - POTUS is not going through this for nothing! 6.15.18

@00:05:29 brennan humi abidine valerie jarrett and

QAnon - The Real Reason Comey was "Defiant" and "Insubordinate"

@00:14:29 brennan q and then he says we made sure

QAnon - IS BACK! Week to Remember, IG Report

@00:07:29 the campaign brennan also made trips
@00:07:44 you count if you count brennan six now
@00:09:11 rome and brennan hmm
@00:12:34 london brennan also come on now the the

QAnon - Spygate Update: Trey Gowdy WT..? Obama Angle

@00:01:05 trump's frustration a brennan said he
@00:10:50 cia director john brennan used to
@00:15:34 brennan and what his role is with with
@00:15:45 people like brennan and clapper and you
@00:26:41 intelligence john brennan and others

Sickened FBI Agents Ready to Testify #QAnon

@00:05:55 up comey and clapper and brennan are a
@00:09:56 the thugs like john brennan who despise
@00:12:15 and brennan and obama and lynch the

QAnon - Big Day for the Swamp! And the Dunce Widdle Donnie Wemmon

@00:05:26 director john browner brennan former fbi
@00:05:53 however curiously john brennan stated he
@00:05:59 john brennan structured his self defense

QAnon - SIS good? Ask PS - EO Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:14:30 brennan and rogers right it wasn't
@00:15:10 with this here so it's saying brennan
@00:19:05 from this meeting with brennan okay
@00:20:39 cia director james brennan and director
@00:21:01 construct first that brennan positioned
@00:21:20 investigation said brennan himself
@00:21:37 between brennan and the former fbi
@00:22:07 leak you've got clapper and brennan and
@00:24:40 brennan puts some of the dossier
@00:25:16 brennan was putting fbi
@00:28:22 james clapper dni john brennan cia and
@00:36:02 donald trump brennan has repeated this
@00:37:16 right there what clapper and brennan
@00:41:36 the house investigation said brennan
@00:41:56 between brennan and the former fbi

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:30:20 clapper and brennan in 2017 there's
@00:38:11 house obama cia brennan no dni clapper
@00:42:08 okay mueller will contradict / brennan
@00:42:38 brennan oh these people are so dumb

QAnon - Red Cross, UBL Exchange, Armenia is Free

@00:10:42 intelligence tools brennan was pushing

QAnon - Hussein HRC LL Brennan Clapper - UK/AUS BIG!

@00:01:24 hussein hrc ll loretta lynch brennan
@00:02:51 lynch brennan clapper they're all in on
@00:14:27 that he met with john brennan of the cia
@00:19:35 brennan met with the nsc or i'm sorry
@00:22:25 the equivalent of brennan okay
@00:25:48 that it was cia director john brennan
@00:26:00 cia charter reportedly brennan used
@00:26:21 into brennan then proceeded to give the
@00:26:41 chief brennan it claimed that the
@00:30:31 today brennan
@00:31:25 and became concerned brennan the dossier
@00:35:21 hussein hrc ll brennan clapper they

QAnon - You Elected US to Keep You Safe. WE will NOT Fail.

@00:04:10 director john brennan which they say
@00:04:45 the new york times brennan was sent to
@00:06:27 august 25th 2016 brennan went to capitol

#QAnon -How Bad is the Corruption? Big Development

@00:12:02 around this where does brennan fit in

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:24:31 director so you know brennan clapper and

#Qanon 666, Black Forest, Rothschilds, TREASON! #followthewhiterabbit

@00:00:52 warner brennan and clapper adam leaves
@00:01:52 brennan and clapper well we know comey
@00:01:53 brennan and clapper but i don't know too
@00:07:02 brennan clapper leaking you know it

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:12:48 and under the orders of john brennan and
@00:20:26 brennan the director of the central

#QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:33:31 the unmasking and director brennan
@00:33:34 former director brennan of the cia

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:27:17 brennan found out about seth rich 12
@00:28:38 okay so um brennan clapper used

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:08:49 brennan that he had done
@00:09:19 or brennan went to new york and briefed
@00:11:50 brennan that the former head of the
@00:11:52 central intelligence agency brennan by