10-10: NK Kim Jong Un Cries - Stage Set? Occurrence Prevented?

@00:10:01 fisa is the start which we've already
@00:10:05 have been deemed by the court the fisa
@00:10:13 about the fisa right it brings down the
@00:14:29 keeps going through the fisa stuff they


@00:22:34 and yet withheld from the fisa
@00:32:15 that deals with intelligence the fisa
@00:32:17 court named after the fisa intelligence

More Spygate Released, Twitter Censors QAnon, and MORE!

@00:07:21 drip drip of the fisa gate hoax and the
@00:16:26 get a fisa warrant we know all this

Do Anons Understand What is About to be Unleashed?

@00:30:11 that had to do with fisa fisa gay russia

Intel Weaponization: Spies, Lies, and The Press EC, Grassley and More!

@00:13:08 of a fisa court so today i really don't
@00:15:05 fisa applications sought by the fbi in
@00:18:04 campaign the phony fisa warrant on
@00:18:55 fisa application based on the steel
@00:29:16 was spied on with a fisa one who was
@00:33:16 discover their fisa abuses and the

Shall we play a game? Change of Batter coming? FISA = START week 3

@00:16:59 corruption regarding fisa russia flynn
@00:32:19 he just he said fisa is the start the
@00:32:24 here fisa is the start of the game
@00:32:47 about fisa and who was really doing what
@00:33:49 no the beginning of the game is the fisa
@00:38:10 but maybe as regards to fisa things that
@00:38:26 anything to do with fisa because that's
@00:38:37 fisa alright so we are here classified
@00:38:56 i believe since the fisa is the start
@00:39:01 fisa and you know spying and congress

THE HOOK AND SET UP = They thought they could prevent exposure and remain protected. Woops!

@00:03:54 plus fisa late justified so i'm going to
@00:04:32 but the fisa court current membership
@00:08:32 with manna fork and then a fisa warrants
@00:08:36 goes after manna fort fisa warrant
@00:08:41 fisa warrant issued page from euler page
@00:08:44 fisa warrant issued and approved flynn
@00:09:44 resides in the same court as a fisa
@00:09:51 the fisa warrant judge contreras flynn's
@00:12:56 the flynn fisa he was recused because he
@00:13:01 signed the flynn fisa which was
@00:13:45 signed the fisa he's saying rudy
@00:13:55 to know there was a fisa out for flynn i
@00:14:17 fisa established right and this seems to
@00:14:45 active fisa court authorised
@00:14:55 authorized under fisa by president obama
@00:15:11 there was a fisa we know because q told
@00:15:40 unmasked because he was under fisa court
@00:15:44 either under fisa or authorized
@00:15:56 fisa courts surveillance where you don't
@00:16:08 a full fisa he can just order
@00:16:48 unmasked or there was a fisa and either
@00:17:14 monitored flynn was under an active fisa
@00:17:26 reasons why he was under fisa and not
@00:19:14 intercept legal active fisa title one
@00:19:25 okay so it had to be fisa but anyway
@00:19:39 under fisa a warrant lastly release the
@00:19:43 status under a fisa warrant is likely
@00:19:52 told us that there is a fisa on flynn
@00:20:03 where he doesn't need a fisa and that's
@00:20:24 flynn fisa rudy contreras that's why he
@00:20:44 that caused the fisa to go out plus the
@00:28:47 important fisa unmasked requests prior
@00:28:58 and then fbi and trap fisa late justify
@00:29:14 was a late justification of their fisa
@00:29:41 it'll justify his fisa because they were
@00:29:55 promoted the fisa on flynn by loretta
@00:33:04 how far back this goes oh boy the fisa
@00:39:48 listen fisa unmasked requests prior to
@00:39:53 ambassador kis lyac phone call fisa
@00:40:03 had a fisa that's how they're getting
@00:40:08 according to q he's saying it's a fisa
@00:40:20 flynn the set up fbi and trap and fisa
@00:42:02 here fisa unmask request prior to and
@00:42:32 a late justification of the fisa that's
@00:42:35 on flynn because it was a fisa unmasked
@00:44:05 was mike flynn the subject of a fisa
@00:44:11 need for a fisa warrant acting as an
@00:44:22 with a fisa warrant was that fisa
@00:44:34 fisa warrant that they lied about this

Seth Rich, Crowdstrike, James Baker, and Flynn FISA?! Don't miss this one!

@00:43:47 and perpetrated fraud in the fisa court

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:00:41 information to the fisa courts those
@00:07:30 information to get fisa warrants the
@00:07:33 fisa warrants that were obtained against
@00:07:59 those applications for fisa warrants
@00:12:43 documents used for fisa warrants were
@00:21:58 support for it the fisa warrants
@00:22:47 year's worth of fisa warrants to spy on
@00:24:26 days before the fisa warrants were first
@00:24:51 before the faience fisa warrants were
@00:25:00 before the fisa warrants were granted to
@00:26:09 fbi falsely declared to the fisa court
@00:27:27 seeking the flight the fisa warrant but
@00:29:37 redacted carter page fisa so you can i
@00:29:57 release key material related to the fisa
@00:30:16 kind of hard to read but fisa warrant
@00:30:53 of all three carter page fisa
@00:31:16 to the fisa court as far back as july
@00:31:42 however the doj directly tells the fisa
@00:32:51 information to the fisa court had taken
@00:34:16 two violations notifying the fisa court
@00:34:50 occurred after the fourth and final fisa
@00:35:49 fisa stuff gets a little confusing so i
@00:36:10 this one 39 21 fisa indictments equal
@00:39:57 placeholder fisa public okay and then


@00:06:44 fisa is the start and it will bring down


@00:01:57 fisa court nobody else in the media got
@00:23:11 nothing to do with fisa and the
@00:24:55 misrepresentations made to the fisa
@00:25:30 do with the fisa process we now know
@00:25:37 fisa warrants but i also want to show
@00:29:17 premeditated fraud on a fisa court
@00:29:37 premeditated fraud on fisa the phony

We got what we needed. There is no step [5]. Thank you for playing. Older Q Connections

@00:03:13 door to fisa illegal how do you
@00:04:35 muller opened the door to the fisa legal
@00:04:37 fisa stuff going on right but i just
@00:09:11 students present fisa works both ways so
@00:09:35 for playing fisa goes both ways adam
@00:31:00 were set up fisa works both ways these

Betrayal. Bribes. Treason. Justice IS Coming No Matter What!

@00:31:07 whistleblower and as to the fisa warrant
@00:31:18 even the head of the fisa court said it
@00:32:14 of the people involved in the fisa abuse

Admiral Rogers, the 17th Director of the NSA, AS and OTHERS Ukraine problem, Coming SOON!

@00:13:15 post fisa contacts post fisa so he's
@00:13:31 it's giving context for after the fisa
@00:13:33 okay so after fisa then comes which we

State of the Union. Boomerang. THANKS DOJ!~

@00:10:30 basis to obtain fisa warrants members
@00:10:49 fisa warrants from the court or
@00:11:13 fisa warrants issued on people
@00:13:22 fraud on the fisa court became a lawyer
@00:38:22 they changed the fisa and what and now

The Best is Yet to Come! Truth and Facts will prevail! QAnon Analysis

@00:35:06 source document which is from the fisa
@00:35:33 all right about fisa warrant mana for
@00:35:52 the public first learn regarding fisa
@00:35:57 if fisa warrants deemed to be illegal

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:28:42 all right fisa is only the beginning the
@00:33:52 limited to fisa abuse said tom fionn the

Nunes: "Republicans have an Active Investigation into ICIG Michael Atkinson

@00:07:25 one lied to the fisa court about 80%
@00:07:31 fbi contractors and to file the fisa
@00:07:49 political weaponization and fisa abuse
@00:07:53 immediately after carter page fisa
@00:08:22 who've been using fisa 702 database
@00:08:36 has looked into the fisa application
@00:08:51 the nsa database and/or the doj nsd fisa

QAnon - The Silent WAR Continues... [Crowdstrike]

@00:35:00 sync no name sync fisa he was part of
@00:35:02 getting the fisa right he was part of
@00:43:22 security highest levels fisa is only the
@00:43:47 it's deep fisa is only the beginning we

QAnon Post Analysis: Merry Christmas Edition

@00:03:51 about nsa director rogers disclosed fisa
@00:03:54 abuse days after the carter page fisa
@00:04:55 consequences fisa is only the start
@00:06:03 fisa hearings and witnesses he wants to
@00:10:20 hard at fisa abuse we're going to pass
@00:11:51 fisa into this impeachment debacle - my
@00:18:30 and the fbi made to the fisa court by
@00:19:45 a sworn statement to the fisa court to

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:03:03 carter page dub fisa to ali watkins is
@00:09:14 illegal fisa right then they
@00:10:46 fisa aspect of it he is looking at all
@00:39:51 director disclosed fisa abuse days after
@00:40:05 about the you know the fisa court and
@00:40:30 surveillance act fisa data fisa data and
@00:40:38 was disclosed in a 99 page fisa court
@00:41:01 talking about forever right the eff fisa
@00:42:25 fisa court ruling significant changes to
@00:42:47 director rogers disclosed fisa abuse
@00:44:36 the fisa be ongoing fisa abuses and his

Byron York - Devin Nunes Interview 12-18-19 SO GOOD!

@00:01:09 the page fisa warrant and dossier all
@00:05:40 fisa like we had been reviewing the fisa
@00:08:46 fisa application now they said this was
@00:09:26 part of the fisa application and that's
@00:10:03 also being used in in the fisa warrant
@00:10:20 the fisa application there is a another
@00:10:39 to the fisa application spine and the
@00:12:36 fisa application so that to me was
@00:13:30 know fisa warrants against american
@00:22:06 in the fisa application process in the
@00:23:36 fisa that the fisa application was
@00:24:01 that we know that the fisa process is so
@00:35:43 fisa court so impeachment that was was

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:01:27 counts of an illegal fisa when people
@00:01:33 was under an illegal fisa now remember
@00:01:44 so there was probably a fisa on flynn
@00:02:11 fisa there
@00:03:27 it but if the fisa warrant was illegal
@00:03:29 the fisa on flynn then everything else
@00:03:34 if thysen is if the fisa weren't
@00:03:47 fisa actors purposely withheld
@00:05:57 the fisa are currently under grand jury
@00:09:48 to the fisa abuse report because it's
@00:10:33 that's not in the fisa that just came
@00:15:17 from the fisa report that ig horowitz
@00:15:45 appointed to investigate the fisa
@00:23:32 happened because the fisa was illegal

Monday Morning w/Joe DiGenova on Comey, FISA, IG, Durham and MORE...

@00:00:38 about fisa and that the process was
@00:01:00 to get a fisa i was overconfident in
@00:01:38 first of all it's not hard to get a fisa
@00:01:41 warrant it's very easy to get a fisa
@00:04:17 once the fisa court under the fantastic
@00:04:45 paige to use the fisa warrants to get
@00:08:53 didn't tell the fisa court instead
@00:09:38 authority under fisa spying on a
@00:10:21 works on the first fisa court

Carter Page's 4 FISA's - GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]] "Knowingly."

@00:01:17 got all the fisa stuff and and he
@00:06:54 general's fisa report review of four
@00:06:58 fisa applications and other aspects of
@00:07:37 prior crews fisa applications soon q so
@00:07:58 this this review of for fisa
@00:08:02 applications for fisa applications and
@00:08:09 four fisa applications and i don't think
@00:08:18 like oh the fisa application the fisa
@00:08:25 transferred and updated to the fisa
@00:09:30 a review of four fisa applications for
@00:09:34 fisa applications and other aspects of
@00:09:41 release of the review of four fisa
@00:09:52 there were multiple fisa applications on
@00:11:31 included for fisa applications filed
@00:12:30 there's nothing in there about fisa zhan
@00:12:39 knows there was a fisa on him so that's
@00:12:54 fisa applications okay on carter page
@00:14:04 fisa on me at the time i laughed it off
@00:14:11 when fisa is unredacted after the
@00:14:20 gchq and a fisa on me being revealed so
@00:14:47 this it's like a fisa within a fisa
@00:14:56 documentation submitted to the fisa
@00:15:01 classified contains fisa information
@00:16:01 then it says cruise fisa public soon and
@00:16:07 there's a there was a fisa on cruise and
@00:16:53 four carter page fisa warrants i'm sure
@00:17:05 declassified fisa warrants were not
@00:18:15 you've been queued 24 queueing on fisa
@00:23:57 class of fisa think plane tracking q we
@00:25:08 fisa and would probably have an
@00:35:01 fisa abuse by the fbi that was false he
@00:35:11 central part of the fisa applications
@00:35:50 representations to the fisa court yeah
@00:39:49 given to the fisa court where we're also

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:02:32 fisa application on carter page he
@00:12:19 hands they defrauded the fisa court they
@00:13:09 was done properly with the fisa warrant
@00:15:02 defraud the fisa court to trample on the
@00:15:58 will say this we end up losing fisa as a
@00:30:48 page fisa application 2017 and the steel
@00:43:04 to girlfriend ally watkins the fisa

PAIN coming! Think Timing! Q Post Analysis: 3647-3654

@00:22:44 while it was fisa okay the first finds a
@00:27:03 narrow scope of the fisa what was done
@00:27:15 fisa is not the fisa review is not going
@00:29:18 on the east coast we get the fisa gate
@00:32:37 will be seeing this in the fisa doj
@00:39:24 fisa is the start it's not gonna be
@00:39:45 expect from the russia probe fisa report
@00:41:18 week before the first fisa warrant
@00:44:25 so all versions of the carter page fisa
@00:44:38 material within the fisa application all
@00:44:44 that pertain to the fisa application
@00:44:50 have been presented to the fisa court

The Public Awakening - Be Ready! QPost Analysis: 3637-3646

@00:13:56 having issues over the fisa report so
@00:16:20 fisa surveillance warrant against carter
@00:20:34 the fisa aspect to his ig 2016 election
@00:20:59 general fisa report
@00:21:52 during their fisa application and use
@00:21:54 within the fisa court the washington
@00:22:36 it's about the fisa and the fisa only
@00:34:01 there december 9 2019 the fisa ig report


@00:13:19 to a five-year extension of the fisa
@00:13:30 fisa court justices all of them testify

QAnon - Draining the Swamp - It's Going to be BIBLICAL 3608-3624

@00:00:44 release of the fisa and then the date
@00:12:01 led to a fisa and spying on flynn they
@00:13:59 top of a fisa warrant application to
@00:19:14 identify fbi lawyer who altered fisa
@00:20:32 altered the fbi fisa application he's
@00:20:42 within the carter page fisa application
@00:22:27 this this fisa that's caused a lot of
@00:22:34 these fisa or foreign intelligence
@00:24:02 only the carter page fisa but also the
@00:24:05 fisa process generally and so you know i
@00:25:16 carter page fisa situation and and i

What happens when PUBLIC discovers the TRUTH re: [D] party corruption?

@00:02:21 phones were present fisa goes both ways
@00:02:37 big deep dive on fisa goes both ways i'm
@00:06:09 phones were present fisa goes both ways

QANON - The DS Players Caught in a Trap & Higher Loyalty to [Y]

@00:02:13 horwitz to testify on fisa so i'm going
@00:25:52 so fisa goes both ways hooah plus is a
@00:27:18 intelligence and fisa goes both ways so
@00:42:55 fisa goes both ways q so i don't get all

QPosts 3588-3595 11/14/18 - BLACK OP Insertions to Campaign, WH, Aides, Cabinet Confirmed!

@00:40:50 fisa abuses that that admiral rogers you

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:10:02 fbi and yet what withheld from the fisa
@00:19:45 intelligence the fisa court named after
@00:19:47 the fisa intelligence surveillance act

QAnon is Back! Rigged for Red and Ready to Surface!

@00:27:57 blasted in the fisa ig report so i will

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:05:49 had to do was the fisa process illegally
@00:06:33 simply fisa abuses but the coverage we
@00:07:01 investigation until fisa was over i mean
@00:07:09 the the the fisa was done because the
@00:07:11 fisa is just the beginning
@00:07:13 fisa is is important it needs to be done
@00:07:18 in obtaining the fisa warrants that's
@00:07:35 all of those fisa warrants were
@00:07:49 linked the fisa warrants are linked to
@00:07:53 is much bigger than the fisa warrants
@00:08:19 carter page fisa application to her and
@00:08:34 you leak a fisa warrant to a reporter
@00:08:53 the fisa warrant the fisa warrants are
@00:21:42 to push the fact that he was under fisa
@00:22:37 fisa leak it was the kiss lee act leak
@00:24:50 fbi any sp and i have fisa comes before
@00:31:40 fisa things that he's it's talking that
@00:31:49 through it right so fisa equals the
@00:32:06 info fisa implicates hrc democratic
@00:32:49 narrative fisa ties the ms ed mainstream
@00:33:01 strategy fisa brings down the house oya
@00:33:05 does not include fisa that's because we
@00:33:16 that was a fisa declassify potus key
@00:33:45 awareness will be brought how by fisa
@00:37:40 former and current positions fisa equals
@00:37:43 start so the fisa is just the beginning
@00:38:19 fisa equals the start fisa brings down
@00:38:24 again fisa is the start of the whole
@00:38:42 fisa will be the start and prepare the
@00:39:18 thing i did a deep dive on the fisa

Remember Romania? And Finalizing FISA, Durham Criminal Investigation

@00:12:13 essentially saying that the fisa report
@00:13:03 who has been working on the fisa part of
@00:13:22 finalizing a fisa probe report nearing
@00:15:24 to the fisa warrants delivered by the
@00:15:42 they got a fisa warrant on come on so he
@00:21:29 coming out fisa report senate homeland
@00:29:04 on fisa abuse will soon finally be

Durham/Horowitz Sets Sights on Senate Intel Committee - A Deep Dive

@00:04:05 yeah you can do all the fisa stuff and
@00:04:09 horowitz when once the fisa report comes
@00:05:08 you leak a fisa under classification and
@00:21:08 leaking the fisa application to the


@00:30:37 the fbi or with the fisa okay and

FISA (spy) - Flynn - Sidney Powell Makes SMART Move

@00:16:15 obtained fisa title one surveillance
@00:17:01 it would fall under fisa 702 collection
@00:20:55 monitored flynn was under an active fisa
@00:22:21 have signed off on the flynn fisa
@00:24:28 fisa court granting a surveillance
@00:24:58 fisa information guys is what they
@00:25:06 direct monitoring and fisa court
@00:25:18 through legal means or an active fisa
@00:25:26 getting those unredacted fisa number
@00:26:00 was a fisa warrant the incoming national
@00:26:08 fbi surveillance as granted by the fisa
@00:26:28 propriety of the fisa warrant or the
@00:26:31 must exist prior to granting the fisa
@00:30:05 being under active fisa court authorised
@00:30:23 additionally flynn being under fisa
@00:31:55 fraudulently obtained fisa title one
@00:32:32 am ed to the 2015-2016 fisa database sir
@00:34:11 302s fisa spy on flynn this is right
@00:35:34 she has contact with manna fort fisa
@00:35:41 papadopoulos mueller papadopoulos fisa
@00:35:45 mueller goes after page fisa warrant
@00:36:09 302s we're used for a fisa on flynn so
@00:42:54 how they got the fisa warrant on flynn
@00:44:00 this is how a fisa was obtained on him

Origins of "Muh Russia!" - UKRAINE, CROWDSTRIKE, and a STABLE GENIUS!

@00:10:32 guys about how he was like wow fisa i
@00:11:42 a different fisa type thing i mean it's

The Ukraine Boomerang 2, InQTel, and the Not So Whistleblower

@00:30:27 fisa court judge collier about the 80%
@00:30:34 fbi contractors to filed the fisa
@00:30:50 political weaponization and fisa abuse
@00:30:54 immediately after the carter page fisa
@00:31:23 contractors who'd been using the fisa

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:00:15 fisa abuses from the epoch times here's
@00:00:24 alleged fisa abuses by the department
@00:02:24 alleged fisa abuses to the doj and the
@00:04:04 warrants granted by that fisa court in
@00:04:22 the fisa abuse report it's expected to
@00:06:58 what is this fisa abuse report anyway i
@00:08:04 itself in order to get the fisa court to
@00:08:13 from the fisa court the actual origins
@00:08:39 could pretend the phi's to the fisa
@00:09:00 fisa court judges accept all this
@00:10:20 in you know the the fisa warrant what's
@00:10:34 and fisa warrants yeah the only way that
@00:30:21 fisa this is gonna be from the fisa on
@00:32:07 something think think faiza think fisa
@00:34:21 fisa equals start fisa brings down the
@00:43:16 the fisa all documents and

The REAL Insurance Policy and it's Ties to JB's CIA Russian Asset

@00:05:17 the fisa declassification there's no
@00:23:04 of 2018 fisa abcs versus inscom this is
@00:23:15 fisa equals fisa court who is
@00:23:25 obtaining a fisa warrant it can be done
@00:23:47 active fisa warrants yes and
@00:24:00 illegally violated fisa law in a
@00:24:13 prosecutions who must sign off on fisa
@00:24:51 could fisa warrants be issued active for
@00:27:16 dossier the fisa that's all public right
@00:31:31 yeah the fisa was you know the the fisa
@00:31:35 was not the fisa excuse me the steel
@00:31:46 the fisa it was a you know a mosaic of
@00:32:45 aside on the fisa application remember
@00:33:06 press reports and used it in the fisa
@00:33:38 fisa application yeah so it is the bulk
@00:34:03 able to get the the fisa warrant on
@00:34:32 the fisa warrant on carter page so that
@00:37:36 building those fisa applications had to
@00:37:52 third and fourth renewal of this fisa i
@00:38:24 that's why we want this fisa out there i
@00:38:27 always talked about this last fisa
@00:38:59 before the fisa court no no this is the
@00:39:05 same the the carter page fisa so
@00:39:09 said the bulk of the fisa was made up of
@00:39:44 the leaks and the fisa that happened in
@00:39:47 fisa one two and three when they say
@00:39:51 was the fourth fisa application what's

The REAL Trump Tower SCANDAL!

@00:19:28 fisa court on october 21st 2016 for a
@00:20:08 surveillance period under the fisa
@00:20:19 have been a fisa warrant on paul
@00:20:25 a deadline if the fisa warrant was to be
@00:25:37 seeking a fisa warrant on carter page
@00:26:31 warrant application to the fisa court so

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:15:40 fisa court and congress our research
@00:18:20 page of the carter page fisa warrant
@00:18:45 fbi state department cia fisa court
@00:36:03 non-compliance or misconduct to the fisa
@00:36:16 for fisa court with an annual
@00:37:00 fisa abused to the fisa court in his
@00:37:31 disclosure of the fisa abuse or other
@00:37:36 would later be noted by the fisa court
@00:38:08 verbally informed the fisa court of the
@00:38:15 before the fisa court and presented the
@00:38:21 complete surprise to the fisa court as
@00:38:37 one as the fisa court noted in its april
@00:38:52 be exact had access to raw fisa
@00:38:57 contractors had access to raw fisa
@00:39:08 the fisa court disclosed that illegal
@00:39:31 been disclosed to the fisa court by
@00:46:18 fight the fisa application buente and
@00:46:28 fisa the last two fisa extensions while

TRUST GRASSLEY! Billionaire CEO Whistleblower! Stay Tuned...

@00:10:50 addition to his fisa abuse report and
@00:22:26 fisa abuse a report is finally coming


@00:05:31 non report fisa target survey
@00:17:58 evidence illegal hold non report fisa
@00:18:14 fisa targeted surveillance or fisa
@00:18:19 said like fisa both works both ways is

5 Buckets of Declas! We NOW Have Plenty of Space #Qanon

@00:25:07 applications for the fisa court
@00:28:06 carter page fisa applications all of the
@00:28:21 within the fisa application i think two
@00:28:35 fisa application used against the u.s.
@00:28:42 may not be been presented to the fisa
@00:29:44 debunked before they went to the fisa
@00:30:36 fisa court and they represent that
@00:30:59 first warrant fisa application in
@00:31:41 its targets before it went to the fisa
@00:32:10 before they went to the fisa court that
@00:32:22 second bucket the fisa application
@00:33:13 the fisa court may have never seen okay
@00:33:36 all this information about the fisa

SPYsa/FISAgate, Epstein,and Lawmaker Targets?

@00:01:17 which is a spy gate and the fisa stuff
@00:05:24 fisa court
@00:21:06 fisa warrant issued approved mana for
@00:21:09 mueller mana fort fisa warrant issued
@00:21:27 fisa surveillance plus uk assists uk
@00:21:55 the fisa court that like this has been
@00:22:30 fisa law deconstruct deconstruct
@00:22:32 includes spy inserts non fisa warrants
@00:24:40 he's saying correlation between fisa
@00:43:42 okay think fisa think no names remember

Stealth Bomber and Covert Operations in DC - BE READY!

@00:02:50 playing fisa goes both ways
@00:06:15 full fuck carter paid fisa warrant she's
@00:27:14 playing because fisa goes boom hey you
@00:46:58 the fisa even if cohen wandick wanted to
@00:47:06 intercepts well but the fisa court does

Plane, M Temple, and IG Posts = Witness Qanon Posts 07-11-19

@00:16:29 stuff about sessions and the fisa and

#ClandestineQ? Antifa & the NWO Featuring: New NEONREVOLT Article

@00:29:02 there's probably fisa warrants on them

IG Horowitz Reportedly Nears End of Probe into FISA Abuse

@00:01:58 of that have actually reviewed the fisa
@00:02:00 unredacted the fisa reports is director
@00:03:07 fisa abuse united states attorney john
@00:03:51 gowdy have reviews the reviewed the fisa
@00:05:56 fisa court if that happens you can
@00:07:48 general reported to fisa abuse that's
@00:08:29 the ig fisa investigation began in may
@00:15:57 the carter page fisa the bruce or 302s
@00:16:05 to material within the fisa application

QAnon - New Q! What does it mean? BE PREPARED for GOD AND COUNTRY

@00:13:42 treason for an axe 5i fisa d class but

Whistleblowers and Mueller Witnesses

@00:08:01 first fisa and here here they are using
@00:08:04 it as credible information for a fisa
@00:20:27 around the steel dossier in the fisa
@00:26:56 track was the steel dossier and the fisa
@00:27:27 what they needed was a fisa warrant and
@00:30:41 have accused the fbi of abusing the fisa

IT'S HAPPENING! Durham's Scope, Huber, and the Freedom Caucus

@00:20:11 well as lying to the fisa court to spy
@00:24:48 inquiry to figure out why the fisa court
@00:25:03 before the fisa court none of that we
@00:33:34 fraud upon the fisa court and get
@00:34:14 committed on the fisa court in this
@00:39:56 that first fisa application and you're
@00:40:02 first fisa application peter struck andy

All the Presidents Men (BHO) Treason!

@00:08:23 they lose set up scam fisa abuse of
@00:22:37 he gives it's all about the fisa fisa
@00:22:39 fisa and it comes all the way down and
@00:28:56 over 300 american names in the fisa
@00:33:18 think yahoo and obtained fisa sign-offs
@00:33:20 fisa courts i know is it reasonable to
@00:40:54 for he's asking for the fisa documents
@00:45:25 they're very fearful of the fisa court
@00:45:59 back fisa may be restricted and some

Predicate for FISA points to UK! PAIN is COMING in DAYS?

@00:03:09 the fisa application used against us
@00:03:22 fisa we know that now including all
@00:03:28 may not have been presented to the fisa
@00:06:15 to the fisa court meaning they didn't
@00:07:05 go to the fisa court and they represent
@00:07:29 warrant fisa application in october 2016
@00:08:12 went to the fisa court but let me tell
@00:09:12 the carter pays fisa application all
@00:09:25 within the fisa application oh that's
@00:09:34 2016 that pertain to the fisa
@00:09:42 presented to the fisa court all
@00:34:14 an obama appointee and also fisa judge
@00:36:53 of the of the trying to verify the fisa
@00:40:14 the court opinion written by fisa court
@00:41:29 presented to the fisa court hmm that's

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:07:40 the the start of the whole fisa deal
@00:14:29 his ongoing investigation into fisa
@00:18:45 with the fisa into the issues of russia
@00:29:26 doesn't even get to the whole fisa story

Backstabbing CLOWNS & The Dispute over the ICA

@00:02:01 days 10 days before the fisa warrant
@00:03:39 proceed with your fisa and ignore what
@00:05:19 especially as it relates to the fisa
@00:05:58 public on the fisa application remember
@00:06:21 used it in the fisa application comey
@00:06:37 let's start with the first fisa
@00:06:51 fisa application yeah so it is the bulk
@00:07:16 able to get the the fisa warrant on
@00:08:47 the fisa applications as congressman
@00:09:25 went to the fisa court you had more
@00:10:16 there's a that signed a fisa application
@00:11:43 signed that those fisa applications knew
@00:11:54 that we're building those fisa
@00:12:11 renewal of this fisa i mean that is a
@00:14:39 unreactive fisa application used against
@00:16:59 the very first carter page fisa warrant
@00:25:10 gonna find out there was a fisa warrant
@00:25:12 for that oh boy the carter page fisa
@00:26:00 full unredacted fisa so then we go i
@00:33:26 information used to obtain the fisa
@00:34:40 were able to get the fisa warrant on
@00:34:54 initial fisa application on in october
@00:35:19 fisa warrant in an interview with fox
@00:35:26 before the fisa judge to obtain a fisa
@00:35:37 as troubling on the fisa application he
@00:35:47 able to get the fisa warrant to be a on

Is the Comey Report the next BOOM? TRUTH TO LIGHT. NO SLEEP IN DC.

@00:00:18 knowledge and experience with the fisa
@00:00:49 illegally the fisa court has already
@00:01:15 criminal referrals in it the fisa court
@00:01:39 it and lied to the court the fisa court
@00:02:01 personally to the fisa court and briefed
@00:02:09 the fisa court has already been told and
@00:03:47 fisa abuse we have now the
@00:03:58 gang of eight we will have the fisa
@00:04:14 was lying to a fisa court and of course
@00:04:39 none of things lying to a fisa court
@00:08:22 comes out about steal stunning pre fisa
@00:09:15 a fisa warrant to surveil trump campaign
@00:10:58 maybe i don't know nonetheless the fisa
@00:11:35 before the fisa warrant was issued but
@00:15:26 fisa weren't that steele had a political
@00:15:41 page fisa warrant to one or more people
@00:15:57 requesting the fisa warrant documents
@00:16:37 phi's to the fisa judges the information
@00:16:45 right now fisa court knows when working
@00:17:23 fisa warrant speed the review of the
@00:17:25 fisa warrant for instance on october
@00:17:31 fighting with stu for this fisa an
@00:17:45 up pressure to get the fisa approved
@00:17:47 if the evidence is good and the fisa
@00:18:03 fbi's fisa powers okay so this seems
@00:18:18 comey signed off on that first fisa
@00:18:37 that the final three fisa extensions
@00:18:45 fisa was illegally obtained and he
@00:19:02 on the first fisa it may be that all
@00:19:12 there he said the final three fisa
@00:19:25 been ready to release the fisa report we
@00:20:16 investigation of fisa abuses may not
@00:23:01 the fbi secured the fisa warrant yeah

Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19

@00:00:51 the fisa court has already communicated
@00:01:42 about the fisa court than joe to geneva
@00:01:46 fisa court and a joke well what they did
@00:02:00 and experience with the fisa court is is
@00:02:31 fisa court has already found that by the
@00:02:57 referrals in it the fisa court abuse is
@00:03:20 lied to the court the fisa court about
@00:03:55 personally to the fisa court and briefed
@00:04:03 the fisa court has already been told and
@00:05:55 the fisa court with the memo remember
@00:06:59 them now is is that the fisa court has
@00:07:46 illegally the fisa court has already
@00:08:14 the fisa court abuse is the center of
@00:08:39 fisa court about it robert okay so now
@00:09:13 other things via the fisa court abuse
@00:09:32 the door in when we say fisa
@00:09:38 the fisa d-class itself it's what that
@00:09:50 q's told us by the fisa they're talking
@00:09:54 about is the fisa court abuse and that
@00:10:49 702 fisa abuse and the fbi if you
@00:11:16 april 26 2017 unsealed fisa court ruling
@00:12:09 fisa the government made a written
@00:12:19 informed the fisa court verbally on
@00:13:17 proprietary use of blot to query fisa
@00:13:24 dragonfly one of the temp fisa abuses
@00:14:17 to raw fisa information on the fbi
@00:14:26 given full access to raw fisa data fisa
@00:14:44 contractors had access to raw fisa
@00:15:49 access raw fisa acquired information on
@00:16:00 fisa data
@00:16:22 well although heavily redacted the fisa
@00:16:31 had access to raw fisa information on
@00:16:47 to raw fisa information that went well
@00:17:03 fisa court ruling appears to be
@00:17:37 personally to the fisa court and briefed
@00:17:45 the fisa court has already been told and
@00:18:49 fisa warrant he posted this may 21st of
@00:21:04 fisa court in that 99 page document
@00:21:51 broader fisa act and permits the
@00:23:11 misconduct to the fisa court again john
@00:24:54 fisa warrant issued mueller mana fort
@00:24:56 fisa warrant issued mueller papadopoulos
@00:24:58 fisa warrant issued mueller page fisa
@00:25:06 those illegally targeted for fisa
@00:25:16 and our own fisa surveillance people did
@00:25:36 how many authorized fisa umbrella
@00:26:38 i'm sorry the fis a court the fisa court
@00:26:44 2017 unsealed fisa court ruling this has
@00:27:52 and fisa compliance and this gets like
@00:28:54 material fisa abuses were routinely
@00:30:14 to raw fisa data now though that's
@00:34:40 he has disclosed to the fisa court and
@00:35:26 material fisa abuses were routinely
@00:35:41 improper contractor access to raw fisa
@00:36:54 of justice and then on to the fisa court
@00:37:33 fisa court was comfortable with the
@00:38:27 say this and the fisa court opinion also
@00:40:33 contractor access to raw fisa
@00:43:16 associated fisa abuse to the court in
@00:44:04 inspector general's report and the fisa
@00:44:06 abuse court to the fisa court it was not

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:04:04 the you know the fisa warrant so this is
@00:14:12 non-compliance or misconduct to the fisa
@00:15:09 fisa abuse to the fisa court in his 2016
@00:15:23 october 15 2016 i remember all that fisa
@00:15:41 would later be noted by the fisa court
@00:16:08 informed the fisa court of the findings
@00:16:15 appeared formally before the fisa court
@00:16:25 surprise to the fisa court as was noted
@00:17:13 have not been reported the fisa court
@00:17:32 klerk disclosed to the fisa court by
@00:23:40 fisa warrant on former trump campaign
@00:23:48 fisa warrant and i'm trying to get to
@00:24:09 fisa the last two fisa extensions while
@00:24:45 existence of the carter page fisa
@00:25:13 their signing of the page fisa during a
@00:26:09 devin nunez discussed the fisa signing
@00:26:19 fisa applications and they used it
@00:26:36 fisa court anyway that they didn't do
@00:26:42 completely committed fraud on the fisa
@00:28:38 signing of those fisa renewals so what

Scope Memo Unveiled, OH boy! Big trouble now...

@00:38:59 they had fisa warrants on him hello

Spy/Leakgate : Part 2 - Crowdstrike, Contractors, Assange

@00:04:47 see why they needed the fisa strategy to
@00:08:28 aware of improper access to fra fisa
@00:10:18 outside contractor access to the fisa
@00:11:33 fisa abuse and the fbi if you haven't
@00:12:02 unsealed fisa court ruling this is the
@00:12:52 procedures of the fisa the government
@00:13:02 director rogers who informed the fisa
@00:14:01 proprietary use of blot to query fisa
@00:14:09 tip fisa abuses were going on from at
@00:15:00 to raw fisa information on the fbi
@00:15:10 given full access to raw fisa data fisa
@00:15:27 acted contractors had access to raw fisa
@00:16:33 access raw fisa acquired information on
@00:16:44 fisa data importantly it was the fbi who
@00:17:07 redacted the fisa court ruling describes
@00:17:17 fisa information on fbi storage systems
@00:17:31 fisa information that went well beyond
@00:17:47 fisa court ruling appears to be
@00:32:15 yeah we know from the fisa court
@00:36:00 into the fisa a little bit but you know

Spy/LeakGate Origins PART 1

@00:02:36 we're gonna go with to the fisa we're
@00:09:15 can look at the fisa including
@00:36:51 goes which is what led up to the fisa
@00:36:53 and and why was the fisa needed it was

It was SPYING! Panic. Q calls out FAKE MAGA AGAIN!

@00:07:40 was a fraud on the court on the fisa
@00:07:49 all know that the fisa warrants are

1st and 10 @ the 50 = Predictable and Prepared

@00:02:42 and underneath is the fisa abuse memo

MAXIMUM Transparency - Indictments Coming - These People Are Stupid

@00:02:47 fisa applications gang of eight
@00:04:32 need to be put in place so that a fisa
@00:04:44 was used to obtain for fisa warrants
@00:25:59 guns are blazing it's coming he's fisa
@00:32:38 about our plan regarding that fisa
@00:33:01 fisa target if he mobilizes given the
@00:33:36 a fisa target right given the physical
@00:35:22 movie fisa gate

This Can NEVER Happen to a President Again!

@00:04:12 fisa warrants warrants multiple more
@00:07:07 huber is looking at fisa and hillary
@00:07:15 period is he's looking at the fisa abuse
@00:07:22 is doing his report on the on the fisa
@00:07:42 on and because of the fisa abuse going
@00:08:35 hearing testimony about the fisa abuse
@00:38:00 lisa paige pushed for the fisa warrant

Largest Pre-planned and Coordinated Propaganda Event in History

@00:22:35 fbi clashed doj biased fisa source text

The LEAD IN, Ukraine, RC, These People are SICK!

@00:23:19 the we haven't seen the fisa
@00:40:59 fisa the 16 year plan to destroy america
@00:41:01 but what it's saying is the fisa is just

The Real Panic Comes in the Form of A Last Resort

@00:04:34 this whole hillary getting a past fisa
@00:05:05 information and the fisa applications
@00:05:41 last fisa the bruce or 302s the fbi
@00:38:33 signed the fisa warrants here's susan


@00:44:13 gonna come out about fisa abuse what's

Garbage Files, B*TCHes & Unicorns: Whistle While You Work

@00:31:28 bro you don't have to get a fisa court
@00:31:39 get the court order you mean fisa yeah
@00:31:44 i mean fisa judges are all appointed by
@00:32:59 well fisa courts are just a rubber-stamp

Promises Made - Promises (soon to be kept) Let Freedom Ring! REUPLOAD

@00:13:33 cornerstone in the fbi obtaining a fisa
@00:16:17 with whom he had cooperated over fisa
@00:22:09 to obtain a phy a fisa spying warrant
@00:22:16 disclose the fuck to the fisa court that
@00:27:51 we're seeing with the fisa documentation

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:07:51 fisa abuses stripping americans of their
@00:08:33 of other depositions 302s the fisa
@00:37:30 manta for a fisa warrant was then issued
@00:37:41 fisa to shut him up fisa warrant issued
@00:37:46 papadopoulos fisa warrant issued
@00:37:55 fisa warrant issued approved flynt
@00:38:02 for fisa surveillance plus uk assists
@00:39:24 us uk assists allows for normal fisa law
@00:39:34 deconstruction includes non fisa warrant
@00:40:10 there was fisa on all of them he's

Vault 7 - Potus Opened Door of all Doors: JA: Keystone, Magic Wand, Angelfire

@00:42:57 the fisa nobody is safe leak was plugged

Moves & Countermoves. Death Blossom. D^ARP*A = F*^B, G00G

@00:05:36 said he would declassify fisa warrant
@00:37:46 i do believe we will see the fisa

'War-like' Posture Activated? Thank you for playing.

@00:08:10 so i don't know if that means the fisa
@00:08:20 fisa but it could very well be but i
@00:09:09 foreign fisa court judge white house
@00:09:51 that but the fisa court judge meeting
@00:25:10 of being involved in the fisa for mr.
@00:25:21 about carter page fisa honestly i'm
@00:25:35 remember if she signed the the fisa

Prepare for March Madness! The Power of the PEOPLE

@00:20:49 question what is a fisa warrant
@00:28:07 gain such warrants fisa yes do we trust
@00:28:10 the fisa judges no military intel state
@00:30:52 fisa court in order to gain the warrant
@00:31:19 the fisa court oh boy they played that
@00:31:21 fisa court what other data collection
@00:31:32 why didn't the fisa court require

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:07:41 the fisa abuse will be way more
@00:18:48 we get the dossier and the fisa alright
@00:27:59 four visitors okay think fisa think no
@00:31:45 the fisa warrant and the fisa warrant
@00:33:06 fisa apps are false
@00:35:20 of the fisa court in the matter of
@00:35:36 connection with all carter page fisa
@00:38:08 fisa court in an effort to obtain legal
@00:39:57 office situation or in coordination fisa

Big Name Coming? Nobody is safe. These people are sick!

@00:03:00 review the fisa obviously transactions
@00:03:54 know implemented review the fisa and

LL - The Deal of a Lifetime? **FF** Anti$a, LL

@00:31:20 through fisa okay so like he's it looks

Superbowl Will Look Like a Puppy Show! You are the News NOW WW!

@00:13:31 the fisa court then using it to sabotage
@00:35:05 rr beck ryan to block the fisa memo from

Something Big Coming! ByeBye Dan, Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:12:49 never taken into consideration the fisa
@00:12:58 bar says was the fisa court made aware
@00:37:48 fisa after knowing at that point the
@00:40:18 yahoo and obtain a fisa court sign-off

Maps, Memes, and Facts: YOU are the NEWS Now

@00:39:28 you get a fisa warrant on someone it
@00:39:47 get a fisa on somebody and then that

This will never happen again. Transparency & Prosecution the ONLY WAY FORWARD

@00:39:18 known go-between students present fisa
@00:39:26 the hops guys i got a fisa on him he's

Blockade End, Good to Go, Dark to Light #2678-2681

@00:17:24 before they went to the fisa court that
@00:17:38 fisa application themselves especially
@00:25:34 right because a fisa gives so many hops
@00:25:36 if you're if you have a fisa warrant on
@00:25:59 only get two hops on a fisa so they met
@00:30:55 okay fisa abuse direct or indirect

Q-"We never left. It is Time To Return Publicly" - Mueller Probe and RR END, SDNY

@00:04:50 be on the fisa abuse and the no conduct

Whitaker's 5 Mins, Huber Confirmed, Burr says no collusion, Jim Jordan on RR Memo

@00:07:24 richard burr defending fisa application
@00:22:17 carter page fisa application which is a
@00:23:02 carter page fisa application which is a

Drip Drip: Sr. FBI Lawyer Trisha Anderson Did NOT read FISA?

@00:00:15 not read carter page fisa before signing
@00:01:30 didn't read the carter page fisa before
@00:02:11 james baker and several doj fisa lawyer
@00:06:06 fisa before t signing off on it now i'm
@00:06:28 fisa warrant on former trump campaign
@00:07:57 relevant orders and opinions of the fisa
@00:08:07 fisa court itself regularly checks our
@00:08:16 the members of the fisa court are
@00:08:26 now seen from numerous declassified fisa
@00:09:48 is submitting a second fisa application
@00:09:59 informed the fisa court that they have
@00:10:01 weaponized prior fisa warrants for
@00:10:33 of the fisa court judge mary collier
@00:11:41 provided a final sign-off before fisa
@00:11:48 the fbi attorneys involved in the fisa
@00:12:10 carter page fisa application and this
@00:12:33 page fisa my best recollection is that i
@00:12:59 the fisa package were present and that
@00:13:15 any for her to review with every fisa if
@00:13:32 note that would summarize the fisa that
@00:13:46 fisa unless there were some sort of
@00:14:18 mean you read the fisa and she says no
@00:14:22 fisa but you had been familiar with at
@00:14:24 least part of the fisa with regard to
@00:14:27 in the fisa order in order to be able to
@00:14:38 the case of carter page fisa i was
@00:14:55 the case of the pay the page fisa her
@00:15:06 the time page fisa came to her desk for
@00:15:37 know what i mean it's just the fisa page
@00:15:50 time of the fisa application none of
@00:15:56 to the fisa court in support of probable
@00:16:28 of the initial page fisa application
@00:16:35 the page fisa process was handled
@00:17:12 to the fisa application received from
@00:17:21 fisa line-by-line the deputy attorney
@00:17:30 reviewing the fisa application
@00:17:49 fisa signing claimed that baker had
@00:17:54 the fisa however according to baker's
@00:18:12 fisa application
@00:18:18 the whole carter page fisa application
@00:18:25 initiation of the carter page fisa i'm
@00:18:35 the phone page fisa he also testified
@00:18:40 notify him when the page fisa began
@00:19:10 responsible for the page fisa whatever
@00:19:23 fisa court on notice of the important
@00:19:29 consistent with our practice the fisa
@00:19:45 pi's of fisa page application or was
@00:20:04 the fisa application and then they kind
@00:20:10 so he's questions over the fisa process
@00:20:18 the procedure the fisa procedure the
@00:20:21 issuance of a fisa warrant which allows
@00:20:50 the ton of fisa application made it
@00:21:30 review the fisa process does not appear
@00:22:29 fisa application and so yes the director
@00:22:40 reviewing and signing off on fisa
@00:23:20 read the final fisa application she
@00:23:24 that the particulars of the page fisa
@00:23:38 of submitting the fisa application and
@00:23:47 renewals of the fisa app page fisa how
@00:23:59 fisa at an undisclosed earlier point in
@00:24:12 from the actual fisa itself political
@00:24:22 or impacted the faith the page fisa
@00:24:36 the fisa court about the content that
@00:24:58 information provided to the fisa court
@00:25:08 page fisa process she was not aware of
@00:25:13 intentionally mislead the fisa court i

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:14:49 active fisa warrant surveillance
@00:18:17 hello does fisa grant access to nsa
@00:25:44 documents used in the fiant fisa warrant
@00:31:56 similar to those applied to fisa like
@00:36:49 stance against the fisa abuses committed

Deep Dig: A July 2017 Important Timeline and a Few Days in May

@00:01:14 that and had fisa warrants on it on the

Leak Trap Set for Buzzfeed? AS proven LIAR, Nunes talks FUSION GPS

@00:08:18 they fought they put the fisa in okay so
@00:09:19 fisa applications nunez won he put it
@00:09:30 the securing of the fisa warrant and
@00:10:03 using it with the fisa court adam schiff
@00:12:33 approved the final fisa application i
@00:12:53 the fisa process but there is no
@00:13:08 fisa application and their consents the
@00:14:22 the fbi obtained its first fisa against
@00:14:45 first fisa warrant democrats asserted
@00:20:34 presented to the fisa court at all and
@00:31:37 could declassify fisa warrant

Nancy No Trip, Ohr, McCabe, AS Liar, Project Cassandra

@00:26:01 piece of evidence supporting the fisa
@00:26:15 committee a redacted version of the fisa
@00:30:06 fisa application adam schiff is a liar
@00:30:17 officials well before the fisa warrant
@00:30:53 and abuse of the fisa system don't take
@00:31:01 testified last month that the fisa court
@00:31:30 information from or to the fisa court
@00:32:16 carter page fisa turns out schiff was
@00:33:18 initial fisa application the majority
@00:33:30 involved in the fisa process but there
@00:34:29 meanwhile more evidence of fisa abuse
@00:36:41 a rival campaign but the fisa

Lights On! Grand Jury Testimony In Several States = Brennan Perjury!

@00:27:25 fisa abuses we are individually
@00:34:55 appointed to investigate the fisa
@00:35:15 know release the fisa and that's
@00:44:08 including the fisa warrant on carter

News Update: Leak Wars? Woah Nellie!

@00:11:19 dossier they went to the fisa court with
@00:21:25 approves extension of fisa surveillance
@00:35:26 to the database through fisa 702 1617
@00:35:48 contract with fusion gps the fisa court
@00:36:10 access to raw fisa information on fbi
@00:36:22 contractors had access to raw fisa it's
@00:36:36 the above described access to raw fisa
@00:37:10 fisa okay i mean from november 1st 2015
@00:37:38 the fisa data
@00:38:05 her cia access to the fisa database to
@00:38:58 attempting to wash away evidence of fisa
@00:39:39 fisa surveillance warrants excuse me

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:33:13 raw fisa data would result
@00:36:08 fisa briefings in white house knowledge
@00:36:24 dragon fisa so dragon was another
@00:37:06 purposes of the fisa but a separate
@00:37:29 file is so and the dragon fisa was
@00:37:40 fisa
@00:38:11 approval for another fisa warrant for

Qanon - Where is @Snowden & [RBG]? MKUltra Mind Control, [AS] CIA 01/07/2019

@00:25:06 authorized fisa umbrella surveillance
@00:26:14 so file fisa umbrella umbrella
@00:35:12 fisa warrant or internal to the
@00:46:23 been appointed to investigate the fisa
@00:46:52 and the criminality of the fisa alright

POTUS in Iraq and Germany, Fed Heads, Thank You!

@00:11:55 signed the fisa warrants raymond erie
@00:12:58 dnc to the rigged fisa bye-bye dnc it is

The "Go Betweens" The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy

@00:03:26 loretta lynch hussein fisa to regarding
@00:12:55 okay think fisa think no names remember
@00:13:06 fisa think no name so there's go between
@00:16:40 the fisa warrant and the fisa warrant
@00:18:01 fisa apps are false
@00:18:48 fisa request was not right and she made
@00:23:12 guy he is privy to this fisa that
@00:23:32 information now think fisa okay does
@00:23:40 fisa submissions you betcha

Qanon - Whitaker - Scaramucci Play, No leaks leads to Raid? Huber - Clinton Foundation

@00:01:05 provide most damning evidence of fisa
@00:02:58 they file the fisa warrant before they
@00:04:15 the the fisa warrant and they committed
@00:05:03 about a fisa you know you have a career
@00:05:52 the fisa warrant that's andy mccain's
@00:05:55 pursued the fisa warrant came from a
@00:06:59 the fisa applications that has not
@00:07:37 any judge from ever granting a fisa warm
@00:08:53 bulk of the applications for the fisa
@00:09:37 provided to the fisa court leading up to
@00:10:13 they went to the fisa court that
@00:10:25 second bucket the fisa application
@00:10:59 fisa applications and they used it
@00:11:16 fisa court anyway that they didn't do
@00:11:22 completely committed fraud on the fisa
@00:12:56 signed the fisa but they were not the
@00:13:16 they got to the fight got to the fisa
@00:16:43 testifying about signing the fisa
@00:17:01 couldn't really talk about the fisa
@00:17:09 the fisa i'm sure he did an in private
@00:32:49 two is fisa abuse okay
@00:32:57 investigations military intel fisa the
@00:37:49 certain applications filed with the fisa
@00:41:32 foundation the fisa abuses the email

QAnon - POTUS Risked EVERYTHING for US - Flynn is the Counter

@00:08:23 does fisa grant access to nsa umbrella
@00:10:01 section 702 of the fisa so basically if
@00:10:14 by the fisa court judge that basically
@00:11:07 anybody's got a fisa on like mueller

QAnon - MONDAY! 11/11 WW Unified Waves, John P. Carlin, EU Riots

@00:21:44 why has the fisa court kept quiet great

Ep#10 - Assange Update - Who is Craig Murray and Why is Mueller not Mentioning Him?

@00:01:31 abuse of the fisa electronic
@00:10:20 bothered to read the fisa will know that
@00:10:26 is not justification for a fisa warrant

LIVE W/KatieG 8pm EST - Re: Julian Assange

@00:18:13 signing and speech under fisa any anyone
@00:18:30 speech under fisa anyone you email that
@00:18:43 fisa investment for surveillance do i

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:08:25 from inside the the first fisa
@00:08:32 the it wasn't really on the fiber fisa

QAnon - A Peek Inside the OIG FISA ABUSE Report Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

@00:01:29 inspector general's fisa abuse report
@00:05:49 d class and fisa is the next stage so
@00:06:09 inserts a wreck and info dis fisa abuse
@00:07:13 the fisa abuses so this kind of
@00:10:34 fisa applications all right so i'm gonna
@00:11:17 the fisa applications alright and so do
@00:11:28 the the fisa applications right well
@00:11:48 it's the fisa surveillance court orders
@00:12:24 the fisa court for faiz abuse basically
@00:12:49 obtain and renew since the fisa apps are
@00:13:45 uncovered in the oig fisa report think
@00:18:18 talking redline setup scam fisa abuse of
@00:19:00 public is the fisa what is not public is
@00:19:21 report is going to show fisa abuse
@00:19:42 related to fisa abuse think harry reid
@00:21:18 procedures we also this is from the fisa
@00:21:27 the fisa 702 upstream data that's like
@00:24:48 fisa application information to get the
@00:25:14 inserts or the spies okay fisa abuse

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:43:31 placeholder fisa public face placeholder

Ep#8 - Never Forgive Obama, Fisa Declas Coming Soon, Whitaker on Immigration, Voter Fraud, Grassley

@00:08:40 all of this the misuse of the fisa court
@00:11:32 intelligence fisa basically warrant was
@00:12:27 sessions which were you know these fisa
@00:12:44 over to to be it's submitted to the fisa
@00:12:54 filed an emergency fisa and they didn't
@00:23:51 to fisa gate at the end of this i'm
@00:27:23 of go back to the fisa gate in the

Qanon - Red October, Red Line & FISA Brings Down the HOUSE, Sessions FIRED

@00:01:28 was the bait and fisa brings the house
@00:06:45 the fisa is gonna anything the house can
@00:07:45 fisa brings down the house guys the
@00:27:26 us for months fisa will bring down the
@00:27:36 fisa brings down the house do you think
@00:27:49 been telling us fisa is what's gonna

QAnon - Midterms are Here! DECLAS is coming. Remain in the public light #NewQ

@00:01:06 fisa warrant issued and approved it was
@00:01:09 mueller manta for it so fisa warrant
@00:01:12 issued for papadopoulos and then fisa
@00:01:26 surveillance uk assess uk assist fisa
@00:02:21 fisa warrant special ops and warrant
@00:03:02 foia request on my fisa should be very
@00:03:11 pages fisa to remain sealed and i
@00:03:28 i think the fisa might have been turned
@00:06:10 declassification of fisa abuse and the

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:34:29 2417 now playing fisa gate panic in dc

QAnon Returns! Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?

@00:08:14 for releasing the fisa information like

Qanon - VIP Anon, the Signifier, Trump Trolls Ryan

@00:20:47 the fisa report from the inspector

Qanon - Where is Q? What is Jeff Sessions doing lately?

@00:15:39 related to the application for the fisa
@00:15:46 stated in the fisa applications for

Mind Blowing Double Standards and the Curious Case of Rod Rosenstein

@00:13:20 ordered the declassification of the fisa
@00:13:55 2017 fisa warrant application related to
@00:14:04 prepared in connection with all fisa
@00:15:13 the fisa d class we hadn't pulled it
@00:45:05 an application to the fisa court and and

Ep#6 - The Shady MSM Saudi Arabia Narrative, Oleg Deripaska US Assets Seized, and Soros Funded Stalk

@00:35:19 been told by q that there were four fisa
@00:35:29 we also were told that there was a fisa
@00:35:31 warrant on flynn and i fisa warrant on
@00:35:41 papadopoulos and a fisa warrant on manna

Documents in the Sessions Subpoena from Chairman Goodlatte? What are they? Pastor Bronson Freed!

@00:08:46 that he was requesting a regarding fisa
@00:11:48 fisa order authoring surveillance on
@00:12:09 in the fisa application for mr. page so
@00:14:16 fisa court right so they want to make
@00:14:25 repeated and subsequent and related fisa
@00:15:23 that the completa fisa application
@00:34:15 material or 302s fisa pages origination

Qanon - How do you navigate around? USE A STEALTH BOMBER

@00:07:01 signed the very first fisa okay she
@00:08:07 here on the first fisa warrant this is
@00:08:09 page 65 of the very first fisa warrant
@00:37:47 gate fisa gate kook 8 whatever you want

QAnon - New Narrative, Wrap Up Smear, Crimes Against Children, Justice K confirmed!

@00:07:27 will move back to russia ahead of fisa
@00:20:49 mean like you did with the fisa let's
@00:20:58 then you trafficked it into the fisa and
@00:27:30 during before even the fisa warrant so
@00:27:37 wasn't told to the fisa court so you
@00:27:38 want your your evidence of fisa abuse
@00:28:14 tell the fisa judge when they were
@00:28:16 looking to get that fisa warrant and to
@00:30:09 the fisa that have been blocking
@00:43:29 the d class of the fisa our our self
@00:44:11 prevented force from signing new fisa

QAnon - Crowdstrike, Free Beacon, Shell Co's, Arrests Coming?

@00:01:43 fisa warrant that's a that's all i gotta
@00:19:28 carter page fisa warrant pre-operation
@00:35:32 they're just like ah the fisa govern ha
@00:36:25 hilarious okay here's accordingly fisa
@00:42:45 nuts kya manna fort matt f fisa warrant
@00:42:59 targeted for fisa surveillance uk

QAnon - Feinstein Investigated? Sessions Unrecuse? Explosive Testimony!

@00:21:13 apply for the fisa yeah so the woods
@00:21:44 fisa applications for mr. page 3 all
@00:41:17 today some of the footnotes fisa
@00:47:59 fisa i never get tired

Ep #4 - Kavanaugh Hearing, Mistaken Identity? Rosenstein Meeting with POTUS

@00:21:24 fisa the bruce or 302s and the text
@00:21:29 was very very serious fisa abuse i mean
@00:21:42 signed the fourth fisa the last one the
@00:23:57 this the ig report about fisa abuse has
@00:24:12 coming out soon on the fisa abuses
@00:24:27 was not on the fisa abuse don't forget
@00:24:43 abuse of the fisa courts by the
@00:25:31 fisa report is an honest one it's some
@00:27:03 in the fisa because it's gonna be
@00:27:59 through the use of the fisa courts to
@00:31:56 fisa documents along to like put it on

Rod Rosenstein Called to the WH and the Kavanaugh Circus

@00:05:40 justice department involving the fisa
@00:07:01 rosenstein purposely signed a false fisa
@00:07:40 page fisa he can no longer participate
@00:07:43 in any fisa of any kind any application
@00:19:30 also believe there was a fisa warrant on
@00:22:43 versus rosenstein on fisa abuse this was
@00:23:23 release the unredacted fisa documents
@00:24:08 documents and the for the fisa when they
@00:27:16 the remaining content of the fisa that
@00:28:25 fisa warrants came together and other
@00:29:22 release the contents of a fisa or the
@00:31:14 signed the last fisa a lot of the people
@00:31:56 content signed the fisa application this
@00:34:50 rosenstein that approved a fisa warrant

QAnon - RR & Omarosa, The Redline, AM, JC

@00:04:26 to frame potus imagine that fisa equals
@00:04:29 the start fisa brings down the house
@00:10:59 of this declassification of fisa will
@00:11:07 the fisa okay and this is the old post
@00:11:17 the red line will fail fisa d class will
@00:11:33 he says declassification of fisa equals

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:05:16 baker and several doj fisa lawyers oh
@00:32:05 the fisa release as beep and what he did
@00:33:04 of fisa initiate the resignation or
@00:33:10 rosenstein declassification of fisa will
@00:33:17 declassification of fisa will factually
@00:33:24 presented false evidence to the fisa
@00:34:09 situation room coordination fisa full
@00:35:45 what is within a u.s. top secret fisa
@00:38:50 fisa not public five eyes
@00:47:22 declassification of fisa will initiate
@00:47:44 the classification of fisa let's let's
@00:47:49 the classification of fisa will initiate
@00:47:57 declassification of fisa all right all

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:21:16 holder after the fisa was you know
@00:23:20 we get the fisa it's what's not in the
@00:23:22 fisa that is going to shock people and
@00:24:59 declassify fisa would force rod

Panic in DC and in the MSM! Ep #2

@00:18:30 leaked as evidence to get the fisa
@00:20:50 evidence once the carter page fisa

QAnon - FISA DECLAS and Current Q Posts LIVE

@00:02:23 it because of that and the fisa was
@00:03:58 the june 2017 application to the fisa
@00:04:07 fourth fisa requests okay so all to all
@00:11:14 used to declassify the fisa but really
@00:11:18 declassify fisa with this so that's

Episode #1 Obama Admin was Genesis of Russia Hoax, FISA Declassified

@00:09:36 dossier crap fisa all that and this is
@00:16:31 with the carter page fisa all right so i
@00:17:50 imminently as far as the fisa goes so
@00:28:36 investigation to the fisa sipho fif a
@00:29:53 dearie oversaw that fisa case fif a case
@00:30:02 intelligence surveillance act fisa judge
@00:30:07 fisa renewal allowing the continued
@00:30:21 fisa
@00:32:53 steele's involvement in the fisa scandal
@00:41:17 connected know to subvert the fisa

Qanon - How to LURK on 8 Chan - A Mini Tutorial

@00:19:26 like declassifying the fisa meme he said

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:02:44 will be dropped which is the fisa the
@00:05:50 2175 truck trump russia probe fbi fisa
@00:06:05 unseal the fisa redactions we should be
@00:06:18 aff fisa collection will be evaluated by
@00:06:39 use of the fisa it's not a high

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:10:24 that they had taken a fisa warrant out
@00:11:02 the fake news insert into fisa app in an
@00:11:10 media articles into the fisa to provide
@00:12:00 news insert into fisa app in an effort
@00:14:11 on carter page fisa application on april
@00:17:05 ready the memes fisa corruption you have
@00:32:41 just what we looked at with the fisa
@00:34:01 fisa gate alright you can you say fisa
@00:42:02 these people are stupid fisa goes both

QAnon - Thomas Drake/Bill Binney, Fake Maga Posobiec, More FISA

@00:18:14 directions ready to means fisa
@00:21:35 declassification of fisa will initiate
@00:21:45 classification of fisa will initiate the
@00:21:54 classification of fisa will factually
@00:22:00 presented false evidence to the fisa
@00:22:53 streaming fisa the full fisa brings down

Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild!

@00:03:09 has not yet been revealed fisa didn't
@00:03:22 serious you don't get it okay fisa
@00:04:12 goes through the fisa and who signed
@00:16:40 watch the quarter page fisa application
@00:17:11 entire application fisa applications to
@00:17:33 public knew that the fisa contained the
@00:17:45 in order to get a fisa warrant on carter
@00:17:49 of the fisa we were we were made fun of
@00:17:57 the fisa then you saw you notice that
@00:18:18 carter page fisa those today tucker
@00:18:41 doj fed to a fisa court in order to spy
@00:19:26 this is a phony fisa okay the department
@00:20:43 the pages of the fisa warrant
@00:21:20 they're asking for the fourth fisa and
@00:22:00 fourth fourth fisa this false
@00:22:37 he's saying by knowingly the fourth fisa
@00:22:40 by the time the fourth fisa hit they all
@00:24:22 crowdstrike to access raw fisa
@00:24:32 improper access to raw fisa data he
@00:24:46 contractor access to the fisa search
@00:25:02 filing does not disclose the fisa abuses
@00:26:12 leaks to fake news insert into fisa app
@00:26:40 the fourth fisa so what i want to point
@00:28:03 fake news insert into fisa app in an
@00:29:15 application the fisa app wasn't
@00:39:31 went to the court fisa court and that's
@00:39:48 was in the fisa application congressman
@00:39:55 actual fisa application but from the
@00:40:47 really they didn't put that in the fisa
@00:41:38 use that for a fisa warrant well you
@00:42:47 the fisa application that referenced
@00:44:21 positions foreign and domestic fisa

QAnon - DOITQ, EAS Alert, Collective Attacks, Panic in DC

@00:00:04 september 7th 2018 and we're on fisa
@00:03:03 related to the clinton email probe fisa

Qanon - 9:15pm EST #NewQ Live w/KatieG

@00:03:33 8:48 p.m. and it's fisa 2520 so we know
@00:18:26 it's talking about the fisa they also
@00:20:05 top secret and classified of the fisa of
@00:20:13 over heavily redacted the fisa warrant
@00:22:12 something very shocking in the fisa 20

QAnon - CIR LIVE CHAT @ 7pm EST w/KatieG

@00:18:11 would say it's gonna be the fisa yeah to
@00:18:26 but it's the fisa and what do i make of
@00:22:38 the fisa d class yes i'm ready i don't

QAnon - HRC/Alice in Bloody Wonderland, The Setup, Keys to the Kingdom

@00:12:13 justice department discloses no fisa
@00:12:29 hearings on the fisa spy applications
@00:12:36 four fisa warrants and then q oh and
@00:13:40 fisa warrant on flynn a carter page they
@00:13:45 us the fisa applications we said what
@00:15:51 court is in charge of the fisa court he
@00:17:44 related to any specific fisa application
@00:19:09 investigation into the fisa courts in an
@00:19:28 wanted to complete the fisa abuse
@00:24:04 italia ves on the sky yet man for fisa
@00:24:10 mueller goes after manna fort fisa
@00:24:20 papadopoulos fisa warrant issued
@00:24:24 after carter page fisa warrant issued
@00:24:37 surveillance for fisa surveillance and
@00:26:28 illegally targeted for fisa surveillance
@00:26:39 that was illegally targeted for fisa
@00:26:58 targeted for fisa surveillance and the
@00:28:23 fisa so if you look down here a 702
@00:32:03 then it says uk assess and fisa
@00:33:26 be put under a fisa warrant so the uk
@00:33:29 assistance for normal 702 fisa
@00:33:42 non fisa warrants special ops probably
@00:34:28 know there's fisa warrants on them and
@00:34:30 we also know that there's fisa warrants

QAnon - Treason, Huber Interviews, Cooperating Witnesses 8/29/18

@00:00:26 things fisa and bruce or okay so there's
@00:03:26 fisa stuff bruce or closed-door
@00:05:37 look the fisa up to see those pages and
@00:06:08 who signed firewalls fisa 20 okay i just
@00:09:18 any fisa warrants but yeah you know we
@00:09:29 this is the last fisa page 391 rod
@00:09:59 page fisa applications questions that
@00:10:04 release documents the original fisa
@00:10:30 be something who the first fisa renewal
@00:11:16 out the doj it was signed by fisa judge
@00:11:57 obtained the fisa court obtained from
@00:12:01 the fisa court an initial warrant and
@00:12:02 three fisa renewals then director james
@00:12:06 comey signed three fisa applications in
@00:12:23 one or more fisa application on behalf
@00:18:44 refer to the fisa so this one fisa abcs
@00:19:27 little further is fisa used by the the
@00:19:40 like it's you know the abcs use a fisa
@00:20:18 bridge and the fisa equals the fisa
@00:20:24 the civilian body okay it's it's fisa
@00:20:28 fisa applications fisa court stuff
@00:20:39 don't need to go through the fisa a
@00:20:45 intelligence process of obtaining a fisa
@00:20:58 active fisa warrant / surveillance yes
@00:21:09 illegally violated fisa law tenants in
@00:22:27 could fisa warrants be issued active for
@00:27:31 inscom is the bridge and the fisa equals
@00:27:34 you have to get a fisa application and
@00:27:36 go to a fisa court with state secrets
@00:28:40 secrets process of obtaining a fisa
@00:29:01 getting the fisa warrant to monitor
@00:29:50 decide to stop by a fisa court and get a
@00:29:52 fisa warrant after going through the
@00:29:55 even begin the process leading to a fisa
@00:30:11 investigation on potential fisa subjects
@00:31:08 still wouldn't be fisa bound fisa
@00:31:35 goes on there the completed fisa
@00:32:00 more all right so then the fisa
@00:32:54 the facts and the fisa application can
@00:33:10 fisa application before the fisa court
@00:33:16 on a court rotating basis the fisa court
@00:33:47 on the fisa warrants all those people
@00:36:54 fisa warrants be issued active for numr
@00:37:15 so he's letting us know there's fisa
@00:37:29 they're using fisa words i'm guessing or
@00:43:34 bias before getting a fisa on carter
@00:44:11 disclose that to the fisa court he also
@00:45:05 that put their name on those fisa
@00:47:00 submitted to the fisa court to obtain
@00:47:03 the fisa warrant against put warrants
@00:47:24 submitted to the fisa court in order to
@00:47:26 obtain the warrants plus fisa signers
@00:49:15 this it's about it's about the fisa okay

Qanon - Halper, Ohr, DOD Whistleblower

@00:06:30 certainly not into these fisa warrants
@00:08:45 had no credibility they produced fisa
@00:20:51 so we did have the case of the fisa
@00:21:06 court for that fisa warrant on carter
@00:26:06 for fisa warrants there's a lot of
@00:26:40 to the fisa it was the pre her way
@00:29:33 there via foia we got the fisa
@00:44:23 fisa so we now renew they did that with
@00:45:04 them to get fisa warrants so we already

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:15:56 we're gonna get the fisa now that's
@00:16:24 fisa is the key is what opened the door
@00:16:29 the fisa unredacted guys
@00:21:10 anything fisa is coming out distraction
@00:36:02 redacted fisa
@00:36:09 unredacted fisa this is where and now
@00:36:12 the fisa on the investigation from
@00:36:15 horowitz on the fisa abuse is going to
@00:41:08 the fisa stuff and all the pre pre and

QAnon Firewalls, Q Trilogy, NG Deployed to Gitmo

@00:18:44 if fisa fails or signers cannot be
@00:18:56 signed the carter page fisa how do you
@00:32:55 the carter page fisa woulda beat that i
@00:33:08 regarding reading of the fisa prior to
@00:33:10 the execution of the fisa warrants
@00:33:27 the actual fisa redacted version okay
@00:33:44 signed firewalls fisa 20 the 20 pages
@00:36:17 the fisa warrant and what we're gonna do
@00:36:25 signed the fisa so we want page 383 89

NBC, Trump Tower Meeting, Antifa Q Posts 1862-1835 #QAnon

@00:17:28 fisa okay and it's a little more
@00:29:38 and so that they never told the fisa

CF, Haiti, Spy Ops, and FISA Comfy? #Qanon 8.10.18

@00:17:10 think fisa think no names remember this
@00:20:52 out in the um in the fisa warrant and
@00:20:58 the fisa warrant wow
@00:22:16 fisa apps are false

QAnon - MSM $160mm Slush Fund to Counter Conservatives 8.8.16

@00:00:30 to fight to links about the fisa so i'm
@00:37:38 18:21 about the fisa and the hypsi memo

QAnon - #QStories #WeAreQ Sean's Testimony #2

@00:00:29 fisa redacted versions obviously but um

QAnon - Live 10PM EST - Posts 1785-1799 Fishing is fun!

@00:26:33 potential abuse of the file fisa warning
@00:26:42 devin nunez on potential fisa abuses
@00:32:24 we're getting there 1794 fisa fisa fisa
@00:32:39 himself q so it repeats five fisa three
@00:34:42 of the fisa information i went this post

QAnon - The World is about to Change! #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM

@00:01:44 the 2016 certification fisa court memo
@00:01:55 that i owe it from the fisa court that i
@00:04:17 fisa court memo or i'm sorry did here
@00:05:47 go back to this fisa memo and let's look
@00:06:00 certification submissions for fisa
@00:06:01 warrants or fisa queries that they were
@00:06:50 fisa which codified here some blacked
@00:08:53 in the fisa mess up at the beginning
@00:09:10 we'll go back think fisa so this is the
@00:09:14 fisa court this fisa act federal foreign
@00:11:14 got through this part with the fisa
@00:17:29 way to the fisa problem and with the
@00:17:31 fisa that that admiral rogers pointed

QAnon - LIVE 9PM EST - The message must bypass the MSM.

@00:07:23 regarding the fisa dossier important
@00:12:26 have here the fisa warrant in my hands
@00:13:09 with the fisa that we fought so hard to
@00:13:28 think roughly 70 75 percent of that fisa
@00:13:52 the dirt was used to get a fisa warrant
@00:14:58 clinton dirt to get a fisa is bad what
@00:17:45 fisa warrant is this going to then
@00:19:06 actually getting the fact that the fisa
@00:19:10 didn't think that the fisa hasn't it has
@00:19:24 two right here queueing on 2016 fisa app
@00:19:32 to the released fisa it's about a
@00:19:48 missed about the fisa and how important
@00:29:53 fisa equals foundation start people are
@00:41:06 the fisa was not the big drop it was
@00:41:23 no the fisa was not not the big drop
@00:49:53 fisa warrant on his bio the site said he
@00:49:59 issues like the fisa court i we may find

QAnon - LP Keep your promise. When does a bird sing? 7/28/18

@00:24:06 last redacted fisa it's just this looks

QAnon - 9PM EST Live Review of Latest Q...He's baa aack

@00:02:51 kind of deep dive on on the fisa and it
@00:14:24 investigative part of the fisa and then
@00:14:32 for sure that perhaps because the fisa
@00:14:50 redacted part of the fisa warrant was
@00:19:12 cover fisa well like i said my last two
@00:19:20 fisa highest level of classification
@00:19:23 how did fuya generate redacted fisa page
@00:19:38 redacted fisa think page lisa page or i
@00:20:04 times that i believe this fisa is was
@00:22:20 fisa by the fbi and the doj so this guy
@00:37:13 foia the fisa has been partially

Qanon - Connecting Wolfe Indictment to Released FISA App

@00:04:08 the unredacted fisa application he's
@00:05:18 full fisa warrant against carter page 2
@00:05:45 fisa application it becomes obvious in
@00:05:54 a copy of the 82 page fisa title 1
@00:06:09 committee requested a copy of the fisa
@00:08:01 purposes think this fisa
@00:08:47 the fisa application used against carter
@00:08:55 of the fisa court release disclosed
@00:09:09 the fisa application original first
@00:09:50 images of the fisa application to allie
@00:10:50 fisa copy was processed by the doj
@00:11:26 permitted to see the fisa release
@00:11:53 when you think about the recent fisa
@00:13:23 the fisa court application release
@00:13:37 however when the fisa application was
@00:14:13 2017 when the fisa application was first
@00:14:33 in the fisa court application when it
@00:15:03 version held at the fisa court this is
@00:15:52 requesting the fisa application in the
@00:17:18 fisa concerns and you can see him
@00:17:28 page fisa court review which i went over
@00:17:30 in my previous video of fisa abuses
@00:17:33 coates and rogers made the fisa court
@00:21:33 fisa application was ceded to trace a
@00:21:57 the of the fisa application distributing
@00:22:01 the carter page fisa application to the
@00:22:52 carter page fisa application while she
@00:23:12 false against the fisa application
@00:25:41 and receiving the carter page fisa
@00:33:39 page fisa warrant and i any i anything
@00:35:16 disclosure of a highly sensitive fisa
@00:35:23 relating to that fisa warrant against
@00:36:02 page fisa documents as usual they are
@00:36:58 we learn from this fisa warrant well
@00:37:08 to the fisa court an application for a
@00:42:15 from all of this whether it's the fisa
@00:43:39 to the fisa court without disclosing the
@00:45:00 there on the signage page of this fisa

QAnon - 2016 FISA App Released...Here we go....

@00:00:21 of the doj fbi fisa application okay
@00:01:41 or two how do we that you know the fisa
@00:03:06 events taken from the fisa court ruling
@00:03:32 fisa court ruling you can open that in
@00:04:03 improper access to raw fisa data and
@00:04:35 notify the fisa court court of every
@00:05:02 access to raw fisa information
@00:05:15 were accessing raw fisa data is probably
@00:07:06 fisa probable cause order authorizing
@00:07:11 from the fisa court at this point the
@00:07:13 fisa court is unaware of the section 702
@00:07:25 informs the fisa court of his findings
@00:07:35 fisa court and presented the findings of
@00:07:39 is now the fisa court itself okay not
@00:08:51 present his findings to the fisa court
@00:09:29 fisa court ruling combined with the june
@00:10:14 of the doj fbi fisa application release
@00:10:25 the recent fisa application release
@00:10:46 because they know they engaged in fisa
@00:10:55 release the fisa application you see if
@00:11:02 publicly release the fisa application
@00:11:29 fisa the release of these documents is
@00:12:11 dan coates released the 99 page fisa
@00:12:27 the historic 2015-2016 fisa abuse by the
@00:12:43 apparatus coincidentally fisa court
@00:12:53 fisa court abuse opinion released which
@00:13:01 2018 fisa application release judge
@00:13:07 authorizing fisa court authority
@00:13:17 those who are unfamiliar fisa material
@00:13:21 everything connected to fisa and the
@00:13:23 fisa court is considered classified at
@00:15:09 apex methinks the fisa release is in
@00:15:16 it's the fisa okay just making sure
@00:15:24 anyone who thinks this fisa application
@00:15:33 this fisa application but that in the
@00:15:38 30,000 foot view review the overall fisa
@00:15:50 u.s. person in fact the fisa application
@00:16:52 we review the fisa application it is
@00:17:29 so they've got a copy of the actual fisa
@00:18:32 2017 copy see the fisa court clerk stamp
@00:18:36 of the original october 2016 fisa
@00:19:00 why did the fisa court send the doj a
@00:19:05 copy of the fisa application in march
@00:19:38 fisa court to present the original 2016
@00:22:04 in detail and to fisa stuff is
@00:22:40 deserving of a fisa one title
@00:23:01 and fbi sought and received a fisa
@00:23:09 carter page from the fisa court pages a
@00:23:17 with requirements under fisa the
@00:23:42 obtained one initial fisa warrant
@00:23:44 targeting carter page and three fisa
@00:23:46 renewals from the fisa court as required
@00:23:49 by statue a fisa order on an american
@00:23:52 citizen must be renewed by the fisa
@00:24:11 comey signed three fisa applications in
@00:24:38 more fisa applications on behalf of the
@00:25:42 fisa title one surveillance warrant as
@00:26:04 the fbi flat-out lied to the flight fisa
@00:26:07 court they lied to the fisa court now go
@00:26:35 fisa one title surveillance authority
@00:27:17 deceived the fisa court for the for the
@00:28:21 fisa all right and then we get to who's
@00:28:24 saying again fisa two of them
@00:30:16 making the fisa court filing against
@00:30:34 fisa one ok occam's razor
@00:30:37 the fisa title once surveillance
@00:32:33 illegality of the fisa application a big
@00:39:04 fisa the first fisa sweep filed in
@00:39:13 this of the fisa warrant plus he got
@00:41:12 time that this date on this fisa court
@00:41:26 fisa but the march 17th copy so there
@00:44:44 fight in the fisa application and you
@00:44:50 off the fisa fraud scheme wouldn't want
@00:45:24 the fisa application shows surveillance

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:32:48 order to gain such warrants fisa do we
@00:32:51 trust the fisa judges not at this time

QAnon - "Divide they try. Fail they will." FVEY/State Dept Exposure

@00:08:40 and the fisa warrant is public okay
@00:19:40 on to fisa abuse and other matters i've

QAnon - LIVE Q&A Tonight 9PM EST Katie&JimG

@00:25:21 scam fisa abuse of executive powers

QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

@00:28:12 the 702 being the fisa warrant the 302s

QAnon - Scope & Size biggest in history! Trump Official Fired HAS TIES TO NXIVM

@00:47:49 immediately after notifying the fisa
@00:47:51 court of the misuse of fisa 702 database
@00:48:06 misrepresentations to the fisa court

QAnon - What Will This Week Bring? Shock and Awe?

@00:03:36 area it would be fisa abuse it would be
@00:03:59 goodlatte and that's fisa abuse and it's

QAnon - Snowball [[RR]] IG Report Reaction and Huber Deep Dive

@00:03:14 are approved slash signed the fisa
@00:28:08 fisa departments congress created the

QAnon - IG Report Today, Did you witness the stage being set?

@00:39:04 well that's because part of its the fisa
@00:41:36 fisa abuse and other matters we now are
@00:44:12 didn't if there's no fisa abuse here if
@00:44:14 there are no problems with the fisa

Qanon - Missing Letters, Rogue Missles? What is coming?

@00:39:51 with judge contrast one of the fisa
@00:43:54 about what went on at the fisa court in
@00:43:56 the fact they didn't tell the fisa court
@00:44:00 tell the fisa court that christopher

QAnon is Back! Another 187 PLOT FOILED! Fly RR Fly

@00:13:14 want the applications for the fisa

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:09:52 signed the fisa warrant for carter page

QAnon - Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated

@00:17:57 used to assemble the fisa application
@00:18:38 then they used it in the in the fisa
@00:18:56 using it in the fisa application after
@00:19:30 lied to the fisa court and also like to
@00:21:30 fisa warrant some of you are gonna laugh
@00:22:15 the dossier to gain a fisa warrant and
@00:22:33 documents lied to the fisa court dossier
@00:23:15 documents lied to the fisa court about
@00:24:55 create a fisa application the fisa court
@00:24:57 application and gain the fisa fisa title
@00:25:22 from the fisa court page is a us citizen
@00:25:29 consistent with requirements under fisa
@00:25:51 fisa court without the steel dossier
@00:27:16 has all to do with that fisa warrant
@00:27:30 the actions stemmed from the fisa and
@00:27:44 steel dossier and the fisa and you're

QAnon - IS BACK! Week to Remember, IG Report

@00:06:01 believe this may include like the fisa

QAnon - Spygate Update: Trey Gowdy WT..? Obama Angle

@00:10:29 it was trey gowdy who looked at the fisa
@00:10:33 authored the nunez dem memo on the fisa
@00:21:59 fisa surveillance and how that played
@00:23:44 pondering the mystery of the fisa
@00:23:58 rosenstein knew the fisa was bogus
@00:24:05 about the fraudulent basis of the fisa
@00:24:38 fisa warrant to authorize spying
@00:25:30 logged with the fisa court and then in
@00:25:40 the court fisa a copy of his
@00:25:56 seal at least with the doj and the fisa
@00:27:07 seal by the doj and the fisa court from
@00:27:28 investigation and perhaps the fisa
@00:27:42 perhaps the fisa warrant - obama knew
@00:28:27 sealed fisa documents hold the key not
@00:34:47 the fisa court he just had to have

Qanon - Halper and The Gang of Moles US:UK

@00:10:01 let's get a fisa warrant based on carter
@00:11:19 before let's go to the fisa court the
@00:11:22 fisa court we can claim for a carter
@00:11:52 fisa warrant not through the standard
@00:12:03 the fisa court and then we get to hop
@00:14:30 fisa warrant against carter page to
@00:15:18 now do you understand also why the fisa

QAnon - It's Happening! The Flood is Coming, and the Gang of Moles

@00:32:35 let's get a fisa warrant based on carter
@00:33:53 before let's go to the fisa court the
@00:33:56 fisa court we can claim for a carter
@00:34:26 fisa warrant not through the standard
@00:34:37 the fisa court and then we get to hop
@00:37:04 fisa warrant against carter page to
@00:37:53 understand also why the fisa

QAnon - 11.11Provided as Strategic Marker - Now Comes the Pain

@00:36:21 these so-called fisa abuses so i asked
@00:36:52 to ensure the integrity of the fisa
@00:37:12 fisa process we must make sure it's done
@00:37:40 considering it actually okay so the fisa
@00:37:47 requests directly to the fisa court to

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:35:00 fraudulent fisa application in his
@00:35:04 involved and hold knowledge of the fisa
@00:35:32 notifying the fisa court of the misuse
@00:35:34 of fisa database search queries by
@00:35:42 misrepresentations to the fisa court and
@00:43:57 he was also sitting on the fisa court
@00:44:59 on the fisa did you know that page text

QAnon - Hussein HRC LL Brennan Clapper - UK/AUS BIG!

@00:01:07 hüseyin public dossier fisa not public
@00:02:21 the dossier and then the fisa and then
@00:34:45 fisa warrant oh my goodness gracious it
@00:34:53 that dossier to the fisa court all based

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:07:50 dossier or actually for the for the fisa
@00:07:55 evidence that was used not just the fisa
@00:11:41 fisa warrant he had a meeting with

#QAnon - Chongqing/Tuesday, FB, Syria, Iran, RR TRUST

@00:22:46 signing one of the fisa warrant renewals

#QAnon - DC Access, Sold Out, Pics leaked for THIS moment

@00:33:20 of the fisa warrant why is he what

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:11:35 election fraud into the fisa abuse by

#Qanon - Q Team, Keystone, Military Intel

@00:16:56 out yet about those judges on the fisa
@00:16:59 trouble for every single fisa warrant
@00:17:19 this judge for the fisa warrant and that

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:30:00 alleged fisa abuses by the doj fbi
@00:31:47 and for intelligence for years the fisa
@00:31:59 data so yeah the whole fisa thing is

#Qanon - The Plan, We Have More Than We Know

@00:30:04 about the fisa about him being spied on
@00:35:33 warrants fisa do we trust the fisa
@00:35:39 the fisa military intel state secrets

#Qanon - BOOM! MAKE IT RAIN - March 3rd posts (PART 1)

@00:17:33 doj inspector general to probe fisa
@00:17:57 sessions for investing the fisa abuse

It's ALL Theatre - Quite Frankly #Qanon

@00:08:15 worthy of fisa pieces surely mueller
@00:08:52 more sturdy because of the fisa abuse
@00:09:02 say the least now on that fisa abuse
@00:10:21 investigate potentially massive fisa
@00:11:38 involved in the fisa court steel dossier
@00:12:44 russia probe he found his way into fisa
@00:15:00 number two the fisa court is steel

Qanon - YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE Getting Trump Trolled

@00:12:06 investigate potentially massive fisa
@00:31:30 inspector general review of fisa court
@00:31:45 general sessions if the fisa court
@00:31:57 sessions affirms the fisa court abuse by
@00:32:10 investigate its own fisa abuses so it
@00:33:07 and abuse therein this includes the fisa
@00:33:28 investigating the fisa abuse and that
@00:33:37 investigating the fisa abuse and then

#Qanon - Nunes Rebuttal to Dem Memo

@00:07:40 furthermore the fisa court was misled
@00:08:40 fisa abuse which were confirmed by
@00:09:11 fisa application amazingly the
@00:09:25 fisa court the democratic memo confirms
@00:09:33 by michael izikoff was part of the fisa
@00:10:18 claim repeated that claim to the fisa
@00:10:26 2016 before the initial fisa application
@00:10:39 democratic memo like the fisa
@00:11:41 on fisa abuse like the grassley graham
@00:12:42 declassified gop memo on fisa abuse
@00:13:26 about the fisa court okay charge the
@00:13:31 fisa the page fisa application made only
@00:16:21 on fisa abuse steele was suspended and
@00:16:33 doj repeated to the fisa court an
@00:17:05 article used in the page fisa
@00:18:54 charge do j's fisa warrant application
@00:19:16 in the fisa application at all much less
@00:19:18 formed the bulk of the page fisa
@00:19:46 a few weeks before the initial fisa
@00:19:52 memo like the fisa application itself
@00:21:02 fisa application refers to steals
@00:21:16 of the carter page fisa application
@00:22:12 efforts instead the fisa application
@00:23:51 repeated that claim to the fisa court
@00:23:58 before the initial fisa application
@00:25:01 initial fisa application the agency had
@00:25:21 including the fisa warrant response as
@00:25:27 initial fisa application and the steel
@00:26:43 initial fisa application
@00:27:09 the court in any of the fisa
@00:27:19 irrelevant to the fisa application
@00:27:31 which the carter page fisa application
@00:28:04 fisa warrant on carter page all right so
@00:29:08 it's fbi fisa lies unmasked carter page
@00:29:14 fisa court he was a foreign spy and you

#QAnon - Page & PapaDop FBI DOJ COVERS? WOW! #MAGA

@00:00:53 my god that the whole fisa memo i mean
@00:03:07 february 5th fbi fisa lies unmasked
@00:03:14 for the fbi before fbi told fisa court
@00:04:08 under a fisa title one surveillance
@00:04:26 because fisa title 1 surveillance
@00:07:19 campaign oh my goodness the 2016 fisa
@00:14:08 21st 2016 the fbi claimed to a fisa
@00:14:58 under a fisa title one surveillance
@00:15:12 flat-out lied because fisa title one
@00:16:12 trump campaign the 2016 fisa title one
@00:16:27 immediately after making the fisa court
@00:16:44 the entire fisa title 1 surveillance
@00:17:33 carlin oh listen the entire fisa fisa
@00:18:12 gain the fisa title one not 702 title
@00:21:10 fisa warrant this wasn't after okay like
@00:27:22 one and everybody thinks that this fisa
@00:29:09 that is sent to that fisa court which
@00:31:15 informants as the basis for the fisa
@00:32:00 than we thought wasn't just a fisa it
@00:32:05 fisa court and these guys no

#Qanon - Adam Schiff - Oklahoma City Bombing - These People are Stupid #followthewhiterabbit

@00:00:14 awful gop fisa memo this guy never stops
@00:02:19 fisa memo exposes the actual

Qanon, Threats, Disinfo Be careful what you wish for #Qanon

@00:13:24 the fisa warrant is tied to obama so
@00:13:36 fisa warrant in 2016 based on the phony
@00:14:08 says rudolph contreras was the fisa
@00:14:15 appointed contreras to the fisa court
@00:19:37 from the doj with the fisa court judge
@00:25:53 intel providing to the fisa judges and
@00:26:06 can we trust the fisa courts no we


@00:09:28 why so that we can do to the fisa abuse
@00:10:48 intel provided to the fisa judges to
@00:16:46 obtain a fisa surveillance warrant to
@00:17:43 its fisa warrant despite the unverified
@00:17:52 fisa warrant was subsequently used the
@00:18:21 after the initial fisa warrant was
@00:19:37 that were used to get a fisa warrant you
@00:20:30 get the fisa warrant the guy that wrote
@00:22:39 the people involved to lie to the fisa
@00:23:45 resulting from the illegal fisa warrants
@00:24:44 four times for a fisa warrants but he

#QAnon -Rosenstein Out?#FakeNews Narrative Change, Nation on Alert

@00:05:48 rosenstein beg ryan to block the fisa
@00:11:50 you were involved in extending this fisa
@00:24:20 block the fisa memo from congressional
@00:35:10 reviews house fisa abuse memo but let's
@00:35:25 reviewed the four-page fisa memo the

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:04:40 trump the fisa court opinion of april
@00:05:25 american citizens under fisa warrants if
@00:06:00 come out from the fisa court showing
@00:08:07 that went to the fisa court and it also
@00:11:17 bootstrap their information into fisa
@00:18:08 the fisa court issues this 99 page
@00:22:11 time in the history of the fisa court it

#Qanon - Stop taking the sleeping pill, resignations, updates

@00:39:04 inspector general's report on the fisa

#QAnon - Kneading Bread, Skull & Bones Kerry #followthewhiterabbit #thestorm

@00:29:14 reveals a bombshell four-page fisa memo
@00:31:38 release of the shocking fisa abuse

#QAnon - LIVE 8PM EST - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America #followthewhiterabbit #thestormishere

@00:07:42 provided to fisa judges to obtain
@00:08:17 azra pound are you saying the fisa memo
@00:08:29 saying the fisa memo was already dropped
@00:09:19 is the fisa warrant this is the fisa
@00:18:38 a fisa court for that but they probably
@00:32:07 get the slice fisa warrant to spy on the
@00:49:47 the fisa warrant under a national

The Sh*thole Report Brought to You by Katie G Sponsored by Fake News #Qanon

@00:14:05 fisa warrant information yeah let's see

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:08:24 of the fisa act that they're trying to
@00:10:54 doing that they had bootstrapped fisa
@00:11:24 verified and they lied to the fisa court
@00:13:54 this by the way to the fisa court what
@00:14:16 name to the fisa court as one of the
@00:14:20 providing information to the fisa court
@00:15:02 fisa court and the question has been
@00:15:05 asked what the fisa warrants was he
@00:15:17 the fisa court i assume that nunez and
@00:16:55 know why i mean so he sat on the fisa
@00:17:46 he was involved in the fisa warrants why
@00:17:56 fisa warrants something stinks to me and

#Qanon Top FBI Officials Subpoenaed by House Judiciary #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:08:22 fisa court if i'd to gets but you get
@00:08:26 a fisa court to a secret warrants to
@00:08:33 you take it to the fisa court right this
@00:09:05 fisa court and this is where they get
@00:10:06 to the fisa court to get the wiretapping

Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Jim Jordan #qanon #draintheswamp

@00:00:15 that the fisa court to spy on americans
@00:02:33 dressed up and taken to the fisa court
@00:03:18 taken to the fisa court to get the
@00:03:49 dressed it all up took it to the fisa