
Nothing to See Here Ep#3 - F BOMBS & CROWDSTRIKE

@00:10:20 michael flynn or kt mcfarland concerning

BREAKING: RIG FOR RED: JA, SR, JB, and "L"uccifer 2.0

@00:04:54 you and also general flynn
@00:05:08 and you and general flynn and and they

RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC: America's Color Revolution, 11.3 Marker, Red Lines

@00:12:47 armpits and flynn that's just a name not
@00:12:49 general flynn with the infected ear

The REAL Reason for the Targeting of President Trump + Geopolitical Issues

@00:00:58 by lieutenant general michael t flynn
@00:01:18 general flynn on election day came out
@00:06:17 put this is general flynn he has
@00:09:16 flynn the day of the election think how
@00:16:15 this is the reason why flynn was
@00:19:05 where think flynn okay including the
@00:20:33 in mike flynn and paul manafort and we
@00:21:33 well when mike flynn and walid phares
@00:24:40 cuz general flynn and all of them knew
@00:31:48 right michael flynn russia turkey russia


@00:21:41 also targeted general michael flynn
@00:21:52 the initial operations to target flynn
@00:28:18 hopper tests against flynn cia page cia

SNOWDEN Review- Potential Pardon by POTUS - Homecoming2020?

@00:03:00 or michael flynn so we were all
@00:20:50 which would be um flynn all right so
@00:20:53 flynn rogers plays into this

More Spygate Released, Twitter Censors QAnon, and MORE!

@00:15:34 flynn and returned to brookings in july

Q Goes Mainstream AGAIN - Q Digital Soldier Missions Explained

@00:00:50 flynn post video
@00:03:39 know michael flynn post video featuring
@00:04:22 you got that right so flynn posted the
@00:04:29 in the video fleet flynn leads a small
@00:04:36 after finishing the oath flynn says
@00:05:03 flynn never explicitly explicitly
@00:05:35 jfk jr okay flynn the former head of the
@00:06:30 q and hashtags and flynn recently
@00:06:45 idiots it's unclear whether flynn truly
@00:11:12 flynn trump's first national
@00:13:56 in which flynn declared where we go when
@00:22:25 but the i think the flynn thing sent

Crimes Against Children = Common Denominator = Mass Population Awakening (FULL EPISODE)

@00:23:22 then also mike flynn jr on may 14th at 6
@00:23:51 eric prince and also with with flynn
@00:26:25 all right so eric prince flynn and rudy
@00:38:00 does flynn know of course he does
@00:38:04 well on the record is because flynn

The PEOPLE'S General. Soon!

@00:02:03 yesterday the flynn case update came at
@00:02:09 the flynn case
@00:02:19 flynn
@00:04:14 this is a big victory for the flynn
@00:06:21 in regard to pet general general flynn
@00:06:58 right people on the flynn case comey
@00:07:00 says the flynn kislyak
@00:07:49 people investigate general flynn
@00:08:15 flynn the notes are attached as exhibit
@00:08:50 and then um general flynn gave his first
@00:09:55 flynn
@00:10:40 flynn probe raised the issue of the
@00:11:24 investigate flynn
@00:11:45 targeted flynn he called it quote the
@00:11:52 that flynn was entrapped
@00:12:00 to investigate michael flynn and was
@00:12:06 investigate michael flynn number one
@00:12:23 mike michael flynn over those uh
@00:12:55 general michael flynn
@00:13:16 flynn
@00:14:14 uh and how to proceed against flynn
@00:14:18 how to proceed against flynn obama
@00:14:22 investigate flynn
@00:15:47 and then within two weeks general flynn
@00:17:54 general flynn was
@00:18:08 why do you think general flynn was a
@00:18:11 take us back to when flynn was in the
@00:18:15 all of these players knew flynn they
@00:18:17 wanted flynn out of the way
@00:18:52 i mean flynn was a democrat he was
@00:19:19 general flynn uh at some point during
@00:19:29 talking about investigating flynn and
@00:21:02 flynn you basically opened this up this
@00:21:17 don't have like the original flynn 302
@00:21:45 you know flynn was going to audit the
@00:22:05 that you just made flynn wanted to audit
@00:22:48 on flynn
@00:22:58 trump and flynn to gauge and assess
@00:23:29 country by taking flynn out of that
@00:24:10 general flynn it's an honor to have you
@00:30:44 flynn family friends of the flint
@00:32:14 for mike flynn but for
@00:32:56 all right general flynn we look forward
@00:33:00 uh a good day for the flynn family today
@00:33:11 nice to hear from general flynn he was

Intel Weaponization: Spies, Lies, and The Press EC, Grassley and More!

@00:03:18 that incoming nsa flynn is speaking re
@00:03:38 flynn and kobe replied potentially well
@00:03:47 far no indications thus far that flynn
@00:04:12 discussion about flynn as subject of fbi
@00:04:26 i could paragraph being michael flynn
@00:04:36 security advisor michael flynn with fbi
@00:05:06 of the fbi investigation of flynn or the
@00:05:35 flynn james clapper received raw
@00:05:55 completion of the blank calls flynn i'm
@00:06:57 flynn i know the left-wing media is like
@00:07:32 this probably to do with flynn that
@00:07:45 me for copies of flynn
@00:08:45 flynn and that was the first time the
@00:09:58 investigation of michael flynn given the
@00:10:08 investigating flynn then why were they
@00:10:21 national security advisor michael flynn
@00:10:37 sensitive information from flynn and
@00:10:44 flynn an fbi operation against flynn and
@00:17:15 prosecute flynn in 2017 against the
@00:17:20 target and frame michael flynn all right
@00:30:28 sergei kazakh michael flynn now they're
@00:31:15 phone calls that started flynn on the
@00:31:30 washington post setting up the flynn
@00:37:17 flynn and we very much appreciate your
@00:38:54 apply this to general flynn as well okay

Shall we play a game? Change of Batter coming? FISA = START week 3

@00:16:59 corruption regarding fisa russia flynn
@00:37:20 is flynn doj dismissal of ascii
@00:37:28 had flynn doj dismissal and that mess

THE HOOK AND SET UP = They thought they could prevent exposure and remain protected. Woops!

@00:01:35 michael t flynn so you can see that the
@00:02:01 video mr. general michael t flynn is is
@00:06:24 flynn we're talking about all right so
@00:08:44 fisa warrant issued and approved flynn
@00:08:47 mueller flynn now we're gonna hear a lot
@00:08:52 about you know flynn this flynn that was
@00:09:00 on flynn okay so we know there's a fire
@00:09:24 and remember flynn it was not in that
@00:11:24 national security adviser michael flynn
@00:11:38 december first hearing where flynn pled
@00:12:02 or reach contreras an attorney for flynn
@00:12:05 declined comment right now flynn
@00:12:56 the flynn fisa he was recused because he
@00:13:01 signed the flynn fisa which was
@00:13:55 to know there was a fisa out for flynn i
@00:14:41 in my previous video michael flynn was
@00:14:43 not a masked evidence flynn was under
@00:15:35 general flynn in the kiss liat call
@00:17:12 incidental flynn was being actively
@00:17:14 monitored flynn was under an active fisa
@00:17:41 more evidence flay out flynn was under
@00:17:49 opened an investigation of flynn based
@00:18:38 michael flynn and it fits perfectly
@00:19:52 told us that there is a fisa on flynn
@00:20:24 flynn fisa rudy contreras that's why he
@00:20:48 steel dossier didn't you know hurt flynn
@00:21:40 december 28th kiss lyac contacts flynn
@00:21:44 on december 29th mr. flynn call calls a
@00:22:05 predate the call between general flynn
@00:24:02 michael flynn and a russian envoy yeah
@00:26:02 flynn replied there was no secure line
@00:28:55 ambassador kis lyac to call flynn set up
@00:29:09 fbi and trap flynn to justify their it
@00:29:31 meeting flynn with the ambassador the
@00:29:55 promoted the fisa on flynn by loretta
@00:31:36 get to flynn just saying so it goes
@00:32:49 michael t flynn of course the assessment
@00:32:51 has to do with mike flynn right mr.
@00:32:55 advisor general flynn has appeared
@00:33:17 next to mr. putin general flynn has just
@00:34:07 first thing they go to is general flynn
@00:39:59 important so we know at this point flynn
@00:40:20 flynn the set up fbi and trap and fisa
@00:40:39 president elect selects flynn as his
@00:40:54 blah blah flynn and kushner trump's
@00:41:05 flynn calls kiss lee ak and and talks
@00:42:10 lee act to call flynn well that's a good
@00:42:35 on flynn because it was a fisa unmasked
@00:43:00 kiss lee act calls flynn and then you
@00:43:05 here immediately that colin flynn was
@00:44:05 was mike flynn the subject of a fisa
@00:44:21 flynn and that's how they got the call
@00:44:41 spy on mike flynn at three-star general

Seth Rich, Crowdstrike, James Baker, and Flynn FISA?! Don't miss this one!

@00:01:10 president obama absolutely flynn flynn
@00:01:13 flynn and then he's essentially
@00:02:28 how to set general flynn up on what we
@00:02:47 did they frame general flynn
@00:02:54 unsealed documents and michael flynn
@00:03:08 michael flynn regardless of what they
@00:03:47 flynn up and ruin his life framed by
@00:43:45 frame lieutenant general michael flynn

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1] FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)

@00:28:34 mike flynn was not being deceptive in

QAnon - We are Ready, Q! Prepare for the Storm ( and a DEEP DIVE TIMELINE)

@00:44:55 michael flynn inquiry in february comey


@00:00:14 my read between that and general flynn
@00:00:21 look into the general flynn case so i'm
@00:25:43 shows the general flynn was paid to
@00:26:32 whether or not michael flynn speaking in
@00:28:23 flynn who told the truth you know there
@00:28:30 the interview of michael flynn i recite
@00:28:35 flynn told the truth flynn did not lie
@00:28:37 the agents who interviewed flynn
@00:28:55 flynn he should never have been charged

We got what we needed. There is no step [5]. Thank you for playing. Older Q Connections

@00:14:57 why michael flynn was taken out very
@00:15:09 michael flynn was controversial we're
@00:15:51 flynn you had people who were brought
@00:24:20 general flynn and ambassador kissel acts
@00:25:04 trump and b as mike flynn that's a

Admiral Rogers, the 17th Director of the NSA, AS and OTHERS Ukraine problem, Coming SOON!

@00:04:52 flynn targeted why to go through all
@00:04:58 trade america for sale flynn targeted
@00:07:09 in flynn and all of that and then he
@00:32:48 him and flynn the biggest american
@00:39:01 thought that anyway and flynn okay 38 22

State of the Union. Boomerang. THANKS DOJ!~

@00:23:35 the leaks michael flynn some of these
@00:34:12 be okay with probation for michael flynn
@00:34:21 the michael flynn case tonight flynn has
@00:35:16 interviewed general flynn didn't think
@00:37:22 lieutenant general flynn sean i knew
@00:39:04 flynn for telling the truth there is a
@00:39:15 interviewed michael flynn and in it they
@00:39:44 sullivan the judge should allow flynn to
@00:39:55 who interview flynn said he told the
@00:40:50 tied to flynn let's keep it the flynn
@00:41:25 flynn lie despite his guilty plea
@00:41:27 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:41:34 bodies are buried flynn is safe expand
@00:42:06 27th 2018 an anon says free flynn and q
@00:42:46 you that fbi agents did not think flynn
@00:42:52 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:42:55 something untrue expand he says flynn is
@00:43:05 flynn done in 30 expand queue so we know

The Best is Yet to Come! Truth and Facts will prevail! QAnon Analysis

@00:35:35 papadopoulos page flynn okay and about
@00:36:58 man for michael flynn with early
@00:44:55 michael flynn for doing stuff like that

The Shot Heard Around the World. The GREAT AWAKENING. Rudy to testify?

@00:38:55 drops of who knows where well flynn rudy
@00:39:28 fall under the russia does flynn now
@00:39:35 and and flynn though and then it's the

Burisma Fake News - Area 1 Crowdstrike Connection & MORE...

@00:39:10 admiral rogers flynn why did hussein hrc

The Sky is Falling! Flynn, Huber, Clinton Foundation

@00:02:28 with general flynn to find out on the
@00:04:25 ask that michael flynn get prison time
@00:37:57 like what heber found nothing and flynn

Something BIG is Coming - BIGGER than You Can Imagine

@00:13:58 because that's what flynn is doing quote

Byron York - Devin Nunes Interview 12-18-19 SO GOOD!

@00:14:07 papadopoulos manta ford and flynn and

Think FLYNN_FISA [ILLEGAL?] "They Will Fight, but YOU are Ready!"

@00:01:44 so there was probably a fisa on flynn
@00:03:19 that interviewed flynn but so that would
@00:03:29 the fisa on flynn then everything else
@00:04:12 evidence to free flynn currently being
@00:17:31 agent one p and the flynn interview i
@00:17:54 flynn case and it's talking about
@00:18:29 the ongoing prosecution of michael flynn
@00:19:41 the flynn 302 and he points it out here
@00:20:07 flynn 302 okay and and it goes through
@00:20:39 the 302s of the 124 17 jen general flynn
@00:20:47 same felony flynn was charged with and
@00:23:28 1pn qey and the flynn interview there's
@00:23:57 2019 january 28th 2019 that's one flynn
@00:24:52 the case of michael flynn said they
@00:24:57 that served as a basis for making flynn
@00:25:23 crucial part of the case against flynn

Monday Morning w/Joe DiGenova on Comey, FISA, IG, Durham and MORE...

@00:08:34 to russia he and general mike flynn and
@00:12:27 general flynn because many people are
@00:13:08 flynn case out i don't know what kind of
@00:13:42 department to get michael flynn so that
@00:14:02 case of michael flynn to continue it

Carter Page's 4 FISA's - GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]] "Knowingly."

@00:07:46 and flynn although i do i do believe
@00:09:00 papadopoulos page and flynn he's saying
@00:10:32 carter page paul manafort michael flynn
@00:12:17 manafort not michael flynn not padam
@00:12:33 paul manafort michael flynn papadopoulos
@00:28:04 is she worked with general flynn at the
@00:39:26 michael flynn the the the findings of

Wray - TRUST BUT VERIFY! Rosenstein and Wray BOTH on Lindsay Graham's Radar Screen

@00:09:55 okay she was involved with the flynn
@00:10:07 lew who was in charge of the flynn and
@00:15:47 basically spy on general flynn and the
@00:15:52 the way he set up general flynn meeting

The Public Awakening - Be Ready! QPost Analysis: 3637-3646

@00:31:46 flynn sister of michael of general
@00:31:50 michael flynn okay and she says we just
@00:32:02 bless general mike flynn family forever

Y Flynn? Targeted and Silenced for a REASON - QPost 3625-3636

@00:16:05 an old post status from general flynn
@00:16:42 so general flynn on november 4th 2016
@00:18:07 general flynn does three things right
@00:27:27 where the bodies are buried flynn is
@00:27:39 that fbi agents did not think flynn lie
@00:27:41 displayed guilty plea why would flynn
@00:28:55 two-sixty flynn is safe we protect our
@00:29:13 flynn targeted just went kusa today said
@00:29:40 why is this relevant flynn what is
@00:30:00 obama's term general flynn you know and
@00:30:45 question about flynn like you know who
@00:30:49 barack obama and it was flynn and but i
@00:31:11 flynn was there he was part of dia then
@00:31:47 intelligence he was flynn was okay he
@00:40:24 but perhaps to this general flynn saying


@00:13:00 plea from michael flynn and then was

QAnon - Draining the Swamp - It's Going to be BIBLICAL 3608-3624

@00:07:18 over the last several years flynn was
@00:07:35 discussed flynn in 2017 february 2017
@00:07:38 mike flynn is a fine person and i asked
@00:09:22 february 11 which is right before flynn
@00:09:47 pence when he said flynn did not discuss
@00:10:44 they really strong-armed mike flynn into
@00:12:01 led to a fisa and spying on flynn they
@00:12:09 they could spy on flynn will newly
@00:12:15 free flynn yeah so i know that the
@00:13:34 of sizes to spy on on flynn yet okay and
@00:16:54 flynn with the pence and what we heard
@00:17:13 redacted part and we know that's flynn
@00:20:53 flynn is in there now i'm not sure if

Are We Getting Close to Assange Disclosure? Dana Rohrabacher Seen on Capital Hill

@00:09:11 michael flynn additionally using
@00:09:22 target flynn papadopoulos and paige were

Qanon Connections to Recent FISA and FLYNN News

@00:02:15 shot meaning take out flynn with the
@00:06:16 flynn a number of other people i mean
@00:11:32 professor when flynn met at an office
@00:11:41 flynn has requested the records of
@00:12:31 michael flynn sidney powell city thank
@00:13:01 effect of take the kill shot on flynn
@00:13:07 on flynn i know what do you mean when
@00:14:22 flynn then we have trump at about 19
@00:15:19 but it's called first we f flynn then we
@00:15:30 recruited by flynn to work at the nsc
@00:16:39 number one is the lisa page edited flynn
@00:16:57 the flynn kiss lyac phone call is named
@00:17:36 ignatius to take the kill shot on flynn
@00:18:12 which they questioned mr. flynn but for
@00:18:39 editing of the flynn 302 we already know
@00:20:07 flynn and the public in their prior
@00:20:51 stratify the inter interview of flynn in
@00:21:01 security advisor michael flynn and if so
@00:21:55 tell flynn their true purpose nor give
@00:22:15 flynn so i'll let you guys go look
@00:22:25 okay that mr. flynn had discussed
@00:22:48 statement that flynn stated that he did
@00:22:51 not in response to whether mr. flynn had
@00:23:00 as the notes of the agent show mr. flynn
@00:23:14 request by flynn that question and
@00:23:34 saying take the kill shot on flynn
@00:24:00 her filing and here's the flynn timeline
@00:24:27 flynn joined the trump campaign sometime
@00:25:13 general flynn publishes op-ed in the
@00:25:20 flynn as his national security adviser
@00:25:22 then the d.o.a issues farah to flynn
@00:25:25 then flynn now this is we're getting
@00:25:41 prosecute flynn for the logan act on
@00:25:56 flynn phoned russian ambassador sergei
@00:27:29 here's the article four hours ago flynn
@00:27:49 michael flynn has canceled a hearing
@00:28:37 produce all evidence related to flynn
@00:30:52 powell's defense of flynn has caught
@00:30:57 government with flynn sentencing up

Flynn Attorney: DOJ HAS 2 MIFSUD PHONES, Asks for New Brady Material

@00:01:36 not all right so developing flynn lawyer
@00:02:16 support thereof michael t flynn mr.
@00:02:19 flynn requests the government be ordered
@00:03:05 relevant to the defense of mr. flynn and
@00:04:29 them the investigation of flynn russia
@00:06:51 streams are converging flynn mifsud
@00:09:28 the flynn thing and then of course the
@00:10:26 against general flynn as early as 2014


@00:24:28 in context all right we knew flynn would
@00:24:30 be challenged part of the plan flynn jr.

FISA (spy) - Flynn - Sidney Powell Makes SMART Move

@00:00:02 flynn i'd love to be able to to know
@00:01:08 before general flynn was to enter his go
@00:01:27 general flynn but i saw what they were
@00:03:27 explained to him that general flynn was
@00:04:14 flynn is probably pretty confident now
@00:05:51 you a little flynn update and then that
@00:05:56 excuse me start with the flynn update
@00:06:37 move flynn this is from the last the
@00:06:44 flynn lawyer tells judge motive behind
@00:06:48 why flynn took the guilty plea this was
@00:06:58 is go through this flynn thing we'll get
@00:07:07 flynn with some stuff that went on in
@00:07:18 lieutenant general michael flynn took
@00:07:34 why mike flynn took the guilty plea on
@00:07:48 ongoing cooperation of michael flynn in
@00:09:13 authorization to target michael flynn
@00:09:29 the puke as highlighted michael flynn
@00:09:36 flynn jr. being indicted accused as we
@00:09:43 flynn signed a plea deal to avoid seeing
@00:10:09 the troubling aspects behind the flynn
@00:11:07 bijan roth can case the flynn intel
@00:11:35 sullivan that michael flynn and mike
@00:11:36 flynn jr. were being threatened by the
@00:13:08 flynn son michael flynn jr. as you
@00:13:29 michael flynn the former national
@00:14:27 a specific person michael flynn jr. in
@00:14:38 unbelievable the addition of jim flynn
@00:14:46 father michael flynn for one possible
@00:15:10 ahmed were prosecuting michael flynn and
@00:15:17 to authorize adding michael flynn jr. to
@00:15:24 threaten general flynn with the
@00:15:51 flynn jr. and provided the leverage
@00:15:53 weissman wanted after all mike flynn jr.
@00:16:04 later general flynn was signing a plea
@00:16:12 mike flynn was under a fraudulently
@00:16:31 adviser michael flynn talking to
@00:16:44 flynn call was picked up as the us
@00:16:56 flynn to see what was set if this
@00:17:12 u.s. person flynn in order to review the
@00:17:43 russian ambassador and mr. flynn and
@00:18:02 conversation with general flynn in the
@00:18:25 russian ambassador and mr. flynn make it
@00:19:10 conversation between mr. flynn and the
@00:19:45 to who and mass general flynn the simple
@00:19:48 reason is simple flynn wasn't unmasked
@00:19:51 because flynn was under fisk
@00:20:53 incidental flynn was actively being
@00:20:55 monitored flynn was under an active fisa
@00:21:00 evidence of flynn under active
@00:21:06 outlines that flynn was under an active
@00:21:35 investigation of flynn based on his
@00:22:21 have signed off on the flynn fisa
@00:22:33 magan about the flynn call and the fbi
@00:23:20 and general michael flynn because of the
@00:24:06 investigation which included finn flynn
@00:24:08 then robert mueller says flynn was under
@00:24:43 general flynn as a agent of a foreign
@00:25:10 on michael flynn there are only three
@00:25:43 status of michael flynn at the time of
@00:26:18 mention here if flynn was under
@00:26:55 to hire michael flynn as national hires
@00:27:03 flynn status is the redacted paragraph
@00:29:58 national security advisor michael flynn
@00:30:03 sharing information while michael flynn
@00:30:09 need for unmasking a flynn there would
@00:30:13 else captured with flynn surveillance
@00:30:23 additionally flynn being under fisa
@00:30:31 contact between flynn and ambassador kis
@00:30:40 of contacts by michael flynn as the fdb
@00:30:49 surveillance background of flynn would
@00:31:00 flynn interview on the 24th about kiss
@00:31:18 flynn was under surveillance and the fbi
@00:31:21 reports on flynn surveillance did not
@00:31:25 of flynn as you can see above there are
@00:31:33 calls of michael flynn wow
@00:31:40 and robert miller all saying flynn was
@00:31:53 the fact that general flynn was under a
@00:32:39 against flynn including nellie or to the
@00:32:54 interviewed notes of mike flynn all of
@00:34:11 302s fisa spy on flynn this is right
@00:34:22 other stuff was going on okay cuz flynn
@00:34:29 district of new york sleep free flynn so
@00:35:48 issued and approved on flynn molar goes
@00:35:50 after flynn so i'm just showing you that
@00:36:09 302s we're used for a fisa on flynn so
@00:36:50 connect all this to flynn okay i promise
@00:39:34 adviser michael flynn in january of 2017
@00:42:32 national security michael flynn you
@00:42:54 how they got the fisa warrant on flynn
@00:43:25 adviser michael flynn do you believe
@00:43:40 served as chief chief of staff flynn

FISA IG REPORT: Coop Witnesses, Singing Birds, and Whistleblowers

@00:05:55 flynn case from the start he also played
@00:06:05 ride with the flynn interview in the
@00:10:27 lieutenant general flynn mana fort page

The REAL Insurance Policy and it's Ties to JB's CIA Russian Asset

@00:11:31 flynn okay so this guy here and that's
@00:17:47 for the kiss lyac call with flynn yeah

"First we F Flynn" then "We F Trump" Boomerang 1 initiated!

@00:01:15 general flynn basically wanting to get
@00:01:34 the flynn case and i kind of went over
@00:03:46 weaponization of mr. flynn and lays out
@00:04:18 against flynn including nellie or to the
@00:04:51 interview notes of mike flynn all of it
@00:05:18 minute order michael flynn and view of
@00:06:10 gonna go to this this article here flynn
@00:06:26 michael flynn accused the prosecutors of
@00:06:30 lawsuit against flynn this is it guys
@00:08:14 prosecuting jeff mike flynn okay now can
@00:09:54 prosecuting flynn about the flynn that's
@00:10:58 judge for flynn found the prosecutors in
@00:11:41 agents who interviewed flynn at the
@00:11:43 white house in 2017 and flynn pleaded
@00:12:01 30th filing of by flynn and powell cites
@00:13:24 the defense claims counsel for mr. flynn
@00:13:51 me the flynn team specifically demands
@00:19:19 general michael flynn to deter so let
@00:19:28 assessment and then general flynn asks
@00:24:11 appointed by flynn think about this so
@00:29:35 by general michael flynn to serve a
@00:33:13 administration hated flynn and all these
@00:33:15 people and that's why flynn
@00:33:18 you know they were close to flynn so he
@00:36:40 trump that first we s flynn then we f
@00:36:44 trump now we're back in the s flynn
@00:37:03 f flynn part okay so they removed flynn
@00:42:39 flynn is colluding with this russian
@00:43:07 her set up general flynn as early as

Could be BACK ONLINE in a WEEK? Jim Watkins Testimony Summary

@00:02:46 dive on the motion the flynn motion and
@00:02:51 general flynn and what happened to them
@00:26:52 has to do with some connections to flynn

Powell, Flynn, and the BRIDGE - Ezra Cohen-Watnick THE BRIDGE

@00:00:19 treehouse that are about michael flynn
@00:00:21 ok government refuses to grant flynn
@00:00:42 and mike flynn defense team led by
@00:00:59 to flynn sentencing in a filing today
@00:01:22 flynn on january 24th 2017 here the
@00:01:37 flynn on january 24th 2017 who 2017 yeah
@00:02:50 302s right flynn pleads not guilty pleas
@00:05:32 michael flynn well i'm gonna disagree i
@00:05:52 flynn interview on january 24th 2017 and
@00:07:02 302 report on the flynn interview that
@00:07:33 in shaping how the flynn 302 was written
@00:08:29 flynn fd 302 was officially entered into
@00:12:21 michael flynn mr. flynn may also have
@00:13:10 weaponization against mr. flynn and lays
@00:13:59 flynn all of it is a stunning filing
@00:14:51 update flynn finally erupted friday at
@00:15:05 prosecutors for flynn sentencing after
@00:15:34 versus michael t flynn defendant she's
@00:16:17 flynn files this brief in support of his
@00:16:53 protective order however mr. flynn will
@00:19:04 conduct in the prosecution of mr. flynn
@00:19:57 vizor michael flynn sydney good to see
@00:20:23 turn over to you and michael flynn what
@00:23:10 prosecuting general flynn yeah they can
@00:24:46 because michael flynn agreed to under
@00:25:02 the special counsel accused flynn of
@00:25:17 interview flynn had a very sure demeanor
@00:25:28 at the time that flynn was not lying or
@00:25:34 possible that flynn can be charged with
@00:26:33 against flynn would that be the optimal
@00:29:21 what's going on with flynn all these
@00:29:42 instance like the flynn situation
@00:30:04 flynn came up today so alright so what
@00:31:21 about general flynn and i start from the
@00:37:19 flynn it was lieutenant general flynn
@00:43:38 flynn is going to be exonerated cue has

The REAL Trump Tower SCANDAL!

@00:18:42 michael flynn obama's administration
@00:18:45 leadership despised flynn hue had been
@00:37:17 with flynn i i just love that and so i'm

TRUST WRAY! As the World Turns, We are Watching a MOVIE - WHO are the "Actors"?

@00:12:00 flynn signed a coerced guilty plea the
@00:34:47 advisor lieutenant general michael flynn
@00:34:51 mcgann regarding flynn immediately

“Nothing to See Here!” with Jim and Katie G - Episode #1

@00:09:06 seth rich mike mike flynn aged 48 not
@00:09:11 the same mike flynn investigative

SPYsa/FISAgate, Epstein,and Lawmaker Targets?

@00:07:18 statements he charged michael flynn a

Stealth Bomber and Covert Operations in DC - BE READY!

@00:32:59 protege of michael flynn in the dni
@00:33:09 know to it so if flynn was in the dia he
@00:33:38 know michael flynn and was recommended
@00:33:40 to sessions through flynn well now he's
@00:37:19 was brought on by michael t flynn
@00:37:45 one of several appointees of mr. flynn
@00:43:00 security advisor michael flynn wanted to
@00:43:27 national security adviser mike flynn
@00:45:33 after flynn was fired and replaced by hr

Plane, M Temple, and IG Posts = Witness Qanon Posts 07-11-19

@00:36:09 flynn changes his story putting him on
@00:36:14 showing it's showing the post flynn news
@00:36:26 date here july 9th right and then flynn
@00:36:34 about michael flynn it was sure in the

Hunters Become the Hunted for Humanity Q+ - Posts 7/10/19

@00:32:59 it anyway 3372 flynn news coming and
@00:33:04 flynn news coming so remember he said
@00:33:06 that on july the 8th flynn news coming
@00:35:43 about flynn flynn news coming okay and

IG Horowitz Reportedly Nears End of Probe into FISA Abuse

@00:02:51 interview michael flynn while i let

Whistleblowers and Mueller Witnesses

@00:31:11 security adviser michael flynn it also
@00:41:18 and cut out what he said about flynn and

The Silent Ones, Operation Charlemagne NEONREVOLT Part 1

@00:05:04 then he comes down and he says flynn
@00:05:30 obama's term flynn who was fired during
@00:05:34 military intelligence flynn why is this

Predicate for FISA points to UK! PAIN is COMING in DAYS?

@00:03:20 manna fort and we know flynn were under

Did you catch the BOOM? DC in PANIC!

@00:31:55 it's got to do with with flynn okay so
@00:32:18 flynn and the me and mainstream media is
@00:32:40 but there's you know flynn was accused
@00:32:53 so about flynn going to nrt dinner and

Joe D - Mike S. Rodgers - ITS HAPPENING! 4/25/19

@00:20:10 regarding michael flynn carlin announced
@00:25:01 warrant issued approved then flynn
@00:25:03 mueller flynn

Dana Boente's Many Key Trump Admin Positions

@00:12:59 advisor lieutenant general michael flynn
@00:13:04 with mcgann regarding flynn immediately

Scope Memo Unveiled, OH boy! Big trouble now...

@00:21:14 afford gates flynn papadopoulos cohen
@00:40:45 allegations involving michael flynn the

Spy/Leakgate : Part 2 - Crowdstrike, Contractors, Assange

@00:35:30 page mike flynn paul manafort so all of
@00:36:40 the effort to remove general flynn began
@00:36:45 though he flynn has been portrayed in
@00:36:59 flynn attended an event in moscow to
@00:37:11 and the unmasking okay general flynn was
@00:37:38 the stage for our tea and here's flynn
@00:37:49 here's flynn right here watch him yeah
@00:38:01 michael flynn gate gate was briefed by
@00:38:38 evidence about mike flynn that us intel
@00:39:07 national security adviser michael flynn
@00:39:16 claimed flynn was possibly compromised
@00:40:09 lieutenant general flynn grassley wrote
@00:40:48 before flynn made his infamous december
@00:41:27 flynn to the possible efforts by his
@00:41:39 the dia general flynn is a spymaster of
@00:42:01 with flynn about the rt event and the
@00:42:13 declined comment about flynn oh bastards
@00:42:37 frenzy driven suggestion that flynn may
@00:43:43 sugarcoating the mistakes flynn made by
@00:44:33 happen with with general flynn and

Spy/LeakGate Origins PART 1

@00:28:39 early campaign michael flynn paul
@00:34:30 flynn also and we had him running at

Biden Deep Dive, China, Ukraine ITS ALL CONNECTED

@00:05:03 everywhere america for sale flynn
@00:05:47 compromise michael flynn at an event
@00:05:57 his links to flynn have largely gone
@00:06:19 stefan hopper and michael flynn
@00:06:45 america for sale flynn targeted why he

MAXIMUM Transparency - Indictments Coming - These People Are Stupid

@00:28:23 advisor michael flynn but two government
@00:30:10 victory a month earlier flynn around
@00:30:52 mccabe page texts also show flynn was on
@00:31:07 michael flynn the job of national
@00:31:16 inauguration flynn would resign for

You have been prepared for what is about to take place! The Great Awakening

@00:32:20 disparaging remarks about general flynn
@00:32:33 flynn did the fbi retaliate against
@00:32:36 michael flynn by launching a russia
@00:32:49 disparaging remarks about flynn before
@00:33:01 mccabe's displeasure with flynn but that
@00:33:09 f flynn then we have trump okay that's
@00:33:18 okay so flener general flynn was very
@00:34:03 is why he had a grudge against flynn and
@00:34:06 people had heard him disparaging flynn
@00:37:57 mueller flynn you must target remove and
@00:39:58 thrown at me mana fort flynn had phases

Moves & Countermoves. Death Blossom. D^ARP*A = F*^B, G00G

@00:38:05 interview with general flynn there's

DON'T MISS THIS ONE: What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created?

@00:02:09 article about about flynn and then it

T-17 Oh I See! Gee! OIG? [Bye] HRC

@00:09:34 of jail time as he did for michael flynn

Planned long ago. Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

@00:24:52 why don't you guys call mike flynn let's
@00:24:56 have let's have a you know general flynn

A Traitor’s Justice. Phase III. Panic in DC. RATS EVERYWHERE

@00:35:05 gathering with raised voice f flynn and
@00:35:11 he's the one that told flynn not to

Recusal Coming? Adam Schiff Meets with Simpson/Fusion GPS

@00:04:36 okay how about flynn okay oh my god this

SOTU Preview, National Security, and Bill Priestap's Replacement

@00:15:17 flynn why did hussein hrc admin + staff
@00:17:35 flynn has been providing significant
@00:25:29 michael flynn he oversaw the activities
@00:25:36 investigation and interviewed flynn gave

Nancy No Trip, Ohr, McCabe, AS Liar, Project Cassandra

@00:39:35 asked flynn now let's f or will f flynn

News Update: Leak Wars? Woah Nellie!

@00:12:47 flynn

Boom! RBG, Lisa Page, John Carlin Future Proves Past

@00:33:48 adviser general michael flynn see how

POTUS wants NP as Speaker! Keep Calm Trust the Plan. New Flynn Evidence

@00:25:09 russia evidence about mike flynn that
@00:26:08 national security adviser michael flynn
@00:26:19 claimed flynn was comparably compromised
@00:27:38 michael flynn i am writing to request
@00:28:07 general flynn thank you for a prompt
@00:28:52 flynn made his infamous december 15th
@00:29:16 you didn't before flynn made his
@00:29:59 three educated and sensitized flynn to
@00:30:18 flynn returned from moscow he spent time
@00:30:30 the various meetings with flynn about
@00:31:09 flynn why james why why why okay rather
@00:31:41 flynn may have been on a mission to
@00:32:21 general flynn i'm so sorry this they
@00:32:39 active flames sorry general flynn
@00:32:59 flynn did make by his own admission he
@00:33:29 which flynn has paid and will pay dearly
@00:33:57 flynn was never charged with any

QAnon - [D] Day, EO, Senate Start, Jan 1, 2019

@00:07:24 to it right so it's mike flynn leaves
@00:08:19 national security adviser michael flynn
@00:09:39 then on says flynn exonerated soon and
@00:11:00 all will be right with flynn all will be
@00:11:18 flynn has a you know he's done some
@00:12:18 candidacy and clarifying with flynn that
@00:21:15 to this general flynn hearing and i'm
@00:21:28 trying to get flea flynn to rethink and
@00:21:48 hearing for lieutenant general flynn
@00:22:04 emmett sullivan in lambast mike flynn it
@00:22:26 starts filleting mike flynn about a
@00:22:45 on the part of mike flynn but joe it
@00:22:55 the judge say mike flynn was guilty of
@00:23:06 the judge asked flynn first if he wanted
@00:23:29 mike flynn was to work on behalf of the
@00:23:42 stop before mike flynn got in the white
@00:23:49 flynn taken that contract i'm gonna be a
@00:23:55 flynn insinuating he could have
@00:24:22 not understanding that mike flynn had
@00:24:49 up and that mike flynn was not working
@00:25:06 with flynn treason flinch all you have
@00:26:36 garbage prosecution mike flynn is being
@00:26:46 judge sullivan has to get flynn angry
@00:26:54 comes out and lamb bass flynn throws the
@00:27:12 in other words hey general flynn and
@00:27:53 general flynn i know what he's been
@00:27:56 but this lieutenant general flynn has
@00:28:58 about the flynn the court judge sullivan
@00:29:08 to speak with the defendant flynn review
@00:29:29 listen iii i love general flynn okay i
@00:29:53 nadya hey general flynn
@00:32:05 like you know in the end flynn may
@00:32:42 interviewed slit flynn what read a
@00:32:47 coincidence why did flynn take the
@00:33:06 knows where the bodies are buried flynn
@00:33:07 is safe doesn't say flynn will not plead
@00:33:18 flynn case but also now we know that we
@00:34:13 his deal flynn the judge was pissed and

QAnon - Public Awakening = Game Over #NewQ through #2585

@00:26:20 when kiss leah can and flynn talked to
@00:27:04 hundreds of names that he just flynn

QAnon - POTUS Risked EVERYTHING for US - Flynn is the Counter

@00:01:22 robert mueller's purview for which flynn
@00:01:51 lieutenant general michael flynn in
@00:02:23 where the bodies are buried flynn is
@00:02:44 flynn is safe and a year later he's safe
@00:17:45 them i'm getting flynn as
@00:18:09 which is barbara red gates flynn red
@00:18:14 flynn attention on deck forgotten
@00:18:23 sees barbara flynn redgate so we just
@00:18:43 general michael flynn family forever
@00:19:55 hashtag who leaked general flynn
@00:20:03 flynn and seven other exceptional
@00:20:24 post and general flynn if you happen to
@00:23:32 say flynn was the counter okay
@00:23:34 general flynn was the counter so there

Panic at the DC Disco - RR, Mueller, Maggie D5 is Around the Corner!

@00:22:05 how he keeps i love how general flynn

QAnon - Let the Unsealing Begin, Let the Declas Begin! WWG1WGA!

@00:10:05 what flynn would have been doing helping

Qanon - Red October, Red Line & FISA Brings Down the HOUSE, Sessions FIRED

@00:36:58 lieutenant general mike flynn here's
@00:37:15 basically he was there when mike flynn
@00:37:18 was there when mike flynn was like you

QAnon - Midterms are Here! DECLAS is coming. Remain in the public light #NewQ

@00:01:14 warrant issued for carter page and flynn
@00:02:55 obama administration me paige flynn

QAnon - Power Belongs to the People! #WWG1WGA! #NewQPosts

@00:24:16 a youtube video from general flynn which


@00:30:36 anybody have any flynn rogers who else

Ep#6 - The Shady MSM Saudi Arabia Narrative, Oleg Deripaska US Assets Seized, and Soros Funded Stalk

@00:35:31 warrant on flynn and i fisa warrant on
@00:35:45 fort so carter paige flynn papadopoulos

QAnon - New Narrative, Wrap Up Smear, Crimes Against Children, Justice K confirmed!

@00:33:24 is determined who leaked the flynn

Qanon - Think BDT, John Perry Barlow, Use 2 shirts Patriots!

@00:35:11 wonder if it's like general flynn and
@00:35:46 general flynn but i can't prove it so

Rod Rosenstein Called to the WH and the Kavanaugh Circus

@00:33:47 pushed for the fbi to drop that flynn

[RR] Tried to Set Up POTUS, Trump Sees Q VIP, Remain CALM and QAnon

@00:42:01 aide mike flynn mr. rosenstein now we're

QAnon - Truth to Power, IG, Huber, NSA and Q&A

@00:42:19 an an on post a picture of flynn loading
@00:42:23 flynn exonerated soon and he says in the

QAnon - "The Football", They are Scrambling, Buckle UP!

@00:05:39 see you general flynn
@00:11:01 general flynn accepts the word of

QAnon - Media Leakers, Panic in DC, with PANIC COMES....

@00:18:38 that sounds like flynn to me i'm just
@00:40:23 sessions in flynn targeted for immediate

Anon - FISA, DIA, Hint of Flynn Spygate gone wild!

@00:05:54 general michael flynn was ok now let me
@00:07:24 face right here michael t flynn from
@00:09:29 the flynn would have reported directly
@00:10:11 intelligence agency think michael flynn
@00:10:27 right so here's um michael flynn wrote a
@00:13:29 leads me to michael flynn which then i
@00:14:49 agency which would have been flynn which

QAnon - Darpa, Goog FB, SCIFS and Seal Team 6 Spec Op

@00:11:23 to spy on us for flynn and the dia a
@00:11:28 nick did not know flynn at the time he
@00:11:47 not fire okay when flynn was kicked out
@00:12:00 nick was a flynn tap they tried to get

QAnon - HRC/Alice in Bloody Wonderland, The Setup, Keys to the Kingdom

@00:13:36 general flynn they wouldn't tell us one
@00:13:40 fisa warrant on flynn a carter page they
@00:24:27 approved for flynn mueller goes after
@00:24:30 flynn okay so you it says you must
@00:32:00 silas page silence flynn etc okay and

Qanon - Halper, Ohr, DOD Whistleblower

@00:23:59 michael flynn and i don't want people to
@00:24:01 forget about this in 2014 when flynn was
@00:24:09 who not only invited flynn but also
@00:24:23 apparently flynn had some kind of
@00:24:44 flynn and he's a spy and if literally a
@00:28:11 honeypot flynn at the cambridge intel
@00:28:21 papadopoulos and flynn helped her set up
@00:41:21 at the where it says flynn 30 and then
@00:41:30 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:41:38 think sly flynn lied and then it says
@00:41:44 knows where the bodies are buried flynn
@00:43:06 there's a grand jury and i believe flynn
@00:43:39 flynn is the information on flynn is

QAnon - No Name Q Proof - LIVE 8pm EST - Every Dog Has Its Day

@00:19:33 this - that flynn changed his background

QAnon - Live 10PM EST - Posts 1785-1799 Fishing is fun!

@00:19:05 and it goes about flynn and what's

QAnon - 2016 FISA App Released...Here we go....

@00:40:51 guys as rocco and watt nick was a flynn
@00:40:57 flynn appointed so they wanted to get

QAnon - Q&A @ 4PM EST TODAY - Have your questions ready!

@00:14:36 flawed for flynn conquered the russian

QAnon - Blackmail and Dead Woman, theFBI/DOJ, RR, RM, Epstein, SR Witness

@00:18:32 flynn is safe to find witness can a
@00:39:35 to flynn flynn obviously is not finished

QAnon - Seth Rich Witnesses/Flynn Hearing TODAY!

@00:00:55 mike mike flynn jr's post on on twitter
@00:01:52 of michael flynn jr's nice request
@00:07:53 article but that michael flynn jr.
@00:22:53 police didn't posted mueller flynn give
@00:23:09 national security advisor mike flynn is
@00:23:35 those who support flynn emphasized that
@00:23:51 deception when they interviewed flynn
@00:24:20 more about the degree to which flynn has
@00:24:38 adviser michael flynn are staying
@00:25:21 delay could suggest flynn is in the
@00:25:35 of the 2016 election flynn in december
@00:25:40 flynn sentencing delayed by mueller team
@00:26:01 flynn flynn judge fumes at mueller
@00:26:03 demands flynn be in court within days
@00:26:05 for a likely showdown could flynn walk
@00:26:09 that thinks that flynn could walk the
@00:26:14 michael flynn case is fuming at us
@00:26:23 directed flynn to attend the judge could
@00:26:39 have been completed months ago flynn
@00:26:57 rare to call flynn or any defendant to a
@00:28:00 flynn is slated to appear today while
@00:28:55 equities that are in finn's play flynn
@00:29:20 flynn did this so he could testify and
@00:29:51 interesting that the mike flynn thing

QAnon - "Divide they try. Fail they will." FVEY/State Dept Exposure

@00:26:08 who interviewed michael flynn he could

QAnon - Ask yourself - is this normal? NO IT IS NOT!

@00:14:15 general flynn oh god what a glorious

QAnon - It's Time - Shift in Tactics! #WINNING

@00:07:30 were changed in the flynn situation and
@00:08:40 investigation to nail flynn why was that
@00:09:30 please go flynn pleading guilty this is
@00:09:33 post number 12 86 on github so flynn
@00:09:55 in the flynn situation there all right

QAnon - What Will This Week Bring? Shock and Awe?

@00:35:18 caught the eye of michael flynn the ex
@00:36:05 another flynn ally to distract from an
@00:36:12 in that investigation is flynn you see
@00:38:21 everybody i mean everyone once flynn was
@00:38:24 out and the people that flynn had
@00:38:42 flynn the president's first national
@00:39:46 and uh and he was a flynn ally mm-hmm
@00:40:11 because michael flynn got let go

QAnon - False Agendas, RR with FIVE EYES in a PANIC

@00:30:45 interviewed flynn that pachenko guy her
@00:32:31 agent who interviewed flynn and you can

QAnon - Leaker James Wolfe: The Bigger Story Behind the Indictment *RE-UPLOAD*

@00:16:13 news leaked about michael flynn later

QAnon - Goodlatte Directs Criminal Investigative Attention to HUBER

@00:07:54 michael flynn who briefly served as
@00:08:00 year before flynn communicated with the
@00:08:08 trigger perry said sperry said was flynn
@00:08:33 flynn sperry set all right so this was
@00:16:17 slip hit flynn pleads guilty to not an
@00:16:23 flynn okay struck and paige what struck
@00:17:09 those two things 302 the flynn and then

QAnon - Senate Investigators Suspect FBI Documents Were Manipulated

@00:00:15 what he's doing with the flynn testimony
@00:00:26 about the flynn testimony and the kettle
@00:00:36 watch regarding flynn and the kettle of
@00:01:11 andrew mccabe and so we know about flynn
@00:01:52 after they interviewed mike flynn there
@00:02:39 into the prosecution of michael flynn
@00:02:57 comey regarding michael flynn against
@00:03:12 flynn and the russian ambassador kiss
@00:03:19 fbi in the interview with michael flynn
@00:03:29 flynn interview the name of the second
@00:04:05 flynn lied narrative researcher nick
@00:04:18 2017 the day before the flynn interview
@00:04:29 the rails weird the day before the flynn
@00:05:04 strikes meeting with flynn the next day
@00:05:36 conspiracy to entrap general mike flynn
@00:05:42 with flynn everything in the 302 was
@00:08:19 senator grassley regarding flynn and the
@00:08:32 regarding flynn and the kettle fish okay
@00:08:57 arranged for lieutenant general flynn to
@00:09:15 the flynn case don't match up with the
@00:09:58 about the flynn case the chairman also
@00:19:59 flynn was prosecuted then go ahead and
@00:23:32 falsified the mike flynn 302 this is
@00:26:03 fent flynn those falsify 302 fbi
@00:26:41 michael flynn so you're gonna see this
@00:27:25 you know with like um you know flynn and

QAnon - Sen. Grassley RE: Flynn and the Kettle of Fish

@00:00:17 here but grassley again demands flynn
@00:01:01 national security adviser michael flynn
@00:01:54 general michael flynn is reported
@00:03:11 to lieutenant general flynn to conclude
@00:03:53 lieutenant general flynn admitted to the
@00:04:03 flynn to be sentenced simply disclosing
@00:04:16 for lerner of lieutenant general flynn
@00:04:48 quote mr. flynn is represented by
@00:06:24 lieutenant general flynn and related
@00:06:42 flynn peter strock was later removed
@00:06:57 journal and lieutenant general flynn was
@00:07:14 flynn did you guys know that excuse me
@00:08:00 and lieutenant general flynn was an
@00:08:16 flynn did you guys know that i didn't
@00:10:10 general michael flynn mr. mccain is
@00:12:13 lieutenant general flynn who provided he
@00:12:15 was general flynn was very good friends
@00:12:27 actions regarding lieutenant flynn on
@00:12:53 investigation of flynn at the time it
@00:12:57 about flynn's fbi interview and flynn

QAnon - Spygate Update: Trey Gowdy WT..? Obama Angle

@00:24:10 michael flynn others still that muller

Sickened FBI Agents Ready to Testify #QAnon

@00:06:17 donors you know the way the flynn deal

QAnon -Undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves - Inside Source

@00:37:00 entrap flynn but i'm not positive about
@00:37:22 attempt to entrap flynn as well going

QAnon - Who Knows Where the Bodies are Buried? Rudy, Erik, Flynn

@00:06:19 flynn jr. on may 14th at 6:16 p.m.
@00:06:47 prince and also with with flynn and also
@00:09:23 flynn and rudy giuliani know where the
@00:29:12 it does flynn no of course he does
@00:29:18 is because flynn testified you have more

QAnon - New Phase JUSTICE. JK Traitor, New Board, Your Fired!

@00:34:43 controversy when michael flynn the
@00:37:01 flynn hadn't lied well this was his
@00:37:10 flynn he changed it to this a little you
@00:37:31 believed that flynn wasn't lying and

QAnon - Mueller on/off Team? Time will tell. Who are We Talking To?

@00:00:39 flynn take the bullet rubber bullet if
@00:00:47 flynn you probably need to do that
@00:01:03 previous video about michael flynn then
@00:01:23 why was flynn charged expand your
@00:01:28 michael flynn charged in special counsel
@00:02:14 think flynn lied despite guilty plea
@00:02:24 posts that mentioned flynn
@00:03:25 what happened with flynn and it's very
@00:03:32 nails down what's going on with flynn
@00:27:38 flynn inspector general with interviews
@00:29:06 on november 30th michael flynn is forced
@00:29:14 1st the media pushes the flynn line
@00:43:47 interview deathstroke interviewed flynn
@00:43:55 flynn case and received the guilty plea

QAnon - Mueller, Flynn, Define Testimony, "On the Record" Understand Comms?

@00:02:15 flynn plead guilty to something untrue
@00:02:23 flynn is safe expand your thinking queue
@00:02:42 supporters of michael flynn are urging
@00:02:53 told lawmakers last year that flynn did
@00:02:56 nothing wrong the flynn case is also
@00:03:05 share evidence with the flynn legal team
@00:03:12 new developments in the flynn case we're
@00:03:42 who had interviewed flynn did not
@00:03:50 when flynn pleaded guilty in december
@00:04:19 does that flynn has already pleaded
@00:04:52 believed that flynn was was actually
@00:05:22 out the day after flynn pleaded guilty
@00:05:23 so flynn pleaded guilty without having
@00:06:35 flynn case because it involves flynn
@00:07:40 briefed lawmakers amid allegations flynn
@00:08:05 agents who interviewed flynn did not
@00:08:21 mueller and flynn would plead guilty to
@00:09:05 believe flynn intentionally lied he no
@00:09:21 flynn flynn lost his job and even
@00:09:25 president trump claimed flynn had lied
@00:09:30 defended flynn as he castigated comey
@00:12:50 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:12:57 the bodies are buried flynn is safe
@00:13:09 part of the flea the flynn plea
@00:13:52 michael flynn november 30th 2017 and
@00:14:03 that michael flynn is going to sign okay
@00:14:15 flynn has signed this and i'll show you
@00:14:43 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:14:51 obviously it's flynn flynn is safe okay
@00:19:40 flynn plead guilty to something untrue
@00:20:14 regarding flynn done in 30 expand queue
@00:20:44 was i just put the word flynn in cuz i'm
@00:21:09 flynn findings ok and this is was
@00:21:12 released today finding 22 general flynn
@00:21:59 general flam began general flynn began
@00:22:59 his trip to moscow general flynn and his
@00:23:15 arranged at the request of general flynn
@00:23:19 interview general flynn and his son
@00:23:29 through the next part general flynn pled
@00:23:52 flynn to contact representatives of a
@00:24:05 flynn contacted but against the
@00:24:11 lyac inform general flynn that russia
@00:24:33 documents state the general flip flynn
@00:25:30 michael flynn on july 15 2016 retired
@00:25:34 security advisor michael flynn forwarded
@00:25:45 operation flynn included a following at
@00:25:59 and then um about kushner and flynn
@00:26:29 flynn alright so i just wanted to make
@00:26:39 to and what was in there about flynn so
@00:26:52 regarding flynn done in 30 expand so he
@00:27:26 with the judge in the flynn case
@00:27:37 says expand who interviewed flynn
@00:27:49 coincidence why did flynn take the
@00:28:27 um you see the picture now why did flynn
@00:28:44 sure flynn knew about all that so then
@00:29:07 it's about flynn and his testimony and
@00:30:06 if i put the word flynn in it's used 23
@00:30:11 like flynn and you can search the whole
@00:31:45 to go back and go through so flynn let's
@00:31:49 do flynn alright here he is yeah why
@00:31:59 privately without authorization flynn it
@00:32:09 right while mentioning flynn all right i
@00:32:20 focus on flynn background and potential
@00:32:55 where the bodies are buried flynn is
@00:32:59 next one america for sale flynn targeted
@00:33:11 all charges oh you guys okay free flynn
@00:35:35 it's still about flynn he says if the
@00:35:45 why was flynn charged explain expand
@00:35:50 news article again about michael flynn
@00:36:14 these do not match michael flynn charges
@00:36:23 fleck flynn lied despite guilty plea
@00:36:31 went through all the flynn all the
@00:36:34 references to flynn and the cube cute

QAnon - Precursor, MOAB Still Incomming, Renegade, Evergreen

@00:20:46 interviewed general flynn apparently

#QAnon - What Has Mueller Really Found? WOW

@00:43:39 whether it's flynn papadopoulos or


@00:07:58 flynn would be challenged part of the
@00:08:01 plan flynn jr. recent did not lie to vp
@00:08:06 and that's a tweet from flynn jr. and
@00:08:18 talking about flynn we have to take this
@00:08:22 flynn role outside of white house lost
@00:08:25 house so did flynn lose his house his
@00:09:48 michael flynn jr. talking about his dad
@00:09:50 american patriot at general flynn did
@00:10:34 proposed it did michael flynn jr. just
@00:10:43 on monday morning michael flynn jr. the
@00:10:58 flynn jr. is alleging is that his dad
@00:11:08 his version of events pence said flynn
@00:11:18 trump for firing flynn in the first
@00:11:19 place i had to fire flynn because he
@00:11:39 flynn himself pled guilty last year to
@00:12:07 trump's reason for flight firing flynn

QAnon - Heads Roll, They Will Lose Everything, NP in NK

@00:43:27 we should be hearing about mike flynn
@00:44:05 flynn here pretty soon here we go it's
@00:44:30 free flynn done in 30 so we're coming up

QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

@00:12:49 basically he was brought in by flynn
@00:12:57 flynn and when flynn left he left and
@00:13:42 several appointees of mr. flynn who were
@00:14:33 he was appointed by flynn so we have

#QAnon - Mother of all Post Dumps - Posts 996-1028

@00:22:59 potus and flynn that was said in
@00:33:51 inside plants flynn is safe to find
@00:43:33 flynn is a witness okay that but he's

#QAnon - April Awan Arrests, Tip Top Tippy Top Shape

@00:38:25 flynn done in 30 housecleaning white

#Qanon - Q Team, Keystone, Military Intel

@00:15:03 flynn background a potential role what
@00:16:35 flynn will be freed and when it says
@00:17:25 flynn that's all a big and they're and
@00:27:51 happen with flynn cuz i know he's part

#Qanon - Fire in the Hole, We are talking to YOU

@00:26:52 flynn and he replies done in 30 probably
@00:27:06 believe means like well flynn has a has
@00:27:57 so flynn should be freed soon yay mm-hmm

#QAnon -How Bad is the Corruption? Big Development

@00:07:57 for sale flynn
@00:08:02 are buried flynn and potus cleared of
@00:08:39 flynn hoping election theft that's going

#Qanon - March Madness! Spirit Cooking, Angela WHO?

@00:25:30 assange general flynn and then i just

It's ALL Theatre - Quite Frankly #Qanon

@00:11:43 doj fbi people involved in the flynn
@00:15:07 flynn and all-out war will ensue he

#Qanon - WINK Confirmed by Q - New POSTS LIVE

@00:32:38 day general flynn walks right back in as

QAnon - Boards Update, QMap, Flynn, KimDotCom #followthewhiterabbit

@00:11:15 alright and then we have general flynn
@00:11:57 to provide flynn
@00:12:20 order in the united states versus flynn
@00:12:26 a motion by michael flynn to withdraw
@00:12:41 writes that flynn should withdraw his
@00:13:59 flynn before he's sentenced seems like a
@00:14:12 lawyers for flynn are preparing legal
@00:14:27 lawyers for general mike flynn will
@00:14:47 flynn then we f trump breaking news from

Qanon, Threats, Disinfo Be careful what you wish for #Qanon

@00:16:50 flynn on while they were listening to

#Qanon - Flynn, FISA, EO's, FREEDOM DAY #thestormisuponus #followthewhiterabbit

@00:00:58 postponement of general flynn sentencing
@00:03:23 states of america versus michael t flynn
@00:10:47 about the flynn plan and he talks about
@00:28:13 this flynn postpone of his sentencing
@00:29:16 flynn sentencing till may cuz they know

#QAnon Obama Administration's Brazen Plot to Frame Trump and Exonerate Hillary

@00:06:58 the white house about the flynn case and
@00:25:31 fbi charge against michael flynn is a
@00:25:39 from everything flynn was indicted for

#QAnon - Future Shows Past: SpaceX, Drain the Swamp, Pedogate

@00:17:34 the december first hearing where flynn
@00:17:50 he sit on the flynn case where that

#Qanon Top FBI Officials Subpoenaed by House Judiciary #draintheswamp #followthewhiterabbit

@00:09:28 tape that that's how they got flynn was

Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? Jim Jordan #qanon #draintheswamp

@00:01:10 mike flynn peter struck selected by mr.