
Marxist Revolution Takes New Turn- Here's The Shocking Summary!!

@00:08:45 michael horowitz same thing

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:13:53 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:14:08 horowitz
@00:14:08 horowitz what is this about involving
@00:14:34 horowitz and thursday announced an
@00:14:46 and it says here horowitz is also
@00:15:32 or is this horowitz doing his thing

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:20:39 horowitz
@00:20:43 again another reminder that the horowitz
@00:20:50 patriots when the horowitz report came
@00:21:01 saying that horowitz was deep state
@00:21:13 horowitz report

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:05:44 especially what michael horowitz did he

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:17:49 think horowitz mid-year regarding fbi

Shocker! Gov Newsom Frees 14 Convicted Killers In Name Of Coronavirus!!!

@00:20:08 to invite horowitz to testify about his

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:29:52 yeah democrat strategist justin horowitz
@00:31:01 cernik bernie sanders justin horowitz

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:38:07 the difference between horowitz end or

Why No Arrests? Q Walks Us Behind-the-Scenes - Reveals Big Picture!!

@00:16:40 horowitz how big is that kudos to the

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:16:33 thanks to michael horowitz now that we

LIVE Jan 24, 2020: It's All Happening!!

@00:07:54 just like michael horowitz same thing
@00:08:09 purview meet michael horowitz but did

BOOM!! Rudy Announces Huge Ukraine Revelations Beginning Now!

@00:26:08 there that michael horowitz was going to

Cipollone Goes Nuclear On Nadler- Dems Focus On Damage Control!

@00:05:16 false michael horowitz told us no it
@00:05:21 michael horowitz told us last month no

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:10:19 ig report by horowitz here's the fbi
@00:28:41 horowitz was appointed by barack obama

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:06:29 see where michael horowitz maybe you're
@00:06:35 horowitz is talking from both sides of
@00:06:55 with michael horowitz saying different
@00:07:11 before when it comes to horowitz when it
@00:07:43 same thing with horowitz in other words
@00:18:57 michael horowitz let me know if i'm too
@00:19:05 goes back to what horowitz said oh i'm
@00:19:46 other words mr. horowitz you just
@00:20:06 thank you mr. horowitz thank you for
@00:47:29 back to the horowitz issue just asking
@00:47:33 if horowitz is being asked to play a
@00:47:39 like we said earlier that horowitz came
@00:47:46 horowitz is saying i was careful to not

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:18:24 horowitz confirms quote we found through
@00:18:36 again horowitz giving different answers

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:22:33 horowitz report to make the rn & co me
@00:26:33 of events horowitz report comey reports

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:10:44 general michael horowitz i want to stop
@00:11:12 is saying a michael horowitz
@00:11:32 talked about horowitz and thursday in
@00:12:22 know we i can't believe that horowitz
@00:12:42 horowitz on the left on the camp of the
@00:12:52 with horowitz he's our guy this is
@00:13:06 horowitz because we're with him too wink
@00:13:38 horowitz has done so i'm just showing
@00:13:49 going after horowitz just like he did
@00:15:22 michael horowitz was doing and that is
@00:21:31 horowitz releases the inspector general
@00:36:09 horowitz durham and bar are all in
@00:36:14 team or horowitz durham and bar were

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:08:22 could see michael horowitz is staring at
@00:08:30 that hearing with michael horowitz to
@00:12:18 drops as they roll out michael horowitz
@00:12:32 and we're gonna talk about horowitz of
@00:13:25 mr. horowitz end up like epstein there's
@00:13:39 horowitz answering questions nervously
@00:13:58 big big story dr. jekyll mr. horowitz
@00:14:30 sort of on his side hey horowitz says
@00:14:36 say that but horowitz says that there
@00:14:55 are happy with horowitz wow
@00:28:30 democrats as michael horowitz walks away
@00:28:51 versions of michael horowitz and i like
@00:29:03 to horowitz and this is to help people
@00:31:48 michael horowitz work thank you for
@00:33:23 horowitz sounding nervous a lot of
@00:35:18 horowitz found he found even extra it's
@00:48:49 horowitz confirm dossier was false but
@00:49:02 the left enjoyed michael horowitz gives
@00:49:09 basically what michael horowitz did was
@00:50:44 is michael horowitz is basically saying

With No Impeachable Offenses Identified Dems Stumble To Finish Line

@00:06:20 d horowitz report was a audit it wasn't
@00:08:28 inspector general horowitz is now
@00:10:28 case between inspector general horowitz
@00:12:13 very eyes and horowitz is out there yeah
@00:13:11 that's why her was horowitz came out the

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:01:02 horowitz testifying with the senate and
@00:03:31 we're gonna see that horowitz cleverly
@00:04:36 this new reality that horowitz is
@00:05:27 real now horowitz is sounding like two
@00:05:38 inspector general horowitz refused
@00:05:57 and horowitz but listen carefully to how
@00:06:01 horowitz is answering her question
@00:09:28 michael horowitz now steps in today same
@00:09:36 horowitz sums up the fbi's surveillance
@00:09:48 says horowitz offered the assessment
@00:09:53 committee graham laid out horowitz his
@00:10:41 bad says horowitz so we see a different
@00:10:46 horowitz and it goes on ig shuts down
@00:10:52 so horowitz is morphing into someone
@00:11:16 here horowitz testified before the
@00:15:30 michael horowitz answering you know
@00:15:41 different michael horowitz what is
@00:16:09 horowitz into giving him the sweet
@00:16:13 horowitz says to him those fights the
@00:17:13 horowitz says yeah
@00:17:24 horowitz does not go for it could see
@00:17:25 this is the other horowitz the horowitz

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:07:26 michael horowitz in a report where he is
@00:10:23 horowitz that he also didn't agree with
@00:12:26 we'll take it from here mr. horowitz yep
@00:12:34 after ig horowitz releases report on
@00:19:16 met her you see horowitz was hired to
@00:19:22 you mr. horowitz we you know we could
@00:22:06 by mr. horowitz and his staff but
@00:22:22 lot more than mr. horowitz does because
@00:22:26 this and horowitz his job was only to

Dems to Draft Articles Of Impeachment As America, GOP Unite Behind Trump!

@00:18:49 michael horowitz has over 100 criminal

"President Pelosi" Speaks On Behalf Of US In Paris!!! Plus Explosive Q Proofs!

@00:07:28 general horowitz is saying or is bar
@00:18:59 can't believe what michael horowitz is

Live Stream Friday 11-29-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:35:01 inspector general michael horowitz the

NYT Rolls Out Fictional Version of IG Report 2 Weeks In Advance Of Report!

@00:08:04 a spokesperson for mr. horowitz declined
@00:10:07 g horowitz report released in december

Trump Confirms Cartels To Be Designated Terrorist Organizations!

@00:02:06 know that michael horowitz is gonna
@00:08:31 horowitz report on the bureau's probe

Live Stream Friday Nov 22, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- It's Happening!!!

@00:06:36 a lie shift waited until after horowitz
@00:27:40 this horowitz reportedly finds evidence

FISA Report To Release Dec 9th- As Dems Impeachment Plot Implodes

@00:15:57 with michael horowitz happening on

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:08:26 released inspector general horowitz has

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:08:14 we have horowitz report will be damning
@00:08:35 while horowitz was conducting his report
@00:09:05 ig michael horowitz behind the scenes
@00:10:37 horowitz report before thanksgiving

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:09:28 general horowitz sends letter to capitol

Barr, Durham, Foreign Leaders Cooperate, Prepare Evidence!

@00:08:36 inspector general michael horowitz as
@00:08:37 soon as horowitz releases an imminent
@00:09:17 number one goal is to hear from horowitz

Trump's Forgotten Interview Following 9-11 Attacks … HUGE!

@00:03:38 committee get to question ig horowitz
@00:03:49 chance to question mr. horowitz on his
@00:04:55 reality of the ig horowitz report on

As Many As 1000 Will Be Implicated In Epstein Sealed Files

@00:06:43 horowitz completes his report on the

New Office Of Transparency May Launch By Next Week to Expedite Doc Release!

@00:14:22 the inspector general michael horowitz

McCabe Indictment Expected, IG Horowitz to Conclude FISA Warrants Illegal!

@00:15:28 again coming out ig horowitz has
@00:16:30 to the fisa court and michael horowitz
@00:16:40 horowitz and the patriots told

THE PLAN: Ruining Paradigms- Driving Left Into Psychosis!

@00:22:50 horowitz it will shock the conscience of

Comey Just Got Some Good ... AND Really BAD News...

@00:07:46 horowitz is preparing a very damning

Black Hawk Choppers Seen Flying Secret Missions Over D.C.

@00:06:14 horowitz to release report with evidence
@00:18:01 and with the horowitz report and shadow

Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be "Confronted and Destroyed"!!!!

@00:18:38 geller and david horowitz huh this is

Beyond Epstein! Q Offers Explosive Clues On What Is Coming Next!

@00:01:39 class and q told us the horowitz report

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:13:19 to the horowitz report some people say
@00:13:22 huber but i think it's horowitz because
@00:13:58 meant to delay the horowitz report yeah
@00:14:10 horowitz but you're allowed to disagree
@00:14:13 horowitz report release necessary prior
@00:14:21 horowitz + co me equals d class and d
@00:18:27 many were disappointed with horowitz
@00:18:40 initial report right when horowitz did

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:09:20 inspector general horowitz at the 11th
@00:09:31 horowitz early on in the investigation

Nunes: Something "Odd" About Mueller Upcoming Testimony ...

@00:04:57 michael horowitz is nearing the end of
@00:05:08 was recently briefed by horowitz on the
@00:08:59 any day now as the horowitz report comes

Trump "Expected to Challenge Teresa May" Regarding Spygate Role!

@00:09:45 horowitz ig report was handed over to
@00:10:13 people see michael horowitz his report

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:18:16 horowitz referred a matter to him which
@00:18:19 obviously mr. horowitz did not

Barr Finally Reveals What Huber Has Been Up to- Bad News For Deep State!!

@00:13:36 horowitz investigation to wrap up this

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:19:11 pompeyo kansas trust horowitz trust

Pelosi: ... Maybe There IS a Crisis At the Southern Border ...

@00:02:03 ray trusts kansas trust horowitz trusts

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:12:45 horowitz on fisa abuses just a

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:08:32 horowitz is separately examining

Boom! Everyone Is Sounding Like Q Anon As Mayor Arrested, Judge Indicted!

@00:16:45 the horowitz report coming out in may or

Road to Justice: Schedule Is Set- All Will Be Revealed!! [Big Picture Summary]

@00:12:07 horowitz ig report is coming out i think

Dems Go Into Full Meltdown Over Barr's Testimony- Pass the Popcorn!!!

@00:01:27 horowitz on the issue of the fisa

Q Anon: "Press Conference Coming? They Will Claim Political Attack"

@00:17:19 horowitz is investigating who in the

"On Q!"- House GOP Probe Ends- Baton Handed to Whitaker, Wray At Buzzer!

@00:14:00 michael horowitz and all the stuff mike

Q Drops Holiday Carpet Bomb- Huge Q & A Explosive Revelations!!

@00:25:09 horowitz in scope and size it is said to

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:19:19 then q continues here whitaker horowitz
@00:19:59 horowitz while whittaker horowitz huber
@00:20:20 horowitz and whittaker that's pretty

Pence Shares Image Of Himself With Pro Q SWAT Officer- Media Flips!

@00:07:23 horowitz have been doing a very deep

Q On Sessions, Gowdy, Goodlatte Resignations- "Logical Thinking Required"

@00:18:39 huber who is horowitz michael horowitz
@00:18:44 mandate charge to horowitz resources
@00:18:47 provided to horowitz so we know that
@00:18:50 horowitz and huber have been given what

Q Drops 2 Words That WILL Calm and Reassure All Patriots! Amazing!!

@00:26:08 inspector general horowitz was tasked to
@00:26:20 inspector general horowitz q then is

Q Anon Foretells Of Coming Accelerated Awakening

@00:18:06 general involved huber and horowitz and

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:01:41 game of chess inspector-general horowitz
@00:02:14 horowitz cute wanted you to see that and
@00:06:43 horowitz to storch you us attorney

Q Anon to Deep State Rats: "New Playbook Needed? We See You"

@00:29:59 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:30:30 michael horowitz very interesting speech
@00:30:36 again horowitz talking about the ig
@00:30:49 speech there by michael horowitz and
@00:30:52 this speech by horowitz is really a sign

YIKES!!! Huge Hole Surfaces In Lynch-Bill Tarmac Meeting Claims

@00:13:12 inspector general michael horowitz his
@00:13:48 to say what does horowitz report say

Sessions Unleashed- Team Of 470 Returns 40,483 Sealed Indictments!!

@00:16:42 horowitz and john huber that queue has
@00:17:09 horowitz is working with huber john
@00:21:02 michael horowitz

Darkness to Light! Confirmations Adding Up As Glorious 2018 Unfolds

@00:07:55 changed medals told horowitz so there

"What a Coincidence"- This New Q Proof Is TRULY Impressive!

@00:11:55 inspector general howard horowitz on
@00:14:30 horowitz today makes tough we're in the

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:12:47 quotes from sessions and horowitz and

WOW! Q Drops Laser Beam Precision PROOF- Future Proves Past!!!!!

@00:30:17 talking up michael horowitz horowitz

Glorious!! Sessions Checkmate Strategy Unfolding!

@00:06:35 michael horowitz the work of the
@00:08:45 that inspector general michael horowitz

Trump Co-Signs Q Drop On IG Breaking News- "God Bless USA"

@00:01:05 horowitz when you see today's news
@00:01:07 you'll see why you wanna trust horowitz
@00:03:50 inspector general horowitz was found has

Q Eye Opener- "What would be the purpose of creating confusion? "

@00:14:47 michael horowitz oversees a nationwide
@00:15:16 michael horowitz because he is
@00:18:33 why people like horowitz are defining

"They Broke In During the Fire ... Distraction" - Q

@00:11:41 pompeo right and trust michael horowitz

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:05:06 yeah like michael horowitz
@00:09:01 michael horowitz and jeff sessions all

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:03:32 michael horowitz was finally convinced
@00:08:59 general michael horowitz moving forward
@00:09:44 michael horowitz the inspector general
@00:09:49 nervous about this horowitz guy so we