
Avalanche! More Disturbing Corruption Exposed - Another MOAB!!!

@00:19:59 aware that cindy mccain added to joe
@00:20:02 advisory board but cindy mccain aren't
@00:20:12 administration mccain

Rosenstein Drops Precision Bomb To Russia Collusion Hoax- Sets Stage!

@00:08:48 committee tosses andrew mccain under the
@00:12:17 mccain yeah they're pretty much letting

It's Here!! ... Brand New Conspiracy About Virus Is Seeded!

@00:18:38 oh look at this meghan mccain no names

HUGE Wave Of Trump Victories Hit As the Storm Intensifies!!

@00:10:37 chief blows whistle on comey mccain over

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:14:29 a mccain attorneys do you think that we
@00:14:57 that mccain committed take a look folks
@00:30:08 and graham saying here's mccain
@00:43:03 mccain situation right he says they've

Anti-Trump Atheist Fall Into Trap- Johnson Amendment E.O. Signed 2017!

@00:12:27 steel claims john mccain ain't late pete
@00:12:46 senator john mccain shared the
@00:13:07 feet and the mccain staff member during
@00:13:15 mccain staff member is known to be david
@00:13:57 at the mccain institute office in
@00:14:04 that christopher seal he's lying mccain

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:06:03 hussein mccain any of these people have
@00:12:16 after mccain as we talked about on
@00:12:25 here donald trump john mccain not very
@00:12:30 megan mccain what you got to say about
@00:12:50 mccain affrighted for spreading the
@00:38:14 hunter biden and john mccain all in one

Friday 12-27-19: Patriot News - Coup Unraveling!

@00:18:53 let's just say hint megan mccain yeah

Barr Doubles Down Post IG Report- Hints At Coming Justice!!

@00:09:42 here megan mccain there was no deep
@00:10:13 mccain oh you guys just go to sleep

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:10:35 me about john mccain and jr. coming back

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:15:57 megan mccain and look what she's saying

DOJ: Defense Official Arrested For Colluding With NBC News!

@00:23:28 meghan mccain she's warning democrats
@00:24:18 the middle of all that mccain says you
@00:24:24 trey gowdy mccain said but he's one of
@00:25:05 nothing can stop this meghan mccain she

Explosion of Evidence!! Audio Files, Calls, Emails, Docs Show Dems Corruption!

@00:10:50 fact that this megan mccain coming out
@00:10:56 ever seen megan mccain upset about the
@00:11:19 that is because the people like mccain

US Atty Recommends Charges On McCabe As Nadler Continues Coup!!

@00:05:09 against mccain sounding like q and on

Timed Detonation! State Dept Drops Bombshell- 23 Violations In Hillary Emails!

@00:10:45 look at how did john mccain get his

5D Chess! Did Dems Just Take the Ultimate Bait?

@00:10:04 here yeah mccain trump's foreign dirt

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:11:59 have photo unearthed of john mccain with

Spygate 2.0- Ted Cruz Bombshell Coming Soon!

@00:03:55 pig implicates comey mccain and yates

Surprise! Trump Unleashes Purge- Plus Huge Q Flashback!

@00:18:37 trolling mccain back then pictures late

New Email Revelations Show Foxx's Office In Major Damage Control Attempt!

@00:15:37 says says breaking mccain coordinated

Judgment Day Finally Approaching For Big Tech Monopolies

@00:16:41 struck and steele and mccain associate
@00:17:01 dossier with russian lies to mccain

Booom!! THE Bombshell Q Proof the Deep State Doesn't Want You to See!

@00:18:41 mccain associate and spreading anti

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:25:20 saying mccain who's under grand jury

Huge Judge Ruling On Steele Deposition! Cohen Referred to DOJ For Perjury!

@00:12:28 steel and david kramer the former mccain

Battle For America Rages! Q Bombshells- HRC, Bill, "F-15", "Phase III"

@00:25:32 this whole mccain situation back in 2017

Trump Explodes On Twitter- Calls Out Rats, Attempted Coup!

@00:07:34 james comey and drew mccain peter struck

Judgment Day Is Coming! "[D] Party Will Cease to Exist Once All Exposed" - Q

@00:09:51 news he was talking about mccain
@00:10:04 behalf of mccain and to buzzfeed and
@00:16:41 link again to this thing with the mccain
@00:16:50 then cue says here mccain associate

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:13:47 confirm mccain associate david kramer
@00:13:59 world this mccain institute senior
@00:14:10 associate of senator john mccain invoked
@00:14:53 to john mccain and mccain handed the

Q Powerful Reminder of What End Goal of Storm Looks Like

@00:16:53 mccain for leaking about general flynn

Shocker! Antifa Thugs Take Over Portland, Harass Those Who Disobey!

@00:09:48 like mccain in an envier plw camp and

TA-DA!! Sessions Subpoenaed to Produce Unredacted Docs TODAY 10-4!

@00:34:26 to come out in the mccain memos and it's
@00:36:41 why were the mccain memos released to

Deep State Panic and Chaos As Old Guard Self Destroys

@00:30:12 mccain leaked memos to new york times

Q Anon: Rats Running, Timing is Everything

@00:21:44 comey and communication with mccain

A Closer Look At the Latest Q Anon Attack(er)- No Surprise!

@00:30:03 since john mccain was put to death and

Q Anon On Emanual Not Seeking Re-election: "Add to the List"

@00:20:23 go and he's saying this at cindy mccain
@00:20:41 succeed john mccain in the senate that

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:01:47 q an on prediction of john mccain you

Flynn "Done in 30" Surprising New Hints- Think "No Name"?

@00:13:00 days apart from the time mccain died 30

Storm Resumes? Former CDC Head Arrested In NYC!!

@00:15:01 we don't say his name john mccain right
@00:15:39 mccain signals hey everybody

Q Shocking New Drops- This is What Darkness Looks Like

@00:30:48 know about john mccain right and his

"Listen Very Carefully"- Revealing 2016 Video Helps Paint Big Picture

@00:31:37 the mccain institute there you go and

Senate Intel Committee Delivers Interview Invite to Assange!!!

@00:28:55 john mccain gets involved here and it
@00:29:03 and then no-name john mccain the

Red-Pill the Left?? Here's the Reality They Cannot Unsee

@00:04:11 only think john mccain of course there
@00:05:20 mccain think donald rumsfeld all the old
@00:05:56 the republicans he'll attack john mccain

MSM Lies, Fake News Usher In New Era- Enemy Identified!

@00:22:02 he again referred to john mccain as no

Are the Recent California Wildfires Staged? Q Drops Shocking Details!

@00:23:17 mccain institute counterterrorism

Q: What if UK Worked w/ Hussein Admin to Sabotage 2016 Election?

@00:15:09 john mccain clapper brennan rice loretta

Bizarre "JFK Jr is Q" Theory Dismantled With Basic Logic and Reason

@00:21:12 beginning with john mccain he was

"Keep Your Eyes On the Ball"- Did Q Smash It Out of the Park Again?

@00:27:25 mccain stuff here saying this is all has

CNN Analyst: WHEN Do We See "Shadow Government" Step In?

@00:04:31 senator mccain saying most disgraceful
@00:04:51 mccain you

Next STORM Casualties: Rosenstein, Social Media Giants!

@00:27:21 gentlemen is it me or is john mccain
@00:28:14 you what if john mccain surgery was fake
@00:29:19 and we know and probably john mccain
@00:29:28 nancy pelosi john mccain exposed annan

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:29:49 what if john mccain never had surgery
@00:29:55 explain why john mccain had a moon boot

The "Walk Away" Has Begun! "Enjoy the Show"

@00:25:43 refers to john mccain we don't say his
@00:25:46 please do not let john mccain off the
@00:26:08 his name john mccain to try and sabotage
@00:26:20 enjoy the show yeah mccain is an it

Q Bombshell On Left's Recent Rage: "They Know We Know"

@00:17:46 mccain but james comey to loretta lynch

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:13:26 about john mccain no name
@00:13:29 nobody's heard from mccain and near yes
@00:13:32 meaning mccain will be faking his death

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:18:11 yeah john mccain right there yeah it

"Trust Sessions" Proven Right AGAIN As Storm Rolls On

@00:11:07 where you have andrew mccain begging for

UPDATE: The War On Q Fully Analyzed

@00:08:27 that john mccain ailing mccain they keep
@00:09:56 with these stories about john mccain
@00:10:07 it's not oh john mccain in his dying
@00:10:10 days you know john mccain is ailing
@00:10:21 disappear mr. mccain but we shall see if

"What You Are About to Learn Should ... SCARE You" - Q

@00:03:08 his name for no name right john mccain
@00:03:28 john mccain and his isis buddies yeah
@00:03:39 mccain and his isis buddies
@00:03:55 panic no name is in a panic john mccain
@00:04:06 out for mccain right so we can expect
@00:04:10 this to happen soon as mccain tries to
@00:04:22 one mccain is dying of cancer oh no he's
@00:04:28 now comes the pain as in mccain the
@00:04:32 mccain pain yeah 13:27
@00:17:57 and others like hussein and john mccain
@00:22:30 john mccain may be faking his death or
@00:22:44 everybody the truth about john mccain so
@00:22:47 it's that much over for mccain and

Q- "Today Evil Lost Control ... Suicide Watch"

@00:02:42 even no name right here yeah john mccain

Next Stop- Storm Coming to Iran ... Israel Sounding Like Q!

@00:10:27 together no name is out john mccain

"Archive OFFLINE immediately "- Q on Pelosi Admission

@00:18:30 you know mccain or one of those guys

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:35:18 right before that john mccain working

"We Don't Say His Name" CAUGHT In Giant "Spider Web"!

@00:17:50 here q referring to john mccain has no
@00:17:53 name so john mccain in syria timeline
@00:17:58 for years john mccain hanging out
@00:18:13 no named john mccain is in a panic and
@00:18:18 this phony john mccain are making it
@00:18:29 mccain is over with because we know that
@00:18:57 john mccain with his isis buddies there
@00:19:43 were around john mccain yeah his isis
@00:21:08 of these mccain pictures being posted by
@00:21:42 john mccain being seen speaking with
@00:21:57 me is that john mccain an elected

Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence

@00:21:52 people like john mccain forcing himself

Trump Secret Weapon: "THE WALL" Will Destroy Deep State!

@00:06:49 we have john mccain arizona rule all
@00:17:12 don't say his name john mccain adios

Q,Trump, Sessions Outfox Deep State- Glorious Year Unfolding! 3/18/18

@00:09:40 mccain almost in artful fashion at the
@00:10:03 andrew mccain to go along with what cue

Trump Drops Massive Q Anon Hints At CPAC 2018! See for yourself! 2-25-18

@00:22:37 to john mccain and there you have it
@00:22:56 person does not refer to john mccain as
@00:23:10 we should be saying his name john mccain
@00:23:16 isis traitor john mccain my friends we

Q Drops Bombs About School Shootings- Red Alert!

@00:08:11 does not say john mccain right we do not

The Truth Behind the Anti-Q Anon Attacks Revealed- Help Spread!!! 2-17-18

@00:21:06 like hillary and john mccain walking

Q- GITMO Will Be "Maximum Capacity"! 2-11-18 (Part 2)

@00:01:58 mccain yeah the we don't say his name
@00:02:06 treasonous john mccain hey yeah let's
@00:02:16 here it is john mccain meeting with his
@00:02:30 millionaire m institute the mccain
@00:02:47 mccain claims he has nothing to do with
@00:02:49 mccain institute and another article
@00:02:55 throwing john mccain right under the bus
@00:03:01 john mccain claims he has nothing to do
@00:03:04 with the mccain institute so the point
@00:03:06 is here people the john mccain is a
@00:03:14 come mccain to find the word traitor a
@00:03:51 because john mccain donned his little
@00:04:03 said what if john mccain never had
@00:04:29 mccain on his lies and his deception
@00:04:55 john mccain the traitor the man the
@00:04:58 mccain queue late tonight says united
@00:11:07 letting us know about john mccain the

This ONE Factor Defines the Left and Unlocks Deep State Plans- 2-3-18

@00:03:10 mccain talking about the memo releasing
@00:03:17 him poor old man poor old john mccain
@00:10:54 other leg like they did with john mccain
@00:11:00 available of john mccain as well are the
@00:13:16 about today with bush and mccain and in

Q Drops New Bombshell!! Checkmate For Soros, Podesta, Brazille- #Prison

@00:01:12 around where's john mccain i don't hear

Trump's New America Giving Birth! Patriots Rising, Deep State Destroyed- 1-20-18

@00:07:50 mccain we don't say his name but we
@00:31:46 pelosi and on and on and on john mccain
@00:31:52 it's john mccain

1-19-18 Q Update! Future Proves Past AGAIN!! Deep State Exposed!

@00:03:55 collection with obama there john mccain

Storm Update: State of Emergency, Indictments Revealed! Trump's Great Awakening 12-30-17

@00:30:04 john mccain and many more including
@00:30:59 kevin spacey barack obama john mccain
@00:41:06 carefully we're now we have john mccain
@00:41:13 remember people john mccain was walking
@00:41:33 msn here quiet jockeying for mccain seat
@00:41:48 senator john mccain as he battles an
@00:42:03 mccain is still walking around with the
@00:42:30 then that's because a john mccain is

Apocalyptic Ending to 2017 As Trump's Storm On Deep State Rages On

@00:18:00 mccain still walking around with these
@00:19:06 john mccain walking around in a
@00:19:28 mccain is still wearing the boot in the

Who Will Survive Trump's Storm? Here's the Answer 12-10-17 Podcast #22

@00:12:47 john mccain walking around with ankle
@00:12:57 mccain switching the boot to his left

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:10:58 clinton and john mccain are walking
@00:11:30 had john mccain get this people
@00:11:38 his left leg and of course john mccain
@00:12:10 these people including mccain are the
@00:12:50 so we know that mccain is lying but

This Thanksgiving Rant Will Silence Trump Haters- 11/25/17 Podcast Episode #20

@00:24:03 so i want to hear this andrew mccain is
@00:24:12 course mr. mccain did not recuse himself

Trump's "Storm" Has Begun! Here's the Evidence- 11/19/17 Podcast Episode #19

@00:22:13 of a sudden you have john mccain who's
@00:22:37 so of course john mccain is in the
@00:22:45 and of course now we have john mccain
@00:23:04 hilary and mccain and so all of this is

Explosive Documents Prove Far-Left Violent Attacks Coming to America (Podcast #7)

@00:47:07 senator john mccain comes to mind

This Is Huge! Seth Rich Murder- Take Action Now!

@00:02:56 mccain just said recently that
@00:03:07 same john mccain that is buddies with

Breaking: ISIS Cave Bombing Psyop Explained

@00:06:27 got pictures of john mccain hanging out