
Air Force Chopper Takes Enemy Gunfire- We Are Now In New Territory!!!

@00:25:52 this new mexico tyrant governor

EYES ON! The Sessions-Tuberville Battle- Here's The DECODE!!

@00:16:56 mexico to get the ball

Evil And Deception Sweeps Nation- On Full Display... Strategy Working!!!

@00:25:38 mexico were quietly transferred route it
@00:25:49 united states from mexico comes as many
@00:26:39 due to testing increase and mexico

Clash Of Narratives Continue Over Virus - The Silent War Continues!

@00:18:51 that it's going to mexico it you're in a

As Hysteria Continues Trump Making Clever Moves To Advance STORM!!!

@00:14:22 remain in mexico program to stay in
@00:14:54 mexico thank you for playing pelosi the

FRIDAY 2-28 The Silent War- Updates

@00:29:03 return to mexico policies if you could

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:17:41 mexico and then in australia

Rumors Circulate- Major Arrests Beginning This Week?

@00:21:52 mexico etc why is this relevant there it

Sekulow Plays Damning Compilation Video- Planned Coup For All To See!!

@00:20:00 us-mexico border wall has led to

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:56:04 is happening in mexico they are fighting

LIVE Jan 24, 2020: It's All Happening!!

@00:02:59 rose saying hello from new mexico and

Cipollone Goes Nuclear On Nadler- Dems Focus On Damage Control!

@00:03:36 mexico you know who saying can do

Court Docs: Rosenstein Approved Release Of Strzok-Page Text Messages!

@00:25:08 even get into mexico so why are they

Inside Sources: Comrades Flipped- Many Soleimani Commanders Arrested!!!

@00:14:49 pass in mexico us man candidates trade

Future Proves Past- Leftists Send Shocking Direct Messages Of Support For Iran!!

@00:21:19 mexico why is this relevant think push

LIVE Jan 3, 2020: Patriot News - Dark to Light!

@00:24:34 discussions began secretly in mexico

Clock Ticks On Nancy As Trump, Graham Hint At Big Move Coming!

@00:08:31 where is she doing this that's mexico
@00:08:39 to get to that mexico border camp to
@00:08:52 mexico to do this she drove or flew or
@00:09:16 went straight to the mexico side of

Dems Fabricate Last Minute Charges- As FISA Abuse Evidence Unfolds!

@00:18:19 have report remain in mexico policy has

Trump Confirms Cartels To Be Designated Terrorist Organizations!

@00:11:32 there people he is panicking mexico
@00:12:02 countries the government of mexico will
@00:13:50 mexico yeah lovey-dovey kumbaya and he
@00:14:25 mexico this whole thing with the

Graham Warning to Biden: "I Love You BUT ... I Have a Duty"

@00:20:24 mexico will reject us designations of

Rep McCarthy: This Is a "Calculated Coup" Orchestrated By Schiff!!

@00:23:00 mexico is urging the supreme court to
@00:23:03 stop trump's bid to end daca a mexico
@00:23:43 mexico stay away from our affair and

Nunes: Schiff Will Be FIRST Witness Called By GOP to Testify!

@00:03:21 mexico needs or requests help in
@00:03:33 mexico has made this a big issue but the
@00:03:57 mexico with the help of the united
@00:04:43 here mexico declines president trump's

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:33:35 right albuquerque new mexico is here

Explosion of Evidence!! Audio Files, Calls, Emails, Docs Show Dems Corruption!

@00:18:00 border agents return them all to mexico
@00:18:15 migrants to the united states mexico
@00:18:20 mexico laughs yeah you know the old days

Facebook Shuts Down Netanyahu's Account Days Before Critical Elections!

@00:01:07 a big big rally in new mexico and the
@00:04:39 is in new mexico right in this big big
@00:07:00 with mexico became number one
@00:08:00 he said already mexico and canada on one
@00:08:54 those people they're in new mexico it's

Very Interesting! Are We Watching the Bolton Exit "Marker"?

@00:17:43 campaign rallies that mexico would pay
@00:18:23 the us-mexico border in other words

Say Hello to the Climate Religion New Gaslighting Tactic!

@00:10:23 mexico yeah why don't you explain that
@00:10:45 number of trips taken to mexico yeah
@00:10:48 the secret trips to mexico unexplained
@00:11:26 behind the visits to mexico and
@00:12:08 into mexico or what you sought to learn
@00:16:32 the us-mexico border and trump is

Shock! Dems Creepy Agenda Now Revealed!!!!

@00:03:03 thank again the country of mexico they
@00:03:13 mexico has never helped us on the border
@00:03:34 mexico i just got back to the president
@00:05:21 migration reduced 50% thank you mexico

As Many As 1000 Will Be Implicated In Epstein Sealed Files

@00:21:09 father at the us-mexico border last year

McCabe Indictment Expected, IG Horowitz to Conclude FISA Warrants Illegal!

@00:13:22 passage through mexico to the us yeah
@00:14:02 is mexico is grabbing these people and

LOL! Brand New Hoax? Overstock CEO: I Admit Hillary Was the Victim!!!!

@00:07:28 have mexico helping arrest these people

What?? Facebook Set to Funnel MILLION$ Into Fake News Media!

@00:15:25 sex with former new mexico governor bill

THE PLAN: Ruining Paradigms- Driving Left Into Psychosis!

@00:23:57 making this deal with mexico and other

Tada! FBI Doc Predicted By Q Over 1 Yr Ago- MSM Deranged Anti-Q Attacks Follow

@00:08:53 the us-mexico border called it a very

Russia Hoax Finally Over- And the Dems NEXT MOVE IS ...

@00:19:39 lane maxwell mexico is a daughter of a

New Bombshell Court Docs Reveal Path Of DNC Emails- Dems Will Freak!

@00:13:55 arrived at the us-mexico border the

The Q Effect!! Plan B? Mueller Hearing May Be Delayed ...

@00:07:40 border with mexico and i'm only covering

Wow! Major Q Clues On Damage Coming: It's All Happening!

@00:09:54 since trump mexico deal thank you mexico

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:11:59 we have trump mexico deal cuts release
@00:12:08 thank you mexico thank you for doing the

Epstein Case Bombshell, RBG Surprise, Trump Drops 180 Degree Bomb and More!

@00:02:10 mexico doing a far better job than the
@00:02:13 democrats on the border thank you mexico

Self-Implosion! New Dems Reveal Themselves - Darkness to Light!!

@00:08:39 border wall construction in new mexico

MOAB Detonates ... Insiders Drop Bombshells!!

@00:13:03 other stuff right we have mexico deploys
@00:13:12 mexico is finally doing their job the
@00:13:39 all happening and mexico thank you for

Stone Quietly Just Filed 2 Docs That Will Deal Death Blow to "Russiagate"!

@00:03:36 they come in mexico using their strong

New DOJ Letter Reveals "Broad Scope", Massive Expansion Of Spygate!

@00:10:34 then we have this breaking mexico agrees
@00:10:38 to asylum change mexico agrees to
@00:10:52 broke the news that mexico has agreed to
@00:11:01 fox news said mexico has agreed to the
@00:11:36 it is as opposed to going through mexico

"This is straight up fiction"- Gaetz, Jordon Go Nuclear On Dean Side Show

@00:18:20 then we have other stories report mexico
@00:18:43 unreleased section of the us-mexico

The Look Of Defeat! As Trump Triumphant In Mexico Border Deal and China!

@00:10:21 trump touts surprise and mexico
@00:10:44 between the united states and mexico
@00:11:09 saturday that asserted mexico had
@00:11:44 news it says the article titled mexico
@00:12:29 what you mean to tell me that mexico is
@00:12:48 kind since mexico and the u.s. signed an
@00:13:53 in mexico policy which returns illegal
@00:13:56 migrants back to mexico until they can
@00:14:10 remain and mexico policy which violates
@00:14:40 in mexico policy has already survived

BAD News For Dems- Durham "Very Dialed In" On Russia Probe Origins!

@00:08:39 us mexico reached agreement to prevent
@00:08:56 mexico tweeting that the country quote
@00:09:16 says here a us-mexico joint declaration
@00:09:32 border to mexico while their claims are
@00:09:49 and it says mexico will offer jobs
@00:09:56 whatever you have to do with the mexico
@00:09:59 back and it goes on mexico has also

Did Someone Say Unstable? Pelosi Wants Trump "In Prison"! LOL!!

@00:11:15 knows right mexico claims some migrant
@00:11:42 really hey mexico and you might want to
@00:11:54 mexico comes up with for the first time
@00:12:12 northern triangle through mexico in the
@00:13:38 walls are closing in thank you mexico

Desperate Dems to Re-Start "Mental Instability" Narrative- Rolling Out Dr!!

@00:02:46 tariffs with mexico all the way and that
@00:03:16 representatives of mexico have ended for
@00:03:30 because of mexico and the democrats in
@00:03:39 mexico will resume tomorrow says trump
@00:08:36 dance and then we have this mexico
@00:08:51 after they entered mexico bound for the
@00:09:31 stuff about the cartels running mexico
@00:17:58 mexico the clock is ticking tick tock
@00:18:01 mexico is scrambling having to make

Boom! Officer Arrested For Suspicious Inaction During Parkland Shooting!

@00:02:12 respect to putting tariffs in on mexico
@00:02:24 mexico bad advice
@00:14:54 we have this what do we have here mexico
@00:15:20 cooperating mexico and it says here the
@00:15:27 percent tariffs if mexico does not
@00:15:33 right there thank you for playing mexico

Barr Finally Reveals What Huber Has Been Up to- Bad News For Deep State!!

@00:16:34 we've been talking about mexico and on

With Brexit, Assange, Spygate All Brewing Trump Will Head to U.K.

@00:14:26 tariffs on mexico to encourage them to
@00:14:41 coming into our country from mexico
@00:14:48 coming through mexico and into our
@00:15:11 problem with mexico the same way that he

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:13:07 us-mexico border according to a customs

The Beginning Of the End- DECLAS Orders Issued to DOJ!

@00:09:28 mexico canada if that's not the accurate

What? Dems Set Up "Private Meeting" With Brennan- Very Suspicious

@00:08:59 mexico city policy and a whole new and

Pelosi: ... Maybe There IS a Crisis At the Southern Border ...

@00:10:33 with mexico especially in texas moving
@00:12:29 there was a crisis at the us-mexico
@00:13:14 was a crisis at the us-mexico border a

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:13:28 that had crossed the us-mexico border

Is This THE Biggest Story No One Is Talking About??

@00:19:22 mexico right there and welcome right on

Very Strange Timing- Did You Hear What She Said This Time??

@00:16:42 saying the last two weeks that mexico

THIS is Why No One Listens to Dems! (Patriot Headlines)

@00:02:39 total control of the mexico side of the
@00:02:50 you x us-mexico us-mexico one of the

How Radical Is the New Left Becoming? You Will Gasp At These Headlines!

@00:11:02 center in las cruces southern new mexico
@00:12:09 sending armed soldiers to u x us-mexico
@00:13:08 mexico is not doing nearly enough in

The 'Trump Card' Begins to Play Out As Nadler Chases Thought Crimes

@00:09:00 stopping migrant in new mexico so this
@00:10:50 clean up making a sound mexico warns
@00:11:12 mexico and the new mexico governor the
@00:11:58 even mexico is starting to say well you
@00:12:47 about the us-mexico relationship and us
@00:12:55 this relationship with mexico think

"At What Point Did Mueller Determine There Was No Collusion?" ... Tic Toc!!!

@00:18:19 mexico in south america they are
@00:18:28 everyone in mexico seems all the police
@00:18:29 in mexico there are government everyone
@00:19:27 militia of new mexico residents veterans

Barr: "I'm Reviewing the Conduct of the Investigation" Into Trump ...

@00:05:11 border is being fixed mexico will not
@00:05:18 had some sort of talk with mexico and it
@00:05:51 mexico will not let people through

Judgment Day Closing In: Nunes Prepares First 8 Criminal Referrals!

@00:24:00 pressure now in mexico and you know
@00:27:05 of america go to mexico go to central

Left's War Against Trump, Free Speech, Border Security Intensifies

@00:05:20 again purposely got it wrong mexico for
@00:05:35 however for if for any reason mexico
@00:05:46 all cars made in mexico and shipped over
@00:06:02 financial hammer on mexico so you know
@00:06:18 sudden mexico is apprehending people at

"You Should Not Be Trusted!" Gaetz Calls Out Nadler... As FISA Awaits!

@00:13:09 mexican official mexico is a hostile
@00:14:06 mexico they're hurting us more than
@00:14:13 declaring it right now mexico is an

Another Anti-Trump Whistleblower "Bombshell"- Here We Go Again!

@00:03:23 know trump here is talking about mexico
@00:03:28 he write mex mexico must use it's very
@00:03:53 mexico i expect that trump will close

Will Fake News Media Take the "BAIT"?? STORM Summary For Starters

@00:17:17 and threatened to shutter the us-mexico
@00:17:50 this week if mexico did not stop
@00:19:05 see how mexico responds but we can all
@00:25:06 situation in mexico and you know all

Q Anon Direct Message About Smollett Shocking New Narrative Shift

@00:12:17 construction along the us-mexico border

This Blumenthal Discovery Will Convince Many the STORM Is Upon Us!!

@00:08:01 have these counties also in new mexico
@00:08:05 the new mexico democrats are also

"We Are the News Now"- MSM Quietly Runs With Q Drop About Coats

@00:06:07 right there in new mexico trump trolling

Boom! Q Exposes Schiff With 2 Simple Questions- Adds Direct Message!

@00:07:35 from border with mexico nothing to see

5:5 - Dems Show Their Cards In Huge Way At SOTU!

@00:13:56 the us-mexico border

Dems Now Trying to Cut Off ALL Possible Wall Funding Options Preceding SOTU

@00:05:50 udall from new mexico right there taken

Dems Response to Border Crisis?... Release ALL Child Traffickers INTO US!!!!

@00:14:28 marching through mexico and towards our
@00:15:32 proposed united states mexico border
@00:24:07 mexico border right there and they're

Look Who Strikes Again- This Time With Super Secret "Sources" On Ginsburg!

@00:04:51 murders up 33 percent in mexico a record
@00:06:33 sadly murder cases in mexico in 2018

Defense Official: Trump Can Authorize Military to Build Wall- National Emergency Not Needed!

@00:04:55 all along the us-mexico border and there

Breaking: Major Voter Fraud Uncovered In Texas- Trump Says Problem Nationwide!

@00:19:38 these drug lords in mexico maybe they're
@00:19:55 because they are in new mexico and they
@00:20:02 know this non border in new mexico and
@00:20:05 he shows you how this area in new mexico
@00:21:16 mexico secure its southern border with

Trump Announcement Starts 3 Week Clock In Strategic Plot Predicted By Q

@00:12:59 lords in mexico and the jumman

National Emergency Plan Officially Drafted - Returning Of Asylum Seekers Begins!

@00:11:39 returning asylum seekers to mexico on

Senior Trump Official Drops Explosive Anonymous Op-ed!! Trump Tweets Link!

@00:17:49 just extended their mission to mexico

These Stories Will Demonstrate Who the Opposition Party Truly Is

@00:10:24 juarez mexico and the gazes and gazes
@00:13:27 she lives in mexico and works in el paso

Pentagon, Army Corps of Engineers on Standby As Trump Delivers Final Border Security Address

@00:08:57 will be paid for by the new us-mexico
@00:09:09 directly by the mexico us-mexico deal so
@00:13:42 mexico and the us and the u.s. southern
@00:14:28 average person mexico has numerous
@00:14:38 murder statistics in all of mexico yeah

Ginsburg Misses 1st Supreme Court Argument in 25 Years

@00:05:50 plans primetime address visit to mexico

Brilliant!- Game Theory 101 In Action As Patriots Play Dems!

@00:10:51 of the gate saying mexico is paying for

"On Q!"- House GOP Probe Ends- Baton Handed to Whitaker, Wray At Buzzer!

@00:07:18 much money on trade with mexico under
@00:08:13 foolishly sent to mexico yeah thanks a
@00:21:28 in california on way to mexico yeah i'm
@00:21:36 i'll take off to mexico yeah not so fast
@00:21:47 mexico nice try
@00:22:03 mexico yeah yeah i mean let me go back

Did Q Tell Us All We Needed to Know BEFORE 2018 Began?

@00:06:53 in mexico while their applications are

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:05:22 syria and mexico is paying indirectly
@00:16:35 develop central america southern mexico
@00:17:00 southern mexico to stem the flow of

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Deliver Hundreds of Pages of Evidence!

@00:09:45 trump's border wall with mexico senator

Explosive New Q Anon Drops Provide Many Answers- Full Breakdown Here

@00:04:44 agreement that trump sealed with mexico

Trump Goes Q Mode: Narrating STORM to Public Via Twitter!

@00:11:07 let him in so mexico this whole thing

Trump: Mueller "One Sided... Phony Witch Hunt... Ruining Lives"!

@00:06:12 closed in mexico and china and then
@00:06:40 and in mexico but don't think that bet

Chief Patrol Agent: Women & Children "Purposely Pushed to Front" Before Attacks

@00:04:21 is saying trump is saying mexico should

Q- "Border Security = National Security" Can U See Where This is Going?

@00:08:31 let's see what it says here mexico to
@00:09:42 reuters is now reporting that mexico is
@00:09:57 mexico deporting these md's invaders
@00:10:26 federal response so now you have mexico
@00:11:17 then this one says incoming mexico
@00:11:59 well-being in mexico yeah what does that
@00:12:05 well being in mexico they're either
@00:12:11 little beds in mexico inside of mexico
@00:12:26 on this channel so there it is in mexico
@00:13:27 in mexico yeah well why don't you turn

Trump Authorizes "Military Protective Activities" Before Mexico Detention Camp Deal

@00:04:24 mexico there it is people we've been
@00:05:21 is reporting deal with mexico
@00:05:48 there they have to wait in mexico while
@00:05:56 according to mexico officials and senior
@00:07:05 plan known as remain in mexico asylum
@00:07:11 stay in mexico while their cases are
@00:07:38 ago and mexico has no choice but to
@00:07:49 mexico side of things they don't have a
@00:07:53 mexico has offered these people lots of
@00:12:07 migrants now in tijuana mexico who were
@00:16:47 were offered asylum in mexico they have

Update- Rick Scott Wins Senate Recount! Snipes Resigns!

@00:17:16 situation the migrants how mexico is not

Booom! Another Trump Tweet That Will Silence Q Attackers!

@00:10:46 mexico and they're gonna meter the

WSJ Reports DOJ Preparing to Prosecute Assange In the U.S.

@00:19:35 from san diego sector in tijuana mexico

Trump Describes Purpose Of Q Drops at Rally On Evening Of Q Return!

@00:06:49 marching through mexico to the united

Southern Border "Operation Faithful Patriot" May Expand to 15,000 Troops

@00:06:16 through mexico to the us yeah so he may

One Year Later ... Welcome to the Eye of the Storm

@00:17:01 are headed to the us border with mexico
@00:17:06 thousand migrants who are in mexico

Trump to Enact Presidential Powers to Block Illegal Caravan!

@00:23:27 arriaga mexico quote no we're heading
@00:23:42 mexico our goal is to make it to the us

Officials and Investigators: "Mostly Men ... Creating Problems W/ Robberies & Crimes"

@00:07:53 mexico and then the three down here it
@00:08:43 mexico and it goes on they're telling

GOP Lawmakers Want Huber to "Appear Before Congress"!!!

@00:07:46 us-mexico border yeah back to the real
@00:08:00 with mexico in response to the new

Embedded Globalist Spanish TV Anchor Guy: "No Invasion here"!!!

@00:10:24 states mexico border
@00:13:24 to cross the border between mexico and
@00:13:40 us-mexico border last year rommels
@00:16:05 us-mexico border is quote financed by

Trump: Caravan a "National Emergency"- Promises Aid Cut-offs

@00:11:38 mexico with the eventual goal of

Mysteriously Expanding Illegals Caravan- Last Gasp Stunt By the Left?

@00:17:59 7,200 mexico police stand down as
@00:18:53 mexico on sunday their numbers and
@00:19:13 caravan would not be stopped by mexico
@00:19:24 she ate river from guatemala into mexico
@00:19:30 park mexico also allowed over 600 women
@00:22:59 consequences for mexico so look we'll

Texas Dems Caught In Voting App Scam! Full Investigation Launched!

@00:10:16 and mexico these is this mob right
@00:10:24 migrants reached the guatemala mexico
@00:11:49 not in southern mexico when he led a
@00:12:24 towards the border of mexico you know

Bombshell! Indicted Leaker Linked to Mueller Team! Another Leaker Sentenced

@00:05:18 to mexico and others central american
@00:05:43 newly negotiated trade deal with mexico
@00:06:16 mexico is reportedly sending federal
@00:07:06 mexico to us in addition to stopping all
@00:07:19 terms ask miss mexico to stop this
@00:07:45 couple weeks ago hopefully mexico will

US Official Arrested, Charged With Leaking Manafort Docs to Buzzfeed

@00:21:37 4,000 people all approaching the mexico

1 Week After Shocking Doc Revealed- Google CEO: China is "Important For Us"

@00:01:38 mexico and walk right into the united
@00:16:18 piggyback story mexico vows to stop
@00:17:06 mexico is responding let's go to another

Q Powerful Reminder of What End Goal of Storm Looks Like

@00:06:39 way you know if mexico
@00:06:46 mexico as well from an economic

Bizarre Online Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories Pick Up Steam

@00:31:51 and they are marching through mexico to

DECODED: The Trump Historic U.N. Speech Everyone Got Distracted From

@00:07:02 us-mexico trade agreement and just

Flynn "Done in 30" Surprising New Hints- Think "No Name"?

@00:05:20 states-mexico trade agreements and no

Why Are All These Men Wearing Red Shoes??

@00:07:39 feds take custody of new mexico muslim
@00:07:51 compound in new mexico that this judge

Q: "They Are In Full Blown Panic Mode ... Enjoy the Show!"

@00:33:54 muslim new mexico compound moved to
@00:34:09 compound in new mexico near the new
@00:34:11 mexico and colorado border and they

Q Anon Directs Message to Sean Hannity, Fox News and Roseanne

@00:25:40 border with mexico operation guardian

YIKES!!! Huge Hole Surfaces In Lynch-Bill Tarmac Meeting Claims

@00:08:38 us-mexico border because of trump's

Q New Warning: "False Flag Weather Alert Worldwide"

@00:06:28 import-export trace from china mexico to
@00:06:42 china and mexico and this seems to be a
@00:06:51 mexico and china trade sale spin-off of

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:18:38 russia china make mx mexico why is this

Trump Secret Weapon: "THE WALL" Will Destroy Deep State!

@00:17:55 q about the mexico and all that used
@00:17:59 mexico as an attack vector in the event

"Up is Down"- Deep State Preparing For Shocking Revelations

@00:27:34 into mexico and from there in honduras

Breaking Q-Anon: "Checkmate", "We are closer than you think" 1-14-18

@00:10:42 hr cbc banco the mexico 15 million so

Here's the Secret to Seeing the Big Picture Today-10/15/17 Podcast Episode #14

@00:19:34 basically telling mexico hey bring your
@00:20:11 the council general mexico to assure the
@00:21:14 mexico
@00:22:36 mayor is basically telling mexico bring

From 9/11 to Antifa: Connecting the Dots

@00:03:35 mexico and/or other locales along the

Trump Haters Didn't See This Coming! 9-3-17 Podcast #8

@00:28:38 look at a lot of parts of mexico where

Is a Zika Virus "Outbreak" Coming to Save the CDC?

@00:01:14 brazil and mexico that have a high

Senator Feinstein Shocker! North American Union Is "Homeland", No Mention of America!!

@00:01:39 image so she's talking about mexico the
@00:05:19 between the united states mexico and
@00:06:07 and mexico is of course a regional