
1917 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.6.20

@00:34:16 john brennan and michael avenatti which

CloudCracker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.15.20

@00:15:16 comey in order to get to john brennan

Column V - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.20

@00:09:22 work its way upward to john brennan and
@00:09:28 brennan he
@00:09:38 brennan had a few things to say
@00:10:44 from these kinds of efforts john brennan

1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:04:16 brennan clapper the whole group they all

Not the News - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.28.20

@00:15:16 manipulated by brennan watch the news
@00:20:33 he's a brute by menon brennan on
@00:22:11 orchestrated all of this brennan was the

Shadow Diplomacy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.26.20

@00:04:23 also the very next day brennan clapper

Spies Like Us - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.20

@00:07:31 that john brennan the agency's director
@00:08:07 boy brennan has been caught injecting a
@00:09:26 out brennan
@00:09:27 and this was what brennan had to say
@00:09:29 hours later mr. brennan was publicly
@00:10:03 we've seen mr. brennan doing some spying
@00:11:45 committee member have think brennan spy
@00:14:40 see that mr. john brennan who back in

Illuminator - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.20

@00:04:22 brennan force
@00:05:21 suggest that john brennan who headed the
@00:06:24 election instead the brennan team
@00:08:22 brennan
@00:15:40 would think somebody like brennan maybe
@00:16:10 samantha power john brennan i'm not sure

Middle of the Movie - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.12.20

@00:31:32 the particular with director brennan
@00:32:20 the unmasking brennan clapper rice yates

Farm Born - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:05:37 qualifies andrew mccabe john brennan

7th Floor - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:19:47 clapper brennan fbi floor seventh dni

Black Sky - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.20

@00:01:38 nbc news cia director john brennan told
@00:01:49 brennan on the scope nature and intent
@00:01:58 that comey brennan and clapping were all
@00:02:04 clapper and brennan both went on cnn
@00:02:11 q says then and now brennan and comey
@00:05:32 clapper and brennan post 41 11 8 minutes

Know Your Rights In Pursuit of Truth Presents 5 4 20

@00:04:01 mccabe brennan comey shift etc and their

Law Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.1.20

@00:15:39 mmm another was in there cia brennan
@00:29:48 brute by men and brennan doing a little
@00:32:27 john brennan valerie jarrett imran awad

Falling Down In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 29 20

@00:05:26 cia bridge brennan intel okay there's a
@00:06:52 our ci a bridge brennan intel so we have
@00:07:11 involved in brennan and i'm sure it has
@00:07:25 brennan is not the guy whose name i
@00:07:36 here is that brennan injected his
@00:07:38 lackeys into all of this and if brennan
@00:09:09 john brennan oh as well as her cloyd
@00:09:18 see where john brennan had his hands in
@00:09:28 to john brennan so who was our bridge
@00:11:22 here as our ci a bridge brennan intel
@00:11:48 by brennan and all his little think-tank
@00:11:56 brennan yes what's another one of his

Revered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.27.20

@00:13:33 hind bars except for john brennan but

God and Country - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.18.20

@00:12:29 guys like john brennan either way the

Frog Nation - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.16.20

@00:09:05 hired by one john brennan who

By Any Means - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.15.20

@00:16:26 soros has his brennan institution trying

Six Plus - (Edit) - IPOT Presents - 4.9.20

@00:12:06 a matter of fact his brennan center for

The Key - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.24.20

@00:23:02 brennan the widening scope involves not
@00:27:15 they moved off that jay-z and brennan
@00:27:28 gave other agency heads like brennan and

Into the DEEP In Pursuit of Truth Presents 2 25 20

@00:27:27 brennan lots of people that were
@00:29:52 just said guys like john brennan

To Be Blunt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.20

@00:11:30 revealed brennan no name coordinated to

Slam Dunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.20

@00:01:44 investigating whether brennan cia was
@00:02:47 whether brennan was pushing for a biased
@00:03:27 durham hasn't yet interviewed brennan
@00:05:03 the bottom here the brennan relayed
@00:06:41 john brennan that's going to be really
@00:09:40 brennan was also leaking to the media as
@00:13:58 report and his looking into brennan
@00:16:51 question the cia and john brennan
@00:17:26 from headquarters by brennan if
@00:17:34 long time ago that's all brennan got
@00:18:13 brennan did with the steal information
@00:18:17 pp tape and stuff brennan sent separate
@00:18:30 why because brennan knows it's a lie
@00:18:39 to be like a go for clapper in brennan
@00:21:24 to come former cia director john brennan

Just This Justice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.11.20

@00:06:08 brennan and james clapper but i think

Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.31.20

@00:30:01 brennan as greg roubini will thoroughly
@00:34:44 brennan and barack hussein in the
@00:36:15 brennan and victoria nuland state
@00:36:38 john he's a broom by menand brennan
@00:36:42 brennan was a cia director at that time
@00:36:52 that video he was brennan cia point man
@00:37:06 for the job and a brennan loyalist very
@00:38:26 who authorized brennan to proceed with

Feddlin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.30.19

@00:15:27 brennan and then you have classified one
@00:15:54 is cia so john brennan should fit in
@00:18:48 guys like clapper and brennan right then
@00:19:27 it just like brennan and clapper news

DEEP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.19

@00:05:23 brennan clapper brennan and clapper knew
@00:17:59 mi6 brennan tapped directly for support
@00:18:04 different ways right brennan classified
@00:19:29 this brennan communication which is

2 Articles - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.23.19

@00:04:35 director while dismissing brennan and
@00:17:24 out why brennan went to harry reid in

Master of Puppets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.20.19

@00:28:48 documents from john brennan former
@00:29:06 learn what mr. brennan told other
@00:29:31 mr. brennan as part of his narrative
@00:29:51 investigating whether brennan privately
@00:30:40 brennan

[Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.15.19

@00:06:53 about john brennan are we talking about

On With the Show - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.7.19

@00:02:26 except for john brennan of course who

Out On a Ledger? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.28.19

@00:29:53 brennan andrew mccabe could be involved
@00:30:04 from orders from john brennan john
@00:30:07 brennan of course was working with a lot

Q Anon/News - Gnarwhal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.15.19

@00:04:30 would to be john brennan who signed i
@00:04:41 that this all came from john brennan and

Very Good Girl - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.30.19

@00:18:35 doj cia fbi john brennan james comey

Die Like a Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.28.19

@00:05:35 brennan himself he went out and did a
@00:06:06 by john brennan and that had been
@00:22:19 telling marge brennan on face the nation

Three O' Two - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.25.19

@00:04:15 be looking at john brennan the former
@00:04:45 there you go looks like brennan and
@00:05:21 john brennan was our orchestrator we
@00:05:33 came from john brennan
@00:05:34 and john brennan knows this too and

WhistleTroller - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.19

@00:16:50 time again we know brennan was involved

I Spy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.19

@00:03:47 brennan had declined to refer to the
@00:04:00 john brennan felt there it was weeny
@00:04:06 brennan sent reports from the source to
@00:20:00 lead us to clapper and brennan next if

Infinite Chan, Impossible Food - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.5.19

@00:07:44 frederic brennan if you want to know
@00:07:55 interesting story about brennan who's

Q Anon/ News - Fuddy Waters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.19

@00:28:54 knuckleheads all except for brennan
@00:29:34 me and aunt loretta lynch know brennan
@00:29:39 need to get brennan in there but there

Q Anon/News - [Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.25.19

@00:29:02 got john brennan james clapper those

Q Anon/News - Once On This Island - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.10.19

@00:18:42 it it was brennan and clapper and they

Q Anon/News - Dog Eat Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.29.19

@00:06:18 what you can see is that clapper brennan
@00:06:21 john brennan clapper and james comey are
@00:12:02 i meant brennan and he's in a panic
@00:12:21 comey and brennan seems to be kind of

Q Anon/News - Big In Japan - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.27.19

@00:17:51 going on you've got john brennan getting
@00:18:21 you've got comey brennan all selling

Q Anon/News - Drones and Groans - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.25.19

@00:05:42 surprise for you john brennan it's not

Q Anon/News - Coming Soon - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.24.19

@00:20:54 senior officials were involved brennan
@00:21:10 screens and it sounds like john brennan
@00:21:40 john brennan as well as loretta lynch
@00:22:40 on brennan of course brennan's not going
@00:22:57 was false and of course brennan was
@00:25:42 that brennan was meeting with so i'm not

Q Anon/News - HouseHold Name - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.28.19

@00:05:55 lynch being aunt loretta brennan clapper
@00:09:00 and of course brennan and clapper would
@00:09:23 been on the 19th brennan and clapper
@00:09:44 course john brennan so if indeed this is

Q Anon/News - It's Happening - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.25.19

@00:01:32 of john brennan well there's no doubt
@00:01:56 created knowingly by john brennan as
@00:02:03 for brennan and clapper and comey and
@00:02:35 going to be grand juries john brennan
@00:02:58 meant and brennan not really sure but
@00:18:23 of those would be one john o brennan who
@00:18:35 know john brennan after all you made the

Q Anon/News - So Many Answers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.19.19

@00:06:27 comey andrew mccabe peter struck brennan

Q Anon/News - Merely a LARP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.12.19

@00:23:12 clapper and brennan are leaky pants the

Q Anon/News - Whones? Nunes - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4 .8.19

@00:13:17 brennan clapper shift comey we have a

Q Anon/News - Flags Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.29.19

@00:13:16 brennan james clapper leaks potus daily
@00:15:02 brennan james clapper leaks

Q Anon/Bake Your Noodle - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.27.19

@00:26:20 john brennan and cohen for dinner

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:16:52 when brennan was the head of the cia
@00:33:46 or a russian agent john brennan in
@00:33:49 particular john brennan particular no tv

Q Anon/News - Strike Fast - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.19

@00:19:15 men brennan post 31 21 30 minutes after
@00:20:05 brennan he was the one keeping obama

Q Anon/News - Parades or Restraints? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.11.19

@00:14:16 brennan and he worked there from 2013 to
@00:20:07 one john brennan that's right john
@00:20:09 brennan ate a lot of crow in regards to
@00:20:24 brennan to bring you home yeah i suppose
@00:21:30 that was john brennan who appointed her
@00:22:02 brennan was taking heat for that on her
@00:24:51 will lead us back to mr. john brennan

Q Anon/News - SealedUnsealed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.10.19

@00:17:12 information right think brennan spy
@00:17:17 years back brennan actually got caught

Q Anon/News - Death Blossom - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.7.19

@00:25:09 brennan also signed off on all those

Q Anon/News - March Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.4.19

@00:21:00 and it looks like maybe john brennan was
@00:21:19 brennan yeah he made a big big deal out

Q Anon/News - Huge Habbenings - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:02:27 and very possibly brennan is out there
@00:05:12 brennan clapper national security white
@00:06:35 brennan and james clapper they were
@00:07:58 domestically john brennan they never
@00:12:38 under director brennan director clapper
@00:27:22 realized that john brennan had ordered
@00:28:19 menon brennan well hugh says who ordered
@00:28:22 the surveillance well likely brennan but
@00:30:31 brennan going to australia right we knew
@00:31:49 money buys power no punishment brennan

Q Anon/News - Deal of a Lifetime? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:02:35 john brennan looks like he was asking

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:07:10 brennan popping off on twitter and we

Q Anon/News - Lost in Translation - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.15.19

@00:11:11 orchestrated by john brennan he was
@00:11:42 was john brennan sharing his information
@00:18:36 course john brennan and you can see the

Q Anon/News - Lights On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.19

@00:01:18 director john brennan and other obama
@00:01:26 whether brennan perjured himself in
@00:01:32 panel brennan and fatica lee denied the
@00:01:42 victory brennan also swore that he did
@00:03:05 brennan as well as president obama's
@00:03:21 brennan did more than anyone to promote
@00:03:28 against trump attempts to reach brennan
@00:03:41 now turn itself to brennan now keep in
@00:03:54 it says right here brennan emphatically
@00:04:11 didn't factor into it now brennan did
@00:04:18 several capitol hill sources say brennan
@00:05:31 being applied to brennan and as this
@00:05:51 start pointing to brennan clapper mccabe
@00:22:40 including cia director john brennan
@00:22:48 brennan was aware of the so-called steel
@00:28:32 brennan is not feeling so confident

Q Anon/News - Wheres Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.8.19

@00:03:11 revealed by comey clapper and brennan

Q Anon:News The Clock Is Ticking In Pursuit of Truth Presents 1 7 19

@00:09:18 doctor too sir murray f brennan it looks
@00:09:25 brennan is an oncologist surgeon
@00:10:15 murray brennan yep okay well we can only
@00:24:01 administration had brennan essentially
@00:24:34 mr. brennan was publicly questioned
@00:29:58 would have been john brennan and
@00:32:07 what role did brennan play in the
@00:32:31 hijackers during 9/11 brennan was a true

Q Anon/News - Pull On This Thread - 1.4.19

@00:08:07 straw i'm not really sure john brennan
@00:11:36 agency cia john brennan yeah likely look
@00:12:52 cia john brennan yeah likely james
@00:18:11 brennan by the way and connected with
@00:18:16 clean photo of john brennan right here
@00:20:46 brennan the cia and named in new york
@00:21:04 course john brennan has been outwardly
@00:21:09 here john brennan
@00:21:10 knew about all of this and john brennan
@00:23:22 yates and andrew mccabe and john brennan
@00:23:26 james comey loretta lynch yates brennan

Q Anon/News - When the Ball Drops - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.31.18

@00:20:49 ready to play call me brennan clapper

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:16:59 john brennan hasn't posted since the

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:01:45 know usually i think john brennan but i
@00:02:23 would be john brennan and i'm assuming
@00:05:45 by way of these guys john brennan james

Q Anon/News - 'Smocking' Gun - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.18

@00:09:16 asked to add brennan to the graphic and
@00:09:25 brennan was not there so let's add read
@00:11:50 brennan is one of them but it also looks
@00:17:22 john he's a brute by menon brennan thank
@00:17:33 well john brennan didn't seem to be very
@00:17:44 referencing this john brennan tweet
@00:18:04 think it's one more chance brennan that
@00:18:15 seditious clown john brennan we know you
@00:19:31 brennan to a simple picture might seem

Q Anon News - Practice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.24.18

@00:02:32 regarding john brennan and the threats
@00:02:49 brennan after trump revoked his security
@00:04:44 happen to john brennan his successor and
@00:04:48 of course john brennan was the man who
@00:15:19 brennan on this special day i give
@00:15:47 he puts together action here brennan has

Q Anon - PlaceHolder - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.13.18

@00:01:17 think brennan think clapper guys that

Q Anon - 11:11 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.11.18

@00:37:45 no-name mccain john brennan selling

Q Anon - We See YQU! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.5.18

@00:09:39 clapper and brennan who were both fired

Q Anon Double Meanings In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 6 18

@00:21:03 take you to john brut by menon brennan

Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18

@00:03:48 direction of brennan directed by clapper
@00:14:36 rodham clinton and loretta lynch brennan
@00:34:25 revealed about brennan no name being no

Q Anon - 17 Second Delta - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.21.18

@00:24:30 cia director john brennan and former dni

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:11:09 have people leaking a la john brennan

Q Anon - Attention on Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.18

@00:10:38 activated under direction of brennan and
@00:20:03 funded to fake dossier and how brennan

Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18

@00:09:38 brennan to authenticate source as

Q Anon - Who Are the White Rabbits? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.2.18

@00:05:37 the names comey mckay brennan clapper

Q Anon - Hurricane Halper / Either Ohr? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.28.18

@00:32:53 james comey andrew mccabe john brennan

Q Anon - Suicide Weekend? What's With #17? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.27.18

@00:06:32 brennan the former cia chief who like
@00:06:48 director john brennan security clearance

Q Anon - RESPICT the Name / Comey Untethered? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.18

@00:02:25 brennan american voters must not shrug

Q Anon Clearance Denied! Red Shoes, the Pope and Anderson Cooper In Pursuit of Truth Presents

@00:05:36 director john brennan security clearance
@00:05:47 brennan the white house announced
@00:06:01 press briefing saying brennan has a
@00:06:07 brennan had been leveraging the
@00:06:25 response brennan tweeted hours later
@00:07:12 for lennon brennan got himself butthurt
@00:07:25 exactly what's up with brennan he was
@00:07:33 feel about that brennan nothing for you
@00:07:47 yeah brennan no soup for you
@00:07:51 brennan hasn't had any soup for a while
@00:08:12 clearance of john brennan former
@00:17:22 brennan worked as a cia station chief in
@00:18:01 john brennan he also signed off on some
@00:18:36 isn't it john brennan is essentially a
@00:34:51 brennan access to classified information
@00:35:29 calls on john brennan to resign and wake
@00:35:33 intelligence agency john brennan issued
@00:35:47 denials brennan brennan acknowledged
@00:37:26 value brennan a confidant of barack
@00:37:49 interpret what we would say brennan said

Q Anon - What's On Those Planes? Showtime! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.10.18

@00:11:49 bi you know usually i think john brennan
@00:12:28 brennan and i'm assuming this is talking
@00:15:52 brennan james clapper those were our
@00:18:51 would be john brennan and they would be
@00:19:21 and do this because john brennan okayed

Q Anon - Manafort, Podesta, MAGA Movement Growing! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.1.18

@00:27:23 that date john brennan cia might have
@00:29:33 where mr. brennan was already pushing
@00:30:21 see the connections with uk john brennan

Q Anon Vault 7, Spooks For Hire? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 31 18

@00:01:24 no name brennan hussein dates white
@00:01:27 house visited a large no name brennan
@00:01:32 logs no name brennan clapper rice
@00:25:38 james comey john brennan nicholas
@00:34:01 barack obama no name brennan hussein no
@00:34:06 name brennan comey hussein no name
@00:34:10 brennan clapper rice hussein and keeps

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:05:23 john brennan tweet your wrongheaded
@00:41:10 linkers clapper brennan and where did

Q Anon - Bldg 8? Social Media Tumbling Down? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.18

@00:40:11 john brennan james clapper why are these

Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18

@00:17:58 james gunn yeah how about john brennan

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:38:17 eight long years for people like brennan

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:14:56 clapper and brennan are ready to wrap

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.15.18

@00:18:05 brennan and call me okay even we're

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New - Q Anon - 5.21.18

@00:10:06 guy looks like he could be john brennan

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.17.18

@00:38:09 name for brennan and commis operation in

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.29.18

@00:03:35 be brennan here now i don't know i don't

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18

@00:03:25 mulder report will contradict / brennan
@00:38:16 per brennan tweet today yeah let's take
@00:38:58 excuse of a man brennan and you sound
@00:39:04 there you go that's john brennan so yeah

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.16.18

@00:04:05 rbg a s 187 / clown black brennan q
@00:04:49 ll brennan clapper and 80s ec wh s it rm
@00:32:15 ordered by black cia brennan but he
@00:32:18 evidently q is linking brennan to
@00:36:02 clinton loretta lynch brennan clapper

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.5.18

@00:38:04 funded by none other than john brennan
@00:38:31 founded by brennan
@00:38:46 it's brennan but you can edit it i can
@00:39:06 yourself and see the edits john brennan

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 3 - The National Review - 4.1.18

@00:01:49 to the classified briefings that brennan
@00:02:14 putin john brennan had designed those
@00:14:33 move is john brennan in a recent
@00:14:37 brennan defended the fbi's use of the
@00:15:13 allegations brennan maintained his front
@00:15:27 information brennan continued just
@00:16:00 dossier consider again the coi brennan
@00:16:36 occurred john brennan sees things that
@00:17:51 glimpse of what brennan and the fbi saw

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 2 - The National Review - 3.31.18

@00:05:44 fbi at that moment john brennan the
@00:06:35 accomplice enter john brennan in early
@00:06:38 august brennan launched a personal
@00:07:09 consensus that brennan had been trying
@00:08:12 campaign brennan ran up against a six
@00:08:35 a component of this disagreement brennan
@00:09:02 brennan it would appear did just that in
@00:09:57 point to brennan one of these is
@00:10:19 russian officials was brennan taking
@00:10:45 gain allies brennan turned to friends in
@00:11:03 times brennan told these senior
@00:11:16 brennan explained the briefings as an
@00:11:22 brennan couldn't force a consensus
@00:11:41 if brennan himself had gone public with
@00:12:09 as the cia director spoke brennan placed
@00:12:49 win brennan indulged his own partisan
@00:13:02 response is anything to go by brennan
@00:15:18 comply with the demands of brennan and
@00:15:27 of brennan and reid to paint trump as
@00:15:58 had laundered information for brennan
@00:19:43 fraud perhaps it was to get brennan and
@00:20:13 the important thing to brennan and reid

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.18 - Panic Mode? Enjoy The Show.

@00:08:00 let's move over here's john brennan
@00:08:32 mccabe yes is in panic mode john brennan
@00:08:57 brennan where john bennett brennan has
@00:09:14 brennan issued an extraordinary apology
@00:09:48 brennan allowed 9/11 hijackers entry
@00:09:54 brennan personally greenlit the 9/11
@00:10:00 concerns before brennan became director
@00:10:38 forged with mr. brennan it is a
@00:10:51 brennan it's a latter ism of muslim
@00:11:13 brennan as chief of the cia station in
@00:11:47 charge his name was john brennan he was
@00:11:59 concerned john brennan dunt dunt on