Inspector General

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:02:19 calling for an inspector general
@00:08:39 inspector general to look at the durham

Trump Signals Next Phase, Huber Enters The Ring, Game Over Jack - Episode 2185b

@00:31:21 gary cantrell deputy inspector general

Treason Runs Deep With The [DS], Ratcliffe Next DNI, Buckle Up - Episode 2180b

@00:24:52 inspector general also found that the

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:06:27 those materials to the inspector general

The MSM Spin Begins, More Declassifications Coming, Another Trap Set - Episode 2154

@00:13:14 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:13:22 previously redacted from the inspector
@00:13:23 general report is expected to raise

It Was A Scam, "You Will Find Out What I Am Going To Do", Tables Are Turned - Episode 2153b

@00:05:50 case and we look at the inspector
@00:05:54 general report it shows the fbi

Facts Will Be Presented, We Are Ready, Think Barr, Durham FISA - Episode 2149b

@00:08:48 department's inspector general they

deleted “And The Rocket's Red Glare, The Bombs Bursting In Air”, Remember 1917 - Episode 2140b

@00:06:15 inspector general his career as an
@00:06:31 see inspector general and we know that

deleted Rig For Red, Everything Has Meaning, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 2136b

@00:05:22 inspector general hardwoods found four

Kansas Sends A Message, Renegade Will Pay The Price - Episode 2115b

@00:18:41 inspector general for the us department
@00:19:32 software from dhs office of inspector
@00:19:35 general along with sensitive government
@00:19:50 office of inspector general for the us

Drip, Drip, Pieces Of The Puzzle Come Together, The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2105b

@00:12:55 inspector general report on fisa abuse

Patriots Maneuver Barr Into Position, The Second Act Begins, [I]ndictments - Episode 2096b

@00:27:30 therefore the inspector general has been

It’s Time To Wake Up, Lines Are Being Drawn Between Patriots & Traitors - Episode 2095b

@00:26:48 in afghanistan he said the us inspector
@00:26:52 general for afghanistan testified today

GOP Investigates Ukraine White House Meetings, SR Watch The News - Episode 2088b

@00:20:45 and the department of justice inspector
@00:20:47 general horowitz tyco lemon journey has

[DS] Getting Ahead Of Deep Fakes, Durham Appoints A New Criminal Chief - Episode 2083b

@00:17:04 of the inspector general with regard to

[DS] Attempting To Block The Truth, The Truth Will Be Their Downfall - Episode 2076b

@00:17:37 dollars department of justice inspector
@00:17:39 general michael horowitz most recent

[DS] Pushes Same Hacking Tactic, The Coverup Already Failed - Episode 2070b

@00:21:36 inspector general she informed andrew

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:12:34 inspector general that the department of
@00:13:13 the agent now the inspector general

Movie Message Received, Plot Twists Coming, Enjoy The Show - Episode 2056b

@00:10:41 now the department of justice inspector
@00:10:52 obama's attorney general loretta lynch

FOIA Documents Reveal The Fort Knox Gold Mystery - Episode 2055a

@00:14:41 office of inspector general representing
@00:17:20 inspector general

The Call To Declas, Smear Campaign Alert, United We Stand - Episode 2046b

@00:26:44 the office of inspector general was

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:11:48 inspector general michael horowitz let
@00:11:55 we advised the inspector general that we
@00:13:10 so what inspector general horowitz
@00:14:38 we advised the inspector general that we
@00:14:49 inspector general and the us attorney is
@00:20:02 up by the inspector general's report the
@00:20:04 inspector general also fault with the
@00:23:48 inspector general spent more than 36

Cross Fire Hurricane, Clear Abuse Of FISA, People Will Be Held Accountable - Episode 2041b

@00:06:56 yahoo inspector general finds fbi probe
@00:09:02 of the office of inspector general and
@00:09:27 last month we advise the inspector
@00:09:29 general that we do not agree with some
@00:13:27 department of justice inspector general
@00:13:39 department of justice inspector general
@00:13:55 inspector general michael horowitz found
@00:28:03 hearings with inspector general horowitz
@00:28:36 inspector general and his team the
@00:28:38 inspector general's report now makes
@00:29:27 inspector general found the explanations
@00:29:34 by the inspector general was committed
@00:34:09 month we advised that the inspector
@00:34:11 general that we do not agree with some

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2038b

@00:37:55 inspector general can say look these

Did You Catch It, It Needs To Go Mainstream First, Then We Bring Down The House - Episode 2037b

@00:19:40 community inspector general about
@00:20:13 inspector general found an anomaly on

The Swamp Is Being Drained, Justice Marker, Disinformation Necessary, Event? - Episode 2036b

@00:15:23 9th to michael atkinson the inspector
@00:15:26 general the intelligence community after

New Evidence Gathered In Rome, Get Ready For The Knock Out Punch - Episode 2034b

@00:12:14 intel community inspector general

[DS]/MSM FISA Narrative Control, Conspiracy No More, What Do They Fear The Most? - Episode 2033b

@00:09:25 inspector general found no evidence at
@00:10:49 justice remember the inspector general
@00:12:56 report is remember the inspector general
@00:13:31 not what the inspector general does so
@00:21:56 position of the inspector general of the

Flynn News Coming Soon [30], Bread & Butter, [DS] KO- Episode 2032b

@00:12:42 we know the inspector general is
@00:16:01 until the release of the inspector
@00:16:03 general report
@00:18:37 inspector general is conducting an
@00:20:17 now very interestingly the inspector
@00:20:21 general put out a message and laura saw

Patriots Leading [DS] Down The Path, IG FISA Is The Primer, It’s Time - Episode 2031b

@00:15:35 something wrong that the inspector
@00:15:38 general referred comey to the department
@00:16:58 inspector general michael horowitz his

Trump And The Patriots Getting Ready To Spring The Economic Trap - Episode 2031a

@00:06:37 number now the agency's inspector
@00:06:39 general found errors and the

MSM/[DS] On The Defensive, Evidence, Facts On Deck, Pain Coming - Episode 2030b

@00:04:21 community inspector general michael

Confirmed, Senate Was The Target, Hello, Here We Go!, Patriots Turn - Episode 2028b

@00:12:15 inspector general michael horowitz

[DS] Got Caught, Graham Activated, Justice - Episode 2027b

@00:26:18 11th the inspector general will be

FISA Works Both Ways, Phones Present, Impeachment Boomerang - Episode 2025b

@00:12:51 remember from the ic wpa the inspector
@00:12:54 general shall not disclose the identity
@00:12:58 the employee unless the inspector
@00:13:00 general determines that such disclosure
@00:19:38 announced that the inspector general

Senate Was The Key To Expose The [DS], Perfectly Executed - Episode 2020b

@00:24:30 from the inspector general is proceeding
@00:24:32 forward the inspector general in recent
@00:25:00 release inspector general michael

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:08:46 intelligence community inspector general
@00:09:06 intelligence community inspector general
@00:19:32 fisa inspector general horowitz report

Report Will Be Damning, Criminal Referrals Coming, Hammer Is The Key To The Coup - Episode 2018b

@00:09:44 justice inspector general michael
@00:12:07 obtained by the inspector general and
@00:25:16 by doj inspector general horowitz

Brilliant, Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, Think “Coup” - Episode 2017b

@00:21:12 the office of inspector general was

Message Sent, Caught The Swamp, They Never Thought She Would Lose - Episode 2016b

@00:11:25 inspector general is the one that can't
@00:25:37 current inspector general report on fisa

Confirmed, Coup Is Real, [DS] Holds Report That Would Exonerate Trump Advisers - Episode 2015b

@00:17:30 inspector general from revealing the
@00:17:42 inspector general where the inspector
@00:17:44 general cannot reveal the whistleblowers

Impeachment Coming Apart, WB Revealed?, [DS] Is Trapped - Episode 1993b

@00:11:39 jarrett the former inspector general

Bombshells Dropped, HB, BO Missing? IG FISA Report On The Way - Episode 1992b

@00:24:55 specifically authorized in the inspector
@00:24:57 general report a decision granted to

Harvest Confirmed, Pelosi’s Impeachment Irrevocably Tainted, Hammer Introduced - Episode 1991b

@00:13:20 inspector general of the intelligence
@00:13:36 inspector general told lawmakers that

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:24:39 intelligence community inspector general

Chatter Intercepted, High Alert, Patriots Ready To Counter The Next Event - Episode 1988b

@00:11:41 intelligence community inspector general

The Call Has Gone Out, Military Planning Strategically Boxed In The [DS] - Episode 1987b

@00:15:19 inspector general michael atkinson he

Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, It’s PERFECT, Wait For It.. - Episode 1984b

@00:19:06 and he's calling for the inspector
@00:19:08 general to preserve evidence linked to
@00:19:22 in a letter addressed to the inspector
@00:19:25 of the intelligence community general

[DS] Failed Again, Think Mirror, More Panic & Pain Coming, Next Wave Begins - Episode 1979b

@00:18:59 general discussed this matter or
@00:19:04 giuliani she said that the inspector
@00:19:06 general letter cited a conversation
@00:19:18 inspector general nor the complaint had

Did You Catch What Happened, Second Wave Just Hit, Carpet Bombs Dropped - Episode 1976b

@00:07:20 just leave it at the inspector general
@00:07:26 afraid unfortunately that the inspector
@00:07:28 general is going to find that folks on
@00:17:41 the intelligence community inspector
@00:17:42 general did not have direct knowledge of
@00:30:32 off the inspector-general saying you

Setup Complete, Ukrainian Scandal Revealed, [DS] Whistleblower Agenda Fail - Episode 1975b

@00:11:31 department inspector general he said he
@00:11:42 and independent inspector general and
@00:11:55 justice gets the sort of inspector
@00:11:56 general sometime soon think about what

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:16:14 own coo now inspector general michael

Horowitz Delivers The Bad News To Comey, More Pain Coming - Episode 1973b

@00:09:11 department of justice inspector general
@00:11:55 inspector general bill bar they're

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:07:13 inspector general characterized a
@00:08:06 with ic inspector general on august 12th
@00:08:14 august 26th the inspector general shared

Confirmation, The Swamp Is Being Drained, We Knew This Day Would Come - Episode 1962b

@00:07:58 wait until justice department inspector
@00:08:00 general michael horowitz completes his

Trump’s Message Received, Evidence Must Be Compelling,The Majority Wins - Episode 1960b

@00:11:07 general william borah asking him to
@00:11:11 justice's inspector general michael
@00:12:03 we will soon hear from the inspector
@00:12:07 general about the warrant system he said

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:09:36 test and the inspector general just

Placeholders Ready, Declas, Indictments, Will Force WW Coverage - Episode 1957b

@00:08:13 inspector general with all seven of
@00:12:21 i am grateful that the inspector general

Fell Right Into The Trap, Next Wave Coming, Pain - Episode 1956b

@00:12:18 justice inspector general report came
@00:12:26 department of justice inspector general

The Chosen One, The First Wave Is About To Hit - Episode 1955b

@00:13:36 inspector general he has done a separate
@00:13:42 department inspector general is
@00:13:53 separate from a larger inspector general

Perfect Storm Confirmed,Horowitz Concludes 4 FISA Warrants Illegal - Episode 1953b

@00:07:40 out and says that the inspector general
@00:08:07 the inspector general has found that all
@00:09:03 inspector general has caught up boom
@00:09:36 justice ig inspector general michael

The Perfect Storm Is Forming, It Will Not End Well For Many - Episode 1952b

@00:05:21 lying to the fbi caught by the inspector
@00:05:24 general for unauthorized media leaks and

Panic, Message Evergreen, Public Discovers Illegal Surveillance - Episode 1951b

@00:11:19 lawyer - inspector general michael

[C] Before [D], It’s Getting Ready To Blow - Episode 1944b

@00:16:10 inspector general investigator search

Did You Notice What Was Happening, Truth, Behold The Power - Episode 1943b

@00:07:18 justice department inspector general

We All Have A Part To Play, The Raid Has Begun, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1941b

@00:25:45 and the office of inspector general are

One Question Destroys The MSM, What’s Coming Will Shock The Nation - Episode 1937b

@00:28:20 with the job and attorney general is
@00:28:26 is complete adding into it inspector
@00:28:29 general horowitz it will shock the

Define Game Theory, Are You Ready For The Streisand Effect - Episode 1936b

@00:05:31 justice in petra inspector general or

Slam-Dunk Positioned, Expectations Are A Distraction From The Goal - Episode 1933b

@00:04:06 department of justice inspector general
@00:04:55 inspector general report
@00:05:22 become public very soon the inspector
@00:05:25 general along with the oig reference her
@00:06:50 justice inspector general the truth is
@00:07:49 concluded his response to the inspector
@00:07:51 general report which means the ig report

Bigger Charges Coming, August Is A Hot Month - Episode 1932b

@00:22:19 inspector general michael horowitz he is

Trials Begin Shortly, All Will Be Exposed, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1928b

@00:38:34 trust attorney general william bar and
@00:38:36 justice department inspector general

Placeholders, Patriots Positioning, Blocks Removed, Locked And Loaded - Episode 1926b

@00:35:36 everyone for the d-class the inspector
@00:35:41 general report the spying investigation

Be Ready, B2 Stealth Bomber, Roundup Begins Soon - Episode 1923b

@00:30:10 inspector general michael horowitz will

Watch The News, News Unlocks, [RC], NYC Blackout Message - Episode 1916b

@00:21:52 inspector general custo and as you can

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:03:16 justice inspector general michael
@00:06:58 their cue is talking about the inspector
@00:07:00 general report and q circled this on

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB - Episode 1910b

@00:03:00 department inspector general michael

[DS], [MSM] Are Taking The Bait, It’s All About Exposure - Episode 1907b

@00:15:03 inspector general are heartbreaking

Inspector General Investigation Complete, WH Says It’s Hammer Time - Episode 1906b

@00:00:42 inspector general investigation complete
@00:15:07 inspector general horowitz about the
@00:15:44 inspector general michael horowitz is
@00:16:44 inspector general will find nothing

[DS] Took The Bait, Now It’s The Patriots Turn - Episode 1898b

@00:09:58 inspector general mike horowitz to

[DS] Moves To Hide The Evidence From Public, Countermove Already In Place - Episode 1885b

@00:10:52 inspector general from the department of

Did You Catch What Mueller Just Did, [DS] Sends A Message - Episode 1880b

@00:25:14 inspector general initiated this

We Are Now In The Build Up Phase, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 1873b

@00:14:59 attorney general and also the inspector
@00:15:01 general at the justice department are
@00:17:43 of justice inspector general report will

[DS] Didn’t See This Coming, The Secret Weapon Revealed - Episode 1867b

@00:09:10 starr said there's already an inspector
@00:09:12 general investigation going on that's

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:09:18 inspector general and has been
@00:09:23 but the inspector general found him
@00:10:15 of himself but the inspector general

The Entire House Of Cards Is About To Come Down - Episode 1865b

@00:16:49 inspector general report this is what he
@00:16:53 former fbi general counsel james becker
@00:17:00 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:18:24 justice inspector general mike mike

Get Ready For The Fireworks, Power Returns To The People - Episode 1862b

@00:07:39 the department of justice inspector
@00:07:41 general michael horowitz out of concern
@00:16:54 under oath according to the inspector
@00:16:56 general fbi counsel jim baker demoted

[DS] Black Sites In Process Of Being Removed, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1861b

@00:08:30 inspector general michael horowitz in
@00:12:26 inspector general investigation so there

Unforgivable Acts, November Warning Is About To Drop - Episode 1859b

@00:17:49 with the inspector general regarding
@00:18:09 meeting with ic inspector general
@00:22:55 of justice inspector general to

[DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

@00:10:06 hirono to the inspector general
@00:17:31 investigations the inspector general

Trump Ready To Declassify It All, The Manchurian Candidate Will Be Exposed - Episode 1852b

@00:07:02 wiretaps the upcoming inspector general

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:08:12 obtained by inspector general michael
@00:08:34 of justice inspector general michael
@00:20:04 cooperation with the inspector general
@00:23:26 inspector general michael horowitz very

The Tide Is Turning, A Major Shift Is Coming, The Stage Is Set - Episode 1841b

@00:12:36 inspector general horowitz which is
@00:14:57 tomatoes inspector general horowitz was

We Have The Source, Optics Are Important, PANIC In DC- Episode 1839b

@00:22:50 there was already an inspector general

Something Big Is Coming, The Hunters Move In On Their Prey - Episode 1838b

@00:06:33 inspector general michael horowitz fisa
@00:06:42 the inspector general is also
@00:09:33 general counsel the fbi has turned state
@00:09:38 inspector general and with the federal
@00:10:52 inspector general that the conduct of
@00:16:02 the office of the inspector general has
@00:16:44 going much further than inspector
@00:16:47 general horowitz taking the review all

4am Talking Points, Comey Coded Message, [DS] Frenzy - Episode 1830b

@00:10:35 inspector general the inspector general
@00:10:58 according to gohmert inspector general

The [DS] Is Now Vulnerable and Exposed, More Victories Right Around The Corner - Episode 1825

@00:25:31 department of justice inspector general

Panic In DC, [DS] Agenda Force Out Into The Light - Episode 1822b

@00:03:30 office of inspector general investigator

Fill In Your [ ], Insurance Removed, Press Conference Coming - Episode 1815b

@00:28:38 the department of justice inspector
@00:28:39 general and senate judiciary committee

The First Wave Will Bring About Unity & Change, T [-6] And Counting - Episode 1814b

@00:14:04 and this is the office of the inspector
@00:14:08 general us department of justice
@00:33:47 inspector general had found that a copy

Moves & Countermoves, We Are Witnessing A Death Blossom - Episode 1808b

@00:19:42 inspector general so there are currently
@00:19:44 73 offices of us inspectors general far
@00:19:50 by the inspector general act of 1978

Mueller Report Coming, [DS] Losing Narrative, Big Name About To Drop - Episode 1800b

@00:23:58 assigned hand-picked inspector general

Fake Investigations Will Cease, Patriots Have The Logs, No Escape - Episode 1797b

@00:08:45 treasury department's inspector general

It Is Now Complete, Ding,Ding, First Alarm Ringing, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1796b

@00:17:17 release therefore the inspector general
@00:34:35 inspector general that the conduct of

[HRC] Firewall Removed, Protection Gone, 3-2-1, Boom - Episode 1789b

@00:20:22 inspector general initially interviewed
@00:23:23 compari v'n the inspector general for

[Old Guard] Exposed, The Truth Overshadows The Propaganda - Episode 1783b

@00:13:51 inspector general and what does it say

Leverage, Clean Up, Resetting The [DS] World - Episode 1779b

@00:05:27 the inspector general the department of
@00:05:29 justice office of the inspector general

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:06:55 therefore the inspector general has been

Marker, One Year Ago, Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1761b

@00:06:44 general rod rosen sign leaving his
@00:06:49 department inspector general's report on

The 1st Alarm Bell, This Will Kick Off Everything - Episode 1754b

@00:22:47 therefore the inspector general has been

Justice Is Coming, Nothing Can Stop It, Cover Up Exposed, Fear, Panic - Episode 1753b

@00:23:49 mcconnell whitaker inspector general
@00:25:00 branch and the inspector general we

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:04:36 justice department inspector general
@00:27:20 help of horowitz and 470 plus inspector
@00:27:23 general staff he has loads of sealed

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:23:40 inspector general charles mccullough the

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:07:32 see that the inspector general released

Moves Are Not Telegraphed, What Happens Next Will Change Everything - Episode 1724b

@00:09:50 the inspector general which has been

The Trap Is Set, The Scope Of The Op Runs Deep, Retaliation Is Expected - Episode 1723b

@00:09:02 the fisa d class the inspector general

They Know It’s Coming, Swamp Fighting Back, The Call Is Getting Louder, Tick Tock - Episode 1721b

@00:09:24 attorney general rod rosenstein
@00:09:25 intervene and suggested the inspector
@00:09:28 general review them first the new fourth
@00:11:11 inspector general of the department of

[EF] Revealed In 45, EO Is The Key - Episode 1715b

@00:11:56 placeholders for the inspector general
@00:11:59 the office of the inspector general and

Next Phase Of Operation Put Into Motion, Behold The Power Of The Plan - Episode 1713b

@00:09:23 horowitz and anand said the inspector
@00:09:26 general of the department of justice

Plan Worked, Future Proves Past, Forced Exposure - Episode 1712b

@00:13:14 missing the inspector general said

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:25:27 way oig is the office of inspector
@00:25:29 general if you forgot what that the the

Know Your Enemy, More Arrests, There Is No Spoon - Episode 1692b

@00:03:53 inspector general began an investigation

Swamp Being Drained, Hint Of A Time Line - Episode 1687b

@00:05:55 department's inspector general the

Trillions Wasted On Scams,Waiting Is Over,The Pain Is About To Be Unleashed - Episode 1684b

@00:20:16 inspector general report under it with a
@00:20:26 inspector general report on this and
@00:22:23 interviewed by the inspector general
@00:23:54 massive conflict of interest inspector
@00:23:56 general horowitz was tasked to final

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:17:55 the former general counsel of the fbi
@00:18:00 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:18:53 previous to inspector general grand jury

D5 Avalanche Is About To Hit & The Deep State Has No Place To Hide - Episode 1672b

@00:16:12 inspector general probably said listen

Sting Operation In Progress, Swamp Fighting Back, Remain Calm - Episode 1670b

@00:11:52 our general counsel of the fbi has
@00:11:56 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:15:11 the former general counsel of the fbi
@00:15:17 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:28:08 inspector general has been asked to
@00:32:26 inspector general now we're gonna make

Everyone Is In Place, Tick Tock, Deep State Running Out Of Time - Episode 1669b

@00:11:26 vorm en info ori inspecteur general
@00:11:29 council of inspector general and
@00:16:44 inspector general journal na persoon ss

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:13:14 federalists and this is the inspector
@00:13:17 general who put together this fbi leak
@00:13:24 the department of justice inspector
@00:13:25 general report released two of these

Central Bankers Are Desperate,First Test Case In The US Ready - Episode 1662a

@00:01:53 going to see the inspector general

Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b

@00:02:24 warns and the inspector general report

Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated - Episode 1653b

@00:20:56 and the intelligence community inspector
@00:20:58 general provided further proof that

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:23:08 february 6 james comey / the inspector
@00:23:13 general february 14th
@00:23:20 inspector general may 8th was potus one
@00:23:35 it was the inspector general may 15th
@00:23:38 the inspector general so guess what they
@00:23:58 interviewed by the inspector general and
@00:33:53 intelligence community inspector general

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:37:43 dear attorney general sessions and
@00:37:46 the attorney-general rosenstein as you
@00:37:49 know the department of justice inspector
@00:37:50 general currently is reviewing the
@00:38:29 inspector general and huber reviewing

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money - Episode 1650b

@00:29:26 community inspector general found that
@00:30:16 intelligence community inspector general

The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp - Episode 1636b

@00:08:10 special inspector general for

Do You Feel It, The Deep State's Last Ditch Effort Will Be To Unleash... - Episode 1633b

@00:05:35 still in place the inspector general

It's All About To Intensify, Brace Yourself, Divided No More - Episode 1632b

@00:03:38 2018 the department of justice inspector
@00:03:40 general stated we identified numerous

Calls To Declassify Grows Louder, Deep State Panics - Episode 1621b

@00:04:42 we have the inspector general report and

The Deep State Is Surrounded, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1619b

@00:11:26 be produced along with the inspector
@00:11:28 general report about what has been going

Boom, The Entire Plan Has Been Taken To The Next Level - Episode 1618b

@00:18:30 the inspector general report will be

The Hammer Is Falling, The Plan Is On Track - Episode 1615b

@00:04:51 inspector general found an anomaly on
@00:05:53 inspector general chuck mcculloch sin is

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:22:41 of the inspector general's report and
@00:22:48 attorney general loretta lynch and
@00:22:55 coordinated and illegal the inspector

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:04:21 department inspector general michael

It's All About To Change, The Time Is Now - Episode 1598b

@00:01:16 now since this inspector general report

Abandon Ship! The Trap Has Been Set, There Is No Way Out - Episode 1596b

@00:05:45 inspector general report and this is
@00:08:21 department of justice inspector general
@00:18:50 inspector general horowitz

More Pain Is On The Way, This Will Not End Well For The Deep State - Episode 1595b

@00:01:16 inspector general report came out and
@00:20:52 right now the inspector general report
@00:32:25 employed because the inspector general
@00:39:49 talking about well during the inspector
@00:39:52 general hearing senator durbin got all

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:16:02 inspector general report on hillary
@00:18:12 children drop in the inspector general
@00:21:02 the inspector general report tells us
@00:23:41 inspector general started long before
@00:23:53 huber was there think inspector general

The Movement Has Started, The Clock Is Ticking Down, Tick Tock - Episode 1593b

@00:10:42 know that the inspector general report
@00:11:07 the inspector general identified
@00:11:23 well the inspector general says we will
@00:11:30 consistent with inspector general act
@00:13:35 unlike most inspector general reports
@00:21:48 department of justice inspector general

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:01:36 inspector general report of the clinton
@00:02:48 justice inspector general also has
@00:04:19 inspector general found that obama was
@00:05:25 three modified inspector general
@00:05:30 number four inspector general summary
@00:05:44 three modified inspector general

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:15:34 hiding follow the pen inspector general
@00:15:44 report that the inspector general is
@00:18:03 inspector general has been redacted
@00:27:53 investigation portion of the inspector
@00:27:56 general report why to include in the
@00:28:12 leaders in inspector general points to
@00:29:07 show we see the inspector general report

Boom, Full Speed Ahead With The Plan, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1587b

@00:04:26 justice's inspector general michael

Putin Is On To The Deep State, Calls Out Soros - Episode 1585b

@00:03:11 surprising their inspector general
@00:03:58 inspector general report he knows what's
@00:12:21 inspector general report that is coming

The Blackout Was Necessary, The Movement Begins, Dark To Light - Episode 1583b

@00:03:05 department of justice inspector general

Distractions Will Intesify As The Crimes Are Exposed - Episode 1582b

@00:04:49 justice department inspector general

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:03:49 is about to happen now the inspector
@00:03:52 general already had the information in
@00:04:48 investigation but the inspector general
@00:05:10 andrew mccabe to the fbi's inspector
@00:05:14 office of the inspector general

North Korea Summit Has Been Canceled, Or Has It? - Episode 1576b

@00:06:28 inspector general found widespread

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:03:29 inspector general michael horowitz told
@00:09:00 election the inspector general is

Connecting The Dots, The Plan Of Plans Is Now In Motion - Episode 1563b

@00:20:15 on to say define ig the inspector
@00:20:18 general michael horowitz

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:17:52 investigation by the inspector general
@00:18:59 legitimate sources the inspector general
@00:22:08 attorney the big inspector general

North Korea Complete, Phase II, Operation Search & Destroy Clowns - Episode 1551b

@00:06:30 house's office of inspector general

Cornered, No Way Out, The Trump Card Is About To Be Played - Episode 1550b

@00:08:04 there saying the inspector general is a

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:08:01 department of justice inspector general

Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

@00:02:14 inspector general michael horowitz as
@00:04:33 if the inspector general believes this

The "Plan" Is In Motion, Trust It - Episode 1523b

@00:02:46 inspector general michael horowitz
@00:05:09 inspector general report which they're
@00:05:15 justice inspector general michael hart

Get Ready For The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce, It's Not What You Think - Episode 1513b

@00:11:09 going on now the inspector general that
@00:11:23 from the inspector general report and it

The Hidden Economic Agenda Is Now Being Pushed, Will It Succeed? - Episode 1492a

@00:04:47 education inspector general and the

Deep State Strikes Back And Sends A Clear Message, What's Next - Episode 1486b

@00:02:03 inspector general michael horowitz want

Judgement Day Is Coming - Episode 1481b

@00:02:01 department inspector general michael

The Cabal Begins Operation 'Wetwork', Time To Cover Their Tracks - Episode 1478b

@00:02:33 justice inspector general claimed his
@00:03:50 inspector general michael horowitz to

He Who Controls The Creation Of Currency Controls The World - Episode 1465

@00:09:33 the inspector general is expected to

Economic Worries Intensify As The World Currencies Change - Episode 1450a

@00:11:46 reports of the office of the inspector
@00:11:48 general after discovering that the

The Cabal's Desperation Level Is Off The Charts, What's Next? - Episode 1381b

@00:01:35 is the current general counsel and
@00:01:41 responsibility and inspector general of

The Deep State Strikes Back, Pushing Everything To The Edge - Episode 1348b

@00:06:59 inspector general for afghanistan

It's All Falling Apart, The Entire Illusion Is Coming To An End - Episode 1321b

@00:02:28 of the inspector general said that the

It's All Happening Behind The Scenes, But Will It Work - Episode 1288b

@00:04:00 that an nsa inspector general review

Stock Market Surge Is An Illusion, The Economic Crisis Date Was Planned 2 Years Ago - Episode 1217a

@00:12:07 inspector general of the us treasury had
@00:12:57 inspector general of the us treasury

The Conflict Between The Elite And Trump Is Like A Ticking Time Bomb Ready To Go Off - Episode 1189b

@00:12:27 tom coburn committee by the inspector
@00:12:30 general of hhs in 2008 by the author's

Something Very Strange Just Happened Days Before The Inauguration - Episode 1177b

@00:13:42 inspector general for the afghanistan

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1135

@00:14:33 the dhs inspector general here is

Obama Boost Efforts On All Fronts By Creating A New Caliphate In The Northern Syria - Episode 967b

@00:18:14 inspector general it is open an
@00:18:28 officials at cencom major general
@00:18:38 the inspector general was able to

US Using Terror On The People Of Russia To Push The Russian Government Out Of Syria - Episode 811b

@00:01:49 the 1978 inspector general act already
@00:02:24 refer back to the 1978 inspector general

FBI Warns Of A Major Cyber Attack On The U.S. - Episode 674

@00:17:53 inspector general michael e how witcher

U.S. Government Will Use Out Of Control Protests To Declare Martial Law - Episode 652

@00:17:40 inspector general the justice department

As The Economic Collapse Accelerates, War Is On The Horizon - Episode 632

@00:22:21 the dhs inspector general report

US Gov/Central Bankers Hyping Propaganda To Invade Syria - Episode 620

@00:16:52 inspector general for the u.s.
@00:17:23 the inspector general report the agent

US Is Now Broke And It Is In Worse Fiscal Shape Than Greece - Episode 613

@00:07:10 inspector general said its latest

U.S. Concerned ISIL & al-Qaeda Planning Attack By Aircraft, False Flag Alert! - Episode 404

@00:19:47 services offices of the inspector
@00:19:49 general issued a report today stating

Disarming The American People Using Mass Shooting False Flags -- Episode 331

@00:34:31 at the department of energy inspector
@00:34:33 general said the nnsa sites could not

The Government Will Now Stop Spying And We're Not Lying This Time -- Episode 266

@00:25:15 is that the inspector general state

The Government Is Coming For Your Guns, Taxes And Your Rights -- Episode 253

@00:18:20 horowitz is the inspector general at the

The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

@00:10:35 profitable and now the inspector general

Fake Economy, Military Drills And War Spells Economic Collapse -- Episode 118

@00:12:15 forty six percent the inspector general

In The Dark Of Night The Government Prepares For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 114

@00:30:41 inspector general of americorps for