
The [DS] Players Took The Bait, How Do You Introduce Haiti & The Children? - Episode 2287b

@00:04:36 jeff sessions he directed huber the u.s
@00:30:20 sessions
@00:30:41 dc assigned by sessions with the same
@00:30:49 was appointed by sessions as intramus

Historic Operation Dismantling The [DS] Forces Completed, Actionable Items 11.4 - Episode 2225b

@00:34:00 tuberville and we had jeff sessions
@00:34:06 continually posts trust sessions trust
@00:34:08 sessions but i do believe that it wasn't
@00:34:12 oh sessions going to win the election i
@00:34:14 think sessions is going to be used in a
@00:34:21 that oh sessions is no good he didn't do
@00:34:31 sessions and sessions by the way is a
@00:35:11 individual was jeff sessions gunned down
@00:35:27 sessions for a particular task and i do
@00:36:06 of ag jeff sessions expect a lot more to
@00:38:39 won big against jeff sessions will be

We Were Told The Battles We Would Face, People Are Rising Up For Freedom - Episode 2218b

@00:27:13 oversight of ag jeff sessions expect a

The Hunt Is On, It’s Time, Senate Was The Target - Episode 2197b

@00:38:23 short special sessions while noting that

[DS] Power Structure Dismantled, Think Military, Think Arrests, Good & Green - Episode 2190b

@00:05:12 member sessions he recused himself so he
@00:07:33 why did sessions pick rod rosenstein
@00:49:14 out of time ag set jeff sessions was
@00:49:33 sessions was working in the background

[DS] Event Has Failed, People See The Truth, The People Are Ready - Episode 2181b

@00:18:38 have jeff sessions and i know a lot of
@00:18:41 people are on the fence about sessions
@00:18:43 but i think trump sessions they've had
@00:19:02 sessions so we want sessions we'll get
@00:19:41 senator jeff sessions responded to trump
@00:20:02 important sessions did quite a bit while
@00:20:11 ray with sessions there setting up the
@00:20:18 says trust sessions trust ray 2018 will
@00:20:38 comes out trust sessions trust ray let's
@00:20:45 2018 says trust sessions trust ray
@00:21:15 and sessions they're being positioned
@00:21:25 departure intel sessions departure law

Rain Coming, Targets Locked, Declas Of Obama Officials Who Unmasked Flynn, Pain - Episode 2172b

@00:08:33 sessions he came in as attorney general
@00:08:42 jeff sessions is loyal to trump even
@00:09:23 trust sessions because sessions has a an
@00:09:32 2018 rodgers departure intel sessions

Shadow Presidency Dismantled, Panic, Nothing Can Stop The Truth, Nothing - Episode 2170b

@00:10:06 sessions recuse
@00:44:51 post-classified sessions to mainstream

deleted Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain - Episode 2145b

@00:16:13 remember ag sessions cannot look like an

Yellow Sky, Timeline Important, Panic, Suicide Watch - Episode 2131b

@00:14:48 always the priority remember ag sessions

It’s Time, The Storm Is Here, The Call Goes Out, Message Sent, Ammunition Spent - Episode 2119b

@00:19:28 sessions to enter the senate and he was
@00:19:31 going to endorse sessions but he decided
@00:20:05 love alabama then we had jeff sessions
@00:20:45 is endorsing someone else jeff sessions
@00:20:54 remember what jeff sessions was doing
@00:21:18 but now i do when it's revealed sessions
@00:21:27 huge complication remember jeff sessions
@00:21:40 country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:22:15 it says rogers departure intel sessions

[DS] Took The Bait, Sets The Stage, Patriots Ready, Watch The News For Next Event - Episode 2113b

@00:05:30 went after jeff sessions today and he
@00:05:40 jeff sessions finished well short of a
@00:06:29 being upset with sessions recusing until
@00:06:34 sessions was being scrupulous and
@00:06:56 sessions but at the deep state sessions
@00:07:03 and we know that sessions was doing
@00:07:37 sessions under this it says sometimes
@00:07:54 oversight of ag jeff sessions expect a
@00:08:00 jeff sessions behind the scenes since he
@00:08:09 people into place and jeff sessions did
@00:08:20 service to our country mr. jeff sessions
@00:08:26 q+ jeff sessions is someone that the
@00:08:44 end he will present jeff sessions and

We Are Close,Fear,Panic The Feeling Of Doom Overtakes The [DS],Justice Is Coming - Episode 2101b

@00:06:54 remember trump in sessions when trump
@00:06:57 continually hammered at sessions his
@00:07:00 sessions upset is he upset today or they

Barr, Moves and Countermoves, Trump Sends Message To The [DS], Victory Lap Taken - Episode 2098b

@00:18:28 trust sessions what did he do he cleaned
@00:19:04 to barr remember sessions recused

The Silent War Is Being Fought In The Shadows, Justice Is Coming - Episode 2091b

@00:12:40 a link to fox news about sessions

Graham Activated, Message Received, Let The DEC[L]AS Begin - Episode 2087b

@00:07:59 post 1120 to trust them trust sessions

Senate Trial Created A Trap, [DS] Didn’t Even See It Coming - Episode 2084b

@00:29:21 fox news link this is sessions justice
@00:29:37 attorney general jeff sessions revealed

[DS] Getting Ahead Of Deep Fakes, Durham Appoints A New Criminal Chief - Episode 2083b

@00:12:16 position for optics remember sessions
@00:12:28 him this is terrible what was sessions
@00:12:42 about sessions and sessions was doing

Prosecutor Outside Of DC Ready To Bring Pain, Patriots Set The Timetable - Episode 2068b

@00:19:47 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:20:05 huber's working on other stuff sessions

[DS]/MSM Begins Projecting, Huber, Durham & Barr Prepare Facts & Evidence - Episode 2067b

@00:09:47 assigned by sessions with the same
@00:10:07 will bring severe pain to dc sessions

First Indictment Will Trigger Mass Awakening, Arrests Will Verify - Episode 2049b

@00:03:26 remember ag sessions cannot look like an

Senate Trial Backfire, [Watch] What Happens Next - Episode 2048b

@00:29:48 told us to trust sessions trust ray
@00:29:55 says if sessions and ray are dc swamp

Obama Sends Message, Flynn Exactly [30], [GS] Makes His Move - Episode 2045b

@00:24:45 always the priority remember ag sessions

Bait Taken, Trap Set, Carpet Bombs Incoming, Then The MOAB - Episode 2042b

@00:18:38 know he talks poorly about sessions

Every American Has A Front Row Seat, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2038b

@00:42:29 sessions tweeted out the following the
@00:42:52 sessions just let everyone know that

[CB] Tries To Control Economic Narrative, Trump Counters With Meeting - Episode 2027a

@00:03:47 when he criticized sessions over and

Same Trick, Won’t Work, Economy Is The Key - Episode 2026a

@00:07:12 sessions they keep the economy moving

Messages Are Being Projected By The [DS], Distractions On Deck, Incoming - Episode 2021b

@00:24:13 sessions on october 28th 2017 as interim

Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero - Episode 2019b

@00:26:51 assigned by sessions with the same

Message Sent, Caught The Swamp, They Never Thought She Would Lose - Episode 2016b

@00:06:01 now jeff sessions decided he was going
@00:06:52 sessions when everything is said and
@00:07:11 in an oversight of ag jeff sessions
@00:07:27 to our country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:07:33 right there you can see that sessions is
@00:07:41 side of sessions now don jr. appeared on

93 Days Of Darkness, Rig For Red, Stand By For Battle Surface - Episode 2011b

@00:21:47 2017 after sessions appointed him

Trump Reverses The Dynamic, Sets A New Economy In Motion - Episode 2001a

@00:10:07 you push the idea that every sessions

Impeachment Coming Apart, WB Revealed?, [DS] Is Trapped - Episode 1993b

@00:06:37 sessions would influence him to ask the
@00:06:41 now sessions put out a statement said he

The [DS] Hits Roadblocks, Access Denied, Sum Of All Fears - Episode 1989b

@00:23:54 and last week sessions weren't even

Setup Needed Before Declass, Tarmac Back In The News, Prisons Prepped - Episode 1974b

@00:14:28 why because jeff sessions got rid of the

Patriots Prepare To Shock The Economic System - Episode 1974a

@00:08:05 trading sessions he said he's going to

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:17:01 2018 it says trust sessions trust ray

Think Timing, Senate Locked, SC Locked, Locked & Who Is Loaded - Episode 1963b

@00:23:52 sessions removed the leakers think about

Desperation Sets In, See Something, Say Something, Brace For It, Incoming - Episode 1959b

@00:16:38 months three months ago jeff sessions

Ammunition Used, Failed, Wait For It, Military Timing - Episode 1950b

@00:20:17 rosenstein sessions he recused himself

Investigations By OIG Completed, Facts Dominate, [DS] Scrambles - Episode 1946b

@00:19:03 because as we know sessions started the

Drip, Drip, Prepped And Ready, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1945b

@00:22:40 remember sessions was the one who
@00:23:48 oversight of ag's jeff sessions expect a

Did You Notice What Was Happening, Truth, Behold The Power - Episode 1943b

@00:07:24 general jeff sessions he would examine

We All Have A Part To Play, The Raid Has Begun, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1941b

@00:26:35 start yesterday it started with sessions

Chatter, Chandler Naming Names, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 1940b

@00:30:48 sessions expect a lot more to become

Voter Id Coming, Investigations Deep & Wide, Watch The News- Episode 1930b

@00:09:36 trust sessions trust rey trusts kansas

Firewall In Place, Sleeper Agents Present Problems, Declass Imminent - Episode 1929b

@00:23:20 trust sessions to trush ret to trust ray

Trials Begin Shortly, All Will Be Exposed, Conspiracy No More - Episode 1928b

@00:35:28 william s sessions no relations to jeff
@00:35:31 sessions who had been nominated to the
@00:35:39 reno reviewed mr. sessions leadership

Manchurian Candidate,Stealth Bomber,Special Package Delivery - Episode 1927b

@00:14:47 full support from sessions barr

Message Relayed To [DS], All Exits Are Now Blocked - Episode 1922b

@00:10:08 looking into this we have sessions who

Watch How The Economic Plan Unfolds, Optics, That's The Key - Episode 1922a

@00:11:01 he did this with sessions again optics
@00:11:05 sessions resigned once trump has certain
@00:11:27 this and using the same plan as sessions
@00:11:45 never fired sessions

Trump Shines Light On The [CB], The Time Is Now - Episode 1921a

@00:12:46 attacks sessions he's doing exactly what
@00:13:02 just like sessions and then allow

[MSM], [DS] Baited, Trap Set, Powell Confirmed It All Today - Episode 1913a

@00:04:37 remember sessions now a lot of people
@00:04:42 thought oh sessions he's a screw-up oh
@00:04:44 sessions not doing what he needs to be
@00:04:46 doing sessions did exactly what he
@00:04:52 everybody wanted sessions because later
@00:04:57 sessions actually did started the
@00:05:06 start to realize what sessions was all
@00:05:11 with them but think about sessions and

Storm Has Arrived, Now It’s The Patriots Turn, It’s Happening - Episode 1912c

@00:15:53 with overcoming that hugh says sessions
@00:16:20 picture of jeff sessions and within this
@00:16:56 jeff sessions under this it says
@00:17:08 saying about sessions this is part of
@00:24:34 sessions expect a lot more to become

It’s Time, Placeholders, Future Comms Set, [On The Ready], For Our Country - Episode 1903b

@00:04:31 sessions with limited questions and only
@00:06:14 sessions are not classified this is the
@00:09:54 sessions there's no transparency here

Here Come The Booms, Great Awakening, Patriots Fight, Placeholders Next - Episode 1901b

@00:06:46 sessions from anything related to the
@00:07:02 sessions recused himself and this is
@00:07:10 sessions chief of staff jody hunt
@00:07:36 group influenced jeff sessions to recuse
@00:07:39 with ag sessions recused on march 2nd
@00:08:31 especially after confirmed ag sessions
@00:08:53 dumb again the reason why agee sessions
@00:09:05 sessions recused and without a deputy
@00:09:17 to sessions recusal it is james comey

The Movement Challenged Their Forced Narrative, Now Patriots Unleash Their Weapon - Episode 1879b

@00:11:37 former ag's jeff sessions to investigate
@00:11:42 justice fbi sessions nominated huber to
@00:14:15 the following the experts but sessions
@00:14:25 sessions should appoint a second special
@00:14:33 to four years take a gamble but sessions
@00:14:56 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:15:01 but sessions and huber our following
@00:15:12 fire sessions but huber ability to
@00:15:34 but potus is attacking sessions via
@00:15:43 d left love trust sessions but
@00:16:57 will bring severe pain to dc sessions

Boom Week Ahead, C Comes Before D, No Sleep In DC - Episode 1866b

@00:06:53 sessions making it seem like ray is part

[DS] Fear, Hopelessness, Anger, Second Act Begins, Justice - Episode 1856b

@00:25:35 interrupting it sessions recused himself
@00:37:27 remember that rod rosenstein sessions

[5], [4] To Go, Patriots In Control, [DS] Is Being Shutdown - Episode 1855b

@00:06:43 volunteer sessions with muller now
@00:09:18 gate planners both sessions and rod
@00:10:02 jeff sessions was always going to have
@00:10:17 sessions could stay in charge of the
@00:10:37 plotters who targeted sessions he was
@00:10:57 next phase while sessions is free to
@00:11:12 prosecutions because like sessions he's

Barr Knows It All, Pain, Panic, Something Big Coming In Weeks - Episode 1851b

@00:38:00 interviews and debriefing sessions and

Patriots, Time To Bring Down The House, Planned, WWG1WGA - Episode 1844b

@00:15:20 under attorney general jeff sessions in
@00:19:50 sessions to investigate all the
@00:19:53 committee members sent to us sessions
@00:20:44 attorney general sessions in attendance
@00:20:53 stated that sessions who received a

Marker [1], Marker [2] Set, [CLAS 1-99], Patriots On The Offensive - Episode 1827b

@00:18:31 nominates sessions trump nominates rod

Blockade Dismantled, Counting Down, Patriots Turn, Rats Scattering - Episode 1823b

@00:25:22 endless sessions and he used it the
@00:25:42 sessions over the past 24 hours the new
@00:35:15 and approving sessions and other

Placeholders Ready To Be Filled, Narrative Change Needed, Be Vigilant - Episode 1816b

@00:07:35 number one they never expected sessions

The First Wave Will Bring About Unity & Change, T [-6] And Counting - Episode 1814b

@00:18:33 resort installed post sessions departure
@00:18:39 indictment count dc post sessions

T [-7] And Counting, Prepared And Ready, Be Vigilant - Episode 1813b

@00:19:24 installed post sessions departure of
@00:19:41 dc post sessions departure sealed

This Is Not A Game, Indictments, Arrests, Declass, Truth Activated - Episode 1812b

@00:02:26 you hear trust sessions q is telling us
@00:02:29 listen trust sessions he's part of the
@00:02:46 never hired sessions i never should have
@00:03:05 sessions he didn't do anything he was
@00:03:07 in the meantime sessions behind the

Be Vigilant, Indictments Coming, Pain Is Coming - Episode 1811b

@00:07:16 didn't they force sessions to recuse
@00:16:25 sessions to or during the sessions probe
@00:16:46 but sessions to then q says sessions
@00:17:02 vote ninety four to six sessions was a
@00:17:17 your allies qsr why was sessions
@00:17:22 targeted sessions was going to
@00:17:32 appointed huber qsr sessions q says who
@00:17:52 sessions no leaks none who fired removed
@00:18:00 of justice sessions do you believe the
@00:18:09 know why pic sessions he did a terrible
@00:20:15 is the following sessions called upon
@00:20:47 we discussed whitaker was sessions chief
@00:32:03 to the letter that sessions wrote to
@00:33:20 jeff sessions wrote the letter on
@00:33:27 was sessions chief of staff at the time
@00:33:56 jeff sessions he added the fact that
@00:34:07 deliberate attempt to conceal sessions

War-Like Posture Activated, Backchannel Operational, Countdown Continues - Episode 1807b

@00:11:43 higher by design shadow two sessions by
@00:12:05 whitaker was shadowing sessions and it
@00:12:29 sessions post 2958 and annan says q

Stage Is Set, [DS] Ammo Depleted, Wait For It, Trump Card - Episode 1806b

@00:16:39 department of justice well jeff sessions
@00:19:18 did this occur during sessions time who
@00:19:22 appointed and tasked huber sessions who
@00:19:25 appointed and tasked the oig sessions
@00:19:28 who was the attorney general sessions
@00:19:38 the sessions who resigned whittaker took
@00:19:46 everything sessions and whittaker did
@00:19:51 might that be important q says sessions
@00:20:19 defines stage set sessions and whitaker
@00:41:41 whatsoever sessions when he was in his
@00:41:56 sessions or he makes fun of other
@00:42:11 not that he dislikes sessions sessions
@00:42:24 he's very angry with sessions and
@00:42:26 sessions did nothing think about the
@00:42:33 think that trump is angry at sessions

It Is Now Complete, Ding,Ding, First Alarm Ringing, Nothing Can Stop It - Episode 1796b

@00:03:41 general jeff sessions or the office of
@00:32:52 law why did you recommend two sessions

Something Big Is About To Happen, [DS] Trapped And Desperate - Episode 1794b

@00:33:27 you recommend two sessions that he
@00:43:22 jeff sessions and other beauty look like

Shadow Players Are The Deadliest, [Stealth] Has Its Advantages, [Boo] - Episode 1778b

@00:03:23 sessions recused himself acting attorney
@00:08:31 sessions appointed former utah us
@00:11:36 sessions in huber are following standard
@00:13:40 assigned by sessions with this same

[DS] Sends A Coded Message, Incoming FF - Episode 1768b

@00:16:14 his last attorney general jeff sessions

The Swamp Is Everywhere, Housing Cleaning, We Will Not Be Silenced - Episode 1767b

@00:09:17 where q has told us that sessions had to

Carpet Bombs Just Dropped, Incoming Booms, Timing - Episode 1763b

@00:04:22 when q told us that sessions as hueber

[DS] Just Got Played, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1762b

@00:15:26 sessions had someone in the background

[DS] Distraction Incoming, Patriots Ready And Waiting - Episode 1760b

@00:03:44 sessions forced release of name this is
@00:05:11 a sign by sessions with the same mandate
@00:06:10 the appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:06:15 but sessions in huber are following
@00:06:26 fire sessions but huber ability to
@00:06:48 done but potus is attacking sessions via
@00:06:56 left love trust sessions but

Insurance Policy Has Expired, Caught In A Trap - Episode 1758b

@00:20:06 did sessions publicly announce our
@00:20:12 why did sessions make this public he

The [DS] Using All Their Ammunition To Cover Up The Inevitable - Episode 1752b

@00:27:09 sessions trust rate russ huber trust
@00:30:59 jeff sessions general john kelly

Agenda’s Exposed, Senate Was The Key, 2019 Changes Everything - Episode 1748b

@00:03:25 says rogers departure intel sessions
@00:03:49 sessions departure law sessions he was

Anons Were Right,16 Year Plan Stopped, Full Control, PANIC - Episode 1747b

@00:25:39 sessions departure law kelley departure

The [DS] Army Has Been Defeated, Anons Knew, It’s All About To Change - Episode 1745b

@00:20:28 work behind the scenes sessions was a

Envelopes Delivered, Placeholders Created, Ready For The Plot Twist - Episode 1743b

@00:14:17 witch-hunt is all about jeff sessions

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:18:03 dc assigned by sessions with the same
@00:19:29 to dc is all in caps sessions was forced

Clinton Foundation Investigation Complete, Operators Are Active - Episode 1735b

@00:07:32 replacement for sessions whittaker is in
@00:16:51 was huber activated by sessions i think

[DS] Stunts Will Attempt To Delay, New Dates For Hearing Set - Episode 1733b

@00:15:33 article and it says surely sessions
@00:15:44 public john huber appointed by sessions

Lift Off On 1.1.19, Courts-Martial Around The Corner - Episode 1731b

@00:12:39 sessions and john huber and robert
@00:14:41 whitaker sessions he was made active he
@00:14:49 position sessions recused himself from

Boom, [HR[D]C] Panic, Dec 5, Another Whistleblower, Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming - Episode 1730b

@00:05:07 doubted sessions in huber you will all
@00:05:36 all those who doubted sessions in huber
@00:09:31 queue follows up with a redraw sessions
@00:09:39 3rd 2018 the experts but sessions should
@00:09:46 known the corrupt swamp but sessions
@00:09:56 years take a gamble but sessions should
@00:10:17 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:10:21 but sessions and huber are following
@00:10:31 nothing must be happening fire sessions
@00:10:59 attacking sessions via twitter so

Trump Just Signaled All Patriots, It Has Begun,Justice Under The Law - Episode 1727b

@00:12:26 then attorney general jeff sessions

Moves Are Not Telegraphed, What Happens Next Will Change Everything - Episode 1724b

@00:10:13 was in power remember sessions recused

[D]ec 5, It All Begins, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - Episode 1722b

@00:22:43 on to say sessions served his country

It Happened, Have We Just Witnessed “The Marker” - Episode 1720b

@00:09:08 sessions sessions recused himself in the

Think Projection, Time Is Up, Haiti Op Underway [C]? - Episode 1718b

@00:05:07 now with sessions out as ag and

How Do You Catch A Fish, Target Locked On - Episode 1716b

@00:11:50 come together and sessions was activated
@00:14:33 thought sessions is recused sessions is

[EF] Revealed In 45, EO Is The Key - Episode 1715b

@00:04:13 remember sessions recused himself
@00:04:15 sessions was activated which meant he

Let The Unsealing, Declas Begin, Let The World Witness The Truth - Episode 1714

@00:10:10 city march 6 sessions opened a lawsuit
@00:29:55 week to remember q so with sessions
@00:30:09 sessions resign the acting attorney
@00:33:41 without evidence trump and sessions warn
@00:33:54 and attorney general jeff sessions on
@00:37:53 sessions to be his chief
@00:38:02 sessions no social contact mr. whittaker

Next Phase Of Operation Put Into Motion, Behold The Power Of The Plan - Episode 1713b

@00:07:22 role of sessions cleaning swamp
@00:07:26 corruption good luck audi and sessions
@00:07:31 good luck audi and sessions all resigned
@00:07:45 need to be confirmed who did sessions a
@00:07:55 sessions federal prosecutor evaluating
@00:08:03 now sessions brought in huber who is
@00:08:22 said sessions who originally appointed
@00:09:38 said same as huber plus who was sessions
@00:09:48 and and said assistant to jeff sessions
@00:11:02 directly to sessions by potus ezra cowan
@00:11:20 sessions brackets bold
@00:12:13 sessions on counterintelligence and

Plan Worked, Future Proves Past, Forced Exposure - Episode 1712b

@00:14:59 attorney general jeff sessions he
@00:15:14 sessions chief of staff now deputy
@00:15:20 remain in his current position sessions
@00:15:38 sessions / department of justice
@00:15:44 activating sessions in the brackets were
@00:15:52 wouldn't move into his position sessions
@00:16:07 the plan now sessions he didn't resist
@00:16:17 wouldn't matter of sessions had done so

Conspiracy No More, People Will Reject, It's Time - Episode 1711b

@00:05:35 country mr. jeff sessions your
@00:05:42 where jeff sessions hand in it handed in
@00:06:23 we thanked attorney jeff sessions for a
@00:07:02 one hour prior to potus re sessions
@00:07:22 you look at jeff sessions letter there
@00:07:50 sessions did activating him mean going
@00:08:05 sessions now the brackets are turned out
@00:08:13 was sessions used for trump distance
@00:08:17 himself from sessions to allow him to do
@00:08:45 sessions with the brackets turned out
@00:09:01 headed to the white house after sessions
@00:10:16 he fired jeff sessions should recuse
@00:10:48 of sessions and i'm starting to see the
@00:10:53 sessions recused himself allowed rod
@00:11:00 now sessions is gone and that recusal is
@00:12:22 happened on the 7th sessions was fired
@00:14:03 firing of attorney general jeff sessions
@00:15:06 sessions resignation we started to hear
@00:15:26 sessions would step down so they planned
@00:23:59 we said this before right after sessions
@00:24:18 firing of jeff sessions so they were
@00:26:39 sessions gave trump allies time to
@00:26:44 sessions was in place to keep the deep
@00:26:52 sessions trusting him and i believe the
@00:26:55 trusting part trust sessions was
@00:27:00 media trust sessions so every time q
@00:27:05 said trust sessions i think it was about

Elections Went As Planned, Military Planning, FISA Brings Down The House - Episode 1710b

@00:31:36 sessions trust sessions and trump
@00:31:43 sessions for his service and wish him
@00:31:53 jeff sessions at department of justice
@00:32:03 like sessions just turned in his
@00:32:12 it says trust sessions trey gowdy
@00:33:25 sessions up to a certain point he did
@00:34:04 sessions did his job remember the goal

Nobody Noticed, The Setup Is Perfect, The Spotlight Shines Bright - Episode 1709b

@00:33:35 that sessions rosenstein and horowitz

Trump Just Boxed The Fed In, This Is How - Episode 1708a

@00:02:16 sessions oh i don't really want him in

Stealth Bomber Making It's Approach, Blockade Removed - Episode 1707b

@00:25:35 sessions important to remember was the

Message Sent & Received, Feel The Full Fury Of The Storm - Episode 1706

@00:13:20 inactive told to support sessions every
@00:13:28 to do with supporting sessions remember
@00:13:38 want sessions they were using the polls
@00:13:40 to support sessions they're using the

Don't You Love It When A Plan Comes Together, We Are On Track - Episode 1705a

@00:09:45 sessions i wish i can get rid of
@00:09:46 sessions he's not really doing his job
@00:09:55 back sessions no no don't fire sessions

The Time Is Now, Warnings, Confirmations, Prepare - Episode 1699a

@00:12:02 sounds like what he said about sessions

It Begins, Remember Think Mirror - Episode 1696b

@00:10:44 jeff sessions said they were being there
@00:10:51 when trump says owed sessions is not

Stealth Operation Initialized, Deep State [SA] Mission Fail - Episode 1694b

@00:04:52 made by jeff sessions fbi director chris
@00:04:55 ray and others and basically sessions

Another Flip, Trump Preparing The Masses, More Carpet Bombs On The Way - Episode 1691b

@00:07:07 why do mccabe tried to take sessions out
@00:07:11 what was sessions senate confirmation

Warning To Trump, Unwise To Mess With The Central Bank - Episode 1690a

@00:01:33 i don't like sessions we need a better

Whistleblower Reveals System Is Rigged, [Central Bank System] - Episode 1689a

@00:10:34 with korea with sessions and the rest

Swamp Being Drained, Hint Of A Time Line - Episode 1687b

@00:07:41 is undertaken so we have jeff sessions
@00:12:47 drained well rayon sessions they're not
@00:13:06 sessions and right how many people have

Rates Raised, Market Drops, Who's In The Kill Box, Coincidence? - Episode 1687a

@00:03:34 the same thing with jeff sessions he put
@00:03:37 jeff sessions into the position and we
@00:03:42 same strategy where with jeff sessions
@00:03:52 disappointed in jeff sessions now the
@00:03:58 get everyone to sign with jeff sessions
@00:04:06 say well we don't want jeff sessions now
@00:06:22 sessions absolutely so let's start to

Logical Thinking, Justice Will Be Served, Steps Need To Be Taken First - Episode 1686b

@00:25:58 take sessions out given a link to an
@00:26:09 sessions what was the sessions senate

Trillions Wasted On Scams,Waiting Is Over,The Pain Is About To Be Unleashed - Episode 1684b

@00:29:18 times rod rosenstein where wire sessions

History In The Making,Ready For Arrests, Tribunals & Pain - Episode 1682b

@00:24:31 sessions and his hand is up and jeff
@00:24:34 sessions is going to bring the pain post

Was The End Of The Petro Dollar Just Announced By The President? - Episode 1682a

@00:11:57 sessions oh he's not doing his job he's
@00:12:13 that he used on sessions this is what he

It's Almost Time For The Pain, Start The Clock, D5 Red October - Episode 1681b

@00:02:29 patriots huber sessions horowitz this is
@00:19:02 subpoena tomorrow if sessions is recused
@00:19:16 russia probe per subpoena two sessions -
@00:19:41 how jeff sessions will unruh cues
@00:21:38 read carefully sessions tomorrow doc

Sting Operation Active,The Coverup,Comms Active - Episode 1680b

@00:13:07 events with friendly therapy sessions
@00:16:55 therapy sessions in which dr. ford
@00:27:47 us attorney jeff sessions thanking utah
@00:28:29 sessions meeting huber the day prior to
@00:28:39 subpoena where jeff sessions is

FBI Investigation Not What You Think,In The End The People Will Be 'Shocked' - Episode 1679b

@00:28:20 here because jeff sessions was
@00:28:42 honorable jeff sessions attorney general
@00:30:33 sessions is already going and he

Operators Standing By,Stay Tuned & Watch 'Red October' - Episode 1678b

@00:10:04 sessions with marriage and individual
@00:12:20 how he sent a letter to sessions and rea

High Alert,Social Media Blackout,Comms Activated - Episode 1677b

@00:15:14 grassley trust sessions trust many
@00:15:36 sessions and director ray and the letter

DECLAS On Its Way,Red October,Presidential-Alert For Clear Comms - Episode 1676b

@00:05:41 including banning kushner sessions trump

The Presidential Alert Test & Full Senate Vote On Target - Episode 1674b

@00:13:41 years following the therapy sessions we

Deep State Playbook Dead,Fear,Panic,Cornered,The Light Is Shining Brighter - Episode 1673b

@00:17:06 sessions been under way probably how
@00:18:01 we can see that huber horowitz sessions

D5 Avalanche Is About To Hit & The Deep State Has No Place To Hide - Episode 1672b

@00:08:07 also told us to trust sessions trust
@00:14:19 margin compared to sessions
@00:14:32 mueller sessions
@00:17:32 everything to back up sessions very

Confirmed, #Ourguy Is Working With Trump To Destroy The Central Bank - Episode 1670a

@00:07:36 doing with sessions think think what he
@00:11:28 are using think about it with sessions
@00:11:33 sessions would do something i wish
@00:11:35 sessions didn't recuse himself but i

Everyone Is In Place, Tick Tock, Deep State Running Out Of Time - Episode 1669b

@00:12:37 cribs kwam maar sessions scrub ontzetten
@00:12:48 sessions
@00:13:22 sessions and fewer iphone standard de
@00:13:34 sessions tanks of hebben in de backer
@00:14:14 barcodes is het technisch sessions via
@00:14:35 sessions en onderwijs en in sessions and
@00:16:49 jeff sessions word we john viewer en

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b

@00:29:56 sessions they activated him so what is
@00:29:58 trump do well he just pushes sessions
@00:30:17 appointing jeff sessions as the attorney
@00:30:21 sessions from the beginning noting that
@00:30:43 whether he would fire sessions but he
@00:31:06 we want sessions because he's gonna do
@00:31:22 jeff sessions is going to do absolutely
@00:31:34 off and guess what sessions is activated

Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b

@00:01:04 episode is release the sessions sessions
@00:03:24 jeff sessions has already tripled the
@00:19:59 it says activate sessions now the
@00:20:05 which means sessions is out of the box
@00:20:18 picture and behind everyone is sessions
@00:20:22 and it said soon now it's sessions is
@00:26:05 no deals post 22:03 panic in dc sessions
@00:26:14 know that huber reports the sessions
@00:26:21 communicated that to sessions and this
@00:26:23 is why sessions and huber most likely
@00:26:28 sessions is now out of the brac the kill
@00:26:35 other way we just released the sessions
@00:26:38 post 2204 panic in dc sessions class
@00:26:57 authority approval now sessions since
@00:28:01 unruhe keys ready to go to work sessions
@00:28:07 is back sessions is now activated
@00:28:14 investigate sessions prosecute and now
@00:28:26 of trump and sessions was being done on
@00:28:38 mainstream media to support sessions
@00:28:43 mainstream media to support sessions the
@00:28:49 sessions because they put up articles
@00:28:54 him and now sessions is going to be

AUTH REQ, Attempts To Block, Carpet Bombs Dropped, This Is Not A Game - Episode 1666b

@00:06:32 general jeff sessions in june christine

The Deep State Prepares Counter Narrative, Truth Will Win - Episode 1664b

@00:02:12 sessions right now is initiating a probe
@00:13:08 today general sessions releases
@00:13:16 sessions litigation guidelines are
@00:13:48 sessions provided the following

The Plan Is In Place, Prepare For The MOAB, Twelve Steps Ahead - Episode 1663b

@00:18:51 when i'm say sessions and flynn targeted
@00:18:53 for immediate removal recusal sessions
@00:19:14 in was very high if sessions wasn't a
@00:19:44 left is supporting sessions the left is
@00:19:47 defending sessions the mainstream media
@00:19:49 is defending sessions strategic
@00:19:57 trump came out and he bashed sessions if
@00:20:07 want sessions keep him don't fire him
@00:21:09 public to support sessions now let's
@00:22:47 attorney general jeff sessions from
@00:33:34 sessions open to probe of social media
@00:33:48 administration through sessions is going

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b

@00:05:56 general jeff sessions is considering an

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b

@00:09:33 gonna go down the tubes we see sessions

Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b

@00:12:30 remember sessions recommended rosenstein
@00:12:36 oversight by sessions whoops
@00:12:41 we're supposed to believe that sessions
@00:12:54 sessions has even gone so far as to say
@00:19:45 already know this sessions recommended
@00:21:06 to find out sessions go find this out
@00:21:14 going on telling sessions to do
@00:21:16 something and we know that sessions

Surveillance Initiated,Tracking,Desperate People Do Desperate Things,Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1658b

@00:03:15 ordering attorney general jeff sessions
@00:03:20 that jeff sessions is not going to do
@00:03:27 sessions will continue to defy trump and
@00:03:34 remember sessions prosecutes huber
@00:03:40 everything the sessions but sessions
@00:03:44 doing so it might look like sessions is
@00:04:04 sessions their plan trump and the
@00:04:15 public into thinking that sessions is

Infiltration Runs Deep,Operation Counter Clowns,Congress Is In Session[s] - Episode 1655b

@00:01:09 sessions let's get into the economic
@00:18:55 ning ends up back in sessions employ as
@00:26:10 in brackets s - six sessions so sessions
@00:26:29 two sessions sessions dark to light
@00:28:44 sessions must love him now same thing
@00:29:15 this that trump is against sessions and
@00:29:18 they're for sessions let's move on to
@00:34:14 it says the experts but sessions should
@00:34:20 known lis corrupt swamp but sessions
@00:34:33 sessions should appoint a second special
@00:34:52 appointment of huber by sessions and
@00:34:57 sessions and humor are following
@00:35:08 nothing must be happening fire sessions
@00:35:34 but potus is attacking sessions via
@00:35:43 love trust sessions as you can see this
@00:36:49 all basically sessions is behind all of
@00:36:52 this sessions is signing off on most of
@00:37:37 jeff sessions to stay on as attorney
@00:37:58 blasting sessions all of these accounts
@00:38:27 in each one it says trump blast sessions
@00:38:41 blasting sessions trump blast sessions
@00:43:27 congress is back in session or sessions

The Central Bankers Attempted To Destroy The US, They Have Failed - Episode 1655a

@00:12:31 just like with sessions just like
@00:13:25 sessions where they're going against
@00:14:24 sessions clinton comey struck and the

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now - Episode 1654b

@00:15:52 not sessions do not and under that it
@00:16:08 distance between trump and sessions that
@00:16:16 defend sessions and make the american
@00:16:20 people feel like sessions should stay
@00:16:39 investigation sessions has nothing to do
@00:16:49 present that to sessions so right now
@00:17:03 drop the hammer using sessions and humor
@00:17:15 fire sessions he's no good he's not
@00:17:22 supporting sessions trump wants him gone
@00:17:25 he made them report that sessions is
@00:30:28 see jeff sessions and it looks like he's

Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated - Episode 1653b

@00:01:23 sessions how this is a plan to make it
@00:01:27 look like trump as week sessions a week
@00:01:29 and a plan to support sessions from the
@00:01:49 maybe we should keep sessions there and
@00:01:54 this and making it look like sessions
@00:04:10 sessions is his job safe and trump came
@00:04:41 because sessions and trump they are the
@00:22:48 sessions remove fire nothing being done
@00:22:58 hubert did not huber did not sessions
@00:23:02 did not sessions did not
@00:23:04 one most sessions when will sessions who
@00:24:22 sessions remove fire nothing being done
@00:24:25 only sessions is privy to huber's
@00:24:34 would love for him to fire sessions
@00:24:48 not sessions or not sessions did not one
@00:24:51 will sessions when will sessions
@00:24:54 sessions
@00:25:03 work with specifically sessions who
@00:25:09 sessions team of 470 working very hard
@00:38:57 sessions now rest of the articles
@00:39:18 sessions had a fight and they aired
@00:39:29 sessions they're for mueller what are
@00:39:39 sessions look like that's the one that
@00:40:05 inactive told to support sessions every
@00:40:32 sessions whoa think about this for a
@00:40:38 going to do now don't trust sessions
@00:40:43 sessions they they were just trapped
@00:40:51 sessions does
@00:40:57 to be the truth who works for sessions
@00:41:05 prosecutes sessions

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete - Episode 1652b

@00:08:03 from huber from sessions and the rest
@00:17:44 was tapped by sessions to investigate
@00:18:19 special prosecutor tapped by sessions to
@00:21:46 sessions not doing anything why did i

We Are Witnessing The Nation Being Prepared For A New Economic System - Episode 1652a

@00:05:03 out the fed just like trump and sessions

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow - Episode 1651b

@00:37:43 dear attorney general sessions and
@00:38:35 breitbart turley sessions using utah
@00:38:46 the investigation sessions is sitting
@00:38:48 back and trump and sessions are
@00:40:30 and sessions did this right off the bat

The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror - Episode 1649b

@00:03:26 sessions is weak trump is weak trump is
@00:03:30 struggling right now sessions will not
@00:13:14 sessions on his twitter account here are
@00:13:27 the jeff sessions justice department a
@00:14:53 so trump is asking sessions to
@00:22:07 sessions sessions is not doing what he

The Thunder Is Deafening, BIG Week Ahead - Episode 1648b

@00:02:43 talked about sessions and how sessions
@00:03:02 allowed to get rid of sessions you can't
@00:03:06 elson we want sessions there this is
@00:03:43 trump said about jeff sessions that
@00:03:45 trump hired jeff sessions to be loyal to
@00:03:55 that listen if trump hired sessions for
@00:04:02 sessions should stay and trump should
@00:04:21 sessions that would cross a red line and
@00:04:24 he would be firing jeff sessions because
@00:04:41 a call to keep jeff sessions this is the
@00:04:49 pick jeff sessions well let's go back in
@00:04:56 an article published about jeff sessions
@00:05:26 individual was jeff sessions that's why
@00:05:30 trump picked sessions this is why q is
@00:05:33 continually saying trust sessions this
@00:05:41 and sessions look very very weak very
@00:14:34 the first one is jeff sessions said he
@00:15:22 sessions doesn't have the confidence of
@00:17:10 thinking that sessions is weak trump is
@00:21:23 now to make them believe that sessions
@00:21:27 weak very upset with sessions wants to
@00:21:34 keep sessions in place let him do his
@00:21:43 together and then sessions is going to
@00:26:18 weak sessions not looking doesn't know

The Plan To Remove The Central Bank Is In Motion - Episode 1648a

@00:06:39 just like he's calling out sessions

To Know Your Enemy,You Must Become Your Enemy,Appear Weak When You Are Strong - Episode 1647b

@00:02:52 it starts off with sessions sessions
@00:03:01 jeff sessions came out and says listen
@00:03:24 sessions got started we were asked to
@00:03:33 sessions would have to recuse himself
@00:03:41 2016 election in which sessions was a
@00:03:47 election sessions couldn't be in charge
@00:04:07 recused himself sessions read some
@00:04:17 sworn in sessions was so surprised to
@00:04:30 was going to nominate sessions to be the
@00:04:37 saying sessions is going to be trump's
@00:05:10 trump raging at sessions over his sudden
@00:05:44 sessions and sessions led him down
@00:06:13 trump sessions sessions doing absolutely
@00:06:40 unhappy with him sessions is saying i'm
@00:07:24 at sessions will these two ever get
@00:07:40 looking where trump in sessions didn't
@00:10:24 he appointed sessions and rosenstein he
@00:13:45 from sessions and rosenstein grasping
@00:15:33 that's why trump and sessions are taking
@00:19:12 and sessions are continuing the show as
@00:23:11 right now sessions is peering weak trump
@00:25:18 jeff sessions got a lot closer to being
@00:25:37 behind jeff sessions this is coming from
@00:25:40 lindsay lindsay graham if sessions is
@00:26:02 voice they want jeff sessions and this
@00:26:05 is the plan of jeff sessions trump the
@00:26:10 believe and think that jeff sessions is
@00:26:16 jeff sessions for doing nothing and
@00:26:24 falls sessions will be independent it
@00:26:34 media is going to beg for sessions to
@00:26:47 appear political because sessions has
@00:28:04 mainstream media believes sessions and
@00:28:11 thought sessions and trump were on the
@00:28:12 same page and sessions suddenly
@00:34:02 at his weakest point sessions is the

And Now, The Feature Presentation, Sheep No More, Enjoy The Show - Episode 1643b

@00:20:47 sessions says he's making it clear that

There Are Major Signs That The Deep State Is Planning Something Big - Episode 1642b

@00:22:56 ministration jeff sessions gave the
@00:23:18 turley sessions appointing utah federal

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:08:02 and we know that jeff sessions was also

The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp - Episode 1636b

@00:01:57 sessions saying he is scared stiff and
@00:07:09 we know jeff sessions also visited

The Previews Are Over, It's Showtime, The World Is Watching - Episode 1635b

@00:01:34 jeff sessions the department of justice
@00:02:15 sessions says i have ordered a review at
@00:13:34 boeing 77 is there jeff sessions visit

The Announcement Was Just Made, Watch What Happens Next, It's Happening - Episode 1628b

@00:03:38 sessions to step in and end it right now
@00:03:44 situation and attorney general sessions
@00:04:09 he's not ordering jeff sessions to stop
@00:04:14 jeff sessions should do but that's not
@00:04:20 message is not the jeff sessions the
@00:17:06 us that this is something that sessions

The Storm Is Raging, Those Who Follow Understand What's About To Happen - Episode 1625b

@00:13:04 sessions publicly challenge rod
@00:13:13 if sessions challenged rod rosenstein
@00:13:18 sessions must be aware of key mueller
@00:13:35 attacks to remove sessions given his
@00:13:48 sessions is it normal rod rosenstein is
@00:13:57 why is this important why does sessions
@00:14:03 attacking sessions what advantage exists
@00:14:08 attacking sessions whatsoever
@00:14:31 sessions and rod rosenstein to run his
@00:18:14 says thank you jeff sessions and of
@00:18:50 anything real power is with sessions and

It's Happening, Silence, Disinformation, It Was All Necessary, It's Time - Episode 1622b

@00:12:21 sessions define evidence admissible in
@00:14:47 states the honorable jeff sessions
@00:15:01 general sessions director ray and mr.

Has Q Given Us A Timeline Of Events, It Could Play Out This Way - Episode 1611b

@00:18:30 march chapter three sessions fires
@00:20:07 sessions will be in the news about
@00:21:17 october chapter 10 sessions becomes very

There Is Coordinated Effort To Create Hysteria Designed To Instill Fear - Episode 1606b

@00:02:07 opinion written by sessions in june that
@00:02:36 to move into the united states sessions
@00:14:57 turley sessions using utah federal

Freedom, Control, The Lights Are On, The Darkness Will End - Episode 1602b

@00:05:16 sessions recused himself from all of

It Just Happened, The Plan Is In Motion - Episode 1599b

@00:02:22 attorney general jeff sessions peter

It's All About To Change, The Time Is Now - Episode 1598b

@00:01:38 attorney general jeff sessions we also

All Connections, Scams, Corruption, It's All About To Explode - Episode 1594b

@00:22:54 revealed by sessions november start
@00:23:48 sessions

Deep State Modified Report Released, Next Phase DECLAS It All - Episode 1592b

@00:17:15 sessions can take control of all of this

Major Event World Wide, Stay Vigilant, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1589b

@00:28:15 huber who appointed huber sessions

Boom, Full Speed Ahead With The Plan, Follow The White Rabbit - Episode 1587b

@00:01:41 ryan attorney general jeff sessions
@00:02:10 specifically sessions writes that the

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:01:22 didn't pick sessions as attorney general
@00:01:25 the president had asked sessions to
@00:01:50 sessions on recuse or number three until
@00:02:09 he's giving the a okay four sessions to
@00:02:30 sessions trust and he went on through

There Are No Coincidences, It Has Been Planned From The Beginning - Episode 1575b

@00:26:00 process trump and sessions will have
@00:27:31 sessions

The Countdown Begins, The Hammer Is About To Fall - Episode 1574b

@00:10:17 in there and if we look at sessions his
@00:15:10 sessions q says the trust ray trusts
@00:15:56 where turley sessions using utah federal
@00:16:04 sessions brought on huber to work with

April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b

@00:08:14 ig / huber who appointed huber sessions
@00:08:43 sessions appointed john huber utah's top
@00:09:22 investigation now sessions decided he's

The Move, Forcing It All Out Into To The Open, Here Comes The Pain - Episode 1567b

@00:24:44 pompeyo sessions huber haspel they're

Connecting The Dots, The Plan Of Plans Is Now In Motion - Episode 1563b

@00:10:46 general sessions he is the attorney
@00:10:52 justice officials sessions reread
@00:12:14 if sessions and ray are dc swamp deep
@00:13:23 subpoenaed sessions for info on a person
@00:15:10 confusion what with sessions senate
@00:15:26 sessions pick ron rosenstein so let's
@00:17:41 sessions pick rod rosenstein was it
@00:20:32 sessions recuse himself for a russian
@00:20:37 the trump campaign given sessions
@00:20:48 sessions needed someone trustworthy to
@00:20:55 couldn't why did sessions reveal huber

Deep States Plan Much Larger & Horrific Than Originally Thought - Episode 1556b

@00:10:19 why did sessions recuse because he

The Setup Is Almost Complete, Preparing To Move In On The Deep State - Episode 1555b

@00:10:32 done yesterday we talked about sessions

Text Messages Released To Congress,Toxic,Order 187 Discussed - Episode 1554b

@00:02:17 now that sessions where everyone thought
@00:16:40 people believe that sessions as part of
@00:16:42 the deep state sessions a bumbling idiot
@00:16:59 general jeff sessions recused himself
@00:17:48 in fact sessions inherited an ongoing
@00:18:01 sessions uttered those words horowitz
@00:18:25 in his mission sessions could not
@00:19:26 and little rock throughout 2017 sessions
@00:20:03 and the real design of the sessions
@00:20:08 from sessions himself in the context of
@00:20:17 on for months next in january sessions
@00:20:47 later revealed by sessions that there
@00:20:55 but that sessions named the prosecutor
@00:21:11 most obtuse that sessions have been
@00:21:39 dollars so sessions presented the image
@00:21:51 design sessions strategy all along
@00:22:22 sessions has manured every piece on the

Sleeper Cells Activated, Bad Booms Incoming, Threat Real - Episode 1548b

@00:04:11 general jeff sessions attorney john
@00:04:35 sessions trust ray trusts kansas trust

The Deep State Is On The Move, Countermoves In Place, Prevent At All Costs - Episode 1539b

@00:05:26 sessions and homeland security homeland

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:03:16 that trump and sessions they're looking

The Great Awakening Is Here, The Choice Is Yours - Episode 1532b

@00:08:23 sessions so they'll be looking at all of

March Madness, Hold On The Deep State Is About To Push Their Agenda - Episode 1525b

@00:01:18 mckay being fired i mean jeff sessions
@00:01:25 sessions is doing what trump wants and
@00:01:28 we have to see if sessions continues on

Did The Deep State Just Hint At Their Next Targeted Event - Episode 1522b

@00:04:21 where he is headed with this sessions on
@00:04:26 important question do we trust sessions
@00:04:30 now sessions was ordered to hire an
@00:04:43 sessions it was a huge act to show the
@00:04:48 see where sessions head is at and will
@00:05:01 at sessions right now we're looking at

The Game Is Being Played Out In Front Of The World, Do You Want To Play? - Episode 1518b

@00:06:08 is they've gotten wind that sessions is

Listen, The Silence Is Deafening, Something Is About To Happen - Episode 1516b

@00:08:52 looks like sessions is pushing that
@00:08:55 sessions is also pushing that they have
@00:09:13 sessions boom and i think this whole
@00:09:20 sessions he's weak this was part of the

Get Ready For The Deep State Dead Cat Bounce, It's Not What You Think - Episode 1513b

@00:10:30 dropping hints saying why is sessions

Confusion Is Part Of Their Plan, Who Has The Ultimate Power? - Episode 1512b

@00:02:26 leaning on sessions very very hard to

Are The American People Being Played? If So This Will Not End Well - Episode 1511b

@00:03:54 when trump lashed out at sessions what i
@00:04:05 sessions can't do it we need to find

The Deep State Will Do Anything At This Point To Reach Their Goal - Episode 1509b

@00:04:33 because sessions came out and he
@00:05:05 sessions to move quickly on this and was
@00:05:36 of justice has to do this and sessions
@00:05:59 confirm another ag nominee if sessions
@00:06:14 trump is getting ready to fire sessions

Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b

@00:12:47 sessions to go after the bump stock this

There Is No Other Choice, The Time Has Come To Have The Event Of Events - Episode 1480b

@00:08:40 see right now that jeff sessions from

The Hawaiian Alert Was Not A Drill, It Was A Planned Event - Episode 1479b

@00:01:39 probe he interviewed sessions he wants

It's All Closing In Aournd The Cabal, Only Option Left Is.. - Episode 1463b

@00:01:51 jeff sessions is going to be taking a

It Has All Come To This Moment, What Happens Next - Episode 1455b

@00:03:51 attorney general jeff sessions he's

Desperation Is Setting In, The Cabal Is Trapped - Episode 1454b

@00:03:51 attorney general jeff sessions he's

It Has Begun, Russia And Syria Are Now Asking The US To Leave Syria - Episode 1425b

@00:01:49 now aj sessions he was testifying in
@00:01:54 attorney general jeff sessions directed
@00:02:29 ajay sessions kind of fighting this off

The Cabal Is Distracting The World From The Real Investigation - Episode 1412b

@00:03:51 senator jeff sessions was sworn in as us
@00:03:59 less than a month later sessions recused

The Next Stock Market Crash Is Going To Drop Like A Rock - Episode 1408a

@00:02:13 has now gone 33 consecutive sessions

Truth Bomb Just Exploded But Is Anyone Listening - Episode 1377b

@00:04:12 know jeff sessions was trying to go

The White House Expands Cyber War To Include Banks & Wall Street - Episode 1371b

@00:01:18 general jeff sessions they announced

The Elite's Agenda Is In Full Swing, What Happened To Common Sense? - Episode 1358b

@00:04:58 headed by jeff sessions well they've

Russia & China Are Now Teaming Up To Counter The Deep State - Episode 1351b

@00:01:20 sessions needs to stop this civil asset
@00:02:13 remember sessions reversed a 2015 ban on

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1350

@00:19:09 comey the leakers and we see aj sessions

When Will It All Finally Come To An End? - Episode 1349b

@00:06:04 jeffrey sessions it looks like it's
@00:06:09 attorney general sessions it looks like
@00:06:15 announcement and sessions will be joined

The Bad Guys Are Cowering In The Corner As The Good Guys Clean House - Episode 1344b

@00:06:34 looking at him jeff sessions now where

Are The Elite Getting Ready To Go All Out? - Episode 1343b

@00:02:55 trump with sessions thing i know the
@00:02:59 reporting on this is to nudge sessions
@00:11:30 time he's pushing sessions he's telling

The Moment Of Truth Is Upon Us, Which Path Are We Going Down? - Episode 1342b

@00:01:14 trump has been all over sessions this
@00:01:20 push sessions into doing his job
@00:01:34 anymore and it looks like jeff sessions
@00:07:10 trump has been on the back of sessions
@00:07:43 sessions into doing more and more if you
@00:07:54 sessions into investigating these things
@00:20:25 sessions as he continually nudges him to

A Strategic Move By Russia Has Just Been Played, Check! - Episode 1341b

@00:01:16 feud between trump and sessions is
@00:03:16 to get rid of sessions it's time to get
@00:05:20 sessions they were reading from the

Current Economic Collapse 'News Brief' - Episode 1339

@00:05:19 is with jeff sessions
@00:05:32 sessions and they were intercepted by
@00:05:45 they know it's jeff sessions unless he
@00:06:21 meetings with sessions according to kiss
@00:06:23 lyac sessions didn't discuss anything
@00:07:07 it jeff sessions who did the unmasking

Taking The Fight To The Next Level, Going After The Elite's Dark Money - Episode 1337b

@00:04:14 we see that jeff sessions and trump
@00:05:06 sessions he's taking everything to the

The Takedown Of The Elite Is About To Begin - Episode 1332b

@00:01:36 attorney general jeff sessions well he

The Bad Guys Are Grasping At Anything, Their Time Is Almost Up - Episode 1329b

@00:12:04 lot more they want to see jeff sessions

Start The Countdown, The Summer Months Are The Elite's Time To Create Havoc - Episode 1317b

@00:08:25 can see jeff sessions they are trying to

The Hunt Begins, The Strategy To Take Out The Elite - Episode 1308b

@00:21:37 we know that aj sessions is going after

The Criminal Empire Has No Where To Go, What's Their Next Move - Episode 1305b

@00:05:31 insurance now we had sessions he was out
@00:06:02 sessions on this and it turns out there
@00:06:14 was no room that sessions reserved where
@00:08:30 its sessions and trump and senator
@00:11:36 sessions all came from the corporate

The Trap Has Been Set For The Criminal Empire, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1304b

@00:06:15 happening now we have jeff sessions who
@00:06:25 now it's sessions turn and we'll see

Plans Are Now In Full Swing To Locate And Expose The Criminal Empire - Episode 1302b

@00:05:47 matter now jeff sessions is out there

It's All Coming Apart, This Is Where It Gets Scary - Episode 1301b

@00:13:28 jeff sessions something just doesn't add
@00:13:41 attorney general jeff sessions about the
@00:13:54 jeff sessions was confirmed february
@00:14:02 oval office march first sessions and
@00:14:08 begins march 2nd sessions recuse himself
@00:14:22 attorney general sessions would recuse
@00:14:34 to report it to aj sessions who we are
@00:14:55 he know that jeff sessions was going to
@00:15:20 sessions because he was unmasked so this

It Is All Unraveling And This Is Why Everyone Should Be Nervous - Episode 1289b

@00:11:27 enough jeff sessions right now and this

The Battle Will Only Get Worse, The End Will Be A Disaster Either Way - Episode 1282b

@00:10:46 information about obama sessions lynch

Are Forces Being Put Into Place Outside Of Venezuela For Regime Change? - Episode 1275b

@00:09:20 general jeff sessions and we can see

Either This Is A Secretive Plan That Will Benefit America Or Prepare For The Worst - Episode 1262b

@00:05:20 and jeff sessions they're doing
@00:28:43 and jeff sessions they're talking about

While American's Were Sleeping The Surveillance State Is Almost Complete - Episode 1241b

@00:03:44 budging on it we see that sessions is
@00:04:19 kevin de leon called sessions message

It's Happening, It's Exactly What We Thought The Deep State Would Do - Episode 1240b

@00:01:57 sessions they've been pushing to stop
@00:02:02 we see already that jeff sessions well

The Chaos Around The World Begins On Schedule, Ushering In The Economic Crisis - Episode 1226

@00:06:41 jeff sessions was out there he has about
@00:07:08 sessions was fired by bill clinton's

The World Is On The Brick Of Something Disastrous - Episode 1225b

@00:02:14 and us attorney general jeff sessions

The Deep State Has Just Been Setup, Get Ready For The Awakening - Episode 1221b

@00:08:39 sessions was dealing with the russian

The Tables Were Just Turned On Obama And The Deep State With This Simple Maneuver - Episode 1220

@00:06:54 idea that jeff sessions have met with
@00:07:16 sessions meeting with a russian
@00:07:35 sessions met with the russian ambassador
@00:08:15 sessions met with ambassadors we know
@00:09:06 with russia jeff sessions being
@00:15:23 general sessions perjury and conspiracy

Central Bankers And The Deep State Move Forward With The 'Internet Kill Switch' - Episode 1219b

@00:06:38 and with sessions he meets with a lot of
@00:14:42 very very hard to remove jeff sessions

The Deep State Is Positioning Itself, Something Big Is About To Unfold - Episode 1218b

@00:01:18 they're going after jeff sessions now
@00:01:30 wednesday night accusing sessions of
@00:02:58 do sessions then says senator
@00:04:15 sessions as attorney general i mean is
@00:04:47 sessions was part of the campaign here's

There Is A War Going On But It's Not Between The U.S. And Russia - Episode 1185b

@00:05:54 general sessions senator sessions well
@00:06:03 that between sessions and pompeo who's
@00:06:35 sessions he opposed the usa freedom act
@00:07:58 sessions well they have no problem

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 1135

@00:09:19 would like jeffrey sessions to be the
@00:09:25 sessions go ahead and start an
@00:09:54 general jeff sessions he can go ahead

Electors Are Now Being Threatened Before They Meet On Dec 19th - Episode 1131b

@00:01:24 sessions to become the attorney general

Greece Takes Another Step To Become An Equal Member Of The BRICS - Episode 696

@00:05:25 washington's training sessions certain

U.S. Government/Saudi Arabia Start The Invasion Of Yemen - Episode 658

@00:12:03 right now senator jeff sessions is
@00:12:26 the sessions document then goes point by

Central Bankers Are Pushing Ukraine Into War Again - Episode 511

@00:25:21 sessions must be held in the city of

Iraq Reveals Troops And Equipment Start Arriving To Speicher Base In A Few Days - Episode 477

@00:16:48 pilot program called militaria sessions

Is FEMA Preparing For Martial Law Over The "Mass Exodus" Of Illegal Aliens? - Episode 416

@00:13:59 now it looks like senator jeff sessions

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 121

@00:17:52 pete sessions and declares all the