
Trump Has The [CB] Exactly Where He Wants Them, Nothing Can Stop This - Episode 2289a

@00:14:04 you have to go underground and hide no

The Patriots Are Taking Back The Country, The Corn Moon, Rig For Red - Episode 2279b

@00:25:19 bill ayers fellow weather underground

[DS] Playbook Revealed, Ammunition Running Low, Shields Up - Episode 2208b

@00:19:32 underground which is a terrorist group
@00:19:50 member of the weather underground
@00:20:10 member of the weather underground

The Patriots Laid The Trap, [DS] Took The Bait, Unity Is Growing - Episode 2188b

@00:11:43 the president to the underground bunker

The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution - Episode 2166b

@00:17:14 underground so no lights getting in

deleted “And The Rocket's Red Glare, The Bombs Bursting In Air”, Remember 1917 - Episode 2140b

@00:24:09 underground then i don't know if anyone

deleted Night & Day, The Children, Save The Best For Last - Episode 2137b

@00:12:25 training underground so for this new
@00:12:35 attack enemy forces and underground
@00:13:03 fight underground why why have they been
@00:18:28 underground so pure evil is about to be
@00:30:54 operation because they're underground

[JC] Slam Dunk, VA In The [DS] Sites, Patriots Countermoves Ready - Episode 2073b

@00:11:54 de koop underground strike decided to

Backchannels Important, Iran Ready To Flip, [DS]/MSM Panic – Episode 2065

@00:21:53 their underground nuclear facility where

This Is Not A Game, [DS] Attacks Intensified, Barr Receives Report - Episode 1970b

@00:23:06 talk that there's underground chambers
@00:23:12 conspiracy there's nothing underground
@00:24:24 underground bunker it was also reported
@00:25:11 to build this underground where'd they
@00:25:40 underground chamber does exist now let's

Exculpatory Evidence, August Was A Hot Month, Next Wave Incoming - Episode 1958b

@00:22:08 if there is anything underground or any

Placeholders Ready, Declas, Indictments, Will Force WW Coverage - Episode 1957b

@00:25:44 or commercially managed underground

Voter Manipulation, Message Sent & Received, Why Greenland? - Episode 1948b

@00:26:35 underground tunnels where they had

Manchurian Candidate,Stealth Bomber,Special Package Delivery - Episode 1927b

@00:17:03 like it goes underground and there's
@00:17:10 underground why is q showing us these
@00:17:19 underground lair because disney and
@00:21:18 it looks like it all goes underground

The Great Awakening Has Started, [SA], [Epstein] Access Closed, Boom - Episode 1917b

@00:31:55 are doors that allow you underground and
@00:32:29 doorways that lead underground we know
@00:32:37 underground and there are many strange

The [DS] Is Now Vulnerable and Exposed, More Victories Right Around The Corner - Episode 1825

@00:16:43 site this was underground and trump said

Stealth Prosecutor Activated, Avoided ‘Z’,Severe Pain Coming To DC - Episode 1740b

@00:27:55 still underground in or in other places

Confirmed, US Has Gold, Gold Will Bring Down The Fed - Episode 1740a

@00:09:05 anywhere it could still be underground

Think Timing, We Are At The Precipice, [DS] Mission, Prevent Hammer - Episode 1701b

@00:08:18 forcing certain viewpoints underground

The Tables Have Turned, The Deep State Are Now Being [[[[HUNTED]]]] - Episode 1639b

@00:26:08 underground railroad to bring down haiti

IG's Report To Be Reviewed, The Plan Moves Forward - Episode 1580b

@00:15:33 there's tunnels running all underground

Central Banks Prepare For The Collapse By Creating A Database Of Who Owes What - Episode 1567a

@00:08:49 underground bunkers across the world and
@00:08:57 underground vaults on five continents

Mission On Track, Rogue Nuclear States Have Been Targeted - Episode 1552b

@00:07:07 tunnels underground hundreds of them

April, Arrests, A Very Big Month - Episode 1535b

@00:16:56 bury themselves underground i mean the

Boom, The Plan Is In Motion, One Piece At A Time - Episode 1530b

@00:19:06 there was a secret underground tunnel
@00:19:13 syria so they dug underground they were
@00:19:21 you name it they had it underground it

Deep State Lays The Ground Work For Their Upcoming Events - Episode 1521b

@00:13:14 a large underground military base in
@00:13:37 underground military base located in
@00:13:50 that yes there is an underground
@00:14:08 chemical weapons in this underground

Propaganda Is Leaked Before The Cabal's Main Event - Episode 1447b

@00:20:24 underground bunker there are detailed

The Cabal Makes Their Move For A New Middle East Event - Episode 1418b

@00:08:44 underground and we better get in there

The Event Warning Meter Has Hit Code Red - Episode 1405b

@00:02:14 hidden underground in a vault now this

The White House Expands Cyber War To Include Banks & Wall Street - Episode 1371b

@00:05:25 exploded this h-bomb underground and it

The North Korean Agenda Is Being Pushed, How Far Will It Go? - Episode 1370b

@00:05:13 was a nuclear weapon tested underground

The Elite's Agenda Is In Full Swing, What Happened To Common Sense? - Episode 1358b

@00:12:56 those people move underground you don't

Central Bank Caught In A Lie, Everything Is Not What It Seems - Episode 1353a

@00:07:31 underground website the bloggers

Trump Is About To Do Something & The World Is About To Change - Episode 1291b

@00:12:09 underground sorrow and password

Do You Feel It, Something Just Changed - Episode 1264b

@00:16:05 nuclear weapons underground who can't

The Event Of All Events, The Day When The Lights Go Out - Episode 1261b

@00:08:59 using their nuclear weapons underground

The Deep State Is Getting Desperate, They Are Preparing Their Next Move - Episode 1258b

@00:15:44 was a nuclear test underground but japan

The Trap That Was Set For The Deep State Is About To Be Sprung - Episode 1253b

@00:08:57 weapon underground and of course japan

Is The Deep State Slowly Eliminating Russian Diplomats? - Episode 1210b

@00:10:34 underground terrorist group co-founded

Something Was Buried In The 2017 NDAA Which Former President Obama Signed - Episode 1192b

@00:17:17 underground facilities important to the

Trump's Truth Bombs Are Pushing The Elite's Propaganda Out Into The Open - Episode 1186b

@00:18:56 underground bunker with an air
@00:19:05 silo into an underground fortress and

US Government Running Out Of Options In The Middle East - Episode 1115b

@00:19:28 they can win it they'll go underground

DHS Reports That Hacking The Elections Is Nearly Impossible - Episode 1070b

@00:07:27 because they're building underground
@00:11:07 building underground power lines to an

Obama And The UN Are Now Forming A Global Police Force In The US - Episode 1019b

@00:06:46 a bomb underground that's why we had the

Jordan Closes Its Borders With Iraq And Syria, Major Escalation? - Episode 1004b

@00:03:54 course then you have the underground

US And The Coalition Forces Next Step, All Out War In The Middle East - Episode 948b

@00:05:09 underground and there was an earthquake

The Fed Is A Potential Threat To The Financial Stability Of The US - Episode 946a

@00:15:13 massive underground survival shelters on
@00:16:38 these underground bunkers they're

Turkey Invades Syria And Digs In To Create A Safe Zone - Episode 918b

@00:07:17 type of hydrogen bomb underground we saw

US Agenda During The Geneva Talks, The Partitioning Of Syria - Episode 916b

@00:07:20 underground which created this

US Buying Time With The Current Peace Deal To Plan The Next Move In Syria - Episode 901b

@00:11:51 underground tunnel system a network so

Peace Agreement Reached By Russia And US On Syria, Is It Really Peace? - Episode 900b

@00:09:15 oh yes they did it underground that's

The World Economic Climate Index Indicates The Global Economy Is Heading Into A Storm - Episode 894a

@00:07:28 underground areas storage facilities
@00:07:50 underground facility i mean this is how

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 887

@00:12:17 have it underground they would have it

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 863

@00:05:12 detonated a nuclear weapon underground

US Government Bringing All Players Together For WWIII - Episode 860b

@00:16:14 underground which caused a man-made

The San Bernardino Shooting Is Following The False Flag Mass Shooting Script - Episode 833b

@00:21:04 the london underground a fictional
@00:21:09 london the underground took place

Putin Warns The US Is Provoking A Global War - Episode 799b

@00:19:53 underground the real loser is going to

Obama Keeps Troops In Afghanistan For The Upcoming War - Episode 792b

@00:16:41 secret underground missile base for the
@00:16:48 underground tunnel stock with missiles

U.S. Continues With Assad Propaganda As Russia Bombs The US Proxy Army - Episode 779b

@00:22:13 communication gear into the underground

Pentagon's War Plans For Russia Shows A NO Win Scenario For the U.S. - Episode 774b

@00:27:41 underground shelters everything for the

US Might Send Troops To Iraq, While The No-Fly Zone Is Implemented In Syria - Episode 740b

@00:03:30 up their underground tanks because they

The Next Phase For The Push Into Syria Is Now Taking Place - Episode 727

@00:22:44 natural gas in their underground storage
@00:22:57 was pumped into the underground storage

A Partial No-Fly Zone Has Been Established In Syria For The Next Offensive - Episode 725

@00:24:24 natural gas in their underground tanks

Central Bankers Now Pushing For Bail-Ins In Greece - Episode 709

@00:32:17 underground tanks you have to remember

U.S. Government/Central Bankers Preparing The Next Event To Push War - Episode 640

@00:27:10 their underground bunkers they're ready

U.S. Backed Saudi Forces Ready For Ground Operation In Yemen - Episode 629

@00:05:38 have their underground bunkers and

US Gov/Central Bankers One Step Closer To Closing Down The Internet - Episode 602

@00:39:08 underground top secret secret secret top

The Economic Collapse Is Closer Than People Think - Episode 579

@00:26:34 further underground well i'm going to
@00:26:38 already underground all this is going to

The US Retail Industry Is Collapsing And So Is The Economy - Episode 566

@00:17:30 spurring what he calls an underground

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 563

@00:09:41 underground underground plant with the
@00:10:02 underground near the town of chris air

DHS And FBI Issue A New Alert, Threats From Terrorist Could Be On The Rise - Episode 538

@00:38:49 underground and when everything is said

DHS Warning, Islamic State Attacks Can Come At Any Time - Episode 531

@00:36:40 afghanistan of all the underground

Russia And Egypt Are Proposing Peace In Syria, Central Bankers Want War - Episode 518

@00:15:42 and they emerge from their underground

Will Ebola Be Blamed For the Collapsing Economy? - Episode 489

@00:18:12 sunlight in underground tunnels ebola to

Ebola In U.S.,Will It Be Used To Declare Martial Law? - Episode 481

@00:30:23 military base have found underground

Preparing For War On Lies To Cover Up The Economic Collapse - Episode 471

@00:30:46 and they went to underground bunkers to

ISIS Targeting White House For The Next False Flag Event - Episode 469

@00:17:23 underground storage facilities as of

Central Bankers Ready To Attack Syria Under The Pretext Assad Unleashed The Islamists - Episode 468

@00:35:28 underground hideouts they were hiding in
@00:35:48 gone underground in its syrian
@00:36:32 these fortresses underground where

U.S. Syrian Rebels & U.S. ISIS Agree On A 'Non-Aggression' Pact - Episode 466

@00:15:32 underground reserve tanks there because

Will The Missing Libyan Jetliners Be Used For The False Flag Event ? - Episode 458

@00:15:31 to put a gas into underground tanks to

High Probability Of An Event In August While Congress Is On Vacation - Episode 432

@00:28:46 very safe underground and the ants

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 408

@00:13:37 terrorists into underground shelters at

Central Bankers Are Preparing For The Next Step, War!- Episode 402

@00:14:14 a lot of the gas put it in underground

Central Bankers Propaganda: Syria Is Playing A Game Of Shadows - Episode 401

@00:30:54 he's hiding them in underground tunnel

Iraq's Popular Uprising Shadowed By U.S. Terrorism Propaganda - Episode 392

@00:13:14 gas into underground storages of course

Is The U.S. Planning A 'First Strike' Nuclear Attack On Russia And China - Episode 380

@00:24:50 course they have bunkers underground

Is The U.S. Preparing A Full Military Strike In Libya? - Episode 379

@00:36:09 to hide and that is underground the rest

U.S. Pushing The Syrian Agenda, Now Training Paid Mercenaries For The Event - Episode 376

@00:31:02 worth of natural gas stored underground

As The Dollar Dies The Next Event Will Rise - Episode 372

@00:26:27 course they have underground bunkers

Interview With Dahboo7 - 5.15.2014

@00:00:37 77 and he also has a website underground
@00:32:20 anything in the summertime underground

Russia Gives The Green Light To "De-Dollarize" The World - Episode 366

@00:18:47 of course they have bunkers underground

As The World Economies Collapse The Shadow Of War Is Upon The World -- Episode 347

@00:37:04 going on and it's deep underground with

Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 321

@00:17:38 an underground base where they have

Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 309

@00:17:39 have bunkers underground they will

Russia And The U.S. Face Off Over The Ukraine -- Episode 304

@00:34:27 base in jordan it's underground this is

Will The Boomerang Effect Stop The Economic Collapse? -- Episode 300

@00:41:43 underground they had all the officers

Fed Says It Would Take Something Big To Stop The Taper- Episode 294

@00:42:46 which is an underground base is the

A Military Strike In Syria Will Spark World War III -- Episode 292

@00:35:00 centcom base which is an underground

US And China Are At War But The World Doesn't Know It Yet -- Episode 287

@00:23:38 for the nation's fourth underground

As The Economy Collapses, War With Syria Escalates -- Episode 271

@00:33:54 is i think 260 feet underground which is

Are Currencies Going To Be Reset In 2014? -- Episode 270

@00:19:48 sent set up it was underground that was

Experts Are Warning The Threat Of Al Qaeda Endangers The Homeland -- Episode 265

@00:27:44 underground and turned into one people

Why Is DHS Mapping Radiation In Baltimore ? -- Episode 264

@00:30:59 underground enough until they needed it

U.S. Pivots To Asia And Africa For The Upcoming War -- Episode 246

@00:32:42 underground plutonium production labs
@00:32:52 two new huge secret underground

NSA Thwarts A Cyber Attack That Would Have Destroyed The Economy -- Episode 240

@00:11:19 what the criminals the underground the

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 239

@00:16:30 an underground base that holds officers

Preparations For The Next False Flag Are In The Works -- Episode 218

@00:27:41 underground nuclear site being built in

NATO Is Pushing East And Russia Heeds The Warning -- Episode 209

@00:40:08 they have underground bunkers they have

Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 169

@00:13:06 seat they have the underground base

The FED Sees No Bubbles And Is Not Forecasting A Recession, Déjà vu -- Episode 168

@00:21:23 underground base with 270 officers

The Build Up To The Horrifying False Flag Event -- Episode 162

@00:27:56 which is underground that holds 270

"No" Vote From Congress, High Probability Of A False Flag- Episode 156

@00:25:23 underground centcom base in jordan with
@00:25:30 syrian war the base is underground it's

This War Will Not Be Like The Others, It Will Be Catastrophic -- Episode 153

@00:32:01 why the cencon underground base is right

High Probability Of A Major Attack On The Financial System -- Episode 150

@00:21:57 there is a underground base called
@00:23:25 all around putting them in underground

There Is No Turning Back, War Is On The Horizon -- Episode 149

@00:35:01 right outside syria it's underground it

Special Report: The War, The Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 145

@00:18:59 centcom base which is built underground

The End Is Near, The War Will Cover Up The Collapse -- Episode 144

@00:17:11 cencom which is a base underground which

Computer Malfunction Halts The Market, A Cyber Attack Would Decimate It -- Episode 143

@00:14:23 naman which is an underground base of
@00:14:37 and underground so it's impervious to

Governments Are Strategically Positioning Themselves For The Economic Collapse -- Episode 140

@00:10:46 that the new centcom underground war
@00:11:22 is secret it's underground and this
@00:30:21 underground bunker set up with 273