

@00:00:17 whistleblower and his details about iran
@00:03:42 payment sent to iran to cover up the
@00:03:47 sent iran all this money
@00:06:41 plane of cash going to iran extortion
@00:06:56 biden and iran
@00:12:48 iran and obama biden we have

[8.5] Beirut Booms - FBI Raids - Biden's Fails - Trump Talks UFOs - Joe Rogan Rags on Q Followers

@00:04:28 iran first the warheads were destroyed
@00:05:11 iran basically so this could have been a
@00:06:11 he digs this up and it says iran
@00:06:17 the defense minister in iran says the
@00:07:29 iran thinks it can hide weapons depots
@00:07:59 iran
@00:08:03 or like a hezbollah store that iran
@00:08:21 that iran is fully prepared to render
@00:08:38 well then it makes sense that iran is
@00:09:00 held by held by iran or hezbollah or

[5.11] Weekend QAnon - OBAMAGATE! - Info Warfare - Plandemic CENSORED - Trump Says No Vax Needed!

@00:23:28 iran same thing
@00:33:45 dealings with russia iran with china

Up Your Metal Stash While The Markets Crash!

@00:08:59 undervalued so it's it is an iran

[1.13] New Jersey Vaccine Win! - Free Iran! - Epstein Docs - Veritas #Expose2020 & More

@00:01:04 iran some things going on in american
@00:06:32 on in iran so the protests there in iran
@00:07:09 mean these people in iran are really
@00:07:57 in iran because i've seen multiple
@00:07:58 videos in recent days where in iran they
@00:08:23 iran look at what's going on in hong
@00:08:35 to see so that's happening in iran one
@00:08:38 more thing going on in iran too before
@00:08:44 how about this iran state tv sees at
@00:09:16 right i love it i love to see iran

[1.8] I’m in Australia! - Iran - AUS Fires - Attacks on Q - CNN & NYT

@00:08:07 talk iran okay cuz that's just crazy
@00:08:14 events of apparently iran sending some
@00:08:29 crash happening in iran all tonight okay
@00:08:40 up and talk about the general iran
@00:09:47 connected to there and iran as well
@00:10:11 the cia's point guy there in iran that
@00:10:18 iran is exact same thing that cia does
@00:11:48 thank you so and iran no i don't feel
@00:14:39 power in iran to mit let's back this up
@00:14:46 out maybe somebody there in and iran
@00:16:02 were cut no war iran next on the list it
@00:16:32 twitter here iran says it has concluded
@00:16:48 account def con so iran says it
@00:17:12 something like that what if we see iran
@00:18:10 about what's going on and iran although
@00:18:20 another one iran was one before it was
@00:18:37 undergoing a cleanup right now well iran
@00:20:07 maybe they're doing that in iran maybe
@00:20:17 state black site well free iran a little
@00:20:28 crash in iran funny enough one of the
@00:20:40 could say and he grew up in iran he
@00:20:43 still has some family in iran but he
@00:20:51 going on in iran and he literally told
@00:20:59 solomon he's family in iran literally
@00:21:28 in the middle east in iran graffiti in
@00:22:24 seeing in iran to show of support for
@00:22:39 in iran that are being forced to show
@00:24:24 iran i think it was malaysian airlines i
@00:25:46 arrived in iran at 8:00 with the caveat
@00:26:08 iran sent which that just totally sounds
@00:26:25 was like a rogue person with an iran
@00:26:53 there's weird stuff going on with iran
@00:42:51 and fly it over iran i'm sure they got

"John Here To Help" Talks To Redpill78 And TruReporting - I've Got Questions

@00:24:34 talking iran and into talking elites
@00:24:39 supposed miracle frequency he said iran
@00:24:55 and he said they're trying to go to iran
@00:28:38 many times are negotiating with iran to

[8.29] 8chan - Space Command - Comey Report - Epstein - Vaccines - Monsanto

@00:14:25 number two is obama's dealings with iran

[7.23] Q's Latest - Classified D.C. Missions - FBI Searches LA City Hall - Epstein - Iran Spies

@00:00:55 taking a look at iran i'll be giving you
@00:28:05 happening alright let's move on to iran
@00:28:09 i ran so iran saying that it has
@00:28:34 news this didn't happen but still iran
@00:29:10 it's a hint that iran is soon to be
@00:29:33 that iran is in the process of being
@00:29:59 eyes on iran i don't doubt that very
@00:30:06 because i've seen pictures of iran it

[7.19] QAnon Baby! - Epstein Doc Dumps - Area 51 - Flu Vaccine EO - “Healthy” Chemtrails?

@00:20:28 donald trump had on iran yesterday now
@00:20:32 going on with iran allegations of drones
@00:20:35 being shut down and iran taking uh

[6.18] Weekend Recap - QAnon / Flynn / NXIVM / UFOs / Vaccines / MMS / Iran

@00:12:52 that oil tanker incident near iran in a
@00:23:21 iranians to say it was iran is very
@00:23:29 on iran for certain optics right now but
@00:23:35 networks in iran you know you can't say
@00:23:58 understanding arrests made in iran as
@00:24:04 iran bust large cia run network so there
@00:24:07 was a cia run network in iran that iran
@00:24:33 and iran why wouldn't it be
@00:24:34 cia networks in iran there's a lot of
@00:24:37 bad stuff in iran deep state
@00:24:40 in iran - okay so i hope the good in
@00:24:43 iran is gaining the upper hand and i
@00:24:52 peace with iran can come very very soon

[5.24] New Q! / FISA DECLAS Begins / MMS Attacked by the Media / UFO Disclosure & Space Force

@00:44:21 imagine iran is still involved with that

[1.2 Live] 2018 Recap

@00:18:42 iran cyberattack remember that one where
@00:18:46 there was a cyber attack aimed at iran

Is Crypto About To BLOW In 2019?

@00:04:26 you see the network's you know in iran

[8.29] QAnon / Iran Deal / Vatican / China "Hacking" Clinton / FISA Disclosures / 9/11 Truth

@00:01:16 cover iran the vatican what's going on
@00:04:42 what's really going on with that iran
@00:05:44 or people involved in the iran deal
@00:06:26 and it was done so that iran deal could
@00:07:00 bad so sad also in terms of iran this
@00:07:07 iranian post iran has arrested dozens of
@00:07:16 iran big shit's gonna happen there and
@00:07:18 this is that big shit going on so iran
@00:08:31 so that's what's going on with iran in

[8.28] Aug 27/28th QAnon Analysis

@00:12:08 q then saying here watch iran something
@00:12:14 people of iran have the power fight for
@00:12:23 regime change in iran yada-yada
@00:12:35 q was saying here the people in iran

[7.31] Latest Q Analysis - Assassination Attempt (Avenatti) and MSM Attacks

@00:09:57 foundation layers uranium one iran human

[7.3] Antifa Knockout! / Q: "No Civil War" / FBI Foils July 4th Terror Plot

@00:19:36 terror attempt iran diplomat among four
@00:19:54 iran being next in an uprising there in
@00:20:12 so i wonder was it an iran diplomat set

[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

@00:07:08 with the good people of iran who are

[5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian

@00:03:02 pickle will iran expose the names of
@00:03:35 will iran expose the names of corrupted
@00:03:40 iran was going to expose the names of

[5.15] - Iran & John Kerry implosion/Pope taking a "leave"/"Why People Believe in Weather Control"

@00:00:28 iran so zero hedge reporting here that
@00:00:30 iran threatened to name politicians who
@00:00:39 pulling out of the iran deal a lot of
@00:00:46 what's really going on with the iran
@00:00:54 iran deal so iran can have a nuclear
@00:01:02 all this bullshit when really the iran
@00:01:18 this iran deal crumbling that's now
@00:01:48 because that iran deal is failing a lot
@00:02:34 with iran and still sticking on zero

[5.15] - Q: Honeypot Billboard/Flag-Firetruck Confirmation/ALL FOR A LARP?

@00:00:35 iran john kerry we're gonna talk about

[5.13] - Q: Stay The Course

@00:18:30 just in regards to iran saying that
@00:18:35 a black site a secret site in iran to

[5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed

@00:02:59 iran these disclosures coming out about
@00:03:08 quietly seeking to salvage iran deal
@00:03:16 kerry iran deal report sparks chatter
@00:03:23 running around trying to say this iran
@00:03:31 create a boogeyman and iran and there's
@00:03:37 involved with this iran deal so he's
@00:03:47 and iran important context for future

5.2 QAnon Analysis - Greedy Folks/IRON EAGLE/Iran & Syria

@00:08:39 overseas right now especially with iran
@00:10:22 same time we got events in iran so in
@00:10:26 iran of course there was some attacks
@00:10:30 excuse me not in iran they were in syria
@00:10:41 here define the terms of the iran
@00:10:49 republic of iran what if great question
@00:10:52 iran created a classified satellite
@00:11:21 iran amazing revelations we're having go
@00:11:35 so this whole iran nuclear deal was
@00:11:39 cover iran sir no you know we won't have
@00:12:27 here netanyahu saying iran lied european
@00:12:35 admitting on the world stage that iran
@00:13:03 this but israel saying iran lied and
@00:13:05 then iran saying no israel's netanyahu

4.26 - Q: #releasethetexts/Kanye Wont Quit/JFK Files/Possible New 9-11 Investigation

@00:04:47 korea iran russia china mexico all
@00:05:13 iran and of course the rest of the world
@00:12:55 in regards to iran now to talk about
@00:12:58 that because cusing of course iran is
@00:13:32 he's not trust in the plan from iran and

4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

@00:01:19 the iran deal it's talking about
@00:01:25 that go to iran you can see this line
@00:01:40 telling us here is that iran is used
@00:04:22 iran any other rogue nuclear states
@00:08:15 shortly another mention of iran bigger
@00:08:18 problems than ever before signal to iran
@00:08:32 union to remain in the iran deal you
@00:08:39 still talking iran deal hostage no more

#DestroyingTheIllusion QAnon Analysis - April 10th 2018

@00:03:46 iran being one of the next ones very
@00:03:54 articles coming out about iran saying
@00:18:13 iran is next now north korea oh now
@00:18:15 they're gonna use iran is their deep as
@00:18:17 their proxy deep stays gonna use iran as

4.7 - Trump Tower Fire/German Car Attack/Iran Hacked/Top Vatican Arrest/Another Dead Dr.!

@00:02:09 iran so iran hit by a global cyber
@00:02:23 centers in iran where they left the
@00:02:32 mean didn't q say iran was one of the
@00:02:38 chiki now we're moving from iran over to
@00:04:10 going on in regards to iran and now in

4.4 - Latest QAnon:APRIL SHOWERS/Awan & "Rogue D.C. Cellular Spy Network"

@00:05:33 cue here iran north korea uranium one

2.8 - Mainstream Media Russian Propaganda Push, Q's Big Pharma Posts & More

@00:13:55 with iran backed militias and this is

1.18 - "Meteors"/Trump @ Pentagon/Newsweek Raided/#FISAgate/Lockheed SSP Disclosures?

@00:15:59 china such as china and iran to censor

1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

@00:09:53 iran at least in context there i can't
@00:10:05 in iran were hitting hitting the fan
@00:10:12 unmarked planes fleeing iran and it
@00:18:06 and speaking of iran remember we had the
@00:18:09 former iran prime or president a medina
@00:18:31 surrounding iran right now i want to

1.5 - STORM SURGE - Planes/Arrests/Clinton/Sessions/Fusion GPS/Comey & More!

@00:11:05 events going on in iran and the trump

1.1 - Indictments, GITMO & Airport Weirdness (The Storm Cometh)

@00:03:57 you know i reported on iran i've seen
@00:04:04 flights going out of iran and they'll

12.31 - Twitter Debacles(Liz Crokin!)/False Flags/Iran Fallout/Imran Awan & More

@00:11:24 let's talk about iran so the events in
@00:11:26 iran first we're gonna go to jack do i
@00:11:39 gonna begin talking about the iran
@00:11:56 so when the iran story first started
@00:12:04 says iran holds pro-government rallies
@00:12:23 going on in iran then it forced cnn and
@00:12:31 iran restricts scholz from media and
@00:12:41 these protests in iran and then of
@00:13:00 iran was trying to restrict social media
@00:14:32 and iran the people are finally getting
@00:14:57 iran so it looks like some things are
@00:15:27 with iran i just love this one that i
@00:15:36 and thousands of women around iran are
@00:16:10 flights are getting out of iran with no
@00:16:18 lots of flights are getting out of iran
@00:16:35 everywhere not only out of iran but into

12.22 - Q/Executive Order/Uranium One/FBI/Pedogate News & More!

@00:05:47 iran let's see we are moving fast he
@00:14:07 targeting the iran-backed

11.29 - New Anon?/Q/Trump Tweets/Lauer&Scarborough/NK

@00:20:08 isis gone iran being handled north korea

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:26:13 calling iran and terrorist hezbollah

Interview w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney - Corruption in Politics & Meetup Suppressing the #UNRIG Campaign

@00:19:06 raised in iran so he was utilized by the
@00:38:54 against russia and china and iran and

5.23 - 5/22 Manchester False Flag as Seth Rich Story Explodes & BIG Project Updates

@00:07:48 note it was iran actually one of their i
@00:08:13 iran kind of talking and then lastly