
[9.8] Q: They are being forced into the light for all to see - Trump vs. the MIC - VACCINES

@00:08:00 not just nasa but they also went to many

[7.25] Live: Coffee, Q & UFOs

@00:36:31 nasa projects and stuff and like other

[1.10] WaPo on John Huber - B Clinton on Epstein's Plane - Cancer Death Rates - Secret Space Program

@00:15:04 know typical mainstream bs nasa
@00:15:49 when i see articles like this about nasa

[12.13] Helluva Week Recap: IG Report - Impeachment - Greta - Vaccines - SPACE FORCE!

@00:24:39 nasa might not have the technology that
@00:24:48 are outside way outside of nasa and

What Can We Learn About UFOs From QAnon?

@00:20:33 nasa faked the moon landings have we
@00:21:30 little thing that nasa touches or has
@00:22:10 really did find on the moon the nasa

Two Years of Q!

@00:29:14 worked on nasa projects and all these

[8.3] GarageCast - Scary Hats, Taking Back Symbolism, & How to Health

@00:22:26 hmm nasa here's a comment nasa is the
@00:22:43 sky comment is referring to nasa a large
@00:22:50 information about nasa being used

[7.21] Garage Talk: DTI Happenings & Q&A on Space (Apollo, UFO, Antarctica, Space Force)

@00:15:19 nasa moon landing it went down and he
@00:16:54 was nasa for decades and then more

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief (Given April 10th, 2019)

@00:04:27 community the media especially in nasa

Guess Who’s Back Live Chat

@00:32:54 fake everything we hear from nasa is a
@00:32:59 thing we hear from nasa is gonna be a
@00:33:15 get from nasa or other sources right so

[5.14] RIP Kappy / Space / FISA / NXIVM / 5G / Monsanto / Vaccines

@00:11:14 administration we were restoring nasa to

[4.22] Sri Lanka / Vaccine Fake News / CIA Remote Viewing / False UFO Disclosure

@00:15:46 from nasa so am i gonna trust what comes

[3.29] Facebook & Twitter / EMP / NXIVM / Combatting Vaccine HYSTERIA / Back to the Moon

@00:12:59 vice-president pence giving nasa five
@00:13:05 decades secretly nasa might claim it

[3.15] Live Chat - Back to Business, The Great Awakening!

@00:30:39 day i type in space space force nasa

[2.10] Latest QAnon - "It's Time To Return PUBLICLY"

@00:08:11 this is countdown 101 the nasa website
@00:08:17 parameters of how nasa counts down to

[2.4] DTI Updates & Current Events Talk

@00:24:15 smokescreen organizations like nasa and

[1.20] Border Announcement / Bush's Pizza / GMOs / Vaccines / Govt. UFO Program / CERN

@00:18:07 okay nasa and again smokescreen
@00:18:10 organization with nasa very little
@00:18:20 information nasa doesn't say et cover-up
@00:18:25 don't talk about so why is nasa trying
@00:24:11 that cern cern is much like nasa in my

[1.8 Live] Golden Globes / RGB / Wall / World Bank Prez / Max Spiers

@00:09:34 gosh you know how nasa rate or nasa

Politics & UFO's Go Hand In Hand

@00:04:41 former nasa astronauts with the i don't

[1.2] New Sealed Indictment Count / Trump's Poster / Flynn / 9.11 Hackers / Space Tech

@00:13:27 what we're gonna get from nasa
@00:13:30 you know nasa has always been used as
@00:13:40 speaking of that one weird asteroid nasa
@00:14:27 many of them were filled into nasa huh
@00:15:19 ago that nasa posted a video on their

Secret Space Programs Get Mainstream Coverage on Christmas!

@00:18:46 lives over in the uk he hacked nasa

[12.12] Latest Q - Google - Yellow Vests - Israeli Trafficking Busted - Delonge's "To The Stars"

@00:14:09 nasa cries foul now this is an example
@00:14:34 landing and then nasa can cry foul and
@00:14:42 get caught up with the nasa narratives
@00:15:09 you know nasa christ fowl they shit on
@00:15:33 nasa landed on the moon it just makes
@00:15:35 also since that nasa didn't tell us what

[12.5] Latest Q Update (Flynn, Huber) & Partial UFO Disclosure Psy-Ops

@00:16:44 curiosity rover the nasa rover still on
@00:16:51 on mars and nasa isn't sure what it is
@00:16:57 all right next one nasa scientists says
@00:17:04 nasa scientist
@00:17:09 scientists at the nasa ames research
@00:20:29 nasa might be finding evidence of what

[11.28] Trump's Treason Meme / NASA Mars Landing / Antarctica / GMO Mosquitoes / Vaccines

@00:00:13 talk about i want to discuss nasa that
@00:04:20 now let's get into nasa
@00:04:21 so nasa yesterday landing their mars
@00:04:45 to take away from these people at nasa
@00:05:27 jet fuel right with these nasa and
@00:05:31 understand nasa and spacex they're just
@00:06:26 the nasa landing of course he asked to

[11.26] New Q / Wikileaks & Assange / Space Force / NY State Senator Dead from Flu Shot?!

@00:13:46 the moon but i don't think what nasa was
@00:13:49 telling us about those nasa missions are
@00:14:01 things they did not expect and that nasa

Above Majestic Reaction & A Word on the Smear Campaigns

@00:15:11 claims you're just a nasa schiller

[10.23] China's BRIDGE (Q/Trump Rally) - Antarctica - Soros - Migrants - SPACE FORCE

@00:16:44 nasa spots strange rectangular iceberg

[10.14] Kayne / Vatican / Federal Reserve / Trump to Reform Cannabis / Chinese Spy Arrested

@00:02:13 and programs outside of nasa outside of

[10.14] Vaccine & Climate Change Propaganda Push / Space News!

@00:01:40 then we'll also discuss space space nasa
@00:19:14 saying that every nasa mission should be
@00:19:38 let's piece it together wow every nasa
@00:19:45 telescope nasa is finding more fast

[10.14] Live Chat

@00:12:12 programs way outside of nasa but
@00:13:13 totally trolling nasa with space force
@00:19:27 earth is flat nasa lies oh my god and
@00:30:38 blah blah blah nasa team hire mean calls

[10.1] 'To The Stars' 37 Million IN DEBT? / New Indictment Count / QAnon / Ebola & Monkeypox Scares

@00:04:58 about nasa a lot of this is gonna be
@00:05:00 about space so shifting over to nasa
@00:05:14 notes on nasa and one of those notes is
@00:05:23 fact that nasa is the public front to
@00:05:45 nasa recently and that's the fact that
@00:05:48 just because nasa is a smokescreen and
@00:05:57 nasa has ever put out is bad information
@00:06:13 is untrue okay nasa puts out a lot of

[9.28] LIVE - Kavanaugh / Esoteric Physics / UFOs / My Books

@00:08:42 life her dad was a high-level nasa

[9.24] LIVE: Q - Rosenstein - Kavanaugh - Space

@00:17:49 didn't say the nasa moon landings are
@00:18:08 nasa outside of spacex and funny enough

Q Confirms ET’s and Secret Space Programs

@00:02:33 bob wood he used to work for nasa and

Jack Posobiec & Alex Jones: The INFOWARS on Q

@00:15:57 mmm-hmm stop shilling for nasa how am i

[8.24] QAnon / Sessions / McCain / ex-CDC Head Arrested / NASA Moon Bases

@00:10:00 discuss with you guys here nasa i always
@00:10:04 you know me so the nasa chief wants to
@00:10:10 and not only do we have the nasa chief
@00:10:18 some things about nasa yesterday saying
@00:10:33 know what i'm gonna say here nasa never
@00:10:35 a straight answer you know ok nasa chief
@00:11:05 nasa using rocket fuel to send

[8.14] Censorship Continues / NBC Q Attack / Mysterious Deaths / UFO Limited Hangout

@00:14:05 ex nasa contractor is facing federal

[5.17] Q Analysis: Weiner's Laptop Unsealed/London Photos/Pope's Personal Guardian

@00:17:43 we're looking at it now it's a nasa

[5.6] Kerry/McCain/NXIVM's Human Experiments/New "Advanced" Technologies Disclosed

@00:14:17 nasa is also announcing the fact that
@00:14:36 the air force the navy and nasa and this
@00:15:00 same time we're talking nasa we're

[5.4] Q: Trip Change/NEW SEALED RECORD COUNT/Trump: "BOOM"/Dead Doctors/More Arrests Soon

@00:15:30 national space day nasa successfully
@00:15:48 according to nasa is gonna have to come
@00:15:52 anytime i see something from nasa i just
@00:15:58 nasa is a total smokescreen total front
@00:16:43 nasa never a straight answer and it's
@00:16:48 nasa symbol that's like a common
@00:16:53 wearing nasa shirts so i have a it's
@00:17:01 nasa does not unfortunately give us the
@00:17:06 nasa you know very smart individuals

Interview w/ Dane Wigington of GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.ORG - Current State of the Geoengineering Fight

@00:17:38 nasa satellite imagery every day from
@00:28:10 hand somebody data with nasa images

DTI News 4.18 - Criminal Referral for Comey, Clinton, McCabe/Germany Human Trafficking Arrests

@00:13:42 on that same topic let's talk about nasa

The 5 Minute Redpill: Geoengeering (aka "Chemtrails")

@00:01:41 the noaa by nasa and by various

The 5 Minute Redpill: Secret Space Program

@00:03:16 into us military and nasa government
@00:03:19 computer and nasa computers in 2000 and

Examining "Flat Earth" - Why ROUND Matters

@00:02:41 first premise nasa or the deep state
@00:03:01 well not necessarily nasa or the deep
@00:03:07 granted yes absolutely nasa is a total
@00:03:56 made or operated by nasa whether it's
@00:04:55 yes nasa is a total smokescreen for a
@00:05:09 nasa but i think that's a topic for

Interviewing Dr. Michael Salla on Antarctica's Hidden History & Secret Space Programs

@00:08:20 initial reaction of nasa and most
@00:08:51 probes that nasa would eventually send
@00:09:12 now nasa basically said that it was no

Secret Space Program Insider William Tompkins Final Interview - July 23rd, 2017

@00:08:10 this is way way before nasa even existed
@00:47:46 in sight in four years before nasa even


@00:25:50 disinformation in psyops nasa has always

1.10 - Disinfo Ramping Up & Situation Report

@00:27:20 some interesting glowing nasa clouds in
@00:28:36 it was about a nasa spacecraft detecting

Interview w/ James Gilliland of ECETI - Deep State, True Human History, UFO Disclosure & Ascension

@00:10:17 so nasa knows that we're getting slammed
@00:18:48 things are measurable i mean nasa knows
@00:19:56 driver here and now even a lot of nasa
@00:42:31 right now and nasa knows all about them
@00:42:42 bow and tailing them and we call it nasa
@00:43:11 know you've had nasa scientists and all
@00:43:20 from there so yeah yes nasa has at least

12.19 - New Q/ATL Plane/SEA Train/MSM UFO/ET Coverage

@00:24:52 know has a bunch of nasa physicists and

12.18 - Storm Cometh/Fake UFO Disclosure/ATL Airport/CDC Words/Obama/Pope

@00:25:28 right not only that we had nasa

12.15 - Q Suppression/McCain/Sex Harassment Latest/Pedogate&Space News

@00:19:54 nasa was using that kepler observatory

12.13 - Storm Update & Q/Roy Moore Sting!/Indictment Unsealed?/"Asteroid"=ET CRAFT

@00:23:42 with an announcement tomorrow by nasa of

12.12 - Q/Schiff/FBI/Fusion GPS/MSM: "Spacecraft passing Earth?!"

@00:00:29 cigar-shaped asteroid that nasa found in

12.11 - False Flag Sacrifice to Distract from Storm & Another Plane Crash Near Rothschild HQ

@00:12:20 things nasa well but they also went into

12.10 - More Q/Storm Coverage/Weird Aircraft (or UFO?)/More Booms/Antarctica Anomaly

@00:24:50 but speaking of discoveries nasa on

12.6 - D.C. Raids/Q/UFO News/Jerusalem/PGate News/CA Fires

@00:12:30 discovery in six years nasa mission a

12.5 - Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures

@00:36:25 or remember nasa getting a photograph of

12.4 - MegaAnon&Q/Flynn/Space Noises/Dead Dr #80/More Soft Disclosure

@00:23:56 extraterrestrial life and nasa and the
@00:24:14 russian billionaire not nasa man cover
@00:27:33 smokescreen for the truth and nasa you

Shit People Ask Jordan Episode #1

@00:41:07 on nasa never a straight answer right
@00:41:15 and how he hacked nasa computers back in
@00:41:37 there you go that's what i think of nasa

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG

@00:13:59 that it was nasa not cia that was the

11.27 - Veritas/Weinstein/Clinton/Dead Doctor/Aliens AREN'T Demons

@00:13:44 they call an asteroid that nasa has been

11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy

@00:09:56 reason nasa and the government is really

11.20 - New Q/Antarctica/MidEast Crumbling/Rothschild&Soros

@00:19:22 an astronaut and iss spark claim nasa is
@00:19:25 hiding evidence of ets of course nasa
@00:21:56 underground this was on nasa again never
@00:22:02 on their logo a new nasa study adds

11.10 - Q Updates - Possible Arrests Tonight? & ANTARCTICA Info

@00:09:49 rapidly melted from below says nasa nasa
@00:09:54 right never a straight answer nasa and

"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

@00:06:11 outside anything nasa has ever claimed

Disarming Climate Change Propaganda

@00:16:40 nasa or noaa noaa the national ocean and
@00:22:17 brian o'leary who is a former nasa

8.2 - Human Trafficking News & Mainstream UFO/Alien Stories (NASA Hiring Space Officers?)

@00:09:03 that nasa has a job opening for someone
@00:09:39 and this wording nasa has a job opening
@00:09:52 there's a officer that nasa hires to
@00:13:49 cooper another nasa astronaut who is on
@00:14:10 about dr. brian o'leary another nasa

7.26 - Secret Space Program on Mainstream Media, Awan Brother Arrest, Trump/Sessions Distraction

@00:06:04 besides nasa remember gary mckinnon was
@00:06:06 the it specialist who hacked into nasa

Ways Secret Space Programs Have Stayed Secret

@00:02:50 covertly operating behind nasa or the

7.19 - McCain's Brain Cancer, UFO Tracks ISS, MSM Disclosures & Dark Web Mastermind Dead

@00:05:56 saturn an x nasa scientist claims of
@00:06:26 nasa scientists a former nasa engineer
@00:06:36 previously worked for nasa has made
@00:09:43 congressman asking nasa if there's an
@00:10:05 actually held a panel in front of nasa
@00:10:08 scientists and he asked a nasa
@00:11:36 of nasa scientists and ants ask these

7.17 - A Haitian Official "Suicided" by Clinton? & Strawman Accounts Being Accessed?

@00:05:55 temperature the data produced by nasa

In TX, Off to Vegas in 3 days for the MUFON Symposium, "The Case for a Secret Space Program"

@00:00:23 discussing nasa and a spokesperson from
@00:00:27 nasa claimed that they no longer have
@00:00:32 to mars by 2030 so nasa is claiming that
@00:01:52 think nasa is actually broke another
@00:02:46 projects and nasa has always been the
@00:03:14 nasa and military computers in 2002 and
@00:05:37 nasa is trying to cover their ass as
@00:05:44 same day earlier this week that nasa

7.8 - Trump Tweets Podesta, Air Force Opposing Space Corps, Antarctic Energy Burst

@00:05:58 administrator of nasa is not happy about
@00:07:57 to nasa when it said do not touch right
@00:08:00 maybe this whole air force and nasa

7.6 - Big #Pedogate Advancements - Vatican UFO B.S. - Beware 7/7 False Flag

@00:05:29 nasa spokesperson coming out about that

7.5 - Trump Revives the National Space Council & NASA Denies Running a Martian Slave Colony

@00:04:09 facade much like nasa is a facade hiding
@00:06:42 up here nasa denies running a mars child
@00:10:32 what alex jones then did and nasa of
@00:10:37 this article on the daily mail a nasa
@00:10:50 story out there that nasa denied running
@00:10:56 and whatnot so nasa you know the nasa
@00:11:07 nasa
@00:11:08 here's the thing nasa can deny it
@00:11:11 because nasa is not to run what not the
@00:11:19 does so of course nasa can deny it
@00:11:40 went into aerospace corporations nasa
@00:13:58 nasa has to cover their ass right people

6.27 - CNN Caught Red Handed, Worldwide Cyberattacks, FBI Twitter Leaks, & Expect More False Flags

@00:08:29 that nasa is about to disclose alien
@00:08:59 out saying that nasa could disclose

Do you feel that something big is about to happen?

@00:01:25 we had anonymous recently say that nasa
@00:02:28 this nasa announcement with this space

6.24 - Did Google Just Reveal a Human Facility on Mars?

@00:01:20 article it says is google or nasa making

6.22 Sci/Tech News - Mummified ET Unearthed, Global Earthquakes & MSM admits Free Energy

@00:07:33 describing nasa about to announce the

6.19 - Pedogate Arrests, Leaked UFO Docs, Mainstream Media Layoffs & Navy Collision

@00:13:56 brain but today nasa announced that they
@00:14:57 fake announcement by nasa or the front
@00:15:04 that nasa always loves to partner with

Extraterrestrial Disclosure in the Mainstream Media - Who Will Tell Us The Truth First?

@00:09:58 organizations exist like seti and nasa

6.6 - London False Flag Obvious, FBI Arrests NSA Contractor, & Did FBI Raid Huma Abedin's House?

@00:07:43 days ago and that was nasa to create
@00:08:15 where we heard those terms before nasa
@00:08:42 here it is boom right there nasa
@00:08:51 nasa because
@00:08:54 they suck nasa can't explain what made
@00:09:33 mars and again nasa never a straight

6.3 - Seth Rich Updates, MSM Goes Full Anti-Hillary, Critiquing Mainstream Science

@00:08:23 that nasa there's been a lot of articles
@00:08:26 running around the internet where nasa
@00:08:34 effect but again look at nasa
@00:08:36 nasa is never a straight answer their
@00:09:29 unlearn then relearn but nasa trying to

5.23 - 5/22 Manchester False Flag as Seth Rich Story Explodes & BIG Project Updates

@00:09:08 favorite shitty news outlets about nasa

5.9 - Trump vs. ISIS, NASA Mining the Moon, & Hanford Tunnel Collapse

@00:04:53 was by about nasa and it says a nasa
@00:04:59 help them mine the moon and it says nasa

Relearning Antarctica - Nazi Bases, ET's, & Ancient Civilizations

@00:16:49 as there's a scientist from nasa is
@00:17:33 of freaking sense because when nasa gets

Overview of the Secret Space Program - Crunching the #'s

@00:00:42 spacecraft that we just nasa didn't tell
@00:20:13 understand that nasa sucks and there's
@00:20:18 nasa write a lot of stuff they don't

5.2 - Deep State Proxy Destruction & MSM 1/2 Truth Disclosures

@00:15:06 was actually a nasa scientist he called
@00:18:53 skipped right over nasa here
@00:18:55 nasa was saying that mankind is about to
@00:18:59 actual like administrator of nasa was
@00:19:38 nasa right never a straight answer nasa

4.30 - Is the MSM Seeding Our Consciousness Or Toying With It??

@00:03:09 even a nasa scientist himself i forget
@00:03:43 nasa scientists it's also been called
@00:05:19 people existed and then we have nasa
@00:05:27 a nasa article or an article that
@00:05:31 circulated around says nasa is on the
@00:05:40 been told that nasa is on the cusp of

4.25 - Soft Disclosure Everywhere - Sex Trafficking on Dr. Oz & UFO's in the News

@00:04:33 former nasa librarian and then some like

De-Occulting NASA's New Announcement

@00:00:21 month ago when nasa had their last press
@00:02:13 this new press conference that nasa just
@00:02:48 nasa they're gonna tell us there's
@00:05:45 with this new nasa discovery because
@00:05:47 nasa of course it's their front
@00:06:28 space program and a lot of what nasa is

4.14 - More MSM Sex Abuse Articles, Wikileaks Dumps Vault 7 "Hive", & NASA's Announcement

@00:04:14 picture that nasa announcement that
@00:04:54 media and discuss that a nasa dump again

Is The Air Force's Secret Space Program Trying To Catch Up To The Navy's?

@00:03:37 also had gary mckinnon hacked some nasa

Who Needs A Lame NASA Announcement When You Can Learn About STARWATER!

@00:00:12 april 11th and i just got wind that nasa
@00:00:34 right nasa is finally giving us a little
@00:00:44 told us nasa never a straight answer and
@00:00:56 straight-up leave nasa behind because
@00:01:16 what nasa has to say we can search for

Was JFK Killed by the CIA Because He Wanted to Disclose ET Life and Free Energy...and Marilyn, too?

@00:08:17 head of nasa and it says subject
@00:08:43 write get nasa to work with the russians
@00:09:08 which was the head of nasa in that
@00:09:32 nasa where unknowns are a factor that's
@00:10:18 he wanted the head of nasa to get in on

Is HAARP Being Used To Melt Antarctic Ice And Reveal Ancient Civilizations?

@00:04:16 reports by nasa it was even on cnn that

The Occult Meaning of NASA's Exoplanet Discovery? "Trappist" = Partial Disclosure Reference?

@00:00:13 the new nasa discovery right and i just
@00:00:18 hate nasa i love to talk about how much
@00:00:21 front for the new world order nasa never
@00:00:25 thinking i'm like okay nasa right they
@00:00:37 something fishy about this because nasa
@00:00:39 i mean brief history nasa was set up
@00:01:14 and even with nasa right you look at the
@00:01:16 logo of nasa i'll put it right here for
@00:02:12 nasa discovery
@00:03:43 nasa the the front a a psyop by the
@00:07:41 symbolically telling us with this nasa

Feb23 Disclosure Report - Attack on Conscious Media as Cosmic Energies Intensify & Elite Infighting

@00:03:45 after nasa had their stupid-ass press
@00:03:50 never a straight answer that's nasa
@00:04:00 bullshit nasa filled with nazi
@00:04:12 in the nasa scientists were actually on
@00:04:37 nasa deleted the question and

Feb20 Disclosure Report - NASA in Antarctica, South Pole Ice "Low", Press Conference for "Discovery"

@00:00:20 stated why nasa is exploring alien
@00:00:25 following a nasa jpl doctoral student
@00:02:16 contrast to nasa studies that cnn
@00:04:53 nasa is holding a press conference in

Does A Secret Space Program Exist?

@00:00:04 anything nasa has out of the water you
@00:00:07 know what they call nasa right never a
@00:02:50 actually hacked into nasa computers and
@00:03:01 evidence of nasa airbrushing ufos out of

Why UFO Truth Has Been Suppressed

@00:00:05 scientific data from nasa itself states