Bill Gates

The Beatles, Nygard Exposed, Alex Jones Fires Millie, Epstein & Gates, Bill Clinton Photos

@00:11:24 everyone's been talking about bill gates
@00:11:32 uh we want to remind people about bill
@00:11:35 gates and his connection to epstein
@00:11:54 that not only did bill gates initiate a
@00:12:11 philanthropy that bill gates just wanted
@00:12:30 bill gates is a satanic pedophile and
@00:12:33 remember what bill barr said last year
@00:12:42 include bill gates

Clinesmith Only the Beginning, Dem Convention Exalts Mrs. Obama, Epstein's Private Banker Found Dead

@00:11:19 you see george soros here you see bill
@00:11:21 gates senior here

Bill Gates & Anderson Cooper in Panic Mode, Nadler Says Portland Riots a Myth, Ditka Defends Anthem

@00:01:17 the infamous bill gates
@00:03:48 now seen anderson cooper and bill gates
@00:05:39 bill gates the satanic pedophile ellen

Epstein Defender Supports Forced Vaccinations, Dems Paid PA Officials to Stuff Ballot Box

@00:06:30 the catastrophe of bill gates and foutch
@00:06:45 anthony fauci and financed by bill gates
@00:09:12 anthony fauci and bill gates both

Clinton Haiti Pedophile Ring Linked to Contact Tracing, Italy Calls for Bill Gates Arrest

@00:13:53 her last name right accuses bill gates
@00:14:04 to actually arrest bill gates but it's
@00:14:10 in italian but she just blasts bill
@00:14:12 gates i mean she brings up the fact that
@00:14:14 bill gates has called for a 10 to 15%
@00:14:30 just totally blasting bill gates and
@00:14:44 people aren't just assuming oh yeah bill
@00:14:47 gates is a nice guy we should go along
@00:17:03 bill gates arrest too many mexicans

HRC, Obama & Pizza Gate, Trump's Position on Vaccines, How Barr Can Intervene in Flynn Case

@00:12:05 state players as bill gates and the rest

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:08:25 effectively dumped the bill gates cdc
@00:08:49 during dr. foul qi and bill gates who
@00:09:10 overinflated data bill gates wants us to

Calling for Death Penalty on Fox News, POTUS Retweets Durham & Obama Posts, Protests Rage Across USA

@00:07:47 here it says doctor foul cheap bill
@00:07:49 gates and the democrats they want us to

Covid Crackdown Arrests 30 Pedophiles, Staged Media Hoax, Protecting Children from Big Pharma

@00:13:49 melinda gates commits 375 million for
@00:13:55 gates the billionaire wife of microsoft
@00:13:57 founder bill gates announced at the
@00:14:00 london that the bill and melinda gates
@00:14:48 gates bill gates all for population
@00:14:59 published by zero hedge bill gates
@00:15:07 combat co vid bill gates has inserted
@00:20:00 is from bill gates
@00:20:26 not only bill gates is doing but a lot
@00:21:10 bill gates you know he tries to say oh
@00:21:52 epstein case so i do believe bill gates

Michelle Obama & Laura Bush Fund,, PP Charged 25G for Body Parts, RFK Jr Links Fauci & Gates

@00:12:27 bill gates coronavirus vaccine will pay
@00:12:56 and the bill gates backed pharmaceutical
@00:14:17 foutch ii and bill gates yeah and again

POTUS Exposes FBI Scum, Flynn Loves Out of Shadows, Global Child Sex Ring Busted, Protests Across US

@00:12:58 bill gates found out as an evil fraud
@00:13:03 if you went to bill gates instagram you
@00:13:09 from people exposing bill gates and

Trump Human Trafficking Arrests, New Q Drops, Gates Reading Material, Biden Unrolling MO Endorsement

@00:11:14 so you see bill gates there and i don't
@00:11:27 would be reading material that bill
@00:11:29 gates would be reading pretty pretty

New Q Drops: Boris Healed, Brennan Key Focus of Durham, Trump Admin Opposes Bill Gates

@00:01:55 satan inspired vaccine from the bill
@00:01:58 gates foundation in order to conquer
@00:11:44 administration opposes bill gates
@00:12:07 technocratic oligarch bill gates who is
@00:12:23 it gates said during and asking anything
@00:12:27 virus but attorney general bill barr is
@00:12:30 skeptical of gates idea to tag people
@00:13:01 diabolical bill gates scheme i you know
@00:13:23 president trump is the bloc against bill
@00:13:25 gates trying to push forward this

New Q Drops: China and Shiva, Co-Opted Drudge, POTUS Sends Mutiny Message

@00:16:50 ninja bill gates is getting destroyed
@00:17:09 just flooding bill gates instagram
@00:17:15 diabolical bill gates is and his ties

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

@00:06:59 mean here's bill gates is uh touting
@00:07:05 bill gates and what the agenda for

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:08:30 this was from february 7th 2018 bill
@00:08:32 gates former doctor says billionaire
@00:08:39 bill gates who just loves to talk about

POTUS Confirms Child Sex Trafficking Crackdown, Hillary Clinton Loses, COVID-19 Per Corey's Digs

@00:05:24 out bill gates in the cabal thought they
@00:10:13 referring to bill gates with the scare
@00:10:17 of course the fact that bill gates is
@00:12:51 because bill gates the who and friends
@00:13:58 situation and working directly with bill
@00:13:59 gates to push his vaccines at what point

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:01:07 funded by bill and melinda gates bill
@00:01:10 gates his head of the deep states
@00:01:25 events yeah so it's no wonder that bill
@00:01:27 and melinda gates would be passing out

USNS Comfort & Haiti, USN Watkins Ghost Detainee Ship, Police Raid Elite LA Neighborhood, DS Threats

@00:10:56 america a deep state asset and bill
@00:10:58 gates a deep state asset america in

DOJ Indicts Maduro, Vatican Worker & NBC CEO Have Coronavirus, Deep State vs Trump

@00:05:24 from the daily mail where bill gates you
@00:05:26 know bill gates has the patent for this
@00:05:28 coronavirus right says bill gates warns
@00:06:26 so it's very very clear the bill gates
@00:06:35 time bill gates is saying at least six

Blockades on Runways, Ellen Degeneres Codes to Tom Hanks, Playboy Shuts Down

@00:04:40 going to shop and ask bill gates if he
@00:11:04 how bill gates owned the patent to this

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:09:54 that's gone on here i know that bill
@00:09:55 gates is stepped down from the board of

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:08:56 agenda 21 4 depopulation and that bill
@00:08:59 gates funded a wu hen lab where the
@00:09:49 children and also talking about how bill
@00:09:52 gates funded this wuhan lab which is the
@00:09:54 gantry i talked about bill cayton
@00:09:57 happened i've talked about how bill
@00:09:58 gates had this patent for this corona
@00:10:00 virus and they even now bill gates is

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:13:37 as well but you know we know that bill
@00:13:40 and melinda gates and their foundation

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:03:24 what it is it's it's bill gates trying

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:03:58 netflix documentary bill gates predicted
@00:04:32 none other than bill and melinda gates
@00:04:54 also bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:05:33 well of course it's our friendly bill
@00:05:36 and melinda gates foundation once again
@00:06:27 how you know bill gates just happened to
@00:07:31 here's what did it coronavirus bill
@00:07:35 gates owns a patent and runs simulation

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:03:39 the bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:05:53 surface level trying to benefit bill and
@00:05:55 melinda gates you know they produced the
@00:07:52 people like bill and linda gates so that

False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

@00:09:49 to talk a little bit more about bill
@00:09:50 gates i talked about a couple days ago
@00:09:53 how bill gates is such a hypocrite he
@00:10:03 children well here bill bates bill gates
@00:10:44 administer the vaccines bill gates is
@00:10:50 this technology be developed and as bill
@00:10:52 a melinda gates foundation funded the
@00:11:39 so again bill beck gates continued to

Gates Refused to Vaccinate, The Trump Legacy: Takedown of Satanic Pedophiles Continues

@00:01:08 bill gates and the world's elite do not
@00:01:31 now bill gates one of the biggest
@00:02:01 billionaire bill gates the infamous and
@00:02:56 outweighs any possible benefits bill
@00:02:58 gates three children jennifer phoebe and
@00:03:27 control schemes and insidious bill
@00:03:31 according to the truth weeky gates is
@00:03:45 bill and melinda gates foundation gates
@00:04:03 hypocrisy if bill gates who believe me
@00:04:20 with our bill gates are still hanging

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:23:05 original choice was yeah bill gates is
@00:23:26 to put a positive spin on it so bill
@00:23:28 gates is going to be caught up in what
@00:23:44 what what was bill gates doing hanging
@00:23:54 bill gates can huff and puff all he

Jordan Crushing Dems, Kamala Drops Out, Epstein & Maxwell used by Mossad

@00:13:19 for people like bill gates for people at

Kanye West & Joel Osteen, Prince Andrew Publicist Quits, 26 Children Rescued

@00:08:38 the united states like bill gates it's

Robert D. Steele the Satanist, President Trump Exposes Impeachment Coup, Air Force Pedophile

@00:16:38 pope francis and bill gates i've exposed

Responding to Russ Wagner Calling Me Out w/ Chris McDonald about Mark Taylor

@00:03:59 over the satanic pedophile bill gates

Cahn & Copeland, Hillary Projects, Disney Stonewalling, Epstein Sacrifice Altar

@00:08:42 no why did bill clinton why did bill
@00:08:50 did bill gates why do
@00:08:52 did bill and hillary clinton why did

Whistleblower Coward, Epstein Lairs Hit MSM, Amazon CEO & Epstein, Bethel New Age Satanist Video

@00:05:18 again why did bill clinton why did bill
@00:05:21 gates why did prince andrew why did

Assange Extradition, Elijah Cummings Execution, Darknet Child Porn Ring Destroyed

@00:10:17 kim said that bill gates would open this
@00:10:20 financial realm what i know about bill
@00:10:22 gates is he believes in human
@00:10:32 bill gates kim climatic talk very highly
@00:10:35 bill apes and said he'd help use his
@00:10:37 bill gates of course is also satanic
@00:10:44 bill gates is gonna be used by yah and
@00:11:44 wicked dude saying pope francis and bill
@00:11:47 gates are these awesome men he also said

Q Conference in ABQ, New Mexico: First 40 Minutes

@00:36:24 seeing bill gates he's going down
@00:36:40 bill gates relationship with epstein
@00:36:44 yeah so there's no way bill gates is

Cali Coast Military Aircraft, Holmseth Reports 2100 Children Rescued, Kim Clement on Pope

@00:06:27 offender and then then bill gates
@00:06:35 bill and this is again in response to
@00:06:40 done further investigation proving bill
@00:06:42 gates relationship started with jeffrey
@00:06:50 pedophile so bill gates he's gonna find

Judge Jeanine Nukes Impeachment Plans, Adrenochrome, Bannon & Epstein, Toronto Street Preacher

@00:12:32 microsoft founder bill gates and his
@00:12:34 wife melinda now we know bill gates and

McCabe: I'm Taking Everyone Down With Me, Massive Ohio Pedo Ring Busted, The Storm Is Now!

@00:06:08 defend himself just like bill gates has

Mitt Romney, Epstein, Mormon Satanic Ritual Abuse, Q's Timing

@00:02:00 from the business insider that says bill
@00:02:03 gates made donations to mit through
@00:02:25 in the world bill gates has been
@00:02:41 quote-unquote directed gates to donate 2
@00:02:50 reported meetings between bill gates and
@00:03:30 bill gates with yeah i think so i think
@00:03:40 bill gates in a story from 18 hours ago

Field McConnell: Holmseth Defies Illegal Court, Pence Stripped of All Authority

@00:02:10 believe - well i'm bill gates i i'd say

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:02:17 as evil and insidious as bill gates so i
@00:07:18 dropping like flies lately and then bill
@00:07:22 gates bill gates is out there saying he
@00:07:29 says he says well i guess bill gates
@00:07:40 so the epic times bill gates denies
@00:07:48 i mean les wexner bill gates all these
@00:09:49 ceos like bill gates the the dc

Epstein Artwork: Clintons, Bush, Q&A from Navy Intel Source

@00:02:57 degeneres hanks tom hanks bill gates
@00:03:27 of course bill gates we know about ellen

FBI Raids Epstein Island, Bill Gates Ensnared in Epstein Mess

@00:05:16 by the daily mail bill gates founder of
@00:05:19 microsoft bill bates flew with jeffrey
@00:05:33 bill gates flew from the teterboro
@00:05:46 let's see bill gates easter island
@00:05:56 revealed that bill gates flew from
@00:06:14 passengers a representative for gates
@00:06:19 comment hmm i wonder why you know bill
@00:06:22 gates this guy i mean i'm sure most of
@00:06:36 so it does not surprise me that bill
@00:06:38 gates would now be seen flying with a
@00:06:40 major satanic pedophile so bill gates is

Q, Hannity: "Buckle Up", Deep State Crumbling, Military Insider Update on BIO Threat

@00:01:06 mentioned bill gates and fema i had
@00:01:09 referenced the story bill gates just a
@00:01:26 last year you're mentioned bill gates

Sabbath Hike: Singing in the Falling Snow

@00:02:37 garcĂ­a y bill gates