
RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:07:51 comey
@00:11:48 former director james comey to take down
@00:12:30 had been briefed by comey about the

Not Your Typical Forest Fires, Prince Andrew with 15 Year Old, Harris Helped Accused Pedophile

@00:05:24 that james comey will testify before the

Trump Calls for Death Penalty, Pedo Sentenced to Death, Netflix Loses 9 Billion, Hanks Deletes

@00:21:46 uh people were saying how come comey
@00:21:57 comey corny
@00:21:58 comey so is this an indication with this
@00:22:06 comey or james corney is about to be

Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia Will Fail, GOP Demands Legal Action Against Netflix, New Cue Drops

@00:16:48 then we got james comey treason
@00:17:10 the indictment of james comey i'm not
@00:23:28 including james comey andrew mccabe jim

Hitler, Brownshirts & Today, Brennan in Panic Mode, Mueller Team Wiped Phones, Coordinated Fires

@00:05:24 obama meetings in which comey and mccabe
@00:16:34 the wrong person you look at comey if

Baphomet Head DNC Logo, Q GITMO Base, 39 Children Rescued, POTUS Demands Biden Take Drug Test

@00:06:29 why did comey drop this who was the fbi

Massive Crowds Surround Buckingham Palace, Google GITMO Camp Justice, Pizza Party Children's Book

@00:08:35 james comey
@00:08:36 said recently james comey has appeared
@00:08:50 and then he says james comey check your
@00:09:05 james comey to this senate judiciary
@00:09:11 actually putting comey in prison but it
@00:09:30 that comey and others perpetuated

Correct info Doll Website, More Pizzagate/Harris Info, Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty, Spiritual War

@00:04:56 comey client smith is the first
@00:06:20 director james comey
@00:06:54 james comey we'll have to see how this

Assassination Attempt on POTUS, 9 Pedos Arrested in Central Texas, John Paul Rice Exposes Pedowood

@00:04:38 joe biden knew about it uh comey
@00:06:48 comey under the bus
@00:06:50 everything on james comey now
@00:06:52 and of course when comey is brought

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:04:20 and that comey went rogue in doing that
@00:04:34 james comey under the bus yesterday
@00:04:58 yates now pointing the finger at comey
@00:06:08 so little about dirty cop james comey
@00:07:21 comey yates rosenstein all these people

Maxwell (Epstein) Docs Unsealed, Exposed Satanic Pedophile Elites Hit Main Stream News -- It's Begun

@00:12:53 comey and all those who looked the other
@00:13:34 mueller why wasn't james comey why

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:10:32 up with brennan and comey and mccabe and

General Flynn Finally Wins! DC Circuit Orders Case Dismissed!!! MS House Passes Major Abortion Ban

@00:07:28 that the discussion among obama comey
@00:07:41 the flynn case and comey states the

Barr Orders Execution of 4 Child Rapists, Child Murderers, Statue Removal Exposes Agenda

@00:05:28 obama officials including james comey
@00:06:55 james clapper james comey loretta lynch

deleted Here We Go Again: Atlanta Cop Kills Black Man, More Riots, CIA Counter Ops Will Fail

@00:15:55 subpoenas to people like james comey and

Trump Tweets Against Satanic Pedos, Huge Declass Imminent, 40% Black Trump Approval Rating

@00:06:47 uncorroborated and yet james comey fbi

Exposing More Satanic Pedophiles, Rosenstein Testifies, Obama Speaks to Nation

@00:04:21 following explosive testimony from comey
@00:05:18 removal shortly after fbi director comey

Antifa's Terrorist War On Our Nation

@00:16:26 hillary comey clapper and all these

Hannity Confirms Deep State Lawyered Up, PP Admits Under Oath to Selling Aborted Body Parts

@00:00:55 lowering up obama strock comey clapper
@00:01:24 page comey mccain and you know the

Obama's Shadow Presidency, Ohio Judge Strikes Down Lockdown, GOP Sues California, Fitton Declas

@00:01:28 national security perspective comey said
@00:01:37 liette comey said that could be an issue
@00:01:44 comey was saying that the nsc should not

Ukraine Releases Biden Scandal Tapes, Rice Email Exposes Obama, Trump Stops Unveiling Obama Portait

@00:02:06 clinton and comey and all the other
@00:07:25 obama and comey discussed at this
@00:11:33 comey brennan and dozens more over the
@00:11:55 these people are subpoenaed comey and

Declass Continues Exposing Comey & Obama, Don Jr Mocks Pedophile Biden, Battle Against Tyranny Rages

@00:01:29 2017 director comey affirmed that he is
@00:01:37 national security perspective comey said
@00:01:46 russian ambassador kis lyac comey said
@00:01:54 obama asked if comey was saying that the
@00:02:36 including comey well before the phone
@00:02:54 wiretapping him now comey say well
@00:03:10 including comey were trying to wiretap
@00:03:30 proving more and more that obama comey

deleted Trump & HCQ, Senate to Subpoena Obama Officials, 12 AGs Defend Flynn

@00:06:58 comey andrew mccabe james clapper john
@00:08:54 the removal of comey we've seen those

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:19:50 barack obama james comey and robert
@00:20:45 clinton comey mueller obama brennan

HRC, Obama & Pizza Gate, Trump's Position on Vaccines, How Barr Can Intervene in Flynn Case

@00:02:34 like a comey or a clapper or any of this
@00:02:38 out there that saying james comey and
@00:02:50 awaking i'm sorry but comey or clap or

Obama Lawyers Up, Declass of Obama Officials, Rand Paul Rebukes Fauci

@00:04:03 i commented on this i said obama comey

Declass Continues: Obama in Extreme Panic Mode, Schiff Scrambling, Bigger Bomb Next Week!

@00:02:52 with them fbi director james comey then
@00:03:46 yates recalled comey mentioning the
@00:03:50 comey did not talk about prosecution in
@00:09:48 comey
@00:09:49 posted yesterday james comey said the
@00:10:04 james comey is in complete panic mode
@00:10:09 ego mania of comey is chilling a neutral
@00:10:41 comey

General Flynn Totally Exonerated: Let Freedom Ring!!!!

@00:03:09 also told you comey brennan obama and
@00:03:35 comey brennan obama and clinton who
@00:03:50 now adam schiff comey brennan obama

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:04:47 but comey james comey pulled the plug a
@00:07:12 james comey situation with dr. pouchy
@00:07:15 because it's james comey who there
@00:07:26 was accusing bouchy ev and comey pulled
@00:07:43 between comey
@00:07:44 and found she and comey covering up for

Calling for Death Penalty on Fox News, POTUS Retweets Durham & Obama Posts, Protests Rage Across USA

@00:01:02 comey and brennan and the vile things
@00:02:21 on james comey john brennan and all
@00:06:07 talking points for director comey to go

Trump's Plan to Awaken Americans: Whitmer Sued, Doctors Outraged, Mayor Exposed

@00:14:08 from comey on down do what they did
@00:16:17 interview from michael comey where he
@00:16:34 of treason by james comey
@00:16:37 comey has to say you look at this white
@00:17:58 the gateway for comey that smug he's so
@00:18:00 smug but comey and many of these others
@00:18:11 responding to comey who put up this rose
@00:18:19 garden and what comey is doing you know
@00:18:53 so no matter what comey does and trying

Flynn Case Unsealed: Beginning of the End for the Deep State

@00:03:14 like then director james comey and then
@00:07:24 case against clapper brennan comey and
@00:09:14 reopened comey brennan hrc indicted

Nineteen New Q Drops: Be Ready, The Silent War Continues, DS Comms

@00:02:18 we see james comey at the top the chief

Q: We Are Ready, Solomon Suggests Handful of Indictments This Next Week, Obama's Wuhan Grant

@00:04:05 investigations on word james comey
@00:05:18 comey james comey helped to scrub them
@00:05:28 interesting and we know that comey has
@00:05:37 you couldn't find any reference to comey
@00:05:43 is directly referring to comey and we've
@00:06:11 server that comey helped to scrub and it
@00:09:25 criminal referrals on james comey
@00:12:35 shockwaves maybe james comey but i still

New Q Drops: Boris Healed, Brennan Key Focus of Durham, Trump Admin Opposes Bill Gates

@00:05:33 administration he leads to james comey

Durham Issues DC Grand Jury Subpoenas, Happy Feast of Firstfruits, Out of Shadows Documentary

@00:03:56 investigating the clintons strock comey

Dow Soars as Coronavirus Slows, Human Trafficking Takedown in Detroit & Arizona, POTUS & 5G

@00:09:18 comey we know he always speaks in code

POTUS Pink/Blue Tie, Flynn's New Banner, Scavino 10 Day Countdown, Deep State Attempts Train Crash

@00:09:25 comey where he said climbing is good
@00:09:30 these moves and you know we know comey
@00:09:38 trained was comey giving the goat
@00:09:52 if that's what comey was doing but
@00:09:54 wouldn't be surprised because comey you

Daily New US Coronavirus Cases Fall, Empty NY and LA Hospitals, POTUS Pushes Back Date to April 30th

@00:14:19 james comey just tweeted out a a picture
@00:14:50 say comey just where are you walking to

USNS Comfort & Haiti, USN Watkins Ghost Detainee Ship, Police Raid Elite LA Neighborhood, DS Threats

@00:06:35 have james comey now james comey has put
@00:07:10 what james comey is really saying we've
@00:07:30 alerts yeah we know james comey along
@00:14:59 maybe that is what james comey is

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:03:20 comey like hillary clinton like obama

Graham Launches FISA Probe, Ukraine Goes After Biden, Trump Sues Washington Post

@00:02:26 james comey former deputy attorney
@00:03:24 be calling these people like comey like
@00:05:13 james comey actually has now thrown his
@00:05:23 but james bonies james comey said i
@00:05:52 comey mark meadows responded to this and
@00:06:18 of james comey that's awesome
@00:06:19 so james comey is out there he's fooling
@00:06:32 comey endorsement this is so funny this
@00:06:38 buff's comey endorsement how can i
@00:06:46 one former fbi director james comey
@00:07:40 comey he's a satanic pedophile as well
@00:13:28 you know comey and strike obama hillary

Latest Dem Attempt to Falsely Accuse Trump Fails

@00:13:20 brennan and comey and andy mccabe and

Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

@00:05:26 lying less than what comey did and annie
@00:05:39 congress oh i see but so did comey and

Corey Feldman to Expose Hollywood Pedophiles, Nygard Canadian Clothing Manufacturer Faces Pedo Suit

@00:13:46 like we saw james comey do last year as
@00:13:59 and the clintons and strock and comey

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:01:20 comey andrew mccabe peter straub former
@00:02:05 james comey mccabe and peter struck all
@00:02:12 vestigation that is going to be of comey
@00:02:59 after the cave and comey and struck and

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:05:51 horowitz his report that james comey and

McCabe Will Face Justice, Durham After Brennan, Barr & Trump Theater

@00:03:33 do j's comey and mccabe's leniency
@00:03:53 with comey remember when everyone was
@00:09:59 others comey mccabe and others who were

Deep State on Trial, Mexico Pays for Trump's Wall, Kobe Bryant's Date of Assassination

@00:04:36 comey strock calling all the deep state

Q: The Shot Heard Around the World

@00:03:12 biden like james comey like so many of

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:10:57 notes ala james comey only this time
@00:12:04 nsa databases at the request of comey

Christianity Today Demands Pres Trump Be Removed, Warren Boasts of Endorsement from Ed Buck

@00:10:57 brennan comey and mccabe this is from
@00:11:21 brennan james comey and andrew mccabe
@00:12:43 comey and strock & mccabe it's not just

Pelosi Stalls, POTUS Exposes Phony Impeachment Hoax, Q Points Toward Supreme Court

@00:04:42 comey and all these deep state players
@00:10:36 private people can we think of comey and

Comey Admits Wrongdoing, POTUS Calls for Comey Jailtime, Q 1:29pm

@00:02:59 did with james comey yeah this was
@00:03:01 yesterday on sunday and where comey
@00:03:19 actually grills james comey really well
@00:03:42 trump's tweet in response to james comey
@00:04:14 coming for comey and so

WI Pedophile Ring Smashed, Vatican Promoting Homosexuality, New Q Drops

@00:14:17 comey we never thought that she would
@00:14:23 ago james comey if you read the ig
@00:14:26 report it's discovered that james comey
@00:14:41 comey doesn't want to have his security

Trump's Poll Numbers Skyrocket, Comey Hiding, Shazam 2 Pedophile Agent

@00:01:54 gonna call comey and straw and the cave
@00:02:11 james comey this satanic pattern
@00:02:51 goes on to say comey
@00:03:34 find out that comey basically declined

YouTube Demonitizes Me, Comey/Corney IG Report, Barr Says Late Spring 2020 for Durham Report

@00:05:41 cor any why instead of comey and it kept
@00:06:06 149 mentions and comey there's no
@00:06:20 drop showing comey in a cornfield and q
@00:08:14 mentions of comey in the oig report
@00:08:46 comey and really to all the satanic
@00:08:59 read the fights abuse sorry james comey
@00:09:02 nice try though comey was out there

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:08:28 under comey the satanic pedophiles the
@00:16:10 are you listening comey mccabe lovers
@00:16:25 to now specifically named comey mccabe
@00:16:37 report and put in comey you will find
@00:16:49 looks like comey and of course we know

IG Report Unleashed: 17 Significant Problems Revealed!

@00:05:15 senior officials think james comey
@00:08:41 comey we're talking about andrew mccabe

Q Conference New Jersey: Part 1 of 4

@00:38:43 call comey he's gonna call the cave he's

Pelosi Orders Articles of Impeachment, And We Know (SerialBrain2 reader) Unity Prayer

@00:05:24 comey schiff etc etc q is actually

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Suddenly ill: Navy Intel Source Right Again

@00:04:50 for if it gets to the senate james comey

Grassley: Harvest Begins, Biden Turns on Obama, UN Bankrupt, John B Wells & Aquino

@00:02:58 mccain andrew mccabe although comey will
@00:11:03 was you know saying that comey and

Navy Intel: More Info on Marines Directive 550/19 & StormisUponUs Responds to Jeb Bush

@00:10:32 people strop comey etc we're charges

Judge Jeanine Nukes Impeachment Plans, Adrenochrome, Bannon & Epstein, Toronto Street Preacher

@00:09:29 clintons obama mueller comey mccabe
@00:10:03 mueller comey behavior i thought they

Pastor Greg Laurie Satanic Hand Symbols, Trey Gowdy Speaks at Laurie's Church

@00:05:51 he was claiming that james comey would

Navy Intel Source: Trey Gowdy Spewing Disinformation, Soros in Custody

@00:03:22 james comey will be prosecuted peter

Treasonous Comey, Q and Lynch, POTUS Asked About Q

@00:02:44 already referred james comey to the doj
@00:02:52 possible reason that comey was not
@00:03:06 james comey for criminal prosecution
@00:03:38 what's gonna unfold james comey is going

Navy Intel: Target MK Ultra Instigator, Q Plan 17 Days Trumpets, Next Week I Am in Seattle

@00:03:47 struck paige comey clapper brennan rice
@00:07:03 officer of the cabal james comey
@00:07:20 about a tweet the james comey put out
@00:07:26 comey tweeted out special agent andrew
@00:07:41 needs you so again james comey who likes
@00:08:01 guess what comey is not going to last
@00:08:25 comey etc etc spending through the rest

McCabe Charges Recommended: And So It Begins . . .

@00:01:51 mccabe comey you can see even this story
@00:02:47 comey you're gonna see stroke you're

Comey Threatens POTUS, Alabama, Children's Hospitals, Google, Megachurch Pastor Suicide

@00:01:07 couple days ago james comey he said in
@00:02:01 comey is saying in so many words and of
@00:02:06 comey is on the run and he's going down
@00:02:47 tweet from james comey he talked about
@00:03:12 to throw that out as an aside comey of

Navy Intel Source: Chemtrails, Child Sex Trafficking, Dorian, China, Q & The Plan

@00:09:09 people in the pyramid like comey clapper
@00:10:08 these lower-level people like comey

Comey Code Panic, Exposing Franklin And Billy Graham as Satanic Pedophiles

@00:01:06 james comey storm is upon us tweeted out
@00:01:09 the following they referring to comey
@00:01:16 in little over a week that comey has
@00:01:26 referring to a tweet that james comey
@00:02:27 pedophilia himself so comey is in a deep

Flynn's Exoneration Nears, Bill Maher & Hollywood Pedophilia, Dorian Stalls

@00:09:06 comey depends so there you go

Child Sex Trafficking Disney Cruise Lines Abandons Workers, New Comey IG Report, Epstein Witness

@00:03:02 struck was biased comey violated fbi
@00:06:08 personally received about comey
@00:06:18 general report on comey is coming out
@00:06:20 brennan and clapper sent comey to entrap
@00:06:43 director james comey as a defensive
@00:06:50 report reveals fbi director james comey
@00:07:21 comey on and also by the way his satanic
@00:07:40 there that comey is going down and it's
@00:07:42 not just comey it's his boss obama obama

New Holmseth Post Court Footage, Comey Collapse, Deep State Turns On Royals

@00:01:52 comey because i still got bombarded i
@00:02:01 letting comey off oh okay i'm gonna be
@00:02:13 he says why get james comey on a parking
@00:02:22 james comey will be charged with the
@00:02:35 sex trafficking that comey has been
@00:02:42 they were to prosecute comey
@00:03:07 comey is guilty of high treason trying
@00:04:06 comey is out both mccabe and comey are
@00:04:31 he said comey has now become one of the
@00:06:34 to come for jim comey i'm gonna go ahead
@00:07:05 is still to come for jim comey and

McCabe Indictment, Hollywood MPAA Executive, Dozens of Epstein Accusers, Organ Harvesting

@00:02:14 okaycome ii was his boss james comey
@00:03:02 thinking oh comey was let off because

All FISA Warrants Illegal, Pedophile Pence AF2 SAM 239, The Perfect Storm

@00:01:47 from the get-go which means that comey
@00:02:51 totally comey who you know the
@00:05:14 happened back then comey brennan obama

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:02:02 yeah he did he did implicate comey he

Comey MSM Spin, More Navy Intel, Ratcliffe Exposing Secret Society

@00:01:27 prosecute comey for leaking memo memos
@00:01:51 not gonna prosecute comey and i just
@00:02:03 charges on comey handwritten memos
@00:02:19 comey had already sent them to this

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:05:14 code that basically were gonna see comey
@00:05:17 james comey arrested before the d class

Year of the Boomerang: Total Collapse of Mueller's Hoax

@00:01:18 to replace james comey
@00:06:34 ig report will accuse james comey of

Q Watch 19, Epstein Staggering Amount of Names, Evergreen

@00:05:48 comey and mccabe and clinton and obama

Bill Clinton, Under Age Girls, Epstein Plane, Flynn Updates

@00:10:17 players comey muller and i think it

Strzok Protected Hillary, 80 Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting

@00:01:49 meanwhile james comey incredulous no
@00:02:05 james comey incredably claimed that he
@00:02:27 priority boy okay so if if jim comey is
@00:05:35 exoneration draft for comey he knew that
@00:05:54 peter struck james comey lisa paige

POTUS Traps His Enemies, Update on Timothy Holmseth

@00:02:42 brennan comey all these people they just

Assange Update, Gen Flynn on Offense, Schiff Lies!

@00:05:08 his pal james comey representative elise
@00:05:31 that director comey testified that he
@00:05:53 director comey that he circumvented the
@00:07:53 comey admits he did not follow up follow
@00:08:04 case that's not what james comey said
@00:08:06 clearly that is what james comey said so
@00:08:31 schiff like james comey are just lying

Scope of Durham's Investigation & New Info on Murdered Linda Collins-Smith

@00:01:29 down not just brennan and comey and

Helicopter Crash to Nam: Deep State Desperate to Cover Its Tracks

@00:02:16 complete hoax and james comey had

Alabama to Castrate Pedophiles, Hillary Wanting to Flee

@00:07:25 we've seen that with james comey right

Obama & Comey Panic, Charges Dropped Against Assange

@00:03:42 this this was a posted by james comey
@00:04:13 i think i think james comey was trying

Mueller Mutes Anti-Barr Chorus

@00:01:10 schiff james comey maxine waters john

Confusing the Deep State: Joe diGenova vs Q

@00:01:44 james comey never used a grand jury to
@00:04:15 investigation james comey director fired
@00:07:06 equivalent to james comey he thinks he's
@00:07:09 another james comey he said that huber

Fraudulent FISA & Comey Ignoring Child Sex Crimes

@00:02:54 abuses so it's not just james comey it's
@00:04:16 now james comey we're still awaiting
@00:05:01 comey x' fbi related to the trump
@00:06:12 comey refused delayed did not pursue
@00:06:38 including james comey
@00:09:26 comey during her tenure as secretary of

MSM Collapsing, POTUS Reminder of Military Tribunals

@00:08:01 well clapper and comey and many of these

Declass Ordered & Deep State Pushes Back

@00:07:14 comey and brennan and schiff we know

President Trump Orders Full Declass!!!!!!

@00:00:38 it's sort of naming off comey mccabe's

When Do Birds Sing? Lynch Turns on Comey just as Q Predicted

@00:00:47 james comey and what we're gonna do is
@00:01:12 comey hrc email case loretta lynch
@00:01:43 truth revealed comey hrc email case so
@00:01:52 lynch accuses comey of misrepresenting
@00:02:06 comey of mischaracterizing her
@00:02:59 the house intelligence committee comey
@00:03:08 congressional hearing in which comey was
@00:03:12 investigation comey said the moment led
@00:03:36 concerned me comey testified that was
@00:03:45 case credibly comey continued the
@00:04:09 said just call it a matter comey said
@00:04:21 testimony in december lynch and comey
@00:04:23 had complete lynch said comey had
@00:05:09 for her reaction to comey statements
@00:05:16 comey characterized it in that way liv
@00:07:04 conversation well basically comey was
@00:07:14 comey felt like he had to do an
@00:07:22 i never told comey to downplay this i
@00:07:39 lynch's turn is is turning on comey
@00:07:41 comey is turned on loretta lynch they're
@00:12:10 loretta lynch and comey this loretta
@00:12:15 and how she's turning on comey comb he's
@00:13:09 not only james comey but also hillary
@00:13:30 last fall this at all james comey will

How We Foiled Comey's False Flag Grass Valley Attack

@00:01:11 called is comey preparing another false
@00:01:13 flag and this was a tweet that comey had
@00:04:32 former fbi director james comey living
@00:06:20 this james comey tweet
@00:10:08 correct it looks like james comey
@00:10:41 by james comey and then through joe m
@00:12:28 people in the farias like james comey

Italy Giving up Brennan, NXIVM & Schumer's Financial Records

@00:01:54 as guilty as as comey

Declass To Expose Assassination Attempts, Ruth Ginsburg Update

@00:02:20 fbi director james comey said when he

Barr Appoints Durham, Huber Nears Completion, Rosenstein Rips into Comey

@00:03:12 unloads on james comey in a blistering
@00:03:20 director james comey on monday and a
@00:03:24 committee rosenstein hit back at comey
@00:03:31 town hall with anderson cooper comey
@00:04:04 comey for usurping the doj in july of
@00:05:03 james comey this is just the beginning
@00:05:28 roses dean turning on james comey like
@00:05:37 is just more evidence that comey is

Assange Update, Q's Boom Week, Cannes Sex Trafficking Horror

@00:04:10 that comey is in trouble and of course
@00:04:37 week we know that the the comey memos

Huckabee Tweets POTUS: Military Tribunals At Gitmo

@00:09:19 now a matter of time before these comey

Violent Pro Abortionists, Mt. Rushmore Fireworks, Gen Flynn Banner Change

@00:08:41 comey reports are coming out soon we

Big Pharma Arrests, Comey Panic, Obama Spying Undeniable

@00:04:16 comey is in trouble and he knows it
@00:04:30 carefully how and why comey as fbi
@00:05:26 comey get real busy lately
@00:05:46 times reporter with whom comey had
@00:05:56 out front and excuse it next comey is
@00:06:01 cable news townhall in the op-ed comey
@00:06:28 inference is clear comey himself a
@00:06:34 one but then comey has a long record
@00:09:31 president obama former fbi james comey
@00:13:38 comey they did not want president trump

POTUS Drops Bomb on Comey, Numerous Satanic Pedophiles Arrested

@00:02:59 james comey and i'm just gonna play this
@00:03:10 you take director comey out of the
@00:04:19 that comey is one of the leading people

More Intel from Pete: How to Prepare

@00:06:53 think that hillary and obama and comey

Comey Utter Panic in Op-Ed Against POTUS

@00:02:12 right comey brennan clapper obama
@00:03:05 he's targeting james comey we know from
@00:03:11 comey memos are going to be coming out
@00:03:16 innocent otally expose jim comey now
@00:03:31 talks about an op-ed that jim comey
@00:03:35 in the new york times james comey pens a
@00:03:54 comey is definitely definitely going
@00:04:01 director jim comey wrote a scathing
@00:04:16 mueller's investigation comey opine that
@00:04:42 bill barr admittedly comey said there is
@00:04:47 history with the president however comey
@00:04:57 those around them comey wrote
@00:05:39 comey went on to discuss how he and
@00:05:54 alongside him ultimately comey argues it
@00:06:06 american people and democracy comey
@00:06:24 james comey might be projecting just a
@00:07:07 attacked comey so i just i wanted to
@00:07:11 read this because it looks like comey is
@00:07:33 so comey you know he's he's in desperate
@00:08:55 just to show that comey he's panicking

Rosenstein Resignation Letter: May 11, 2019

@00:01:30 comey might have been tweeting about
@00:10:23 sending a message to comey to the deep
@00:11:02 james comey saying hey you know what

Update Deadman's Switch, Shipp: Failed Coup Attempt Against Trump

@00:02:45 that comey put out last week about the
@00:03:16 when comey tweeted last week about the

Is Comey Preparing Another False Flag?

@00:00:51 about james comey this guy who
@00:01:21 report comey which is in kill brackets
@00:01:28 so there's these comey memos that have
@00:01:35 these comey memos are gonna be released
@00:01:40 class because it looks like james comey
@00:01:56 because of this it looks like comey is
@00:07:31 talking directly to to james comey there
@00:07:34 to jim comey hallelujah alright so let's

Cali School Teaching Pedophilia, Deep State Desperate to Distract

@00:08:43 comey we need to go after these people

Declass Coming, Major Companies Abandon PP & Messiah the Firstfruits

@00:02:06 media and james comey was the fbi

Bill Barr Testifies Spying Did Occur on POTUS

@00:03:56 james comey for jim comey he was the
@00:04:18 lawyer for james comey did believe
@00:05:08 the headline was james - james comey his
@00:05:32 for james comey he is testifying that

Comey in Deep Trouble, POTUS Reshaping Courts!

@00:00:40 well 18 minutes ago i james comey memos
@00:00:51 former fbi director james comey included
@00:01:17 finally acknowledges that comey
@00:01:37 comey meticulously outlined quote
@00:02:07 classified the doj noted so james comey
@00:02:15 james comey was leaking classified
@00:02:42 appears to suggest that the comey memos

Allison Mack Pleads Guilty, Nunes Sending 8 Criminal Referrals

@00:06:25 rosenstein-rodan seen james comey adam

POTUS Vows to Declass: Q's Storm Now a Hurricane

@00:04:18 exposed james comey evil fighting evil
@00:05:18 boss former fbi director james comey now
@00:06:20 just like comey just like all these

Masonic Lodge Busted, Mueller Report a Whitewash

@00:04:48 election trump caught them fired comey

Q: POTUS Trolls Lisa Page, RBG Still Dead, Much More to Come

@00:01:43 about three hours ago he says comey
@00:01:44 testified james comey testified under

Q's 21 Days, Deadman Switch, POTUS Go Orders

@00:06:02 indictments against james comey andrew

Sabbath Hike: Reflections, Singing, Enjoying Yah

@00:02:47 video about james comey as toast and i

Whitaker to STAY, Q Blitz: Barr Exposes Mueller

@00:07:45 we expose the pedophile james comey now

Tim Holmseth: Trump Wall, QAnon, Project Ambition

@00:09:03 know the fbi comey tweeted out and he
@00:15:12 this is from a james comey tweet and q
@00:16:42 comey was putting out messages saying
@00:16:59 comey is one of the worst satanic
@00:17:07 like to me that james comey and and all

Military Activity Photos GITMO, Q, Feinstein Freaks Out Over GITMO

@00:05:34 helping with comey and others to try to

Major Naval Activity near Gitmo, Ginsberg Death, Comey Tweets

@00:01:28 i just checked james comey twitter and
@00:02:05 comey says i'm gonna go see kill a
@00:02:18 comey it is the perfect day to watch q

Comey, Podesta Silenced, Ginsberg Absent, Tribunals Continue

@00:02:00 military tribunals at gitmo james comey

Military Tribunals Began Yesterday Jan 2nd 2019

@00:10:04 accounts like james comey and others

Satanic Pedophile Romney, Sanctions are Coming from POTUS

@00:05:15 of others james comey shall i go on and

Q's 10 Days of Darkness, POTUS vs Obama, Last Gasp of Shadow Govt

@00:02:50 nothing since december 21st james comey
@00:03:59 one comey didn't stop till the 23rd but

Nationwide 911 Outage, Blue Lights Over NYC

@00:08:31 clinton cabal comey and brennan and all

Satanic Pedophile Trudeau, Sealed Indictment, Elites Go Silent

@00:07:52 comey he's been quiet hallelujah we'll

POTUS Smacks Down FED, Flynn Darkness to Light

@00:02:56 comey he's out there saying oh john
@00:04:56 why james comey is in so much of a panic

Breaking News For Flynn!!! Court Docket: 1:17-cr-00232-EGS

@00:00:38 comey andrew mccabe basically rebuked
@00:01:02 mueller and comey hallelujah anyway so i
@00:04:24 comey that mueller that andrew mccabe
@00:06:10 flynn is basically holding comey mccabe

Gen Flynn Exposing Deep State Satanic Pedophiles: Breaking News

@00:07:52 his guns on the fbi on comey on andrew

Charges Against Flynn Will Be Dropped Tomorrow

@00:00:42 is now demanding that comey and strock

Judge Sentencing Flynn Demands to See FBI Docs! HUGE BOMBSHELL!

@00:03:36 comey yates struck the mccabe set
@00:04:00 comey and strop this goes all the way up
@00:04:35 promoted by the satanic pedophile comey

How Q, POTUS Double-Cross The Satanic Pedophiles, Breaking News Dec 10, 2018

@00:05:51 on d7 so as lots of the day that comey
@00:05:57 don't know i don't know comey and the

Satanic Pedophile Comey's Unraveling Confession!!!

@00:02:34 comey and by the way i did do a video on
@00:02:46 shuddered with james comey tweeted that
@00:03:16 yeah exactly comey has definitely filled
@00:03:51 lying in fact comey didn't seem to
@00:04:19 relieved when comey could remember one
@00:05:02 comey now has confirmed what republican
@00:05:38 general found that comey wrongly usurped
@00:05:58 that comey may have cost their candidate
@00:06:03 fired comey as fbi director a few months
@00:06:06 later second let's remember that comey
@00:06:19 the very fbi employees comey entrusted
@00:06:35 comey and giving his testimony on friday

CFO Exposes Satanic Pedophile Clinton Foundation, How Q Works

@00:10:30 as jane comey of course george w bush

Solomon Exposes Comey, Another Obama Era Official Bites the Dust!

@00:01:19 satanic pedophile james comey key fbi
@00:01:41 director comey that satanic pedophile

Satanic Pedophile Comey has 5 Folders on Hillary's Child Sex Crimes

@00:02:02 comey issue so in a previous video i
@00:02:05 showed how james comey tweeted out i was
@00:03:58 okay so let's talk about james comey
@00:04:07 to bush senior james comey who is a
@00:04:18 james comey had in his possession not
@00:04:56 comey had five folders labeled as child
@00:05:26 sort of backing james comey anymore
@00:05:28 and james comey supposed to testify this
@00:06:23 bill clinton and when james comey gets

Bush Sr, Prophecy, POTUS, Q, Christmas, Hanukkah

@00:03:58 is james comey made this post onto
@00:04:15 james comey who's a freemason satanic
@00:04:32 yeah james comey the six things getting

Assange, Webb, Imminent Court Dates

@00:01:46 december the 3rd we have james comey the
@00:01:52 comey is supposed to also give his
@00:03:48 backfire comey he's gonna get arrested
@00:04:36 and prayer pray that james comey that

Preaching Against Illegal Immigrant Rally, White House Part 3

@00:13:32 it's a pedophile james comey it's a

Preaching in front of White House Part 1

@00:04:00 pelosi is a pedophile james comey he is

New Acting Attorney General Would Indict Clinton

@00:00:52 totally against what how comey was

Chuck Grassley HUGE BOMBSHELL on Hillary Clinton Oct 20, 2018

@00:04:55 director james comey maids head spin
@00:05:21 personal account comey said but tony
@00:05:30 remember comey is a pedophile just like
@00:07:44 directors james comey and the entry

Ssbbath Hike: Ruled by Love or Fear: Testimony Time!

@00:00:24 ago the video james comey is toast

Robert Mueller Son of Heinrich Mueller: Nazi Pedophiles

@00:04:16 comey and miller identified themselves

Pedophile James Comey is TOAST!!!!!!

@00:02:04 that he's a pedophile james comey the
@00:03:57 stuff is gonna so crush james comey anne

POTUS Declassified FISA Docs!!!! VICTORY!!!!

@00:01:21 without redaction of james comey and jim
@00:01:41 folks when comey and mccabe and these
@00:04:16 james comey james comey

Pope's Docket # For 2014 Conviction

@00:03:27 james comey the former fbi director his
@00:03:54 pedophile but james comey has a weird

Bush Sr, W, Bernie Sanders Are Pedophiles/Warrant for Pope BOMBSHELLS!!!

@00:04:31 steven tyler madonna prince james comey
@00:04:33 the former fbi director james comey is a