Street Preacher Interrupts Chuck Schumer, Bombshell Report Links Biden's Son to Human Trafficking

@00:15:03 its coronavirus response plan
@00:15:20 to the new coronavirus pandemic as well

Schiff Crying Wolf, Antifa Arsonists, 12 Utah Pedos Arrested, Barr/Durham Update

@00:04:33 pelosi inserted in push covid 198

Ginsburg Photoshop, 27 Satanic Pedophiles Trapped, Flynn's Ongoing Persecution, Trump Hints at Soros

@00:10:23 on the coronavirus
@00:10:35 for the coronavirus under trump and he
@00:10:52 with the coronavirus this has everything

Ratcliffe Coordinating with Durham, Huge Pro Freedom Rallies in Berlin, Japan, London, Boston, OR

@00:04:06 updated the covid
@00:04:15 actually died from covid that's only 9
@00:04:21 have died from coven 19.
@00:05:08 of not dying from covid stop

Massive Crowds Surround Buckingham Palace, Google GITMO Camp Justice, Pizza Party Children's Book

@00:10:19 they've voted to end coronavirus
@00:10:31 coronavirus emergency declaration

Pedowood Aerial Shot, Brennan's Durham Interview Panic, Forged FBI Doc, Trump Landslide Ahead

@00:09:20 they are not covid sanitized a big fraud

The Beatles, Nygard Exposed, Alex Jones Fires Millie, Epstein & Gates, Bill Clinton Photos

@00:10:56 but that's for the corona that's is for
@00:10:59 the corona too that's not gonna protect

Drone Almost Hits AF1, 17 Flint Satanic Pedos Arrested, Alec Baldwin in Full Blown Panic

@00:10:15 under title 42 coronavirus protection

Housley: Indictments This Month, Ellen Show In More Trouble, Alex Jones Controlled Opposition

@00:09:56 evidence that the coronavirus is
@00:10:17 on the state of the coronavirus
@00:11:56 covid
@00:11:57 19. it says the nation's top scientists

deleted Dr. Stell@ Immanuel Needs to Replace F@uci ASAP

@00:11:07 of a covid 19 cure

Gaetz Sends Criminal Referral for Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Hanks in Greece, Operation Legend 1st Arrests

@00:14:53 positive for coronavirus tests that they
@00:15:07 tested for the wuhan coronavirus

Bill Gates & Anderson Cooper in Panic Mode, Nadler Says Portland Riots a Myth, Ditka Defends Anthem

@00:01:50 widespread of all coronavirus
@00:09:26 coronavirus task force is responsible

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:13:49 marked as a covid death if this is true
@00:13:58 coven 19 numbers
@00:17:46 trump's coronavirus
@00:17:58 state push of the coronavirus
@00:18:02 southern border early in the coronavirus

Judge Orders Unsealing Epstein Docs, 23 Children Rescued, Canada Busts Pedo Ring, Cuomo Impeachment

@00:07:42 over the coronavirus response this was
@00:07:55 coronavirus outbreak
@00:08:05 to send patients with coronavirus back

Turkish TV Exposes Adrenochrome & Pedowood, Mother Theresa & Child Trafficking, Flynn's Plea

@00:20:02 mid the corona virus pandemic so this is

Simpson's Creator, Epstein & Adrenochrome, HRC's Pizza, Q's Ominous Warning

@00:06:10 second wave of coronavirus daily new

13 Children Rescued, More Pedowood Accusations, Berlin Pedo Program, Antifa & ISIS

@00:10:26 of coronavirus deaths in his state a
@00:10:31 officials to move coronavirus patients
@00:11:33 more people to coronavirus than any

SCOTUS Betrayal, Atlanta Officer Charged w Murder, Flynn Update

@00:14:07 oklahoma citing fears that the corona

Cascade of Potential Deep State Events to Pray Against, Australian Satanic Pedo to be Sentenced

@00:07:05 corona and right next to the his other
@00:07:12 corona virus again this is a movie that
@00:07:29 coronavirus plan demick was hatched by

Target "Pizza" Slippers, CO Bill Attempts to Re-Educate Parents, Deep State Push Back on Trump Rally

@00:06:17 refuse the corona virus vaccine
@00:06:28 to vaccinate their child with the corona
@00:07:51 corona virus was a scam to force

13, Next Deep State Event, Seattle, Homeschoolers Fight Back, Sue Black Catches Pedos by Hand Marks

@00:03:58 coronavirus edicts that have no legal
@00:10:09 coronavirus

deleted Facebook's Child Sex Video Horror, CDC Backpeddles, Celebrities Bail Out Criminals

@00:06:30 switching topics to the corona virus the
@00:06:32 cdc now says the corona virus doesn't
@00:06:37 natural news the wuhan corona virus koba
@00:06:51 avoid catching through hand corona virus

Antifa's Terrorist War On Our Nation

@00:14:28 spark coronavirus comeback in new york

Trump Promises EO Targeting Social Media, Deep State Burns Down MN, Fauci Changes Tune

@00:07:22 coronavirus task force said that a
@00:08:06 insisted that second wave of coronavirus
@00:08:13 coronavirus will return next season when
@00:10:31 mail in voting during the corona virus

South Dakota: Bill Outlaws All Vaccine and Medical Mandates, Satanic Pedos Arrested in TX, OR, NE

@00:10:36 is capitalizing on the coronavirus
@00:19:07 of coronavirus fatalities had other
@00:19:13 coronavirus in italy have occurred in
@00:19:27 positive for wuhan coronavirus
@00:19:43 coronavirus

Creepy Biden Exposed, Obama's Many Crimes, Patriots Rally In California, Chicago Mayor Raids Church

@00:09:03 corona buyers is no big deal
@00:11:20 coronavirus lockdown orders lightfoot
@00:15:05 hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus
@00:15:22 that coronavirus patients who took
@00:15:53 from getting coronavirus since there

Obama's Shadow Presidency, Ohio Judge Strikes Down Lockdown, GOP Sues California, Fitton Declas

@00:10:35 coronavirus pandemic in us could be over
@00:15:04 judge deems states coronavirus locked
@00:15:13 coronavirus illegal and stated the
@00:16:28 seized on the corona virus pandemic to

Epstein Defender Supports Forced Vaccinations, Dems Paid PA Officials to Stuff Ballot Box

@00:02:52 potential coronavirus vaccine dershowitz

Ukraine Charging Biden, Pro-Q Ratcliffe Wins, Trump Strikes Back at Tyrant States, Indicted DSS

@00:11:51 months again is this about the corona
@00:13:29 health effects of continued coronavirus
@00:13:43 spread of the corona virus calling the
@00:13:57 have observed resulting from the corona

Clinton Haiti Pedophile Ring Linked to Contact Tracing, Italy Calls for Bill Gates Arrest

@00:11:27 coronavirus stimulus funds the federal
@00:11:48 coronavirus stimulus pass the small
@00:15:15 he says coronavirus has made quite a few
@00:15:29 infect everyone with coronavirus on

Q's 10 Weeks, DNI Secures Upcoming Elections, Framework for Global Mass Arrests

@00:04:05 coronavirus medicine restrictions for
@00:04:40 coronavirus patients after outrage from
@00:04:55 chinese coronavirus as previously
@00:05:06 coronavirus patients at a clinic
@00:05:29 use in this case treating the corona
@00:06:32 coronavirus and then you're going to
@00:06:52 been stricken with this coronavirus so i
@00:23:53 coronavirus changed and took over the

What This Bio Weapon Attack Was Really All About, Obama Lashes Out at Trump Again, Huge LA Explosion

@00:03:46 paw paw was tested positive for corona
@00:06:52 clear to everyone in coronavirus

WI Court Strikes Down Tyranny, Daleiden Sues PP in Fetal Harvesting Case, DOJ Pedo Crackdown

@00:01:12 down governor tony evers coronavirus
@00:01:49 fight against the coronavirus he

DNC Spokeswoman Meltdown, Samantha Power & Biden Caught in Lies, FBI Confronts Feinstein

@00:20:17 koban the coronavirus was caught and

Dr. Mikovits Willing to Expose Fauci Before Congress, HR 6666, Judge Strikes Down MI Tyranny

@00:02:04 virology that corner up coronavirus
@00:04:18 has nothing to do with the corona virus
@00:05:04 a vaccine for the corona virus before we
@00:05:12 think the corona virus will completely

Fitton Sues for Fauci Phone Records, Judges Striking Down Tyrants, Congress Not Shielded From Arrest

@00:03:17 despite the coronavirus pandemic
@00:04:32 because of this coronavirus then there's
@00:06:32 against the coronavirus
@00:11:50 uh having to do with the coronavirus

Obamagate #1Twitter Trend, WashTimes Defends Trump, Judge Rules Against Illinois Governor

@00:10:47 the coronavirus violates individual
@00:11:03 coronavirus has been in effect since

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:07:20 that trump's response to the corona
@00:08:18 response to the corona virus has been
@00:18:33 corona virus and protecting people from

General Flynn Totally Exonerated: Let Freedom Ring!!!!

@00:05:43 coronavirus related executive orders

Update on Flynn Case, More Tyranny Exposed, Petition to Investigate Abortion Mill in Pornhub Case

@00:09:58 coronavirus crisis spreading in prison
@00:11:22 these prisons because of the coronavirus
@00:11:27 coronavirus anymore this has to do with

RBG Hoax Continues, Trump Calls Americans Warriors, Dr. Shiva Exposes Adrenochrome

@00:04:15 hcq working to cure the corona virus in
@00:04:57 coronavirus number 6 extend that the
@00:05:12 coronavirus hoax and the last point is
@00:05:22 coronavirus findings was found shot to
@00:07:57 coronavirus those projections are
@00:09:19 coronavirus son kuzu tweeted this out
@00:12:31 the coronavirus hoax
@00:14:17 tested positive for coronavirus a fruit
@00:14:33 the coronavirus absolutely ridiculous
@00:15:48 to kill the coronavirus on subways and
@00:16:11 to disinfect them from coronavirus hmm

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:03:56 could be hindered by the corona virus
@00:06:28 house's coronavirus top medical adviser
@00:08:24 the coronavirus task force has
@00:09:29 don't think that the corona virus is a
@00:10:04 for corona virus and deemed unable to
@00:10:21 down with the corona virus the state of
@00:11:45 coronavirus and have found now we need
@00:12:08 trying to use this coronavirus pandemic

Protests in California & Oregon, Judge Fast Tracks Unsealing Epstein Docs, CDC Adjusts Death Count

@00:01:29 what's going on in as this corona virus
@00:02:10 say well actually this whole coronavirus
@00:13:48 the cdc reduces its coronavirus death

Friday Night Shabbat: 7 Praise Reports, Remain in Him

@00:05:37 for the coronavirus
@00:06:01 my friend jamal who had coronavirus has
@00:07:05 the covid issue that's been going on

Trump's Plan to Awaken Americans: Whitmer Sued, Doctors Outraged, Mayor Exposed

@00:08:13 worked the coronavirus frontline and i
@00:10:26 coronavirus care now that's very very
@00:20:32 follow in what compared the corona virus

Lawsuit Against Facebook Allowing Sex Traffickers, Heartbreak from NYC, Signs of the Times

@00:07:14 coronavirus - the pandemic it's showing
@00:12:28 they knew about the emerging coronavirus
@00:12:54 know about this coronavirus pandemic
@00:13:49 lafalot e of a new coronavirus governor

Stormy Daniels Admits Trump Affair Never Happened, Jimmy Kimmel's Sick Video, Prolifer Arrested

@00:04:09 said 100% cure for the corona virus and
@00:04:39 disputing the official state coronavirus
@00:04:48 5,200 patients for the corona virus
@00:04:56 the death rate of the corona virus is
@00:05:27 corona virus and that video with laura
@00:11:40 coronavirus as an illegitimate excuse to

17 Victims of Epstein, Trump Blasts Enemy of the People, Durham Investigating Media, Flynn Rehire

@00:04:30 coronavirus he's talking about the deep
@00:09:36 coronavirus taskforce brief briefing
@00:09:58 monday's coronavirus task force briefing
@00:11:54 relating to the corona virus this is an
@00:12:01 suspected of leaking corona virus
@00:12:17 authorities believe the cova 19 corona
@00:13:07 bat coronavirus emergency law i wrote a
@00:13:20 interaction between the corona viruses
@00:13:24 believes that the corona virus causing
@00:13:35 release from wiv of the corona virus
@00:15:57 any coronavirus vaccine that becomes

Sex Abuse Victims Speak Out, Police Chief Caught, Barr Crackdown On Unlawful Restrictions

@00:12:13 corona buyer stuff going on i had missed
@00:21:11 the corona virus pandemic that might be

Covid Crackdown Arrests 30 Pedophiles, Staged Media Hoax, Protecting Children from Big Pharma

@00:02:54 home due to the corona virus pandemic
@00:15:12 self-proclaimed coronavirus sage who
@00:15:56 was that whole corona virus pandemic
@00:18:58 the corona virus and other infections
@00:19:12 against the novel coronavirus which may

5x More Women Accuse Nygard of Sexual Assault, Pope's Terrible May? More Seth Rich Details Emerging

@00:14:11 coronavirus no big contract to a
@00:14:17 trump gets the coronavirus asap

Reporter Asks POTUS About Children, Mom Arrested for taking Children to Park, Oregon Lockdown Ads

@00:06:24 with dealing with the corona virus
@00:07:40 coronavirus and i want to just highlight
@00:12:49 coronavirus this is just plain scare
@00:17:15 million has had 208 coronavirus deaths
@00:17:32 corona virus outbreak in march later

Hot Mic at Presser, More Declass Exposing Obama & Kerry, Barr to Defend Constitutional Rights

@00:03:35 reporters at the trump coronavirus press
@00:03:45 coronavirus does what they're saying is
@00:04:22 coronavirus begins to wind down as the
@00:11:03 the coronavirus that infringe on
@00:11:22 with the coronavirus that infringe on

POTUS Suspends All Immigration, Epstein's Photographer Found Dead, Child Sex Propaganda

@00:01:28 during coronavirus crisis president
@00:01:37 the chinese coronavirus crisis continues

Michelle Obama & Laura Bush Fund,, PP Charged 25G for Body Parts, RFK Jr Links Fauci & Gates

@00:01:31 snitch but the coronavirus fear mongers
@00:02:12 biting by the coronavirus mandate and
@00:02:31 becoming exposed by this coronavirus
@00:03:47 about the corona virus in a statement
@00:12:27 bill gates coronavirus vaccine will pay
@00:12:42 praising a corona virus vaccine for all
@00:13:02 contracts for a national coronavirus
@00:13:35 approved for coronavirus and the nih and
@00:15:33 it's because of the corona virus but

Q: We Are Ready, Solomon Suggests Handful of Indictments This Next Week, Obama's Wuhan Grant

@00:07:17 crown corona and the king was king
@00:10:01 origin of the corona virus president
@00:14:23 of the corona virus was he was removing

Friday Night Shabbat: Donald Trump's Bible

@00:01:54 cova 19 the coronavirus in fact so sick

Trump Human Trafficking Arrests, New Q Drops, Gates Reading Material, Biden Unrolling MO Endorsement

@00:02:57 possibility that corona virus could be
@00:03:02 who make several claims about the corona

New Q Drops: Obama's ISIS, Bat Quarter, Wounded Warriors to Eliminate Child Pornography

@00:12:18 on with the coronavirus so it doesn't
@00:14:52 to the corona virus pandemic dq sh has

POTUS to Force Recess, Robert Kennedy Jr Exposes Fauci, Famous Boxer Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles

@00:02:36 this whole corona virus debacle to his
@00:10:07 down for this coronavirus and we're sick
@00:10:22 from the coronavirus sarah carter
@00:13:33 coronavirus came from the lab in wuhan

New Q Drops: Boris Healed, Brennan Key Focus of Durham, Trump Admin Opposes Bill Gates

@00:01:16 corona virus and q says be informed
@00:01:43 the corona virus so very very again
@00:05:59 the coronavirus is not stopping him
@00:10:48 coronavirus had not hit so this is
@00:12:10 attempting to exploit the corona virus
@00:12:25 appearance on reddit about the corona
@00:13:47 intervenes in the coronavirus dispute
@00:15:00 across the country amid the corona virus

New Q Drops: China and Shiva, Co-Opted Drudge, POTUS Sends Mutiny Message

@00:09:59 happened with this coronavirus is that a
@00:10:47 by the corona virus that could open
@00:14:10 flags you think the corona virus is bad
@00:14:18 this coronavirus time to literally take
@00:14:54 whether coronavirus leaked from the wu
@00:15:08 started talking about the corona virus
@00:15:20 investigating whether the corona virus
@00:17:27 believes this coronavirus strain was
@00:17:47 coronavirus syria that's almost
@00:17:57 to the truth about this coronavirus that

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

@00:04:16 investigation amid the coronavirus
@00:07:44 cover of the coronavirus
@00:17:21 coronavirus

Friday Night Shabbat: 4 Praise Reports & Feast of Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits

@00:03:42 diagnosed with the corona virus anyway

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:05:29 bioweapon of the coronavirus to hurt us
@00:05:53 not just talking about the corona virus
@00:11:13 expose this coronavirus hoax she says
@00:11:26 deaths from the coronavirus reported its
@00:14:40 where she goes over her corona
@00:14:56 not worried about the coronavirus she's
@00:15:12 concerning the coronavirus wow
@00:15:35 so new york the hot spot for the corona

New Q Drops: Bio Weapon Released by DS Will Fail, Durham's Good vs Evil Worldview

@00:05:32 otherwise of the novel coronavirus koban
@00:05:45 the corona virus was released recklessly
@00:06:49 fox news coronavirus elections wisconsin
@00:14:32 corona virus so the very first person
@00:15:59 coronavirus because we're supposed to be
@00:23:28 wartime president in coronavirus and

Passover 2020: Prophetic Lockdown Just Like 1st Passover So Long Ago

@00:03:21 coronavirus lockdown in the lead-up to

POTUS Confirms Child Sex Trafficking Crackdown, Hillary Clinton Loses, COVID-19 Per Corey's Digs

@00:03:20 we're not just dealing with the corona
@00:04:06 coronavirus and president trump just
@00:05:07 soaring as the coronavirus begins to
@00:07:21 coronavirus i'm gonna link put a link to

Dow Soars as Coronavirus Slows, Human Trafficking Takedown in Detroit & Arizona, POTUS & 5G

@00:01:02 coronavirus slows and so basically what
@00:01:17 reported coronavirus infections have
@00:02:04 cobin 19 or the corona virus at all he
@00:04:44 during this so-called coronavirus
@00:06:32 out at tonight's coronavirus briefing at
@00:07:06 point as we see now the coronavirus

Checkpoints Crackdown on Child Sex Traffickers, Pedophile Prisoner of War, Flynn's Audit of Obama

@00:01:33 to the koban 19 coronavirus pandemic has
@00:01:45 and screenings for the corona virus by
@00:15:17 corona virus but it has to do with

Trump's War on Child Sex Traffickers: From Venezuela, to the Vatican, to New York

@00:03:26 the guise of the coronavirus trump
@00:03:29 shutdown to combat coronavirus when i
@00:05:53 news conference on the coronavirus the
@00:11:14 captured thanks to coronavirus this was
@00:11:25 coronavirus quarantine after empty
@00:11:40 after breaching italy's coronavirus

POTUS Pink/Blue Tie, Flynn's New Banner, Scavino 10 Day Countdown, Deep State Attempts Train Crash

@00:02:45 corona virus to try to destroy our
@00:07:51 rooftops during coronavirus pandemic

Mercy & Comfort, Rescuing Children, DUMBS, Earthquakes, Trump Launches Counter-Narcotics Operations

@00:04:26 first nun coronavirus patience right so
@00:04:31 non coronavirus patients would be put
@00:04:38 corona virus patients and this nurse is
@00:06:25 says coronavirus is real but but is also

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:00:55 this was put out by ie t17 the corona
@00:02:45 hundred thousand coronavirus deaths very
@00:03:01 thousands of 200,000 coronavirus deaths
@00:03:36 cover of the corona virus so for people
@00:10:31 now think about it with this coronavirus

Iowa Bill to Remove CPS, FBI FISA Corruption Exposed Even More, My Pillow CEO Urges Bible Reading

@00:10:43 was doing to help during the coronavirus
@00:10:45 carpa the coronavirus of crisis but he
@00:13:39 the spread of the corona virus then stop
@00:14:08 this coronavirus package so that they

Durham's Ambush, Deep State Engineering Coronavirus in 2015, Seth Rich, Fauci Admits Vaccines Hurt

@00:01:25 indication that although the coronavirus
@00:01:40 they're using the coronavirus as cover
@00:02:42 coronavirus and what the deep state has
@00:05:39 coronavirus also i read earlier this
@00:05:47 positive for the corona virus and storm
@00:06:43 engineering the coronavirus biological
@00:07:02 with corona virus exposed in 2015 by the
@00:07:50 believed to be corona virus derived from
@00:08:53 corona virus found in bats to of the
@00:09:15 4 that allows the corona virus to attach
@00:10:21 distracted by the corona virus here we

More Media Lies About Coronavirus, Cuomo Frees Satanic Pedophiles, Teen Hero Rescues Small Children

@00:01:10 about how much this coronavirus is being
@00:01:28 corona virus she lives in washington
@00:03:04 patient a coronavirus patient she's
@00:03:42 empty and are treating the coronavirus
@00:04:07 week in their coronavirus coverage on
@00:05:11 coronavirus death bolt and then someone
@00:05:47 yesterday coronavirus jail break 8 sex
@00:06:09 chinese coronavirus this is so
@00:07:11 coronavirus unbelievable i don't have to
@00:08:36 more abortions during the corona virus
@00:09:26 coronavirus patients in recent days
@00:09:57 actually die from coronavirus through no
@00:10:24 imminent death from coronavirus or a
@00:10:50 coronavirus chaos in italy an accused
@00:10:56 amid the coronavirus lockdown in italy
@00:12:11 everything going down with coronavirus
@00:13:08 all this coronavirus craziness worldwide

Daily New US Coronavirus Cases Fall, Empty NY and LA Hospitals, POTUS Pushes Back Date to April 30th

@00:01:58 announcement on coronavirus
@00:04:37 because of this whole coronavirus thing
@00:04:53 coronavirus
@00:05:11 coronavirus was being used by
@00:05:23 coronavirus for as long as possible
@00:05:56 daily new u.s coronavirus cases fall
@00:06:02 daily coronavirus cases
@00:06:28 in new coronavirus cases in the united
@00:09:15 testing for the coronavirus and we want
@00:15:33 to fight coronavirus so this chloroquine
@00:16:10 about the coronavirus
@00:16:23 coronavirus briefings

End the Fed, Navy Ships, Cheyenne Mountain, Reserves Activated, Dylan's 17 Minute Song, Prayers

@00:06:18 positive for coronavirus and another guy
@00:12:02 off until the corona virus pandemic
@00:17:05 the official story of the coronavirus

USNS Comfort & Haiti, USN Watkins Ghost Detainee Ship, Police Raid Elite LA Neighborhood, DS Threats

@00:02:12 do not have the coronavirus and they're
@00:02:23 coronavirus that's the official story
@00:08:06 attacks president trump amid coronavirus
@00:10:31 detail the corona virus that is ravaging

DOJ Indicts Maduro, Vatican Worker & NBC CEO Have Coronavirus, Deep State vs Trump

@00:02:50 positive for coronavirus this was just
@00:03:20 negative so far for coronavirus for a
@00:03:47 coming down with this corona virus and
@00:03:54 pope francis came down with their corona
@00:04:07 corona virus here we go
@00:04:50 postponed due to coronavirus now he says
@00:05:08 all coming down with coronavirus where
@00:05:22 in this coronavirus this was an article
@00:05:28 coronavirus right says bill gates warns
@00:07:19 while treating coronavirus patients
@00:07:29 while treating coronavirus infected
@00:08:28 19 the disease caused by the corona
@00:08:39 nurses in spreading the corona virus as
@00:09:01 accomplish with the coronavirus this was
@00:09:09 from parents due to coronavirus scare
@00:09:25 how the corona virus pandemic has been
@00:09:34 exposure to the corona virus with their
@00:10:01 due to respondent exposure to corona
@00:11:39 has been suspended due to the corona
@00:11:49 deep state is trying to use coronavirus
@00:12:09 to stay together using the corona virus
@00:12:45 the corona virus because of cdc
@00:14:10 released and coronavirus is a real thing

POTUS, April 12th, Q Drop 79, Flynn's Yellow Sky, Google GITMO

@00:04:04 are related to this coronavirus now
@00:04:51 address regarding the coronavirus sort
@00:15:01 corona virus with this with this needle

JFK's Grandchildren singing Timber, Prince Charles, Patriot Boomerang

@00:04:40 tests positive for coronavirus what is
@00:04:53 trump is right about the corona virus
@00:05:06 he says the corona virus could take some
@00:05:32 corona virus within a short time on the
@00:09:05 ro of the corona virus is - and we still
@00:09:21 from the corona family so it's safe to
@00:09:52 in other words the corona virus can be
@00:10:06 infected twice with the corona virus no
@00:11:03 studied how this corona virus would
@00:11:08 extremists could strike a mid corona
@00:11:20 the coronavirus crisis violent
@00:11:50 disseminate coronavirus misinformation
@00:12:44 this coronavirus and launch these
@00:13:39 not an actual cure for the corona virus
@00:16:00 worse i have a feeling the corona virus

USNS Mercy/Comfort, Fauci Loves Hillary, Kevin Bacon Warns

@00:03:22 coronavirus at all i thought that was
@00:03:35 says about the test for the corona virus
@00:03:43 the corona virus test is flawed that's
@00:03:51 corona virus is insufficient misleading
@00:04:53 detected the corona virus may not be the
@00:05:03 the corona virus is there in somebody's
@00:05:14 has the corona virus but he really
@00:05:25 test shows a corona virus is present
@00:06:10 quote coronavirus case come hell or high
@00:06:29 on with this coronavirus test that's the
@00:07:29 corona virus results so again more proof
@00:07:41 efficient way to deal with the corona
@00:08:29 corona virus between the two states that
@00:08:40 to fight the coronavirus the french
@00:10:06 of coronavirus diagnostic and i've been
@00:10:45 getting the coronavirus
@00:11:07 the coronavirus and i've reported on a
@00:11:14 get struck down with the coronavirus
@00:11:59 as she continues her coronavirus
@00:12:53 coronavirus pandemic to advance their
@00:13:36 coronavirus the senate's first

Q Confirms COVID-19 Terrorist Attack, Pedowood Meltdown Clarified, Pelosi Backs Down

@00:01:34 they pretended the coronavirus is a
@00:04:56 to do with spade worrying about corona
@00:10:00 corona virus well she's finally backed
@00:10:13 this corona virus was a bioweapon
@00:10:30 ccp accountable for the corona virus i'm
@00:12:11 corona virus directly obviously it was a

Army Officer & White Rabbit, China Organ Harvesting, CIA Split Into 1000 Pieces

@00:02:13 patriots are using the corona virus as a
@00:03:25 house news conference on the coronavirus
@00:04:39 share with my viewers says is the corona
@00:05:12 lung transplant on a coronavirus victim
@00:06:11 on the coronavirus patient carried out
@00:06:43 the coronavirus lion's den lead surgeon
@00:06:59 coronavirus victims in critical thinking
@00:07:40 coronavirus as their cover because we
@00:09:33 beyond this horrid wuhan coronavirus
@00:11:32 corona virus in his gaithersburg

More Pedowood Meltdown, Q Drops Define Coronavirus Ops Dates, Samoan Chief Satanic Pedophile Guilty

@00:04:21 the whole corona virus on march the 11th
@00:07:29 address regarding the corona virus and
@00:08:26 coronavirus last year domingo is
@00:08:47 for coronavirus how is it again that all
@00:08:54 being tested positive for coronavirus
@00:09:00 rand paul was tested for coronavirus so

Madonna Sings Pasta, Ohio Abortions Cease, David Spade Panic, Deep State vs Patriot Agenda

@00:05:16 they're using the coronavirus as cover
@00:05:56 the coronavirus abortion centers
@00:11:37 laboratories located in corona
@00:13:54 states coronavirus as cover flip it on

Friday Night Shabbat: Praise Reports from Subscribers

@00:07:04 get the coronavirus this

Blockades on Runways, Ellen Degeneres Codes to Tom Hanks, Playboy Shuts Down

@00:00:53 profited off of coronavirus before it
@00:03:36 coronavirus chloroquine is called cq we
@00:03:58 effective rate in curing coronavirus
@00:04:34 the coronavirus patents and isn't the
@00:04:36 cure to the corona virus the anti
@00:04:41 ever knew chloroquine cured the corona
@00:10:13 jim corps says irrefutable the corona
@00:10:37 genomic analysis of the corona virus now
@00:10:39 knows that the corona virus was
@00:11:31 corona virus as cover to take out the

POTUS Rushes Cure, Sex Trafficking Victim Rescued, Mexico Demands Border Security, More Google Truth

@00:01:12 available to test coronavirus treatment
@00:01:34 corona virus trump announced at a white
@00:01:48 patients recover from corona virus he
@00:08:59 of coronavirus would come from the north

deleted 100% Cure for Coronavirus, Hanks & Bar Code Door, ID2020 Mark of the Beast

@00:00:55 president over coronavirus as he invoked
@00:01:03 production act to fight coronavirus so
@00:01:18 in any way talking about corona virus he
@00:02:05 media using the coronavirus to do so now
@00:02:46 out how to treat the corona virus this
@00:03:00 effective in treating corona virus craig
@00:03:20 against corona virus immediately he has
@00:04:17 against coronavirus the study was
@00:05:06 corona virus pandemic maddening save
@00:05:44 sela celebrities using a corona
@00:06:01 about how it was the corona typewriter
@00:06:09 corona typewriter is tied right into the
@00:06:11 corona virus but take a look at this so
@00:06:39 the corona virus outbreak but yeah it
@00:07:02 comped celebrities using a corona
@00:09:19 tested positive for the corona virus and
@00:09:27 to test positive for the corona virus
@00:09:43 come down with the corona virus seems
@00:10:00 getting more fun by the day coronavirus
@00:12:03 coronavirus to explain the turmoil what
@00:12:15 and coronavirus is the excuse to get
@00:14:07 vaccine for coronavirus i just showed
@00:14:14 coronavirus hmm interesting all right oh

Florida Pedophile Ring Destroyed, Adrenochrome, Quake Damages Mormon Temple, Omaha Radio Hanks Rumor

@00:07:57 shutdown has happened with the corona
@00:08:26 the corona typewriter but this is
@00:09:19 about the corona typewriter now this is
@00:09:47 never really had the coronavirus the tom
@00:10:38 corona virus and now tom hanks is better

Trump Unlocks Google, Madonna & Hanks, Fake News Praises Trump, Durham Probe Update

@00:05:09 in 2019 had the corona typewriter and we
@00:05:50 is corona i don't know if you guys can
@00:05:52 read that on there but it says corona on
@00:06:03 diaries and she puts corona maddock
@00:06:16 corona virus was originally initially a
@00:06:26 corona virus cases in china and south
@00:07:52 response to coronavirus on cruise ship
@00:08:14 coronavirus response his team is on it
@00:12:25 hindered by the corona virus pandemic
@00:12:40 expecting this coronavirus to pretty
@00:12:47 do with the corona virus this has to do
@00:13:57 corona virus does primarily affect the

deleted Hidden Enemy, COVID-19 vs The Flu, Alex Jones Sues POTUS, Satanic Museum Shuts Down!

@00:01:13 coronavirus this hidden enemy is the
@00:01:53 the corona virus leading to the greatest
@00:02:06 fatality rate for the corona virus was
@00:02:52 repeated that the corona virus was many
@00:03:04 that the corona virus fatality rate
@00:03:15 the corona virus fatality rate of 3.4%
@00:03:44 one the fatality rate of the corona
@00:03:57 used the fatality rate of corona virus
@00:04:18 has been done with the corona virus
@00:04:40 quote estimate for the coronavirus
@00:04:52 mortality rate of the coronavirus to be
@00:05:11 corona virus will recover okay that's
@00:06:56 the rate for the corona virus above
@00:07:00 corona virus are lower than the flu
@00:07:05 confirmed to have had the corona virus
@00:07:21 corona virus 3.8 percent
@00:07:24 the corona virus are not comparing
@00:07:35 media for the corona virus is 3.4
@00:07:40 the corona virus the flu fatality rate
@00:07:54 right for the corona virus does not
@00:07:55 include those who had the corona virus
@00:08:00 and the corona virus corona virus
@00:08:07 apples to oranges by doing so the corona
@00:08:17 simultaneously the corona virus is not
@00:08:28 the corona virus are the elderly and
@00:08:35 corona virus are the elderly and the
@00:08:38 from the corona virus in italy is 81
@00:08:52 the hoos coronavirus fatality rate was
@00:08:57 coronavirus is not as deadly as what was
@00:13:32 with the corona virus very very
@00:13:53 using now this corona virus to his own
@00:14:18 country combats the chinese corona virus
@00:15:40 close indefinitely due to coronavirus
@00:15:53 effects of the corona virus outbreak
@00:16:17 down because of the corona virus just

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:01:28 the corona virus so to me that continues
@00:01:54 bioweapon the corona virus that has
@00:02:03 corona virus is not the virus itself not
@00:02:10 it's not the corona virus itself it's
@00:06:56 inflated for a while the coronavirus is
@00:07:52 having the coronavirus crisis allows the
@00:08:01 everything with the coronavirus will be
@00:09:15 supposedly exposed to the corona virus

POTUS Press Conference, Madonna & Coronavirus, Sex Worker Industry Being Destroyed

@00:02:31 the hoax of this coronavirus that this
@00:02:35 really has nothing to do with the corona
@00:03:10 exclusive the corona virus fatality rate
@00:03:24 the corona virus just don't add up the
@00:04:06 united states and from the corona virus
@00:04:17 from the corona virus and there's this
@00:04:35 to do with the coronavirus itself i've
@00:04:41 viewers already know that the corona
@00:05:02 corona it says madonna's album cover
@00:05:10 notice the typewriter named corona and
@00:05:25 state planned this whole coronavirus
@00:05:52 viewers of the coronavirus through their
@00:06:13 believe that coronavirus can be heard
@00:06:26 coronavirus from the safety of his
@00:07:16 life-saving coronavirus drugs now that
@00:07:20 the corona virus in china is slowing
@00:07:53 the mighty sea of coronavirus so china
@00:07:58 helped people recover from the corona
@00:08:25 cova 19 coronavirus says i'm a sex
@00:08:38 risk of transmitting coronavirus through
@00:08:50 there corona virus outbreak threatens a
@00:09:22 coronavirus maybe they'll repent and
@00:09:38 wuhan the epicenter of the corona virus
@00:10:18 coronavirus patients and they show all
@00:10:39 coronavirus patients in the city the

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:01:15 coronavirus is a tug of war between the
@00:01:49 the corona virus as a cover to take out
@00:06:49 mass released coronavirus variant those
@00:08:23 dude view do to coronavirus joe m says
@00:08:45 with corona virus the virus simply has a
@00:09:02 who's infected with the corona virus and
@00:09:09 corona virus what's the deal

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:05:50 shown any signs of having the corona
@00:07:40 coronavirus because this is a story that
@00:07:52 about the current outbreak of the corona
@00:08:05 the corona virus like in san francisco
@00:08:50 coronavirus fears house speaker nancy
@00:08:58 outbreak of the corona virus that has
@00:10:03 corona virus and he stand the test is
@00:10:57 coronavirus lockdown being leveraged to
@00:11:05 cumberland academy coronavirus lockdown
@00:11:33 cover of coronavirus but in terms of the
@00:11:47 coronavirus shutdowns point to
@00:13:09 the deep state launched this coronavirus
@00:13:14 the corona virus to launch a military
@00:15:34 corona virus and joe em says there are
@00:15:37 1600 cases of the corona virus in the us
@00:16:22 meme due to the corona virus the poles
@00:16:33 we want to see an end to the corona
@00:17:31 nation the the coronavirus not the
@00:17:36 the corona virus has actually hit right
@00:20:28 over again a lot of this coronavirus the
@00:20:34 coronavirus itself it's the hype it's

Sabbath Hike: Coronavirus Effects = Spiritual Revival!

@00:00:37 what's happening with this coronavirus a
@00:01:49 the earth because of this coronavirus um

Friday Night Shabbat: 7 Praise Reports!!!

@00:06:34 that's going on now at the coronavirus
@00:11:11 stuff about coronavirus all that stuff

Military Insider Was Right: China Blames USA for Coronavirus, Disney Shut Down, Mass Arrests?

@00:02:28 brought the corona virus to the chinese
@00:02:52 the emergence of the corona virus had
@00:04:31 corona virus someone that you may not
@00:05:13 has now tested positive for the corona
@00:06:11 have coronavirus celine dion now i have
@00:06:24 coronavirus symptoms and being tested
@00:06:40 using coronavirus as an excuse to try to
@00:07:05 incompetency over the coronavirus that's
@00:08:07 are using this whole coronavirus that
@00:08:41 coronavirus so 30,000 troops have
@00:10:35 coronavirus the nba season has suspended
@00:14:08 arrests under the cover of the corona
@00:14:58 coronavirus even without all this panic
@00:15:33 corona virus itself it's the fear and
@00:17:29 coronavirus really don't have corner
@00:17:42 particularly this corona virus which i

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:01:02 diagnosed with the corona virus tiffany
@00:01:11 positive for corona virus 8 billion
@00:02:04 corona virus as an excuse to try to
@00:02:19 a sudden gets sick with the coronavirus
@00:02:32 whole coronavirus push all the hysteria
@00:02:36 has been from the deep state the corona
@00:04:08 corona virus deep state fiasco right
@00:05:43 is sick with the coronavirus right so
@00:06:08 were tested for the corona virus and
@00:08:17 to ratchet up the hysteria of the corona
@00:08:40 try to hype up the corona virus and
@00:09:26 corona virus and president trump he gave
@00:10:09 coronavirus car they're letting them try
@00:11:33 corona virus is most exploding in a lot
@00:12:24 coronavirus debacle he says the corona

Field McConnell RELEASED, Craigslist Child Sex Trafficking, CA Gov Praises POTUS

@00:03:26 topics to the coronavirus once more
@00:03:58 trump's response to the corona virus on
@00:04:20 corona virus infected grand princess
@00:04:25 for the response to the corona virus but

Weinstein 23 Years in Prison, Exposing More Hoax Panic over Coronavirus, Naval Institute Confirms Q

@00:04:04 ease burdens from the coronavirus
@00:04:08 president trump had had that coronavirus
@00:04:32 coronavirus issue because the fear and
@00:04:49 he said 26 dead from the coronavirus
@00:06:08 coronavirus 27 you see that see all the
@00:06:24 the united states for coronavirus and
@00:06:39 corona virus
@00:07:29 now that have died of coronavirus and
@00:13:12 mention of corona virus at all why do
@00:13:31 this corona virus and they don't want
@00:14:29 this whole corona virus will be

deleted Doctors Slam Media Coronavirus Panic, Protesters Surround Pornhub HQ, Ex-NFL Star Praises Trump

@00:00:49 we're gonna talk about the corona virus
@00:01:07 corona virus the titleist articles is
@00:01:38 cases from corona doctors who said what
@00:01:43 corona a hundred versus 18,000 it's not
@00:03:35 is not the corona virus that is the real
@00:03:45 generated because of the corona virus
@00:04:05 coronavirus hysteria once he builds back
@00:04:52 response to coronavirus maybe worse for
@00:06:50 goal with this coronavirus they're
@00:07:23 this coronavirus nonsense this asterick

Feldman Names Charlie Sheen, FBI Raids Joe Biden's Brother Healthcare Business, Q's Silent Running

@00:04:18 press conference on the corona virus
@00:04:56 coronavirus from from everyone and he's
@00:06:47 supposedly exposed to the corona virus
@00:07:05 coronavirus at the cpac conference and
@00:07:17 of their contact with the coronavirus
@00:07:56 elderly the corona virus is actually
@00:08:09 the coronavirus is actually less deadly
@00:08:32 know peaking with all these coronavirus
@00:11:48 even with all this coronavirus nonsense

Afghanistan US Troops Start Coming Home, Justice for Ohio Pedophiles, New Q Drops

@00:01:09 coronavirus you know stock market
@00:01:41 actual coronavirus itself is really not
@00:04:54 imploding because of this corona virus
@00:05:05 saying i'm not saying coronavirus is a

Staged Coronavirus, Q's Death Blossom, When to Play The Trump Card

@00:01:01 corona virus again just like president
@00:01:57 costco coronavirus scared members trying
@00:02:45 confirmed cases of coronavirus after
@00:02:53 a 33 year old coronavirus patient that
@00:03:00 33 people who could develop coronavirus
@00:03:32 positive for corona virus so all of this
@00:04:11 from the corona virus here in the united

Hillary Cancels Tour, Chris Matthews Crumbles, Oscar Winning Actor Accused of Pedophilia

@00:17:54 trump put pence in charge of coronavirus

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:09:02 corona virus was man-made hallelujah so
@00:09:58 gates had this patent for this corona

Oprah & Madonna Fall, Collins Promises Criminal Charges Durham Probe, US & Taliban Peace Deal

@00:09:24 coronavirus people and now he's getting
@00:09:40 coronavirus hit italy the 83 year old
@00:09:52 as coronavirus has now infected more
@00:10:46 supposedly have the coronavirus now it's
@00:10:56 gonna use the coronavirus as cover to

Friday Night Shabbat: Praise Reports & Health Tip

@00:03:10 against anything like the corona virus
@00:06:24 corona virus or any flu and you know one
@00:06:40 have died from the corona virus so far
@00:06:45 from the flu or coronavirus or anything

Dow Plunges, Pope Struck With Coronavirus? Deep State Intends To Bring The Whole Thing Down

@00:02:37 coronavirus the deep state is really
@00:02:41 coronavirus because they are backed into
@00:06:10 wuhan corona virus was released and i
@00:06:49 maintain that the corona virus itself is
@00:07:06 fear and the panic that this coronavirus
@00:08:20 because of the coronavirus fears so it's
@00:08:51 ill amid italy coronavirus so this made
@00:08:59 people that had the corona virus and now
@00:09:18 use the coronavirus as their cover to
@00:09:24 corona virus and they died now i hope
@00:09:41 they died from this corona virus when
@00:10:00 coronavirus play by the deep state to
@00:10:33 this out he said so the corona virus was
@00:10:56 calling a coronavirus let's call it
@00:11:50 zika will kill us all and in 2020 corona
@00:12:38 from getting to coronavirus a paper-thin
@00:12:49 when the corona virus is proven to be a
@00:20:42 with this coronavirus it's best just to

Several CEOs Step down, Trump Can Now Withhold Funds From Sanctuary Cities & States

@00:11:31 state keeps saying oh this coronavirus
@00:12:01 spreading this so-called coronavirus so

Obama Whistleblower Found Dead, UK Independent Exposes Westminster Pedophilia, Lieber's Coronavirus

@00:11:46 about the coronavirus some more and so i
@00:13:45 corona virus which is both spreading
@00:14:44 yourself against something like a corona
@00:15:14 corona virus is very much under control
@00:15:40 what the corona virus is actually doing

Weinstein Found Guilty, Coronavirus Means Arrests Are Imminent

@00:03:14 corona virus outbreak is a real thing
@00:05:18 corona virus would be unleashed way back
@00:09:07 that i think this coronavirus just like
@00:10:17 similar to this corona virus i it was a
@00:10:33 that was the corona virus but there

Riverside Q Conference Video Recording

@00:05:02 this corona virus would be unleashed way
@00:08:48 this coronavirus is not just a bunch of
@00:10:36 the coronavirus specifically and you
@00:11:15 yourself against the corona virus i
@00:13:09 describe is coronavirus i mean it was
@00:18:17 coronavirus just you know decimate the
@00:19:53 theory about the corona virus and she's
@00:21:04 actually going to be using the corona
@00:21:25 use the coronavirus like oh we got to do
@00:30:03 now with this coronavirus so yeah well a

Obama's Blago Subpoena, Dean Koontz Novel Predicted Wuhan Coronavirus, Carman's Trump Song

@00:11:45 corona virus again i'd reported many
@00:11:50 this corona virus based off what my

Soros Ordered Obama to Investigate Trump, Volunteers in Ohio Combat Sex Trafficking

@00:06:36 a touch on the coronavirus real briefly
@00:06:51 d - 19 the corona virus or the strain of
@00:06:54 corona virus originated at a government
@00:07:36 the scare of the coronavirus so we need

DOJ Opens New Investigation into Comey, McCabe, Strzok

@00:12:58 real quickly on the corona virus
@00:13:25 truth that the corona virus outbreak
@00:13:53 the video coronavirus bombshell real
@00:13:58 scientists break cover the corona virus
@00:14:47 possible origins of the 2019 ncod corona
@00:14:59 conducting research on bat coronavirus

Lysol & Coronavirus, Ohio Pedophile Ring Busted, Oregon DHS Case Dismissed!

@00:01:03 just in regards to this coronavirus
@00:01:06 human coronavirus this was the back of a
@00:01:28 coronavirus is one of the things that it
@00:01:44 pink box is human coronavirus so i just
@00:02:06 this infects human coronavirus so i i

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:01:17 coronavirus and you know that's some
@00:01:32 coronavirus is this a really big deal is
@00:02:56 corona virus but it is being made way
@00:03:33 corona virus in fact stars upon us also
@00:03:36 tweeted about the corona virus again
@00:03:53 corona virus and storm is upon us said
@00:03:59 with the corona virus sorry but your
@00:06:05 this coronavirus okay wyatt tweeted this
@00:13:28 outbreak of its corona virus we do not
@00:16:06 coronavirus hoax that's why and that's

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:01:08 portion of this video on the corona
@00:02:01 for coronavirus as of friday they
@00:02:08 for coronavirus
@00:02:40 state created this corona hiv outbreak
@00:02:43 corona virus hiv outbreak as a means to
@00:03:21 that again more proof that this corona
@00:03:49 corona virus and how it's tied to a 2019
@00:04:01 a corona light virus outbreak starting
@00:04:25 it announced it is working on a corona
@00:04:38 claims to study the corona virus in
@00:05:26 human coronavirus vaccine and where did
@00:05:45 corona virus as well just the vaccine
@00:06:32 corona virus just have it have it and
@00:07:30 tweeted about the corona virus he says
@00:07:31 here's what did it coronavirus bill
@00:07:59 coronavirus pandemic in light of growing
@00:08:06 theory for the spread of the corona
@00:09:13 actually concocting this corona virus at

Biden Linked to Whistleblower, 42% Black Support for Trump, Netflix the Keepers, Riverside Q Conf.

@00:06:36 coronavirus which i believe is a
@00:06:51 all us the end of the world corona bias
@00:06:55 no one will be talking about the corona
@00:07:04 corona virus in china from all of our
@00:07:25 this coronavirus it's a big giant hoax
@00:08:05 getting wrapped up in this coronavirus

Coronavirus Fear Mongering, Kobe Bryant Connected to Epstein & Clinton Foundation

@00:03:21 the coronavirus man i have gotten
@00:03:29 coronavirus it's horrible it's spreading
@00:03:52 to contain the corona virus the united

Trump Lawyers Shred Schiff, Coronavirus Cured, Deep State On The Run

@00:13:29 coronavirus which i showed in my video
@00:13:52 coronavirus patient discharged from the
@00:14:00 coronavirus has for the first time since
@00:14:18 blood tests for the corona virus came

Q Marker Coronavirus, Flynn Update, Pompeo's Tweet & Q State Funeral

@00:00:59 coronavirus that i believe is a deep
@00:01:20 cases of new coronavirus and that was on
@00:02:04 stuff that's coming out about the corona

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:01:06 talked about this coronavirus that has
@00:01:41 only no one in or out if the coronavirus
@00:02:37 at the center of the new coronavirus
@00:02:52 coronavirus update chinese city of wuhan
@00:03:15 said the new fad disease called corona
@00:03:21 there was a patent for the corona virus
@00:07:05 effort to stop coronavirus outbreak so

Love Never Fails: Chapter 24 - The End of the Beginning

@00:04:27 burning corona of the sun more real than