The Beatles, Nygard Exposed, Alex Jones Fires Millie, Epstein & Gates, Bill Clinton Photos

@00:03:43 arrested cps threatened to take her
@00:03:50 she has her children the cps didn't take

CHAZ Dismantled, Abortion Organ Harvesting, Flynn Knew About Brennan's Billions, AZ Senator CPS

@00:11:11 children in cps system child protective
@00:11:27 cps system i just received an update
@00:12:58 ci a cps or dcs or however it's called

Germany Investigates 30,000 Pedophile Network, Deep State Pushes 2nd Wave, China Pig Virus

@00:13:37 expose cps foster care and family court
@00:13:58 cps and foster care and family court

9 Arrested in Ohio Child Sex Trafficking Ring, Epstein Victims Get Compensation, OK Rioters Charged

@00:09:01 who are battling cps child protective
@00:09:06 parent's guide to dealing with cps this
@00:09:16 cps legal document and information
@00:09:37 be battling cps might be unfairly

Ukraine Charging Biden, Pro-Q Ratcliffe Wins, Trump Strikes Back at Tyrant States, Indicted DSS

@00:15:59 channel has long targeted dss and cps
@00:18:16 by cps by dss have their children
@00:18:29 what i'm praying for anyway cps and dss

Clinton Haiti Pedophile Ring Linked to Contact Tracing, Italy Calls for Bill Gates Arrest

@00:03:47 police and cps to remove children from

Declass Continues Exposing Comey & Obama, Don Jr Mocks Pedophile Biden, Battle Against Tyranny Rages

@00:09:20 protective services cps to her home as
@00:10:11 being unfit is unbelievable the same cps
@00:10:27 old son graham stated the cps agent came
@00:11:25 graham noted of cps as private
@00:11:44 wasted cps is a valuable time when there
@00:12:15 cps and shame on kake brown and shame on
@00:12:19 cps as they've reported on many many
@00:12:37 absolute travesty to weaponize cps like
@00:12:43 i've said this many times cps just like
@00:18:43 seeing cps being weaponized against

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:15:05 protective services cps investigator and
@00:15:44 confirms the need for cps reform
@00:17:20 so later what happens is then cps shows

Sex Abuse Victims Speak Out, Police Chief Caught, Barr Crackdown On Unlawful Restrictions

@00:17:34 i've done on cps and how they get more

Iowa Bill to Remove CPS, FBI FISA Corruption Exposed Even More, My Pillow CEO Urges Bible Reading

@00:01:33 supports state bill to remove cps child
@00:02:51 because i have long rail against cps
@00:03:05 that's gone on under the guise of cps in
@00:03:35 pray that this bill to remove cps

Afghanistan US Troops Start Coming Home, Justice for Ohio Pedophiles, New Q Drops

@00:08:37 much cps is out of control all across
@00:09:44 visit the idaho cps org to learn more so
@00:10:04 be if a social worker from cps shows up

Romney, Aspen & Child Sex Abuse, Bay Area Child Sex Trafficking , TN to Ban Drag Queen Story Hour

@00:10:54 i've talked about how cps child
@00:11:18 sound familiar cps is doing exactly what

Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

@00:09:00 stories that's been going on with cps
@00:12:53 really good job at handling cps child
@00:15:47 makes makes cps uncomfortable you know
@00:15:50 the cps and women especially when they
@00:16:10 where cps is unlawfully calling you he
@00:16:21 cps always says oh well we can't reveal

Nygard & Prince Andrew, Boy Scouts Filing For Bankruptcy, Bikers Against Child Abuse

@00:10:35 i just pray pray pray the cps and and
@00:10:39 these various other cps like

Lysol & Coronavirus, Ohio Pedophile Ring Busted, Oregon DHS Case Dismissed!

@00:05:59 the equivalent of cps in oregon drops

Trump Lawyers Shred Schiff, Coronavirus Cured, Deep State On The Run

@00:13:03 so someone working for cps cps in and

Q: The Shot Heard Around the World

@00:09:29 cps they're completely out of control

Disney Demons, VA Governor Declares Emergency, Mark Levin Follows Q

@00:05:22 of both the cps and foster care industry

64 People Show Up Fort Myers Q Conference!

@00:06:09 running this government and the cps and
@00:06:15 and she's the one running cps here and
@00:09:12 haven't cps i believe is a completely
@00:09:38 because cps i believe is i mean just
@00:13:19 way cps is set up is that they give you
@00:13:22 they give the cps workers monetary
@00:13:43 was on probation right and cps and dhs
@00:14:05 done into cps into missing children
@00:17:34 you want to see cps completely dismantle
@00:19:03 directly against cps and people say well

MSM Lies About Huber's Investigation, Twitter Gives Platform to Pedophiles

@00:05:42 cps law department before october 2018

Drag Queen Story Hour, Soleimani's Ring, John Grisham Defends Pedophiles

@00:12:41 forms of cps child protective services
@00:12:56 are from cps child protective services
@00:15:22 involved like cps they wind up taking

OR CPS Abuse, CA Protecting Pedophiles, Dance Moms Sexualizing Children

@00:05:40 summer to protest against cps you need
@00:07:57 travesty that's going on with cps
@00:09:09 children so we have a cps caseworker who
@00:09:20 children taken from him by cps but then
@00:09:30 some another place in the cps
@00:09:31 organization cps child protective
@00:12:59 again came from cps and foster care
@00:13:02 abolish and arrest cps i thought this is

Cyndie Abcug’s False Imprisonment Day 1

@00:13:41 proof behind it the corruption of cps is
@00:14:04 state government who has allowed cps a
@00:14:16 protest says cps was not only wronging
@00:14:43 as far to say that cps taking the
@00:15:29 cps we make every effort effort to keep
@00:17:20 interventions made by cps are actually
@00:18:20 died while under the care of cps across
@00:29:00 the colorado cps has concerns for
@00:29:20 there should be a 24 hour cps assault on
@00:29:24 america network cps assault on america
@00:29:29 cps they come into your house and take
@00:31:48 cps that's eight three three stop cps
@00:32:01 rico as it was a rico cps calm or cps
@00:32:04 recoat common air mentors yeah rico cps
@00:32:17 you have evidence you can go to rico cps
@00:32:47 cps nationwide i hear i hear jim that
@00:32:53 removed for a gut feeling cps the
@00:33:27 frickin cps i really do i never liked
@00:34:40 sued for malicious prosecution in a cps
@00:38:59 at cps jim i have concerns about their
@00:39:57 cps worker that probably fill out a job
@00:41:59 five dying out of the care of cps 655

EMERGENCY BROADCAST! Cyndie Abcug Arrested in Montana for “Qanon Conspiracy”

@00:10:09 fighting cps gets arrested based upon a
@00:13:33 cps had concerns for misrepresentation
@00:20:33 they say he to go to cps need to go to
@00:20:38 cps and you need to complete do a
@00:46:39 cps that's not poor their purview but
@00:49:55 situations this is a tactic by cps but

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:12:30 abuse that's going on with cps working
@00:14:52 don't know if many decades ago when cps
@00:15:19 cps as a means to snatch children from

4 Children Stolen by Arizona CPS: Sara Johnson's Story

@00:00:23 cps child protective services and of
@00:00:32 horrible abuses that cps has done not
@00:00:57 exactly what happened and how cps got
@00:07:25 much longer then did it take for cps to
@00:07:58 when the cps technically got involved
@00:08:43 yeah they charged sarah cps charged
@00:13:24 ironic that cps said that isaiah was the
@00:13:43 several we requested the cps records
@00:13:47 more than once from from cps and every
@00:14:10 2008 a cps worker by the name of susie
@00:15:00 know that the supervisor ron - the cps
@00:16:04 it called some some cps worker from that
@00:16:48 officers to you know protect protect cps
@00:17:22 cps workers saying because that would be
@00:17:36 obviously you know cps is completely out
@00:17:46 example of that i mean for a cps worker
@00:18:49 cps it's the federal government too
@00:19:30 hospital they call in false cps reports
@00:19:53 hospital has a contract with cps yeah so
@00:23:00 government right as given cps workers a
@00:23:16 these cps workers state all right
@00:24:26 for years that that cps is broken i tell
@00:27:40 court for medical neglect but cps never
@00:33:48 cps takes this baby and then they say
@00:36:41 false cps reporter a false cps call on
@00:39:17 the phone to a cps worker or you know an
@00:39:37 viewers that if cps comes to your door
@00:39:44 those cps workers will run like
@00:41:41 seized that took jaden that helped cps
@00:42:09 chapman cps actually ended up taking him
@00:42:50 with cps
@00:44:08 this does this person the cps worker
@00:45:59 called cps when when they reported that
@00:46:21 problem with cps people can make phone
@00:46:25 absolutely no proof and cps says well
@00:49:58 part of the cps team they wrote that in
@00:50:08 the cps team yeah but i can tell you one
@00:50:31 adam schiff is a cps worker okay and
@00:51:23 the cps were
@00:53:43 to start with hold cps nonsense yeah it
@00:54:54 worsens the financial incentives for cps
@00:56:50 cps for the last decade ten years and
@00:57:35 with cps i immediately get thrown out of
@00:59:10 and all these cps cases were then
@01:00:14 know the cps and everything the
@01:00:34 parents cps will threaten the judge the

Anchorage Alaska Q Conference: First 47 Minutes

@00:21:07 have been ripped apart involving cps not

Trump Ends Liberal Domination of 9th Circuit, RBG Resignation Info, Feds Investigate Oregon CPS

@00:14:03 oregon's cps violates parental rights of
@00:14:35 of abuse but oregon cps took away their
@00:15:01 oregon cps and the practices of removing
@00:18:32 experience with what cps does in oregon
@00:18:54 florida oh my goodness cps needs to be
@00:19:31 going on with cps with the foster care

Friday Night Shabbat: New Jersey Blessings & Praise Reports from Subscribers

@00:09:44 custody and courts and as long as cps

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:15:27 funding cps child protective services is
@00:15:33 intent child protective services or cps
@00:16:01 because it isn't just cps at dss who is
@00:16:59 prop up cps dhs and all these child
@00:17:47 adoption care system so cps which by the
@00:17:59 state sometimes it's cps sometimes it's
@00:18:24 september where they were protesting cps
@00:18:36 trump to and say we demand that cps that

MSM Helped Satanic Pedophile Epstein, Fiona Exposes Tunnels, POTUS to Smash Drug Cartels, Field Mcc

@00:15:56 bit about the cps and dcs and child
@00:17:36 cps and child trafficking i was a court
@00:17:52 initial cps cases in between morning and

POTUS MN Rally & Holmseth, Navy Intel Source on UN Troop Rumors, Trump Admin Attacks Child Sex Abuse

@00:10:32 cps and foster care system the committee
@00:10:50 abuse and corruption in the cps system

Tarot Cards at Bethel in Redding, Cali, Numerous CEO's Resigning, the STORM Is Now

@00:05:02 on october 4th calling for cps reform
@00:05:52 nazi jackbooted thugs cps that's all
@00:06:01 think we need cps reform i think we need
@00:06:03 cps abolished we got to start completely
@00:06:24 actually being abused and cps has been

Treasonous Comey, Q and Lynch, POTUS Asked About Q

@00:11:45 huge protest against a main hub of cps
@00:11:50 whole organization cps is a big scam

Personal Organ Harvesting Testimony, Mercy Corp & Clintons, Flynn Exoneration Clarifies

@00:08:47 just like cps needs to be shut down just

Netflix Female Pedophile Show Creator, Steven Spielberg Ties to Cincinnati Ohio

@00:13:15 agencies and cps have been working

Ohio Meteorologist, Subway, Tunnels, Oprah, Planned Parenthood

@00:10:14 by the draconian nazi thug like cps in

Navy Intel: Deep State Desperate Missile Launch, Epstein MC2 1000 Children, Standard Hotels

@00:10:48 say well the annual cps does
@00:10:53 well cps is not the answer because
@00:11:06 trafficking cps is a privately owned
@00:11:19 crusade against cps and so i'll continue

John Legend, Dayton Ohio, Children's Hospitals, Les Wexner

@00:11:43 administrators cps board member and

Hannity: All Will Be Revealed this Fall, RFID Chip in Sex Trafficking Victim, CPS Weaponized

@00:10:02 the weaponizing of cps again i'm on a
@00:10:18 deal with cps if they're being falsely
@00:10:27 cps
@00:10:43 weaponizing of cps drew national
@00:10:59 cps has far greater consequences than
@00:11:15 twins at birth to cps if she did not
@00:11:21 of fear of losing her babies to cps she
@00:11:28 were even born cps today is not really
@00:11:38 cps involvement to get what they want
@00:12:01 the threat of cps taking her babies away
@00:13:04 threatening letter using cps as a weapon
@00:13:14 another of cps being weaponized
@00:13:26 cps child protective services destroying

Coats Leaves the 15th, POTUS 144 Judges, CPS Using Predictive Analytics

@00:07:20 trafficking cps a agencies child
@00:07:46 reports from which cps utilizes computer
@00:08:05 by cps thugs several years back
@00:08:21 aaron was targeted by cps for
@00:08:27 is always the case cps was never held
@00:08:56 terry lapointe writes about how cps is
@00:09:07 proven guilty everyone involved with cps

Navy Intel Update, Massive Arrests, Whistleblowers, Megachurch Exposed

@00:03:02 very similar to well in fact the cps
@00:07:21 cps all the different variations of the

Practical Helps for Parents Dealing with CPS

@00:00:18 regards to cps child protective services
@00:00:43 services cps right there in arizona so i
@00:03:20 fight cps myself i realized quickly that
@00:04:20 information that said that cps could
@00:05:21 came out and told that cps wasn't a
@00:05:37 paid in courts by cps where they are at
@00:07:44 definition cps is taking kids from
@00:08:52 cps had the right based on the social
@00:09:28 days later the head of cps and arizona
@00:10:29 a parent i've got cps knocking on my
@00:10:49 huge misunderstanding about cps services
@00:10:53 agency co cps services are all private
@00:13:13 what about when these cps they show up
@00:18:12 train cps they purposely don't train
@00:18:24 that cps is gonna mess me i heard that
@00:23:07 paperwork for any cps case it's going to
@00:28:25 from the attorney for cps cps is under
@00:35:08 them into cps so as the mothers and
@00:35:40 watching and then they'll call cps on
@00:36:18 carried out through cps so if we shut it
@00:38:01 some of the cps workers that they think
@00:40:51 going on in cps and the foster care
@00:41:15 that cps and all of these organizations
@00:41:41 you know major moves against cps just by

Child Porn on Pentagon Computers, CPS Kidnapping

@00:10:30 been kidnapped by state ends up in cps
@00:11:01 child protective services cps system
@00:11:30 that's because cps came and abducted
@00:11:51 that cps not only kidnapped her child
@00:12:27 by cps this is just outrageous cps is a
@00:13:18 continue with this story cb s cps
@00:13:27 abducted by cps agents they apparently
@00:14:06 that was stamped incorrectly cps also
@00:14:35 would appear as though cps separated
@00:14:55 corrupt cps system these are documents
@00:15:16 son's abduction by cps and this
@00:16:12 bring these cps rogue people these

RBG Deep Fake Video, POTUS Deals Huge Blow to Deep State Pedophilia

@00:07:58 removed from their care by cps agents on
@00:08:15 need for removal of children by cps
@00:08:31 about cps now it functions as a child
@00:08:45 reportedly abducted by cps recently on
@00:08:59 him she was told by tipster that cps
@00:09:59 cps needs to be completely and totally

Pompeo/Ivanka Human Trafficking Report, Israel Blocks Access to 1700 Pedo Websites

@00:04:07 investigating cps child protective
@00:04:10 services cps that is supposed to be this

Scope of Durham's Investigation & New Info on Murdered Linda Collins-Smith

@00:05:09 going on to cps well this article goes
@00:05:24 cps services arkansas child services
@00:05:51 cps as his evidence from this video
@00:07:35 investigating cps child protective
@00:08:13 critical of arkansas cps dhs and
@00:10:01 smith on cps corruption cases linked to

From Rodham to Collins: 10 Dead/Missing in 72 Hours

@00:06:54 the corruption going on in cps so she

Snapchat Pro-Pedophilia, CPS Corruption, My Disagreement with POTUS

@00:06:07 detained her and reported her to cps the

Mexico Freezes Human Trafficking Bank Accounts

@00:08:08 linda collins doing investigation on cps
@00:08:11 so i don't know i can't tie this to cps

Arkansas Senator's Murder & CPS/DHS

@00:04:18 basically the equivalent of cps in
@00:05:13 so we're talk about cps here these funds
@00:06:17 talked many many times about how cps
@00:07:11 services dhhs cps in arkansas so we'll
@00:11:52 of cps

Friday Night Shabbat: Praise Report

@00:04:16 with cps and they were trying to take
@00:04:25 with cps you know how difficult is to
@00:05:05 back and everything is fine and and cps

Twitter Reinstates @StormIsUponUs, Medical Kidnappers Falsifying Results

@00:07:38 are being taken from families by cps and

Quentin Tarantino Defends Satanic Pedophile Polanski

@00:08:43 children are being abused and cps is one

Sexualized Child Sites on Facebook, Unplanned Causing Abortion Workers to Leave

@00:04:26 remove it until i got cps internet child

Major MI Human Trafficking Ring Busted, Sweeping Pro Life Victories

@00:08:14 child child cps or whatever they're

FL & AZ Medical Kidnappings, POTUS Deals Major Blow to Child Sex Trafficking Hub

@00:06:39 so the doctor wound up calling cps and
@00:10:14 produced the corrupt business of cps
@00:10:50 problems that we're having with cps with
@00:11:13 accomplish right so cps it was designed

Irish Journalist Investigating Missing Children Murdered

@00:07:07 equivalent of the cps in arizona to

Abortion, Child Sex Trafficking, Illegals Abusing Children

@00:08:09 title our corrupt police assisting cps
@00:08:57 trafficking when cps comes to a home
@00:09:27 with cps with the intent to harm
@00:15:08 cps

SWAT Team Storms AZ Home For Unvaccinated Children

@00:05:23 into where cps or in the case of arizona
@00:05:33 fact i would say that the cps or
@00:06:03 man this police state the cps

Marnie Grundman: Exposing Abuses in Foster Care

@00:30:46 child just being abused cps is not who
@00:30:55 investigate abuse cps is trained to
@00:31:13 cps it's not who were supposed to call
@00:31:25 agree with you that the fact that cps

KY Workers Illegally Taking Children, POTUS Tweets Q!

@00:01:08 expose cps and the foster and adoptive
@00:04:34 in previous videos about how cps child
@00:09:07 of cps and foster care and the adoptive

POTUS Visits Alaska, Trudeau & Netanyahu: Deep State Crumbling

@00:04:20 cps they're not telling the whole truth

POTUS at 76% Approval, Epstein Probe Re-Opened

@00:11:08 just it's basically a way to have cps

Tim Holmseth: Trump Wall, QAnon, Project Ambition

@00:24:05 forcing cps to have to steal kids
@00:24:43 okay this is enough we are done with cps
@00:25:53 like in the cps this is outrageous we
@00:25:55 can't have the cps doing this anymore
@00:37:31 sailes cps stealing children from

Ashley Exposing Canada Child Sex Trafficking!

@00:08:46 protective services cps they are paid a

Heather's 17 Month Baby Raped Due to CPS/Foster Care Ohio System!

@00:00:20 experience with cps i'm gonna let her
@00:00:31 when they dealt with cps in ohio
@00:02:07 three days later cps is knocking at the
@00:03:12 believe and cps is taking my kids all
@00:03:48 that started our battle with cps
@00:05:19 so guys just so you know cps working in
@00:05:37 with a cps worker out in oregon when i
@00:07:11 cps agency and telling him i'm calling
@00:07:37 this absolutely horrible cps agency they
@00:10:39 will give a tip to the cps agency and
@00:12:39 so guys she has her children okay cps
@00:13:09 against this cps need completely and
@00:20:31 to show that just because cps is
@00:21:03 gonna call cps on you let's not use them

deleted POTUS Kicks Out Trans-Perverts, Q & White House Sinkhole 17th Street

@00:13:08 bad dealings with cps in ohio child
@00:13:14 am on a mission against cps because i

Human Sex Trafficking in University of California State System

@00:04:55 brightest the beautiful cps for example
@00:05:00 yeah i've done a lot of stories on cps

Child Sex Trafficking in NY, Steve Quayle Kabbalah Symbol, UK Cult

@00:06:55 videos about this both about cps child

Q, POTUS, Andrew Jackson, CPS Abuse, Satanic Bankers

@00:01:24 there i did a whole story on cps the
@00:03:25 children and by the way these cps people

Major NY Child Sex Ring Busted, Sick Child Marriages, Pray for FLYNN!

@00:01:48 with child protective services cps with

BOOM! Testimony Right Now Exposing Clintons Dec 13, 2018

@00:04:10 been going on with the cps and dhs and

Theresa May the Pedophile and Pedophile Protector

@00:05:47 states the cps and foster care system

Trump Threatens Mexico: Child Sex Trafficking

@00:03:14 made about cps child protective services
@00:04:09 and by the adoption foster cps system

CPS and Foster Care: Child Sex Trafficking!!!!

@00:02:11 about cps and this is from an article
@00:03:31 murdered in cps care picking up the
@00:03:51 protection services cps are the two
@00:04:08 program to call law enforcement not cps
@00:04:15 and cps is not trained to handle crimes
@00:04:30 angeles county where in 2013 cps took
@00:04:39 murdered while in the care of cps and
@00:06:03 justice because these again these cps
@00:06:13 from cps and they'll just do whatever
@00:06:14 they recommend even though these cps
@00:06:28 la cps turning foster children over to
@00:06:32 asked her who sue p cps was turning
@00:06:46 a green light by cps to become approved
@00:07:03 unbelievable cps putting children into
@00:07:25 with cps in orange county california
@00:07:35 foster care system under cps control and
@00:09:55 these wicked cps officials and not the
@00:12:19 cps go to the law enforcement stead even
@00:13:00 knew one cps social worker she was paid

Washington DC Satanic Pedophile Tunnels

@00:04:52 in the united states through cps child

AZ Luciferian Pedophile Ring: Exposing Keith and Rachel Krause

@00:09:25 by child child services cps that's how