
Donald Trump Jr Exposes Satanic Pedos, Dwayne Johnson "child molesting robot", 15 Arrested Merced

@00:06:21 john durham taking over huber's
@00:06:32 u.s attorney john durham
@00:07:06 john durham
@00:07:33 criminal probe that means that durham
@00:07:54 19 says john durham is investigating the
@00:08:07 reports john durham is not out there to
@00:08:10 produce a report john durham

RBG's Wrinkled Flag, Trump's Undercover Operatives, The Soon Deliverance of General Flynn

@00:07:22 uh john durham has now absorbed the
@00:08:54 john durham story broke and it looks
@00:09:34 you can imagine so john durham now
@00:10:47 the fact that durham is taking over

Not Your Typical Forest Fires, Prince Andrew with 15 Year Old, Harris Helped Accused Pedophile

@00:05:40 durham is about to wrap up his
@00:08:46 right this is exactly what durham is

Netflix Star Soliciting Sex from Children, Michelle O Complicit in Netflix Child Porn, BLM Occult

@00:08:10 u.s attorney john durham is leading a
@00:09:24 durham investigation

Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia Will Fail, GOP Demands Legal Action Against Netflix, New Cue Drops

@00:14:37 durham report interesting q says heads
@00:23:35 indictment and arrest by the durham
@00:23:39 and of course we know durham is working

Schiff Crying Wolf, Antifa Arsonists, 12 Utah Pedos Arrested, Barr/Durham Update

@00:12:50 durham because uh
@00:12:55 durham was going to uh start his
@00:13:04 he said new durham according to nbc news
@00:13:21 you finally about the durham report
@00:13:23 is john durham nearing the end of his
@00:13:44 anything about the durham report before
@00:14:07 know when this whole durham thing is
@00:14:28 durham thing to end uh before we make
@00:14:47 durham investigation

POTUS 1 Yard Line, Drop 3313, Labor Day Indictment Weekend? Pelosi Caught Violating Restrictions

@00:03:36 durham have said that the durham
@00:04:20 start seeing indictments from the durham

Ratcliffe Coordinating with Durham, Huge Pro Freedom Rallies in Berlin, Japan, London, Boston, OR

@00:01:31 is coordinating with john durham
@00:01:44 u.s attorney john durham
@00:01:58 issue that john durham is looking at
@00:02:06 durham the u.s attorney for connecticut
@00:02:30 durham's findings right because durham
@00:03:46 this uh durham investigation wrap up by

Pedowood Aerial Shot, Brennan's Durham Interview Panic, Forged FBI Doc, Trump Landslide Ahead

@00:03:19 by durham for about eight hours on
@00:03:32 with durham
@00:03:46 interviewed by u.s attorney john durham
@00:03:54 brennan was informed by mr durham that
@00:04:16 durham who's been doing this extensive
@00:04:57 durham or anyone in the investigation

Correct info Doll Website, More Pizzagate/Harris Info, Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty, Spiritual War

@00:03:32 in durham investigation kevin kleinsmith
@00:04:31 durham
@00:05:09 and trump administration both durham and
@00:05:28 durham was tapped by bar in may of 2019
@00:06:08 with um with durham and that he's gonna
@00:07:38 durham
@00:07:55 sean hannity asked bar about the durham
@00:15:59 durham obama gate charges yeah but q

POTUS Cryptic Statement, Tom Hanks Hollywood Star, Troll Dolls Removed, Worship in Casino

@00:08:39 ex-colleagues see durham
@00:08:46 beltway says u.s attorney john durham
@00:08:56 with durham on past public corruption
@00:09:19 any report by mr durham before the
@00:09:47 accordingly durham would have to make a
@00:09:57 prosecutor durham has kept a tight lid
@00:10:51 if durham announces criminal indictments
@00:11:17 who knows durham personally and has
@00:11:22 he pointed that durham would risk
@00:11:26 he pointed out that durham would risk
@00:11:35 elected everything durham is done at
@00:11:41 durham
@00:11:46 durham would put a byte administration

Mariah Carey's Sis Suing over Pedophilia & Satanic Acts, Yates Throws Comey Under Bus, 5 Explosions

@00:07:01 you know barr and durham are working on
@00:07:29 so that when durham and barr do finish
@00:11:16 connecticut u.s attorney durham has
@00:11:42 durham

Trudeau in Deep Trouble, Ohio Reverses Decision, Trump Tweets Out Pizza & St. James, RBG Update

@00:03:46 another investigator not durham but
@00:04:01 saying durham is

Barr's Brilliance at Hearing, Trump Defends Stell@ Immanuel, Police Refuse Dem Convention

@00:10:37 read the durham investigation
@00:10:54 durham
@00:10:58 this whole john durham investigation

Indictments by Labor Day, Ratcliffe Massive Declass, Trump Blasts Obama/Biden for Treason

@00:00:57 hannity radio show durham indictments

Durham Negotiating Guilty Pleas, Trump Wishing Ghislaine Well & Wearing Mask, Trump Protects Census

@00:01:17 durham reportedly in negotiations with
@00:01:25 durham assigned by attorney general
@00:01:58 in which she suggested that durham could
@00:03:02 case suggesting that durham is going to
@00:03:31 all expecting durham
@00:04:24 durham so

Meadows Signals Imminent Indictments in Durham Probe: "It's Time For People to Go To Jail"

@00:01:16 durham probe
@00:02:24 the durham probe were among his most
@00:14:24 durham investigation ends uh by the end

Germany Investigates 30,000 Pedophile Network, Deep State Pushes 2nd Wave, China Pig Virus

@00:09:42 don't like what durham is doing and oh

POTUS Again Accuses Obama of Treason, Hollywood Crumbling, Seattle Mayor to Shut Down CHAZ/CHOP

@00:02:18 durham is i never meant to her because i
@00:02:23 it's gonna look political let durham as
@00:04:10 been involved with you know durham and
@00:11:44 stanley in durham also lived on mercer

Thugs Block Trump Rally, Sex Trafficking Website Shutdown, Chief Justice Roberts Epstein Ties

@00:11:00 and things like that durham has been
@00:11:36 because they know once durham is done a

Trump Roars at Tulsa Rally, Q Drops Biggest Booms Yet, TN House Bans All Abortions

@00:15:34 proven it's what you don't see durham is

Barr Orders Execution of 4 Child Rapists, Child Murderers, Statue Removal Exposes Agenda

@00:07:47 and john durham that are gonna bring the

Trump Tweets Against Satanic Pedos, Huge Declass Imminent, 40% Black Trump Approval Rating

@00:07:47 durham and barr okayed its d class with

Ukraine Releases Biden Scandal Tapes, Rice Email Exposes Obama, Trump Stops Unveiling Obama Portait

@00:04:47 suckers yeah and i'm sure bar and durham
@00:12:14 it's going to be bar and durham in these
@00:13:26 that you know he and durham you know

Barr's Statements on Obama & Biden, 6.5 Earthquake Hits Nevada: Possible DUMBS Taken Out?

@00:02:19 do not envision durham going after
@00:02:36 durham stuff i've seen what durham is
@00:03:26 right now i don't expect durham do after
@00:03:36 assigned durham specifically to
@00:03:44 to be looking at micromanaging durham at
@00:03:57 because durham is still in the midst of
@00:07:21 that's handled by bar in durham the
@00:10:36 and months to come before durham was
@00:10:43 going on i've talked about how durham
@00:11:02 masking so durham himself has actually
@00:13:09 durham is done with this investigation
@00:13:11 if durham has finishes his investigation
@00:13:26 need to wait for durham to finish one

DNC Spokeswoman Meltdown, Samantha Power & Biden Caught in Lies, FBI Confronts Feinstein

@00:07:01 that's exactly right durham is already
@00:14:07 being overseen by durham that are also
@00:17:46 get obama is what durham is doing right
@00:18:05 that durham is
@00:18:15 it's durham who's gonna get renegade
@00:18:16 durham is going to get obama so this
@00:18:59 investigator named john durham who is

Obamagate #1Twitter Trend, WashTimes Defends Trump, Judge Rules Against Illinois Governor

@00:04:45 published today by fox news durham
@00:04:56 i reported on last week that durham has
@00:05:22 because it is too much for durham and it
@00:07:17 need to start looking into durham and

Terrified Obama Lashes Out at Trump: Deep State Backed Into A Corner

@00:21:06 happen until president trump bar durham

Declass Continues: Obama in Extreme Panic Mode, Schiff Scrambling, Bigger Bomb Next Week!

@00:07:54 durham trump was specifically reacting
@00:13:54 investigations into bard durham lack of
@00:14:29 investigated this guy is corrupt durham

Update on Flynn Case, More Tyranny Exposed, Petition to Investigate Abortion Mill in Pornhub Case

@00:01:18 already had it from the fbi end durham
@00:01:37 us attorney durham it's about proving
@00:02:09 from the fbi's end durham and horowitz

Flynn Files Aid Durham, Comey Protected Fauci, OR DHS Confiscating Children, CPS Harassing Parents

@00:01:21 durham build a serious case because i
@00:02:10 john durham
@00:02:11 who is leading the investigation durham
@00:03:23 commissioned durham to review the events
@00:03:31 but durham has since expanded the scope
@00:03:46 and let's see the durham investigation
@00:04:14 helping durham in his investigation so i

Calling for Death Penalty on Fox News, POTUS Retweets Durham & Obama Posts, Protests Rage Across USA

@00:03:34 ago back on april 24th john durham
@00:03:48 tweeted out a picture of john durham and
@00:06:58 durham story so yeah they're sending out

Protests in California & Oregon, Judge Fast Tracks Unsealing Epstein Docs, CDC Adjusts Death Count

@00:16:01 durham is a prosecutor i'm an oversight
@00:16:30 we've got to wait for durham to finish
@00:16:32 because durham is the one he's the
@00:16:41 durham is done now i'll tell my whole
@00:16:44 audience right now if durham gets to the
@00:16:55 wait for durham to finish and i think
@00:17:17 bar and durham very very very soon all

Flynn Case Unsealed: Beginning of the End for the Deep State

@00:06:34 d on the durham investigation so this is
@00:06:49 durham investigation remember what the
@00:06:58 inquiry this investigation by durham
@00:08:11 much and this is what durham is
@00:09:59 john durham when she was on sean hannity
@00:10:02 show she thanked john durham so to see
@00:10:04 durham is working i know there's a lot

17 Victims of Epstein, Trump Blasts Enemy of the People, Durham Investigating Media, Flynn Rehire

@00:05:33 durham remember durham he's doing all
@00:05:40 durham is investigating classified media
@00:05:46 john durham is investigating the leaks
@00:06:01 robert mueller's investigation durham
@00:06:53 very very clear that john durham he's
@00:07:25 about john durham investigating these

Ingram & Hannity Mention Punisher Pin AGAIN, Q Post 129, Durham Expands Investigation, Brennan's Lie

@00:05:54 all right john durham is ramping up his
@00:06:39 according to sources cited by cnn durham
@00:06:55 durham requested witness information in
@00:08:12 durham is it is expanding his
@00:08:29 john dern is and remember john durham
@00:08:51 to pray and wait for john durham to to
@00:18:39 the deep state in the hubert durham
@00:18:48 until durham completes the investigation
@00:19:42 president trump i do trust john durham

New Q Drops: Boris Healed, Brennan Key Focus of Durham, Trump Admin Opposes Bill Gates

@00:03:25 attorney john durham started bringing in
@00:03:32 of the durham investigation is currently
@00:03:42 that the durham investigation was still
@00:03:49 john durham investigation quote one of
@00:04:29 apparently mr. durham has not been
@00:04:38 this they durham and his team are
@00:05:57 even now but durham is pushing forward
@00:09:21 durham has subpoenaed and called
@00:09:32 durham is the start qop start five five

New Q Drops: China and Shiva, Co-Opted Drudge, POTUS Sends Mutiny Message

@00:13:20 the time durham does finish his
@00:13:22 investigations and we know durham is
@00:13:35 like i said durham had
@00:14:24 when these arrests do happen when durham
@00:19:34 which is the investigations that durham
@00:19:38 remember durham is not coming out with
@00:20:00 x-ray of john durham sort of

POTUS Mentions "Plague", Flynn's New Banner, DS Power Structure Being Taken Down

@00:03:04 that uh for the first time now durham
@00:03:56 barr tapped durham last year to
@00:04:07 last fall durham upgraded his
@00:04:11 durham relocated from connecticut to
@00:11:37 expose the deep state number 15 durham
@00:11:42 he means durham durham hasn't unsealed

Durham Issues DC Grand Jury Subpoenas, Happy Feast of Firstfruits, Out of Shadows Documentary

@00:03:25 behalf of us attorney john durham so
@00:03:37 saying that john durham is not just
@00:03:51 stuff that john durham is investigating
@00:04:51 the news of durham subpoenas and grand

New Q Drops: FISA INDICTMENTS = START, Gates Refuses to Vaccinate Children, Madonna Tweeting About Q

@00:03:20 and when durham is gonna start making
@00:03:41 durham is working on right now and you
@00:04:57 that durham can do what he's doing right
@00:08:24 durham is presently working on this is
@00:08:56 on the durham investigation we're going
@00:10:19 many many weeks ago durham is not just
@00:10:22 gonna be like another ig report durham

New Q Drops: Bio Weapon Released by DS Will Fail, Durham's Good vs Evil Worldview

@00:03:49 are coming through john durham but
@00:10:12 39:10 now this is about john durham john
@00:10:23 attorney who hired durham in the
@00:10:27 bickersteen said durham relied on a good
@00:10:41 durham of course is the one that is
@00:11:08 article it says durham relies on a good
@00:11:19 pointing durham he sees things as good
@00:13:34 durham is going to make some big arrests
@00:21:55 doing and john durham is gathering all
@00:22:10 john durham is working on what the deep

POTUS Confirms Child Sex Trafficking Crackdown, Hillary Clinton Loses, COVID-19 Per Corey's Digs

@00:11:13 arrests that that bar and durham are
@00:14:47 durham is supposed to finish his

Playpens, Trump's Reference to 1917, Tunnels, Earthquakes, Rescued Children

@00:13:52 durham does finish up his investigation

Expectations for Next 30 Days: Coronavirus, the Deep State, Q, POTUS, Sealed Indictments

@00:05:31 we know that durham the special
@00:05:46 a report and both barr and durham have
@00:05:48 said this that they're not durham not
@00:07:09 then durham drops the hammer after the
@00:10:06 then you can have durham drop the hammer

Durham's Ambush, Deep State Engineering Coronavirus in 2015, Seth Rich, Fauci Admits Vaccines Hurt

@00:01:51 that's not gonna happen until durham has
@00:02:09 has normies even more nervous and durham
@00:02:23 happen until durham had finished his
@00:02:29 months ago that durham was not gonna
@00:02:48 durham will not release a report that
@00:03:05 durham will explain yeah and that's
@00:03:11 durham has even said he's not reported
@00:03:46 why bar has appointed durham to be doing

Daily New US Coronavirus Cases Fall, Empty NY and LA Hospitals, POTUS Pushes Back Date to April 30th

@00:04:29 time mass arrests until john durham
@00:18:04 and john durham will be able to finish
@00:18:21 once john durham does finish his
@00:18:30 durham finishes his investigation we'll

JFK's Grandchildren singing Timber, Prince Charles, Patriot Boomerang

@00:12:22 oban john durham is supposed to wrap up
@00:14:43 what john durham excuse me yeah john
@00:14:46 durham and his investigation is about it
@00:15:00 durham into the origins of the fbi's
@00:15:06 witch hunt continues to expand durham
@00:15:16 process durham is looking into the

deleted 100% Cure for Coronavirus, Hanks & Bar Code Door, ID2020 Mark of the Beast

@00:01:42 the major mass arrests once durham wraps

Trump Unlocks Google, Madonna & Hanks, Fake News Praises Trump, Durham Probe Update

@00:12:04 ago john durham probe expected to end
@00:12:08 us attorney john durham is expected to

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:03:42 durham has said that our shooting that
@00:03:44 barra said that durham won't wrap up his

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:02:16 where durham has wrapped up his

Military Insider Pete: COVID 19 Update, Restraint on Expectations of Mass Arrests

@00:13:44 months ago and said durham is not gonna
@00:21:39 to wait until durham wraps up his

Staged Coronavirus, Q's Death Blossom, When to Play The Trump Card

@00:12:40 summer that durham finally wraps up this
@00:13:36 card john durham releases all of his

Graham Launches FISA Probe, Ukraine Goes After Biden, Trump Sues Washington Post

@00:03:36 what durham is already doing behind the
@00:13:21 durham raps up to his investigation in

Mayor Pete Helps Biden, Spielberg's Daughter Arrested, Comcast Pushing Teen Themed Porn

@00:03:36 up with barr and durham but speaking of

Oprah & Madonna Fall, Collins Promises Criminal Charges Durham Probe, US & Taliban Peace Deal

@00:03:42 durham probe this was published just
@00:03:58 john durham the attorney was selected
@00:04:28 durham is investigating attorney general
@00:04:51 that durham and his team have kept very
@00:05:35 durham is supposed to wrap up his

Dow Plunges, Pope Struck With Coronavirus? Deep State Intends To Bring The Whole Thing Down

@00:07:17 know durham it's gonna be wrapping up
@00:13:15 lips that durham is gonna wrap this up

Several CEOs Step down, Trump Can Now Withhold Funds From Sanctuary Cities & States

@00:09:29 sessions had hired durham and hoover way

Obama's Blago Subpoena, Dean Koontz Novel Predicted Wuhan Coronavirus, Carman's Trump Song

@00:11:19 think durham is pretty much spent at all

Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

@00:06:46 waiting on durham and indeed we are john
@00:06:49 durham we're waiting on him and i
@00:07:40 is gonna be used by john durham in his

Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

@00:03:34 out far and wide durham has spent weeks
@00:05:25 what we do know is that john durham is
@00:06:04 durham has expanded his probe to the
@00:08:26 other stuff that john durham is
@00:10:56 for introduced number 8 durham is
@00:12:29 everything we already know that durham
@00:18:20 attorney general bar durham they are

McCabe Will Face Justice, Durham After Brennan, Barr & Trump Theater

@00:02:42 special prosecutor durham is dealing
@00:03:02 digests that paving the way for durham
@00:04:25 involved in and that is what durham is
@00:04:29 after and so when durham is done with
@00:08:06 pointed durham way
@00:08:56 this one's about john brennan durham
@00:09:54 that durham is going after bren and
@00:10:13 durham is working on this and like barr
@00:12:14 be feeding him as john durham gets
@00:12:35 assured of is durham huber other
@00:12:46 said from his own lips a durham is going

Trump Acquitted, Romney Exposed, Protesters Disrupt Biden

@00:08:50 thoroughly investigated by john durham
@00:09:00 bart has said that durham is gonna wrap

Trump Speaks on Coronavirus & Tweets "State of Kansas" Q Proof, Schiff in Full Panic Mode!

@00:15:56 durham and these investigations and the

Coronavirus Big Money Maker, L.A. Church Human Trafficking, Longest Ever Smuggling Tunnel

@00:11:47 working in cooperation with john durham
@00:11:50 as john durham is conducting his

POTUS: Eradicate Human Trafficking, Father Rebukes Drag Queen, Brennan's Ukraine Holocaust

@00:04:57 sperry said because bar and durham
@00:05:28 said that john durham should be wrapping

New Q Drops: Brexit, Epstein, Adam Schiff Salacious Photos, Durham and NJ Trump Rally!

@00:08:13 with durham think eff intel think judge
@00:11:54 washington in the durham boat right and
@00:12:05 durham boat that they're in george
@00:12:10 that it basically links up to durham
@00:12:14 john durham
@00:13:04 about durham and it says was the
@00:13:23 referencing durham boat as a hint
@00:13:30 that we're talking about durham john
@00:13:32 durham
@00:14:16 a durham boat which is one of the first
@00:14:24 on the durham boat and now here we have
@00:15:11 boats sure did help potus durham
@00:15:16 right durham was didn't just suddenly
@00:15:22 no durham has been on the scene since
@00:15:40 durham the durham boat skew posted earn
@00:15:44 where the crossing of the those durham
@00:15:53 john durham huber and many other

China Coronavirus: Deep State's Next Move

@00:05:25 durham are pushing for that would cause

Q Drops: Satanic Pedophiles Impeachment Their Last Block to Justice

@00:11:43 stop durham to stop bar to stop these
@00:11:51 indicated that durham should be done

Iran General Soleimani Possessed Bio Weapon & Trump Destroyed Him

@00:08:47 durham and these arrests from going
@00:09:44 durham just start releasing all the
@00:17:36 know is coming with barr and durham and

Fake DS NK Missile Launch Scare, POTUS Tweets Qanon Account, Romney Tied to Epstein

@00:10:52 river using durham boats spelled eu rh
@00:10:56 a.m. durham boats in a surprise attack
@00:11:04 durham boats and in 2019 trump leads a
@00:11:14 by a durham probe coincidence i think

False Flag Civil War in Virginia, Bethel Attempting to Raise Girl From the Dead, Bill Gates Vaccines

@00:05:18 desperate to stop bar and durham right
@00:12:00 of the durham and barr investigations

POTUS Tweets VA 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Patriots, Adm Rogers Cooperating with Durham

@00:07:11 durham and rogers meeting why did rogers
@00:08:14 advocate us attorney john durham on
@00:08:42 director of the nsa and durham and bar
@00:09:26 we've had from the durham investigation
@00:09:52 development in the durham investigation
@00:09:59 has met several times with john durham

Biggest Bombshell in IG Report, Hollywood Screaming, CEO Arrested on Child Sex Abuse Charges

@00:04:12 and now durham durham and and belle bar

Christianity Today Demands Pres Trump Be Removed, Warren Boasts of Endorsement from Ed Buck

@00:10:54 flynn has hired durham report may indict
@00:11:46 bar and prosecutor john durham could
@00:12:06 dirhams report bar and durham are going
@00:13:00 this so i do trust durham and bar that

Comey Admits Wrongdoing, POTUS Calls for Comey Jailtime, Q 1:29pm

@00:04:41 exactly at 129 p.m. the durham rebuttal
@00:05:13 durham and bar are all in communication

Trump's Poll Numbers Skyrocket, Comey Hiding, Shazam 2 Pedophile Agent

@00:03:11 jeopardy than believed how will durham
@00:03:14 handle how indeed and john durham is

Trump, Barr, Durham Response to IG Report: Day of Reckoning Draws Near!

@00:05:05 this vehicle that bar and durham and
@00:11:21 show what durham has said here
@00:11:26 us attorney john durham this is jake
@00:11:32 john durham leading bars probe into the
@00:12:00 afterward john durham saying no i don't
@00:12:08 durham has way more information than

IG Report Unleashed: 17 Significant Problems Revealed!

@00:08:01 out with directly from him durham is

Trump Crushes Lisa Page, Joe Biden Insane, Pope, Islam Pedophile Symbols, CPS Treachery

@00:20:48 durham and horowitz and all these guys

Q Drop 3574, 93 Days Dark, Durham, The Finders, Exposing Hagmann, Quayle, Taylor, Wells, A Jones

@00:03:56 prosecutor john durham was not appointed
@00:03:59 by attorney general bar durham actually
@00:04:10 appointed durham coincidentally the same
@00:04:31 so so people saying oh well john durham
@00:04:42 components bunch of nonsense durham has
@00:05:05 who appointed durham under president

Julian Assange Victory

@00:05:58 durham and against trump but it's just
@00:06:11 now that bar and durham they're actually

Navy Intel: POTUS Activates Marines Directive 550/19: The Storm

@00:08:40 patriots huber and durham and bar

Epstein Plane to Antartica, Disney Star Pedophilia, Satanic Pedophiles in Panic

@00:02:34 whitaker admits that durham and barr do

Declass Released on Wednesday? Epstein & Charlie Rose

@00:01:31 that's because durham is progressing
@00:08:36 he's got john durham looking at that as
@00:09:08 notice he mentioned not just john durham

Year of the Boomerang: Total Collapse of Mueller's Hoax

@00:05:42 attorney general and john durham are

Barr's DOJ Makes 1st Arrest, Nunes Suing Twitter, Flynn's Exoneration

@00:02:29 durham working behind the scenes

Scientology, Dalai Lama, HRC: The Storm is Now

@00:07:27 bar has tasked john durham to start
@00:07:55 right so if john durham is having all of
@00:08:25 he's giving information to durham and

POTUS Rebukes Deep State & DS Attempts "Event"

@00:04:29 william bar that john durham that huber

POTUS Traps His Enemies, Update on Timothy Holmseth

@00:04:18 john durham is continually silently

Scope of Durham's Investigation & New Info on Murdered Linda Collins-Smith

@00:01:57 so john durham the scope of his
@00:02:18 is durham investigating and the scope of
@00:02:36 the uk and australia so what john durham
@00:02:47 mind that between john durham and huber

Arkansas Senator's Murder & CPS/DHS

@00:07:35 actually talk directly to john durham
@00:07:37 course most of you know john durham is
@00:07:54 interviewed by john durham now john
@00:07:56 durham has had a lot of experience in
@00:08:20 interview to john durham i'm not exactly

Sweden Refuses Assange Extradition, POTUS Trolls Deep State

@00:03:01 to be with william bar with john durham

Confusing the Deep State: Joe diGenova vs Q

@00:02:45 done now with john durham the the

RFK Jr Opposes Vaccines, Gen Flynn Update, Kershaw Helps Child Sex Trafficking Victims

@00:05:50 new guy john huber excuse me john durham

Barr Appoints Durham, Huber Nears Completion, Rosenstein Rips into Comey

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@00:01:07 york times durham has a history of