Saudi Arabia

Trump Warns Prince Harry, Trump EO to Protect Babies, MSM Refuses to Cover Biden-Sex Trafficking

@00:12:45 then sa which is saudi arabia
@00:12:51 satanic pedophilia uh saudi arabia
@00:13:14 the rothschilds saudi arabia and soros
@00:13:21 saudi arabia and and um
@00:13:25 um saudi arabia

POTUS Cryptic Statement, Tom Hanks Hollywood Star, Troll Dolls Removed, Worship in Casino

@00:05:09 saudi arabia this was a train station in
@00:05:41 in saudi arabia all of these explosions

Flynn Exoneration This Week, Ukrainian Baby Selling, Largest Child Porn Website Taken Down

@00:09:29 united kingdom south korea germany saudi
@00:09:32 arabia the united arab emirates the

Playpens, Trump's Reference to 1917, Tunnels, Earthquakes, Rescued Children

@00:09:11 national guard and saudi arabia queue

POTUS, April 12th, Q Drop 79, Flynn's Yellow Sky, Google GITMO

@00:03:38 korea and saudi arabia are tied into all

Phase 1, Q's 10 Days of Darkness, DOJ Drops Mueller, Google Hacked

@00:04:20 saudi arabia then the us then asia then
@00:04:35 in saudi arabia so has it started in
@00:04:38 saudi arabia then it will move the
@00:04:48 quite a bit in saudi arabia with a lot
@00:05:53 in saudi arabia but if they are all the

Tainted Adrenochrome, Wuhan, POTUS to Pardon Flynn, Powell on Weiner's Laptop

@00:11:37 in saudi arabia and still not put it
@00:11:48 edge who says saudi arabia announced
@00:12:11 week as well we saw some other saudi
@00:12:13 arabia officials being arrested now the
@00:12:21 in saudi arabia it's coming to the

Tom Hanks Coronavirus, Q, Europe Ban & March Madness, Green Q on Capitol Building

@00:22:05 wonderland representing saudi arabia and

Feldman Names Charlie Sheen, FBI Raids Joe Biden's Brother Healthcare Business, Q's Silent Running

@00:15:13 people high up in the saudi arabia
@00:15:26 seeing in saudi arabia is what we're

Iranian People Want Peace, Wall News, 21 Cadets Expelled for Child Porn, Iran Revival

@00:08:23 post and had child pornography saudi
@00:08:27 arabia will draw up 21 cadets receiving
@00:08:33 saudi officers fatal shooting of three
@00:09:25 that it was saudi arabia that would
@00:09:30 said the saudi authorities told them
@00:10:40 they'll get in saudi arabia but praise

Obama Paid Iranian Missiles Result? Zero US Casualties

@00:09:12 saudi arabia in the middle east and

Iran, The Deep State & Trump's Plan for Peace

@00:06:06 saudi arabia he supposedly attended a
@00:06:33 iran and then working in saudi arabia to
@00:08:16 now was at the american school in saudi
@00:08:18 arabia from 1978 to 1980 this happened
@00:08:40 was raised in iran and saudi arabia our
@00:11:22 actually lives in saudi arabia and have
@00:12:54 saudi arabia the news would like us to
@00:13:11 decades in saudi arabia arabia and

Jordan Crushing Dems, Kamala Drops Out, Epstein & Maxwell used by Mossad

@00:12:54 with saudi arabia to orchestrate 9/11

D5:Q:Grassley Hunting Obama & Biden, Epstein & Israel, RBG DC Hospital Mystery Deepens

@00:05:47 and saudi arabia all four of those
@00:06:52 was working with you know saudi arabia
@00:08:35 saudi arabia with the help of the bush

Netanyahu Indicted, Glenn Beck the Satanist, Satanic Colorado Public Schools

@00:01:35 conjunction with the cabal and saudi
@00:01:37 arabia that funded everything those four
@00:02:08 cia the mossad and funded by saudi
@00:02:11 arabia that perpetuated 9/11 2001 and
@00:02:44 funded by saudi arabia all of those four
@00:03:19 the bush cabal and saudi arabia the

Navy Intel: More Info on Marines Directive 550/19 & StormisUponUs Responds to Jeb Bush

@00:11:09 funded by saudi arabia those are the

Child Sex Trafficking Disney Cruise Lines Abandons Workers, New Comey IG Report, Epstein Witness

@00:09:13 happened in saudi a saudi arabia will
@00:09:18 rotors of all places new saudi
@00:09:27 with saudi arabia and began to clean out
@00:09:33 going on in saudi arabia
@00:09:34 remember saudi arabia was one of the key
@00:09:47 and funded by saudi arabia it was those
@00:09:49 four elements and so saudi arabia is one
@00:10:22 going on in saudi arabia including child

Fire Commissioners Demand New 9-11 Investigation, New Epstein Transcripts Hit MSM

@00:07:39 along with funded by saudi arabia

Industrial Military Complex Exposed, Scientology Ties to Clinton State Dept

@00:08:40 is from wright mark saudi diplomat to
@00:08:49 incredible stuff basically saudi arabia

Red Heifer, Trump, Israel and Prophecy

@00:02:32 egypt part of saudi arabia that's how

POTUS Visits Alaska, Trudeau & Netanyahu: Deep State Crumbling

@00:06:44 funded excuse me by saudi arabia which

Update DS Deadman's Switch, Pelosi and Kerry Threats, POTUS Response

@00:04:49 mossad and netanyahu and funded by saudi
@00:04:51 arabia and then four years later the

POTUS Traps Democrats, Flynn's Setting Sun on Deep State

@00:05:30 and netanyahu funded by saudi arabia

Tribunals Thunder Onward, POTUS Exposes Pedophile Romney

@00:14:06 being funded by saudi arabia so the

Military Tribunals Began Yesterday Jan 2nd 2019

@00:07:51 along with being funded by saudi arabia

JFK Jr., Q, Pres Kennedy & Trump: The Fall of the satanic cabal

@00:04:40 then yahoo and all funded by saudi
@00:04:43 arabia but the bush cabal they not want

Q Drop & CIA Child Sex Trafficking ISIS Creation

@00:05:15 along with funded by saudi arabia but we

How Q, POTUS Double-Cross The Satanic Pedophiles, Breaking News Dec 10, 2018

@00:11:01 saudi arabia we know saudi arabia was
@00:11:05 saudi arabia was implicated in 9/11
@00:11:30 also double-cross saudi arabia in fact

MASSIVE Breakthrough in 9-11 Investigation Dec 1st 2018

@00:03:39 helped as well and funded by saudi
@00:03:41 arabia all four remember both the quran

Slaughter at Synagogue Used to Blame Q and Trump

@00:06:15 saudi arabia a lot of the saudi ravens

Mass Arrests Timeline, Liz Crokin, Julian Assange

@00:09:39 part of it and they also use saudi
@00:09:40 arabia to help funding it all those

US Senate Orders 9-11 Declass: Bush Cabal Crashing Down???.

@00:01:17 with saudi arabia and that rogue cell

Trump Announcement 7 Days Before Hanukkah!!!!

@00:01:44 saudi arabia and iran are historic

Russia and China to Strike USA Without Warning

@00:05:43 pressuring saudi arabia to let them pay

Revelation for Dummies: Current Geopolitical Events Explained

@00:02:59 of happening what we're seeing in saudi
@00:03:01 arabia what we're seeing with trump and

Saudi Arabia Switches Alliance from USA to Russia and China

@00:00:59 saudi arabia there's a major shake-up
@00:01:07 that worked in saudi arabia under the
@00:01:15 saudi arabia prince met with russia and
@00:01:25 to buy oil from saudi arabia not using
@00:01:56 news but saudi arabia is now looking to
@00:02:07 with russia and china and if saudi
@00:02:10 arabia winds up throwing its support
@00:02:38 swaying saudi arabia to trade oil for
@00:02:46 saudi arabia and they're you know the
@00:02:55 they're really doing is saudi arabia is
@00:02:59 and finance ears in saudi arabia and
@00:03:23 gonna have saudi arabia to help them and
@00:03:41 development i mean saudi arabia is
@00:03:55 american financier is in saudi arabia
@00:03:59 they're being removed and saudi arabia
@00:04:10 china will have the money from saudi
@00:04:12 arabia and the oil to destroy america so

Russia Angered By US Syrian Air Strike Plan

@00:00:45 assad they threatened to attack saudi
@00:00:47 arabia and there was some backdoor

World War 3 In The Making: Explosion Rips Through Beirut, Lebanon

@00:02:41 heating up remember saudi arabia just

Syria Bombs Lebanon Twice: Iran Hardens Stance; World War 3 Continues to Build!!!!

@00:01:08 saudi arabia was behind it whether it is
@00:01:12 that it's showing that saudi arabian
@00:01:17 also saudi arabia around this time sends
@00:04:52 saudi arabia israel it's going to keep
@00:05:18 bit too oh yeah and you have saudi
@00:05:19 arabia to on the other side you have

Part 3: Preaching in Downtown Portland: 1/1/14

@00:02:34 saudi arabia the bombings in russia that

Lebanon Fires Rockets Into Syria; Saudi Arabia Behind Bombings

@00:00:34 and suspicions are falling upon saudi
@00:00:37 arabia and islamic groups that come out
@00:00:39 of saudi arabia what was interesting is
@00:00:56 basically what's happening is saudi
@00:00:58 arabia does not like the fact that
@00:01:03 saudi arabia last summer had sent veiled
@00:01:23 its saudi arabia so what do we see here
@00:01:25 saudi arabia again sent three billion
@00:01:29 lebanon saudi arabia they're sort of

World War 3 In the Making: Lebanon Fires Rockets Into Israel

@00:01:05 car bomb saudi arabia just sent
@00:01:12 lebanon to fund their military saudi
@00:01:23 saudi arabia all the sides are lining up

Part 2: Special Shabbat Podcast: Satan Cast Down

@00:01:34 that russia is going to attack saudi
@00:01:36 arabia when russia does that we're

Part 1: Special Shabbat Podcast: Satan Cast Down

@00:08:21 or we're going to invade saudi arabia

My Hanukkah Prophecy Countdown Is Proven True!!!!! 12/28/13

@00:01:11 saudi arabia folks as i looked at this

T-Minus 5 Weeks Till Feast of Trumpets 2013

@00:07:13 syria rut is going to strike saudi
@00:07:14 arabia and this proxy war is going to