
deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:10:26 you know increasing uptake of 5g and i

deleted 7-25-2020 - Aliens, Gold, Federal Crackdown on Riots, Mystery Chinese Seeds Mass Mailed to USA

@00:08:10 they're now lying to us about 5g

deleted 6.24.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Chris Jacobson - Introducing Q Con Live - Gold Moves

@00:18:00 pharma and the issue of 5g will finally

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:40:07 to have a race war and 5g people could i
@00:40:12 don't know about non-lethal 5g could
@00:40:34 so 5g could be a weapon i'm not saying

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:20:23 like 5g now this guy says john says if

deleted 5.8.2020 John Michael Chambers ft. James Grundvig - Gates, Zuckerber, Fauci Fraudsters.

@00:11:58 5g chemotherapy and things of that
@00:17:04 sensitivity 5g and things that nature

deleted John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

@00:15:58 intelligence 5g robotics quantum china
@00:18:51 weaponize the issue of boxes 5g how
@00:24:10 robotics and 5g and the dangers this
@00:28:10 support i've got a 4g network on the 5g
@00:32:22 5g network why is it important and more
@00:32:24 dangerous but the 5g network is made for
@00:34:51 coronavirus and 5g and ai how does this
@00:35:47 further because the 5g system is made
@00:43:13 figure it out so this 5g system a 60

deleted Panel of Doctors - China, Thailand, USA - with Lior Sher

@00:15:59 from other things such as 5g and emf
@00:16:58 talked about emf you talked about 5g it

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:43:30 questioning trump with 5g and some of

deleted 4.18.20 - Q - It's Time, We're Ready - First Set of Arrests INCOMING

@00:20:56 tracking 5g no rights left when that

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:29:31 epoch times about the 5g and its
@00:29:44 let's talk about the 5g effect yeah so
@00:30:02 base stations 5g base stations these are
@00:30:20 5g and all ten thousand bases hundred
@00:32:38 cofactors of 5g and both the diamond
@00:32:56 they really died did they die by 5g or
@00:33:03 is 5g and other mm effects in the past
@00:33:39 around the world looking at emf / 5g

deleted 4.8.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, DR. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:37:44 nanoparticles 5g other weapons deployed

deleted #EmptyHospitals #FilmYourHospital Several Hospitals are NOT warzones

@00:07:23 5g right here above you there

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 2 - CoronaHoax #EmptyHospitals

@00:04:09 implement 5g with huawei and that's
@00:04:13 incredibly incredibly scary obviously 5g
@00:04:59 in the air you can do that with 5g too
@00:05:06 effects of 5g but listen to this video
@00:05:48 to you if you implement 5g with huawei

deleted Dustin Nemos & Jim Willie discuss the Plannedemic and Economic Breakdown

@00:42:41 to move to 5g with all of its damage and
@00:42:48 access channels they're rolling out 5g a
@00:49:55 city at a fast track roll out of 5g and

deleted 3.31.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, Dr. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:40:57 of illness and 5g can actually trigger
@00:41:08 how 5g can trigger corona virus in the

deleted CoronaCoverup - Worldwide Attempt to Inflate Deathtoll - Fake Deaths!

@00:03:43 vibrates the cells and 5g could be a

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:23:57 regards to vaccines chemtrails 5g big

deleted 3.19.20 - Gold Kills the Fed, Dark to Light - Economic War

@00:19:22 like that 5g chemtrails all the things

deleted The Silent War Continues

@00:21:35 one of those countries has 5g
@00:21:41 i mean 5g is a risk and i've already
@00:21:54 because of course you can measure 5g it
@00:22:06 5g towers certainly somewhere around
@00:22:13 reduce the damage of 5g especially where
@00:22:50 yourself from 5g and many people have
@00:23:24 5g box on the towers near you and you'll
@00:23:38 happened when they did one big 5g tower
@00:24:59 you can't do everything and 5g even

deleted 12.19.19 - Barr on Comey Lies, Schiff Threatens Pence, Brennan Investigated!

@00:10:39 on 5g so we also have a rashida and i'm

deleted RedPillLiving.com - Introduction to CarbonShield60 C60 (Fullerenes in TOP oils)

@00:24:59 protects against 5g and radiation so
@00:25:02 five g's in wow that was a loud car 5g
@00:25:39 protect yourself from 5g and i'm gonna
@00:25:49 home from 5g affordably and i think this
@00:26:04 but yeah 5g radiation is a scary topic

deleted UN in Utah, Racist Michael Obama, Schiff is Criminal, SANDMAN CASE BACK ON

@00:26:44 deal 5g things like that big issues yeah

deleted Dems Final Push, Must Stop Trump or Prison

@00:19:23 5g onto us
@00:19:49 no you're not gonna 5g us to death we
@00:20:22 5g is an entirely new level of toxic
@00:20:50 with 5g be aware of it there's special

deleted The Mueller Debacle - A Massive Mr Tweet Victory!

@00:33:47 doesn't if your cause is 5g or or anti

deleted 6.23.19 - 20,000' Overview with Dustin Nemos

@00:20:42 5g you and include all the conveniences

deleted 6.15.19 - Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview. Major Updates !

@00:33:17 the 5g being authorized these are bad
@00:33:45 encourage 5g use because they're it's
@00:33:52 5g safe but there's no way to make 5g
@00:34:05 safe 5g so we have to be aware that
@00:34:44 all the nine yards and i know what 5g

deleted Dustin Nemos Live - Updates on Lawsuit for Free Speech (v Big Tech) and Free Speech Movement

@00:39:41 5g is really bad actually that was in
@00:40:02 that's 5g resistant yeah true capitalism

deleted Mueller Fails to Rescue Dying Deepstate Narrative, Dems Panic, Eat their Own

@00:15:05 soon 5g and radiation protective
@00:15:09 to chicago because they have 5g there

deleted Dustin Nemos on the AutismOne Bigger Picture Panel

@00:30:19 the 5g issue i mean i've got my
@00:30:21 prototype on because chicago put in 5g

deleted Dustin Nemos & Dr Seneff on Glyphosphate Toxicity (Roundup Ready & Monsanto)

@00:18:20 chemicals right congress on ems 5g i

deleted AutismOne 2019 LiveStream

@00:30:18 to the 5g issue i mean i've got my
@00:30:21 prototype on because chicago put in 5g

deleted Dustin Nemos on I70 & Coach Clay show (PSB 24/7) - Wargaming Censorship MOVEMENT

@00:03:49 little bit of the 5g the pro vaccine

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:14:44 your focus is 5g or vaccines or

deleted David Getoff & Dustin Nemos Discuss Solutions to a Toxic World

@00:27:45 guess been blocked radiation 5g that
@00:27:52 have 5g there now so i'm kind of nervous
@00:28:13 the 5g is very scary there's never been

deleted Treas0n, Ped0philia, and the FakeN3ws

@00:14:28 for 5g and vaccines and it forced

deleted Uploading 4% Dustin Nemos on I70 and Coach Clay Show 24/7 PSB

@00:02:32 little bit peeved over 5g the pro

deleted Alex Jones And His Band of Liars Are Cancer to MAGA. Water and Mud Need Division for Clarity.

@00:01:07 we're discussing you know 5g for example

deleted Justice Phase Blitzkrieg Continues - Counterattack Attempts Ensue - Desperate to Link Q to Violence

@00:34:55 his statements about 5g you know this
@00:38:01 recent public statements around 5g and

deleted Unfund the Unions - You Don't Have to Fund Democrat Marxist Immoral Unions.

@00:10:32 getting my 5g protective clothing
@00:10:34 because chicago does have 5g as of april

deleted 4.17.19 - Soon: Autism One (Chicago May 22-26)

@00:00:38 head 5g in chicago now and that is
@00:00:44 my new line of 5g protective clothing is
@00:00:54 downtown amidst all of that 5g and i

deleted Recap 4.14.19 - Trends in the News. Bads are All Panicking! Brennan, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, etc

@00:17:12 they're enjoying the benefits of 5g as
@00:17:21 special 5g smart scholars mean they can
@00:19:36 5g can do to your health look up some of
@00:21:07 dirty electricity or any wi-fi or any 5g
@00:21:21 soon that's gonna be 5g shielding

deleted Oct 21, 2018 - Candyce Estave & Dustin Nemos on Upcoming AutismOne Conference & Vax Truth

@00:05:37 chemtrails 5g everyone has one that
@00:44:53 issues like vaccines and 5g and

deleted 'Muh Global Warming' is Dead - Trump Just Killed It

@00:00:58 the 5g awareness i think we're seeing

deleted !! 5G Fix? !! (& EMF, RF, Smart Meters, Wifi, Dirty Electricity) - Problem, Reaction, Solution

@00:00:36 getting cancer 5g is gonna be worse okay
@00:01:03 meter or 5g or anything like that near
@00:03:10 you i mean for example 5g can can nuke

deleted Major News Recap - 3.8.19 - Need to Knows.

@00:02:13 5g thing check this out i'm an internal
@00:03:02 neuropsychiatric effects so 5g is not a
@00:03:11 5g is a conversation about unsustainable
@00:08:11 i somewhat solve for the problem of 5g
@00:08:32 before we roll out 5g and this means
@00:09:53 against 5g hearing in 2018 well me i'm i
@00:14:16 talking about what's going out to 5g
@00:14:19 understands the issue of 5g wireless
@00:14:34 configuration the issue is that 5g
@00:19:33 are found in the 5g range here but i
@00:21:02 5g is is a murder weapon but to be fair
@00:30:27 like the vaccines and the 5g and
@00:31:18 they can do that and the 5g thing and

deleted 3.1.19 - Major Updates. Trudeau and More.

@00:31:36 5g right now i've solved it some way
@00:32:09 really interested in solutions for 5g so
@00:32:14 video out talking about 5g i've done
@00:32:19 and any math and 5g radiation in general
@00:32:27 know about 5g j
@00:32:30 general but will help for 5g i should
@00:32:32 say um it won't save you from 5g
@00:32:46 destroyed by the 5g it actually makes it

deleted 5G Patriot KIT - 'Those Good Who Know'... A SHIELD v 5G/Smart Meters/EMF. NOT PERFECT. (CHEAP)

@00:00:31 because of course the 5g thing is a big
@00:01:02 harmful emf including potentially 5g and

deleted C60 FAQs and Changing the WORLD

@00:26:55 the 5g gmo and the collusion and the

deleted #Ab0rtionISInfanticide, and Here are the Pushers. Baby Survive Ab0rti0n? "Break its Neck"

@00:09:02 gonna kill us all with the vaccines 5g

deleted 2.26.19 - Hanoi, Tommy, Culture of Hate and Deception and Low IQ, Save the Babies.

@00:02:15 in terms of the 5g and such as well but

deleted 2.25.19 - Q - Potus Considering Options RE: War on Babies (Millions of Babies Counting on US!)

@00:12:51 give us somethin on the 5g give us

deleted 2.25.19 - Things You Need to See.

@00:21:34 trump is actually four or five mass 5g

deleted 2.4.19 - Oxyc0ntin Pushers, Isl@m=De@th, AntiV@x Movement Under Siege, Venezu3la, Internet Money=BTC

@00:21:14 hundreds of birds dead during a 5g cell
@00:21:36 5g i'm not encouraging any kind of

deleted 1.29.19 - Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos on Venezuela, Vaccines, and Veritas Final Cut

@00:47:45 let me just favorited ritu 5g also is
@00:47:54 with the good side of 5g i'm wondering

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:07:47 vaccines why no fix for 5g why no fix

deleted 12.11.18 - Q Posts from 6th-10th - THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS

@00:36:38 and gmo and 5g

deleted 11.14.18 - Huge Update, Caravan Hopping Border, Avenatti Arrested, Voterfraud Galore

@00:11:24 interview i did about 5g recently maybe
@00:11:59 idea to not have that 5g and are not

deleted Jerry Day & Dustin Nemos on EMF, Smart Meters, Spy Grid, and 5g

@00:00:50 just emf but i have touched on that 5g
@00:18:25 kind of get over into 5g yeah ig as much
@00:18:29 higher frequencies 5g is some we're
@00:28:50 5g is up in frequency ranges where you
@00:29:18 into understanding your exposures to 5g
@00:29:34 5g frequencies so so it's going to be a
@00:29:46 what it is and oh it's 5g it'll be over

deleted 10.22.18 - Caravan, Midterms, And More

@00:26:44 lined up including one tonight on 5g

deleted C60 Testimonial Reviews & How to Spot Scam Products In the Market.

@00:12:28 signal smart meter outside if 5g happens

deleted Q: Boom Week, Commies and Clint0n Foundation (Crimes Against Children) These People are SICK!

@00:12:59 why can't we do anything about 5g and

deleted Q: Post Kav@naugh Updates 10.6.18

@00:11:24 that say what about 5g what about

deleted SGT Report & Dustin Nemos Discuss the Left, and Q

@00:06:07 5g was fast-tracked in un agenda 2030 as
@00:08:01 5g vaccines everything yeah it just
@00:08:42 5g we talked about directed energy

deleted 10.2.18 - Kavanaugh Updates, Uranium One + Clinton News, Trade War&Hostilities

@00:11:40 5g internet rollout it basically limits
@00:13:33 beginnings 5g is gonna be even worse
@00:14:20 to be stopped these these emf 5g and

deleted 9/2/18 LIVE CHAT! Open Discussion w/ Dustin Nemos (Flow State Conversation!)

@00:10:12 don't know about 5g i did i did what i

deleted 🌿Liposomal Vitamins🌿 - Taking Back our Health Holistically and Draining the DEADLY Big Pharma Swamp

@00:30:30 yourself from emf and 5g and things like

deleted How to Block Smart Meters, Wifi, And 5g - At least in your Home - fixed

@00:00:22 anything but i found a solution to 5g
@00:03:34 don't think anyone solved the 5g problem
@00:06:06 this out right ahead of the 5g wave and
@00:06:11 the effects of the 5g are going to be
@00:09:35 so you know wi-fi smart meters 4g 5g any
@00:09:58 i think 5g and radiation is is a scary

deleted See New Copy (Broken version)

@00:03:53 out right ahead of the 5g wave and and
@00:03:58 some of the effects of the 5g are going
@00:07:22 so you know wi-fi smart meters 4g 5g any
@00:07:45 i think 5g and radiation is is a scary
@00:09:12 meters like 5g is coming yeah and it's
@00:11:14 anything but i found a solution to 5g

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:28:18 protect your home from 5g and things

deleted Making Youtubing Sustainable for Alt Media Figures - Monetization of Free Info/Labor

@00:12:49 get into that like i made a 5g video i

deleted Sunday Livechat 7pm EST 7.22.18 - Ask me Anything

@00:13:25 date on 5g in the nanoparticles in the
@00:13:32 on 5g and in fact no no credit to myself
@00:14:02 people from 5g a hundred percent in
@00:14:14 safe from 5g get the uv blocking plastic
@00:15:30 the 5g problem right like in theory i

deleted An introduction to 5G: The Tech, The Hype, The Danger - And How to Protect Your ENTIRE HOME!

@00:00:14 the big game-changer is that 5g will use
@00:00:52 5g build-out is going to be very
@00:01:26 of the gate and that is why 5g is a
@00:01:43 studying what 5g should be or how it
@00:02:31 make available for 5g currently have
@00:02:51 5g is going to become run the other way
@00:03:09 reject the notion that the 5g future
@00:03:16 areas the 5g you revolution will touch
@00:04:06 going to obviously talk about the 5g
@00:04:40 5g technology which is rolling out
@00:04:58 your home from things like 5g and wi-fi
@00:05:08 things about 5g one it is ultra high
@00:06:15 satellites that will beam 5g to every
@00:08:24 electric sense.com it's about the 5g
@00:08:34 of what 5g is you should know by now
@00:11:01 is what 5g proposes to use impacted the
@00:11:46 about by 5g their study conducted on e
@00:12:44 plant health one of the features of 5g
@00:13:29 are that 5g will be particularly harmful
@00:13:38 of the 5g global wireless network
@00:13:42 deploy satellites for 5g these
@00:15:33 radiations 5g will be adding to the
@00:15:36 effects of this electrosmog most 5g
@00:15:39 studies are misleading number 11 5g will
@00:15:47 moskowitz points out most 5g studies are
@00:19:11 it will be available on the 5g page of
@00:21:04 your entire home from 5g and you know
@00:29:49 98% in all directions now my 5g paint
@00:31:13 the 5g issue the smart meter issue the
@00:38:18 anti 5g experimentation here if you're
@00:38:33 that this is for the the 5g test video

deleted 6.14.18 - Dustin Nemos Rebuts Antischool's Isaac Green on Qanon

@00:29:22 5g video notes as well so stay tuned if
@00:29:27 family from 5g completely while at home

deleted 6.6.18 - 160 children Saved From Sex Trafficking! But Skulls Found !

@00:23:03 idea lately 5g is such a big issue and
@00:23:42 have a house that protects you from 5g
@00:24:22 this 5g stuff as well so they are not

deleted C60 Carbon Introduction - Sorting Fact from Hype

@00:18:41 protects against 5g and radiation so
@00:18:45 five g's in wow that was a loud car 5g
@00:19:22 protect yourself from 5g and i'm gonna
@00:19:31 home from 5g affordably and i think this
@00:19:47 5g radiation is a scary topic in and of

deleted 6.2.18 - Obama Spied on Trump, FBI Exposure Wave INCOMING, Economic Update, and Censorship.

@00:02:45 decorative but also the 5g issue for

deleted How to Protect from 5g, Easy DIY.

@00:00:00 so 5g i want to give people a real quick
@00:00:06 way to protect from 5g because that's
@00:00:09 everybody's talking about 5g and and how
@00:00:27 basically fully block 5g is you go to

deleted 5.2.18 - Comey, Trade, HRC, Trump, Veritas, Nxivm+Obama?

@00:19:54 everybody's talking about this 5g stuff
@00:20:27 point they were talking about 5g and
@00:20:56 protected from 5g that stuff is
@00:20:58 apparently able to completely block 5g

deleted Deleted video

@00:22:41 ourselves like 5g and some of the

deleted Deleted video

@00:22:01 says sad about trump pushing 5g and
@00:22:10 forced vaccines and forced 5g however i

deleted Deleted video

@00:05:08 someone i haven't seen the 5g thing i
@00:05:22 things about 5g it's probably cuz he's
@00:06:35 actually not that concerned about 5g
@00:07:01 5g this guy's got the the background for
@00:07:11 going to just ignore the 5g issue but i
@00:16:53 right now with the 5g thing it's way too
@00:16:57 on 5g he has to play the game the folks
@00:20:55 the 5g issue as well i realized that

deleted Deleted video

@00:12:14 internet 5g won't work without it you

deleted Deleted video

@00:55:40 me about 5g i actually have an interview

deleted Deleted video

@00:48:09 like 5g and vaccines yeah i'm so tired
@00:53:40 yeah just like the 5g in the vaccine

deleted Deleted video

@00:44:31 robot that you can then use 5g to
@00:44:44 5g cannot penetrate your skin 5g doesn't
@00:44:55 5g doesn't do that 5g will give you
@00:45:03 brain control 5g is very bad for you but
@00:47:15 checkers yeah faye hooker yeah i mean 5g
@00:47:38 when they started testing 5g they put it
@00:47:47 big emitter for 5g and within a certain
@00:51:06 trump is pro 5g i think people in his
@00:51:27 vaccines if you try hard but 5g can't

deleted Deleted video

@00:36:52 the reality to know that 5g is really
@00:36:56 bad that's my thoughts on 5g

deleted Deleted video

@00:28:41 the 5g stuff lately
@00:28:42 of course 5g is a serious issue and i've
@00:28:51 trump is okay with 5g and he's pushing
@00:28:53 5g and everything else i don't i haven't
@00:47:18 epic epic crush fox rocks 5g is it's
@00:48:03 don't know what to do about 5g it's
@00:49:02 yeah 5g has a short distance if you're

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:52 and my 5g videos have you seen those
@00:47:01 i'm glad you like the 5g video for sure

deleted Deleted video

@00:14:01 video about like 5g and shun guy and i'm

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:07 solution for the 5g problem remember

deleted Deleted video

@00:38:16 pay for last 5g maybe save for last

deleted Deleted video

@00:12:03 stance on potus is support of this 5g
@00:12:12 showing potus actually supports the 5g

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:49 don't think that it's 5g because it's
@00:09:20 5g is is terrible and 5g would certainly
@00:09:32 i don't think all of them have 5g and
@00:09:47 have 5g and if so what about all the
@00:09:57 5g all the time but what happened to all
@00:10:02 didn't get it you know 5g i think would
@00:10:19 radiation hey buddy boy that ship had 5g
@00:10:27 yeah 5g is measurable if it's 5g it's as

deleted Deleted video

@00:23:10 5g and vaccines everything else would

deleted Deleted video

@00:40:09 4g and 3g and 5g and 5 g's way worse by
@00:40:31 hopefully 5g won't turn into a kingsman

deleted Deleted video

@00:23:21 um vaccines and 5g is legit i think that

deleted Private video

@00:09:29 5g some people are more interested in in
@00:10:05 5g you've got alternative health all of

deleted Private video

@00:04:06 we have 5g which has created a
@00:04:11 5g is not here for your benefit