
deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:16:17 in regard to durham

deleted Q Panic in DC, Follow the Money - Follow the Family Connections

@00:03:35 but durham however seems to be
@00:03:39 and durham is not a flop so
@00:03:46 what did we learn this week durham true
@00:03:50 durham takeover of huber select parks
@00:04:09 so maybe durham is the silent
@00:04:46 something about john durham here again i
@00:04:52 will go to john durham not nsd they're
@00:04:53 upset about the case going to durham
@00:05:12 about durham being the one chosen for

deleted New SC Pick, Clintons = Criminal Investigation!, & Much More Winning!

@00:06:22 under us attorney john durham so we

deleted Q - Almost Time - Judgement Day

@00:06:03 so continuing we have durham assumed
@00:13:29 the truth durham is coming
@00:13:57 attorney john durham
@00:18:28 report on durham reviewing clinton

deleted Riots & Hate Won't Stop What is Coming Flynn, 2020, & More Evidence Emerges in ObamaGate

@00:06:47 allegedly at the center of the durham

deleted Qtipz. [D] Run Cover for Hate, 40+ "Global Warming" for "Wildfires". War on [Gaurdians] Heats Up!!

@00:15:27 hashtag durham report so it's kind of

deleted Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg Receives Criminal Referral from Matt Gaetz & More!!

@00:16:51 durham wrapping up his investigation

deleted Q Responds to Twitter's Purge. Jordan Demands Indictments in Obamagate

@00:06:17 you know possibly durham is already

deleted Gold Will End the Fed, New Executive Order & More from the Silent War

@00:09:59 i'm sorry john durham is quote in

deleted Dominoes are Falling. Powerful Pedophiles are Panicking. US Exits WHO!

@00:06:18 think durham won't report any
@00:08:07 durham should be producing some fruit of
@00:08:12 durham produced some results and we're
@00:08:25 angles so it's not just durham so

deleted 6.24.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Chris Jacobson - Introducing Q Con Live - Gold Moves

@00:18:34 don't get the results of the john durham

deleted Roger Stone UNGAGGED - Roger Goes to Prison? - Or not....

@00:33:24 that john durham is

deleted Q Calls Quomo & Democrat Governors Murderers, And Trump Calls Obama Traitor - It's ON!!!

@00:09:00 durham is i never met two her because i
@00:09:05 it's gonna look political but durham as

deleted 6.21.20 - Q - You Can't Censor the World - The Age of Social Media.

@00:08:57 don't get the results of the john durham
@00:33:50 regard to pending investigation durham
@00:35:04 bar pointed out durham is not the only

deleted Q 6.21.20 - You Can't Censor the World: The Age of Social Media

@00:08:55 results of the john durham investigation
@00:33:49 investigation durham known legal out
@00:35:03 durham is not the only one out there

deleted 6.20.20 - Q Unleashed Eric Trump Drops a Q, and Trump Takes SDNY from Deep State

@00:13:02 it's what you don't see durham is not
@00:13:06 so of course durham is doing some of the

deleted (7 day youtube ban!) - DN 6.9.20 - Q - The Wait Is Nearly Over Hoax Hate and The Wheels of Justice

@00:23:36 here to the durham report and wondering
@00:24:05 the durham team has been working very

deleted Live: Is a Military Coup / Mutiny Taking Place TONIGHT?!

@00:42:44 so castle rock stephen king durham main
@00:42:49 durham investigation okay

deleted Live: Nervous Rod Rosenstein Testifies Before Senate on Russia Investigation w/ CHAT!

@00:17:50 through the durham investigation i do

deleted Trump Rally Transforms Former Democrat - Dr. Karlyn Borseynko, Productive & Fulfilling Work

@00:03:10 durham we'll be hearing from him soon

deleted 5.24.20 - Q - Obama's Shadow Presidency

@00:33:29 all will be right after durham q is

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:10:24 that ag bar and durham and some of the

deleted 5.19.20 - Their Murdering Republicans with Lies, Extorting Money, and Trying to Cheat 2020

@00:21:01 result of the durham probe now before

deleted 5-13-2020- John Michael Chambers Ft. Dr. David E. Martin - COVID-19 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism

@00:05:11 class is escalating barr and durham are

deleted Obama Panics, Flynn Is Free, Freedom Intensifies

@00:03:30 about humor we've talked about durham

deleted 5.7.2020 - Q - LET FREEDOM RING!

@00:29:31 investigations into bar durham for lack

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:17:47 john durham are following the law

deleted Obama is Going to Prison for Treason BOMBSHELLS! OBAMA TARGETED 2016 Republicans to CHEAT!

@00:01:29 you know durham got everything so here


@00:14:20 worse than we thought durham is coming
@00:14:34 watching is durham what i'm watching is
@00:15:07 know that durham is investigating the

deleted 4.29.20 - Food Shortage in America! Reopening, Death Throes of Deep State

@00:13:19 durham remember durham is investigating

deleted 4.29.2020 - Important Updates From Economist Kirk Elliot, General Flynn Free, AG Barr Warns Govs.

@00:03:27 prosecutor john durham this brings us to

deleted Oil Crashes - Trump Transitions Economy - with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD

@00:08:04 with john durham is the punisher is what
@00:09:54 general bar and john durham are doing i
@00:10:16 yeah yeah sure john durham could write a
@00:10:56 never about john durham writing a report

deleted Defunding WHO - Dark to Light - Explosive NYC Report with James Grundvig

@00:01:58 john durham is the punisher now i love
@00:02:59 john durham could write a book report
@00:03:38 durham writing a report he can do that
@00:03:53 barr said about john durham well there

deleted 4.15.20 - USA, Barr, & Trump vs the Deep State & China

@00:03:52 crossfire hurricane investigation durham

deleted 4.15.20 - Q - We are Far Beyond the Need for Proofs. The Rain of Frogs.

@00:09:11 posts q the durham call for witness and
@00:09:23 know durham start q op start all clear 5
@00:09:31 so of course the durham and the queue
@00:09:38 have just been part of the durham

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:06:09 brennan is main focus of the durham
@00:06:17 hurricane and durham report will produce
@00:06:52 durham the punisher quite possibly let's

deleted Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD - Reset in Motion - Acquire Precious Metals

@00:06:53 john durham are about to drop the hammer

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:12:26 john solomon durham has subpoenaed and
@00:18:13 durham we have south korea we have boris

deleted CoronaVirus Lies the Fake News Told You pt 4 - CoronaHoax Falls Apart - Justice Phase Coming.

@00:06:16 john durham probe what we're not dealing

deleted QAnon Drops Major TruthBombs!! Evil Infiltrated America. __________ Gets Indicted Soon!

@00:16:21 investigations in the bar durham lack of
@00:19:29 attorney john durham so people in dc
@00:19:41 great durham is like the reaper that's

deleted 4.9.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Attorney, Mark Adams

@00:14:11 mean this durham thing everybody's all

deleted Q Calls out the Democrat Plot to Exploit CV to Rig2020

@00:11:06 hired durham in the connecticut office
@00:11:08 in the 1980s picker stein said durham
@00:11:29 durham last trusted prosecutor in
@00:11:42 durham the prosecutor tasked with
@00:13:59 like john durham is in the sense and i

deleted 4.4.20 Plandemic CV Cured, But Fear Continues

@00:14:27 block out of it john durham

deleted 3.27.20 - News Behind the News w/ John Michael Chambers ft. Author, James Grundvig

@00:18:32 his report durham were expected to come

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:26:31 people are saying that durham is not

deleted The FloodGates of Islam just Opened. +Coronavirus Weaponized v MAGA

@00:01:53 that are going around now john durham
@00:02:09 sarah carlin durham was quoted as saying

deleted The Silent War Continues

@00:08:09 durham this is a big deal of course we

deleted 2.23.20 - Q - You're Ready, Prepare for the Storm

@00:04:02 we've had huber we've had durham we've

deleted Deep State Triggered, Trump #Winning, Hoax #7

@00:02:42 everything from flynn durham huber on

deleted Justice is Coming - Nothing Can Stop it. Deep Stater Death Penalties.

@00:18:27 now durham expands probe into special
@00:18:35 mueller's team oh durham is looking into

deleted Q Drops 2.15.2020 - Dark to Light, McCabe is NOT off the Hook. President Trumps 10point Attack

@00:02:59 out far and wide durham has spent weeks

deleted 2.16.20 - Trump Daytona 500, Bloomberg + Satan (HRC), Hannity says ARRESTS SOON!

@00:02:47 know is that john durham is focusing
@00:03:26 durham has expanded his probe to the

deleted 2.14.20 - The Silent War vs Trump - Deep State on Defense

@00:07:47 doing okay we also have durham

deleted Q Post 2.2.20 - McCabe is NOT off the Hook, Barr Just Warming Up

@00:01:23 durham this is the one that i saw
@00:01:29 the fact that durham is looking into
@00:04:17 attorney john durham is going to bring
@00:04:31 durham until the durham investigation
@00:04:43 durham is still doing this investigation

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:18:02 you know durham trump himself you know

deleted 2.10.20 - Swamp Draining at NSC, Rico Rudy Nails Hunter, Coronavirus Cure & More

@00:14:23 durham still hasn't done all of the

deleted Coronavirus is BAD, Global Warming is Fake, and Trump Keeps Winning

@00:01:54 that john durham never interviewed him
@00:02:00 durham is part of that but why hasn't he
@00:02:10 your job durham so what's happening

deleted 2.2.20 - Q - Ukraine Impeachment BOOMERANGS - Admiral Rogers and Q

@00:04:43 durham have met on multiple occasions as
@00:05:24 us attorney john durham on multiple
@00:05:34 3389 durham and rogers meetings yeah

deleted 1.30.20 Q - Flynn is SAFE, Dems are NOT (From JUSTICE!)

@00:07:27 did nothing but he appointed durham so
@00:07:36 to it that hold uh the old durham boats

deleted Q Posts 1.28.30 - Trump is Washington Crossing the Delaware- MORE TO COME

@00:05:17 washington using the durham votes to
@00:05:21 this was a subtle hint that durham is
@00:05:33 durham boat which is this boat in the
@00:05:39 durham start think queue start remember
@00:05:42 durham was appointed the day queue began
@00:06:14 durham ships that were crossing the
@00:06:52 did help potus that's the durham durham
@00:07:05 and durham and others in the queue
@00:08:36 cue post was referencing durham boat as
@00:09:34 and the the durham q says the best is

deleted 1.23.20 - Q - Drip turns to Flood to Storm...

@00:08:15 from bar to durham who can do the same
@00:08:25 does durham want to hold fries public

deleted 12.28.19 Q - Pelosi's Biden Moment, DNC backdoor to NSA, DNC Server, & More

@00:13:40 bar durham probe as they investigate
@00:15:11 privacy meetings with durham the only

deleted 12.23.19 - The Coup Conspirators are Exposed. Justice Time Soon

@00:01:14 particularly interesting story durham is
@00:01:22 here durham has quote requested mr.
@00:02:25 helping durham things like this this is
@00:09:01 and i'm looking at durham to hold people
@00:15:01 hubert we have durham we have horowitz

deleted 12.22.19 - Q - Fisagate Bombshells Ahead! Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignation

@00:02:02 durham this is a big big big deal
@00:02:30 ag and rogers meeting durham and rogers
@00:11:04 i'm looking at durham to hold people
@00:14:55 through the senate prior to bar durham
@00:20:10 attorney john durham put out that

deleted 12-22-2019 Mifsud, Spaceforce, Virginia v Guns, Soros, Schiff - We are Winning

@00:19:20 you're starting to see durham and his
@00:26:32 talking about soros now durham just on

deleted 12.22.19 - Brennan, Comey, Soros, Obama - TABLES HAVE TURNED! INVESTIGATIONS (Q WAS RIGHT)

@00:01:07 also now involved in the durham probe
@00:01:50 we have durham also investigating as i

deleted AntiVax Mom Jailed, Epstein Video FOUND, Brennan Under Investigation, FISA Abuse Expands

@00:03:25 audio i think it was now john durham is
@00:07:55 major bombshells coming in the durham

deleted 12.19.19 - Barr on Comey Lies, Schiff Threatens Pence, Brennan Investigated!

@00:05:48 but he doesn't even have it all durham
@00:17:51 redemption breaking big john durham is

deleted 12.19.19 - Impeached, Soros investigated, Bloods vs Sharia, Dems 2020 Odds/OBAMACARE Dying

@00:15:27 huber durham you've got bar you got

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:26:26 have another fox news clip durham is

deleted 12.17.19 - Q to Deepstate - Prepare for Jail (Flynn Fisa is Bogus, too)

@00:05:10 so barr and durham working in secret the
@00:11:58 matter and he said durham 5-3 1-9

deleted 12.16.19 - Gitmo Ready for Schiff, Snowden & Others. The Great AWAKENING

@00:07:12 this hubert and durham had there i'm
@00:07:17 sorry bar in durham had their response
@00:07:36 report this we got it right the durham
@00:08:45 drew john durham made a statement saying
@00:09:27 to remember um durham and q sorted the

deleted 12.16.19 - The Day The Hunters Became the Hunted

@00:00:28 durham of course don't we leave out

deleted 12.15.19 - Q Posts Hint Major Reveals.

@00:06:03 durham talking about huber all right
@00:06:10 both john durham and q's public campaign
@00:06:34 he says month and day durham initiated
@00:06:51 durham and hugh says what if other ag

deleted Q Posts - Barr (Stealth Bomber) To Be Targeted. Cruz FISA Abuse Drop Soon!

@00:02:55 durham public statements past week
@00:02:59 durham start hugh start remember they
@00:03:11 spotless record he appointed durham the
@00:03:23 confirm so we also have durham start

deleted DN House Impeachment Soap Opera Drama, Bidens Crackhead Son

@00:11:36 sends a warning to john durham says

deleted 12.11.19 - Horowitz said WHAT!! Corney Won't like this & More

@00:06:50 john durham addressed that the ig didn't
@00:06:52 well durham is is looking at the whole
@00:08:30 the investigation is john durham but
@00:08:59 purpose was to introduce durham to the
@00:09:24 before they met with durham and i met
@00:09:33 for john durham to issue his statement
@00:10:10 preempted and that durham was doing
@00:15:00 so durham is the hammer here i think

deleted IG Report Breakdown Mixed Reactions

@00:04:21 us attorney john durham issues a
@00:04:34 opened so you know durham is of course
@00:06:27 forward to the durham report which is

deleted 12.5.19 - Impeachment is CorruptionGate - Criminals Shouting Crime, Censorship WINTER (fixed)

@00:06:12 us attorney durham you know two big

deleted 12.4.19 - Trade War, Impeachment, Harris Drops out, & more

@00:09:40 sham and durham is doing nothing right

deleted 11.25.19 - Giuliani vs The Deep State, Hunters become the Hunted

@00:12:25 durham who is the prosecutor in

deleted Biden Threatens Graham, Impeachment is DEAD, More Biden Scandals

@00:07:19 attorney john durham you guys remember
@00:07:40 ag bars us attorney john durham

deleted New Q - Who Authorized FisaGate Spying. OBAMA. 5eyes turns on Deepstate

@00:01:48 and durham and it says class one to four
@00:08:44 durham and bar are riding around the

deleted 11 13 19 - Major Q Drops

@00:21:59 q and on so john durham was appointed by
@00:22:55 sessions did his job by starting durham

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:10:46 a veteran mob prosecutor john durham was
@00:11:36 prosecutor durham served as interim us
@00:11:46 president trump nominated durham as us
@00:11:59 the durham plot ryan started on the same
@00:12:01 i don't think durham knows about it but
@00:29:19 have prosecutor john durham has been
@00:29:31 campaign initiated month and day durham
@00:29:37 durham target quote also spearheaded mob
@00:29:55 investigator john durham remember where
@00:31:00 so what abc agency did durham target the
@00:32:45 interesting and john durham is on the

deleted Non Impeachment BOOMS in the News, Pedophiles and Gun Grabbers

@00:04:09 from durham talking about the ig report

deleted 35,000,000 + QAnon Movement Await Justice Phase - Happening NOW

@00:06:26 durham grand jury
@00:12:52 for durham that is he ought to bring in

deleted Q Is Back - New Posts (Unconfirmed real Q)

@00:04:55 john durham was not appointed by a g bar
@00:05:00 durham served as interim us attorney
@00:05:12 nominated durham as us attorney on
@00:06:39 and now in durham seems to be the pit

deleted Impeachment Scam Failing

@00:04:39 officials us attorney john durham has
@00:06:56 documents in durham has access to i'm
@00:10:19 have mifsud x' phones obtained by durham

deleted News Brief 102119 Bernie The REAL Manchurian Candidate

@00:28:35 by john durham in this invest

deleted Impeachment, Clinton Vs Gabbard, Biden, Mifsud, Fake News Freefall

@00:11:50 have special investigator john durham

deleted War, CNN, Troops Home, Trump Murder Plot, Weiner Laptop, CPS ABUSES

@00:05:42 investigations there's been john durham

deleted News Brief 10/15/19: CAUGHT ON VIDEO! Abortionists Harvest Organs From Live Briths!

@00:04:46 barr and durham are conducting an
@00:07:03 durham and their investigation that's
@00:12:57 durham and bar are largely quiet about

deleted News Brief 10/14/19: VICTORY Over Globalism! IMF Deal Scrapped to End Equador Chaos!

@00:07:11 william bar and john durham are involved
@00:07:46 what william bar and durham are doing

deleted Judge Rules Against Twitter Re Censorship UN BROKE, 5G, BUSH LIED

@00:07:07 continuing we have john durham expanding
@00:07:18 basically go all the way up durham is

deleted Clapper Points at Obama for Treason?

@00:00:49 here you also know that john durham who

deleted Arizona CPS Child Sex Scandal & Ukraine Truths Emerge (Audio Issues in tech)

@00:18:42 in italy along with john durham they

deleted Red Pill Living DarkToLight Sale announcement.

@00:14:56 attorney john durham in coming days now

deleted News Brief 10/3/19: Jury Selection Begins in CfMP Case/ Turkey to Create Safe Zone Unilaterally

@00:32:21 durham they are hard at work right now
@00:32:55 do not if john durham and attorney

deleted 9.26.19 Biden, Trending Towards Grand Jury Investigation Dems in Panic

@00:06:09 morning that us attorney john durham is

deleted News Brief 9/16/19: Fresh Attacks Against Justice K/ Harris Ordered Raid on PP Whistleblowers

@00:03:37 at the same time we have durham and his
@00:14:36 happens when durham and his team wrap up

deleted News Brief 9/14/19: IG Releases Draft FISA Report/ Elite Celebs Rally Around PP

@00:03:47 investigation because john durham and

deleted News Brief 9/12/19: McCabe Referred for Indictment/ POTUS Leads Moment of Silence

@00:05:14 have the work that durham is doing as
@00:05:35 have durham and durham is working

deleted 8.30.2019 Frontlines of the Digital War - Comey, Hurricane, Fox News = Fake MAGA

@00:17:18 that john durham and the fbi must

deleted 8 8 19 Left Aggressive

@00:23:14 so jodie genova durham investigation is

deleted News Brief 8/2/19: Comey Not Charged/ Trump to Pull Troops/ ICE Most Wanted Arrested

@00:02:52 background there's also the durham
@00:02:57 investigating hoover durham and william
@00:05:06 punnett breaking durham investigators
@00:05:28 deposition is now in the hands of durham
@00:06:43 durham who is running the criminal

deleted Qanon Update 7/29 - 7/31/19: #DECLAS Coming!

@00:22:56 that's because durham is progressing
@00:24:42 durham bar huber all of them they're
@00:31:53 he's got john durham looking at that
@00:33:06 john durham and michael horowitz that
@00:35:01 along with horowitz and durham and

deleted News Brief 7/30/19: Joe DiGenova Drops BOMBSHELL! /Yellow Vest Protests/ Dem Debates

@00:02:41 because durham is progressing very very
@00:04:06 durham and others including bar and
@00:07:03 hoover barr and durham
@00:07:29 and durham working quietly in the

deleted DECLASS FISAGATE with DUSTIN NEMOS on Grand Torino-7.30-2019

@00:02:11 false premise we know john durham who
@00:02:17 durham is progressing well ahead the

deleted 7 26 19 Q Update -The Epstein Fallout Leads to Clintons

@00:14:24 documents durham news said on the show

deleted Q - Dark to Light

@00:02:09 i'm mo rogers durham and rogers meeting

deleted Joseph Flynn and Dustin Nemos on Censorship General Flynn 6-20-19

@00:31:48 durham who he appointed and he
@00:31:51 specifically appointed durham because

deleted 6.15.19 - Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview. Major Updates !

@00:13:07 barr and durham began their

deleted Mr Tweet is On the Offense Finally And IT IS GLORIOUS

@00:12:16 us attorney durham is investigating
@00:14:48 jarrett broad scope of durham probe

deleted Mueller Fails to Rescue Dying Deepstate Narrative, Dems Panic, Eat their Own

@00:17:24 durham in his investigation into origins

deleted Sunday Night Live Chat! Nemos News Network

@00:20:12 right the opposite of 30 in durham we

deleted Patriot Corner #3 John Durham/James Clapper Deep Dive

@00:01:25 are about john durham he's a us attorney
@00:01:58 within the first ten john durham
@00:03:45 former ag under bush but anyway durham
@00:03:58 first took office in o8 and durham was
@00:04:22 stuff that happened under bush so durham
@00:04:49 something that durham had done back
@00:06:42 that would be john the durham is our

deleted Deleted video

@00:31:54 questioned i think by bar in durham so

deleted Private video

@00:18:21 interview with john durham on friday we
@00:18:28 are we in the durham probe
@00:18:34 so hopefully durham was able to get him
@00:20:07 brennan was asked but if durham is doing

deleted Private video

@00:23:06 durham probe

deleted Private video

@00:36:05 hashtag durham report