deleted Qanon September 18, 2020 - Be Water, Spread Fire

@00:20:23 and those fisa warrants and

deleted Qanon September 2, 2020 - How is Blackmail Used?

@00:02:25 the woods file for carter page's fisa
@00:02:46 of information contained in a fisa war
@00:02:49 from a fisa court document explaining
@00:03:12 inspector general reviewed 29 fisa
@00:03:24 fisa applications that contained a woods
@00:03:35 in all of the fisa applications they
@00:04:06 a fisa application and actually
@00:04:13 significant changes to the fisa process
@00:04:20 that the fisa application for carter
@00:04:45 with the original fisa application
@00:05:08 carter page's fisa application but i'm

deleted Qanon August 21, 2020 - Why is Everything Q Being Censored?

@00:01:09 quite a bit of information about fisa

deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

@00:02:01 harridge wrote fisa newly declassified
@00:02:33 the fisa applications then just before
@00:02:36 the final fisa in june of 2017
@00:03:58 oversaw fisa the improper use of bruce
@00:04:16 learned a fisa issue so here's an
@00:08:56 are so fisa is the foreign intelligence
@00:09:07 actually surveilled under fisa so fisa
@00:09:14 fisa title one is the electronic
@00:09:25 okay so that's fisa title one fisa title
@00:09:32 premises or property within the us fisa
@00:09:35 title seven is synonymous with fisa
@00:10:04 either fisa title 1 which is electronic
@00:20:44 abuse of the fisa process and one of
@00:20:54 surveilled under fisa well there were a
@00:21:03 under fisa surveillance so the question
@00:21:08 manage the bureau's fisa program if he
@00:21:12 have a fisa program if general flynn

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:06:15 herrich fisa
@00:06:55 the fisa applications
@00:06:58 then just before the final fisa in june

deleted Qanon May 25, 2020 - Its a Marathon Not a Sprint

@00:20:05 democrat fisa biden and other corruption
@00:26:45 under fisa and sandy as a us citizen her
@00:27:54 not governed by fisa intelligence
@00:27:59 fbi is under fisa foreign
@00:28:56 think it came in through fisa i believe
@00:29:58 the other one is fisa title 3 generally
@00:30:01 applies to u.s. citizens fisa generally
@00:31:35 brief history of the fisa process and

deleted All Things Q - With John Michael Chambers

@00:21:23 what things that were going on with fisa
@00:24:37 fisa news okay that the link to the ig
@00:32:15 lively debate about whether fisa
@00:32:21 fisa is a really good way to abuse the
@00:32:28 hinting that judges on the fisa court
@00:33:01 foreign power yet fisa court went ahead
@00:33:05 change fisa court has to change so we're

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:03:53 indictment regarding fisa abuse at six
@00:04:07 fisa warrant was illegal
@00:04:09 if fisa warrant was predicated on
@00:06:11 command fisa russia
@00:07:12 fisa can the same argument be made
@00:08:39 that oversaw the fisa surveillance
@00:13:18 fisa abuse okay
@00:18:32 on fisa abuse if adam schiff was privy

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:04:39 reading it q said that fisa indictments
@00:05:15 although fisa is the beginning of a
@00:08:33 two counts regard fisa and then there
@00:09:08 fisa but maybe it won't be maybe only
@00:14:28 inspector general report on fisa abuse

deleted Qanon April 16, 2020 - The End Won't Be For Everyone

@00:04:31 fisa is front and center right now those
@00:09:56 this article this is a federalist fisa
@00:10:20 that information anyway to obtain fisa

deleted Qanon April 15, 2020 - Imagine If We Were Not Here

@00:08:02 brackets fisa is the lead-in in brackets

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:07:44 fisa indictments equals a start public
@00:09:23 so fisa indictments are the start we we
@00:09:36 going to be it's going to be fisa and
@00:12:29 in the us fisa is going to be the start
@00:12:34 fisa the immediate confirmation of
@00:12:48 all right so fisa is this start now this
@00:12:52 was supposed to the next day fisa is the
@00:12:57 layers fisa as a foundation it's the
@00:13:06 is going to start with fisa
@00:13:18 to fisa q's been telling us this for two
@00:13:27 really like researching this fisa
@00:13:46 fisa is going to be the start people are
@00:13:51 fisa has been in the news for three
@00:14:31 corruption all right and fisa is the
@00:15:03 indictments it's going to be fisa as
@00:15:08 fisa are unsealed that's when the storm
@00:16:23 ig report on fisa abuse was made public
@00:18:52 fisa indictments will be the start of
@00:21:43 ig report on fisa abuse that have had
@00:22:13 fisa warrant on carter page so techno
@00:29:05 derms investigation of fisa and that is
@00:32:01 axe underscore pub placeholder fisa
@00:34:26 listened in to count fisa then we have
@00:34:47 the fisa warrant was illegal
@00:34:48 if fisa warrant was predicated on

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:46:18 currently under legal fisa surveillance
@00:46:21 he reminded us in november of 2019 fisa
@00:46:31 fisa surveillance right now
@00:46:39 from today fisa indictments equal to
@00:46:55 i will be related to fisa and i'm quite
@00:47:00 okay with that fisa is actually my

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:44:59 the fisa abuse related to obama

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:07:34 premeditated fraud on a fisa court

deleted Qanon February 10, 2020 - An Informed Public

@00:11:20 to the fisa warrant
@00:11:30 even the head of the fisa court said it
@00:13:50 ukraine did muller open the door to fisa

deleted Qanon January 29 2020 - Read the Transcripts

@00:25:52 saying that at least two of the fisa
@00:27:18 ruling from fisa court judge where the
@00:27:53 about the fisa warrants that were non
@00:27:59 least three other fisa warrants that we
@00:28:27 if fisa warrants were deemed to be
@00:28:42 fisa court rubber bullets thing but you
@00:29:23 due to abuse as a fisa process we will

deleted Qanon December 30, 2019 - The Silent War Continues

@00:22:14 pages fisa was then used to spy on the
@00:22:18 entire trump campaign since fisa puts
@00:23:38 fisa to presidential daily brief so
@00:23:48 get that fisa warrant approved the
@00:24:17 multiple fisa warrants it has been

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:07:06 chairman graham regarding senate fisa
@00:07:20 hearings regarding fisa abuse and the
@00:07:28 who signed the fisa warrant for carter
@00:09:59 consequences fisa equals the start
@00:11:02 talks about the fisa gate scandal let's
@00:11:27 and the fbi made to the fisa court by
@00:12:42 a sworn statement to the fisa court to
@00:36:18 were all meeting regarding fisa
@00:44:27 security highest level and brackets fisa

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:05:06 fisa surveillance dems election
@00:15:06 after the fisa debacle in september 2016
@00:17:47 the fisa court irregularities that were
@00:18:55 in order to get a fisa warrant approved
@00:19:23 been reported to the fisa court but were
@00:19:29 truthfully told the fisa court about the
@00:19:34 approved that fisa warrant on carter
@00:19:49 later they got the carter page fisa
@00:20:05 fisa warrant q had hinted that in the
@00:20:17 flynn's fisa just my my my gut feeling

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:03:26 brackets to count fisa so once i got the
@00:03:31 fisa warrant to spy on general flynn
@00:03:37 listened in the having obtained a fisa
@00:04:44 if fisa warrant was illegally obtained
@00:04:47 if fisa warrant was predicated on
@00:04:52 the fisa actors purposefully withheld
@00:14:31 rebutting the nunez memo on fisa abuses
@00:29:29 the fisa court
@00:29:47 carter page fisa application right q
@00:29:58 gonna find out a lot more about fisa
@00:30:05 questioning whether fisa court should be
@00:30:42 from the fisa court instructs the fbi to
@00:31:12 he has implemented regarding fisa and
@00:31:20 almost 20 years where fisa court has
@00:31:31 fisa surveillance system and we're
@00:32:02 q then wrote think flynn fisa illegal q
@00:32:12 falsified information to obtain fisa
@00:32:21 fisa court several years ago he found an
@00:32:48 defendants had fisa warrants issued to
@00:32:57 been abusing this fisa system for a long
@00:33:07 fisa requests it's a it's a huge hornets
@00:33:29 use fisa to keep tabs and bad actors and
@00:33:34 president is using legal fisa
@00:33:50 rather than use fisa because kiro do we
@00:33:53 trust the fisa judges military intel
@00:40:50 fisa abuse so at ocala hands out now q

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:09:11 ig report what about ted cruz fisa
@00:09:20 ted cruz was under fisa surveillance and
@00:09:31 ted cruz was also under fisa
@00:10:24 by sessions the ig report on fisa views
@00:16:02 that's because his fisa application was
@00:16:21 report or fisa abuse that came out dates
@00:22:39 corruption related fisa he stood back
@00:27:18 intelligence briefings the fisa
@00:35:07 new news memo about fisa abuse that was
@00:43:04 security laws fisa is only the beginning

deleted Qanon December 9, 2019 - Think Timing

@00:01:48 fisa application if you look on the
@00:01:56 pages of the redacted fisa application
@00:04:58 sixth people it's the fisa gate poster
@00:06:41 fisa application this is a background as
@00:06:45 all from that fisa application all right
@00:12:25 fisa report being made public to get the

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:12:56 inspector general report on fisa abuse
@00:18:54 provide the date of the fisa release

deleted The Senate Was the Target - November 23, 2019

@00:06:47 report on fisa abuse is going to be made
@00:09:13 they'd have to do with fisa abuse and

deleted Qanon November 22, 2019 - It's Time

@00:19:44 used for a fisa application they were
@00:19:55 one of the fisa applications paul
@00:20:07 know actually know what fisa application
@00:21:59 green shooting fisa in a barrel
@00:23:23 2019 fbi 302s fisa spy on flynn will

deleted Qanon November 20, 2019 - Information Warfare

@00:01:39 many corrupt people are under fisa

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:28:27 foreign was there a fisa judge white
@00:31:24 a victim of a fisa warrant for
@00:32:26 there who was under a fisa surveillance

deleted FISA Report, Declass, 8kun update October 15 2019

@00:00:45 general report on fisa abuse and talk a
@00:03:15 ig report on fisa abuse was i think the
@00:11:57 the fisa ig report is going to be an
@00:12:29 fisa system now maria bartiromo
@00:12:40 beyond fisa and i believe it will q has
@00:12:54 see in this fisa report
@00:15:57 ran this operation against trump fisa
@00:16:21 fisa so you do domestic spying and then

deleted Qanon August 1, 2019 - August is a Hot Month

@00:15:53 fisa five eyes indictments tracking
@00:16:43 five eyes fisa d class acts of treason

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:13:04 foreign acts v eyes fisa d-class special
@00:13:22 spies fisa abuse umbrella spying and

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:14:10 302s applications for the fisa court i
@00:18:56 gonna see declassified fisa mm-hmm apps
@00:19:02 papadopoulos maybe general fluence fisa
@00:19:39 about fisa applications about nsa

deleted Qanon July 27, 2019 - Declass is Here

@00:04:41 fork palme an important fisa warrant was
@00:04:49 the muller investigation fisa warrant
@00:04:55 investigation fisa warrant issued and
@00:05:09 assists and fisa surveillance included
@00:06:03 allows for normal fisa law deconstruct
@00:06:10 insert deconstruct includes non fisa
@00:15:51 fisa surveillance warrant up all
@00:16:20 they were going to get a fisa warrant on
@00:16:37 fisa application it's been declassified
@00:16:53 these situations to get a fisa warrants
@00:19:09 way domestic fisa surveillance is
@00:20:11 surveillance on you under fisa
@00:20:40 fisa surveillance was designed to give
@00:24:11 allows for normal fisa law deconstruct
@00:24:31 fisa is normally not used on u.s.
@00:24:46 government otherwise fisa really works
@00:26:25 nann fisa warrant special ops i don't
@00:33:16 correlation between fisa abuse treason
@00:33:50 correlation between fisa abuse and the
@00:39:22 security division she's a fisa lawyer i

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:17:44 that has been gathered all the fisa
@00:17:58 months fisa goes both ways
@00:17:59 a lot of these people have fisa warrants
@00:45:24 on allegations of fisa abuse he has been

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:25:43 the fisa applications in the electronic

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:34:42 fisa gate panic and dc and guardians of

deleted Qanon June 27, 2019 - Future Comms: On Ready

@00:07:51 there's also placeholder for fisa there
@00:09:07 fisa abuse direct an indirect source and
@00:15:31 public fisa application it's the only
@00:15:36 other fisa applications that are still
@00:15:47 general flynn probably had a fisa on him

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:23:25 the the fisa documents and things
@00:26:05 him to look into this talking about fisa
@00:26:12 originally been asked to look at fisa
@00:26:36 of fisa with respect to the the fbi in
@00:26:51 looking into fisa abuses allegations
@00:26:59 taking care of fisa allegations huber
@00:27:09 essentially on standby for fisa
@00:29:34 allegations of fisa abuse and abuse of
@00:30:18 referring to fisa investigation in
@00:30:38 and abuse of the fisa system they were
@00:31:07 on this front regarding fisa in recent
@00:34:47 do with fisa investigation so look all

deleted Spygate Update May 16 2019

@00:05:51 like the fisa application of carter
@00:16:08 compromised what's going on the fisa
@00:16:10 court is really contreras the fisa judge
@00:16:16 case he's also a fisa court judge has is

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:02:01 justice because a fisa application has
@00:02:14 people has to sign off on a fisa
@00:08:24 power fisa issues also mainly the big
@00:11:14 investigating the origins of the fisa
@00:32:09 than just the fisa process but that
@00:32:17 i'm looking at fight the fisa process

deleted Qanon April 28, 2019 - Truth, Transparency and Equal Justice

@00:05:40 the fisa applications gang of eight
@00:11:12 fisa spy arrow going toward general
@00:11:47 fisa applications they look at what
@00:12:42 the target of fisa surveillance while

deleted Qanon April 26, 2019 - I Spy

@00:03:57 fisa court has already communicated with
@00:05:08 articles puts them in a fisa application
@00:06:50 personally to the fisa court then
@00:06:58 did it the fisa court has already been
@00:07:11 of the fisa information he talks about
@00:07:23 to the fisa court a lot of this has
@00:08:36 was asking him about fisa
@00:08:45 302s are we gonna get carter pages fisa
@00:10:16 division responsible for managing fisa
@00:10:23 illegal fisa activity began four years
@00:11:23 responsible for fisa surveillance why
@00:14:45 queries into the fisa database that
@00:15:08 that fisa court she wrote a 99 page
@00:15:43 had disclosed raw fisa information
@00:16:00 access to raw fisa information on fbi
@00:16:10 had access to raw fisa information that
@00:16:44 access to the fisa database all right
@00:16:54 to when the abuse of the fisa database
@00:17:38 fisa requests and is required to certify
@00:18:17 outlining numerous fisa compliance
@00:19:54 back into the fisa warrant and takes it
@00:20:40 fisa application this diagram here in
@00:21:40 community they take that the fisa court
@00:21:56 fisa court they get their their warrant
@00:22:31 their access to the fisa database did
@00:22:58 access to the fisa database it seems
@00:23:51 violations pertain to fisa about queries
@00:25:42 ryan to block the fisa memo from

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:03:34 investigation of the fisa process in in
@00:04:09 carter pages fisa application the 20

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:33:19 come out about fisa abuse what's the

deleted Qanon March 14, 2019 - Stay in the Light

@00:04:00 the the declassification of fisa ducks
@00:06:00 declassify the fisa doc's d class d

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:12:37 themselves and then you should have fisa

deleted Qanon March 6, 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly

@00:06:49 off on the carter page fisa application

deleted Qanon February 24 2019 - [LL] Returning to the Headlines

@00:05:49 documents carter page fisa application

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:05:40 carter pages fisa application and
@00:15:32 of documents related to fisa abuse and
@00:17:01 carter page fisa application fbi
@00:17:07 interviews regarding carter pages fisa
@00:29:52 inspector general's report on fisa abuse

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:11:28 documents related to fisa abuse and the
@00:19:57 documents related to the fisa abuse and
@00:28:10 the fisa gate has caused him to be
@00:28:57 fisa abuse people have been messaging me
@00:35:43 investigation into fisa abuse okay
@00:41:35 pub placeholder fisa pub placeholder
@00:42:02 for an insert fisa abuse umbrella spying
@00:42:37 eyes is changed as the fisa report comes

Praying Medic News Update January 13, 2019

@00:35:23 that means the unredacted fisa yeah the
@00:35:34 he talked about the fisa
@00:35:44 class and release the unredacted fisa so

deleted Qanon January 11, 2019 - Boom Friday

@00:06:58 fisa he's written a lot of good articles
@00:11:00 signed off on the annual fisa compliance
@00:11:14 off on fisa compliance certification he
@00:11:31 respect to the fisa system and then
@00:17:16 struck discussed a fisa application
@00:17:33 about the dragon fisa email header and
@00:20:27 fisa he has written some very good

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:03:46 coming out from the dossier the fisa

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:22:38 the dossier the fisa abuse to the

deleted Qanon September 30, 2018 - Welcome to the Police State

@00:15:29 declassification of the fisa application

deleted Qanon November 6, 2018 - The Entire World is Watching

@00:08:29 who had illegal fisa surveillance
@00:08:43 been silenced a foia request and my fisa
@00:08:52 for pages fisa to remain sealed yeah why
@00:08:57 pages fisa application to be sealed what
@00:09:58 they could then get a fisa warrant on
@00:10:17 declassification of fisa abuse and the

deleted Qanon October 11, 2018 - Logic and Critical Thinking

@00:06:34 blank if the fisa declassification
@00:21:50 page fisa application the bruce or 302s

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:06:54 renewals of the fisa application against
@00:07:07 stated in the fisa applications for mr.
@00:15:19 before signing the fisa application its
@00:15:41 carter page that wasn't given to fisa
@00:17:45 dos fisa footnotes democrat memo were
@00:25:36 into the carter page fisa application
@00:40:51 as a potential russian asset fisa
@00:41:33 he also said that title one fisa
@00:46:52 declassification of the fisa ducks

deleted Qanon October 9, 2018 - Boom Week

@00:04:34 during before even the fisa warrant so
@00:04:41 wasn't told to the fisa court so you
@00:04:42 want your your evidence of fisa abuse
@00:11:15 carter page fisa application
@00:11:53 to obtain fisa warrant why the block the
@00:16:27 suggested that objections to the fisa

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:11:04 does fisa grant access to the nsa
@00:35:07 the fisa court as evidence thank you

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:22:26 who is john huber have under fisa
@00:22:34 surveillance right now under legal fisa
@00:23:26 regarding huber why his a fisa court
@00:23:40 huber i'm guessing that the fisa court
@00:23:49 fisa application because there's an

deleted Qanon November 30, 2018 - A Picture is Worth Many Sentences

@00:09:13 potus fisa equals a start buzzer brings

deleted Qanon November 27, 2018 - Be Vigilant in December

@00:10:53 the cardo page fisa application emails

Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval - Part 3

@00:43:43 five eyes pu b placeholder fisa pub
@00:46:52 eyes fisa supreme court rulings

Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

@00:34:17 interested in fisa and the intelligence

deleted Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling

@00:00:36 fisa will initiate the resignation
@00:00:42 stein the classification of fisa will
@00:00:49 the classification of fisa will
@00:01:53 coordination fisa in brackets full
@00:02:09 declassification of the carter page fisa
@00:03:03 signers of the carta page fisa
@00:03:17 i know is signed the fisa application
@00:07:17 remaining content of the fisa that guess
@00:08:25 and let us know how these fisa warrants
@00:09:25 fisa or the bruce or 302s well how would
@00:10:47 this fisa and look it doesn't harm them
@00:11:01 declassification of fisa equals rod
@00:11:18 the fisa application is going to
@00:12:24 a new fisa application so evidently they
@00:12:30 can't sign any new fisa applications all
@00:12:58 declassification of fisa documents that
@00:13:35 fisa documents and the other related
@00:13:47 this one has to do with fisa abuse
@00:14:31 all of this process of fisa
@00:16:50 carter pages fisa application a lot of

deleted Qanon September 22, 2018 - Goodbye Mr. Rosenstein

@00:02:35 the declassification the fisa doc's they
@00:02:45 you said declassification of fisa will
@00:02:53 fisa brings down the house the post on
@00:03:33 top secret fisa warrant and then there's
@00:05:19 that the dossier was connected to fisa
@00:11:09 president fisa equals a start
@00:11:12 fisa brings down the house when do birds
@00:13:08 any fisa documents strange so we're

deleted Qanon September 18, 2018 - I See Q People

@00:18:48 declassification of the fisa application
@00:22:56 fisa application well guess what the
@00:23:07 the fisa documents text messages and the
@00:24:01 fisa court in the matter of carter page
@00:24:17 connection with all carter page fisa
@00:24:27 the carter page fisa applications is
@00:29:37 declassification of the fisa application
@00:30:17 about the announcement of the fisa
@00:31:11 suffocation of the fisa application
@00:37:14 decision to declassify the fisa
@00:39:46 q says they classified fisa rod

deleted Qanon September 11, 2018 - Activate Sleeper Cells

@00:15:14 carter page fisa application and then q
@00:43:33 specifically fisa which is why q has
@00:43:36 been educating us so much on fisa q
@00:43:45 most of it has to do with fisa how fisa
@00:43:58 the fisa application and what did they
@00:44:15 page fisa redactions nunez said that
@00:44:20 the carter page fisa application that
@00:44:45 who signed the fisa application so q s
@00:45:34 insert into fisa app in an effort to
@00:46:16 fisa court a number of people bruce or
@00:46:23 steel dossier behind the fisa
@00:46:43 dossier but they never told the fisa
@00:47:03 fake news insert into fisa app in an
@00:47:20 into the fisa application to bolster

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:38:17 from sarah carter about fisa and bruce
@00:38:45 the connections before they went to fisa
@00:40:14 obtain fisa warrants against protis and
@00:40:32 obtain the fisa warrants plus the fisa
@00:41:18 what will the 20 in brackets fisa 4th
@00:43:18 page or fisa dirty dossier etc their

Thanks For Your Patience... New Videos on the Way

@00:01:09 to be about spygate the fisa things
@00:02:56 especially the fisa things and the cia
@00:18:25 pages of the fisa application will be
@00:24:55 primarily on fisa on some of the older
@00:25:59 video on fisa redactions congress some

deleted Qanon August 30, 2018 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

@00:06:16 intelligence reports the fisa
@00:26:06 justify fisa warrants anon said unreal
@00:30:47 court to support a fisa application and
@00:30:58 fisa abcs three-letter agencies versus
@00:31:07 bridge fisa equals fisc who is
@00:31:17 fisa warrant what must be demonstrated
@00:31:27 fisa warrants and surveillance nationals
@00:31:36 apparatus illegally violated fisa laws
@00:31:54 must sign off on fisa warrants who
@00:32:16 process of obtaining a fisa warrant
@00:32:20 sign off the type of fisa warrant that
@00:32:54 active fisa warrants and surveillance
@00:33:02 immunized against fisa surveillance if
@00:35:21 fisa warrants be issued or active for
@00:37:52 operations center q asked could fisa
@00:39:08 authorized surveillance to the fisa
@00:41:17 fisa court and the fbi has even been

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:03:22 the fisa application and carter page
@00:03:51 out when this carter page fisa
@00:06:13 coming back to the fisa application okay
@00:06:23 the the basic rundown on the fisa
@00:06:34 video on fisa the process the
@00:06:37 application fisa court all of that and i
@00:06:41 into fisa it's like an hour in five
@00:06:47 learning the ins and outs of fisa the
@00:09:00 contractors access to the fisa database
@00:10:05 fisa applications
@00:13:27 fisa court then you have to sign an

deleted Qanon August 13, 2018 - Sometimes the Truth is Right in Front of You

@00:34:06 fisa and congress and the fbi but i do

deleted Qanon August 8, 2018 - They All Claim to be Insiders

@00:11:52 declassification of the fisa application
@00:12:06 about the fisa application the
@00:12:14 one-page summary of fisa title one what
@00:12:24 reader i did an extensive dive into fisa
@00:12:32 fisa is a foundation that is based on
@00:12:35 the fisa thread and let's go down to

deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

@00:00:24 involving fisa and the other set of
@00:00:28 posting about i wanted to keep fisa
@00:00:33 fisa video that was the last one that i

deleted Qanon July 31, 2018 - FISA is the Foundation

@00:00:11 video is fisa is the foundation those of
@00:00:55 the ins and outs of fisa which cue has
@00:05:01 begins by understanding fisa
@00:06:12 shared on fisa and the intelligence
@00:06:40 ever question the fisa search issues not
@00:06:49 division and the fbi abuse of the fisa
@00:06:56 back to the abuse of the fisa nsa
@00:07:06 historic fisa surveillance search abuse
@00:07:16 with abuses of fisa system for political
@00:07:35 attention to the fisa issue and we're
@00:07:42 fisa abuse they only discuss it when
@00:07:47 the dots reports fisa abuse are sort of
@00:08:01 concerning fisa it's a one-time thing
@00:08:19 importance of fisa one thing we need to
@00:08:30 fisa if we take time now to understand
@00:08:33 what fisa is all about we're gonna be
@00:10:54 court and the fisa process america's
@00:11:25 all the issues involved with fisa it is
@00:11:34 fisa and the foreign intelligence
@00:11:48 research on legal issues including fisa
@00:11:55 are some fisa terms that are good to be
@00:11:57 familiar with fisa stands for the
@00:12:19 there's fisa title 1 which is electronic
@00:12:24 there's fisa title 3 which is physical
@00:14:02 discussing fisa the aspect of fisa that
@00:14:16 citizen he was surveilled under fisa
@00:14:30 they told the fisa court fisa title 1 is
@00:15:33 happened we know that the fisa court
@00:16:46 approves all fisa surveillance requests
@00:20:23 inquiries into the fisa database that
@00:20:49 fisa judge collier it was highly
@00:21:07 that the fbi had disclosed raw fisa
@00:21:25 contractors had access to raw fisa
@00:21:38 access to raw fisa information that went
@00:21:48 to fisa information as of april 18 2016
@00:22:52 fisa court but it is the most secret
@00:23:09 abuse of the fisa process by the fbi
@00:23:16 available when the fisa abuse by the fbi
@00:24:05 fisa requests and they have to certify
@00:24:07 annually fisa compliance in 2016 john p
@00:24:23 outlining numerous fisa compliance
@00:24:44 certifications with the fisa court the
@00:25:54 took it to court to get a fisa approval
@00:26:59 submit it to fisa court as evidence they
@00:27:36 to the fisa database was curtailed well
@00:28:08 be used in the fisa application from may
@00:29:08 found pertain to fisa about queries now
@00:29:40 shut down all fisa about queries and
@00:30:59 twice in the summer of 2016 for a fisa
@00:31:06 granted the initial reports on the fisa
@00:31:46 fisa know because fisa is classified at
@00:31:53 generate a redacted fisa application on
@00:32:10 redacted fisa application it pertains to
@00:33:06 imagined that that fisa application
@00:33:17 fisa court the dossier on trump and the
@00:33:54 because he never thought that the fisa
@00:34:10 same information that they used in fisa
@00:44:32 that there were applications to the fisa
@00:44:45 fbi goes to fisa court and tells them
@00:49:43 and fisa is a battlefield upon which the

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:30:05 of the fisa application it is not a bad
@00:30:15 evidence used to obtain a fisa
@00:39:29 to get a fisa warrant on carter page to

deleted Q Anon July 15 - Imperator Rex's Thoughts

@00:02:09 fraudulent fisa warrant for carter page

deleted Qanon July 14, 2018 - The Five Eyes by Paul Serran

@00:05:20 fisa warrants that they used on carter

deleted Qanon July 11, 2018 - General Mike Flynn

@00:27:15 doj got fisa warrants on both manta ford

deleted Qanon June 28, 2018 - We Stand at the Ready

@00:06:13 public they lose set up scam fisa abuse

deleted Q Anon June 15 - The DOJ IG Report

@00:23:18 brackets approved and signed the fisa

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:03:55 they're under surveillance they got fisa

deleted Qanon April 11, 2018 - April Showers

@00:06:26 the fisa court he was a spy and they
@00:06:29 used him they got a fisa warrant to run

deleted Qanon March 30, 2018 - Who is Q?

@00:22:14 alleged fisa abuses by the doj and fbi
@00:22:57 investigating the alleged fisa abuses by
@00:23:17 problems so the abuse of the fisa is

deleted Qanon March 7, 2018 -The Plan to Avoid World War III

@00:52:15 the documents that came out of the fisa
@00:52:36 contractors to access raw fisa
@00:52:52 the nsa found sorry the fisa court found
@00:53:09 fisa 702 this year so third president
@00:53:21 under section 702 of fisa which allows

deleted March 1 News Update - The Truth About Trump and Sessions

@00:05:03 the fisa abuse all it's that's all been

Feb 14 News Update & Church Dropout Discussion

@00:14:13 the fisa memo all right so swell well is
@00:15:59 the information the fisa application all
@00:19:54 and view the original fisa application
@00:22:42 from the fisa court all right so that's
@00:23:03 of the initial carter page fisa

The Overlooked Problem With FISA Title 1 Surveillance

@00:00:03 to my broadcast on the fisa memo let me
@00:08:17 fisa issues and other investigations
@00:08:47 today concerning the fisa memo
@00:09:16 of the fisa court and the different ways
@00:09:23 fisa court because this will help
@00:09:27 that authorizes fisa court it's called a
@00:09:56 the fisa court is convened they only
@00:10:06 who is going to be a target of a fisa
@00:10:51 is what's known as a title seven fisa
@00:10:55 application and there's a title one fisa
@00:11:11 that takes on the fisa 702 okay and
@00:11:17 we've been talking about fisa 702 s for
@00:11:30 the fisa court and through the fisa
@00:11:43 the fisa act alright so we were under
@00:11:55 fisa going into the database getting the
@00:12:18 fisa court but the actual way that
@00:12:43 to access the fisa database under 702
@00:14:02 to the fisa court that the american
@00:14:27 what you need to know fisa 702 gives you
@00:14:52 were being surveilled under fisa 702
@00:15:25 one fisa title one is
@00:15:30 the is a fisa warrant
@00:16:43 a title one fisa search you get this
@00:17:23 that is not the case with fisa 702 with
@00:19:05 one fisa warrant totally strips you of
@00:19:37 in fisa court is very high all right you
@00:20:02 for fisa court has to be signed off by
@00:20:27 allowed to sign off on a title one fisa
@00:21:04 evidence for a fisa court for title one
@00:21:29 one fisa warrant is such a heinous crime
@00:26:01 the fisa memo you know a lot of people

deleted February 3rd 2018 Q Anon Question and Answer

@00:08:54 beg ryan to block the fisa memo from
@00:09:38 applications to fisa court to renew the
@00:34:51 was called the fisa abuse memo and the

deleted Qanon February 3, 2018 - Freedom Day

@00:01:35 rosenstein beg ryan to block the fisa
@00:02:17 the applications to fisa court to renew
@00:27:32 it was called the fisa abuse memo and

deleted January 31, 2018 News: Trey Gowdy, General Flynn and the Nunes Memo

@00:27:26 off because he saw this this fisa

deleted Qanon January 29, 2018 - An Existential Threat to a Corrupt Political System

@00:49:40 it's a chat app used by fisa contractors

deleted Qanon January 25, 2018 - Did the FBI Plot to Harm the President?

@00:45:12 with fisa court and this is has to do

deleted January 20 Q Anon / Shutdown Question and Answer

@00:09:56 to block the release of the fisa
@00:11:32 of the classified fisa info all the
@00:27:39 such warrants fisa do we trust the fisa
@00:28:24 american citizens do they trust the fisa

deleted Qanon January 20, 2018 - Government Shut Down

@00:04:39 to block the release of the fisa
@00:06:16 of the classified fisa info all the
@00:22:22 order to gain such warrants fisa do we
@00:22:26 trust the fisa judges military intel
@00:23:07 american citizens do they trust the fisa

Q Anon January 18 - FISA 702 Scandal

@00:07:15 reauthorize the controversial fisa 7:02
@00:07:32 knows all about the fisa 702 abuse put
@00:07:39 fisa renewal that will require more
@00:07:51 warrants so the fisa 702 is going to be
@00:12:51 block the release of this fisa

January 16, 2018 News Update Trump the Stable Genius, North Korea Missile Alert

@00:00:21 the fisa 702 debate that is going on in
@00:00:29 fisa 702 is going to be renewed this is
@00:01:17 was going to talk about the fisa 702
@00:01:27 of fisa 702 at the same time they're
@00:01:33 want to get fisa 702 reauthorized and
@00:01:47 month after the fisa 702 debate has
@00:07:26 kind of had illegal access to the fisa
@00:07:48 illegally access the fisa database with

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:14:46 declassified fisa court ruling that was
@00:15:07 fisa court where it was revealed that
@00:15:12 contractors to access the fisa database
@00:16:11 quickly after the fisa court ruling he

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:10:01 now the fisa 702 is scheduled to go the
@00:10:50 the fisa 702 will be reauthorized now
@00:12:22 with the fisa 702 about queries now
@00:12:33 fisa and 702 and the about queries and
@00:13:58 if you're accessing the fisa database
@00:16:05 fisa 702 will be accessed and let me
@00:16:22 fisa database is accessed and i
@00:16:29 search using the fisa database which is
@00:18:20 from the fisa court because there is a
@00:19:14 would go to fisa court you'd fill out
@00:19:26 misnomer the fisa court authorizes you
@00:20:35 the fisa database getting raw
@00:21:02 there's a document it's from the fisa
@00:21:18 essentially the fisa court had
@00:22:32 fisa court and get a warrant or a query
@00:24:45 a fisa warrant well yeah it was but

January 11, 2018 News - So Much Winning! FISA Update

@00:00:54 the question of the fisa warrant and did
@00:01:02 trump team without getting a fisa
@00:07:58 so other news the fisa 7:02
@00:08:28 going on right now about the fisa 7:02
@00:09:13 on twitter about fisa 702 all right so
@00:09:25 under the assumption that a fisa warrant
@00:11:29 actually obtained a fisa warrant to spy
@00:11:45 fbi and doj obtained a fisa warrant
@00:11:54 there actually was a fisa warrant issued
@00:12:05 fisa warrant where did this come from
@00:13:07 fisa court warrant in october of 2016
@00:13:47 fbi obtained a fisa warrant and she sets
@00:14:02 her we got a fisa warrant to spy on the
@00:15:24 article confirms that there was a fisa
@00:15:45 report on the approval of the fisa
@00:16:44 confirm the first fisa application which
@00:17:04 original request for a fisa warrant
@00:17:15 bbc accounts of the fisa warrants were
@00:17:39 claiming that a fisa warrant was
@00:17:50 going to base our belief that a fisa
@00:18:03 that they ever got a fisa warrant but it
@00:18:37 fisa warrant let me start with the
@00:19:33 was a fisa court order on something like
@00:19:41 there is no fisa court order not not to
@00:20:00 was a fisa one
@00:20:08 fisa warrant now let that sink in okay
@00:20:40 good reason to get a fisa warrant and
@00:21:07 for clapper to deny that they had a fisa
@00:21:15 get a fisa warrant which is what i'm
@00:21:23 fisa warrant and clapper says no they
@00:21:24 didn't there was no fisa warrant well
@00:21:35 unnamed sources who say there was a fisa
@00:21:47 there was a fisa warrant obtained by fb
@00:22:10 never did obtain a fisa warrant which
@00:22:22 trump's team but they never got a fisa
@00:22:45 used to go to the fisa court to the
@00:22:50 and get a fisa warrant that's what
@00:22:55 the assumption that a fisa warrant was
@00:23:25 they got a fisa warrant and they use the
@00:25:23 with the fisa 702 they have the fbi 302s
@00:25:29 nothing about a fisa warrant so if the
@00:25:37 fbi and doj did obtain a fisa warrant
@00:26:07 understand how the fisa court and the
@00:26:15 fisa 702 functions in in this thread
@00:26:49 fisa section 702 he said that we need to
@00:29:03 no solid evidence that a fisa 702
@00:30:37 of the fisa 702 the way it's currently
@00:33:57 good thing about this the the fisa 702
@00:34:53 go to fisa court you put in an
@00:34:55 application you try to get a fisa
@00:36:18 they do this the fb the fisa database
@00:36:23 okay the fisa database there is a
@00:36:26 separate database for the fisa it's run
@00:37:25 requires approval from fisa court you
@00:37:29 you go to fisa court you get approval
@00:39:49 the fisa court all their discussions
@00:43:23 on controversial fisa act today this is
@00:44:01 be slamming the fisa 702 renewal and on
@00:47:41 fisa 702 and on the other hand he's like

January 8, 2018 Update - Trump, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange

@00:06:16 involved in getting it to fisa court he

A 2nd Special Counsel Will Be Appointed. Here's What They'll Investigate

@00:05:25 origin of the surveillance the the fisa

January 6th Update - Mike Rogers - The Man Who Saved Our Nation

@00:15:25 happening and the unmasking and the fisa
@00:26:32 second and we're going to go to the fisa
@00:26:34 there was a june 2016 fisa application
@00:26:48 congressional inquiry surrounds the fisa
@00:27:01 fisa court when devon nunez explained
@00:29:58 and then he went to fisa court six days
@00:30:01 later on october 26th the full fisa
@00:30:34 well all of this going on in the fisa
@00:30:59 trunk fisa application the head of the
@00:31:10 legal basis for the fisa application
@00:31:14 scopes when you're going to go to fisa
@00:31:31 down to the fisa court which is down the
@00:31:51 fisa court and surveilling trump and his
@00:32:49 basis for the fisa application going to
@00:32:52 the fisa court all right in late october
@00:33:26 review he briefs rogers of the fisa item
@00:33:34 rogers goes and informs of fisa court
@00:34:03 issues straightened out with fisa court
@00:34:10 frantically working trying to get a fisa
@00:35:22 fisa warrant
@00:40:57 fisa court to get the war all this

January 5, 2018 News Update - Noko, Iran, China, Trump & Sessions

@00:17:20 get a fisa warrant so instead of calling
@00:18:44 fisa court getting a warrant to surveil

Jan 2, 2018 News Update - North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, Mueller Investigation, Trump Tweets

@00:27:00 there is the unlawful use of the fisa

Jan 1 Update - Dreams about Global Crime Syndicate Take Down

@00:39:56 the fisa warrant to surveil the trump
@00:41:50 why the fbi had to go to fisa because
@00:41:56 they went to the fisa court you don't

Dec 21 News Update - UN Vote, Uranium One, Government Shutdown

@00:21:38 the fisa 702 does not sunset i think

December 20 News Update - Tax Reform, FBI & DOJ Investigation

@00:06:31 extension of the fisa 7:02 surveillance
@00:06:55 fisa 702 to continue unchanged
@00:07:11 attach an extension of the fisa 702 onto

Dec 19 News Update

@00:38:34 nsa and the fisa courts because they all
@00:38:38 fisa courts have been weaponized
@00:38:48 been looking at the fisa court abuses
@00:38:57 surveillance through the fisa court is
@00:49:57 so they take their information to fisa

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:05:44 get a fisa warrant to surveil the trump
@00:23:43 eventually probably use it to get a fisa

Dec 14 News Update - White Hats in the OIG Have Been Helping Us All Along

@00:26:25 used to get the fisa warrant we wouldn't
@00:33:27 the fisa warrant that was used to gain
@00:34:10 the fisa warrant and it's it's all gonna

Mueller Investigation Update - The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

@00:07:09 fisa warrants and the department of
@00:17:47 so they go to fisa court with a bunch of
@00:19:42 warrant the the fisa warrant to surveil
@00:21:04 fisa surveillance request if it was
@00:25:26 basis for the fisa warrant this is

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About FISA Warrants

@00:01:25 about fisa courts and fisa warrants and
@00:03:13 understanding about how fisa warrants
@00:07:54 judge who signed off on the fbi fisa
@00:08:14 only 12 judges on the fisa court there's
@00:08:36 fbi go in there to get a fisa warrant
@00:08:58 only 12 judges and one of the fisa court
@00:09:13 to hear flynn's case the same fisa judge
@00:09:49 on the fisa court but we don't know
@00:09:52 because the fisa court information is
@00:09:58 who the judge was that designed the fisa
@00:10:37 over the fisa warrant issue well that
@00:11:20 mccarthy wrote and it's about fisa
@00:12:08 the idea that the fisa could be used
@00:14:00 order to get a wiretap under the fisa
@00:15:22 rather than go to fisa and try to
@00:18:03 threat in order to get a fisa wiretap no
@00:18:24 fisa warrants against trump team people
@00:20:30 sources say redrew an earlier fisa court
@00:20:48 why are they going for a fisa requests
@00:20:51 because fisa is not a criminal matter
@00:20:54 fisa requests our counterintelligence
@00:21:02 don't use fisa warrants in a criminal
@00:21:20 obtained on the basis of a fisa warrant
@00:21:59 street reported the first fisa requests
@00:22:30 metadata source to suggest that the fisa
@00:23:28 initial fisa affidavit was submitted to
@00:23:32 fisa court who is said to have named
@00:23:52 to the fisa court and the way heat
@00:24:05 street says the fisa court was presented
@00:24:26 the fisa warrant in october okay
@00:24:59 way only about one out of a hundred fisa
@00:25:11 get a fisa warrant is so small they
@00:25:15 almost never reject a request for a fisa
@00:26:12 concern any fisa judge would easily
@00:27:35 after fisa denial in june the original
@00:33:32 request for a fisa warrant so struck and
@00:33:44 month that fbi requests a second fisa
@00:34:05 second fisa warrant was submitted and
@00:34:31 new narrow requests to the fisa court so
@00:35:41 the fisa warrant gained by was gained by
@00:36:08 the fisa warrant that allowed him to be
@00:42:45 2016 that's when the sketchy fisa
@00:42:50 the fisa court do you think perhaps that
@00:44:08 get the fisa warrant and the information
@00:47:35 used when you got the fisa warrant tell
@00:51:49 have another look at fisa warrants that
@00:51:58 wrote which takes another look at fisa
@00:52:08 hour about fisa warrants and foreign

True Pundit Report on FBI Curruption

@00:10:47 search warrants arrest warrants and fisa
@00:11:04 search warrants arrest warrants and fisa
@00:12:21 search warrants arrest warrants and fisa
@00:13:05 the more or they get the fisa court
@00:17:18 fisa court warrants and the 702 they
@00:17:51 they know something is up with the fisa

Healthcare, Presidential Tweets and Investigations in the FBI & DOJ

@00:24:46 fisa court and get permission to do

George Webb and Deep State Update

@00:21:46 this scandal with fisa court so files ip
@00:21:53 surveillance act fisa which allows
@00:22:12 foreign nationals you go to fisa court
@00:22:29 from the fisa court been going on for
@00:22:41 hundreds of cases of abuse of the fisa
@00:23:37 or they can go to the fisa court and
@00:23:40 they can ask the fisa court and say hey
@00:23:54 you go to fisa court you don't have to
@00:24:46 with the fisa courts and the warrants
@00:25:30 fisa court
@00:26:50 going to be more related to fisa
@00:32:05 their their compliance with the fisa
@00:32:14 i think and the date for that fisa
@00:32:27 about what is going on with fisa and the
@00:32:47 is the code for the fisa court for some
@00:32:51 people have said that this fisa court is
@00:33:03 the fisa court there is a very good
@00:33:19 fisa court is a legal process that

March 24 Intelligence Update

@00:31:19 any information gathered under a fisa

Wiretapping Trump - A Look at FISA Warrants

@00:11:44 fisa court to get a warrant for
@00:11:48 surveillance fisa okay so foreign
@00:12:00 it has a very very specific purpose fisa
@00:12:15 justices and the fisa court allow for
@00:12:45 go to fisa to get a warrant is if you
@00:13:10 specific person purpose for fisa and
@00:13:14 fisa court you don't have to show the
@00:13:26 requests for warrants through the fisa
@00:13:37 request when you go to fisa because
@00:13:55 warrant out of fisa court it's granted
@00:13:58 so that's the background of the fisa
@00:14:10 when they went and requested a fisa
@00:14:24 back with another fisa requests and they
@00:14:34 mention in the fisa requests all right
@00:14:46 because fisa covers foreign citizens not
@00:15:01 warrant and the fisa court knows that
@00:15:17 they specifically cited in the fisa
@00:15:56 they probably went to fisa court and
@00:19:05 with the fisa warrant because there's a
@00:20:26 well let's go back to the fisa and look
@00:20:43 fisa court is specifically used for
@00:21:17 warrant in the fisa court when i look at
@00:21:21 what fisa court is set up to do i look
@00:21:25 inappropriate use of the fisa court that
@00:21:33 fisa if they wanted to do surveillance
@00:21:42 all right so they went to fisa they did
@00:22:23 fisa court what it's about how you
@00:22:40 legitimate reason to go to the fisa
@00:24:48 fisa warrant for a fisa warrant now
@00:24:55 whole thing a fisa warrant and
@00:25:02 exercise from a federal court under fisa
@00:25:52 that is a violation of fisa law that is
@00:26:08 fisa warrant in the fisa court you have
@00:26:52 the fisa court any intent to mislead or
@00:27:17 fisa requests in the first place if they
@00:28:21 fisa with the wiretapping all that stuff
@00:30:37 fisa court is because we need to

deleted Private video

@00:04:55 obama administration regarding fisa
@00:06:30 effort to block the release the fisa
@00:06:56 classified information about the fisa
@00:07:47 with the fisa surveillance the
@00:14:05 information they request a fisa warrant
@00:14:09 doj assists they get the fisa
@00:16:29 back to obama fisa too so you get a fisa
@00:16:40 trump campaign they got fisa warrants on
@00:18:14 information the fisa warrants of
@00:43:46 over it's a setup it's a scam the fisa

deleted Private video

@00:04:15 out what was going on with the fisa

deleted Private video

@00:29:43 soon fisa is coming i just got some
@00:36:05 the fisa docks bruce oris 302s

deleted Private video

@00:07:35 fisa works both ways q the obama
@00:07:39 administration illegally used fisa to
@00:07:48 using fisa in a legal fashion to spy on
@00:07:52 so fisa goes both ways certainly does
@00:17:41 ask for because fisa goes both ways and

deleted Private video

@00:09:41 the purpose of fisa surveillance and
@00:09:58 reference to carter page and his fisa
@00:10:02 redacted form the remainder of the fisa
@00:10:19 under fisa surveillance and q has
@00:10:24 although i don't know if that's fisa it
@00:10:35 in the setup for these people is fisa
@00:11:02 under fisa surveillance
@00:11:32 targeted for fisa surveillance plus uk
@00:12:03 carter pages fisa application here in
@00:20:37 nsa database and fisa surveillance so
@00:22:55 q responded to that the carter page fisa
@00:23:20 fisa applications i think in the future
@00:23:22 we're going to see the fisa applications
@00:23:24 of that were used to get fisa warrants
@00:23:37 plow through carter pages fisa
@00:23:46 did a deep dive into carter pages fisa
@00:23:59 just gonna go through carter pages fisa
@00:24:35 copy of the original carter page fisa
@00:27:33 fisa judge that approved this she is
@00:27:35 also the fisa judge who wrote that 99
@00:27:42 abuse of the fisa system and the nsa
@00:27:53 on the fisa court just so you know
@00:31:00 fisa court based on speculation by the
@00:31:11 this in a fisa application because we
@00:31:13 really want the fisa court to think that
@00:35:53 carter pages fisa application they
@00:37:40 the fisa application and we know that
@00:38:05 fisa application because the dates are
@00:42:40 in a fisa application and page
@00:46:53 that the public is aware of fisa and
@00:48:22 what fisa does and this is a bit hard to
@00:48:28 original post from hn it's this one fisa
@00:48:31 is the start fisa this declassification
@00:48:50 fisa applications start in the fbi

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@00:04:19 knowingly gave fisa judges false

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@00:03:27 congress potential abuse of fisa and
@00:03:54 carter page fisa application all

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@00:25:51 telling us for a while that fisa goes
@00:26:44 related to the carter page fisa

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@00:07:56 legal hold non report fisa t serve okay
@00:08:15 which was submitted to the fisa court to
@00:08:25 that didn't it and well let the fisa
@00:19:25 watch the news this week you so fisa

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@00:23:41 fbi doj to expand fast fisa apps false
@00:25:31 basis obtaining fisa approval provided

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@00:03:37 context of the carter page fisa warrant

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@00:05:08 rosen stein who signed fraudulent fisa
@00:27:53 regarding one of their fisa targets so q
@00:28:22 regarding that fisa target if he
@00:28:43 asked about our plan regarding to fisa
@00:29:11 our plan regarding that fisa target if
@00:30:18 fisa target who was a fisa target is a
@00:35:18 peculiar that q then reposted the fisa
@00:46:06 and basis for the fisa they would

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@00:02:26 acts of treason five eyes fisa d-class

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@00:36:10 signed the fisa applications who are the

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@00:25:17 stupid fisa goes both ways
@00:25:35 it seems that trump is using fisa to spy
@00:26:43 fisa court to spy on the other campaign

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@00:04:59 inspector general report on fisa abuse
@00:08:11 fbi accountable for lying to the fisa

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@00:15:43 prior to signing the carter page fisa
@00:15:51 regarding reading the fisa application
@00:16:06 that is a carter page fisa application
@00:16:17 firewalls fisa 20 in brackets ok let's
@00:17:11 carter page fisa application we're going
@00:18:43 reading the fisa application prior to
@00:18:53 question on the fisa renewal that you
@00:19:16 inspector general did you read the fisa
@00:19:31 characterization of what that fisa is
@00:20:19 approve the filing of fisa applications
@00:21:16 380 of the fisa application it is
@00:22:44 what q is referring to q wrote fisa 20
@00:22:54 when they see the 20 pages of the fisa
@00:23:01 released the under full unredacted fisa
@00:34:36 continues fisa abuse political espionage

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@00:32:30 received regarding this fisa gate

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@00:13:38 steal dossier to get the fisa warrant on

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@00:19:24 congress with the fisa warrants and the

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@00:19:41 fisa abuse now that the senate is done

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@00:10:00 are fisa issues there's i think five
@00:11:41 renewal though the fisa application at

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@00:09:53 general's report on fisa abuse
@00:09:55 allegations of fisa abuse and some
@00:10:52 page fisa application the remaining
@00:28:25 yet they used it to get a fisa warrant
@00:34:49 where a fisa warrant if there was no

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@00:13:55 doj to expand fast fisa apps false
@00:15:35 presented false evidence to fisa court
@00:16:19 situation room with coordination fisa
@00:18:54 under scope of fisa warrant or internal
@00:31:31 fisa warrant application is it a highly
@00:33:47 to fisa court in order to gain a warrant
@00:34:09 about the carter pages fisa application
@00:34:11 why didn't fisa court require an in-room
@00:34:51 fisa application and they all lied to

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@00:05:41 but because his fisa application came
@00:37:34 consideration fisa court granted
@00:37:42 muller was fisa court made aware of all
@00:38:03 report to fisa court and populating all
@00:38:10 didn't fully advise fisa court about the
@00:47:41 yahoo and obtain a fisa court sign-off

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@00:06:51 looking into accusations of fisa abuse
@00:10:47 been doing research into fisa abuse and
@00:24:05 we're gonna see fisa d class trump has
@00:24:16 is so i think we're gonna see fisa d
@00:24:27 so fisa d-class is coming soon we'll get
@00:24:40 fisa application we're going to get
@00:25:58 with the spying fisa abuse and then
@00:26:04 the span there fisa being off the record
@00:26:45 and the making the public aware of fisa
@00:28:39 fisa gate is going to be an opportunity
@00:34:26 the stuff that's going to come out fisa

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@00:40:09 involving fisa then we have matters
@00:41:37 inspector general's report on fisa abuse
@00:41:43 declassification of the carter page fisa
@00:41:52 related to fisa i think that's all going
@00:42:34 fisa abuse direct and indirect sources d
@00:43:24 placeholder oh ag report fisa abuse
@00:43:32 private provided to fisa court would be
@00:43:43 said that uk spying plus fisa
@00:44:23 deconstruct of them normal fisa
@00:44:27 surveillance includes non fisa warrant

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@00:11:38 cover fisa no fisa is at the highest
@00:11:46 foia generate a redacted fisa
@00:11:54 if voya does not cover fisa why do we
@00:12:13 president why was the carter page fisa
@00:12:32 reviewing information in that fisa
@00:13:34 carter page fisa application somebody is

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@00:03:40 work with horowitz on the fisa
@00:03:54 investigation on that on fisa abuse bar
@00:04:15 so they took huber off of the fisa
@00:08:01 simply goes after the fisa thing and
@00:08:11 something like this fisa abuse he
@00:09:29 to the fisa court on a national security
@00:09:33 court i helped to establish the fisa
@00:09:40 lawyer for the fisa court and i helped
@00:09:48 did to the fisa court even negligence is
@00:24:23 specter general's report on fisa abuse

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@00:20:35 fisa declassification i think that has

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@00:03:11 fisa q all right so what does that mean
@00:03:22 top layers fisa is a foundation so
@00:03:31 the trump campaign using fisa is the

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@00:11:21 known as about the dossier and the fisa

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@00:09:03 afternoon fisa fisa fisa twenty twenty
@00:09:11 redacted fisa application against carter

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@00:03:03 video explaining the memo the fisa memo
@00:03:37 video on the fisa memo
@00:04:40 fisa abuse memo went to the white house

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@00:32:41 fisa court but generally speaking that
@00:45:03 posted this what happens if fisa foreign
@00:45:09 the signers people who sign the fisa
@00:45:15 signed the cp carter page fisa app that

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@00:12:44 in trouble once the carter page fisa
@00:28:58 he wants the fisa application and
@00:29:12 with declassification of fisa he would

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@00:16:45 emails and the fisa applications
@00:22:52 fisa brings down the house i have had
@00:30:06 particularly with fisa to see if anyone
@00:30:10 on the fisa court or anyone connected to
@00:30:12 the fisa court the judge is there anyone

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@00:05:17 several years that fisa is a start of
@00:05:25 corruption illegal fisa surveillance of
@00:05:38 wrote here fisa equals a start fisa
@00:05:45 people who signed off on the fisa
@00:05:46 warrants fisa equals immediate
@00:06:04 people kind of associate fisa with
@00:06:16 pages fisa application was declassified
@00:06:25 looking at the fisa application or
@00:07:29 counts fisa so they were using fisa to
@00:08:40 indictments are unsealed if the fisa
@00:08:43 if the fisa warrant was predicated on
@00:08:48 claims if fisa actors purposely withheld
@00:13:28 fisa pub so these are all different

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@00:06:44 comes to fisa research and looking
@00:18:27 regarding fisa russia flynn etc from
@00:38:56 the fisa applications in the electronic

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@00:44:55 gonna start with fisa q has said that
@00:44:58 fisa is a start so general flynn was
@00:45:00 illegally spied on using the fisa courts
@00:45:05 trump campaign was spied on using fisa
@00:45:13 of the fisa process showing the
@00:45:19 move on from there after fisa will look

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@00:22:49 q posted a meme the fisa gate mean with

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@00:02:15 sullivan and fisa court judges vosburgh
@00:02:26 fisa court here he is with boasberg
@00:02:32 judge of the fisa court
@00:02:36 she actually stepped down from the fisa
@00:02:38 court both of them signed the fisa
@00:02:41 warrant this is carter pages fisa
@00:03:07 and then there's a link to the fisa
@00:03:33 contreras current member of the fisa
@00:03:35 court who signed the flyn fisa the swamp
@00:03:47 flynn's fisa and was also the first
@00:04:25 that you should have fisa warrant on
@00:05:09 also appointed to the fisa court in may
@00:05:18 it's just a makeup of the fisa court
@00:05:34 one of the cardo pages renewal fisa
@00:05:45 signed the the fisa applications for
@00:05:57 contreras signed the fisa warrant on
@00:06:08 be very interesting fisa operations are
@00:06:11 highly secretive which makes the fisa
@00:06:19 fisa court here and we interesting to
@00:18:29 been asked to take a look at the fisa
@00:21:39 fisa unmasking requests prior to
@00:21:48 flynn set up fbi and trap plus fisa late
@00:33:46 committee about fisa given my age

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@00:12:44 asked to take a look at the fisa

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@00:43:27 we were told we would get the fisa

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@00:17:18 was withheld from the fisa court in
@00:17:36 non-report fisa t surveillance all right
@00:18:46 play solar fornax placeholder fisa
@00:21:12 is foreign acts and fisa
@00:21:22 refer to fisa or foreign acts

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@00:19:49 it's fisa
@00:19:50 it could be fisa if the funding is
@00:19:58 they may be using fisa