
deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:07:16 they said when you must attorney huber

deleted Qanon December 28, 2019 - Pelosi's Gambit

@00:08:11 barr durham and huber released be

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:20:40 is huber nobodies about the law world is
@00:21:58 right and huber this is a non posted
@00:22:15 huber never started the spygate
@00:22:23 bomber and huber is not investigating
@00:22:32 on may 31st that huber was originally
@00:22:41 from that durham took over and huber has
@00:23:05 followed huber doj planes cfq that would
@00:23:46 hubert doj planes clinton foundation
@00:24:49 believe huber has impaneled grand juries

deleted Qanon December 4, 2019 - Tripcode Confirmed

@00:19:18 suggested us attorney hubert was going
@00:19:29 and huber was supposed to be alleged to

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:09:46 addition to huber his investigation
@00:10:46 special counsel we know that huber was

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:26:59 that people like durham and john huber

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:38:44 people like john huber people who so we
@00:38:54 think nothing is happening in the huber

deleted Qanon July 19, 2019 - Q Baby

@00:25:28 did indicate that us attorney john huber
@00:26:18 huber has been working on matters
@00:26:35 huber has been working on things related

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:10:00 doj pos what are the powers of huber /
@00:26:03 that's what john huber has been

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:25:26 hey what's up with john huber right
@00:26:00 investigation hubert in utah i think the
@00:26:07 abused bar said right so huber had
@00:26:29 huber was originally tasked to look into
@00:26:59 taking care of fisa allegations huber
@00:27:04 hubert asked with okay he was
@00:29:40 what is huber doing bar said huber was
@00:30:02 criminal is being referred to huber if
@00:30:07 it's being referred to huber it's being
@00:30:10 all right and then bar goes on so huber
@00:30:44 huber were he said he says here durham
@00:30:50 ago huber has been folk huber and other
@00:31:12 role the other issues heat huber has
@00:31:25 huber has been investigating we know
@00:31:41 the investigation that huber was doing
@00:31:52 matthew whitaker to huber about a week
@00:31:55 after sessions had tasked huber with
@00:32:06 to huber confirming things they'd
@00:32:37 letter between me and huber talking
@00:32:52 huber talking about his investigation of
@00:33:08 said huber has been investigating things
@00:34:32 some criminal referrals because huber
@00:34:34 was taken off huber was primarily

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:02:48 huber and dawson field and all the other
@00:04:47 about john huber and it's only tuesday
@00:07:49 he also retained john huber huber was
  • all right let's see we know that huber
@00:08:49 that huber
@00:09:02 huber had been in fact than it tasked
@00:09:36 has leaked out of huber's office huber
@00:10:05 huber he you know came to dc and he met
@00:10:19 attention any mention of huber any of
@00:11:07 the media saying well what is huber
@00:11:18 what is huber investigating yours has
@00:15:44 john huber but no one knew about this
@00:19:44 look john huber is the guy we've
@00:25:16 right on john huber this is going on in
@00:25:24 reported that us attorney john huber in
@00:33:19 huber i don't really have much of a
@00:33:24 was not under the impression that huber

deleted Qanon May 3, 2019 - The Kickoff

@00:09:27 that's why they tapped huber to do the

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:06:51 anyone to be kept secret no secret huber

deleted Qanon March 29, 2019 - Loop Capital

@00:06:26 a feeling once john huber starts getting

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:14:28 advertised that john huber us attorney
@00:14:30 huber was going to appear at a hearing

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:01:16 appointed huber that was sessions who
@00:01:19 had direct access over hubert that was
@00:04:08 same time that sessions appointed huber
@00:04:27 is the tweet from us attorney huber us
@00:04:51 i've been following huber on twitter for
@00:05:11 huber saying making his public statement
@00:05:43 come out of publicly about what huber
@00:06:02 the scope we know that huber scope is
@00:06:55 that were given to us attorney huber
@00:07:27 huber all right in that response is this
@00:07:42 gave to huber this letter was dated
@00:08:28 attorney huber the subject is a letter
@00:12:53 delivered to john huber that letter
@00:14:30 john huber instructing him to

deleted Qanon March 6, 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly

@00:11:12 huber interview regarding they range
@00:11:42 huber us attorney from salt lake and
@00:13:05 with huber so i think he was suggesting
@00:14:51 meeting with john huber and the
@00:15:49 think it's interesting that huber is

deleted Qanon February 27, 2019 - We Are at War

@00:05:16 general and hopefully john huber

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:38:36 huber and oig soon pan inspector

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:02:17 the truth zero leaks regarding huber
@00:12:14 attorney huber and ig horowitz are in
@00:23:35 senior staff bar meeting hubert and oig
@00:23:43 d-class special counsel report huber etc
@00:34:53 meeting huber and oig go ig report so
@00:35:06 huber reports directly to the attorney
@00:44:21 to ed meese that huber was still in the

Praying Medic News Update January 28

@00:32:22 any indication that huber has talked to

Praying Medic News Update January 13, 2019

@00:33:57 the direction of john huber and the

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:31:40 us attorney john huber
@00:32:08 meeting where is huber nobody is above
@00:33:35 oh hubert is a head-fake
@00:33:50 it responded false huber will bring
@00:33:56 release the name huber to the house and
@00:34:13 he had appointed huber to investigate

deleted Qanon November 8, 2018 - Mission Forward

@00:18:05 and possibly john huber but in hindsight
@00:18:18 about huber stealthiness is being

deleted Qanon October 6, 2018 - Are You Ready to be a Part of History?

@00:05:52 meeting huber the same day as potus
@00:05:54 alert sessions meeting huber the day
@00:40:24 was confirmed huber posted this and said

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:10:36 choice does whitaker also oversee huber
@00:10:42 what cases is huber and the inspector
@00:11:02 like horowitz and huber
@00:15:23 like john huber for prosecution we also
@00:15:29 that us attorney john huber is working
@00:16:29 we know that huber is reporting directly
@00:19:24 of those content and dates huber drops
@00:19:30 huber as portrayed by q q has always
@00:19:34 portrayed huber as the person who's
@00:21:53 q about us attorney john huber is a link
@00:22:10 huber appointed by removed by
@00:22:17 logically history books acute huber was
@00:22:32 concerning huber on december 4 was one
@00:27:55 hearing with huber on december 5th
@00:30:12 that the hearing where john huber is
@00:31:02 posted this whittaker horowitz huber and
@00:32:26 this anon said maybe huber is a
@00:32:33 know that i'm convinced that huber was
@00:32:45 huber would be testifying on the 5th

deleted Qanon December 4, 2018 - The First Leak From the Huber Investigation

@00:01:12 where john huber us attorney from utah
@00:01:47 the person who leaked huber the clinton
@00:02:13 sessions in huber you will all pay the
@00:02:42 contacted by john huber steam wants him
@00:03:35 on friday breaking news huber to
@00:20:57 sessions john huber and robert muller
@00:21:04 concerning robert muller john huber jeff
@00:22:16 doj learn our comes huber thises plural
@00:22:26 who is john huber have under fisa
@00:23:26 regarding huber why his a fisa court
@00:23:40 huber i'm guessing that the fisa court
@00:33:23 scheduled for tomorrow where john huber

deleted Qanon November 27, 2018 - Be Vigilant in December

@00:01:35 congressional hearing where john huber
@00:02:06 that talks about john huber testifying
@00:08:26 it's huber time and it's going to be
@00:13:57 also coordinating with john huber to

Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval - Part 3

@00:03:54 about huber john huber being tapped by
@00:17:56 doing some work he appoints john huber
@00:22:21 talking about sessions and john huber
@00:26:58 huber to do the work of a special

deleted Qanon September 23, 2018 - The Sky is Falling

@00:14:17 huber is in control of all of that
@00:14:20 horowitz is coordinating with huber the
@00:15:26 confident while huber worked secretly
@00:19:33 horowitz trust huber i wanted to bring

deleted Qanon September 18, 2018 - I See Q People

@00:32:27 q we know that john huber reports

deleted Qanon September 7, 2018 - We Are Q

@00:39:15 about huber bruce ores and brackets here
@00:39:32 huber who's been he's the us attorney
@00:39:39 well my recommendation to mr. huber
@00:41:22 warrant disclose trust the plan huber
@00:42:39 he chose to a point john huber to
@00:42:53 attorney turley why appointing huber was

deleted Qanon July 31, 2018 - FISA is the Foundation

@00:09:19 huber and that is something that the
@00:09:32 through the office of john huber and
@00:10:11 huber kansas being mike pompeo is it

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:23:04 who does huber directly report to is it
@00:23:11 regarding huber and the chain of command
@00:23:17 been talking about who does huber report
@00:23:22 normally a us attorney like huber would
@00:23:34 sessions said huber is giving me regular
@00:23:40 updates so huber with his prosecution of
@00:27:04 of is what huber is doing in prosecution

deleted Qanon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta

@00:09:05 appointed john huber us attorney from
@00:09:42 john huber had been working on these
@00:14:15 who is huber so q asks who is huber and
@00:14:41 general and is working with huber he is
@00:14:48 secretly engaged huber why did sessions
@00:14:51 reveal huber he secretly engaged huber
@00:15:03 being piled up he revealed huber and
@00:19:30 why did it closed when did huber start
@00:19:58 and huma being indicted same time huber
@00:20:09 hillary deal request y ig goes to huber

deleted Qanon July 11, 2018 - General Mike Flynn

@00:20:07 huber to give testimony on the deep

deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

@00:13:18 coordination between john huber in utah
@00:13:23 looking into all of this and huber will

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:03:01 going to use john huber to prosecute
@00:10:24 that john huber had been appointed as us
@00:16:52 previously saying that using john huber
@00:20:01 question yes huber can impanel grand
@00:46:27 john huber out and you
@00:46:29 it's possible that huber is handling

deleted Qanon July 1, 2018 - Conspiracy No More

@00:08:06 i think huber think doj and fbi
@00:09:37 actually was when john huber drops the
@00:24:47 a second special counsel that john huber

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:31:52 arrested at once john huber us attorney
@00:31:59 long time john huber and his staff of

deleted Q Anon June 15 - The DOJ IG Report

@00:13:33 been referred to us attorney huber for
@00:37:59 attorney john huber continues his work

deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - If Rod Rosenstein is the Problem, is Trey Gowdy the Solution?

@00:09:50 join john huber on the prosecutors team

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:35:48 john huber was appointed by removed by
@00:36:05 who said that having huber prosecute
@00:36:12 second special counsel huber i believe

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:28:19 fbi and inspector general and john huber
@00:28:27 of this who appointed huber sessions

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

@00:28:39 i think he's gonna be joining john huber
@00:38:56 general or huber are using that data and
@00:41:22 shooter who is huber he's a single

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:39:35 recuse what are the powers of huber
@00:39:45 use of huber is better than a special

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:39:35 recuse what are the powers of huber

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:03:06 seals being broken arrests why was huber
@00:23:24 huber and cue of course said trust
@00:23:32 coming trust huber he's involved in all

deleted Private video

@00:45:01 the agencies huber is coming these

deleted Private video

@00:36:36 working with huber that huber reports
@00:40:11 huber is racking up grand jury panels
@00:40:17 deep state huber is a stealth bomber and
@00:40:23 stealth bomber because huber reports

deleted Private video

@00:15:47 in doj that us attorney's john huber in

deleted Private video

@00:09:42 to huber the inspector general report
@00:09:48 people involved who appointed huber that
@00:10:00 hubert and horowitz are partisans
@00:11:07 it over to huber and horowitz to obama
@00:11:16 the hammer is in the hand of john huber
@00:12:26 report okay leads to huber huber is

deleted Private video

@00:25:00 us attorney huber and inspector general

deleted Private video

@00:09:07 sessions announced that huber had been
@00:09:39 thrown shade on john huber and his
@00:09:56 huber he never got they and victoria
@00:10:19 we're hearing about hubert no just
@00:12:05 about chris rea huber and rosenstein i
@00:12:57 and chris rea and possibly john huber
@00:15:45 solomon talks about huber being a
@00:15:52 what huber is doing or that solomon has
@00:19:24 office durham and huber and all the

deleted Private video

@00:14:10 huber actually was involved in the

deleted Private video

@00:08:27 a wink or a nod to john huber who was
@00:28:37 legitimacy of q hubert it must happen
@00:28:58 timing is everything thank huber think
@00:39:20 eventually q huber is telling us that

deleted Private video

@00:13:06 huber to prosecute the swamp is a better

deleted Private video

@00:20:09 john huber the prosecutor muta is going
@00:20:46 part of what hubert is prosecuting has
@00:21:49 when did huber start november jp john
@00:22:05 requests y ig arrow points toward huber
@00:22:29 in a string suggesting that huber has
@00:23:29 huma in november huber recent revealed
@00:23:37 sessions at huber has been working on
@00:23:52 in december think huber coincidence yet
@00:25:00 responded read the last post huber
@00:25:18 started long before huber setting the
@00:25:37 equals fbi huber equals a doj no dc
@00:26:06 saying on 11:3 huber made a sealed
@00:26:09 indictment on 11:6 huber made another

deleted Private video

@00:11:09 out in these reports huber and horowitz
@00:16:01 cooperating with horowitz and huber and

deleted Private video

@00:04:37 sessions appointment of huber the utah
@00:05:09 this made public john huber was
@00:05:20 logically history books so huber was
@00:06:01 found that huber is their guy they've
@00:08:50 a in brackets arrests why was huber made
@00:14:36 said why was huber made public why now
@00:14:59 sessions talk about huber being
@00:15:11 it's time to prosecute and if huber is
@00:15:18 publicly talk about what huber has been

deleted Private video

@00:28:11 pointed and tasked huber who upon it and
@00:35:32 john huber and his team of attorneys are
@00:35:49 huber says every one of the prosecutors
@00:37:13 be involved with people like huber but

deleted Private video

@00:14:39 sent a letter to huber on november 22nd
@00:14:54 whittaker and huber and it came out and
@00:15:31 november 22nd that huber was
@00:15:50 we know that huber and whittaker
@00:16:02 it looks to me like huber was appointed
@00:16:20 board about the appointment of huber the
@00:17:45 put in the spotlight huber is tweeting
@00:17:59 i don't think huber would be saying
@00:28:54 the huber is the one that's taking care

deleted Private video

@00:15:12 that would be john huber the link to an
@00:15:17 heber who was reconfirmed huber and who
@00:15:28 important that huber appears to be a
@00:15:37 provided to huber who is horowitz mike
@00:16:14 reminding us that huber is working huber

deleted Private video

@00:00:49 who does huber report to directly define
@00:03:01 we're still winning huber reports to ag
@00:04:06 assignment that huber is on in a lot of
@00:04:10 respects i think john huber has become
@00:04:25 one key difference between hubert and a
@00:04:38 this guy says that huber is reporting
@00:04:46 was also good to point out that huber is
@00:04:59 who huber is reporting to i'm sure he's

deleted Private video

@00:00:47 about the us attorney john huber oh my
@00:02:00 oh no huber has been very active doing
@00:02:16 on exactly what huber is doing now i'm
@00:02:47 the other investigation john huber is
@00:02:54 watching huber had originally been asked
@00:03:36 barr said huber was originally tasked to
@00:04:01 then said huber has been working on
@00:04:15 so they took huber off of the fisa
@00:05:09 tells the world that huber has been
@00:06:37 hugh i believe huber has been investing
@00:06:59 and if huber has been investigating the
@00:07:25 bring those to fruition well huber is a
@00:10:01 perjury oh my gosh how could huber ever
@00:10:21 that if hubert thought it was better for
@00:11:39 don't mention john huber if you do you
@00:11:42 tell people that huber is doing nothing
@00:11:54 ignorant of what huber is doing i and
@00:12:04 says about huber and i keep thinking
@00:12:19 on i don't know i don't believe huber is
@00:12:25 huber has been investigating things
@00:12:53 in the press about what huber is
@00:12:59 us huber is looking into things related
@00:18:27 runs an article about john huber after a
@00:19:01 huber is doing nothing and his
@00:19:11 huber is investigating things related to
@00:33:56 why didn't huber show up at the december
@00:34:31 hearing in december that huber was not
@00:34:36 want huber to show up and they were
@00:35:07 trying to keep huber from testifying
@00:35:20 hearing that huber was not going to be

deleted Private video

@00:10:51 you have is huber who is with the us
@00:11:15 john huber to a leadership position and
@00:11:34 huber is was actually appointed to a
@00:11:41 if sessions appointed huber to that
@00:12:12 working with john huber i'm prosecuting
@00:12:43 huber is a better solution this is an
@00:16:03 huber horowitz the inspector general and

deleted Private video

@00:06:42 through huber no doubt q posted this

deleted Private video

@00:08:40 that are going on by us attorney huber

deleted Private video

@00:06:37 fog and undercover huber and and brian
@00:38:48 clinton won't be the nominee huber had

deleted Private video

@00:18:02 but huber didn't testify and he didn't
@00:18:24 foundation is over huber had originally
@00:28:01 huber tweeted out this morning that four

deleted Private video

@00:12:39 investigation huber had originally been
@00:13:42 going on with huber and with durham
@00:14:01 happening with huber he has to continue
@00:14:07 huber is doing nothing is not unexpected
@00:14:18 him to say hey hillary guess what huber

deleted Private video

@00:04:45 to the person who leaked regarding huber