Inspector General


@00:05:16 who worked for the inspector general
@00:05:18 and after the inspector general since


@00:07:54 he worked for the inspector general the

What Is The WORST CASE SCENARIO For The 2020 Election?

@00:01:30 i worked for the inspector general of
@00:01:34 well the inspector general is not a


@00:22:58 signed a letter calling for an inspector
@00:23:00 general


@00:15:38 new york inspector general
@00:15:43 inspector general special representative
@00:17:50 oig office of inspector general

President Trump Retweets Me & Twitter DELETES It. Is This Still America or Communist China?

@00:15:26 they're outlined by the inspector
@00:15:27 general each and every one of them in

Are We Exposing The PUPPETS & Their MASTERS?

@00:00:43 of inspector general

Are We Entering The FINAL COUNTDOWN?

@00:12:16 investigator general or from the
@00:12:19 inspector general's report also talking

What About NXIVM, EPSTEIN, And The SDNY?

@00:24:12 department of justice's inspector
@00:24:14 general whom i am authorizing to review
@00:24:18 any such claim the inspector general's


@00:21:40 inspector general identified this top


@00:19:32 inspector general cantrell that requests

How Far Were THEY Willing To Go?

@00:03:01 this was the inspector general who was
@00:03:46 one so this inspector general deep state

WHO Is Aiding And Abetting Our ENEMIES?

@00:13:47 for the inspector general's position at
@00:13:51 administration didn't have an inspector
@00:13:52 general after the secretary of state

Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:13:57 office of the inspector general us

Is The HIDDEN ENEMY Directly Beneath US?

@00:22:02 inspector-general i don't know that

Did THEY Use INSURGENCY Tactics To Infiltrate Senior Positions?

@00:06:45 the information by hand to the inspector
@00:06:48 general michael horowitz who was in who

Is The PUZZLE Coming Together?

@00:20:22 community inspector general report that

How Much DEEPER & DARKER Does This All Go?

@00:12:49 what was in the inspector general port


@00:10:32 office of the inspector general report


@00:23:22 same fbi agent is the one the inspector
@00:23:25 general found in his report was the one


@00:02:26 told us from the inspector general told
@00:10:16 of justice inspector general report on

What THEY Don't Want YOU To SEE About The HOAX?

@00:27:41 inspector general of the intelligence
@00:28:24 complaint with the inspector general


@00:04:06 community inspector general is testimony
@00:04:52 the inspector general of the
@00:05:35 filed a complaint with the inspector
@00:05:36 general under penalty of perjury that
@00:06:02 the intelligence community inspector
@00:06:05 general because it may have damaging
@00:25:18 bias found by the inspector general
@00:26:03 on by the inspector general now if you


@00:01:50 that was put forth by the inspector
@00:01:52 general and a whole bunch of other


@00:16:32 the office of the inspector general us
@00:22:39 justice office of inspector general

Can We Expose The COUP PLOTTERS Yet?

@00:05:29 intelligence community inspector general
@00:05:45 testimony from the inspector or
@00:05:47 intelligence community inspector general
@00:12:14 inspector general michael atkinson was
@00:17:46 intelligence community inspector general

Secret Plot To Weaponize Impeachment EXPOSED?!?

@00:20:44 most well that the inspector general
@00:20:53 inspector general report details 17
@00:21:03 the way the inspector general michael
@00:21:08 example the inspector general uncovered
@00:22:20 the way the inspector general report

Did THEY Conspire To Overthrow Our President?

@00:17:24 report by justice department inspector
@00:17:26 general mike

Are THEY Going To JAIL?

@00:12:05 alleged in the findings by inspector
@00:12:09 general horrid horowitz a very clearly
@00:12:28 inspector general horowitz that i would
@00:13:11 fact made by the inspector general here

Are THEY Above The Law?

@00:12:10 of the inspector general but believe
@00:15:11 of the inspector general excuse me


@00:09:27 inspector-general hearing because as
@00:22:13 it's not inspector-general horowitz but
@00:23:08 have inspector general horowitz giving

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:07:28 that inspector general horowitz never
@00:12:34 attorney general of the united states
@00:12:38 saying everything that the inspector
@00:12:41 general found was correct except in his
@00:13:11 the inspector general in the
@00:16:52 general at the time eric holder the
@00:16:55 inspector general all of the main
@00:17:14 here to inspector general michael
@00:22:01 the attorney general bar and inspector
@00:22:38 and cooperated with the inspector
@00:22:39 general so he acknowledges president

How Do THEY Continue To SCAM US?

@00:20:07 attorney general bars is disputing the
@00:20:10 key inspector general findings which is
@00:20:29 the inspector general has no

FUTURE Continues To PROVE PAST Posts?

@00:13:31 that would be inspector general michael
@00:17:49 in intelligence community inspector
@00:17:51 general story that came out that now

Secret Insurance Files Hold The KEY To EVERYTHING?

@00:17:30 were released by the doj inspector
@00:17:32 general through his report and his


@00:10:31 complaints with the inspector general of

Do You TRUST The Media?

@00:20:48 cia for the inspector general there so i

TOP SECRET Mission Threatened By LEAKERS?

@00:11:17 feist report from the inspector general
@00:11:26 inspector general initiated an
@00:12:31 however the office of inspector general

Is Operation RED OCTOBER Going Live?

@00:04:16 hrc deal request why inspector general

How Can We USE What We KNOW?

@00:17:17 inspector general admits that it changed

What If Those 'PLACED' Were Being Investigated?

@00:16:55 office of inspector general truth

Why Are THEY Impeaching Now?

@00:22:39 inspector general warned of the problem

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:09:37 at the inspector general michael
@00:09:53 testimony inspector general horowitz
@00:10:38 inspector general report had also
@00:12:54 inspector general horowitz is saying


@00:13:05 the intelligence community inspector
@00:13:06 general and this is the like i'm i'm not
@00:14:19 were crimes that the inspector general
@00:14:28 inspector general wouldn't want you to
@00:15:10 maybe the inspector general the crime

The Choice To Know More Is Yours...

@00:15:28 the inspector general not just any
@00:15:31 inspector general the inspector general
@00:16:27 inspector general on that guy and when i
@00:16:38 inspector general his response the
@00:16:49 you have the inspector general issue

Do We Have MORE Than We Know?

@00:02:19 ig referral so the inspector general
@00:09:26 inspector general found out what he did

Would THEY Sell Out America's Secrets?

@00:16:33 for charges by the inspector general for

Who Do THEY Secretly Worship???

@00:17:36 the intelligence community inspector
@00:17:38 general investigators probing hillary

SECRET FBI Raid On Epstein Island REVEALS...

@00:01:19 and the office of inspector general are


@00:15:00 have concluded salted with the inspector
@00:15:02 general who is opening an investigation
@00:15:27 investigation by bringing the inspector
@00:15:30 general in to look at this matter
@00:16:38 and the inspector general just having

TRUTH About The MEDIA & The FBI?

@00:04:37 up the ig report inspector general

Guess Who They're COMING For NEXT?

@00:13:54 reports coming out from the inspector
@00:13:56 general and so on so you know look

How Do You Clean DIRTY MONEY???

@00:26:03 general bar and inspector general

Think THEY'RE Untouchable? THINK AGAIN!

@00:09:04 inspector general there excuse me

US Sub Sunk Off Coast Of Alaska?

@00:23:26 inspector general has finished his

How Far Will WE Go For OUR Country?

@00:18:20 office of inspector general regarding

Feds Knew Hussein WAS Spying In 2015?

@00:00:17 is that james baker the former general
@00:00:24 the inspector general and with the
@00:06:53 note ig involved so invested inspector
@00:06:56 general is involved and it says huber
@00:06:58 and the inspector general horowitz and

Nobody Walks Away From This...ACCESS WAS GRANTED!

@00:08:05 the inspector general fbi counsel jim
@00:17:10 is an ongoing inspector general

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:22:09 attorney general says this is being
@00:22:13 department inspector general will find

Is Everything We've Seen A Part Of THE PLAN?

@00:20:00 inspector general and office of

Newly Discovered Evidence Proves We're OVER THE TARGET...

@00:22:04 after an extensive review by inspector
@00:22:06 general michael horowitz off horwitz his

You Won't Believe What's Been Uncovered...

@00:18:53 inspector general horowitz is

They're Preparing For The Worst Case Scenario...TRUTH REVEALED.

@00:24:15 this letter between inspector
@00:24:17 or with inspector general michael
@00:25:01 provided to the inspector general in the
@00:25:02 inspector general and that the inspector
@00:25:05 general later provided to the house the
@00:25:11 to the inspector general so they were

Something MUCH BIGGER Is Coming...STAY TUNED!

@00:10:21 inspector general so and the oig report
@00:14:53 of inspector general then back to the

How Do You Stop A McCarthy-Style Witch Hunt?

@00:02:37 pointing to the meeting the inspector
@00:02:39 general as in the inspector general has
@00:12:15 conjunction with the inspector general i

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:07:39 attorney general from this
@00:07:47 inspector general who was a the attorney
@00:11:32 inspector general together to get these

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:25:28 doj ig now bar + office of inspector
@00:25:31 general to proceed with the order optics

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:06:17 hand-picked inspector general

Do You Want To Know Secrets The MSM Won't Tell You? #Truth #FactsMatter #UnitedNotDivided

@00:07:24 the office of inspector general truth

Top FBI Official Argued For Email Server Espionage Act Indictment?

@00:17:40 inspector general and it's going to be
@00:36:59 of inspector general releasing the next

What Else Are They Not Telling Us?

@00:14:36 intelligence the office of the inspector
@00:14:38 general for the intelligence community
@00:14:58 the inspector general the one who's
@00:17:20 compar so even the inspector general for
@00:17:34 there was the inspector general for the
@00:19:09 the odni inspector general and possibly
@00:25:08 provide the office of inspector general
@00:26:43 the office of inspector general so they

What about the so-called 'evidence' already seen?

@00:26:01 former principal deputy general counsel
@00:26:11 office of inspector general and review

Tomorrow's News Today: Want To Know What's Next?

@00:02:34 inspector general release of findings
@00:05:33 of inspector general they've been doing
@00:24:14 harm to office of inspector general

President Trump's State Of The Union Address (#SOTU) + MORE...

@00:04:17 the inspector general and i picked this
@00:05:20 office of the inspector general
@00:06:08 office of inspector general's sought to
@00:06:10 interview the ssa the office inspector
@00:06:13 general investigation substantiated that
@00:06:30 of inspector general investigation also

Why Are They Pushing This Story Now?

@00:16:46 inspector general it talks about their
@00:17:06 of the inspect office of the inspector
@00:17:08 general initiated this investigation
@00:18:01 the office of inspector general is
@00:22:15 the office of inspector general that's

Grand Jury Testimony Underway In Several States?

@00:14:18 confirmed that the inspector general in

Is the FBI investigating the Clinton Foundation?

@00:15:22 department's inspector general michael
@00:15:28 we informed the inspector general of our

Do you still think nothing is happening?

@00:15:48 justice inspector general report that
@00:23:15 inspector general said and and frankly

What is scheduled to happen this week?

@00:06:09 office of inspector general with michael
@00:08:10 inspector general to release report
@00:08:42 office of inspector general and his team
@00:11:41 second office of inspector general
@00:14:35 office of inspector general report it's

What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

@00:19:11 the acting attorney general inspector
@00:19:13 general horowitz you have a us attorney

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:12:23 inspector general what cases is huber
@00:12:25 plus office inspector general and team
@00:26:03 and the head of the office of inspector
@00:26:05 general michael horowitz has been

The World is about to change.

@00:13:04 huber inspector general michael horowitz

Who's working to save himself?

@00:04:22 inspector general and they had a team of

Who controls the past controls the future...

@00:08:41 with inspector general michael horowitz

Everything stated has a purpose.

@00:19:42 with office of inspector general
@00:20:58 attorney general is working with the
@00:21:00 office of inspector general's they

Nothing can stop what is coming.

@00:06:37 at michael horowitz the inspector
@00:06:39 general and the us attorney john huber
@00:19:03 request why inspector general huber can

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:03:58 it says placeholder office of inspector
@00:04:00 general and report and findings
@00:04:02 placeholder office of inspector general
@00:04:07 placeholder office of inspector general
@00:04:15 inspector general report foreign
@00:04:30 office of inspector general of foreign
@00:04:42 office of inspector general report feist
@00:04:50 one is office of inspector general
@00:04:55 office of inspector general report otr
@00:05:44 from the office of inspector general but
@00:06:12 inspector general in response to
@00:06:31 of inspector general is also reviewing
@00:08:53 the office of inspector general which is

They are freaking out! Here's why...

@00:08:44 michael horowitz so who is the inspector
@00:08:47 general who's also conducting
@00:16:51 and who michael horowitz the inspector
@00:16:53 general and inspector general horowitz's

Q Anon Exposes The Inside Story Of What's To Come...

@00:08:06 back hard office of inspector general
@00:08:16 inspector general works with huber
@00:11:00 the office of inspector general was

Q Anon | "Your voice is spreading."

@00:03:22 inspector general horowitz was assigned

Q Anon | Exposing the REAL Collusion Story...

@00:17:34 inspector general into alleged illegal

Q Anon | New Clinton emails have been released...

@00:03:21 michael horowitz who is the inspector
@00:03:23 general these guys have been working
@00:13:47 general counsel of the fbi has turned
@00:13:51 cooperating with the inspector general
@00:14:59 previous inspector general grand jury

Q Anon | "The rats are panicking."

@00:09:02 and says did the inspector general
@00:11:08 the inspector general recommend that rod
@00:11:13 speed does that mean that the inspector
@00:11:15 general has already reviewed the

Q Anon | Prepare for 'Sky Is Falling' next week?

@00:04:56 inspector general horowitz was tasked to
@00:06:15 inspector general michael horowitz now
@00:07:15 therefore the inspector general has been
@00:07:42 the inspector general was handed off

"Anons are months ahead of the news." This Is Why!

@00:01:43 release therefore the inspector general
@00:01:50 says the inspector general has been

Q Anon | This is why Jimmy is freaking out!

@00:02:32 james baker the former general counsel
@00:02:39 inspector general and with the federal
@00:08:02 note inspector general involved and then
@00:08:08 inspector general michael horowitz and
@00:08:10 nsa inspector general storch now this is
@00:08:18 back and watch it that inspector general
@00:09:06 inspector general horowitz in the nsa
@00:09:08 inspector general storage so there you

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:01:43 nsa's inspector general and why is that
@00:01:50 inspector-general horowitz justice
@00:01:59 inspector general and description of
@00:02:00 michael horowitz who is the inspector
@00:02:03 general who oversees basically all the
@00:02:05 other inspector generals when there are
@00:02:44 agency inspector general back in
@00:03:01 presidentially appointed inspector
@00:03:03 general for nsa then it says department
@00:04:11 department info regarding inspector
@00:04:13 general's council of inspector general
@00:04:16 inspectors general on integrity and
@00:04:23 inspector off council of the inspectors
@00:04:25 general on
@00:04:35 compromised of all inspectors general
@00:04:44 section 8 g of the inspector general act
@00:05:16 inspector general investigator signals
@00:08:50 inspector general over at the nsa so
@00:11:43 then you have the doj fbi inspector
@00:11:45 general michael horowitz and then you

Mysterious case will make you question everything!

@00:14:59 concerning it referred to inspector
@00:15:00 general of course they should be and i

How did the DOJ & FBI spy on Trump's campaign?

@00:23:41 and that's basically what the inspector
@00:23:43 general is tasked with is the internal

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:31:58 horowitz the inspector general and a

Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."

@00:04:16 2017 text was highlighted by inspector
@00:04:19 general michael horowitz in a recent

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:04:17 come on board with ig inspector general

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:41:48 inspector general discovered in
@00:43:30 from the office of the inspector general

Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?"

@00:03:23 horowitz the inspector general on the

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:27:01 inspector general interviewed bruce or
@00:27:03 and that he's working with the inspector
@00:27:07 general and a group of 470 investigators

Q Anon "Nothing to See Here."

@00:08:12 inspector general and then it gives a
@00:08:52 community inspector general
@00:11:56 inspector general and we have this

"Who discovered the link to HRC's server(s)?"

@00:01:42 community inspector general who was so
@00:16:56 comey and the inspector general and the
@00:17:31 the way go into the inspector-general
@00:17:45 inspector general going all the way up
@00:17:51 working with the inspector general

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:02:34 inspector general within the justice
@00:02:47 informed the chairman that inspector
@00:02:48 general michael horowitz who is working

Q ANON: "Who is Peter Strzok?"

@00:40:52 inspector general testified before this

Q ANON: "Cooperating witness [Power removed]."

@00:19:02 community inspector general chuck
@00:19:18 intelligence community inspector general
@00:36:56 inspector general disagreed when he

Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED."

@00:08:40 huber and inspector general michael
@00:15:45 huber and inspector general michael

Q ANON: "We rather enjoyed this one."

@00:00:56 working for john huber and inspector
@00:00:58 horowitz from the inspector general so

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:18:42 through the inspector general or the
@00:41:45 michael inspector general michael

Q ANON: "What is coming?"

@00:23:49 inspector general and then he basically


@00:13:26 we're waiting for inspector general

Q ANON: Eric Prince Laptop, Phones Taken...

@00:21:32 administration the ig inspector general

Q ANON: "They are sick."

@00:02:18 the inspector general michael horowitz
@00:12:28 here is more important what inspector
@00:12:30 general horowitz and director arrey are
@00:13:07 emails and then then mike inspector
@00:13:10 horowitz the spider general hornets it
@00:17:40 we're gonna have to cover inspector
@00:17:41 general horowitz reports we can't do

Q ANON: "Trust yourself. Public awakening."

@00:18:26 inspector general horowitz investigation

Q ANON: "Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking."

@00:03:54 inspector general is uncovering these

Q ANON: "They want you DIVIDED!"

@00:01:17 talking points distract inspector
@00:01:19 general report hearings korea iran next
@00:06:59 hearings where you have inspector
@00:07:01 general hordes putting all this
@00:07:09 like you told us the inspector general
@00:14:21 submitted to the inspector general to
@00:14:29 address before inspector general michael


@00:12:32 to be inspector general michael horowitz

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:02:06 inspector general email investigation
@00:02:56 rosenstein inspector general report
@00:03:17 the inspector general email
@00:03:27 inspector general report now congress
@00:07:50 brackets again saying the inspector
@00:07:52 general report released does not
@00:11:02 the inspector general to review certain
@00:12:01 the inspector general the prosecutor he
@00:12:23 the inspector general a prosecutor they
@00:12:46 inspector general michael horowitz who's
@00:20:28 not addressed why the inspector general
@00:20:30 said the altered inspector general's
@00:28:05 the inspector general in front of the
@00:36:29 actual inspector general report gets
@00:36:58 inspector general report but then the
@00:42:40 affect an election inspector general
@00:43:44 hearing where inspector general was just

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:01:14 order to interview inspector general
@00:01:24 inspector general's report and its
@00:10:53 inspector general in the director of the
@00:25:08 these hearings we had inspector horowitz
@00:25:10 in sorry general horace in front of

Q ANON: "Full moon coming."

@00:09:33 office of inspector general intends to

Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name."

@00:10:46 deputy attorney general when he was
@00:10:48 bringing him the inspector general's
@00:28:13 brotherhood infiltration inspector
@00:28:17 general report on hrc email family means
@00:32:35 that's the question does the inspector
@00:32:39 general does the inspector general's
@00:36:25 noted inside of the inspector general
@00:46:40 deal requests why inspector general
@00:46:43 hubert can inspector general disclosed
@00:48:22 saying why the inspector general and
@00:48:27 they have the evidence can the inspector
@00:48:29 in general can the inspector general


@00:09:42 this inspector general report release
@00:17:20 inspector general inspector general's
@00:20:39 in this part of the inspector general
@00:20:44 case agent told the office of inspector
@00:20:47 general that he began processing weiners
@00:22:43 footnote from page 89 of the inspector
@00:22:45 general report and i can verify here it
@00:22:47 is the footnote in the actual inspector
@00:23:46 according the inspector general there


@00:01:12 the inspector general the things that
@00:03:18 about this inspector general report
@00:03:26 reviewing original inspector general
@00:03:28 unredacted report - modified inspector
@00:03:34 general unredacted report the rod
@00:03:43 inspector general redacted report the
@00:03:45 round rosy version and the inspector
@00:03:46 general summary notes read obstructions
@00:06:22 the inspector general report is just a
@00:06:59 an original inspector general unredacted
@00:07:15 unredacted an original inspector general
@00:07:46 out about what's really in the inspector
@00:07:48 general report then there will be an
@00:08:40 inspector general's report to be have
@00:08:48 attorney general who happens to be a
@00:19:29 inspector general's report and this is
@00:19:33 inspector general report on clinton
@00:21:32 it concerns the inspector general that
@00:21:39 happen when the inspector general report


@00:09:49 inspector general michael horowitz in
@00:10:33 inspector general horne woods is the
@00:13:31 mean you have the inspector general
@00:37:30 of and reviewing one original inspector
@00:37:33 general unredacted report two modified
@00:37:36 inspector general unredacted report rod
@00:37:42 inspector general redacted report rod
@00:37:47 inspector general summary notes
@00:38:49 report apparently from the inspector
@00:38:50 general there's the regular unredacted
@00:38:52 version straight from the inspector
@00:38:54 general horowitz
@00:39:17 inspector general redacted report which
@00:39:20 finally you have the inspector general
@00:39:53 expecting the inspector general report

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:16:26 order dated official inspector general

"Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated?"

@00:10:37 us department of justice's inspector
@00:10:39 general with a prosecutor who can bring
@00:13:31 up with the inspector general within the
@00:13:49 informed the chairman that inspector
@00:13:51 general michael horowitz who is working
@00:19:21 jurisdiction of the inspector general
@00:20:19 inspector general with the powers of a

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:17:24 have been brought by the inspector
@00:17:27 general horowitz to the us attorney john

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Why are we here?"

@00:07:37 about jeff sessions the attorney general
@00:07:42 mike pompeo the inspector general which
@00:18:54 the inspector general has declared or
@00:19:04 is the inspector general horace has


@00:09:20 are the powers of huber inspector
@00:09:22 general horowitz and then it gives an

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Already written?"

@00:26:13 office of the inspector general put out
@00:26:32 inspector general mishandling classified

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:04:27 regarding inspector general and huber
@00:08:37 read what the inspector general huber

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:04:30 is huber define inspector general when
@00:18:24 to the inspector general as well as john
@00:22:50 going to talk about how the inspector
@00:22:52 general and john huber are actually one
@00:36:15 inspector general and i think his
@00:36:46 the new inspector general through his
@00:38:07 is horowitz who is the inspector general

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens."

@00:22:07 starting to expose through the inspector
@00:22:09 general other things about

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Question everything."

@00:25:34 inspector general horowitz well they

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:03:19 the inspector general michael horowitz
@00:21:31 located but by the inspector general

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "State dinner."

@00:01:01 eventually located by inspector general

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trap card played..."

@00:11:02 obviously the inspector general's that
@00:11:06 the the inspector general at the part of
@00:16:54 inspector general report on the cave is
@00:23:09 talking about the inspector general

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Distraction."

@00:07:35 inspector general report there's a lot
@00:14:27 inspector general report online mccabe

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trust P0TUS."

@00:03:41 office of the inspector general released
@00:10:57 traction from the the inspector general


@00:08:32 michael horowitz the inspector general

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:01:15 says april a inspector general report

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:27:05 says april 8th a want or a it inspector
@00:27:09 general report sessions public attack

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "APRlL SH0WERS."

@00:01:42 inspector general had just had a us

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:16:29 inspector-general port we're gonna have

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:11:43 conjunction to work with the inspector
@00:11:46 general now why is that important and
@00:11:55 inspector general has been conducting an
@00:12:23 mixing of that even though the inspector
@00:12:24 general is a subset of the department of
@00:20:49 april kill box a inspector general
@00:22:30 with the inspector general who
@00:32:38 the us attorney with the inspector
@00:32:40 general starts making indictments and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "/GA/ is terminated."

@00:01:35 department of justice inspector general
@00:05:30 talking about attorney general the the
@00:05:32 inspector general who's going to be

Q AN0N: Ides of March - "Learn the map."

@00:27:24 twit tweet that says inspector general

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "They know."

@00:11:25 intelligence agency inspector general

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "Careful Who You Follow."

@00:04:43 jeff sessions in the inspector general

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:26:39 inspector general report no legit leaks
@00:26:44 the inspector general appointed by
@00:27:03 to the inspector general knowing full
@00:27:06 well that the inspector general could
@00:31:24 you know what's the the inspector
@00:31:27 general this whole thing we'll see how

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:35:55 inspector general inspectors general of