

@00:00:45 with iran they trusted iran to move bin
@00:00:54 they trusted iran to keep him there they
@00:00:57 back to iran and then uh the
@00:01:00 communication from iran to
@00:04:23 from iran with the knowledge that
@00:35:16 this agreement with iran they trusted
@00:35:19 iran
@00:35:24 he was there but then they trusted iran
@00:35:29 he they moved him out back to iran and
@00:35:32 uh the communication from iran to obama

Former USAF Intel Asset On Project LOOKING GLASS, HUSSEIN/CLINTON FEUD, & Much More...

@00:19:01 and uh he has serious ties to iran and
@00:19:58 saudi arabia and he lived in iran for a
@00:20:04 he had serious connections to iran
@00:20:50 muslim brotherhood iran


@00:17:26 iran a few years ago basically

Are THEY Willing To DESTROY Our Republic To Cover Up Their CRIMES?

@00:12:42 um whether it was the iran deal or

What Is The WORST CASE SCENARIO For The 2020 Election?

@00:05:47 you know a military iran uh operation

Are We Under ATTACK From Directed Energy Weapons?

@00:00:27 they say iran they say places who knows

How Do THEY Control Our MINDS???

@00:13:07 iran kinser

Why Are US Cities Becoming War Zones?

@00:15:37 uh somalia this isn't iran you can walk

Are THEY WEAPONIZING Social Media Against Us?

@00:17:55 they tried the same thing in iran where
@00:17:57 the mullahs of iran shut off the
@00:18:03 most of the people in iran didn't have


@00:00:10 i broke up that ridiculous iran nuclear
@00:00:26 they're not getting money because iran
@00:00:30 but iran is going through very difficult
@00:00:38 i will have a deal made with iran within
@00:00:58 there's nothing china iran russia

Did THEY Attack The White House Today?

@00:11:20 deal with iran
@00:21:31 25-year deal with iran but here's the

Are THEY Preparing The Ultimate Deception?

@00:20:36 china russia iran syria isis and

What Don't THEY Want You To Know?

@00:25:33 badly iran wants him to win so badly let
@00:25:49 if i loose iran president obama gave
@00:26:20 they are waiting iran wants to make a

What About NXIVM, EPSTEIN, And The SDNY?

@00:27:16 he's helping advise iran during key
@00:27:20 and iran so he and as an independent

Do You SEE What Is Happening?

@00:30:15 payouts to iran epstein's honeypot and
@00:30:29 strangely no war in north korea iran

What TRUTH Scares THEM The MOST?

@00:14:48 iran why did kerry shadow potus


@00:09:43 iran deal and benghazi and oh you know

Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:24:46 and it all ties back to iran right iran
@00:25:19 over the world iran isn't an irrational
@00:25:52 iran isn't an international actor and
@00:26:09 and his minions facilitate the iran deal
@00:26:20 accounts and set up iran to become the
@00:26:57 and has deep ties to iran here's his
@00:27:08 the shah of iran but individual
@00:27:12 to the crisis in iran the court
@00:27:42 very much to go back to iran said struck
@00:27:52 americans in iran struck who was a
@00:28:24 president trump was raised in iran and
@00:28:41 senior advisor she was born in iran and
@00:30:03 iran ilan's it scandal and saying it's
@00:31:11 obama's hidden iran deal giveaway where
@00:31:14 a major part of the iran deal just
@00:31:26 taxable task forces so why was the iran
@00:31:58 the iran nuclear agreement and tehran's
@00:32:31 procurement network supplying iran with
@00:32:50 supply iran with satellite technology

How Do THEY Secretly Communicate?

@00:14:37 but iran in other countries too and this

What Would Have Happened If SHE HAD WON?

@00:04:59 russia and iran north korea to be today

Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:32:15 three weeks if iran needed aid on this i

Actionable Intelligence For President Trump About CCP Virus?

@00:17:16 like iran like china north to north

Is This BIGGER Than We Can Possibly Imagine?

@00:01:02 russia and iran north korea to be to

Why Would THEY Want To Cause MASS HYSTERIA?

@00:21:34 iran-contra look at what they were doing


@00:22:52 struck senior who worked in iran and was
@00:23:04 struck lived in inside iran where his


@00:20:09 launching strikes against iran-backed


@00:13:41 this iran china italy these are
@00:13:57 of italy you have iran in another
@00:14:22 these regimes iran italy china and it
@00:15:15 restrictions announced affecting iran

Are We Witnessing A VIRAL PURGE?

@00:08:47 their secret diplomacy iran deals all of


@00:16:51 north korea iran russia china mexico why


@00:01:32 russia china and iran and a secret
@00:02:44 put together by russia china iran and
@00:08:55 iran and china allies us political
@00:09:04 political corruption iran common
@00:09:05 denominator china russia and iran close
@00:10:07 and iran who obviously have close
@00:11:40 him in was working in iran and working
@00:12:09 connections back to iran and think about
@00:27:38 happening you have china russia iran and


@00:04:43 iran and nobody in congress fbi or
@00:09:13 the iran deal which was a way for them


@00:18:46 iran and you know i'm telling you we're

Have THEY Infiltrated EVERY Critical Senior Position?

@00:07:15 in the middle of antarctica on iran the

Can We Expose The COUP PLOTTERS Yet?

@00:25:21 people protesting for freedom in iran or
@00:26:06 know dictatorship of the mullahs in iran

Predicting The FUTURE To Stop Global Disaster?

@00:22:00 further the iran deal for peace and
@00:23:11 the world once they got out of iran and
@00:23:13 why they were fleeing iran right when


@00:01:12 that's happening in iran yeah this has
@00:01:28 with the iran negotiations as far as
@00:02:35 multiple last few days in the iran area
@00:03:22 plant in iran we already know what we
@00:05:08 one that iran will never be allowed to
@00:05:55 foolish iran nuclear deal was signed in
@00:06:21 iran went on a terror spree funded by
@00:08:13 happening in real time in iran some
@00:08:20 people fleeing iran who thought world
@00:15:32 says both trump and iran want us forces
@00:16:02 inroads into a new deal in iran says
@00:16:08 back-and-forth fake posturing from iran
@00:16:17 table iran will come to the table and
@00:16:33 time when iran can come to the table and
@00:16:39 intervention iran realizes that their
@00:17:39 regime change in iran we want them to
@00:20:02 as well missiles launched from iran at
@00:20:28 called by iran was actually an obama
@00:21:14 coordinated by the president of iran or
@00:22:27 regimes like iran and china and other

Why Are THEY Pushing The IRAN HOAX?

@00:00:39 look at the iran hoax is it gonna be the
@00:01:53 between iran and north korea and why is
@00:02:32 program and that the jcpoa the iran deal
@00:03:50 iran in achieving a nuclear capable
@00:03:54 been in place iran has had free rein to
@00:04:26 component systems in essence iran has
@00:05:00 article from reuters saying iran
@00:08:03 particular plane land outside of iran
@00:08:47 when was the joint plan of action iran
@00:11:11 valerie jarrett born in iran look at the
@00:11:25 toward iran they were actually you know
@00:11:30 saudi arabia and iran so you have to
@00:13:03 clown operation was the iran deal the
@00:14:26 iran nuclear deal well yes because they
@00:15:20 create the iran nuclear deal so think
@00:16:22 iran so basically they're trying to
@00:16:47 what the call to action is from iran
@00:16:58 be the next thing it'll be the iran hoax
@00:17:02 ukraine hoax now it's gonna be the iran
@00:17:28 of iran to beg for forgiveness for
@00:18:05 iran coming out and putting an 80

What Aren't THEY Telling Us RE: IRAN'S SECRET PLANS?

@00:02:59 general in iran this general qasem
@00:03:11 iran regime who ended up with obama in
@00:05:17 pushed by iran to undermine the peace
@00:06:26 top general in iran but he's been the
@00:07:49 iran will be full held fully responsible
@00:08:05 tweeted that we see iran responsible for
@00:08:10 to iran first you can't do anything
@00:08:44 and before with the whole iran deal
@00:09:12 to balance iran against traditional
@00:09:22 the others iran obama made his
@00:09:25 preference for iran and its allies clear
@00:09:49 in after the iran deal the jcpoa which
@00:12:30 iran in her 20s to forge a better life
@00:12:33 iran is smart and strategic and all over
@00:12:35 the world iran isn't an irrational actor
@00:13:04 immigrated from iran you have peter
@00:13:13 it started in iran then was in saudi
@00:13:21 iran deal and other deals in that area
@00:13:40 soleimani and iran and helping them
@00:18:39 iran who happens to be i believe the
@00:19:24 weapons that that may be in iran and the
@00:19:26 fact that new iran may be actually
@00:19:34 and north korea have assisted iran in
@00:19:41 iran has had free rein to develop their
@00:20:12 in essence iran has had the benefit of
@00:20:17 development testing for them iran was
@00:20:34 testing iran participated on site in
@00:20:43 assisted iran along the path ways for
@00:20:51 iran has never had to do to go it alone
@00:21:04 that guarantees iran will have a nuclear
@00:21:40 the side agreements between iran and the
@00:21:47 those arrangements calls for iran to
@00:22:14 it also applied to all things iran we
@00:22:28 the agreement reached with iran so you
@00:22:59 family ties to iran incidentally kerry's
@00:23:29 advise iran on how to basically

Why Would THEY Attack Now?

@00:01:01 iran thank you
@00:01:12 strategic strikes against iran base
@00:14:13 up by iran because they understand the

How Do THEY Blackmail And Control STARS?

@00:19:43 and a half dollars goes to iran in a
@00:19:59 do you think it all went to iran or do

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:12:43 he grew up in iran he was working with
@00:13:22 iran and saudi arabia and that his


@00:23:39 court out of the iran deal embassy in

Is The Media Preparing To PURGE Our Movement?

@00:09:40 looks like a woman in iran talking about
@00:09:47 again make iran great again and how we
@00:20:03 and accessing sensitive info for iran
@00:20:32 iran right so why would they want to do
@00:23:38 cary direct really iran pre post iran
@00:24:04 iran the iran deal where did the cash go


@00:16:14 think iran the iran deal the jcpoa which
@00:16:32 by releasing funds to iran and over a
@00:16:41 the cash goes when it landed in iran oh
@00:16:46 it all go to iran or did some of that

The Beginning Of The END?

@00:27:56 saying that iran is saying why don't you

Why Did THEY Shut Down Every Embassy WORLDWIDE?

@00:00:12 you know with iran iran should be very
@00:00:16 iran negotiated a fantastic deal with

Are WE Dismantling THEIR Global Control Systems?

@00:15:55 are in the hands of iran and we also
@00:16:04 nuclear restrictions on iran we also
@00:16:07 know that obama gave iran 150 billion

Benghazi Declassified: What Really Happened That Day?

@00:27:37 no rain involved with this iran had
@00:27:40 as i know or anyone else knows iran had

Are THEY Desperate Enough To Keep IT Going?

@00:25:00 bad what's happening with iran it's
@00:28:22 they've made a lot of money with iran
@00:28:37 iran and we didn't make money with iran


@00:09:19 in case of military strike on iran well

Did THEY See The Insurance File?

@00:10:09 australian bloggers went to iran to
@00:10:24 to iran to travel through it to show
@00:10:58 between president trump and iran where
@00:11:08 in iran and that they're either going to
@00:11:38 through the whole iran deal

Is The STORM A Precision Strike Against THEM?

@00:26:18 iran
@00:26:18 i wish iran best wishes and good luck
@00:27:21 launch pad so good luck with that iran


@00:11:35 satellite in iran which just so happened
@00:12:43 going to allow iran and north korea and
@00:13:46 these iran and others so i mean

How Are THEY All Connected?

@00:23:19 billion dollar cash bribe to iran hrc is

[MOS] Secret Plan To EXTRACT High Value Asset?

@00:17:06 touring iran then gets hired by google

Billionaire Victoria's Secret Founder Disavows Jeffrey Epstein???

@00:08:59 like iran who chant death to america and

How Did THEY Lose The POWER To Control?

@00:00:09 iran and well i'm the one that talks
@00:20:17 deal gives iran 1 billion dollars over a

How Do You Clean DIRTY MONEY???

@00:05:10 the iran deal possibly could that money
@00:05:16 transfers that took place through iran
@00:06:23 deals in his final term with iran and

Secret Military Operations Cause PANIC IN DC?

@00:22:24 claim from iran that they have 17 cia
@00:23:17 this formulation of the iran deal people
@00:23:32 possibly in iran let's suppose those
@00:24:59 iran is a total mess huh well how about

Will Symbolism Be Their DOWNFALL?

@00:07:34 in iran and you're like well this is
@00:07:47 our duty to go and fight iran in the
@00:13:28 iran especially with the strait of

Sensitive Deep Sea Fiber Optic Network Attacked?

@00:25:49 government with the iran deal so that

The PLAN Being Set In Motion...

@00:00:15 think john kerry is speaking to iran a
@00:12:48 been doing with iran so now this is
@00:12:58 iran and this is from back in september
@00:13:06 iran and then as you saw president trump

Mysterious NYPD Deaths Connected To LIFE INSURANCE?

@00:04:53 talks about the iran deal i'm the

Do THEY Plan To Interfere In 2020 ELECTION?

@00:16:03 2013 all around the time of the iran
@00:16:19 for iran and you see when you start

Deep Sabotage From The ENEMIES WITHIN?

@00:00:41 obama officials continue to advise iran
@00:02:25 beginning talking about iran and the you
@00:02:32 absolutely zero except iran got a bunch
@00:02:49 cyber attacks against iran after he
@00:03:52 happening with iran they don't have the
@00:04:59 advising iran on how to counter
@00:06:57 the past about iran and and how to
@00:07:05 about red cross and it says iran and
@00:10:16 armenia and then it's iran and we're on
@00:10:18 the iran stage now and you're asking
@00:11:07 korea and iran and other or other places

Mysterious Explosion Near Billion Dollar Drug Bust...

@00:02:03 pushing president trump into this iran
@00:02:18 strike on iran and then president trump
@00:15:07 that into what happened with iran now
@00:15:13 are why is iran protected why is it ran
@00:15:16 funded by the us what news about iran
@00:15:36 type of government like iran where they
@00:16:20 russia's back in iran we know that so
@00:17:12 iran but let's say that we hit them at
@00:18:07 targets in iran in response to these
@00:21:01 approving the strike on iran but then
@00:21:32 and terrible deal with iran gave them
@00:21:36 dollars in cash iran was in big trouble
@00:21:43 instead of saying thank you iran yelled
@00:22:32 night iran can never have nuclear
@00:23:17 against and the whole thing with iran

Rogue Actor Takes Down US DRONE? BIG MISTAKE...

@00:00:18 probably iran made a mistake i would
@00:03:41 hundred million dollars iran said the
@00:03:53 tweeted that iran made a very big
@00:04:59 iran as compared to where they were oh i
@00:05:15 the the jcpoa the the iran deal so let's
@00:05:20 august of 2018 about the iran deal and
@00:05:28 with iran and how its continuing to
@00:09:19 this iran deal right
@00:10:11 iran has to see that and go oh man they
@00:10:57 established that this iran deal would
@00:11:07 the people of iran don't know about
@00:11:55 iran deal was being pushed through and
@00:11:57 it was all a cover for the iran deal so
@00:13:09 to the eu sanctions in iran this is all
@00:13:24 this iran
@00:13:41 billions of dollars right so the iran

NXIVM Cult Leader Found Guilty On ALL CHARGES...

@00:06:51 sanctions relief to iran if you don't do
@00:06:58 wasn't just iran it was it was russia
@00:07:00 iran china china look at what they did

What's Actually Happening Behind The Scenes?

@00:02:35 look at what's happening with iran and
@00:02:57 other countries with regard to iran and
@00:09:33 basically what happened was iran planted
@00:10:11 told about the connections between iran
@00:10:17 whole iran deal actually happened and if
@00:10:23 gonna tell you that the iran deal was
@00:10:24 about you know keeping nukes out of iran
@00:11:20 iran deal and into the concessions that
@00:12:50 today's discussion with regard to iran
@00:12:54 hassan rouhani the president of iran i
@00:12:59 that he is the president of iran and it
@00:16:58 call it and she was born in iran and
@00:18:46 iran deal and it talks here about merkel
@00:19:13 these people if john kerry going to iran
@00:21:12 iran and say look you can't keep

The WORLD Is CHANGING Right Before US...

@00:20:24 believe that iran would like to make a
@00:20:43 iran deal that they made look what
@00:20:44 happened since i terminated the iran
@00:20:47 deal look what has happened to iran iran
@00:21:27 looking to have iran say no nuclear
@00:21:37 we'll make a deal i think iran again i
@00:21:39 think iran has tremendous economic
@00:21:47 can show that i think iran i know so
@00:21:49 many people from iran these are great

Transparency Is The Only Way Forward...

@00:15:26 in the middle east iran has been a as
@00:15:41 don't think iran wants to fight and i

The Truth About The DEEP STATE...

@00:00:14 iran and well i'm the one that talks
@00:14:11 for some kind of conflict in iran and
@00:15:11 but you do have situations like iran you

It's Time We All See What's Really Happening...

@00:18:42 now dealing with iran and they put out
@00:18:44 so many false messages that iran is

What THEY Won't Tell YOU!

@00:20:44 president of iran having a conversation
@00:21:06 worry iran we're gonna we're gonna just

We Already Know Who's Next...IT'S HAPPENING!

@00:18:14 i'd like to see with iran i'd like to
@00:18:41 talking to iran and has been has many
@00:18:54 took away the iran deal
@00:19:19 actually help iran we're not looking to

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:12:49 get into it what does it talk about iran

Are The HUNTERs Becoming The HUNTED?

@00:06:27 you russia iran north korea syria

Did HUSSEIN Drop THE HAMMER On Political Enemies?

@00:19:05 korea capability iran tech nuclear
@00:21:08 the iran deal and were they just paying

Is Everything We've Seen A Part Of THE PLAN?

@00:19:31 iran-contra scandal and last year when

Did THEY Give Secret Military Tech To RUS/IRAN/NK?!?!

@00:02:29 to get to iran in north korea and how
@00:11:29 ties to iran much to the dismay of
@00:17:30 do that they were trying to iran
@00:18:21 and it goes on to say iran nuke deal
@00:20:10 came from iran was next they're the ones

Who Has The 'REAL' Control? NOT @JACK!

@00:10:32 slush funds and into iran and into you

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:06:45 you know you look at the iran deal you
@00:10:32 disastrous iran nuclear deal they wanted
@00:11:28 briefing on iran with 14 different

Do You Know What We've Been Through?

@00:13:12 before iran because they would have been

Is The Controlled Narrative Falling Apart?

@00:01:44 to iran and north korean proliferation

Do You Know How Deep This Plan Goes?

@00:23:28 of the iran deal would be you know i


@00:12:54 iran today it's just so maddening

When The Truth Is Told THEY'RE In Trouble...

@00:01:29 ago probably a long time before iran

Secrets Sold To Our Enemies Can't Buy Safety Forever!

@00:24:16 could do all these things like the iran

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:14:39 another in iran says march madness

This Video Will Get President Trump Re-Elected #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020

@00:05:20 same thing with iran remember was

First, They Came For The Social Media Influencers...

@00:18:16 iran the cia what did they do they
@00:18:58 iran deal and funneled billions of

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:13:02 worked in iraq why not replicate in iran
@00:13:04 how much money cash was sent to iran it
@00:13:08 about how the u.s. paid iran 1.3 billion
@00:13:33 happen in iran and where does that money
@00:16:50 imparted denouncing iran over its human

Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:30:23 to curtail the problem china russia iran
@00:32:00 it's iran they came in and they shut

Do You Want To Know The Full Story?

@00:07:39 like uranium one and deals like the iran
@00:08:11 see that the whole iran deal start to
@00:08:19 think the iran deal was about you guys
@00:08:28 iran it was selling access to the
@00:08:31 emerging market of iran to the old blue

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:18:37 rhenium when iran why are we attacked
@00:19:42 expose prevent pre uranium one iran this
@00:19:59 uranium one and iran deal so that he
@00:20:30 what was the iran deal well iran was
@00:21:02 billion in cash sends it to iran where
@00:21:14 that deal iran was to open up their

If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY?

@00:20:06 affiliate in iran and one of its

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:09:16 will provide iran with critical
@00:09:46 done to iran since i become president is
@00:09:54 week iran nuclear deal and i will tell
@00:09:59 you iran is a much different country

President Trump Warns Our Enemies Against This...

@00:12:19 over iran we'll be watching

Why was THIS allowed to happen?

@00:19:25 iran funding and supplying them you know
@00:20:07 iran in north korea and it reduced the

Is this WHY people are panicking?

@00:17:50 obama gave iran 150 billion dollars and

Why do [OPTICS] matter so much?

@00:22:41 unfit for command atomic iran minutemen

They are freaking out! Here's why...

@00:24:40 against iran-backed militias in syria

Is this why everyone is freaking out?

@00:04:32 atomic iran and minutemen and the obama

They Know If They Lose It's Over!

@00:06:34 are you interested in all in the iran
@00:06:39 shia terrorists and iran is there any

"U.N.-American Speech"

@00:17:40 corrupt dictatorship in iran iran's
@00:18:55 from the horrible 2015 iran nuclear deal
@00:19:01 and reimpose nuclear sanctions the iran
@00:19:58 the iran deal additional sanctions will
@00:42:28 allowing iran to keep doing what they do

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:31:43 now the an iran is asking if it's

Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."

@00:00:02 president of iran louis farrakhan and
@00:00:51 farrakhan and the president of iran
@00:12:53 right now you have the president of iran
@00:14:58 of iran hassan rouhani now this is right
@00:15:10 of action which is aka the iran deal aka
@00:15:20 economic relief to iran along with over
@00:17:14 says iran is the number one state
@00:36:31 iran deal where they could basically pay
@00:36:33 off handsomely the moves of iran and
@00:36:46 iran to corporate development and


@00:26:37 iran ironic or apropos that this storm

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:18:39 atomic iran 2005 minutemen 2006 and the

Q Anon | "CLOCKWORK. What are the odds?"

@00:11:13 president of iran it says who paid
@00:12:34 born iran interesting hassan rowhani
@00:13:26 the iran deal and i think the
@00:13:31 set up if you look at what the iran deal
@00:13:44 world basically in iran and to have

Q Anon | "[DARPA] aka GOOG"

@00:23:46 could not be and it's it's not like iran
@00:24:12 of an operation against iran which is
@00:24:15 iran is one of the most destabilizing

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:11:56 iran deal and other things that ended up
@00:15:13 have gone iran said it's it's russia or

"Who has ULTIMATE command?"

@00:02:10 iran so something incredible is about to
@00:02:17 good people of iran have the power fight
@00:02:21 iran you know if you i don't know how
@00:03:45 very often happening in iran especially
@00:04:02 situation in iran but he's giving us
@00:26:01 we talked about iran we talked about how
@00:27:51 was born in iran and then it says a
@00:30:02 particular plane land outside of iran
@00:30:52 the joint plan of action iran deal
@00:31:53 companies into iran following the
@00:32:41 which is iran the exclusive corporate
@00:32:55 iran so whose pockets did they did it

Who Hacked Q ANON?

@00:40:09 happened in iran obviously and

Q ANON: "The more you know..."

@00:26:49 captured in iran in 2007 while working

Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon...

@00:15:41 took control iran next and here you can

The truth the MSM is scared to report...

@00:10:21 will cause war with iran we're doing our
@00:10:23 best to negotiate peace and iran 8 potus

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:29:13 layers he rhenium one iran human traffic
@00:30:31 mister rhenium one iran human


@00:12:22 hussein iran connection bombs away merry

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:05:00 north korea and and iran through a very
@00:10:13 about iran broke drugs
@00:10:19 capability and iran tech new development
@00:13:11 wise iran protected well reign was
@00:14:56 along with the authoritarians in iran
@00:15:52 wan tarmac iran north korea uranium one

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:05:39 is iran
@00:05:52 important q told us to reread the iran
@00:07:01 and what deal was done with iran under
@00:10:23 lot of the connections between iran and
@00:10:38 growing up in iran which i believe is
@00:14:34 on iran and the fund and supply then you
@00:15:05 have uranium one fund a supply iran in
@00:18:45 place and it was a way to give iran like
@00:19:52 were fired by president trump in iran
@00:19:55 to iran about a nuclear facility that
@00:20:10 why is iran such a key figure in all
@00:21:09 conspiracy and the fact that iran was
@00:21:56 the deal set up with iran through obama
@00:22:04 president rouhani and iran in order to
@00:22:31 think that iran was trying to make with

Q ANON: "Who is Peter Strzok?"

@00:04:16 hussein iran connection bombs away

Q ANON: "Matters of National Security."

@00:19:50 country and presumably end up in iran
@00:21:09 have so much going on in iran you have
@00:21:30 illegal in iran but we stand with the
@00:21:36 as iran does this to their people and
@00:21:42 iran god bless you and you know good
@00:21:48 think this is a message to iran saying
@00:22:41 saying we're working on iran right now i

Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump.

@00:15:41 whining about iran back to spamming larp
@00:29:36 in iran in venezuela

Q ANON: "Attempt still made."

@00:36:30 regime change in iran oh wow hi clowns
@00:37:51 cue followers we want the people of iran

Q ANON: "They want you DIVIDED!"

@00:01:19 general report hearings korea iran next
@00:06:29 all right iran next so this is all about
@00:08:43 just it blows my mind but next is iran
@00:09:03 or also known as the iran deal so that's
@00:09:10 iran are awake there's a regime that's

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:28:18 as well so the next post says free iran
@00:28:30 i said before the hardliners in iran
@00:28:35 who are fighting that regime in iran and
@00:29:04 iran succeed in enacting this this great
@00:29:27 fighters in iran and sure some of you
@00:29:35 firewalls in iran i'm sure they've
@00:29:41 aren't iran probably don't comment if

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:04:00 saying official iran should attract
@00:04:15 to iran and the whole point of the
@00:04:51 companies in iran and this an article
@00:05:03 companies investing in iran that were a
@00:05:12 which is the name for the iran deal that
@00:05:24 the deal and iran is demanding that the
@00:05:37 of time iran to develop a nuclear
@00:06:14 hardliners in iran still despise america
@00:07:43 jcpoa which was the iran deal of failure


@00:04:44 in basically the iran that is creating
@00:05:21 resistance of iran or the national
@00:05:23 council of resistance of iran i should
@00:05:38 news update calm and it's by the iran
@00:06:12 council of resistance of iran and they
@00:07:11 mulas of iran and it's gonna be
@00:07:24 a strategy to negotiate with iran and


@00:14:36 strings cut we took control iran next
@00:15:06 believe that behind the scenes the iran
@00:15:54 was over 90% of his of iran was having a

Q ANON: Latest News - "June ETA." "SR connect to DNC."

@00:17:31 in iran a juan is physically stolen from

Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona?

@00:25:16 take a thing the awan brothers iran

Q ANON: Anti-Trump FBI Agents Texts Revealed...

@00:09:29 bottom middle top hussein iran
@00:31:55 saudi arabia and iran the post truth


@00:12:37 the iran deal and this story that's just
@00:12:45 iran convert money into dollars so and
@00:12:52 happened with the iran deal whether it's
@00:13:15 siphon down into north korea and iran i

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:05:12 was with iran or it was with spying on

The Mysterious Connections: TG + POTUS = TRUST SESSIONS.

@00:16:30 with iran especially since the media
@00:16:45 happens with iran but that's gonna be

The Real Reason "Roseanne" Was CanceIIed!!!

@00:12:11 connection to iran and how did all of
@00:12:16 facilitate the deal that brought iran
@00:12:24 that bring their rate the iran deal to
@00:14:17 what is happening is connection to iran
@00:14:31 iran and then the creation of isis where

"We are everywhere Anon. Q"

@00:25:56 says iran nuke deal north korea new
@00:27:06 fund supply iran north korea plus reduce


@00:26:27 about the iran deal and he's talking
@00:26:34 iran deal because they have these huge
@00:26:39 between france and iran and then another
@00:26:44 three billion between germany and iran
@00:26:50 stay in the iran deal but what's
@00:27:01 iran expose the names of corrupt
@00:27:55 corrupt officials in iran will be

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens [-30]."

@00:00:08 states in the iran deal hi i'm craig and
@00:25:51 iran deal will hit german companies and
@00:25:55 trade between germany and iran reached
@00:26:19 and this article here is from the iran
@00:26:26 on iran going through the list it talks
@00:26:40 by iran which is currently the world's
@00:26:58 iran signing in july a five billion
@00:27:01 dollar 20-year agreement with iran so
@00:27:08 agreement with iran who's about to get
@00:27:34 iran was telling trump he's worried
@00:27:55 what about preventing iran nuclear
@00:28:13 elected leaders report to pickle iran
@00:28:16 will iran expose the names of corrupt
@00:28:43 trade agreements with iran basically or
@00:28:47 just germany does with iran and then an
@00:28:59 with iran so why were they both at the
@00:29:15 iran nuclear capabilities it was fake
@00:29:28 the money keeps rolling in to iran from
@00:29:39 just took us out of the iran deal so he
@00:29:47 of the nuclear possibility for iran and
@00:30:11 the iran deal because they have these
@00:30:45 dollars into iran and they're pressuring
@00:31:04 into iran while we're in the middle of
@00:32:13 dictatorship of iran that we've
@00:32:18 there's a moderate factions in iran i'm
@00:33:10 and pickle and it's saying will iran
@00:34:42 was with kerry and iran and they were
@00:34:53 iran agreement and the congressional
@00:35:12 and ti moni's iran and n ti being
@00:36:16 iran and they got that the corrupt
@00:36:40 deceptive nature of the iran deal and
@00:37:10 the deal was a con against iran and in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Attempts to divide."

@00:29:26 for iran it says it never was about
@00:29:56 to iran four routes five planes why did
@00:30:12 in iran post deal and it gives this link
@00:30:27 people panicking about iran deal out
@00:30:37 real quick nothing about the iran deal
@00:30:44 iran deal was all about it was never
@00:31:07 iran
@00:31:39 exchange was in order for iran to allow
@00:32:32 1.7 billion cash that was sent to iran
@00:32:40 land in iran but where did the other
@00:33:06 iran to get a nuclear program and in not
@00:33:23 immediately closed large deals in iran
@00:33:37 in to invest in iran before or after the
@00:33:40 iran deal was put up and it's saying
@00:35:03 of iran it's not like that all the
@00:35:29 iran deal plot well obviously because
@00:36:36 because someone in iran is threatened to
@00:38:13 out about what's going on in iran maybe
@00:38:22 responds coincidence after iran deal
@00:38:36 withdrawal from iran deal so that the

Q AN0N: "Evil lost control."

@00:04:46 same thing with iran

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself."

@00:39:19 sessions iran he knows exactly what to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "SKY EVENT."

@00:06:14 low blow to an old friend and it's iran
@00:06:23 flow blow to john kerry just by iran
@00:06:44 iran deal going and subverting the
@00:19:52 like iran and north korea nuclear

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - The truth of the deal.

@00:00:00 tonight as trump ends the iran deal
@00:02:18 information on iran here we're talk
@00:03:17 to visit iran now reading through this
@00:03:33 to iran to follow up on power plant
@00:04:14 foundation and iran and we're going to
@00:04:22 was there in iran and they were talking
@00:04:57 and the new prospects under the iran
@00:06:53 for iran to get rid of all of its an
@00:07:11 be the united states russia and iran and
@00:07:15 as a part of the iran deal that they put
@00:07:50 of the iran deal pointed out off of the
@00:08:37 significant steps iran has taken towards
@00:09:14 sold and given to iran who i've talked
@00:09:30 countries like iran and north korea in
@00:10:13 this fight here and it's not like iran
@00:10:53 much as that war with iran would not be
@00:11:05 more hardline factions in iran but the
@00:11:23 iranian flags yelling death to iran no
@00:12:05 representing the iran deal and this is
@00:12:31 iran but times have changed and
@00:13:23 need nuclear weapons if iran gets them
@00:14:44 this interest in going to war with iran
@00:14:48 because they're in the middle east iran
@00:15:34 for us wanting to push war and iran or
@00:15:39 push war on iran particularly that there
@00:16:07 iran and azerbaijan trilateral nuclear
@00:16:18 russia to connect iran with the ability

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "What are they hiding?"

@00:15:31 them suicide watch the deal kept iran
@00:16:03 today evil lost control leverage of iran
@00:16:05 and today potus took control of iran
@00:16:13 big part in helping iran develop a
@00:17:49 was a speech where he explains that iran
@00:18:07 iran also it seems like the fight with
@00:18:11 iran is more wanted by israel and saudi
@00:18:56 suggested existed on behalf of iran in
@00:19:25 put there by iran so you guys let me
@00:19:53 negotiation of the iran deal by john
@00:21:23 iran just like he's done in north korea
@00:24:06 on this the iran deal or the deal kept
@00:24:10 iran quiet i think iran knows a lot more
@00:24:24 in the negotiation process with iran by
@00:25:07 trump in the iran deal until his
@00:25:20 they're running with iran with this deal
@00:25:34 did - written to iran and to make this

Q AN0N: UPDATE - Re: Latest New Posts

@00:03:26 kerry and iran important context for
@00:04:02 john kerry secretly colluding with iran
@00:05:18 and iran to save the iran nuclear deal

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "UNPRECEDENTED?"

@00:16:16 it john kerry's in iran now telling them
@00:17:16 salvage iran deal he helped craft and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:03:16 with iran and that basically this is a
@00:03:30 despise iran and they're gonna try to
@00:03:53 destroy iran being one of
@00:04:00 see iran as a clear and present danger
@00:04:11 excuse me although iran has not been at
@00:04:25 inside iran that are supporting radicals
@00:06:22 of people don't trust iran well i'm here
@00:06:35 out for iran and the the king of saudi
@00:07:05 iran has new cap what about israel
@00:12:15 us in iran okay so this is ben rhodes
@00:12:26 the iran deal argue it should be
@00:12:28 even though iran is complying because of
@00:12:31 something iran did before the deal and
@00:12:36 to prevent iran from doing those things
@00:12:44 administration gave iran everything up
@00:14:03 whole iran conflict this is all about a
@00:14:40 it's very similar to somewhere like iran
@00:15:24 in my opinion with iran saying basically
@00:16:32 with iran so we're going in we're
@00:17:00 going into this iran renegotiation with
@00:17:11 iran deal and then trump has to decide
@00:17:40 this picture that iran is actively
@00:17:42 running a nuclear program now is iran
@00:18:42 happening here with the the iran nuclear
@00:22:48 country just like the iran thing that we

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "lsrael disclosure...Authentic."

@00:00:54 thing iran lied victim after signing the
@00:01:03 iran intensified its efforts to hide its
@00:04:13 test in eastern iran three four five we
@00:04:47 iran is brazenly lie when it says it
@00:04:54 are cutlery shows that iran planned at
@00:05:11 conclusions first iran lied about never
@00:05:25 after the deal iran continued to
@00:05:42 them at a later date third iran lied
@00:05:52 deal and finally the iran deal a nuclear
@00:06:20 iran continues to line so this is a
@00:08:54 from going to war with iran
@00:09:18 would like to see iran end up as a
@00:09:50 hearing that iran which i'm not in any

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens."

@00:00:02 expose the iran deal just before bibi
@00:08:38 for nuclear weapons in iran and we're
@00:26:48 the regard to iran and q has pointed in
@00:26:51 the past that iran is the next thing on
@00:27:01 what's going on in iran quite possibly
@00:32:04 to the republic of iran what if array
@00:32:42 iran syria war what does a uranium one
@00:34:08 declassified syria iran plus uranium one
@00:34:29 significant announcement iran and this
@00:34:43 he says the payments to are to iran q
@00:34:46 said iran is next iron eagle clearly
@00:35:02 forces appear to have infiltrated iran a
@00:35:48 iran agreement define and confine a
@00:36:09 way so we made some deal with iran and
@00:36:38 that was created by allowing iran to
@00:37:21 iran deal right what if the program
@00:38:59 back down into iran and syria and north
@00:41:49 iran that allegedly exist in northern
@00:42:04 fernanda whose presentation on iran it's
@00:42:09 coming up here and they said iran is
@00:42:45 stay in the iran deal because they're
@00:42:57 iran or letting iran get this nuclear
@00:43:06 syrian iran plus iranian one connection


@00:15:09 about the iran deal talked about maybe a
@00:15:31 discussing the iran deal and some
@00:15:36 that viewing i believe iran a lot
@00:15:54 coming from with respect to iran iran is
@00:16:47 that with regard to the iran deal he's
@00:17:14 iran deal you decide cue and that's what
@00:17:30 macron was to get him to see the iran
@00:24:32 the iran deal he never leaves you should

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "THE W0RLD IS WATCHING."

@00:18:45 secretary of state north korea iran
@00:23:36 he's going to deal with iran russia
@00:29:18 pipeline to eu senate 2.0 uranium iran

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We endure."

@00:00:04 iran deal i'm craig and welcome to just
@00:00:56 cue post says iran is next kill box
@00:01:07 problems than ever before signal to iran
@00:01:49 payments to iran as a part of the deal
@00:02:26 warheads then it's saying iran nuke deal
@00:03:41 missile technologies to iran and north
@00:04:33 on the iran deal it was a terrible deal
@00:04:38 reasonable deal that the iran deal is a
@00:05:16 happen and this was a signal to iran i
@00:05:23 of the iran agreement where it actually
@00:05:36 dollars and in iran deals this is from
@00:06:47 talking about iran being next and we'll
@00:07:04 to remain in the iran deal you decide q
@00:07:30 charge of evil regimes such as iran so
@00:07:50 in the iran deal q says what's at risk
@00:08:17 that's being siphoned into iran when you

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:00:40 first post q speaking here reminder iran
@00:02:16 agree to continue the iran deal as it
@00:02:57 the iran deal which would be the joint
@00:03:43 back to the iran deal for now so let's
@00:03:54 for iran them to have these reactors
@00:04:28 iran deal to these these foreign actors
@00:07:03 iran deal get give the ability for iran
@00:08:23 not agree to continue the iran deal as
@00:08:41 agree to continue the iran deal as it
@00:08:49 negotiation in iran i would hope so
@00:13:44 armenia then iran iran then any other
@00:14:30 about iran and other rogue nuclear
@00:19:37 says the next post q says red cross iran

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - *[SHOWERS]*

@00:00:06 iran hi i'm craig and welcome to just
@00:05:21 with iran as q tells us here he says
@00:05:23 iran is next and this is going to be
@00:05:29 and iran and no matter what we want to
@00:06:04 you you can't be aligned with iran and
@00:06:14 and iran have chosen to run their banks
@00:09:35 going this is all part of the iran play
@00:09:41 which is going to be iran we're gonna
@00:09:44 iran this is the perfect point of
@00:11:37 moving and pushing in iran which will be
@00:12:10 iran play so you guys have that to look
@00:16:30 which will be the iran game which will
@00:25:47 we're playing and it's all about iran
@00:25:50 syria is the key to iran that's why we

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Trust P0TUS."

@00:13:22 russia and iran that obviously is

Q AN0N: New Latest Posts - "Distraction."

@00:08:38 toward iran they're gonna be toward

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RR problems."

@00:27:44 drudge report where it says iran threat
@00:29:38 we have iran making threats so they want
@00:29:43 want wars in iran that's their next big
@00:30:39 certainly do it in iran
@00:31:00 iran in next and now lo and behold iran

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic."

@00:14:52 iran russia flex through missile tech we
@00:15:55 well trump's pointing out that iran in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:27:19 iran new north korea uranium one fbi doj

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch the news tomorrow."

@00:34:42 iran very closely as one of the people
@00:35:21 own in iran he would use his position of

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "STAY TOGETHER"

@00:17:32 iran and the money that was shipped over

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "TRUST SESSl0NS."

@00:21:51 is all true allegedly tarmac iran north


@00:03:02 fight iran if iran attacks them it's the
@00:03:04 idea that iran is getting ready to
@00:03:13 houthi rebels and you men backed by iran

Q AN0N: "Crumb dump incoming fast."

@00:01:46 themselves with the she is in iran and
@00:02:19 that exist in iran primarily so what
@00:05:35 allegedly being funded by iran so and
@00:17:11 on today with israel and iran of turkey
@00:20:34 fight iran if iran attacks them it's the
@00:20:36 idea that iran is getting ready to
@00:20:45 houthi rebels and you men backed by iran

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "We will not fail."

@00:07:25 is all around the time of the iran deal
@00:07:31 iran deal as well and how its purported
@00:07:41 to north korea or me and iran rather
@00:07:48 weapons to iran okay and this is all

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:24:32 it says iran nuke deal north korea new

Latest Intel From Zach @ INF0WARS

@00:06:54 other for us to include iran which trump
@00:08:02 is you know brought forward and iran
@00:08:05 will be next the iran information will
@00:08:09 malick was on i said look at iran info
@00:08:12 the iran shake-up will be next day it

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Full Control"

@00:03:51 land the deal with iran basically or
@00:04:06 says iran next closed brackets rex

Q ANON: New Latest News - Trump Inspects Wall, Speech to Marines! Q = 17th Letter!

@00:21:23 iran and obama when he says quote
@00:23:22 middle east it's iran iran iran behind
@00:23:25 every problem is iran well we're dealing
@00:23:34 iran deal 150 billion dollars we gave

Q ANON: SILENCE - WH Shake Up w/ #REXit

@00:03:34 the iran deal apparently so but what is

Th0ught Cr1me in the UK EXPOSED + Featured Comments!

@00:22:54 they're in the iran the iran kind of

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "...the deeper we go."

@00:07:57 plane to iran well we all know it was
@00:08:01 the iranians as part of the iran deal

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Set the stage" "Clowns out" "Strings Cut"

@00:14:23 strings cut we took control iran next
@00:14:50 to be on the list is iran so i look
@00:17:26 posting it says iran next a tougher nut
@00:18:05 done the same in iran and he told us on

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water.

@00:29:28 supplying the conscience the iran-contra

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM"

@00:15:07 turkey and iran remember that in the
@00:15:23 four as allies against iran now what is
@00:17:01 turkey and iran what's going on in those

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:30:43 to russia so it could be given to iran

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:00:03 obama north korea and iran what do they
@00:05:11 how did iran obtain uranium well that
@00:05:26 cash and wire to iran why the cash
@00:05:37 that obama sent billions to iran but
@00:05:42 then also it wasn't just iran i think
@00:07:10 who were taken hostage by iran and
@00:08:25 iran i think the answer that is - did
@00:08:28 all land in iran well apparently they
@00:08:44 the pallets arrived in iran they had
@00:09:04 iran another one went somewhere else and
@00:09:27 money was given to iran and north korea

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17)

@00:24:49 iran what does what deal was done with
@00:24:52 iran under barack obama why was the deal
@00:25:47 of the hashtag iran deal things that
@00:25:58 i'm a deal with iran how we would it
@00:26:53 you know we signed a deal with iran we
@00:48:30 u.s. with iran who is the enemy now well

Q ANON Posts from Day 1: (10.28.17)

@00:30:54 airplanes and flew them to iran not

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - @Snowden & @Jack Exposed

@00:01:12 iran let's blow it up for you it says
@00:01:23 cash to iran had nobody in congress the
@00:02:13 into iran and who knows if any of it

Q ANON: New Latest Posts...

@00:07:03 in iran goes on to write q and ons

Q ANON: Latest New Posts..."Target Subjects Are Scouted"

@00:28:16 damage can ruff china do two dems iran

Q ANON: African Migrants in Mexico?

@00:07:13 to iran to work the fbi records show
@00:08:00 this move toward iran and opening up our
@00:08:22 drop iranian precondition for iran


@00:00:46 merlin tech iran north korea iran deal
@00:00:51 funding iran north korea t-cells payoffs
@00:01:24 administration to provide iran with a
@00:01:33 weapons program or to frame iran now
@00:02:25 something they ran in iran now they're
@00:02:28 iran deal funding we all know what the
@00:02:31 iran deal how that happened it was all

01.30.2018 State of the Union Address | Official FULL Version President Donald Trump

@01:13:56 iran rose up against the crimes of their
@01:14:08 iran in their courageous struggle for
@01:14:28 fundamental flaws in the terrible iran

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