

@00:08:13 right which you know is it another proof

What Would Happen If THEY Won?

@00:13:54 proof that these people are corrupt

What Happens To This MAJOR LIE Now?

@00:11:56 so what we have here is proof seemingly

Did WE Catch THEM In All Their LIES???

@00:13:20 and here's the proof i mean and

Former USAF Intel Asset On Project LOOKING GLASS, HUSSEIN/CLINTON FEUD, & Much More...

@00:31:52 proof
@00:36:46 proof come out in bits and pieces i


@00:11:37 post terrorist designate d.a no proof of

Are THEY Willing To DESTROY Our Republic To Cover Up Their CRIMES?

@00:08:00 single day and here's more proof of

What Is The WORST CASE SCENARIO For The 2020 Election?

@00:05:53 obviously i have no proof on that i'm


@00:06:43 and ultimately it's proof i think of
@00:10:41 is just more proof that he's obviously

Adamcast IRL Meets JustInformed Talk...THE INTERVIEW!

@00:09:24 the actual proof
@00:09:25 of what's going on and the proof

Why Are US Cities Becoming War Zones?

@00:22:39 it's disgusting as we have proof coming

Did POTUS Finally VALIDATE Our Movement?

@00:25:29 and more proof is going to keep

Are We Seeing PEACE Through STRENGTH?

@00:00:40 absolute proof some of the stories that


@00:33:59 is hoped for the proof of what is not
@00:35:40 the proof of what is not seen right
@00:35:47 proof of what is not seen

Who Else Did THEY SPY ON?

@00:10:19 no proof of any wrongdoing

Does FLYNN Know Where The "Bodies Are Buried"?

@00:15:14 would just be another proof of queue but

WARNING: Massive CYBER/POWER Attack On Election Day?

@00:11:48 smoking gun this is the proof positive


@00:20:12 video proof of it okay so that's what we
@00:29:23 it's just proof positive that patriots

Are We Entering The FINAL COUNTDOWN?

@00:20:37 proof of cue if you will to see that

What's Important To Know For FUTURE EVENTS?

@00:01:02 major cue proof through president
@00:19:29 to me is more of a proof almost than a
@00:19:41 there and that's just another proof of q

How Do We Reasonably Explain What Happened?

@00:19:42 making this statement is a proof of

What Are The 'Difficult Truths'?

@00:24:57 have a huge channel so that was proof


@00:05:44 evidentiary proof of this we have to
@00:09:14 providing the most definitive proof to
@00:10:54 here's the proof right so you can watch

Do You Understand What Will Be UNLEASHED?

@00:30:11 is hoped for the proof of what is not


@00:24:06 right you want to proof there it is the

How Far Do THEY Want To Take This?

@00:05:42 q another cube proof has been proved

How Do You Set The Stage For HUSSEINGATE?

@00:23:59 had no proof that president trump was
@00:24:19 so it's the proof this is the smoking

CLAS 1-99 & NAT SEC THREATS To Our Republic?

@00:13:11 to get proof of yet as far as the actual

What TRUTH Scares THEM The MOST?

@00:27:57 chats and yeah it says proof game chat

Are You AWAKE Yet?

@00:25:06 line day-in day-out no proof president


@00:04:24 just another proof of queue and of

Did THEY Use Infiltration Instead Of Invasion?

@00:18:09 proof get it right in front of their

Are We Saving America And The World From Darkness?

@00:32:11 looks when he comes on his his proof of


@00:27:11 know well there's not much proof really


@00:26:25 another interesting cue proof that he


@00:14:29 no proof yet the proofs there's a
@00:14:31 mountain of proof over here showing that
@00:15:29 get proof that the the former

Can ANYTHING Stop What's Coming?

@00:04:06 proof q i guess nothing to see here
@00:09:03 proof again will q be proven true in the


@00:34:00 it's only proof of the genuineness of


@00:01:18 proof of cue so you guys are gonna stick
@00:02:54 that he won but yeah another big q proof
@00:03:09 hotel q proof now this goes back to june
@00:08:07 they fear an awake public each cue proof
@00:24:07 q proof that's that those are the things


@00:03:18 then have to have proof to back up all


@00:14:07 saying that he has proof that obama
@00:25:39 energy so is that just another proof of


@00:20:16 behavior as proof of danger


@00:07:00 was a little bit of a queue proof in the

How Far Are THEY Willing To Go To STOP The AWAKENING?

@00:01:13 proof after proof showing that what we
@00:16:17 proof here and this is basically a
@00:16:22 cue proof and it looks at the intercept

What THEY Don't Want YOU To SEE About The HOAX?

@00:06:32 bombs bursting in air gave proof through

Exposing The REAL Pay-For-Play Corruption?

@00:05:06 money here's the proof not that you know
@00:05:09 adam schiff lies here's the proof now

Is Q A Secret Backchannel Preventing Global Disaster?

@00:16:59 for you guys is a proof of q the next
@00:22:25 that's just not proof at all then he
@00:26:52 of proof there's more proof that they

Is Exposing Their CORRUPTION A Part Of THE PLAN???

@00:15:40 proof on a regular basis but you won't

Secret Message In IG Report REVEALED?

@00:17:45 proof

FUTURE Continues To PROVE PAST Posts?

@00:03:02 proof of q if you think about it as

The Beginning Of The END?

@00:21:37 gun and then they take the gun as proof


@00:11:16 actual proof that as you can see who

Are Rogue CLOWNS Infiltrating EVERYTHING?

@00:10:08 future-proof pat proofs past q well

Where Do WE Get Our Information?

@00:06:14 which contained proof according to him
@00:09:30 montgomery with alleged proof that
@00:18:37 mainstream media is all there's no proof
@00:19:12 passport proof to be flagged effective
@00:19:24 guard activated proof check located

How Can We USE What We KNOW?

@00:05:27 documented well proof that hillary
@00:06:20 the proof to show that everything that

Do We Have More Than THEY Know?

@00:21:01 montgomery of 47 hard drives was a proof

[MOS] Secret Plan To EXTRACT High Value Asset?

@00:12:32 evidence and proof on those hard drives

Obama's FBI Used CEO As SPY To SETUP Russia Hoax?

@00:18:23 the first demonstrable proof to show

What Are THEY Afraid To Talk About?

@00:03:49 point verifiable proof from many
@00:21:19 office so we have documental proof that

THEY Are Powerless To Stop What's Coming...

@00:10:47 american people this was proof that was
@00:24:53 proof to show that not only did we not

How Much DEEPER Does This All Go???

@00:07:49 proof of queue i'll leave that up to you
@00:18:59 local and federal proof the standard

Who Is Telling The TRUTH About This?

@00:04:48 obviously that's just more proof google

The Beginning Of Their Downfall...

@00:03:48 we have the proof coming out from the
@00:19:32 enough proof to show that she basically

Does Epstein Scandal Go To VATICAN CITY???

@00:10:30 discriminate i have the proof i've

How Do You Get Ahead Of A Story?

@00:06:19 will provide proof that google has been

SECRET FBI Raid On Epstein Island REVEALS...

@00:10:18 proof that they were committing some


@00:19:05 trying to use the information the proof
@00:24:11 no choice really mary has proof of many
@00:24:50 proof will certainly be made public that

Elites EXPOSED By Newly Released Epstein Court Docs...

@00:16:40 government local federal proof the

When Will THEY Realize IT'S OVER?

@00:10:22 hannity saying that there's proof of

When Will THEY Ask The Q?

@00:21:46 immediately is is all the proof you need

Secret Black Ops & FBI Raids Uncovering TRUTH?

@00:11:22 without one shred of evidence or proof
@00:17:50 just another future-proof spaz example
@00:26:42 proof to show that not only did we not

How Do You Clean DIRTY MONEY???

@00:25:05 another proof of q that the mainstream

Want To Know How DEEP All This Goes?

@00:05:14 know there's there's proof that that

The TRUTH Is Right In Front Of You...

@00:12:43 proof of cue in case you were wondering

Why THEY Can't LIE Anymore...Stealth Moves?

@00:08:15 proof there was no findings it was
@00:20:50 the proof that the russians hacked the

Why Are THEY Panicking In DC?

@00:20:50 have proof coming out about epstein

When Does A Bird Sing? WATCH NYC & CA!

@00:11:06 proof and then it said the standard

Mysterious NYPD Deaths Connected To LIFE INSURANCE?

@00:10:58 alleged we don't have any proof to

Do THEY Plan To Interfere In 2020 ELECTION?

@00:05:36 i've never had any proof though so it's

Mysterious NYC Crash Leaves Unanswered Questions...

@00:08:46 if you want proof of that is actually

Feds Knew Hussein WAS Spying In 2015?

@00:01:00 we're finally getting proof that it's

Everything You Need To Know About The SET UP!

@00:16:41 proof showing that he was contracted by

Those [GOOD] Who Know Cannot Sleep...

@00:21:48 the individuals being targeted the proof
@00:25:18 proof positive that they were illegally

The Truth About The DEEP STATE...

@00:17:00 stands as proof that our people and


@00:05:29 forward and handed over proof that
@00:16:12 montgomery's proof that he gave to james

Are You Ready For The FIRST STRIKE?

@00:12:26 finding actual proof then it then it

Hollywood Hills Mansion Uncovers UNBELIEVABLE SECRETS...

@00:13:10 don't believe me the proof is right here
@00:14:23 involved in this proof the standard

Will This Be The ONE That Takes Him Down? Not Likely!

@00:06:24 incredible proof of queue yet again i

No One Is Who THEY Say THEY Are...

@00:12:06 absolutely no proof to back up what

THEY Won't Stop Because THEY Know What Happens...

@00:17:24 and here's another proof of q of course
@00:18:07 another q proof that we can look at and
@00:21:44 some proof that president trump it did

We Already Know What Is Coming Next...

@00:02:50 government local federal proof the
@00:17:12 nothing to it there's no proof or

Prepare For What Is About To Be Unleashed...

@00:13:27 and here's the proof

The Truth About The Latest Swamp Purge...

@00:15:48 federal proof the standard hotel

Hangout Session w/ Craig from JustInformed Talk

@00:29:28 there's no tab there's no real proof


@00:20:15 and the doj are gonna review it q proof
@00:20:18 much seriously another proof q q told us

When The Truth Is Told THEY'RE In Trouble...

@00:20:57 so this was another proof of q that we
@00:21:03 q proof game yes please

THEY Can't AFFORD To Tell The Truth...SO WE WILL!

@00:12:37 proof of q in my opinion so of course
@00:13:17 now it says here proof missed and it
@00:17:13 antifa investigation cue proof the

Without A BLOCKADE, They Are Left VULNERABLE...

@00:03:09 most compelling proof in a long time

THEY Thought It Was Coming Last Week...SURPRISE!

@00:04:42 proof because the democrats were using

Beware The Ides Of March: Debts Collected...

@00:01:22 have another incredible q proof among
@00:22:54 not another proof of cue i don't know

You Won't Believe What's Been Uncovered...

@00:13:40 no proof how do you appoint a special
@00:13:45 proof i mean you had the steel dossier

They're Preparing For The Worst Case Scenario...TRUTH REVEALED.

@00:15:35 proof which they didn't because there
@00:15:36 was no proof according the president

THEY have something very serious to FEAR...WE KNOW!

@00:16:24 yeah the next one just another proof of
@00:16:54 more of a proof of q because it's not
@00:22:49 proof of cue that you know the stuff

Something MUCH BIGGER Is Coming...STAY TUNED!

@00:10:04 past proof of cue because we have this
@00:10:39 another proof of queue and that's always

How Do You Stop A McCarthy-Style Witch Hunt?

@00:01:39 q and on proof for 1,000 alex love it
@00:04:15 anything you have to have proof i think
@00:04:35 lot of evidence but we don't have proof
@00:04:42 but we don't have proof so listen what q
@00:04:46 reference regarding proof verse evidence
@00:05:00 discrimination synonyms proof
@00:05:10 documentation defined proof noun
@00:05:21 asked to give proof of your identity
@00:05:35 witness testament proof equals evidence
@00:05:38 listen to the clip again regarding proof
@00:06:13 proof is evidence oh well we have a lot
@00:06:17 proof well that's what proof is proof is
@00:06:25 proof then you don't have a lot of
@00:08:29 saying that that's necessarily proof but

Is #QAnon Exposing The Whole Russia Collusion Hoax?

@00:24:56 without any type of proof of who they
@00:29:49 the need to provide proof group thing
@00:33:51 that's that's a proof of q for those who

The Biggest Political Scandal In Modern History! #FISA #DECLAS

@00:14:23 proof but at the same time if you get
@00:14:44 to this q proof right which is actually
@00:16:02 proof now the next one here is an an on
@00:25:10 hue proof we read through where it
@00:25:26 proof september 17th he's awaiting the

Joint Agreement Signing Ceremony Canceled! Trump Press Conference Coverage...

@00:24:04 actual proof overall i want to make sure

Convicted Felon Set To Testify Before Congress; True or False?

@00:19:36 kim jong hoon so yeah just another proof
@00:27:07 proof that they not only were involved

Something BIG Is Coming Soon...Why Now?

@00:16:49 proof of queue and then of course we had

First, They Came For The Social Media Influencers...

@00:07:44 because you have so much proof that
@00:07:48 where is the proof i don't see any proof

Do You Want To Know Secrets The MSM Won't Tell You? #Truth #FactsMatter #UnitedNotDivided

@00:24:20 narrative cue proof excuses got popcorn
@00:35:12 robert kraft was this another proof of

Can Wire Transfer$ Really Sway "Patriot's" Opinions?

@00:04:42 there's actually ample proof to show as
@00:16:41 is how this is now this is aq proof and
@00:19:51 important proof of q just another way to

Leakin' Liar's Secret Message, Taxpayer Theft, & Much More...

@00:16:05 every proof an example of a proof that q

Why Do We Make Things Public?

@00:28:16 that'll be a future-proof spaz moment
@00:28:24 to that and just another proof of cue

What THEY Don't Want YOU To Know...

@00:38:50 another blatant q proof yes what is this

Phase III: Are You Ready For The Next Stage?

@00:21:09 mean this is another future-proof spaz
@00:30:55 proof of cue basically a debunking cue

Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

@00:10:54 proof long ago but shining a light back
@00:22:01 proof to prove any of it so i'm gonna go

What Else Are They Not Telling Us?

@00:03:00 her and points and yeah i mean the proof
@00:29:52 proof of q and of course in the next one
@00:30:03 delta q posted first yet another q proof
@00:30:31 joking obviously it's just another proof
@00:30:35 had another q proof nice work team and
@00:31:08 then it would be a 100% proof of q right

What about the so-called 'evidence' already seen?

@00:31:38 what q saying is that the proof exists

Ask yourself a simple question – WHY????

@00:25:38 news poll which actually shows a proof

President Trump's State Of The Union Address (#SOTU) + MORE...

@00:13:08 proof cue team has heavily compromised

Is The 'STAGE SET' For What's To Come?

@00:19:22 with the fbi that i think this proof mr.

Future Proves Past: "We Have The Watch."

@00:06:40 future-proof spaz type deal alright so

Why Are They Pushing This Story Now?

@00:11:42 proof there's a video nothing has been

What If Nothing Was As It Seems?

@00:11:31 it was another just a proof of key

What Will Happen Tomorrow?

@00:25:05 that basically you know they have proof
@00:25:13 a lie well okay well where's your proof

Should we be spying on ourselves?

@00:11:22 proof other than i've read a lot of

What if this was always the plan?

@00:24:47 well what proof do you have about that
@00:40:11 says anton's had the proof long ago but

Mysterious Accident in NYC: What is happening?

@00:05:11 not necessarily any proof of anything

Why was THIS allowed to happen?

@00:19:54 his life we don't have any proof

How many senior FBI & DOJ officials have been removed?

@00:10:58 proof of cue it's future proofing past

Why Roger Stone might be part of the PLAN?

@00:10:37 cheviot has any proof whatsoever that i

Q & A with Q

@00:24:25 true then that's another proof of queue

This was planned and forecast as the 'border funding' solution from the beginning.

@00:16:01 says anton's had the proof long ago but

What is scheduled to happen this week?

@00:18:32 proof of cue yet in my opinion it gives
@00:19:30 proof that president trump is qq is
@00:25:01 to be a proof of queue that he was

Roger Stone has no comment on Q Anon...

@00:03:50 i still believe absent any proof of
@00:04:11 they will have no more evidence or proof

What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

@00:32:15 there's no there there there's no proof
@00:32:17 there's no proof of collusion this whole

Did Mueller have a choice in making the recommendation?

@00:27:59 have proof to see it for themselves even
@00:28:02 though there's no real proof here it's

A 'glimpse' into the shadows...

@00:10:59 i mean it's all here the proof is

The World is about to change.

@00:13:34 a proof of q really i mean it says

A picture is worth many sentences.

@00:09:52 of proof that's mounting up but we

Everything you need to know about the plan...

@00:24:40 incontrovertible proof of the biggest

Top 25 Q Anon Proofs?

@00:23:19 guys that's another proof to look at
@00:34:13 just another example of a proof of cue
@00:38:08 important part for as far as a q proof

Do you believe in coincidences?

@00:00:03 proof of cue from president trump's
@00:07:33 this a proof of q i'm gonna leave it to

Q Anon | "Do you understand why?"

@00:13:14 counter this he shows us proof of
@00:20:28 another proof of q it seems if you look

Q Anon | "Do you 'Air Q' ?"

@00:09:37 proof of q one more for the road we're

"Eyes On, VIP Patriots! The World Is Watching."

@00:04:45 another proof that they are working
@00:14:05 that's gonna be just another proof of q

Q Anon Exposes The Inside Story Of What's To Come...

@00:00:50 another proof of cue coming in the form
@00:10:38 so that's just to me another proof of
@00:23:19 example of to me the proof that q is

Q Anon | "Re_read drops re: Polls"

@00:05:16 trump giving us another proof of q i

Kanye West Went To The White House...

@00:01:32 circulating and it's just more proof

Q Anon | The world will know...

@00:02:53 so now you have absolute proof that that

Q Anon | "What are the odds of that?"

@00:08:24 evidence there's no verifiable proof she

Q Anon | "The Hunt For" dropped - why?

@00:07:48 guys this is just another proof of q so
@00:09:18 proof of cue that nobody's gonna cover
@00:09:56 piece of proof that i think we should

Q Anon | This is why the Swamp is freaking out!

@00:15:13 literally another proof of q and it

Q Anon | Predicts Judge K Confirmed to Supreme Court?

@00:03:40 another proof of q that trump is on the

"You will be 'shocked' to learn what you've 'essentially' witnessed."

@00:01:55 end we're gonna have another proof of
@00:32:41 a proof it's because of this right here
@00:33:10 there's your proof of q and that's where

Q Anon | "Welcome to the POLICE STATE."

@00:13:31 you know just another proof look i mean

Q Anon | Dem's Playbook: Impeach Kavanaugh

@00:02:01 stuff happen to her but there's no proof

Q Anon | Judge K Welcomed Aboard...

@00:32:19 here has been another proof after
@00:32:20 another proof after another proof the
@00:33:48 another proof through twitter as you can

Q Anon | "When do birds sing?"

@00:20:08 see proof in the pudding which i have
@00:22:07 have proof that the rosenstein did this

Q Anon | Unbelievable Texts Show Shocking Details!

@00:13:03 another proof of cue in my opinion i
@00:13:53 but um i mean there's proof that

Q Anon | We are not alone?

@00:14:17 pointing to another proof of q via

Mysterious case will make you question everything!

@00:03:49 proof to say whether or not he was

Q Anon predicted this would happen...#DeclasFISA

@00:13:14 another proof of queue you guys you know

Q Anon | "Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED."

@00:24:22 there's like proof right there for you
@00:30:49 couldn't find proof of trump russia

Q Anon | "Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you."

@00:15:10 proof to back it up if you believe that

Q Anon | The Real Meaning of Patriot Day...

@00:06:53 that q is real and another proof of q on


@00:13:23 proof and you guys want to get more
@00:13:36 more proof from president trump on his
@00:15:54 proof that he was giving us what was it

Q Anon | "We serve at the pleasure of the President!"

@00:00:07 president trump giving us another proof
@00:10:21 the the proof of cue again from or the
@00:12:06 like a proof of q but then as like
@00:27:40 give us more proof that queue and
@00:27:52 proof guys request heard delivered no

Q Anon | "Follow the connections."

@00:25:26 proof out there and you know either

Q Anon | "The more you know..." ; )

@00:24:26 q gave us proof previously that for

Q Anon "Alice & Wonderland"

@00:03:17 to proof that huber has been

Q Anon: "What agency did @Snowden work for originally?"

@00:01:31 alleged not a lot of proof out there

Q Anon "Nothing to See Here."

@00:05:54 direct proof because in this previous

"Who has ULTIMATE command?"

@00:16:33 treasonous traitor when there's no proof
@00:16:35 and you you ask them to for proof and
@00:16:43 is treasonous and there's no proof but

"No name returning to headlines."

@00:08:04 right here kind of sums up another proof
@00:10:10 would just be another proof of q now the
@00:12:35 not been any proof yet other than when

President Trump's Epic Troll of MSM + Deep State?

@00:11:43 there's only proof to say that there was
@00:17:26 proof that president trump did anything

Q Anon Confirmed on POTUS Twitter Again?

@00:01:53 and how it's another proof the president

Q ANON | How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

@00:32:17 because i have not seen enough proof
@00:32:24 evidence and the circumstantial proof
@00:36:00 thing and if that's not proof in and of
@00:40:39 proof that we'll have to wait to put all

Q ANON: "The more you know..."

@00:08:36 that there's no proof and we have to

Q Anon: "Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this?"

@00:20:26 while not producing any shred of proof


@00:20:16 amounts of proof other than a lot of
@00:20:22 and we have real proof about you know

The Truth About Trump and Russia...

@00:09:12 basically if there was proof that kathy

Top 10 Proofs of Q Anon...

@00:01:46 for now we're going to start with proof
@00:05:20 mathematically impossible q proof number
@00:14:18 to me this looks like another proof of
@00:16:14 just another proof that q has
@00:20:56 proof of q that was found on twitter so
@00:23:32 another twitter proof wonderful friends

The biggest story the MSM won't tell...

@00:12:50 proof that there's any collusion or they

"Message sent. We know. Q"

@00:11:26 local federal proof the standard hotel

Q Anon Follower Exposes Plot Against President Trump.

@00:05:38 country but still there's no proof of

"Why did POTUS reject in the past?"

@00:09:58 proof that he's actually into it or has

"Who is supplying feed? Who is financing?"

@00:22:48 real proof to even verify what the text

"Relevant today. News unlocks."

@00:10:08 one more piece of proof about that so

"No Flags/No Logs/No Records"

@00:21:01 proof i mean look we're talking about

"Something BIG is about to DROP."

@00:01:28 potus does not speculate future-proof
@00:39:31 incredible proof of cue that we can just

Top Security Clearances Removed?

@00:28:15 russia dossier and the proof that it was
@00:30:03 evidence and then find more proof so if

Truth Behind POTUS Iran Tweet?

@00:04:29 which there's no proof of you look at oh
@00:29:23 hacked that was the proof that the dnc


@00:10:52 any proof it's all conjecture at this

Q ANON: "PUTIN/U1 will come out post summit."

@00:14:13 another proof of q i don't know what is


@00:10:56 happen but we don't know so it's proof

Q ANON: "Who is Peter Strzok?"

@00:10:12 another proof of cue serial brain

Q ANON: "Answer Q re: SR." ?

@00:17:08 when the proof actually is laid out and
@00:17:20 point to irrefutable proof that she has
@00:17:36 yet there's no verifiable proof as we

Q ANON: "Matters of National Security."

@00:10:06 not been enough proof yet even now
@00:14:54 to anything at all no evidence no proof

Q ANON: "Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?"

@00:20:02 state is a proof the independence we

Q ANON: Pictures Prove #QANON w/ President Trump.

@00:00:00 tonight more proof that q is very close
@00:04:08 is the proof that q is near president
@00:05:00 there and giving us another proof that
@00:11:33 labeled another q proof obviously and
@00:11:59 just another seeming proof but you know
@00:13:15 us just another proof that this person
@00:30:13 want more proof that they just outright

Q ANON: "The SWAMP is being DRAINED."

@00:08:54 we have any proof of these individuals

Q ANON: "We have the server."

@00:04:20 is crazy because there's no proof
@00:05:24 there is no proof of yet and you know if
@00:05:27 there's proof i'm the same way you know
@00:05:37 maher show if there's proof yes show it
@00:05:45 no proof and it's a complete diversion
@00:11:32 state future proof future to prove past

Q ANON: "Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments?"

@00:15:16 afraid even though there's no proof that
@00:40:44 happening well there's your proof q

Q ANON: "Info shared highly sensitive."

@00:35:08 up what about the proof we have
@00:35:12 proof we have regarding the lack of

Q ANON: "Crisis mode."

@00:18:36 conjecture there's no proof to verify

Q ANON: "Attempt still made."

@00:38:03 proof wikileaks is compromised july 2018

Q ANON: "They are sick."

@00:07:10 a evidence and proof to get a fisa
@00:15:02 and all this but as the real proof and
@00:29:12 to discredit factual proof coming how

Q ANON: "Trust yourself. Public awakening."

@00:01:23 well beside the proof of q which was you
@00:05:08 proof
@00:23:48 actually proof of the crime there was
@00:27:19 proof that there are biased people who


@00:11:14 irrelevant show that will have no proof
@00:12:41 proof to back it up but then tom
@00:13:28 mean they don't have any proof they're

Q ANON: "Q&A Saturday."

@00:07:03 i mean is that a proof of queue you guys

Q ANON: "Abandon ship! Hussein staff talking."

@00:10:15 the an on post q proof dot png right and

Q ANON: "They want you DIVIDED!"

@00:02:34 qualitative proof to give you that would
@00:12:23 have enough proof so i'm going to


@00:06:43 happened that is another proof of hue
@00:15:23 a proof of cue and the way they're taken

Q ANON: "What a wonderful day."

@00:18:26 have no evidence or proof for but while

Q ANON: "(Undiscovered) facts emerge?"

@00:28:38 committing we don't have any proof yet

Q ANON: "Not all are awake. Obtain Name."

@00:17:07 the next post here another cue proof an
@00:18:04 proof of q and somebody's going to


@00:15:41 have any proof to say otherwise that

Q ANON: "What is coming?"

@00:06:34 have every single proof of q suffice to


@00:10:07 no proof behind this yet but i can tell
@00:34:07 people would call another proof of cue

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Expect A LOT more."

@00:06:12 not have proof in communications between
@00:07:27 been given any proof or any any evidence
@00:29:10 but we don't have any verifiable proof

Q ANON: Latest News - "June ETA." "SR connect to DNC."

@00:12:24 just not enough evidence yet or proof of
@00:30:31 then the facts and proof they are using

Q ANON: What Is Happening in Arizona?

@00:05:23 proof you can find it in on their


@00:11:34 now this isn't direct proof stalking

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - DAY 1 of "A WEEK TO REMEMBER."

@00:08:22 they're proof beyond proof that donald
@00:21:33 federal proof the standard hotel
@00:24:08 now this is all alleged there's no proof
@00:24:50 speculation there's no proof to verify


@00:21:52 different things now the proof on george

President Trump Calls Out Former CIA Director's Lies!

@00:20:52 it happened okay and it further is proof

Q AN0N: Latest News - "CL0WN C0NTRIBUTI0NS?"

@00:19:58 such as google but there is no proof to


@00:01:43 presented you guys a little bit of proof
@00:05:30 you a little bit of proof for what from

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Enjoy the show."

@00:02:14 would just go to give you more proof
@00:03:19 and places where you can find proof or
@00:03:57 q tripp code equals proof that q equals


@00:32:32 have the proof to say it has happened

Q AN0N: Latest Posts - "This is not a game."

@00:00:01 to the cue board maybe another proof and

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Prince exposes "Insurance File".

@00:11:52 proof behind them yet but they seem to
@00:12:33 that's instant proof or proof that q
@00:31:08 plenty of proof of inappropriate

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "All for A LARP?"

@00:17:42 another proof of cue here and

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Attempts to divide."

@00:38:10 gonna be another proof of queue in the

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think for yourself."

@00:33:16 corrected discrepancy is proof course
@00:41:03 listened to because we have proof he is

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Explore further."

@00:17:23 to the deep state future proof asked you

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Use LOGIC."

@00:02:01 regard and there's some proof that's
@00:26:51 day so that aside and if you want proof
@00:31:49 lot of proof of than circumstantial

Q AN0N: UPDATE - Re: Latest New Posts

@00:12:23 proof of q so you know we always like to
@00:16:11 future-proof spaz wind the clock the
@00:16:32 collective and this is just a proof that

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Think logically."

@00:23:42 we don't have the exact proof yet

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

@00:24:06 all alleged - there's no proof to back

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch what happens."

@00:38:42 well we don't have proof that they all

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "It's everywhere."

@00:26:03 it's all alleged we don't have any proof


@00:11:24 overwhelming proof that the president

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "THE W0RLD IS WATCHING."

@00:18:56 future provides proof future proofs past
@00:24:41 they tried to delete the proof

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "State dinner."

@00:02:40 verifiable proof yet but certainly a

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Learn the TRUTH."

@00:10:28 connected and what would be the proof in

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Define smuggle."

@00:09:36 about proving another proof of q do you

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Listen carefully."

@00:02:41 here on the cute on boards as in proof
@00:04:51 is no proof other than the fact that
@00:04:58 data and then there was proof so i mean

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "America for sale."

@00:18:20 in if there was any proof to show

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "The world is watching."

@00:00:52 hollywood government local federal proof

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "RESP0NSE C0MING."

@00:09:37 a proof of q that will show us some kind

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "WRAYs OF LIGHT."

@00:12:34 that this is an example of a proof of q

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - TARMAC DEAL

@00:22:32 proof of kia where you have tarmac being
@00:22:48 basically a proof of q now q's
@00:23:46 don't know any of this is proof prove
@00:34:55 spies but aren't have no proof of them


@00:14:17 didn't there's no proof show it show it

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Misspellings matter."

@00:08:13 even proof of that so ultimately what

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - SYRlAN CONFLlCT

@00:19:43 here's your your proof from q saying

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Message?"

@00:15:21 safeguard insurance proof kim to try to
@00:15:48 still really no proof that assad did it

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - Q Responds to me!

@00:04:58 just another proof of q that we can look
@00:05:41 another proof of cute i have to report
@00:06:26 was expected this is the proof of queue
@00:06:30 tangibly say here is a proof of queue he

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "No name panic."

@00:03:29 proof here to verify what i'm about to

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Not planned but necessary."

@00:06:06 clinton so i mean how much more proof do

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "F0CUS 0N FRlENDS (2)."

@00:09:52 have any proof to verify it but this is
@00:19:17 it's also long overdue and further proof

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "B00Ms en route."

@00:00:02 plus proof that q is in the white house
@00:17:37 winning well here's the proof that q is

Q AN0N: Latest New Post - "M0NEY. P0WER. C0NTR0L."

@00:04:47 to have proof of russian interference
@00:09:17 actually got a lot more proof to
@00:15:33 if any of this proof pans out to be true
@00:27:50 all so yes there's a lot of proof that


@00:09:10 traitor but they have no proof to put it

Q AN0N: Top 10 H.R. CLlNT0N Posts!

@00:02:21 national guard activate proof check

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Stage_5:5."

@00:10:37 proof to show that everybody was using

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "BOOM" McCabe Fired!

@00:02:38 of just remember that this is a proof of
@00:15:26 gonna be one of those future-proof spaz

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - XI XI = 11:11 & Q SPEECH HIGHLIGHTS!

@00:19:30 past another great proof of q here that

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "24HRS to respond. He did, smartly."

@00:02:04 giving us another proof here this is
@00:02:05 another proof of keeley's telling us

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - Trust The PLAN

@00:19:09 okay and then that will be the proof
@00:19:12 that will be the ultimate cue proof as

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - WATCH the water.

@00:27:48 cia it was a proof or release in 2010 it

Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "We Are Everywhere"

@00:28:23 week would that be another proof of cue
@00:33:05 so that is just another proof cue saying

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17) PART 2

@00:11:49 now i don't have a lot of proof to back

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.2.17)

@00:18:10 because he was presented with proof that

Q ANON Posts From Day 1: (11.1.17)

@00:15:30 made spy proof
@00:26:41 for this direct knowledge proof to begin

Q ANON Posts from Day 1: (10.28.17)

@00:03:01 guard is activated proof check locate a
@00:17:30 ultimately came out in the dump proof so
@00:17:34 or poof i really meant to say proof or
@00:17:38 proof but you know okay so what this is
@00:43:10 telling you that you have no proof of

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - "Do You Believe In Coincidences?"

@00:12:37 damages without proof of actual harm

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - CIA, Journalists, and Clergy?

@00:10:36 don't have any proof otherwise outright
@00:10:39 proof at this point but i can tell you

Q ANON: Latest New Posts - DeepDreamv2 & #TwitterLockout

@00:05:21 this is obviously another proof of queue
@00:05:36 the verifiable proof in the outcome in


@00:08:54 you a proof or a copy of it and we'll

Q ANON: African Migrants in Mexico?

@00:14:13 no proof of that actually being the case

Q ANON: Latest New Posts! FLOWERS & GARDENS??

@00:02:17 and you know as i said future-proof past

Zach / Zack / Zaq Q Level Intel

@00:12:14 proof of concept we could stop one of

LATEST Q ANON: "We See You (Live)" "Final Guest Arrived"

@00:07:16 future-proof spaz news unlocks map

Q: [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. Apache Explained.

@00:08:28 which i have proof of if you guys just