TRUreporting Live Call In Show! 8/14/20

@00:38:06 first application to the fisa

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/15/2020

@00:20:25 related to be a political attack fisa

deleted TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show 5/4/2020

@00:49:14 to 55 total arrests related to fisa

deleted Executive Order To Activate All Armed Forces!? Brace For Impact The Storm Has Arrived!! :coded:

@00:08:55 fisa to d-class is going to bring down

deleted WAKE EM' UP WEDNESDAY LIVE!!!! 4/29/2020

@00:26:32 alerted the fisa court about abuse of

[DS] Comms Have Been Varified By 17!! An Amazing Thread By IET!! :coded:

@00:23:48 fisa d class will be made public which

deleted TRUreporting Call In Show

@00:08:12 about all the people that sign the fisa
@00:08:16 fisa application says it's verified and

deleted What We Are Up Against Isn't Of Flesh And Bone :coded:

@00:25:56 caught up in the fisa gator sharing into

deleted Is The President Foreshadowing The Inevitable!? :coded:

@00:06:39 to look into the fisa fraud perpetrated
@00:08:09 fisa court abuse that has taken place

Traitor 44 Was Doing Personal Favors For Soros And It's All Going To Be Publicized!! :Coded:

@00:15:13 carter page fisa evidence the ca klein
@00:15:52 carter page fisa so he lies yesterday
@00:15:58 talking about the carter page fisa and

Anons Getting A Shout Out From Nunes! And Is A [GS] Arrest Imminent?! :coded:

@00:00:18 about fisa into this impeachment debacle


@00:12:56 listened in to count fisa okay foreign
@00:13:29 counts who listened to the fisa six
@00:13:39 flynn interview if fisa warrant was
@00:13:46 uncooperative nope if fisa actors

The Mocking Bird Media And [DS] Will Both Be Destroyed Accordingly, Perfection Takes Time!! :coded:

@00:00:27 use that as evidence for the fisa what
@00:00:40 page fisa to spy on the campaign they
@00:18:33 airing horowitz talking about the fisa
@00:18:44 fisa abuse on carter page these people
@00:19:09 detailing fisa abuse at the fbi as
@00:21:46 fisa process this is huge my friends and
@00:21:54 talking about the fisa abuse it is

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show!!

@00:36:56 within this fisa report if the fisa
@00:44:08 the fisa d class this is from december

The Complete Breakdown Of The Report!! :coded:

@00:04:29 abused the fisa process president false
@00:04:51 be trusted guys page 360 one major fisa
@00:05:04 undercut certain allegations in the fisa
@00:08:48 republican fisa abuse memo from february
@00:08:53 understated the fisa abuse the dirty
@00:08:56 cops engaged in time for fisa court to
@00:11:56 page fisa warrants targeting at real
@00:12:12 hashtag fisa abuse report also
@00:12:19 reporting to seek a fisa order on page
@00:12:55 on steele's report to seek a fisa order
@00:13:22 through the fisa order would probably
@00:13:36 strongly that the fisa application
@00:15:03 officials misled the fisa court omitted
@00:15:40 of the fisa report fisa is an essential
@00:15:55 the integrity of the fisa process going
@00:18:34 intelligence surveillance act the fisa
@00:19:08 broad confirmed in the fisa gate abuse
@00:19:24 fisa warrants relied on that is
@00:21:11 carter page fisa applications incredible

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:29:36 precise moment to release the fisa
@00:29:43 fisa release logical thinking ammunition

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:42:50 that had signed the fisa warrant and one

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:39:18 we were about to get after the fisa

December Is Going To Be One Amazing Month!! :coded:

@00:00:40 fisa / impeachment equals supermajority
@00:00:48 add real donald trump of having fisa
@00:04:18 fisa will drop on 12 9 just minutes
@00:06:28 off on the entire corrupt fisa court
@00:14:43 present fisa goes both ways information
@00:14:46 warfare card a page fisa fisa allows for
@00:15:05 rosenstein signed the july 2017 fisa
@00:15:14 face fisa goes both ways
@00:15:22 if trump let the fisa warrants continue

The Baby Making Ranch Will Be The Second Chapter Into The [Elites] :coded:

@00:20:59 documents on the app on the fisa
@00:22:04 from jordan say their december 9th fisa

Is The Stage Set For A Drop Of HRC (raw vid 5:5)?! :coded

@00:24:55 then the investigation into the fisa

Another Swamp Creature Dead!! :coded:

@00:06:55 right guys so from post 541 fisa memo
@00:07:34 effort to block the release of the fisa

This Is A Time For War And POTUS Is The Only One Fighting For Us!

@00:10:23 know the fisa report the ig report has
@00:12:59 on the fisa court one of those judges is

The Timeline Of Events That Show Why [they] Are Melting Down Publicly!!

@00:04:20 general report on possible fisa abuses
@00:10:30 that the fisa abuse investigation is
@00:12:35 fisa warrant to spy on the trump

A Complete Breakdown Of #CrowdStrike :coded:

@00:24:41 mccain linked to carter page fisa you


@00:28:48 mccabe and then the the fisa report will
@00:29:00 information contained in those fisa

TRUreporting And M3thods Discuss Very Important Matters!

@00:11:33 have the ig report all the fisa stuff

The Disney Connection To Little Saint James Island Is Mind blowing!

@00:12:27 mccabe others and the fisa warrants who

We Are On The Verge Of Something Huge: Two Amazing Threads

@00:09:10 deep state with that d class of the fisa

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show WITH REDPILL78

@00:08:27 class fisa and then that's it

[they] Are Cornered [they] Are Panicking! A Last Ditch Attempt Could Mean Devastation

@00:02:02 through illegal spying fisa court fraud
@00:07:25 the fisa gate scandal basically in 2016

Another "Attempt" Planned On POTUS?! / Health Scares On the Left! Is The Evil Dying Out?

@00:04:55 surveillance excuse me the fisa court

What We've Been Patiently Waiting For (DECLAS) Is Happening! The Gloves Are Off!

@00:07:15 carter page fisa is public others are
@00:07:23 fisa and others will follow but those
@00:08:32 page and on carter page public fisa
@00:10:06 my friends so excited fisa gate mark
@00:18:27 information to the fisa court trump
@00:19:06 evidence to the fisa court absolutely

Is J_A Being Tortured In Prison?!

@00:04:08 we had the fisa then we have the ig

History Is Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes!

@00:01:15 where we are about to get the fisa reid

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:10:51 this will be the initiation of the fisa

Assange Jailed For 50 WEEKS!! The Walls Are Closing In On The FISA Abusers!

@00:02:53 do you share my concerns about the fisa
@00:04:16 perpetrators of the so-called fisa gate
@00:04:48 the fisa court seeking authorization to
@00:06:11 page fisa application but to borrow a
@00:06:16 the walls are closing in on the fisa
@00:07:15 if anyone misled the fisa court
@00:08:33 versed in the fisa process nor receptive

TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

@00:05:19 fisa in my personal opinion in my
@00:38:55 he signed the last fisa warrant cos fisa
@00:50:08 could be the fisa it could be the you

We Are WEEKS Away From FISA!! Get Your Popcorn Ready Friends!

@00:00:11 fisa application what do we get 302s
@00:09:12 fisa will initiate the resignation
@00:16:15 the fisa will initiate the resignation
@00:16:20 rosenstein the class of the fisa will
@00:16:26 the class of the fisa will factually
@00:16:34 presented false evidence to the fisa
@00:17:16 coordination fisa full brings down the

Do We Have Another LBJ In The White House?? I PRAY NOT!

@00:03:45 a plus wife fbi 302s fisa spy over flynn

It Is Now Time To Investigate The Investigators! "Justice Will Be Served."

@00:09:39 obtain the fisa warrant on page while

#FreeAssange [Think Optics]

@00:05:06 fisa court to obtain a warrant to spy on
@00:06:59 or the excuse me the fisa court or
@00:07:37 the fbi assured the fisa court on

4-16-19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!

@00:23:59 that's going to go to fisa that's going


@00:36:43 paul vi's fisa ii class right so this is
@00:41:41 and after fisa d5 it's an avalanche one

WE Are Witnessing History Being Made!

@00:13:19 one is fisa d class explosion russia
@00:13:39 phase two my friends fisa d class which


@00:13:45 see i mean with the fisa with the pfizer

Clones And Body Doubles!

@00:19:10 the muller report to release the fisa
@00:19:12 remember fisa works both ways this is
@00:19:15 q is referring to the fisa they have

CPAC: [These People Are Sick]

@00:04:25 so obviously the fisa will bring down

T.R.U. Reporting 2/27/19 LIVE CALL IN SHOW!

@00:43:48 hopefully fisa hello hello when are we

[RBG] Seen Alive At Airport?! Latest Q Postings! Whistle Blower Article On CF

@00:07:01 17 through 34 of the fisa application oh

" A New Phase In The Battle ! "

@00:07:24 unknown go-between students present fisa

More Undeniable Signs That The Global Criminal Cabal Is Going Down!

@00:13:10 have the declassification of the fisa

Lisa Page Is About To Sabotage A Huge Portion Of The Deep-State Players!!!

@00:08:47 exposed think fisa declassified and the

Pelosi & Schumer's Video: Pre-Recorded? Green Screen? Clones? "We Are Watching A Movie"

@00:25:32 the fisa but was forced and/or his
@00:25:41 how do you protect a witness of the fisa
@00:26:13 point to the final moves before the fisa

"What Makes A Great Movie?" GOOD ACTORS.

@00:03:54 fisa warrant in june 2017 this is a key
@00:11:21 of the fisa warrant in late june 2017
@00:11:33 to nail down all the fake fisa
@00:11:42 so he renewed the fisa so that they

I Hope This Makes You Feel More Optimistic About 2019 And "The Plan". #WWG1WGA

@00:02:30 warrants fisa do we trust the fisa
@00:02:33 judges military intel so with the fisa
@00:03:09 fisa warrant application against carter
@00:07:51 classifies the fisa to show the whole
@00:23:41 self-explanatory because of fisa gate
@00:23:44 declassify fisa jordan sanders says

A Reboot Of Western Civilization Is Being Planned For 2019! [Financial Reset]

@00:09:32 13 2019 during which time the fisa

The Clock Is Ticking. [D] Day, Patriots. We Will Have Our Country Back!

@00:08:59 court similar to fisa that operates on a
@00:19:41 the fisa declassification of the to the

FBI Attempted Assassination On Trump Revealed In Missing Text Messages!!!

@00:02:25 you can't go through the fisa documents

Live Call In Show 12/8/18 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!!

@00:31:09 with the declassification of the fisa

Live Call In Show 803-399-0044! Phone Line Opens At 100Likes!

@00:30:21 the fisa declassification just sitting

Feds Received Whistle-Blower Evidence Against Clinton Foundation! Body Language At Bush's Funeral

@00:17:33 fisa warrant be a part be a big part of
@00:20:59 funeral why has the fisa court kept

An Extensive Interview With Jordan Sather. #AboveMajestic #TheGreatAwakening

@00:13:58 it'll start with fisa and it'll roll

Do You Truly Believe We Are At War? Part 2

@00:05:57 published placeholder fisa published a
@00:08:24 media call umbrella spy targeting fisa

Live Election Coverage! #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #KEK #TRUreporting

@00:31:26 fisa that leads to so many arrests that
@00:51:32 i want to see the fisa declassification

The Day Before We Officially Take Back Our Country!

@00:27:22 then there's gonna be the fisa

PipeBomb: How Do You Introduce Evidence Into An Investigation [Legally]

@00:21:01 here all having to do with the fisa 225

Hello Friends Lets Chill

@00:52:00 the dropping of the fisa we still have
@00:52:03 that the dropping of the fisa will lead


@00:14:47 declassification to the fisa fisa


@00:28:08 for queue to post for fisa to drop
@00:28:13 the fisa is a nuclear weapon that will
@00:28:51 democrats if that fisa drops it would

Is Hillary Clinton Dying?

@00:13:00 fisa rod rosenstein hrc ll read a lynch

live stream 10-9-18

@00:28:21 fisa the fisa brings down the house
@00:28:25 the fisa will lead us to hillary it will

Taking Back Control For The American People!!

@00:00:26 on to the declassification of the fisa

15 min chat! GO!! [KAV] 50-48 confirmed

@00:08:48 you know fisa you know are we about to
@00:08:52 do is they're about to be fisa the
@00:11:34 bombs let's get ready when that fisa

"Are You Ready To See Arrests"?!

@00:10:33 of fisa is their doomsday


@01:13:39 that's very true well the fisa the
@01:13:48 fisa will we'll get to that will lead

Live Stream

@00:30:49 people that didn't sign the fisa i just
@00:30:58 sign the fisa application because we're
@00:31:03 gonna have the fisa declassification of

Is A Red Wave Or Red Tsunami Approaching?

@00:08:10 hiding those fisa abuses house speaker

4Chan Anons SCAM [Michael Avenatti]!! Proving He Is A DeepState Lawyer!!

@00:03:47 tower and it says fisa as it falls to
@00:11:26 the fisa documents long ago but there is

Kavanaugh Smear Campaign / [RR] Meeting With POTUS

@00:14:29 so we look right here fisa
@00:15:26 fisa d classic the classification will
@00:15:42 fisa rod rosenstein self-incrimination
@00:16:02 everything the classification fisa even
@00:17:01 the reveal of the fisa application and

DECLAS of FISA Will Put An End To The Swamp!

@00:01:48 classification of the fisa will initiate
@00:01:54 of rod rosenstein the class of fisa will
@00:02:01 the classification of fisa will
@00:02:10 the fisa court in an effort to obtain
@00:03:11 coordination fisa fully will bring down
@00:03:21 classification will of the fisa will
@00:03:48 classification of the fisa equals rod
@00:18:01 is the actual fisa warrant signed and
@00:18:38 justify the fisa by planning leaks in
@00:19:50 declassification of fisa rod rajesh rod
@00:20:19 beg paul ryan to block the fisa memo

#TRUreporting 9-17-18

@00:34:23 post for today so yeah fisa document

Trump To Take Things Into His Own Hands! #KEK #Qanon #WWG1WGA

@00:02:29 application to the fisa court in the
@00:02:47 with all carter page fisa applications

"The Fight Is Real, The Time Is Now."

@00:01:33 the carter page fisa application

The Week Of The 17th In September Is Going To Be Yuuuge!

@00:07:37 fbi fisa application panic in dc so we
@00:07:58 unseal the fisa read action we should be
@00:08:18 declassify and publicize key fisa gate

MEMES / Hurricane Florence / James O'Keefe / Big Week Ahead / WWG1WGA

@00:12:29 they're gonna declassify the the fisa
@00:12:35 warrant or the fisa application they're

Hurricane Florence Geo-Engineered? To Cover Fisa Declassification?

@00:02:30 of the fisa
@00:05:30 the fisa the
@00:05:39 application coming out the fisa
@00:09:55 stupid fisa goes both ways plus only a

Learn Who To Trust. Attacks Coming From Every Angle! WWG1WGA

@00:27:04 ready the memes fisa corruption you have
@00:27:12 the meme cannons faiza inbound fisa
@00:29:41 they declassify that fisa the fisa

Happy Labor Day!

@00:07:04 fisa some of america have been getting
@00:12:34 declassified fisa tomorrow i'm telling

NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH [QAnon: August 31st - September 2nd]

@00:10:54 to look into uranium one and fisa false
@00:15:02 hearings on the fisa spy application
@00:15:08 four fisa warrants where are the judges
@00:15:16 justice department discloses no fisa
@00:15:52 charge of the fisa court he should
@00:17:21 villains skaia metaphor fisa warrant
@00:17:27 moved over mana formuler mana for fisa
@00:17:32 mueller papadopoulos fisa warrant issued
@00:17:36 approved page mueller page fisa warrant
@00:17:49 plus fisa surveillance included all
@00:18:25 assets allow for normal fisa law
@00:18:31 spy insert destruction includes non fisa

Snow White 7 Is Now Offline. Package Complete. Have a Nice Day.

@00:27:23 struck page or fisa dirty dossier etc

My Tribute To John "No Name" Mccain !!

@00:22:55 twenty pages of the fisa warrant that's

Show This To Your Normie Friends & Family!

@00:38:59 continues fisa abuse political espionage

Latest Q-Anon Posts !!

@00:12:12 beg ryan to block the fisa memo from

Another Comet PingPong! But This Time Were Dealing With Doughnuts!?

@00:01:55 essential part of the fisa application
@00:02:16 the fi sc fisa court an initial warrant
@00:02:21 and three fisa renewals then fbi
@00:03:20 while the fisa application relied on
@00:04:06 of the fisa applications unbelievable
@00:04:22 memo does not undermine the fisa section
@00:05:54 intelligence surveillance court fisa
@00:06:05 fisa court decided decides whether to
@00:07:04 to keep going back to the fisa court to

"There Is A Reason Why We Had To Go Mainstream"

@00:03:51 1816 fie suffice a fisa kill box 20 so

CA Fires Started On Purpose?! Michael Avenatti Running Scared!?

@00:03:09 think fisa think no name white house

This Is Not A Game. Humanity Is At Stake! -Q

@00:13:36 to uk decipher last redacted fisa q
@00:28:56 truth was not revealed yet fisa didn't
@00:29:02 reveals the whole truth fisa equals
@00:29:07 confirmation of illegal acts fisa
@00:29:17 based on false info fisa equals
@00:30:05 strategy fisa brings down the house oya
@00:30:09 does not include fisa declassification
@00:30:37 public public awareness fisa spying

"Fist Pumps And False Flags" By: NEON REVOLT

@00:18:18 here come the dominoes set up scam fisa

Latest Q-Anon / Hussien In Drag?! / MEMES

@00:00:57 fisa warrant applications to in extend
@00:01:21 whole surveillance this sign fisa

Does James Comey Answer To A Satanic Cult Leader?! YOU BET!

@00:09:33 dossier he used he used it to get a fisa

Trump Calls Out Mccain / Latest Q-Posts #804-810 / Gun Grab / Distraction

@00:06:21 a fisa fisa warrant and then go get it
@00:09:22 fisa toyota montana world population

I discuss a Minneapolis Dirty Bomb?! Building the Gallows for traitors!

@00:02:49 article and took it to the fisa court
@00:02:52 the fisa court gave them warrant to tap
@00:03:00 it not easy to get a fisa warrant very
@00:03:09 spy to get a fisa warrant they have to
@00:03:12 think you're aspire to get a fisa
@00:10:23 they knew was fake to obtain a fisa

Releasing of memo!!! Is this the end of Hillary Clinton and her DNC cronies?!

@00:05:40 surveillance act fisa during the 2016
@00:05:56 court or the feist and the fisa court
@00:06:11 the fisa process basically what this
@00:06:20 one to blame for this he used this fisa
@00:06:39 saw and received a fisa
@00:06:49 fisa court page is a us citizen who
@00:06:57 with requirements under fisa the
@00:07:18 obtained one initial fisa warrant
@00:07:20 targeting carter page in three fisa
@00:07:22 renewals from the fisa court as required
@00:07:26 by statute 50 usc in 1805 d a fisa order
@00:07:36 by the fisa court every 90 days and each
@00:07:44 signed three fisa a platoon question on
@00:08:31 before the fisa court are classified as
@00:08:37 integrity of the fisa process depends on
@00:08:48 however the fisa courts rigour in
@00:09:12 fisa court applications that is known by
@00:09:23 fisa court to accurately provide an
@00:10:03 carter page fisa application steel was a
@00:10:57 they're gone to the initial fisa
@00:13:06 this is a real document the fisa court
@00:14:24 page fisa applications during this time
@00:14:51 fisa court according to the head of the
@00:15:35 siliceous and unverified while the fisa
@00:16:02 sought from the fisa court without the
@00:16:18 fisa application also mentions

SuperBowl False Flag?!! / Q-posts!

@00:00:25 the fisa court i basically just been
@00:26:28 the fisa court and how this is the

Q is back! #Releasethememo NewsWeek Raid, CNBC Plants Bomb! Confused? Ill explain!

@00:02:24 block the release of the fisa report
@00:06:58 order to gain such warrants fisa do we
@00:11:37 is the fisa this is hashtag release the
@00:11:44 intel memo allegedly reveals fisa abuse
@00:13:08 fisa abuse could lead to the removal of