
Dems To Hold Open Hearing To Censor "Misinformation"- Information Warfare!!!

@00:28:50 flynn and other trump associates yeah

Trump Warns Shocking Documents About To Be Unveiled!

@00:26:06 they're talking about michael flynn and
@00:26:10 getting flynn using the media and a

Following Strange Events New Battle For C-19 Narrative Begins!

@00:05:45 general flynn and trying to set him
@00:05:55 nothing on flynn
@00:06:04 go after flynn a few weeks later trump
@00:06:10 general flynn steps down by february of

Live Stream 10-2-20 - Something Big Is About To Happen!

@00:13:56 and then melissa flynn says right there
@00:13:59 is melissa flynn are you with the flynn
@00:34:12 general flynn we know there's

The Comey Mystery Is Slowly Being Solved- Testimony Brings Us Closer

@00:20:47 flynn
@00:21:04 general flynn and other actions

Avalanche! More Disturbing Corruption Exposed - Another MOAB!!!

@00:19:47 scenes when they were targeting flynn

Live 9-25-20 - Brace For Impact!!!

@00:25:37 is happening with the flynn case
@00:27:02 then we have the flynn situation
@00:42:31 razor investigation on flynn
@00:43:07 had concerns about flynn probe records
@00:43:23 so in other words the flynn situation is
@00:44:06 agent against mike flynn testifying that
@00:44:51 uh michael flynn the former national
@00:45:40 fbi employees had concerns about flynn
@00:46:33 from the united states versus flynn and
@00:46:49 did not believe flynn had any additional
@00:46:57 prosecution of flynn by the special
@00:54:34 is going to say about the flynn mystery

Revealed! Sessions Hired Durham! LOL, Doubters Will Freak Out!

@00:05:11 and they begin with general flynn they
@00:05:13 start targeting general flynn by
@00:05:18 flynn
@00:05:29 general flynn steps down because he

Live 9-11-20 - The Disturbing Big Picture!

@00:25:20 irregular warfare like general flynn is

Sinister Plot Now Revealed - Post Election Dark Civil War Comes To View!!!

@00:03:59 they're doing with the flynn case
@00:25:22 general flynn
@00:25:55 with flynn was all about all along
@00:25:57 they needed to delay the flynn situation
@00:26:31 go after flynn
@00:27:10 i call this the michael flynn exception
@00:27:31 at stake here not just for michael flynn
@00:27:59 uh his outrage against general flynn
@00:28:08 clear his hatred of general flynn
@00:28:21 flynn and

Trump Drops Clue On Identity Of Leftist Street Violence Organizers!

@00:29:48 general flynn gets a setback
@00:30:28 general flynn wins we are going to win
@00:31:04 this guy is done like i said here flynn
@00:31:14 drop the charges against flynn instead

Live Stream 8-21-20 - We Are Inching Closer!

@00:33:05 flynn imagine what they do
@00:33:14 flynn wasn't a pursuit of criminal
@00:33:17 it was a setup flynn actually had

Haha! Marxists Launch Brand New Weird Panicky Conspiracy Theory!!

@00:05:48 and people like general flynn sending
@00:06:17 and they started going after flynn
@00:06:24 flynn and trump gets inaugurated and
@00:06:30 general flynn walks away and we know by

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:29:11 an fbi agent into trump flynn briefing

LOOK HERE! A Closer Look At The New Biden Super Stunt

@00:24:26 flynn case
@00:24:31 dropping flynn case yeah right
@00:26:06 that general flynn has suffered these

Marxist Revolution Takes New Turn- Here's The Shocking Summary!!

@00:25:04 informant stefan halper said flynn was
@00:25:40 schrag that michael flynn the incoming
@00:26:03 that exonerates michael flynn everyone

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:05:46 and they start targeting general flynn
@00:05:56 trapping general flynn they know

Live Stream 8-7-20 - The Eve Of Indictments!

@00:12:22 we yeah this is the general flynn
@00:15:48 general flynn general zone so yeah let's
@00:24:35 somebody says right there melissa flynn

Almost Time! World Awaits Obamagate Judgement Day!!!

@00:05:32 the unmasking of flynn somehow ended up
@00:05:38 investigate michael flynn the vice
@00:09:35 investigation of general mike flynn and

Live Stream 7-31-20 - [D] Day Approaches!

@00:13:39 they rolled out general flynn to let
@00:13:57 go after general flynn
@00:34:50 it starts off with general flynn
@00:34:56 flynn
@00:34:57 and the strike at flynn back in 2016
@00:35:02 the patriots and cripple flynn and
@00:35:17 and thirdly the attack on flynn was
@00:35:31 by attacking flynn three-part

Live Stream 7-24-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:22:15 deb del says everyone look at flynn
@00:22:26 look at the flynn family the entire
@00:22:28 flynn family that's under the microscope
@00:22:29 we know they're directly connected flynn

Shocker- Mexican Pres Declares "Love" For Cartel Terrorists!!!

@00:22:34 to then candidate trump and to flynn
@00:22:57 who later questioned flynn january 2017

As Cities Erode Into War Zones Barr Unveils Strategic Counter Strike Plan!!!

@00:28:18 general flynn stepping into the

No Escape!! Meadows Drops Hint About Imminent Justice!

@00:32:14 flynn changes his banner to god bless
@00:32:17 america general flynn responding
@00:32:21 general flynn are you following the q
@00:32:48 folks general flynn there it is look at
@00:33:10 yeah so will general flynn
@00:33:26 he will general flynn be forwarding and
@00:33:55 now that flynn is basically working with
@00:34:40 note that flynn is responding directly
@00:34:51 a general flynn we hear that people are
@00:35:02 yeah and then flynn comes out yeah you
@00:35:13 i'm general flynn there is no mystery go

Live Stream 7-10-20 - Tick Tock!

@00:26:33 general flynn came out recently urging
@00:26:43 flynn if he were selfish would be like
@00:26:58 for what he did flynn coming out perhaps
@00:27:21 flynn noted that stone has been ordered
@00:28:24 people and flynn got involved selflessly
@00:30:25 flynn and doj attorneys 10 days to
@00:30:55 people fbi concluded flynn wasn't an
@00:31:12 proving flynn was not acting as an agent
@00:33:34 all right flynn is a real patriot all
@00:38:31 solutions roger stone flynn

De Blassio Shocker - Bans All Large Gatherings .... Except BLM!!!

@00:17:15 appeals order to dismiss flynn case

Coordinated? Trump Spells Out Storm - Flynn Surprise Move- Huge Proof!!

@00:25:07 michael flynn and family members take
@00:25:25 general flynn
@00:25:38 nutshell general michael flynn and
@00:27:55 general flynn hussein's director of
@00:28:36 flynn himself so he comes out knowing he
@00:28:42 flynn finally embraces his cute cult

All Assets Deployed - Shocking List Of What Is Coming Soon Revealed!

@00:19:07 sydney powell twitter restricts flynn

Flynn Wins! Game-Changing Digital Soldiers Strategy Unleashed!

@00:04:33 michael flynn wins dc circuit orders
@00:05:02 general michael flynn and it says flynn
@00:05:53 general flynn he was treated horribly he
@00:06:04 flynn should never happen again
@00:07:25 2018 100% flynn will be exonerated we
@00:15:50 knowing that general flynn what was
@00:16:26 out and said back then the flynn kissing
@00:16:51 director right there comey flynn kissel

Bombshell Strategy Unfolds In Biden Ukraine Corruption Case!!!

@00:14:41 to general mike flynn more exculpate re

Live Stream 6-19-20 - It's All Happening!

@00:37:39 irregular warfare like general flynn has
@00:37:42 been saying and remember general flynn

Surprise! Seattle Chaz Occupation Leader Linked To Islamists! Dems Silent!!

@00:24:25 their heads around it like general flynn

American Revolution 2.0 - All Elements Perfectly In Position! Tick Tock...

@00:14:42 retweet if you want to see general flynn
@00:23:42 from general flynn
@00:23:49 us general flynn is saying and in when
@00:23:56 here that i came across michael flynn
@00:24:04 attacking flynn why because he is
@00:24:11 they are mocking general flynn as you
@00:24:22 they're mocking general flynn because he

Huge DECLAS Imminent- DNI Ratcliffe Releases More Docs!

@00:09:02 prosecuting michael flynn that is a new
@00:09:14 keep going after michael flynn yeah hey
@00:09:34 security adviser michael flynn
@00:09:39 against flynn

With Trump Rallies Set To Resume Tedros Strikes Again!! Coincidence?

@00:18:45 saying you mentioned the flynn case

Live Stream 6-5-20 - America At War!

@00:43:31 but basically general flynn is saying
@00:44:28 constitutional republic yeah mike flynn
@00:45:23 that than flynn himself

Shocking Footage Democrat Mayors, Governors Don't Want You To See!!

@00:08:25 the flint kid general flynn
@00:09:01 michael flynn and then it says to make
@00:09:22 the case against flynn you are in the
@00:09:32 dismiss the charges against flynn
@00:09:39 unlawfully targeted flynn flynn's

Turn Of Events! Violent Radical Leftist Group Has Just Been Checkmated!!!

@00:25:58 fox news criticism for role and flynn

Live Stream 5-29-20 - The Time Has Come!

@00:08:13 out the whole thing with the flynn
@00:19:09 flynn benq shows us well yeah q then
@00:19:20 and the bottom line is is that flynn
@00:20:04 squeaky clean general flynn michael
@00:20:07 flynn is exonerated 100 percent good by
@00:20:23 kiss-kiss liiike voicemail to flynn i
@00:21:15 flynn totally exonerated and then it
@00:21:25 and flynn like i says here according to
@00:33:26 now that flynn is completely in the

Shocking Developments Surfacing On Nursing Home Scandal!

@00:11:23 administration official the flynn kiss
@00:12:08 flynn transcripts are coming grinnell

Twitter Election Interference Shocker- Trump Promises Big Response

@00:14:50 including michael flynn transcripts yeah

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:17:47 high-powered dc attorney to fight flynn
@00:17:56 flynn case is now hiring an attorney to
@00:18:39 a flynn even though i don't have
@00:19:03 nsa flynn his speaking frequently to

Live Stream 5-22-20 - Destruction Of Old Guard

@00:29:00 handling of michael flynn case right
@00:29:51 the bureau's handling of michael flynn
@00:48:13 any questions about michael flynn and on
@00:48:47 general michael flynn unmasked not by
@00:49:15 leak the identity of michael flynn to

Michigan AG Goes Full Psycho - Trump Attack Is Beyond TDS!

@00:06:07 the military people like general flynn
@00:13:03 explain himself for not dropping flynn

Hours After Barr Statement- BOOM! Damning Biden Audios Released!!

@00:08:29 michael flynn ask dc circuit to dismiss
@00:21:07 those far that flynn has passed

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:15:17 make the flynn unmasking seem like a

Newly Revealed Docs Expose Shocking Truth Behind Snowden Operation!!!

@00:18:16 of flynn his greatest political scam in
@00:19:54 unsuspecting general flynn as a general
@00:20:25 did to general flynn and others you know
@00:20:27 we know about general flynn you'll find
@00:21:21 says flynn deal j dismiss week one q is

Live Stream Friday 5-15-20 - New Era Coming

@00:18:17 flynn completely free we have the

Graham Reveals Spygate Hearings To Begin June! Swamp In Full Panic!!!!

@00:02:03 to unmask flynn during russia pro this
@00:04:58 phone call between michael flynn the the
@00:08:15 charge against flynn this is unheard of
@00:09:43 hearings on spygate flynn unmasking
@00:21:21 whole thing with the flynn situation
@00:21:22 it's gonna go down and flynn will be

List Of Obama Operatives Released- Nunes: "Criminal Referrals Coming"

@00:08:08 mike flynn reveal everybody's talking
@00:11:05 against dropping charges in flynn case
@00:12:03 intervene in the flynn case he did wow
@00:19:45 where flynn pleaded guilty to lying to
@00:20:43 the flynn fisa the swamp runs deep how
@00:23:00 said flynn between late 2016 in january
@00:24:54 contacts michael flynn back in 2016 all
@00:25:15 flynn and the ambassador collusion
@00:25:33 demons unmasking flynn before this phone
@00:25:56 flynn set up fbi entrapment plus fine so
@00:27:51 conversation with flynn and kiss lea

Revealed! Hussein "Leaked" Call Initiates New Coordinated Narrative Push

@00:02:31 said that general flynn was a traitor we
@00:02:58 nutter who claim general flynn would get
@00:04:46 adviser michael flynn to communications
@00:12:16 plot to target flynn and then back
@00:12:38 those moves to investigate michael flynn
@00:12:53 michael flynn number one number two this
@00:21:19 flynn topic rule of law at risk
@00:22:37 flynn a trader in open court and now
@00:22:42 right his final order against flynn for

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:11:20 set up flynn then joint chefs team in
@00:19:03 specifically whose case is it the flynn
@00:20:25 security advisor michael flynn yeah well
@00:24:17 unmasking general flynn so we can see

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:30:34 obama is being quoted on flynn saying
@00:30:48 foremost flynn was not charged with
@00:38:20 initial flynn kiss lia leak was not to
@00:39:31 much is happening flynn is free hussein

Live Stream Friday 5-8-20 - American Revolution 2.0

@00:05:46 the the flynn situation that i've been
@00:06:37 this marker with flynn you guys know
@00:07:53 just ask general flynn who the real
@00:07:56 and why don't we look at a general flynn
@00:08:53 flynn flynn's exoneration this is where
@00:09:01 flynn to begin with here is the answer
@00:09:13 flynn is an american hero why in the
@00:11:29 him out of the way quick mike flynn does
@00:11:39 mike flynn is not lying they had to get
@00:26:18 the great general flynn glad to be here
@00:26:53 says thank god general flynn is free
@00:44:06 unlocked by the flynn case and just for
@00:45:18 it is unlocking the flynn case has
@00:46:39 thank you general flynn thank you
@00:52:38 flynn is safe and sounding like devon
@00:52:41 nunez by the way flynn is safe we

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:17:51 is saying where she says hashtag flynn

Live Stream Friday 5-1-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:50:59 the whole flynn situation flynn is
@00:51:08 that flynn is essentially activated
@00:51:30 cue drop with flynn exoneration see here
@00:52:11 we know that flynn is a marker now and
@00:54:10 we placed a call the flynn said hey
@00:56:08 flynn wasn't colluding with russia so it
@00:57:06 faiza and the hope flynn roger stone

Battle For Narrative Goes Nuclear- Master Counter-Strategy In Motion!!!

@00:03:16 whole scheme against general flynn more
@00:04:22 story with flynn the flint case trump is
@00:04:38 this whole thing with flynn is just the
@00:06:29 michael flynn according to documents
@00:06:40 weeks later struck would interview flynn
@00:11:13 happening with the general flynn and the
@00:22:16 talking about flynn targeted why who
@00:22:45 looks to me like michael flynn will be

Shocking Unsealed Flynn Docs Set Stage For What Is Coming!!!

@00:02:43 the biggest story is the michael flynn
@00:02:47 the general flynn story anyone who is
@00:03:56 know that this situation with flynn that
@00:05:07 flynn to get him to lie and get him dot
@00:06:03 flynn to lie prosecute him get him fired
@00:06:33 national security adviser mike flynn
@00:06:45 before plan fbi interaction with flynn
@00:07:53 declaration that general michael flynn
@00:09:37 flynn says i agreed to plead guilty that

Deep State Secret Inside Comms Channels Revealed ... Information War Rages!

@00:04:44 law firm that was representing flynn all
@00:05:04 flynn is gonna be exonerated and sidney
@00:05:25 another search of all of its flynn files
@00:32:26 flynn back in the news can have s draw
@00:33:10 we see that and there's flynn in the
@00:33:32 the whole situation with flynn when they

Barr Sends Memo To US Attorneys To Police Government Abuse Of Powers

@00:17:55 general flynn of treason will file his

deleted The Flynn Injustice And Coming Exoneration Decoded- Future Proves Past!!

@00:05:09 general flynn will be completely
@00:06:17 2018 you say yeah why i would flynn
@00:06:35 flynn pled guilty on purpose to get his
@00:07:29 why did flynn take the bullet rubber
@00:08:16 flynn took a rubber bullet for us and he
@00:08:41 why was flynn charged expand your
@00:18:30 everything happening with general flynn
@00:23:12 mike flynn case right there has been
@00:24:14 happened this week will the flynn

Live Stream Friday 4-24-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:38:22 exonerating evidence for michael flynn
@00:38:40 is gonna exonerate general flynn the
@00:40:51 beginning 100% flynn would be exonerated
@00:49:50 flynn is a true patriot okay and all

Trump Hints At Coming Justice For Russia Hoax: "You'll Find Out!"

@00:18:56 out to be a fraud general flynn was a
@00:19:28 suffered greatly general flynn i mean
@00:19:47 did to general flynn and you know it and

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:12:46 that general flynn has done and others

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:11:15 are saying what the general flynn say

Clash Of Narratives Continue Over Virus - The Silent War Continues!

@00:25:54 flynn we'll keep an eye on this story

Silent War! Trump Continues Warning Enemies With Cryptic Messages!

@00:17:11 general flynn will be exonerated q

After Defiant Non-Apology 15 GOP Senators Introduce Resolution To Censure Schumer

@00:18:28 for general flynn and roger stone think

Schumer Shocking Threats To SC Justices Captures Lots Of Attention!

@00:23:08 general flynn is in trouble that is what

Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

@00:22:10 rough on roger stone and general flynn

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:08:24 the general flynn cases think about it
@00:17:17 general flynn talking to the as incoming

Dershowitz Drops Bomb To Start Off Week- Has 302 Docs As Proof!!!

@00:10:35 flynn to gather evidence for crossfire
@00:11:36 advisor michael t flynn and it's all
@00:11:42 flynn the fbi investigator memorialized
@00:12:22 flynn is not and that is a russian agent
@00:13:19 general flynn in to brief president
@00:13:36 like general flynn who had been around
@00:15:18 somebody is general flynn it's all
@00:15:31 somebody's plural flynn and others and

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:26:43 general michael flynn right there and he
@00:27:06 case which means not only is flynn gonna
@00:48:36 flynn right now he's got he's getting

Barr Agrees To Testify On Stone Case, Giuliani Evidence And More!

@00:11:29 general flynn case and other corrupt

On Cue! Roger Stone Case Triggers Wave Of Firings And Awareness!!

@00:09:10 general flynn what they've done to
@00:15:44 stone case and the general flynn case

Boom! Barr Confirms DOJ Assessing Giuliani Ukraine Investigation Info!

@00:17:59 general flynn sentencing until further
@00:18:04 to be in control flynn is technically

"We Caught Them In the Act"- Trump Hints Justice Coming In Acquittal Speech!

@00:22:01 not just people like general flynn but

Graham Outlines Justice Roadmap To Follow Impeachment Trial!!!

@00:04:43 generals they general flynn and others

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:04:46 we already knew about this flynn thing

DOJ Backs Off- Boomerang Of Justice In Flynn Case Has Begun!!!

@00:15:50 probation for michael flynn as he moves
@00:16:03 state boomerang of justice michael flynn
@00:16:40 directly from michael flynn in a
@00:18:03 michael flynn he deserves it it's crazy
@00:23:35 general flynn it's gonna be is basically

Mystery Leak- Bolton Book Manuscript Submitted to NSC Ends Up At NYT

@00:26:12 flynn may have to testify in order to
@00:26:35 because flynn you know this thing about
@00:27:13 flynn he will but again i know that
@00:27:15 flynn will be fine we'll see what

GOP Set To Restore Rule of Law As Dems Stumble To Finish Line!

@00:20:59 michael flynn sentencing hearing by one
@00:21:10 predict of again general flynn will be

McConnell Last Minute Reversal- Now Hinting Trials Are Coming!

@00:15:35 where all the sudden general flynn seeks

NYT New Report: Russians Hacked Burisma- Dems Are Victims! LOL

@00:19:24 flynn has said we are the digital

Decoding Iranian Counter-Attacks - Boom! Patriots In Control!!!

@00:20:01 accuses general flynn of failing to
@00:20:12 i predict once again that flynn will not

LIVE Jan 3, 2020: Patriot News - Dark to Light!

@00:04:42 by the way that general flynn is already

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:05:14 talked about right as soon as flynn is
@00:05:19 week as soon as flynn is exonerated

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:28:16 think flynn fisa illegal a mr. sullivan
@00:28:25 this over why don't you exonerate flynn

Dems Fabricate Last Minute Charges- As FISA Abuse Evidence Unfolds!

@00:15:09 gonna talk about this general flynn
@00:15:23 adviser general flynn right waived
@00:15:45 general flynn will be exonerated 100
@00:18:50 jumps right into the general flynn
@00:20:04 flynn interview yeah they staged this
@00:20:43 what i think flynn a saint or that

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:35:37 flynn way back in 2014 are the same

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:20:32 michael flynn fbi ran an operation
@00:20:34 against flynn it's in the report ladies

Live Stream Friday 12-6-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:34:24 against general flynn they're you know

NYT Rolls Out Fictional Version of IG Report 2 Weeks In Advance Of Report!

@00:10:01 general flynn sentencing delayed so now

Trump Confirms Cartels To Be Designated Terrorist Organizations!

@00:08:18 army lieutenant general michael flynn
@00:08:38 by the court on flynn attorneys request
@00:08:52 this is heading flynn will be exonerated

Graham Warning to Biden: "I Love You BUT ... I Have a Duty"

@00:24:24 this was flynn talking this way back
@00:24:36 what got general flynn in trouble

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:11:57 know helping general flynn or something

Nunes: Schiff Will Be FIRST Witness Called By GOP to Testify!

@00:13:01 flynn attorney sidney powell quote we

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:30:32 all those guys general flynn same thing
@00:55:38 general michael flynn and he goes on

Mystery CIA "Whistleblower" Revealed! Guess Who He's Connected With

@00:21:18 also gave flynn a chance to respond to

Forced Into the Light: Pelosi, Schiff Nervously Proceed With New Moves!

@00:22:12 cancels general flynn hearing set for
@00:22:23 you apologized to mr. flynn yeah you

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:27:51 flynn attorney boys a good thing i saw
@00:31:30 attorney lisa page edited the flynn fbi
@00:32:00 revealing that general flynn was indeed
@00:34:57 manipulation of the flynn 302 took place
@00:35:21 flynn wasn't sure he spoke to kiss lee
@00:35:56 goodbye to the mike flynn case throw it
@00:36:33 with flynn
@00:37:31 records related to baker flynn has
@00:38:53 friends is the reason why general flynn
@00:39:16 our country mr. flynn
@00:39:30 sullivan apologize to general flynn

Convoys of Trucks Seen Emptying Obama-Biden-Linked Former Ukrainian President's Palace!

@00:10:38 general michael flynn of violating the
@00:10:50 and am your michael flynn and you have
@00:11:02 were spying on general flynn for at

ACCESS DENIED!!- Biggs Blocked From Schiff's Secret Basement Hearings!

@00:13:30 thing with michael flynn not taking a

"It's a COUP!"- Trump Spells It Out For ALL to See!

@00:16:05 flynn directly involved a deep state

Report: Adam Schiff Linked to Huge Ukranian Arms Dealer!

@00:25:49 barbara flynn redgate when she was
@00:25:57 know flynn was calling this out in
@00:25:59 general flynn

Live Stream Friday 9-27-19 - Interview with Barbara, General Flynn's Sister

@00:08:25 have barbara flynn okay and it's gonna
@00:09:25 general flynn so we have a family member
@00:09:29 of general flynn that is gonna come here
@00:10:44 flynn has been falsely trapped by these
@00:13:12 barbara flynn redgate but that is to
@00:13:17 sisters of the of general mike flynn and
@00:13:27 flynn legal defense fund yeah these you
@00:13:36 general mike flynn and we've been
@00:15:34 flynn but let's put it this way when did
@00:18:25 flynn before the election well in the
@00:24:23 general flynn that's all he lives you
@00:31:02 these flynn generals that were gonna be
@00:31:30 but i mean here's general charlie flynn
@00:31:37 flynn name tag on so think of that you
@00:37:26 victory for general mike flynn right now
@00:38:19 flynn said no i don't want to like very
@00:40:31 general flynn things are gonna turn out
@00:42:01 it's the mike flynn defense fund orange
@00:43:29 website the john flynn legal defense
@00:45:58 beautiful prints i mean joe flynn is a
@00:48:29 happens to general mike flynn is going
@00:49:31 it and yet john flynn free from this

Solomon Drops 450+ Pages of Docs Implicating Biden and Son Corruption!

@00:01:30 live stream will be barbara flynn none
@00:01:33 other than general michael flynn sister
@00:28:32 livestream i will have barbara flynn to
@00:28:34 talk about the flynn auction and all

Chucky, Pencil Neck Quickly Move Goalpost After Huge Nothing Burger!!

@00:25:19 weekend to support general michael flynn

Live Stream Friday 9-20-19 - Patriot News

@00:12:11 auction to help general flynn a lot of
@00:12:42 michael flynn but also with joseph flynn
@00:12:49 his brother and with barbara flynn his
@00:16:14 look at that and barbara flynn she is
@00:16:22 help general flynn there it is see what

28 FBI Agents Now Willing to Testify Against Hillary In Email Scandal!!

@00:03:06 for to help general flynn all the
@00:03:10 goes to the flynn family and general
@00:03:13 flynn it's on september 28th and it

Facebook Shuts Down Netanyahu's Account Days Before Critical Elections!

@00:02:56 general flynn and be part of this
@00:03:16 they're gonna exonerate general flynn

Live Stream Friday 9-13-19 - Patriot News

@00:03:58 again for a live auction for flynn you
@00:04:27 flynn family so we are directly helping
@00:04:31 general flynn and his family in getting
@00:04:57 help general flynn
@00:05:46 helping general flynn our true patriot
@00:16:16 and we had this whole flynn exoneration
@00:56:53 what else did they have a fisa on flynn

US Atty Recommends Charges On McCabe As Nadler Continues Coup!!

@00:17:44 operative was spying on general flynn
@00:18:27 myths uh was spying on flynn back in

Trump's Forgotten Interview Following 9-11 Attacks … HUGE!

@00:14:36 general flynn and his attorney sidney
@00:15:10 target michael flynn jr. and there was
@00:15:16 flynn to enter a guilty plea really

Very Interesting! Are We Watching the Bolton Exit "Marker"?

@00:21:03 recommending jail time for flynn instead
@00:21:14 recommended that flynn received
@00:21:20 investigations so now that flynn is
@00:21:30 transcripts release from general flynn
@00:21:48 exonerates general michael flynn this is
@00:22:02 from january 30th 2017 exonerating flynn
@00:23:03 coming up soon for general flynn which i

Say Hello to the Climate Religion New Gaslighting Tactic!

@00:08:58 bug-eyed eamon commanding michael flynn
@00:09:05 hey general flynn you know what to do
@00:09:20 flynn do not listen to him and hopefully

Nunes Implies IG Report Designed to Make Comey Eligible For Larger Charges!

@00:06:56 general flynn has a real fighter on his

THE PLAN: Ruining Paradigms- Driving Left Into Psychosis!

@00:01:42 group phil flynn says quote gold is

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:12:42 statements he charged michael flynn a

New Bombshell Court Docs Reveal Path Of DNC Emails- Dems Will Freak!

@00:27:28 and he's got his little general flynn

Q Sprays Ammunition In All Directions!! "Patriots In Control"

@00:03:08 doj signals support for general flynn
@00:03:17 allege flynn his co-conspirator that's
@00:03:33 reversed its position on general flynn
@00:03:36 in the flynn intel group fara
@00:03:39 case and is now alleging flynn isn't
@00:16:17 with michael flynn that we already
@00:16:20 alluded to michael flynn was forced to
@00:16:39 is coming out defending flynn thank you
@00:18:17 much flynn news today yeah
@00:18:19 q told us yesterday that all this flynn
@00:27:21 said yesterday flynn news coming and

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:24:32 tv youtube channel and then q says flynn

MOAB Detonates ... Insiders Drop Bombshells!!

@00:15:16 secret in and out by general flynn and
@00:15:46 to speed on the case before flynn
@00:16:22 praying for general flynn and then

5D Chess! Did Dems Just Take the Ultimate Bait?

@00:18:17 subpoena subpoenas michael flynn what is
@00:18:25 move and they're gonna be flynn with his
@00:18:38 here talked about general michael flynn

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:13:16 from general flynn and his attorney
@00:13:43 flynn in a timely manner but now appears

What? Dems Set Up "Private Meeting" With Brennan- Very Suspicious

@00:08:06 flynn again you know and they're going
@00:08:08 after flynn and none of it's gonna work

Pelosi: ... Maybe There IS a Crisis At the Southern Border ...

@00:04:59 general flynn and there it is let's get

DiGenova: Brennan is the Mastermind! ... Tick Tock ...

@00:08:21 flynn and this whole thing is a limited
@00:09:21 team revealed that flynn assisted
@00:10:42 flynn from cooperating with mueller the

Trial Begins In Brooklyn- Many Will Go Down ... Future Proves Past!

@00:09:26 general flynn and a lot of these clues

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:28:31 spy flynn so there it is very likely
@00:28:35 flynn or admiral rogers one of them blew
@00:28:45 newly discovered evidence free flynn
@00:29:02 flynn as we have been expecting q has

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:17:20 would flynn plead guilty to something
@00:17:32 flynn pleaded guilty in order to get
@00:17:54 flynn is safe because he's telling them
@00:18:19 who interviewed flynn what redacted text
@00:18:24 why did flynn take the bullet rubber
@00:18:28 bullet and that again flynn is a
@00:19:04 again flynn being playing the role of
@00:19:08 wherever flynn tells you to look that's
@00:19:27 of lying why was flynn charged expand
@00:20:08 sacrificial lamb like flynn did because

Q Team Returns With 3 Words: "Mueller Blockade End"- Bad News For Dems!

@00:10:35 fbi director comey and michael flynn
@00:11:10 and then conducts conduct towards flynn

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:14:28 witnesses so we saw how general flynn is

Q Goes Into Full Offensive Mode ... Hits Targets In All Directions!

@00:10:01 flynn mana fort papadopoulos all this

Rats On the Run! Walls Closing In From All Directions- "Think Lifelog Dump"

@00:05:44 michael flynn michael flynn's
@00:06:01 security adviser michael flynn has
@00:06:10 by attorneys for flynn and mueller
@00:06:17 with this judge emmett sullivan flynn
@00:06:26 that flynn has completed his cooperation
@00:06:28 flynn remains in a position to cooperate
@00:06:42 storm and like it says down here flynn

Dawning Of New Era Is Upon Us: "Today They Are Learning the Truth" -Q Anon

@00:25:38 remarks about general flynn and staff

Trump Announcement Starts 3 Week Clock In Strategic Plot Predicted By Q

@00:21:49 and general flynn setup this is the real

Dems Unleash Wave Of Radical Left Female Politicians- Pay Attention!

@00:02:39 soldiers right general flynn told us and

Brilliant!- Game Theory 101 In Action As Patriots Play Dems!

@00:25:20 then draw a line there new topic flynn
@00:25:47 here so all of this is relevant to flynn

Q New Drops- "The Clock Is Ticking ... When Will the 1st Alarm Ring?"

@00:06:17 flynn hearing leaves the
@00:07:38 something oh yeah general flynn better
@00:08:24 adviser michael flynn would be
@00:09:24 know that flynn will be fine

Judge Show Trial Comments Against Flynn Excites MSM ... As The Plan Rolls On!

@00:03:09 flynn hoping you know says here will be
@00:06:22 michael flynn and you think that the
@00:07:10 general flynn and talking big this whole
@00:07:45 flynn and it just goes on it didn't even
@00:07:53 on michael flynn after abusing him in
@00:09:22 was set to issue flynn sentence somebody
@00:09:55 article flynn is also cooperating in a
@00:11:08 says general michael flynn and his wife
@00:11:21 is the one offering flynn to postpone
@00:11:51 judge giving flynn time to think about
@00:11:54 it and when flynn returned his lawyers
@00:12:13 says here general front flynn backed off
@00:12:23 general flynn doing this what do the
@00:12:36 flynn on the turkish lobbying case
@00:12:44 sullivan said then said to general flynn

Brand New Anti-Mueller Russia Conspiracy "Report" Suddenly Surfaces!!!

@00:04:01 the whole situation with general flynn
@00:09:46 ford and flynn you know in this ox
@00:16:16 releases original flynn 302 report full
@00:17:24 don't play doj charges flynn business
@00:17:43 general flynn they are determined to
@00:17:45 finish off mike flynn the writer says
@00:17:49 to quote flynn associates yeah if you
@00:17:52 can't get flynn maybe you'll get his

Nunes to Submit Proposal For New "Transparency Type of Office"- Great Idea!

@00:11:39 general flynn and those defenses are
@00:11:49 with flynn how they tried to entrap him

Hillary Forced to Answer Questions- Mueller Gives Up 302 Doc

@00:02:50 flynn was set up
@00:02:51 fbi agents did not believe flynn was
@00:03:15 responding to flynn at the friday
@00:03:19 general flynn was set up judge sullivan
@00:03:30 flynn interview according to a new court
@00:04:02 circumstances behind the flynn ambush

The Doc That Will Finally Exonerate Flynn and Expose Deep State!

@00:08:44 judge sentencing general flynn demands
@00:08:47 to see fbi's 302 documents on flynn
@00:09:00 general flynn we know as it says in this
@00:09:13 flynn on january 24th 2017 didn't write
@00:10:08 ambush flynn interviewed flynn interview

Reviewing the Bush Funeral Oddities- Was this Normal?

@00:07:21 testimony on general michael flynn yeah
@00:07:31 interviewed general flynn quote saw
@00:07:36 general flynn know he was lying to them
@00:07:41 saying now so now comey says flynn was

Q: "Bait Expends Ammunition " ... Take 2!!!

@00:06:46 michael flynn you know looks like he's

NBC Sounding Like Q Anon! "There appears there is a separate criminal investigation going on..."

@00:02:53 up but q already told us that flynn was
@00:21:25 says for which flynn has been providing
@00:21:56 important this news about general flynn
@00:22:25 where the body's buried flynn is safe we
@00:24:28 whole thing with general flynn would
@00:27:06 barbara flynn yeah general flynn's
@00:27:33 general mike flynn family forever there
@00:27:52 flynn is safe and cute once again

And the Next "Conspiracy Theory" That Is "NOT Happening" Is ...

@00:16:28 we know that obviously general flynn
@00:16:34 know general flynn is a great man and we

Patriots Calm Confident as Left Sinks into Unhinged Panic War Mode

@00:10:39 paul manafort and you know flynn you

Patriots Nationwide Get Recognized By Q - See Photo Gallery!

@00:13:23 with general flynn basically describing
@00:14:47 powerful video with general flynn

New Bombshell Q Proof Marks Beginning Of New Era!!!

@00:16:27 papadopoulos and general flynn and all

Q Powerful Reminder of What End Goal of Storm Looks Like

@00:16:20 flynn and george papadopolis and paul
@00:16:53 mccain for leaking about general flynn
@00:17:28 michael flynn and the poet and the

Q Firm Reassurance [CHANGE IS COMING]

@00:25:14 said flynn targeted why who knows where

Q Team: "Today, the Republic, Took Back Control"

@00:16:25 well in 30 days general flynn is gonna

Booooom! Trump Confirms Q Anon to VIP Anon!!!

@00:17:32 papadopoulos page in flynn and yeah

Q Drops 2 Words That WILL Calm and Reassure All Patriots! Amazing!!

@00:04:55 these general michael flynn yeah nothing

Q Anon Q & A Response: "Moon LandingS Are Real"

@00:13:05 flynn flynn exonerate assumed q says in
@00:13:22 is letting you know that general flynn

New Lisa Page Bombshell Testimony Will Paralyze Trump Haters!!!

@00:25:25 flynn general flynn at one point in the
@00:25:38 general flynn i encourage you to watch

"Presidential" Emergency Alert Test Set For Thursday 9-20-18

@00:18:51 flynn right there picture of our
@00:19:05 michael flynn with the q and on patriots

Why Is MSM Obsessing Over "Fake" Q Anon "Conspiracy"????

@00:23:21 article sessions and flynn targeted for

Latest Anti-Q Op Self Implodes With Catastrophic Blunder!

@00:19:12 flynn and people like paul manafort
@00:20:11 were targeted people like flynn and mana

Q Anon: Deep State Out-Smarted AGAIN! Awesome!!

@00:25:09 general flynn all come to mind and there

Trump Proclaims "National Preparedness Month"- Q Highlights Warning

@00:19:35 papadopoulos page and flynn and he does
@00:28:34 chosen by general flynn you know this is
@00:28:57 know why is this trump general flynn
@00:36:02 flynn terminator you know we'll see what

MSM "Polls" Now Siding With Sessions! Enjoy the Show!!!

@00:22:10 four right there flynn page papadopoulos

WaPo New "Q Anon Poll" Claims It's "Very Unpopular" LOL!!!

@00:05:17 right with michael flynn and carter page

Old Movie Clip Reveals Disturbing End Game Scenario In Play Now!

@00:35:57 threat assessment admiral rogers flynn

Flynn "Done in 30" Surprising New Hints- Think "No Name"?

@00:17:01 thank flynn 30 exactly 30 and we're
@00:18:01 michael flynn and carter paige and
@00:18:49 eventually you know really michael flynn
@00:21:30 flynn 30 exactly 30 we'll come back to
@00:23:16 thank flynn exactly 30 it is very
@00:23:47 that michael flynn was lying
@00:24:08 flynn is safe expand your thinking so
@00:24:15 again flynn done in 30 i'm gonna offer
@00:24:29 was a 30-day period in which flynn was
@00:24:58 went down around that time flynn was
@00:25:14 never go beyond done in 3000 flynn is
@00:25:24 that he was never telling us that flynn
@00:25:34 with flynn
@00:25:36 think it's possible that flynn
@00:26:22 says regarding flynn done in 30 expand
@00:26:25 what was completed maybes flynn
@00:26:46 behind the scenes with flynn 30 days
@00:27:14 flynn 30 exactly 30 just one possible

These Old Q Drops Will Dramatically Clarify the STORM!

@00:16:35 background michael general michael flynn
@00:16:55 why they went after general flynn right
@00:17:22 does because flynn knows where the

Early Q Crumb Reveals MS13 Central Role in Deep State Plans!

@00:02:59 in michael general michael flynn so and

It's Finally Happening!-"Grand Jury In Place?"

@00:04:05 michael flynn also removed so ezra cohen

Q 6-11-18: "You are watching a scripted movie "

@00:19:01 agent who interviewed flynn and i don't
@00:19:08 is all about general flynn and in this
@00:19:20 their interview with flynn and other
@00:19:37 interviewed flynn so this whole thing is
@00:19:38 about flynn but i also want to point out
@00:19:46 know is related directly to flynn

Prove Q and the Great Awakening In 3 Easy Steps- Enemy Will Hate This!

@00:16:11 flynn somebody that was not allowed to

Q Drops Bombshell Eric Prince 2016 Interview On NYPD-Weiner Laptap!

@00:04:28 including mike flynn jr. pointing us to
@00:06:18 eric prince talking michael flynn
@00:09:57 does flynn know cute really putting it
@00:19:14 like flynn right it's all coming out and

Unlocking Latest Q Drops! Plus Detailed Breakdown of Great Awakening- Must Watch!

@00:24:24 interviewed mike flynn didn't believe he
@00:24:27 was lying but wait mike flynn pleaded

Breaking-Is Mueller About to Do 180 Degree Turn Against Deep State? (Podcast #44 PART 1 of 2)

@00:04:22 general flynn
@00:04:35 michael flynn here because it is titled
@00:04:41 themselves did not think flynn lied yeah
@00:04:49 flynn light who did talk about confusing
@00:05:00 that article why would flynn plead
@00:05:24 michael flynn so this is all part of the
@00:05:34 flynn knows where the bodies are buried
@00:05:36 there you go flynn is safe just like you
@00:05:48 released today regarding flynn yeah done
@00:06:01 decision it sound record now but flynn
@00:06:07 flynn lied so it could be more to it
@00:06:51 corruption right so flynn said or
@00:06:57 flynn let me guess
@00:07:08 likely coincidence why did flynn take
@00:08:28 flynn and things that were redacted that
@00:08:47 evidence of lying why was flynn charged
@00:09:27 flynn pleading guilty so what is going
@00:16:20 went over this flynn pleads guilty to
@00:30:50 the general flynn information and he's

Q- "Legal case(s) building- Patience isn’t always easy"

@00:16:43 we knew flynn would be challenged part
@00:16:50 the michael flint general flynn freedom
@00:17:26 flynn playing a major role outside the
@00:17:53 maybe general flynn might have something

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:16:56 people like flynn michael flynn and paul

Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence

  • general flynn or somebody who was

Trump Secret Weapon: "THE WALL" Will Destroy Deep State!

@00:02:34 inside plants flynn is safe to find
@00:03:27 happening now flynn and say russia

New Anti-Q Psyop Torn to 1000 Pieces As Storm Rolls On!

@00:10:14 970 when someone says free flynn he said
@00:10:49 quote the pardon of flynn yeah and so in
@00:11:10 prospect of pardons for general flynn
@00:12:31 paul matt afford michael flynn or it
@00:13:22 they are panicking that michael flynn
@00:13:26 general flynn will be pardoned and will
@00:32:57 flynn targeted why he knows where the
@00:33:04 people so afraid of general flynn look

Q- General Flynn Will Be cleared In 30 Days!

@00:11:43 flynn an anonymous person said q says
@00:11:55 general flynn will be free of all

Q,Trump, Sessions Outfox Deep State- Glorious Year Unfolding! 3/18/18

@00:33:46 america for sale flynn target

This ONE Factor Defines the Left and Unlocks Deep State Plans- 2-3-18

@00:28:32 postponing general michael flynn ziz

Who Will Survive Trump's Storm? Here's the Answer 12-10-17 Podcast #22

@00:13:31 his face on the general michael flynn
@00:18:27 general michael flynn and was directly
@00:18:33 general flynn lied to the fbi

Trump Goes Nuclear On Deep State- The Storm is Here! 12-3-17 Podcast #21

@00:05:26 that general michael flynn had talked to
@00:06:18 michael flynn which comes down to the
@00:07:28 this thing with general flynn totally