William Barr

Dems To Hold Open Hearing To Censor "Misinformation"- Information Warfare!!!

@00:04:07 everything is in position bar comes out
@00:04:16 way with bar putting things off so

Following Strange Events New Battle For C-19 Narrative Begins!

@00:14:47 general barr can we get the

Biden Shocking New Revelations Only The Beginning - Tsunami Coming!

@00:10:51 william barr as a delayed tactic to
@00:19:24 attorney general bar on operation legend
@00:19:44 mr barr you are dreaming this

Boom! Graham "We've Got The Votes To Confirm" - Dems Go Psycho!

@00:22:50 and listen in what attorney general barr
@00:23:45 attorney general barr saying it's just
@00:24:02 general barr
@00:24:11 attorney general barr
@00:28:11 being released by b2 bill barr
@00:28:15 bill bar stealth bomber is this

Storm Of Justice Unleashing - Barr Calls For Arrest Of Mayor, Sedition Charges!

@00:10:47 because attorney general barr he's busy
@00:10:54 and attorney general bar is coming out
@00:11:59 then we have another move by bar he's
@00:12:01 coming out attorney general barr
@00:12:12 mr barr yeah sedition and
@00:12:24 this is straight up bar coming out he's
@00:27:04 attorney general barr

Something Very Mysterious Is Happening And It's Slowly Coming To Light!

@00:12:00 barr said several weeks ago right

New Election Day Coup Language Quietly Being Planned - Disturbing!

@00:06:25 just listen to what attorney general bar
@00:19:33 accusing bill barr
@00:19:48 that barr
@00:20:24 william barr of lying
@00:21:21 barr just did in this statement was just

Huge List Of Criminal Convictions And Indictments Revealed- Future Proves Past!

@00:16:12 meanwhile attorney general barr police
@00:16:21 bar
@00:20:45 barr doesn't other than to educate these
@00:21:26 and you could hear what what bar was

Sinister Plot Now Revealed - Post Election Dark Civil War Comes To View!!!

@00:04:56 and attorney general barr joined him a
@00:16:00 attorney general bill barr warns leftist
@00:16:40 william barr

Trump Drops Clue On Identity Of Leftist Street Violence Organizers!

@00:15:20 attorney general barr and his doj to
@00:15:31 building on attorney general barr

Haha! Marxists Launch Brand New Weird Panicky Conspiracy Theory!!

@00:18:55 now they're dragging bill barr into it
@00:18:57 suggests bill barr

Live Stream 8-14-20 - The Eve Of Indictments Even Closer

@00:15:35 you're done goodbye what durum and bar
@00:29:39 this was attorney general barr
@00:30:46 barr does a last minute
@00:31:18 barr you you got
@00:37:06 barr just did what he said what he had

Air Force Chopper Takes Enemy Gunfire- We Are Now In New Territory!!!

@00:25:16 attorney general barr
@00:27:00 general bar saying what he's saying

LOOK HERE! A Closer Look At The New Biden Super Stunt

@00:21:05 bar called this
@00:24:28 barr may have had secret reasons for

Marxist Revolution Takes New Turn- Here's The Shocking Summary!!

@00:04:37 attorney general bar situation where
@00:16:00 attorney general bar
@00:18:46 attorney general bar knows this so take
@00:23:04 attorney general barr was saying the

Wow! Barr Calls Out Marxist Cult - "Secular Religion ... Lust For Power"

@00:10:28 to what attorney general barr
@00:14:00 mr attorney general barr thank you for
@00:21:52 attorney general barr he knows that this
@00:21:56 attorney general bar in a second
@00:24:21 let's get to bar again barr says
@00:24:31 attorney general barr and he's coming
@00:26:43 so that people can hear what barr is
@00:29:00 the way that attorney general bar is

Chilling Censorship Sweeps Nation As ... Antifa Now Detonating Explosives!!!

@00:01:23 after attorney general barr all of this
@00:03:12 attorney general barr said a long time
@00:10:27 and we'll let attorney general barr do
@00:20:38 as barr starts dismantling their lies
@00:21:24 barr brought down the house tonight
@00:21:30 like it says down here bar testifying
@00:22:12 and that is why they attacked barr all
@00:22:24 foundation to impeach bill barr
@00:23:44 william barr at house hearing portland
@00:24:02 laying out truck you know bar did with

As Cities Erode Into War Zones Barr Unveils Strategic Counter Strike Plan!!!

@00:10:00 attorney general barr is saying getting
@00:12:31 attorney general barr just said you

Live Stream 7-17-20 - The Precipice Draws Near!

@00:11:23 bar and trump is coming out saying you
@00:16:29 bar for releasing these documents and
@00:57:14 see we know that already see a bar we'll
@00:57:46 that goes for bar as well so they're

De Blasio Drops Stunning Announcement As NYC Crime Explodes!!!

@00:04:11 attorney general bar set today
@00:05:47 that attorney general bar is showing us

Trump: Big News Coming Next Week- Plus MS13 Mass Arrests, Terror Charges!!

@00:04:31 general bar they have some news for us
@00:08:45 what attorney general barr is saying
@00:10:31 we know that and notice that bar is

Live Stream 7-10-20 - Tick Tock!

@00:55:06 barr these new operations that are

De Blassio Shocker - Bans All Large Gatherings .... Except BLM!!!

@00:20:23 meanwhile attorney general barr everyone
@00:21:17 barr wants what prince andrew for
@00:21:21 pro they're saying barr recently
@00:21:35 and he's saying according to bar the

Live Stream 7-3-20 - Endgame Approaching!

@00:22:50 because attorney general bar is
@00:42:17 says bar will step in stone will not go

Evil And Deception Sweeps Nation- On Full Display... Strategy Working!!!

@00:02:43 gonna go after attorney general bar
@00:03:18 bar is about to drop the hammer
@00:30:21 begin impeachment inquiry into bar there
@00:30:35 bar obstructs justice by favoring the

All Assets Deployed - Shocking List Of What Is Coming Soon Revealed!

@00:03:17 investigations ongoing a.g bar has
@00:04:15 attorney general barr he is going after
@00:26:49 attorney general barr is about to
@00:27:07 attorney general barr is saying
@00:28:28 attorney general bar is saying then
@00:28:31 evidence that barr is making it up

Live Stream 6-26-20 - All Planned Out!

@00:18:13 because if it's girl in a bar i better
@00:47:18 and now bar we're going to see is now

Flynn Wins! Game-Changing Digital Soldiers Strategy Unleashed!

@00:12:58 attorney general barr agrees to testify

Barr Drops Surprise Bomb On Deep State- All Going As Planned!!!

@00:10:27 attorney general william p bar on the
@00:11:40 bar basically said okay
@00:15:20 was bill barr a member of the board so
@00:15:34 incoming attorney general bar regarding
@00:16:53 and don't forget that bar is the b-2
@00:28:03 bartiromo and the attorney general bar
@00:28:10 point is wind attorney general bar is
@00:34:49 riots and thank you says add it bar
@00:34:52 today yes and now they're a tanking bar
@00:35:02 general bar with these things they're
@00:35:43 link was all about attorney general bar

Surprise! Seattle Chaz Occupation Leader Linked To Islamists! Dems Silent!!

@00:19:45 general bar violence to blunt bolton's
@00:20:49 us attorney general william barr doubled

Full Destruction In Progress- Thugs Empowered, Police Attacked!!

@00:20:01 attorney general bar directs federal

With Trump Rallies Set To Resume Tedros Strikes Again!! Coincidence?

@00:18:32 barr says it's a little annoying
@00:18:43 accountable listen to what barr is
@00:20:28 attorney general barr is calling out all
@00:21:15 length more of what bar saying bar says
@00:21:42 no basis for it bar set q just wants us

Radical Left Agenda Spiraling Into Something Very Creepy! Must See!

@00:12:44 general barr sets
@00:13:06 is that accurate and barr destroys her
@00:13:26 and again bar destroys her they were not

Sleepers Emerging- How Deep Does It Run? Trump Out-Smarts Them Again!

@00:25:57 attorney general bar now

Turn Of Events! Violent Radical Leftist Group Has Just Been Checkmated!!!

@00:09:53 this yesterday and today barr coming out
@00:10:17 saying bar about to unmask all of
@00:10:43 general bar has instructed all 56
@00:24:25 coming yeah and you know we had bar
@00:25:23 link right here bar yesterday coming up
@00:25:40 yesterday and bar comes out trump same
@00:28:52 by bar q comes back and says antifoam

Shocking Developments Surfacing On Nursing Home Scandal!

@00:05:48 general bar yeah talking about the bait

Huge! How Hussein Shadow Presidency Was Outsmarted By Trump Team!

@00:14:39 caught him now hopefully bill bar is

Dems Playbook Revealed!!! ... As Justice Moves Forward! Tick Tock...

@00:02:56 general bar came out and said yeah you

Hours After Barr Statement- BOOM! Damning Biden Audios Released!!

@00:02:12 barr coming out yesterday saying yeah i
@00:11:07 what attorney general barr said
@00:21:44 attorney general bill barr said joe and
@00:23:13 powerful words attorney general barr is
@00:25:27 evidence comes out attorney general bar
@00:25:45 criminality for yourself after bar says

Huge Chess Move! Barr Splits From Trump As Senate Subpoena Vote Looms

@00:11:23 countermoves attorney general bar says
@00:14:04 cue drops basically is what bar is
@00:14:22 thing and she's quoting bar right here
@00:14:32 quote i have today bar fisa equals
@00:14:52 bar he's putting a border of protection
@00:15:52 they're separating barr from durham
@00:16:06 situation it makes barr much more
@00:16:40 ron johnson s bar to declassify
@00:17:02 the actor bar is on tv saying yeah based
@00:17:29 general william bar on monday requesting
@00:21:17 and we're seeing y bar is stepping out

Revealed! Hussein "Leaked" Call Initiates New Coordinated Narrative Push

@00:05:58 names to attorney general bar at the
@00:06:04 countermoves you see because bar then
@00:20:39 general bar is doing and again there's a
@00:21:39 going after certain general bar and that
@00:22:18 we'll all be critical of bar right there

Unmasking The Unmaskers- ADNI Grenell Drops Hammer On Flynn's Enemies!!!

@00:20:14 calling for attorney general william bar

Trump Tweet Triggers Trend- The Game Is Now Over- Panic In DC!!!

@00:05:57 william bar the dl j and trump start

Sources: Schiff About To Have Very Bad Day! Plus- Barr Releases Key Docs!!!

@00:29:52 general bar has released certain

Active Coordinated Disinfo Campaign Fails To Stop Trump's Q Worldwide Reach!

@00:11:54 attorney general bar and like he said a

Live Stream Friday 5-1-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:47:24 barr was saying i believe today they

Battle For Narrative Goes Nuclear- Master Counter-Strategy In Motion!!!

@00:08:01 general bar gave the order and now

Deep State Secret Inside Comms Channels Revealed ... Information War Rages!

@00:27:51 allow this is why attorney general bar

Barr Sends Memo To US Attorneys To Police Government Abuse Of Powers

@00:00:52 with attorney general barr they are are
@00:05:45 attorney general bar memo to us
@00:12:57 bill barr orders us attorneys to be on
@00:13:16 us attorney general bill bar on monday
@00:13:58 talking about this and now barr is

Live Stream Friday 4-24-20 - Systematic Destruction

@00:11:39 they're begging attorney general bar

Meanwhile Durham Expands His Team Amid Rumors Of Coming Indictments

@00:17:56 bar this week said he didn't expect

Fake News All-Out Blitz! Claim HCQ Doesn't Work- Ignore Worldwide Studies!

@00:14:11 attorney general bar he's coming to bat
@00:14:30 bar he knows that and he's saying that

Live Stream Friday 4-17-20 - Time Bomb Overview!

@00:33:15 rolled that bar public and that would be

Clock Is Ticking- "FISA Lead-In" New Marker - Barr Public Appearance!

@00:22:20 durham and go after bar it doesn't
@00:22:46 general bar came out recently in this

Timetable Revealed! New House Investigations To Precede Full Disclosure

@00:08:32 for bar removal the house well open
@00:08:34 investigations to bar durham lack of
@00:10:43 start attacking dirham and bar that's
@00:13:51 bar monitoring government regulation of
@00:21:40 go after bar and durham now that will be

Live Stream Friday 4-10-20 - Storm Intensifies

@00:28:15 bring out william bar yeah you know we
@00:38:25 then the house will push for bar removal
@00:38:45 investigations into bar durum that is no
@00:39:37 durham and william bar we're gonna
@00:39:55 william bar and john throne they're not
@00:40:53 everything that bar and durham is saying

Malik Obama Jumps Into Battlefield- Part Of Q Army... As The Clock Ticks!

@00:06:46 bar is saying you know what's happening
@00:07:16 so again bar knows that and he's coming
@00:15:57 william bar is eviscerating the fake
@00:16:28 william bar he knows what's happening so
@00:19:04 bar he's talking about the wait potus
@00:19:45 william barr he understands what

Live Stream Friday 4-3-20 - Storm Update!

@00:43:55 not in jail then attorney general barr

Trump: "We Were Attacked"- As Left Pushes False Apocalyptic Narrative!

@00:18:01 democrats bag attorney general bar to
@00:18:27 barr to release as many prisoners as

Military Activation Coming? Q Hints At Suspension Of Habeas Corpus

@00:16:09 indictment attorney general bar is not

Left Unleashes Attacks On Trump Including Brand New HHS "Whistleblower"!!!

@00:07:10 bar he knows what's happening take a

Trump Mystery Tweet Brings Silent War Into Public Consciousness Worldwide!!!

@00:06:23 bar fbi probing if foreign government
@00:06:48 general william bar vowed in an
@00:07:19 role right now is to investigate barr

As Hysteria Continues Trump Making Clever Moves To Advance STORM!!!

@00:08:11 president's power to bar dangerous

Boom! Trump Team Taunts With Q Anon Quote - What Will Be Next?

@00:06:51 being taken down we have william barr

FRIDAY 3-6-20 The Silent War ...Continues

@00:46:39 william bar over a muller report summary
@00:46:55 attorney general bar / male report point
@00:47:51 and he's criticizing bar like it says
@00:48:08 he'd that bar was being biased he did
@00:49:53 department of justice saying that bar
@00:50:33 accusing attorney general barr of a
@00:51:44 slams attorney general bar orders doj to

Schumer Shocking Threats To SC Justices Captures Lots Of Attention!

@00:23:12 barr he's been talking about this right

Judge Orders Hillary And Top Aid Deposed On Use Of Private Email System!

@00:11:16 while all of that is happening barr
@00:11:29 because the ag bar has tightened his
@00:12:12 good makes good on a promise bar made
@00:12:53 goodbye while phil bar is moving in with

Meanwhile ... Ukraine Launches Criminal Proceedings Against Joe Biden!!

@00:03:29 ag bill barr used the term political

Why No Arrests? Q Walks Us Behind-the-Scenes - Reveals Big Picture!!

@00:15:57 link from this bar of war and he's

Judge Sentences Stone- Russia Hoax TRAP Complete!!!

@00:01:03 bar and everybody you know all these

Durham Expands Probe Into Mueller Team Activities - Trump Hints Justice Coming!

@00:06:48 meeting of federal judges over bar and
@00:07:15 bar in the sentencing of roger stone and
@00:08:54 rumors attorney general bar is
@00:09:46 according to the official bar has no

Wow! New Rumor About Barr Will Shock Many... Think: Art Of War!!!

@00:04:03 whole move by william bar right he said
@00:04:54 william bar out there to tell the world
@00:05:17 now that william bar established this
@00:05:51 bar tells people he might quit somehow
@00:06:40 william bar has told people close to him
@00:07:47 and out of the clear blue sky bar comes
@00:08:03 bar took a public swipe at the president
@00:08:57 uh well i think we're with you bar i
@00:09:55 over bar and troubling them again over
@00:11:38 bull bar in light of attacks from deep
@00:12:15 supporting bill barr no big deal is just
@00:14:59 saying look hey william bar while you're

Dershowitz Drops Bomb To Start Off Week- Has 302 Docs As Proof!!!

@00:15:47 and bar and cue or the three most
@00:19:19 attorney general bill barr is being

Confirmed: DOJ Has Opened New Probe Into Comey, McCabe, Strzok!!

@00:11:52 and william bar
@00:13:37 attorney general bar saying yeah maybe
@00:16:59 1101 x deal j officials demand bar
@00:19:08 analyst sign petition urging william bar

FRIDAY 2-14 Week To Remember - The Start

@00:18:09 today attorney general bar sworn in one
@00:19:21 bill barr he's saying he doesn't like
@00:21:37 out barr says he was happy somehow that
@00:21:59 bet this is bar if you ask me overacting
@00:23:00 think about given what we know that bar
@00:23:22 on the part of barr period and why are
@00:24:59 a mr. attorney general bar you are
@00:25:10 attorney general bar of points
@00:25:42 big and barr is doing this just so
@00:28:38 sike bar saying yeah i'm happy that
@00:28:43 that mr. bar
@00:28:55 attorney general bar graham identified
@00:33:38 attorney general bar i love that he was
@00:37:52 attorney general bar when we say or are
@00:40:32 probe in the first place before barr
@00:41:19 that is what william bar was doing
@00:42:15 with barr was it was that strategic and
@00:46:49 all right let's see somebody says bar
@00:47:14 somebody says bar got a slow wake the
@00:47:54 and is that gonna force the doj and bar
@00:49:40 getting this idea bar is upset at trump
@00:49:59 getting this idea that bar is being
@00:50:34 let mr. barr continued you know you have

Stone Case Lead Juror's Court Statements Revealed- Unbelievable!!

@00:03:25 we're gonna be talking about bill bar
@00:04:06 attacking bill bar in fact that is the
@00:04:35 this whole thing with william bar and
@00:06:39 bill bar this big interview with william
@00:06:42 bar with abc news this exclusive
@00:06:53 so listen then to what bill bar is safe
@00:08:42 name is william bar and this interview
@00:09:00 barr you know the president doesn't like
@00:09:23 seeing this week they're attacking barr
@00:09:31 those videos this week and now bar comes
@00:10:09 bothered yeah i like what the bar saying
@00:10:25 thank you bar trust the plan yeah we are
@00:10:52 ladies and gentlemen is that bar is
@00:15:33 about william bar on her facebook page
@00:16:57 not moved by the william bar interview
@00:17:07 cannot come out and say hey mr. barr
@00:17:13 hey mr. barr it can't be i can't do my
@00:18:36 attorney general bill barr of lying to
@00:18:42 going they're working on this bill bar
@00:18:46 have you not seen that bill bar is
@00:22:42 democrats call on bar to resign really
@00:22:45 bell bar is fighting to hold the fbi

Barr Agrees To Testify On Stone Case, Giuliani Evidence And More!

@00:02:33 attorney general bar coming out
@00:04:13 congratulating attorney general bill bar
@00:07:26 and going after william bar they don't
@00:08:02 it they're talking to william barr we
@00:09:00 attorney general barr was saying weeks
@00:10:23 bill bar will testify before congress
@00:10:46 bar is taking the deal yeah and noticed
@00:10:51 that bill bar it he took the deal right
@00:11:47 reason barr is taking the deal it's
@00:12:05 think bar doesn't know that the patriots
@00:18:10 that attorney general bar took the deal
@00:29:00 yeah so i guess bar is an enabler and i
@00:29:55 trump is colluding with bar because

Boom! Barr Confirms DOJ Assessing Giuliani Ukraine Investigation Info!

@00:03:30 attorney general bar recent speech about
@00:05:02 bill bar on monday confirmed that the
@00:05:28 yeah so bar is basically saying wow hey
@00:05:54 notice how barr is trying to sound
@00:05:56 neutral like i said yeah barr said
@00:06:10 ukraine at face value bar set for that
@00:13:29 jurisdictions bar is not done this is
@00:13:38 attorney general bar is coming out he
@00:14:01 general bar is doubling down even more
@00:15:43 are colluding with foreign nationals bar
@00:16:56 coming now sends bill barr letter
@00:19:46 general bar has acknowledged for the

"We Caught Them In the Act"- Trump Hints Justice Coming In Acquittal Speech!

@00:08:34 talk about attorney general bar you know
@00:24:46 package from bar again big big deal and

LIVE Jan 31, 2020 Justice Coming!

@00:16:08 terney general bar says human

Bolton Mystery Deepens As GOP Pushes Toward Strategic Ending!!

@00:23:22 bar warns that what militant secularists
@00:23:33 general william bar warned that
@00:24:07 bar let me put what you are saying

Graham Predicts Hunter Testimony- Trump Drops Huge Q Proof At NJ Rally!!!

@00:05:21 show that we've lowered the bar on

BOOM!! Rudy Announces Huge Ukraine Revelations Beginning Now!

@00:21:15 potus bar bar to durham and then q gives
@00:21:39 bar and potus there it is everybody is

Trump Attorneys Dismantle Schiff's Arguments- Use His Own Quotes!

@00:14:11 attorney general barr about the this

IT BEGINS! Trump Rolls Out Last Minute Surprise!

@00:13:22 a week calls for a william bar to recuse

GOP Set To Restore Rule of Law As Dems Stumble To Finish Line!

@00:06:09 with attorney general william bar i
@00:06:48 ever in contact with mr. barr
@00:06:55 absolutely mr. bono mr. barr had to
@00:07:10 bar bar was attorney general bar was
@00:07:22 bar no not really
@00:19:25 anything to the timing here his bill bar
@00:22:40 that barr said that they would get to

McConnell Last Minute Reversal- Now Hinting Trials Are Coming!

@00:15:08 happening attorney general bar calls on
@00:15:18 days of hussein are over and now barr he

NYT New Report: Russians Hacked Burisma- Dems Are Victims! LOL

@00:05:06 trump is we see bill barr attorney

Inside Sources: Comrades Flipped- Many Soleimani Commanders Arrested!!!

@00:17:36 new york bar association calls on
@00:17:43 attorney general bill barr out of
@00:18:00 bar to get present trump's taxes they
@00:18:10 to attack no bar and then they're gonna

LIVE Jan 3, 2020: Patriot News - Dark to Light!

@00:41:32 rest president bar hands ally and take

Surprise! DNC Server "Hack" Mystery Unlocked For Public Consumption!!!

@00:10:06 bombers bill bar and you know we you
@00:20:15 blank their right bar asked the question
@00:22:55 bar durham probe as they investigate

Friday 12-27-19: Patriot News - Coup Unraveling!

@00:55:18 bill barr b-2 bomber but where is it

Clock Ticks On Nancy As Trump, Graham Hint At Big Move Coming!

@00:11:17 we already know this story bill bar in
@00:11:41 barr uncovering this it's happening this

Graham Promises To Call In Everyone Who Signed FISA Warrant... And Others!!!

@00:08:23 andand we have william bar he's sounding
@00:21:05 and giuliani but now you have barr
@00:25:34 nancy is to delay judgment day with bar
@00:26:45 prior to barr durham hueber release b
@00:26:57 and bar everybody something like you so
@00:31:05 bill barr and us attorney john durham

Live Stream Friday 12-20 Patriot News Breakdown, Analysis!

@00:12:54 bar for the rule of law and impeachment
@00:18:33 bar need help from the senate hearing to
@00:19:41 referred that to durham and bar oh in

"Incredibly Dangerous" Pelosi New Moves Seals Fate Of Hoax Coup!

@00:15:50 couple of highlights of the bill bar

Impeachment Coup Counter Strategy Revealed! Dems Won't Like This!!

@00:13:05 the bar it will be used for political
@00:14:11 some bar drunk on beers listening to cnn
@00:22:32 here statement by attorney general bar
@00:23:19 interview with bar yeah we
@00:23:22 talked about the bar interview just
@00:24:08 william bar who shared some of his
@00:25:08 bar was gonna be on tonight what's

Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

@00:17:14 general william bar wednesday 7:00 p.m.
@00:20:11 seems to be saying i think you says bar

Dems Fabricate Last Minute Charges- As FISA Abuse Evidence Unfolds!

@00:21:21 bill bar looking at unbelievably unusual

As Dems Self Destroy, Coordinated Q Proofs Signal Patriots In Control!!!

@00:21:41 in bill barr the b-2 bomber right public
@00:22:24 in illinois saying attacking william bar
@00:22:32 gonna go after bar and that's what he
@00:22:35 attacks on bar coming smear campaign
@00:24:00 down the house william bar talking about
@00:24:06 the first bomb bill bar fit into eight
@00:34:06 report and the bar statement all came at
@00:34:42 and the bar is saying these things take
@00:35:57 bar rebuttal all happened at exactly
@00:36:09 horowitz durham and bar are all in
@00:36:14 team or horowitz durham and bar were

Live Stream Friday 12-13-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:17:57 general william bar on the inspector
@00:19:10 william bar announces like it says here
@00:33:58 gonna play a video of william bar
@00:36:37 folks listen in to what william barr is
@00:37:16 side you know throw bill barr in prison
@00:39:51 bar you can see the deep state is
@00:40:04 william p bar has become a partisan tool
@00:41:42 bill barr
@00:42:08 we are watching a movie bar sounding

Horowitz Gives Dems Hope ... Then Drops Bombshells On FBI FISA Abuse!

@00:05:40 attorney general barb bill barr says
@00:07:08 general barr expressed his doubt about
@00:07:16 attorney general barr provide any
@00:07:31 your investigation attorney general barr
@00:08:09 barr and us attorney turney john durham
@00:08:22 and what about attorney general bar and
@00:08:26 attorney general bar thank you

Barr Doubles Down Post IG Report- Hints At Coming Justice!!

@00:02:38 william bar the attorney general came
@00:08:17 people we have yeah attorney general bar
@00:09:04 william bar blasted the completely
@00:09:19 general bill barr unloads on deep state
@00:10:29 general bar fbi ignored exculpatory
@00:10:34 trump investigation again bar coming now
@00:10:41 interview with msnbc william bar talking
@00:11:41 spying again bar is making his rounds
@00:11:51 news media lies and bar would not be
@00:12:32 there that is why bar is saying

The Details Are In- Durham Enters- Let the Show Begin!!

@00:10:01 the assertions by trump and barr that
@00:12:22 attorney general bar and we have john
@00:17:40 talking about both bar and durham issued
@00:18:13 why would attorney general bar be taking
@00:18:46 this is attorney general barr released a
@00:21:50 bar statement is enough but no the guy

Why Spygate? Question To Be Publicly Answered Soon!

@00:09:01 that attorney general william bar he
@00:11:03 this story bill bar indict
@00:11:32 bill bar on friday indicted eight

Barr Quietly Indicts 8 For Illegal Foreign Donations To Hillary Campaign!

@00:13:45 moving on we have bill barr take a look

"President Pelosi" Speaks On Behalf Of US In Paris!!! Plus Explosive Q Proofs!

@00:06:25 report attorney general bar disagrees
@00:07:28 general horowitz is saying or is bar
@00:07:52 maybe bar disagrees with key conclusion

Coup Update- Collins: GOP To Call Schiff To Testify FIRST!

@00:19:04 this is what attorney general bar was

Live Stream Friday 11-29-19- Latest Breaking Patriot News!

@00:11:56 saying barr has had a g report for over

Nunes, Jordan Trap Vindman, Schiff In Major "Whistleblower" Logical Fallacy!

@00:19:22 a tourney general bar should look into

Trump Special Meeting With AG Barr, Staff Delays Flight 45 Min!!

@00:07:50 with attorney general bill bar in oval
@00:08:12 says here reporters snap photos a bar

Q Returns! Mystery Drop Solved- Damning IG Report Confirmed!

@00:08:41 bar basically to appoint john durham
@00:09:41 gave to william barr to declassify well

Live Stream Friday Nov 8, 2019- Latest Breaking Patriot News- Judgement Day Coming!

@00:23:58 about bar talking about huber not going

Nunes: Schiff Will Be FIRST Witness Called By GOP to Testify!

@00:13:28 meaning attorney general bar listen to

Live Stream Friday Nov 1, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:19:54 and beyond everything that bar and
@00:41:24 johnson inquiring of general bar or
@00:41:28 attorney general bar take a look at this
@00:42:47 text messages they wanted bar to look
@00:43:31 and johnson asked barr some shocking

Mystery CIA "Whistleblower" Revealed! Guess Who He's Connected With

@00:20:04 but the bottom line is that bar

Forced Into the Light: Pelosi, Schiff Nervously Proceed With New Moves!

@00:21:56 attorney general bar being neutral and

Schiff, Pelosi EXCLUDED From ISIS Raid Briefing to Save American Lives!

@00:08:07 same time and now we have bar and the dl

Live Stream Friday Oct 25, 2019- The Storm Is Here! Patriot News and Updates

@00:21:40 william bar just like all these people
@00:48:58 treason over russia now with bar as

HUGE! Durham Probe Now a Criminal Investigation, Hillary Quickly Hints At Run

@00:05:50 general bill barr announces dirham probe
@00:07:02 bar the attorney general is now

Brilliant!! GOP Strategic Counter-move Forces New Focus, Narrative Shift!

@00:16:24 near city bar calls for attorney general
@00:16:26 bar to recuse himself of course they
@00:16:31 it's not gonna happen new york city bar

SURPRISE! New Narrative: Brennan is Victim of Trump's "Quest For Vengeance"

@00:13:09 as attorney general bill barr takes more
@00:13:19 saying that barr has been meeting with
@00:13:38 investigation bar in durham the federal

Barr Expands Probe, CIA Actors Lawyer Up- Brennan, Clapper Deposition Coming!!

@00:10:51 attorney general barr expands probe into
@00:11:33 attorney general william bar has
@00:14:08 says us attorney general william bar has

Truth and Art TV Live Stream Friday 10-18-19 - Latest Bombshell Patriot News and Updates

@00:55:04 have bill barr
@00:55:08 where bill barr is now coming out and it
@00:55:14 says bill barr subpoenas entire

Caught On Camera! Ilhan and Lover Disguise Exposed At Anti-Trump Riot!

@00:09:46 you have the bar investigation durham we
@00:25:27 rounding out we also have barr coming
@00:25:30 out bill barr flames unremitting assault
@00:26:07 freedoms which is what bill barr is

Graham Opens Investigation, Giuliani to Testify- Gowdy Joins Legal Team!

@00:23:25 this letter to william barr he says

Groundhog Day!! Dems Roll Out Another "Whistleblower" 1 Week After Transcript!!

@00:10:44 attorney general bar yeah lindsey graham

Nancy's Secret Strategy Exposed With Brilliant Trump Counter-move!

@00:07:30 discredit the bar investigation and
@00:07:37 discredit the bar investigation and a
@00:07:50 discredit bar before the bomb drops
@00:07:58 the bar investigation in the public mind

"It's a COUP!"- Trump Spells It Out For ALL to See!

@00:04:18 lowered the bar on impeachment so much
@00:12:02 report attorney general barr is ramping
@00:17:04 barr and us attorney john durham meet
@00:17:26 general bill barr is currently on
@00:17:34 general bill barr met with british and
@00:18:36 attorney general bill bar in europe this

Barr, Durham, Foreign Leaders Cooperate, Prepare Evidence!

@00:01:37 barr and durham and all that they want
@00:09:47 bill bar ass foreign intelligence
@00:10:07 the washington post attorney general bar
@00:10:24 general bar has held private meetings
@00:10:44 official shows the priority bar places
@00:11:01 and it says bar has already made
@00:11:17 talking they're singing and bar asked
@00:12:01 australian prime minister to help ag bar
@00:12:23 to ag bar l bar destroys the bunks
@00:12:29 trying to block bar and durham and
@00:13:05 announced that build bar will be
@00:13:11 offert bar assistance check mate again

Report: Adam Schiff Linked to Huge Ukranian Arms Dealer!

@00:17:34 trump had bill barr investigate the

Live Stream Friday 9-27-19 - Interview with Barbara, General Flynn's Sister

@00:53:26 bar we don't get these lakers like

Solomon Drops 450+ Pages of Docs Implicating Biden and Son Corruption!

@00:07:41 and the bill barr investigation it's an
@00:07:59 to get in front of the bar and the
@00:12:26 and attorney general bar appears to be

Failed Attack Marks Beginning Of Major Biden Public Probe!

@00:24:10 have william bar he's gonna come out and
@00:26:19 is this louisa marie nab new bar is a

Live Stream Friday 9-20-19 - Patriot News

@00:56:05 question if the answer is that bar

Live Stream Friday 9-13-19 - Patriot News

@00:16:11 general bar today
@00:37:06 bar he knows there's a problem at the

Very Interesting! Are We Watching the Bolton Exit "Marker"?

@00:14:24 bar is getting better at fighting rogue
@00:14:39 friday attorney general bar wrote a
@00:15:12 do now it's good to know that bar is

Live Stream Friday 9-6-19 - Patriot News/Q /Storm update!

@01:05:03 benjamin bar a trans owner hope to have
@01:06:22 and the queue drops and says here bar

As Many As 1000 Will Be Implicated In Epstein Sealed Files

@00:07:51 barr and they're staging this real

Graham Submits 9 Point Declas Request to Barr- Trump Tweets On Same Topic!

@00:08:30 lindsey graham pass attorney general bar
@00:09:19 bar and the points in the letter are

New Office Of Transparency May Launch By Next Week to Expedite Doc Release!

@00:09:13 william bar is not charging comey today
@00:21:29 general william barr has promised the

Comey Report Likely Released Today! IG Will Refer For Federal Prosecution!!!

@00:17:12 durham bar report on what are the
@00:18:14 and the durham bar report and the
@00:18:32 that attorney general barr is not going

Victim's Attorney: "Prison Source" Claims Epstein Murdered!

@00:11:38 attorney general william bar and that
@00:14:34 give all this to william bar instead of
@00:16:41 hopefully and we know that william bar

Feds Subpoena 20 Officers At Epstein NYC Prison For Questioning

@00:02:17 what is this about we have bar right
@00:03:00 anything come of this well william bar

Judge Orders New Discoveries In Huge Hillary Emails FOIA Case!

@00:04:01 attorney general william bar temps down
@00:04:12 rotten that jones attorney general bar

King Size Illegal Immigration Loophole Officially Closes Today (8-21-19)!

@00:11:09 and in the bar and durham investigations

Barr Removes Federal Prisons Chief Amidst Strange Epstein Developments

@00:17:23 this yeah bar removes federal prisons
@00:17:41 william bar on monday removed hugh

The Epstein Medical Examiner Mysteries No One Is Talking About

@00:21:02 bar has already jumped into this and
@00:21:36 happening i think again bar you know
@00:26:27 that william bar and the patriots have

More Leftist Terrorism! Shots Fired Into ICE Facility- Dems Silent!

@00:08:59 barr saying we will get to the bottom of
@00:13:09 man bill barr bern said and that is the

Barr Issues Warning to Co-Conspirators As Epstein Island Raided By FBI!

@00:04:24 william barr coming out of the gate

Special Report: Epstein Found Dead!

@00:06:06 bar has ordered both fbi and inspector
@00:07:15 bar statement on investigations into
@00:07:20 know see what attorney general bar is
@00:08:04 report described bar as livid you better
@00:08:19 attorney general william bar upon being
@00:10:18 epstein death replaces with trump bar
@00:11:33 especially with attorney general bar and

The Desperation to Stop Q Anon Reaches Psychotic Levels!

@00:07:08 attorney general bar and many many other

Comey Just Got Some Good ... AND Really BAD News...

@00:08:14 j prosecutors under bill barr have
@00:10:02 ig and barr appointed special prosecutor
@00:10:40 this theme right john solomon bar

The Stage Is Set! GITMO Awaits!

@00:11:55 asylum claims moving forward bar
@00:12:19 claim asylum thank you mr. barr and

This is VERY Damaging!

@00:27:51 attorney general william bar will

Russia Hoax Finally Over- And the Dems NEXT MOVE IS ...

@00:16:04 receive a special package from bar i
@00:17:12 illegal for attorney general bar to
@00:17:19 that bar must redact
@00:17:30 attorney general bar showing us a
@00:17:36 general bar must redact grand jury
@00:17:44 don't see how bar can be reasonably

Wow! The Real Russia Collusion Finally Seeding Into Public Conscience

@00:14:50 what bill bar is doing and thank
@00:17:25 general barr was hiding it then when it
@00:17:28 was clear barr wasn't hiding anything

Mueller Hearing Prep Circus ... As Q Points to DOJ Russia Review Bombshell!

@00:04:28 at this story here bar says muller asked
@00:05:22 bill barr told fox news on tuesday that
@00:19:10 there it is thank you william bar and we

Checkmate!! Q Challenges Schiff, Comey and Co. On Mueller Hearing

@00:23:47 comey if attorney general barr has
@00:24:01 general barr be forced to declassify all
@00:24:30 hearing will attorney general bar be

Boom! Q Anon 'Signifier' Revealed At Trump Rally!

@00:10:39 holds bar ross in contempt over census
@00:10:51 william bar and commerce secretary
@00:11:16 under bar and ross have submitted more

New Bombshell Court Docs Reveal Path Of DNC Emails- Dems Will Freak!

@00:13:00 this sort of bar we've you want to call

The Q Effect!! Plan B? Mueller Hearing May Be Delayed ...

@00:06:06 god it's happening bill bar oh my god
@00:08:20 would bar trump from what it would bar

Beyond Epstein! Q Offers Explosive Clues On What Is Coming Next!

@00:02:08 these clues and bill bar and all these

Wow! Major Q Clues On Damage Coming: It's All Happening!

@00:16:11 attorney general bar and fbi director
@00:22:15 and that equates to bill bar that's what
@00:22:21 william bar bar is the original stealth
@00:27:53 in a parenthesis you know build bar and
@00:28:17 bar and all this think about it and then

Q Sprays Ammunition In All Directions!! "Patriots In Control"

@00:14:33 let's keep going q continues here bar

THEY'RE BACK! Explosive New Q Drops Detail Upcoming Events!

@00:10:10 general bar another stealth bomber right
@00:10:25 william barr said that throught
@00:10:43 prison bar set i think over the next day
@00:10:55 thank you very much as bar is visiting

Did Trump Drop Bigly Q Proof At Celebration? Plus RBG Update!!

@00:09:53 forward since barr appointed us attorney

MOAB Detonates ... Insiders Drop Bombshells!!

@00:13:46 have this white house moves to bar

Timed Detonation! State Dept Drops Bombshell- 23 Violations In Hillary Emails!

@00:10:29 so when if ag bar is gonna look at this

"A Lot Of Whistleblowers" Now Emerging! Avalanche Has Officially Begun!

@00:08:38 bar durham began their investigation
@00:08:57 attorney general bill barr us attorney
@00:09:11 bar and now durham rolling out into the
@00:09:40 general bar and john durham are willing

HA!! Trump Surprise Move Sends Dems Into NEW Panic Mode!

@00:09:47 bar in contempt he would ask trump to
@00:11:06 bloomberg house panel votes to hold bar
@00:11:25 hold attorney general william bar and

New DOJ Letter Reveals "Broad Scope", Massive Expansion Of Spygate!

@00:04:43 bar mcgann to court to enforce subpoena
@00:04:49 bar has followed the law he cannot

"This is straight up fiction"- Gaetz, Jordon Go Nuclear On Dean Side Show

@00:07:20 hold william bar in contempt and now the
@00:08:49 william bar in contempt of congress this
@00:17:02 about we're gonna hope barr in contempt
@00:17:46 answer is yes there it is bill barr is

BAD News For Dems- Durham "Very Dialed In" On Russia Probe Origins!

@00:17:09 attorney general barr appointed special
@00:17:22 all happening ladies and gentlemen bar
@00:18:01 and bar

Did Someone Say Unstable? Pelosi Wants Trump "In Prison"! LOL!!

@00:08:46 for attorney general bill barr former
@00:09:00 resolution to hold attorney general barr
@00:09:23 to force bar to turn over muller's
@00:10:31 right here bill barr followed the law
@00:10:37 mothers report bar cannot release grand

Trump "Expected to Challenge Teresa May" Regarding Spygate Role!

@00:09:47 attorney general bill bar may be

You Won't Believe What the NYT Did This Time! (Plus Big Picture Review)

@00:10:38 attorney general bar sweeping power to
@00:17:11 tiny thing that is not what william barr
@00:17:18 barr said right we went over this the
@00:17:57 reasons and then bar again we're
@00:19:28 huber misquoting william bar as you can
@00:22:42 william bar and all these things we know

Barr Finally Reveals What Huber Has Been Up to- Bad News For Deep State!!

@00:08:07 then we at bar says official explanation
@00:08:17 attorney general william bar set in a
@00:08:26 yeah we the qr me we know that mr. barr
@00:08:34 with cbs news barr said that the
@00:08:42 and barr suggested that official claims
@00:09:17 william bar has seen because we've been
@00:09:48 his short stint in office so barr is
@00:10:17 william barr finally tells us and we
@00:11:50 because bar answered many of those
@00:11:54 interview with cbs news barr said that
@00:12:20 bombers bar clearing the whole issue
@00:12:57 it goes on said barr who did not
@00:13:30 investigation and you see that bar here

With Brexit, Assange, Spygate All Brewing Trump Will Head to U.K.

@00:05:14 these stories let's move on here barr
@00:06:07 actually william bar just saying what
@00:22:45 william bar could drop a hammer a

Tada! Mueller Press Conference Creates the Ultimate TRAP!!

@00:16:13 attorney general bar acted in good faith
@00:16:31 to william bar just like rosenstein did
@00:20:43 agree with william barr everything's

Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

@00:01:33 trump 2020 coin and 10 ounce silver bar
@00:10:47 bar to review the origins of the trump

Worldwide Shock Waves As People Choose Nationalism Over Globalism!!

@00:01:57 trump 2020 coin and 10 ounce silver bar

Spygate 2.0- Ted Cruz Bombshell Coming Soon!

@00:01:37 trump 2020 coin and 10 ounce silver bar
@00:18:18 to attorney general bar gee let me guess

The Beginning Of the End- DECLAS Orders Issued to DOJ!

@00:01:24 trump 2020 coin and 10 ounce silver bar
@00:05:47 about william bar investigation of the

Trump: Dems "Tearing U.S. Apart" - Walks Away On Chuck & Nancy!

@00:02:10 ounce silver bar for anyone rolling over

More Secret Meetings and Chaos As DECLAS Countdown Begins!!

@00:10:44 unlikely since attorney general barr

Pelosi: ... Maybe There IS a Crisis At the Southern Border ...

@00:08:48 attorney general william barr
@00:08:58 attorney general william bar said in a
@00:09:28 hang together ya think barr is being

CIA, DNI, FBI Jump Into Spygate Probe ... Avalanche Begins!!

@00:10:36 on it's happening barr expands pro to
@00:11:42 was revealed build bar appointed top
@00:11:58 bar is clerking closely with cia
@00:19:23 of russia interference accuses pill bar
@00:21:42 friends it's not just bar it's not just

(GULP)...Things Just Got Even Worse For the Deep State ...

@00:07:02 have this bar a signed us attorney in
@00:07:15 william bar has assigned the top federal

Update: U.S. to Receive All Of Assange's Documents, Personal Devices!

@00:02:51 because attorney general barr is
@00:18:43 attacking attorney general bar and then

Is This THE Biggest Story No One Is Talking About??

@00:17:23 targeting attorney general bar and

As Dems Panic Intensifies Jordan Silences House With Coup Details!

@00:03:49 democrats hold bar in contempt and this
@00:04:32 destroy bill bar because democrats are
@00:04:42 barr said a few weeks ago three and a
@00:10:26 attorney general william bar be held in

Who's Really In Control? Frustrated Dems Are Finding Out!

@00:02:22 said to hold bar and contempt over meal
@00:02:29 bar in contempt of congress the opening
@00:07:34 arrest attorney general bar and they're

Trial Begins In Brooklyn- Many Will Go Down ... Future Proves Past!

@00:10:09 whitaker and the whitaker along with bar

Trump Responds to Attacks On Free Speech: Here's the Interpretation!

@00:09:58 thing with attorney general bar you know
@00:10:33 bill barr resign calls bar the second
@00:11:03 attorney general bar to him personally
@00:11:10 trump maybe i don't know because bar
@00:11:30 yeah nadler gets bar bill bar 9:00 a.m.
@00:12:39 bar association's to investigate bill
@00:12:42 barr same thing the coup d'état attempt
@00:12:50 villains now bill barr somehow he's the

Barr Confirms With Graham - Storm Is Here! WHILE Dems Circus Continues!

@00:02:23 bar has been saying lately
@00:06:46 far as today and bar not showing up
@00:07:19 again from bill barr he took our ability
@00:07:22 to hear from bill barr today to protect
@00:08:25 want to have but the reason bill barr is
@00:10:14 attorney general william bar canceled on
@00:10:28 bill barr of committing crime he lied to
@00:11:11 and there it is pelosi accused bill barr
@00:12:13 general william bar opted against
@00:12:24 jerrold nadler blasted bar for not
@00:12:49 he's not you know i hope bar doesn't

"Optics Are Important" - Post Senate Judiciary Hearing Barr to Snub House!

@00:05:46 barr says was my letter inaccurate
@00:05:50 mueller responds no barr says was the
@00:09:39 barr really here we go again
@00:10:01 differences between bar and mueller who
@00:11:06 the facts barr said mueller did not
@00:11:47 barr snubs house / mueller as tensions
@00:11:58 attorney general william barr told the
@00:12:34 the dems at all because barr dropped the
@00:14:43 holder unleashes on bill barr mid
@00:15:16 comey viciously attacks bill barr mid
@00:15:28 here attorney general bill barr
@00:15:31 committee about mills report barr
@00:15:51 about bar and his spying allegation
@00:23:06 like they heard william bar today

Dems Create Their Own Trap- Beg For Barr Testimony - Military Intel At Its Best!!

@00:05:48 right here what says when bar press
@00:06:56 barr that media coverage of the letter
@00:08:40 two lawmakers so we have william bar is
@00:15:23 tonight eric's well well if bar doesn't
@00:15:45 here on this channel that william bar
@00:16:16 this testimony today with william bar
@00:16:40 hear what bar has to tell them right to
@00:16:55 this letter by barr what is happening
@00:17:21 what bar is gonna drop on you and all

THIS is Why No One Listens to Dems! (Patriot Headlines)

@00:04:10 pelosi says phil bar will be obstructing

Dems Subpoena Talk Ignored... As REAL Storm Approaches!!

@00:16:46 that attorney general bar is worried
@00:16:50 bar is sounding like truth in our tv
@00:16:54 general bar threatens to skip house you
@00:17:05 we're hearing see one thing that bar
@00:17:34 and attorney general bar he knows that
@00:28:49 question mark this attorney general bar

Did You Catch What Trump Just Told Sean Hannity? The Proofs Are Everywhere!!

@00:07:59 senators are asking attorney general bar
@00:08:22 letter to bar on thursday in the course

Boom! Everyone Is Sounding Like Q Anon As Mayor Arrested, Judge Indicted!

@00:19:15 given to bill bar already very powerful

How Radical Is the New Left Becoming? You Will Gasp At These Headlines!

@00:07:31 saying well bar you know he's more

Road to Justice: Schedule Is Set- All Will Be Revealed!! [Big Picture Summary]

@00:01:29 bill barr is a serious guy he's a
@00:02:05 bill barr is a serious guy
@00:12:01 criminal referrals the bar investigation
@00:17:43 with whitaker teaming up with bar is the
@00:18:13 the oig report william bar told us

"At What Point Did Mueller Determine There Was No Collusion?" ... Tic Toc!!!

@00:11:16 were told by william bar that there was
@00:16:10 scarborough muller report release bar

Q Team Returns With 3 Words: "Mueller Blockade End"- Bad News For Dems!

@00:10:12 william bar releases mueller report i'll
@00:11:24 believe what bar tells us about mueller
@00:12:12 out says calls attorney general bar to
@00:18:20 bill barr unnoticed deal jake and no
@00:18:43 barr enough for this already we get it
@00:21:23 time is over it's time to pay the bar

Wow! Shocking Cryptic Tweet By CBS TV Drama Triggers Secret Service Calls!

@00:08:36 barr has told us is somehow different
@00:08:43 suspense people william bar looked at

Assange Dramatic Arrest! Here's the Behind the Scenes Breakdown

@00:15:09 i don't trust barr i trust muller maybe
@00:16:30 notification to bill bar this is today
@00:16:49 he's doing plays dumb as bill bar drops
@00:16:59 what bar meant yeah really
@00:18:47 pelosi saying i don't trust bar i trust

Dems Go Into Full Meltdown Over Barr's Testimony- Pass the Popcorn!!!

@00:02:00 bombers william bar talking about yeah
@00:02:20 william bar is thinking you know he's
@00:04:06 right bar testifies spine did occur on
@00:04:41 general bill barr testified wednesday
@00:05:24 that is what barr is saying before the
@00:05:58 obvious william bar has this has to say
@00:06:23 bar drops bomb on democrats trump was
@00:06:45 senate democrats demand bill barr
@00:06:59 bar sent democrats there stenographers
@00:07:20 accused bill bar of spreading conspiracy
@00:07:29 demanded bar retract his statement or
@00:07:59 dick blumenthal also a tactful bar on
@00:08:23 these headlines pelosi barr is going off
@00:08:36 attorney general barr is going off the
@00:08:57 after william bar they don't care that
@00:18:10 whole thing with william barr testifying

Barr: "I'm Reviewing the Conduct of the Investigation" Into Trump ...

@00:06:06 bar i am reviewing the conduct of fbi
@00:06:38 william barr is going to find yeah he's
@00:19:06 bar says i am reviewing the conduct of

Coup Update: Nadler New Claims- Barr An "Agent" For Trump!

@00:04:07 the trump tweets right there nadler bar
@00:04:49 stated that attorney general william bar

Q Anon Exposes New Tactic By "Select Orgs/Journalists"- Think Shills

@00:03:54 doubling down attorney general bar is

Is Christopher Steele Being Extradited to U.S. From U.K. As We Speak?

@00:19:08 general bar authorized the national

Trump, Q Team On the Offensive- "Nobody Walks Away From This"

@00:03:26 bill bar over the weekend attorney
@00:03:28 general barr presented a summary of that
@00:12:24 hand-picked attorney general bar based
@00:14:04 wire why did whitaker bar retain
@00:14:15 summary report submitted by bar

Road to Justice Post Blockade Removal- Q Anon Map Right Again!

@00:04:43 tonight admitting it now that bar put
@00:05:24 here top them says attorney general bar
@00:07:35 general bar on fbi doj officials who

Mueller Report Submitted- "No New Indictments"- Let the Panic Begin!

@00:02:57 muller report to attorney general bar
@00:03:50 the report will now be reviewed by barr
@00:04:02 public barr said he could release his
@00:04:35 right and there it is barr also said
@00:05:18 to bar and that the administration looks
@00:16:18 democrats threatened subpoena of barr

Booom!! THE Bombshell Q Proof the Deep State Doesn't Want You to See!

@00:11:52 attorney general barr requesting
@00:17:02 attorney general william bar in the oval

Q Anon: "Press Conference Coming? They Will Claim Political Attack"

@00:11:43 attorney general bar discussed it by

First Wave Of Unsealed Indictments- Did Q Anon Just Drop a Major Clue??

@00:12:44 report attorney general bar gave mueller
@00:13:40 assumption power of bar so keel is
@00:14:03 bar is the real deal so anyway q says
@00:14:29 no way right and then q says bar senate

These Latest Q Drops Will Leave Snowden Sleepless

@00:19:55 whittaker assumption power of bar so
@00:20:22 then bar bruce or deposition last week

This Blumenthal Discovery Will Convince Many the STORM Is Upon Us!!

@00:03:46 if you are roseanne barr and anybody
@00:11:25 bar is meeting with huber and oh i g we
@00:12:02 general bar and when you look at it it's
@00:12:06 a letter written to attorney general bar
@00:12:22 really lindsey graham gives bar a list
@00:12:52 now bar has to give up list all
@00:16:57 lindsey graham is now giving bar and how

Snowden Lovers Will Hate This- Illusion Destroyed!!! Darkness to Light

@00:03:16 attorney general bill bar yeah gateway

Q Drops Carpet Bomb Of Revealing Information- More Mega Proofs!!

@00:19:02 nunez saying attorney general bar has
@00:27:23 general now bar plus the office of
@00:33:48 being william bar we've been in this
@00:35:23 what benefits does this provide bar

Trump Signals Threat Perfectly In Line With Q Drops! "[bye] Crooked Hillary"

@00:21:21 that william bar is getting ready

Huge Judge Ruling On Steele Deposition! Cohen Referred to DOJ For Perjury!

@00:10:47 william bar the attorney general while

Hillary Atty Orchestrates Cohen Circus Hearing: No Charge, It's On Me!!!

@00:04:15 report to attorney general barr watch
@00:10:21 florida state bar over a michael cohen
@00:10:32 saying florida says your florida bar has
@00:11:40 of the investigation but bar council

New Derangement Of the Left Spreads In All Directions! + Q Anon Latest Drops!!

@00:12:02 general bar advice from insiders and
@00:12:17 bar to take a look listen to what these

Red Alert! Deep State, Hillary Launches Direct Attack On Patriot Twitter Accounts!

@00:09:48 to attorney general bar watch the news

Q Anon- "What Happens If the Phone Records of Smullett Leak?"

@00:09:31 roseanne barr gets banned from her tv

"We Are the News Now"- MSM Quietly Runs With Q Drop About Coats

@00:13:30 attorney general bill barr preparing for
@00:22:17 already and then q says right after bar

Q's "Mathematically Impossible" Proofs Sends Deep State Media into Full Panic!!

@00:08:43 talking and hugh says here bar to
@00:09:26 then bar says here was defines of
@00:09:54 william bar really challenges mueller to
@00:10:08 exists etc etc bar to rosenstein what
@00:10:22 william bar q says instead classified
@00:11:20 william bar is arriving at a justice

Nuclear Level Q Proofs Preparing Humanity For What Is Coming!!!

@00:30:27 they did it with william bar and they

Another Explosive Proof As Trump Calls For "Great Awakening", Declares National Emergency!

@00:04:17 confirms william bar to become attorney
@00:10:01 with william bar being confirmed and the
@00:19:23 justice attorney general bar where he
@00:19:31 bar coming weeks q then shows us another
@00:21:03 same day as bar confirmation yes it is

Q "Mass Infiltration" Drop Decoded- As Storm Rolls Into High Gear!

@00:04:06 this is bar with whitaker the two of
@00:05:25 bar execute order 2d class plus provide
@00:05:52 bar the other stop bomb are meeting with

"Prosecution and Transparency ONLY Way to Save Our Way of Life"

@00:30:55 here breitbart william bar in 2017 dl j
@00:31:11 coming from william bar the same william
@00:31:15 bar that is basically confirmed now that
@00:32:51 both right and then q says bar installed
@00:33:03 then q says bar installed so this is
@00:33:07 bar with widger review grow sustained
@00:33:22 then q continues saying william bar with
@00:34:12 happening and then q says bar execute
@00:34:21 been done behind the scenes plus bar is
@00:35:27 we have bar meeting huber and o ig there

5:5 - Dems Show Their Cards In Huge Way At SOTU!

@00:15:45 files complaint with texas bar over
@00:16:03 warren for the state bar of texas and it
@00:16:25 complaint with texas texas bar over
@00:16:52 state bar card for harassment and

Trump Grounds Pelosi's Flight!- Ginsburg Suddenly "Fighting for Her Life" and More

@00:04:48 gonna happen with this bill bar and you

Grassley to Evaluate Process of Requesting Trump Taxes- Can Request Dems Taxes!

@00:11:43 to withdraw a bill bar nomination one
@00:12:14 attorney general nominee barr quote bill
@00:12:17 barr has a very high opinion of mueller
@00:12:31 about this bill bar and he's buddies
@00:14:42 by bill bar and there it is it's all

Brilliant!- Game Theory 101 In Action As Patriots Play Dems!

@00:15:34 general nominee bill barr january 15th
@00:16:35 afraid barr is not that guy coming out
@00:16:41 william barr that exactly that is
@00:16:57 because it says bill bar is already

Judgment Day Is Coming! "[D] Party Will Cease to Exist Once All Exposed" - Q

@00:04:06 for a bar to wall has more than five

And the Callsign For Air Force One Is ... Q "0" = Q + !!!! Another Checkmate!

@00:12:44 picks william bar as next attorney

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Deliver Hundreds of Pages of Evidence!

@00:06:46 william barr seen as president trump's
@00:06:52 yeah this william bar is coming out now
@00:07:17 and barr 68 currently works as a lawyer
@00:07:47 this and he says quote william barr is
@00:08:19 this whole thing with william barr we'll
@00:18:25 this whole thing with william bar right
@00:18:35 saying william bar thanks attorney
@00:18:45 doesn't no bar but bar commands immense

Texas Dems Caught In Voting App Scam! Full Investigation Launched!

@00:22:32 files bar a complaint against christine
@00:22:51 watch filed a bar complaint against

Bombshell! Indicted Leaker Linked to Mueller Team! Another Leaker Sentenced

@00:23:15 talking you know sitting in a bar

Booooom! Trump Confirms Q Anon to VIP Anon!!!

@00:11:14 face a washington dc bar investigation

Shocker!! Ford '08 Article On "Self Hypnosis" to "Create Artificial Situations"

@00:10:50 throw ice in college bar so what'd you
@00:11:01 throwing ice at someone at a bar in 1985

Feinstein Office, Ford Attorneys Now Under Investigation!

@00:12:18 ford will face washington dc bar

Deep State Panic and Chaos As Old Guard Self Destroys

@00:03:38 allison frei bar bragging that she can

Update: DOJ Will Examine New Project Veritas Revelations!

@00:13:34 rain bar right here
@00:13:43 from in sigh yeah ray bar reportedly a

Q Forgotten Reminder: POTUS ZERO Risk of Impeachment!

@00:17:28 that the name bar so mian barsoomian it

Trump Sounds the Alarm! Free Speech Under Attack! Sat 8-18-18

@00:05:44 ago we saw with roseanne roseanne barr

What Does Panic Look Like? We Are Seeing This Now

@00:12:43 they're gonna bar a deep state we're

MSM Lies, Fake News Usher In New Era- Enemy Identified!

@00:11:11 even a month since roseanne barr was let

Darkness to Light! Confirmations Adding Up As Glorious 2018 Unfolds

@00:00:54 alive gee even roseanne barr as a matter
@00:01:01 tv podcast yesterday yeah roseanne barr
@00:01:08 you to roseanne barr and that's because

"What a Coincidence"- This New Q Proof Is TRULY Impressive!

@00:09:20 roseanne barr and all that but then they

Boom!!! Q: Since Nov 2017- "Pending Criminal Cases"

@00:13:22 someone mentions mana for behind bar in

An Eye-Opening Report About the "NWO" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH!

@00:26:14 roseanne barr think all these incidences

Is Gowdy the Latest Great Awakening "Actor"? This Will Explain

@00:05:30 week in the form of the roseanne barr
@00:05:43 about this roseanne barr show being
@00:05:49 barr tweeting this race-related tweet
@00:06:13 with our own eyes that roseanne barr did
@00:07:26 we're seeing the roseanne barr thing is


@00:11:30 of the bar so here it is we can expect

Trump 'Trojan Horse' Move Exposes Those NOT Trusting Plan- Must Watch!

@00:03:04 search bar this q here so here's what i
@00:03:15 this search bar yeah but as someone
@00:03:35 search bar magnifying glass will take

Q Anon is FORCING a Shift In Consciousness! Here's the Evidence

@00:26:11 talking about roseanne barr stweet who
@00:26:16 barr street puzzling to the casual
@00:38:45 the roseanne barr cnn as we already

Sessions "Brilliant" Move Silences Attackers! Q Drops 4-2-18

@00:00:42 roseanne barr has been attacked this
@00:00:54 about this roseanne barr faces backlash
@00:01:01 roseanne barr is one of us cuz where we
@00:01:08 go one we go all and roseanne barr is
@00:01:10 part of that because roseanne barr this
@00:01:23 maybe roseanne barr has been keeping up
@00:01:39 barr keeping up with the trump executive
@00:01:53 roseanne barr but here's something i