
AID - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.20

@00:27:02 post number 10 why did comey drop this

Carolina Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.25.20

@00:33:12 homie comey so many

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.20

@00:11:47 bush james comey john mccain

CloudCracker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.15.20

@00:11:15 not even what i know uh i think comey
@00:14:51 comey and john he's a brute five men
@00:15:16 comey in order to get to john brennan

1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:04:13 comey knew about it

Spade and Neutered - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.11.20

@00:05:09 discussion logan act comey testimony

Shadow Diplomacy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.26.20

@00:01:53 security perspective comey said that he
@00:02:02 ambassador kids lyac comey said that
@00:02:08 obama asked if comey was saying that the
@00:02:14 comey replied potentially okay so this

ROOKie Move - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.20.20

@00:30:45 with fbi director jim comey and deputy
@00:31:34 paragraph here director comey affirmed
@00:31:42 national security perspective comey said
@00:31:50 lyac comey said that could be an issue
@00:31:57 comey was saying that the nsc should not

Illuminator - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.20

@00:15:42 even comey maybe even obama himself but
@00:19:12 interviewing james comey he mentioned

Middle of the Movie - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.12.20

@00:25:59 nobody's home a comey we're not
@00:26:40 james nobodies homie comey standing in
@00:27:09 grilling james comey it's about a
@00:27:43 comey given the fact that you and i
@00:28:43 director comey i am not arguing with you
@00:30:25 getting at director comey as you say

7th Floor - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.9.20

@00:08:22 states when i fired comey because he was
@00:08:28 comey you know what hit the fan and it
@00:19:45 flowchart here so basically comey
@00:20:53 bc doj ll instruct comey pr1 drop all
@00:22:03 comey did just days later too careless
@00:25:38 james comey ended up getting fired so
@00:31:43 fbi director james nobodies homie comey
@00:33:03 when comey was finally fired on may 9th

What Matters Now - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.20

@00:10:34 keep in mind james nobody's herbie comey

Black Sky - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.20

@00:00:59 nbc news that fbi director james comey
@00:01:45 intelligence agencies and with comey
@00:01:58 that comey brennan and clapping were all
@00:02:09 and of course then later on so did comey
@00:02:11 q says then and now brennan and comey
@00:05:30 painted target at the moment is comey

Know Your Rights In Pursuit of Truth Presents 5 4 20

@00:04:01 mccabe brennan comey shift etc and their
@00:09:47 are we talking about james comey here is
@00:09:49 james comey locked on target and is that
@00:10:00 roses red is comey on target there is
@00:10:03 comey helping us lock on target to

Let's Do This - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.3.20

@00:31:59 looks like he's lost his homie comey we

Law Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.1.20

@00:25:28 protege of james comey robert muller
@00:29:12 comey attempting to cover up a mistake

Chal-lenge - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.30.20

@00:09:57 nobody's homie comey i don't know
@00:10:52 released necessary prior to see comey

Falling Down In Pursuit of Truth Presents 4 29 20

@00:03:20 homie comey who his fbi director should
@00:07:41 about it comey problem we knew about it
@00:13:46 james nobodies homie comey fired andrew
@00:26:14 formed on james comey is that what we're
@00:28:35 comey tweet that you see right here

God and Country - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.18.20

@00:29:13 referring to james nobodies homie comey

Infiltration - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.27.20

@00:07:01 nobodies homie comey oddly enough he
@00:08:45 james comey in that odd little
@00:09:39 something - james nobody's home a comey
@00:10:16 you in the united states james comey
@00:10:57 s comfort which james comey just

Lend Me Your Ear - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.20

@00:11:13 involve some tweets from james comey

To Be Blunt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.20

@00:10:03 comey hrc email case right so he was

Slam Dunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.20

@00:15:33 we saw something like this with comey to

Renegade Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.13.20

@00:24:33 nobody's home he comey had this
@00:25:10 comey has been talking about some

Just This Justice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.11.20

@00:06:03 see the big names comey obviously

Moving Forward - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.8.20

@00:06:06 should be fairly familiar to you comey

Pit Bullish - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.20

@00:21:44 chuck grassley james comey they were

Feddlin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.30.19

@00:19:01 mention of james comey and aunt loretta

DEEP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.19

@00:04:57 comey began the trump russian collusion
@00:05:07 course comey comes out saying we don't
@00:16:41 like james comey right now let's go down
@00:26:27 homey comey had to sell his connecticut
@00:26:34 on his home he comey
@00:27:26 of them was for james comey for
@00:28:54 and there's andy mccabe and james comey

2 Articles - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.23.19

@00:18:07 obviously james comey signed the warrant
@00:28:03 of the fbi james comey was rated and

Master of Puppets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.20.19

@00:29:10 director james be comey about his and

Marker 9 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.19

@00:11:53 of james nobodies homie comey looks more
@00:12:09 mention of james comey there is 480
@00:12:20 regarding corny vs. comey think recent
@00:13:46 really shows is comey is not even in the
@00:13:54 against comey with this because he's not
@00:18:23 cornie 480 times comey zero times and
@00:22:59 that the search is for comey and the
@00:23:04 middle there we see the old james comey
@00:24:11 prior to the comey release remember
@00:24:27 coming soon but horowitz report + comey
@00:25:14 comey report declassify the indictment
@00:25:18 so it looks like the comey report now is

[Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.15.19

@00:24:46 home he comey we never thought she lose

42B - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.13.19

@00:01:06 comey we were talking about corn fields
@00:03:33 intelligence agencies fisa james comey
@00:14:26 referencing james nobodies homie comey
@00:25:12 james hunt nobody's home he comey was
@00:30:58 spelling the name james comey like james

Cracked Corn - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.19

@00:17:22 talking about with james comey and james
@00:19:14 foia requests after the comey corny
@00:20:42 comey niceiy suggesting there was old
@00:27:38 corny james comey iowa china spying all
@00:27:52 keep in mind james comey is standing in
@00:29:31 nobodies homie comey have something to
@00:31:37 corn there and james comey thinks so
@00:33:09 that but nobody's home he comey it's
@00:37:27 also being pointed out to james comey
@00:37:33 james comey to choose whether or not he
@00:37:47 connections to these comey

All Hands On Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.8.19

@00:33:34 in terms of comey and muller and strock

On With the Show - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.7.19

@00:05:46 dog james comey signed off ron rosen
@00:11:36 me to the james comey book a higher

Bring It All Down - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.19

@00:12:03 nobodies homie comey so needless to say
@00:14:35 comey and then we have changed we can

Quiet No Longer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.19

@00:20:10 investigation into comey and whatnot so

[HUNTER]s - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.25.19

@00:13:48 fbi off their chairs making comey

Very Best Boy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.23.19

@00:06:07 on this has to do with james comey

Q Anon/News - 6 O'Clock - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.17.19

@00:01:43 higher loyalty james comey likes to talk
@00:01:48 talk about james comey in just a second
@00:02:25 james nobodies homie comey also just
@00:02:49 is james comey outstanding in his field
@00:03:36 of corn talk there's james comey from
@00:05:00 james comey and devon nunez appear to be
@00:05:08 this tweet from comey in june of 2018
@00:06:14 it right there later the same day comey
@00:07:02 regarding comey note the letter y is in
@00:13:48 tweet from james comey where he is in
@00:14:25 so was this comey expressing where his
@00:14:40 james comey deciding whether or not to
@00:14:45 and maybe james comey is expressing that

Q Anon/News - Cut the Cable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.3.19

@00:06:27 where comey was talking about the corn

Very Good Girl - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.30.19

@00:18:35 doj cia fbi john brennan james comey

Ruff Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.19.19

@00:02:31 anyone from james comey to the united
@00:06:04 to james comey standing out there in his

An App for That Too - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.17.19

@00:02:24 comey would like to help the former fbi
@00:02:54 that james comey not just james comey
@00:02:56 but in particular james comey has been
@00:03:46 they're star wars themed and james comey

Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.27.19

@00:08:54 were could be brendan could be comey

D-Notice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.16.19

@00:03:29 comey signed off on it many people did
@00:15:39 homie comey and are about to be indicted
@00:18:29 everybody know that james comey is
@00:25:27 it with james comey story and then of

Spy at the Pool - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.19

@00:13:42 james nobodies homi comey somebody is

I Spy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.19

@00:12:41 report on jim comey your reaction to
@00:12:51 sliver how jim comey handled the memos
@00:13:02 jim comey mishandled that disclosed it
@00:13:20 general found that jim comey let his
@00:13:33 partisan republican found that jim comey
@00:13:55 director of the fbi jim comey in aiding
@00:15:51 likely gonna go straight up to comey and
@00:18:33 former fbi director james comey firing
@00:19:58 lead us to comey which will probably

Dog Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.19

@00:05:32 other missteps comey mccabe struck page
@00:06:07 a second but comey mccabe's draw page or

Q Anon/News - HOT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.19

@00:10:02 not prosecute comey for leaking memos
@00:10:19 james nobody's home he comey for leaking
@00:10:35 could not be prosecuted comey penned
@00:10:56 comey admitted to that arrangement
@00:11:09 comey for potential prosecution as part
@00:11:48 and try and prosecute comey they're
@00:12:08 going after comey for this doesn't mean
@00:12:30 james comey for some confidential memos
@00:14:26 nobody's telling me comey was saying

Q Anon/ News - Fuddy Waters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.19

@00:31:02 this picture here this is a james comey
@00:31:57 you know james james comey when he

Q Anon/News - [Knowingly] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.25.19

@00:02:16 replace james comey as fbi director
@00:18:47 rebecky james comey now we haven't heard
@00:18:50 since again from james comey but we've
@00:23:47 lynch and comey yes very likely look
@00:24:13 me and of course comey was the one that

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.23.19

@00:03:07 ready james comey be ready traitors one
@00:03:26 comey that we know is going to come out
@00:20:33 wonder if james nobody's home he comey

Q Anon/News - Child Mind - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.22.19

@00:04:31 molar be ready jc james comey be ready

Q Anon/News - Scandler - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.9.19

@00:01:46 comey the comey report that we've been
@00:03:59 to the comey
@00:04:03 about this a little bit that the comey
@00:04:16 then we got this horowitz plus comey
@00:04:59 don't forget to that not only will comey
@00:29:40 a matter and she alerts james comey and

Q Anon/News - Comey Correct - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.3.19

@00:09:25 what did comey demand what
@00:10:41 know for sure but perhaps comey was just
@00:11:24 lgbtq was james comey simply filling in
@00:11:51 could likely be responding back to comey
@00:11:53 this would have come after the comey

Q Anon/News - Burnin' For Burma? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.31.19

@00:07:27 we've got donna brazile james comey john

Q Anon/News - Dog Eat Dog - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.29.19

@00:06:21 john brennan clapper and james comey are
@00:10:10 investigation of james comey personally
@00:11:41 pro comey and seems to be kind of laying
@00:11:48 narrative to commis story comey is the
@00:12:21 comey and brennan seems to be kind of

Q Anon/News - The Dogged Pursuit - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.28.19

@00:04:03 more from people like james comey kamala

Q Anon/News - Big In Japan - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.27.19

@00:18:21 you've got comey brennan all selling

Q Anon/News - Drones and Groans - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.25.19

@00:05:24 i saw where comey is blaming this one

Q Anon/News - Coming Soon - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.24.19

@00:02:59 waiting to see on these comey
@00:12:02 james comey are the phony hillary
@00:21:03 ain't you homie comey their aides were
@00:21:38 james knew but he's home he comey and
@00:22:00 nine eleven and on is asking about comey
@00:22:03 what about the comey report yeah we were
@00:22:15 media if you will that this comey report
@00:22:18 comey has been very vocal as of late
@00:22:35 that the threat of this comey released
@00:22:47 we knew that comey knew that this matter

Q Anon/News - Frolic in the Bird Seed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.19

@00:02:40 get the feeling james comey can sing and
@00:04:08 with former fbi director james comey

Q Anon/News - Very Good Boy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.8.19

@00:14:34 james nobody's home a comey our dog

Q Anon/News - Cobra Kai - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.3.19

@00:07:47 comey
@00:07:59 comey memos but that will be coming in

Q Anon/News - Kick it Up a Notch - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.30.19

@00:12:43 comey and muller were the main players
@00:12:48 ashcroft was lying in his deathbed comey
@00:13:12 states that comey wasn't willing to do
@00:13:26 molar comey fight says electronic

Q Anon/News - HouseHold Name - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.28.19

@00:10:28 will be that the comey memos will come
@00:11:03 gonna get some of these comey memos that
@00:11:12 point out that in 2016 comey also travel
@00:11:21 comey memos but it looks like the memos
@00:11:30 schedule our guest comey memos ig report

Q Anon/News - It's Happening - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.25.19

@00:02:03 for brennan and clapper and comey and
@00:15:02 james comey alone that will be out in
@00:16:06 this james nobodies homie comey report

Q Anon/News - Game Over - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.20.19

@00:03:32 being nobody's homie comey in testimony

Q Anon/News - So Many Answers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.19.19

@00:06:27 comey andrew mccabe peter struck brennan
@00:07:31 night for me says somewhere james comey
@00:08:08 suspect about this james comey is not
@00:09:13 know but we do know that comey came up

Q Anon/News - Merely a LARP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.12.19

@00:19:46 nobody's home e comey now q said back
@00:21:15 think james comey that was a situation
@00:21:19 comey was the one who wanted to a block

Q Anon/News - PANIC - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.11.19

@00:13:29 be james comey i don't know i certainly
@00:14:42 ii comey alright kids that's all i got

Q Anon/News - Whones? Nunes - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4 .8.19

@00:13:04 comey andrew mccabe didn't seem to tell
@00:13:17 brennan clapper shift comey we have a

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:06:41 komi who's a terrible guy comey and
@00:10:25 what comey is trying to threaten right

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:17:44 there comey when trump fired me i
@00:17:54 james comey said in an interview
@00:18:10 back to early may 2017 when comey
@00:18:13 committee during that hearing comey
@00:18:41 you heard that comey replied i thought
@00:18:58 investigation that threatened me comey
@00:19:00 said trump fired comey on may 9th 2017
@00:19:12 investigation comey said he wasn't sure
@00:19:29 and that's really important comey said
@00:19:40 associated with comey went on to assist
@00:19:59 referring to the investigation comey
@00:20:13 make one up for you comey said the
@00:20:36 version comey says the hypocrisy is
@00:20:49 just james comey backpedaling hence why
@00:20:56 comey was out to get him and that's
@00:21:09 letter to fire comey which is exactly
@00:21:18 nature photos where comey says so many

Q Anon/News - [1]Opens the Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.26.19

@00:05:01 james comey right so this kind of threw
@00:05:54 james comey andrew mccabe sally yates
@00:12:49 oh there's fbi director comey tweeting
@00:16:47 with our election comey was the fbi

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:32:58 nick lewin molar connection comey

Q Anon/News - Strike Fast - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.19

@00:19:28 comey and 31 20 to 30 minutes after the

Q Anon/News - Ides of March - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.16.19

@00:05:33 xbox coms in which james comey bruce or
@00:12:46 director comey were discussed number
@00:13:48 mccabe and james comey who's telling the
@00:23:26 director james comey on december 9th

Q Anon/News - ZEROCOOL - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.19

@00:18:08 comey be fired that's precisely what
@00:18:36 comey someone's got to be lying now two

Q Anon/News - Whistle While You Work - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.14.19

@00:08:22 comey bruce or christopher steele aunt

Q Anon/News - Do Unicorns Exist? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.13.19

@00:06:18 james comey and robert muller barsoomian
@00:07:42 conflict of interest with comey byron
@00:07:49 between molar and comey which gives rise
@00:27:38 james comey comes out saying no charges
@00:30:23 missteps comey mccabe struck page or
@00:30:32 right now comey mccabe struck page and

Q Anon/News - Promises Made, Promises Kept - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.5.19

@00:28:40 comey made the announcement not to file
@00:29:45 we see james nobody's home ii comey

Q Anon/News - March Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.4.19

@00:20:48 that be mccabe comey rosenstein and
@00:32:49 director james b comey in testimony
@00:33:06 by then fbi director james comey so we

Q Anon/News - Huge Habbenings - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:10:37 comey andrew mccabe peter struck lisa
@00:17:22 warrant like james comey and of course

Q Anon/News - One Step Closer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.23.19

@00:02:49 later when james comey decided they were

Q Anon/News - Deal of a Lifetime? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:13:15 donald trump comey throws ag lynch under
@00:15:37 james comey take days after well he made
@00:15:53 meeting james comey announced that the

Q Anon/News - News Moving Fast? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.19

@00:21:18 director james nobody's homie comey made
@00:21:34 bureau to include comey comey however
@00:23:03 ratcliffe says yeah so jim comey had
@00:23:22 jim comey is he would throw things out
@00:24:01 stein and james comey one or more of
@00:24:23 mccabe and james comey and that's gonna

Q Anon/News - Survival Of The FITTEST - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.20.19

@00:18:57 comey there was no basis and indeed
@00:23:47 that through james comey sweet yesterday
@00:28:05 without redaction of james comey andrew
@00:32:55 comey obama still swinging away it's

Q Anon/News - #WakeUp - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.19

@00:19:48 align it with james comey story who also
@00:19:56 rosen stein's so between mccabe comey
@00:31:35 one of those people's lies james comey

Q Anon/News - On The Daily - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.17.19

@00:23:42 that him and comey are having to match

Q Anon/News - F-15 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.16.19

@00:02:57 him and so does comey and they both have
@00:04:49 advocated that trump fire comey then

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:11:19 of what comey would have known

Q Anon/News - #WinningBigly - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:15:54 fired james comey jim or becky bill

Q Anon/News - Give a Dog a Bone - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.19

@00:01:34 director james comey reopened the email
@00:02:03 fbi director james comey sent a letter
@00:02:15 director comey lead fbi agent on the
@00:04:44 october 28 2016 comey up ended the
@00:05:42 including comey page struck an email
@00:05:59 comey andrew mccabe jim rebecky these

Q Anon/News - #FactsMatter - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.12.19

@00:21:15 call asap about the comey letter baker
@00:22:05 sent to then director james comey since
@00:22:26 comey fbi intelligence analyst jonathan
@00:22:52 comey sent a second letter reporting
@00:24:59 charge comey tells his top aides to be

Q Anon/News - Narrative Fight - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.11.19

@00:09:34 going on and likely james comey too got
@00:34:06 fisa warrants james comey right so

Prepare the Battlefield - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.30.19

@00:05:15 his firing of james comey and a daily

Fake News DownSizing? - In Pursuit of Truth - 1.25.19

@00:06:18 james comey john mccain who knows a lot
@00:18:52 james comey knew about it now everybody

BackPage News - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.23.19

@00:14:27 that andrew mccabe and james comey would

A Quick Burn - That's Racist! - IPOT Presents - 1.22.19

@00:07:11 sally yates and james comey to be his

Q Anon/News - Bread From the Baker - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.16.19

@00:19:35 james comey the story described
@00:20:00 to former director james comey about
@00:20:26 against comey and james baker was
@00:20:28 special counsel to comey so he knew a
@00:20:30 lot about what was going on with comey
@00:20:32 so if james baker knew it likely comey

Q Anon/News - Lights On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.19

@00:05:54 and comey democratic house focus on
@00:12:17 konya i call him lyin james comey
@00:15:54 dealing with the remnants of comey and
@00:23:08 and after fbi director james comey was
@00:27:22 experience than jim comey page says no
@00:27:25 as someone know that knows jim comey is

Q Anon/News - Wheres Bader? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.8.19

@00:01:05 comey the man who destroyed the fbi wow
@00:01:15 inspector clouseau james comey the names
@00:01:27 cardinal comey the cardinal was a
@00:01:39 pomposity and self regard comey cut a
@00:01:55 public became the losers james comey
@00:03:11 revealed by comey clapper and brennan
@00:03:47 cardinal comey should get the first
@00:04:03 is too the treachery revealed by comey

Q Anon/News - Pull On This Thread - 1.4.19

@00:07:41 from this bruce or confirmed that comey
@00:07:51 trump comey traveled to the uk with two
@00:09:55 and so you see potus james comey bowness
@00:09:57 james comey potus james comey then we
@00:10:17 singh james comey 'he's got to go and
@00:11:49 thrown under the bus by comey he was
@00:12:22 pre-snap even came out and said comey is
@00:12:34 when nagasaki all over on comey
@00:14:27 against james comey former fbi director
@00:14:34 both former fbi director james comey and
@00:14:53 coms with james comey lynch is being
@00:20:21 name james comey sally yates loretta
@00:23:20 being james comey loretta lynch sally
@00:23:26 james comey loretta lynch yates brennan

Q Anon/News - 7 Is Marginal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.27.18

@00:17:27 family well that's fast if james comey
@00:21:59 director comey will likely resign in any
@00:24:18 fbi director comey has been trying to

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:04:22 james comey angela k jr james for vicky
@00:04:51 assistant to james comey sally moyer
@00:06:39 go guess that's james comey in this
@00:06:43 clapper either with him it's james comey
@00:16:14 comey keeps saying up enough up on

Q Anon/News - Misinformation? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.17.18

@00:22:14 comey back in the testimony chair again
@00:23:55 james nobody's home he comey would love
@00:24:07 comey on wednesday december 19th at 2:30

Q Anon/News - Cherry On Top - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.12.18

@00:01:07 here former fbi director james comey
@00:01:30 comey 'he's behind closed doors

Q Anon/News - 'Smocking' Gun - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.18

@00:07:42 huma holder oh my clapper clinton comey
@00:33:23 director james comey under fire for his

Q Anon/News - Rapid Fire - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.5.18

@00:12:10 calls okay so down goes comey down goes
@00:21:37 comey would love to testify after he
@00:25:01 said comey doesn't want to go ahead and
@00:25:23 comey made an agreement saying that he

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:23:35 comey is probably gonna try and get aunt

Q Anon/News - Can't Stop This. No One Can. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.18

@00:20:00 clinton comey uranium one who is john w
@00:36:24 we're talking about james comey because
@00:36:35 france today comey testimony do you
@00:37:09 think james comey is gonna have to come
@00:37:13 comey flipping is he gonna drop some
@00:37:32 fisa warrants james comey knows all so
@00:37:43 big moment for james comey and if you'll
@00:37:49 james comey than democrats so who knows

Q Anon:News - MONDAY - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.1.18

@00:03:25 homie comey testimo me and he's
@00:08:41 theory comey is shaking in his boots
@00:08:59 have or what i'm assuming to be comey
@00:09:06 the y is missing on comey okay well we
@00:10:02 it's just to imply that that's how comey
@00:13:31 could it be that comey
@00:13:53 with comey
@00:15:17 clinton's emails the doj james comey and
@00:16:28 apart on comey let's move on to the next
@00:35:25 james comey our dog benji died this
@00:36:17 statement from james comey who lost his
@00:37:14 james comey who needs to go to the

Q Anon - You Dirty RAT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.18

@00:03:39 comey is having his feet held to the
@00:03:45 course james comey is saying that's fine
@00:04:10 comey to just say yeah well i can't
@00:04:35 james comey but let's move on for now
@00:09:06 comey and lynch now they've got
@00:09:47 james comey and well and essentially and
@00:17:53 after comey and always wanted to go
@00:18:07 we are going to have comey testifying so

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:18:27 director james b comey in testimony
@00:25:04 department to prosecute comey and

Q Anon - 11:11 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.11.18

@00:08:33 james comey fbi director mike flynn
@00:34:55 james comey clapper all these names here
@00:35:57 them when they was changed comey i'm
@00:36:13 well well isn't this interesting comey
@00:36:24 no right james comey is even laughing
@00:36:31 comey private gmail account were so
@00:37:13 25th 2016 comey apparently emailed
@00:37:35 so you've got comey mccabe rip icky on

Q Anon The Gloves Are Off In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 10 18

@00:26:40 comey was fired andrew mccabe number two
@00:28:23 with comey and mccabe right tricia

Q Anon - Think Red Line - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.18

@00:04:20 comey we had mccabe was peter struck one
@00:07:38 the tarmac james comey number to be
@00:31:19 comey so it looks like now sally yates

Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18

@00:03:38 fbi reported directly to james comey
@00:14:15 meeting between comey and coleman on
@00:14:21 comey coleman's notes from october 4th
@00:15:22 investigating the house of saud comey
@00:15:29 we asked comey if this briefing could
@00:15:36 weiner investigation comey stated it's
@00:15:53 comey right there sitting on the fence
@00:15:57 october 4th to comey comey did not

Q Anon Double Meanings In Pursuit of Truth Presents 10 6 18

@00:20:43 is the twitter of james comey who says

Q Anon - Ready? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.5.18

@00:04:52 and james comey so this is a really
@00:16:28 thickens and we've also got james comey

Q Anon - Fearless - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.4.18

@00:10:11 rosenstein and james comey coordinated
@00:10:59 i could assure you mr. comey has been
@00:11:24 james comey coordinating to a point
@00:15:01 could have been that mccabe and comey
@00:21:54 former fbi director james comey left the
@00:25:46 testifying against comey and i don't

Q Anon - The Sky is Falling - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.24.18

@00:19:27 you know james comey come back into the
@00:19:31 into mccabe we've got to go into comey -

Q Anon - When Does a Bird Sing? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.22.18

@00:16:34 firing of james be comey as fbi director
@00:16:47 asked mr. comey to pledge loyalty and
@00:17:01 comey by writing a memo critical of his
@00:17:23 director james comey was fired deputy ag
@00:18:28 didn't even have to like james comey
@00:33:39 things the truth revealed comey hrc
@00:33:51 you tell comey what's up just tell him
@00:41:14 all did it comey mccabe talking next

Q Anon - 17 Second Delta - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.21.18

@00:01:37 that i highlighted was from james comey
@00:07:15 dc james baker testifying against comey
@00:07:23 an advisor to comey and then cute gives
@00:08:12 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:11:26 assure you mr. comey has been very
@00:11:41 the one who advised comey to not mention
@00:11:57 footage of james comey deleting his
@00:24:26 however while struck comey and others
@00:24:55 colluded with moscow and while comey

Q Anon - Patriots Protect Patriots - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.20.18

@00:17:19 over to the twitter of james comey

Q Anon - DECLAS / Whopper With Cheese - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.18.18

@00:03:25 comey andrew mccabe peter struck lisa
@00:17:59 comey are you ratting out bill and

Q Anon - DC In Panic - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.12.18

@00:12:51 between comey and mccabe regarding their
@00:13:15 against comey uh okay well james baker
@00:13:26 so testifying against comey i'm arguing
@00:13:32 testified against comey
@00:13:54 comey not to say publicly that they
@00:14:06 against comey to save his own behind
@00:15:31 stein yates lynch and comey
@00:16:19 stein yates lynch and comey and they all

Q Anon - Attention on Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.18

@00:09:14 comey these guys are under investigation
@00:10:15 whether it be comey whether it be mccabe
@00:19:53 rose and sign and comey so we may find

Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18

@00:07:30 director comey called a mosaic and i
@00:08:29 james comey and then we have what seems
@00:10:07 would hold up for okay james comey
@00:16:22 recommend the firing of james comey to
@00:16:32 recommendation james comey was fired and
@00:18:17 james comey provide the necessary
@00:19:43 q posis tweet here from james comey it's
@00:21:00 okay so eight months that james comey
@00:22:26 like some months ago james comey set the
@00:30:22 and we know here the comey
@00:30:28 comey sign another one in june mckay rod
@00:30:44 fired comey was fired

Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18

@00:03:23 james comey the dams all hated him
@00:21:48 goes all the way up to james comey jim

Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18

@00:18:38 james comey mccabe write firewalls they

Q Anon - Who Are the White Rabbits? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.2.18

@00:05:37 the names comey mckay brennan clapper

Q Anon - ..Controls the Future pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.29.18

@00:34:35 comey mccain struck page or fisa dirty

Q Anon - Hurricane Halper / Either Ohr? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.28.18

@00:14:06 former fbi director james comey the
@00:32:53 james comey andrew mccabe john brennan

Q Anon - RESPICT the Name / Comey Untethered? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.21.18

@00:01:35 status of james comey which is this
@00:02:58 james comey is shooting out a message to
@00:04:27 if you want to appeal james comey you've
@00:05:23 therefore james comey people who lie are
@00:05:42 q and of course james comey just can't
@00:05:48 you think james comey is standing tall
@00:05:50 or cowering is james comey gonna speak
@00:06:20 james comey knows that as well - let me
@00:06:25 june 2018 james comey continues to argue
@00:07:05 choice of words for james comey he
@00:07:29 comey is responding to cue saying i will
@00:07:35 comey doubling down and threatening the
@00:07:47 you this james comey is more than likely
@00:09:02 james comey coincidence guess who was
@00:09:55 to 2009 james comey leaves the justice
@00:12:55 comey who secured 17 no-bid contracts
@00:13:27 2016 james comey drafts an exoneration
@00:13:43 himself like the true gangster comey is
@00:14:00 general comey gets fired based upon a
@00:14:03 letter by roses time comey leaks
@00:15:26 james comey and robert miller barsoomian
@00:17:19 the clapper leaks the comey leaks

Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18

@00:25:46 rosenstein mccabe sally yates jim comey
@00:29:18 james comey is one of these four
@00:29:28 yates on we know comey signed we don't
@00:29:38 four is james comey now whatever it is

Q Anon Clearance Denied! Red Shoes, the Pope and Anderson Cooper In Pursuit of Truth Presents

@00:06:52 director james comey the former deputy
@00:30:09 text reveals steele anxious over comey
@00:30:21 james comey testified the lawmakers that
@00:30:35 firewalls will hold when comey testified
@00:32:47 translation from james comey and he had
@00:34:04 of course james comey bruce or
@00:34:21 bonus round james clapper james comey
@00:38:28 trainer james comey is a trader and jim

Q Anon - Peter Strzok Out! Antifa Terror? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.14.18

@00:31:55 he's also mentioned in the comey emails
@00:31:58 there's there's comey correspondence
@00:33:42 never forget director comey fired deputy

Q Anon - Q Hacked? Hilary and Haiti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8.11.18

@00:05:00 with fbi director comey now i told

Q Anon - What's On Those Planes? Showtime! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.10.18

@00:14:28 comey andrew mccabe jr james for bicky
@00:14:56 comey sally moyer supervisory special
@00:16:45 that's james comey in this particular
@00:16:49 think we think it's james comey and of
@00:26:43 mccabe and james comey perhaps little
@00:27:35 comey promotion was a lieutenant a

Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18

@00:01:34 james comey fbi director fired jim
@00:14:08 fire james comey fired andrew mccabe
@00:15:04 reminds us that james comey was fired

Q Anon - Something BIG about to DRQP? JUST the Plan?? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.3.18

@00:16:23 comey what a colossal disaster yeah jeff

Q Anon - Q is Mainstream! Why the MAGA Hate? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.2.18

@00:27:44 to fish james comey so listen juan
@00:30:19 our steel dossier branden comey clapper

Q Anon - Manafort, Podesta, MAGA Movement Growing! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.1.18

@00:32:16 comey and then of course it gets into

Q Anon Vault 7, Spooks For Hire? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 31 18

@00:01:29 comey hussein dates white house visitor
@00:25:38 james comey john brennan nicholas
@00:34:06 name brennan comey hussein no name

Q Anon - Buckle Up, Buttercup! Avenatti, Gotti? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 30 18

@00:41:14 they went to the msm comey went around

Q Anon - Bldg 8? Social Media Tumbling Down? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.18

@00:16:29 well be james comey not really sure and

Q Anon Blood Moon Rising In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 27 18

@00:18:00 how about james comey you have a front

Q Anon Q is Back! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 25 18

@00:19:13 comey on july 5th 2016 comey made a
@00:20:10 accordingly we refer james comey to doj
@00:22:49 director james comey former acting

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Q Review/World Update - 7.14.18

@00:19:07 course james comey back some months ago
@00:19:12 so clearly james comey doesn't want to

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.2.18

@00:38:20 hillary kerry clapper comey and jarrett
@00:39:44 fbi director james comey announced the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:17:38 we've got james comey number two andrew

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18

@00:12:44 could be comey as well too but we do

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.19.18

@00:11:51 of course involves james comey as well
@00:12:02 argue that it's james comey i think
@00:12:07 comey because i think that sort of the
@00:12:43 comey said he did not expect a report on
@00:13:05 should mr. comey expect the report when
@00:14:53 roses scene in james comey i suppose
@00:16:59 are rod rosen steam james comey and i
@00:18:39 firing comey for obvious reasons and the
@00:18:41 more we ins investigating the comey
@00:21:29 comey having a separate personal phone
@00:25:17 dismissal of fbi director james comey
@00:25:25 this month comey said that lynch during
@00:25:33 feeling comey said in the testimony
@00:30:26 and of course comey saying that she was

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 6.18.18/2

@00:15:17 james comey fired doj david laughlin

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.15.18

@00:01:15 hillary and slippery james comey
@00:14:37 hillary and slippery james comey
@00:22:29 briefing comey on the materials that
@00:23:43 for comey
@00:23:43 his minions and sadly the fbi comey will

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.13.18

@00:03:27 ig report on potus bj comey in brackets
@00:39:12 realizes that comey mccabe lied and that

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.11.18

@00:12:57 could it be james comey andrew mccabe
@00:15:52 comey and this is from your
@00:16:31 james comey and of course the number-two

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.4.18

@00:02:37 former fbi director james comey fired by
@00:02:53 fbi director james comey and former fbi

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 6.1.18

@00:03:23 james comey was the federal prosecutor
@00:06:48 fbi director james comey a letter in
@00:10:11 robert miller james comey and patrick
@00:10:35 lies and fake news comey the former fbi
@00:10:42 circuit but we all remember comey is the
@00:10:57 comey had as fbi director with trump
@00:11:02 comey hoped the leaked would lead to the
@00:11:25 congressional hearing comey referred to
@00:11:31 and just recently comey hired fitzgerald
@00:15:10 moeller comey and fitzgerald must be

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:17:08 comey briefed then president elect trump
@00:17:43 director comey met with president-elect
@00:17:46 january 7th 2017 director comey
@00:17:54 senior fbi leadership director comey
@00:18:02 small group director comey wrote i then

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.17.18

@00:03:49 in london for comey in operation
@00:37:09 peter struck in london for comey in

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 5 8 18

@00:08:47 jeff sessions okay then james comey for

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.5.18

@00:03:58 assistant to james comey james comey
@00:11:20 fbi maybe james comey will he be seeing
@00:22:53 fbi james comey maybe that has something
@00:23:19 comey fired the department of justice

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.3.18

@00:32:09 comey what was in that phone that they
@00:32:13 wanted to see that james comey didn't

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.1.18

@00:02:47 says james comey i don't trust him i

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.28.18

@00:02:14 muller and link comey to potus not being
@00:03:34 comey release of memos to obtain sc sc
@00:03:38 attack potus witch-hunt sc / comey rob
@00:05:45 director fired james comey director fire
@00:21:08 replace james comey atop the bureau
@00:21:20 after trump fired comey in early may the
@00:22:42 director james comey on may 9th but that
@00:24:00 you've got james comey andrew mccabe
@00:28:28 comey says to potus not being

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 27 18

@00:10:58 said 18 james comey one of the most
@00:11:19 gotten mccabe and comey to build their
@00:34:17 comey huma abedin wasserman schultz you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 4 20 18

@00:09:44 now comey
@00:27:28 okay so here's james comey nice sitting
@00:27:35 james comey saying i'm not so sure i dig

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.19.18

@00:17:01 director james comey there's a little

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.18.18

@00:04:50 fired fbi director james comey should
@00:19:14 muller how to deal with comey how

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.16.18

@00:07:38 james comey will be out with a tell-all
@00:17:35 april 15th donald trump comey throws
@00:18:03 well this is what comey saying
@00:18:06 comey describes how loretta lynch his
@00:18:10 clinton email solder for james comey
@00:18:47 justice department comey said given all
@00:18:56 institutions of justice comey if appears
@00:19:11 ordered comey to describe the fbi's
@00:19:31 protect clinton comey said i didn't know
@00:19:48 avoid using the word investigation comey
@00:25:14 then we had the james comey dismissal

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.14.18

@00:06:20 was totally controlled by comey who
@00:06:36 it's gonna expose comey so what do we
@00:07:21 comey and two fbi agents investigating
@00:07:43 this is going to lead to comey who were

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.13.18

@00:03:50 former fbi director james comey right

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.7.18/2

@00:00:55 james comey her airplane meeting with

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 3 - The National Review - 4.1.18

@00:06:16 decision was james comey the bureau had
@00:06:44 the laptop of a pedophile james comey is
@00:07:45 her back down what was he thinking comey
@00:08:38 masquerading as a letter to comey harry
@00:08:40 reid spoke for the team comey he wrote
@00:08:48 whereas comey never hesitated to
@00:09:29 been thrown out and that comey had
@00:09:39 comey wasn't going to tell people about
@00:10:11 origins comey announced the reopening of
@00:12:50 and the doj james comey had to sign off
@00:15:23 think jim comey has said that it

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 2 - The National Review - 3.31.18

@00:08:16 comey according to the new york times in
@00:08:38 may also have pressured comey
@00:09:52 how did comey come to learn of them the
@00:10:41 exasperated with comey in an effort to
@00:13:16 reid wrote a letter to comey
@00:14:07 informed comey that questions have been
@00:14:23 of it before long comey will obey
@00:15:16 himself did obama nudge comey to him
@00:19:39 public why did comey participate in this
@00:20:26 article comey didn't fully satisfy them
@00:21:21 affiliated with the trump campaign comey
@00:21:32 the disavowal comey had more room for
@00:21:41 little additional risk for comey but not

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 1 - The National Review - 3.30.18

@00:03:05 conference that james comey the director
@00:03:14 server was complete comey announced the
@00:04:02 system comey statement had played
@00:05:49 investigation and james comey arrived in
@00:06:09 but careless comey was locked at a
@00:07:05 classified information comey said
@00:09:14 comey had already prepared a draft of
@00:09:18 let hillary clinton skate but give comey
@00:09:57 other during the 2016 election comey
@00:10:25 thoroughly political concern comey would
@00:10:36 truth be told comey loves being in the
@00:15:09 the end of july comey and mccabe would
@00:21:50 them struck paige mccabe and comey would

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.29.18

@00:15:18 sessions mulder comey

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.19.18 - Panic Mode? Enjoy The Show.

@00:03:52 james comey judgment but look at this
@00:03:56 comey got to say he says mr. president
@00:04:04 not i don't think james comey is
@00:04:17 the un who knows james comey former fbi
@00:08:18 democracy sanctimonious james comey was
@00:08:29 think that james comey is not in panic

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18

@00:03:21 clearly james comey who's at number two

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - McCabe, Steele, STEEL? Strzok, Clinton and More

@00:06:32 comey claims that trump tried to
@00:06:52 trump fired comey puts mccabe's pension

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.6.18

@00:04:20 james comey who also had taken some