
1 Iota - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.20

@00:06:30 person and we have proof beyond a
@00:06:40 to get the indictment and proof beyond a

Sure Shot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.8.20

@00:17:36 ever have any kind of hard proof

Major Issues - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.20.20

@00:04:31 doing the proof reading

Faith In Humanity - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.3.20

@00:12:11 seeing some actually hardcore proof that

Shadow Diplomacy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.26.20

@00:17:51 not proof but they are highly

Where's the 302? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.15.20

@00:08:31 proof of a political witch-hunt

Illuminator - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.14.20

@00:07:23 proof right there the twitter status is

Black Sky - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.6.20

@00:03:57 not require proof of evil intent
@00:10:22 especially if we can show them the proof

Law Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.1.20

@00:37:21 proof to support this claim and this has

DRK2LYT II In Pursuit of Truth Presents 2 28 20

@00:02:18 a there was a q proof here and b that
@00:05:22 proof and i couldn't help but think

DRK2LYT - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.26.20

@00:23:55 be another proof of future proves past
@00:23:59 cana proof it's labeled 2904 which is
@00:24:11 the 26 so do we have a proof coming up

Rats! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.21.20

@00:02:21 like it's a few proof
@00:16:33 proof cosh patel ashtag q anon and
@00:19:33 indeed another q proof showing that we
@00:21:47 proof proves our strength - thank you q

Ask the Q - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.20

@00:09:53 is further proof of the conspiracy it

To Be Blunt - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.20

@00:12:38 the dershowitz dersh i have proof obama
@00:12:53 he has proof that former democrat

Just This Justice - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.11.20

@00:07:27 queue proof that's a great way for q to
@00:22:18 appears to be our queue proof here where
@00:24:03 proof does does got to see it in
@00:24:10 this queue proof tonight first queue
@00:24:55 nice a cute proof and a reply from my

Silent War - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.7.20

@00:26:28 behavior as proof of danger

In God We Trust - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.6.20

@00:06:42 another cute proof now q says sometimes
@00:29:48 while national guard activated proof

Not Afraid - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.2.20

@00:19:20 another qed proof here and
@00:22:24 proof one three seven so if you've got

Worth Remembering - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.31.20

@00:06:21 in air gave proof through the night that

Yet To Come - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.20

@00:10:43 simultaneous proof right here and this
@00:10:52 another q proof q says having fun yet q
@00:12:00 this cue proof that we just saw a couple
@00:21:22 says another cue proof slash message to

Ordnary - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.20.20

@00:39:45 so another proof up in your face this

Tigers vs Tigers - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.20

@00:08:17 out we don't see any concrete proof on

Detroit Evergreen - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.20

@00:01:42 a couple of potus tweets and aq proof as
@00:02:10 q proof right here and this was back
@00:02:45 aq proof now i want to turn you on to a

Feddlin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.30.19

@00:16:18 happen there was no proof of it but what

DEEP - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.29.19

@00:09:26 proof that that's not true this is my

1900 Or the Last President (Ingersoll Lockwood) - IPOT Presents - 12.23.19

@00:20:03 better proof of his thorough belief in

BackChannel - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.19.19

@00:19:08 exactly i mean look this is proof enough

Marker 9 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.19

@00:23:48 proof and enoch at la noche la ley

HomeComing 2020 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.16.19

@00:18:42 report huge hashtag q proof and like we

Quiet No Longer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.19

@00:03:45 so any time we see aq proof for those of
@00:15:07 cue proof here this is another picture

Very Good Video - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.26.19

@00:04:06 contribute somewhat to a q proof at some

[HUNTER]s - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.25.19

@00:14:15 and of course plenty of proof of
@00:17:35 proof right and some of the best proofs

Q Anon/News - Gnarwhal - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.15.19

@00:06:06 probably some sort of physical proof cia

Q Anon/News - Rockets and Dockets - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.14.19

@00:16:55 national guard is activated proof check

Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.19

@00:24:15 another cue proof because q had told us
@00:24:31 another q proof because potus said it

Q Anon/News - Cut the Cable - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.3.19

@00:10:04 if indeed q needs to offer up a proof i

An App for That Too - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.17.19

@00:18:25 create a hack proof voting system out of

CyberBunk - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.1.19

@00:16:56 guido bulow director of disaster proof

I Spy - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.19

@00:04:51 i don't have any proof i just don't like
@00:07:13 have proof provided to them by russian

Dog Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.26.19

@00:09:25 really much proof of life we have seen a

Q Anon/News - Stalwarts - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.12.19

@00:07:13 err all maintained their proof status

Q Anon/News - Biblical - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.31.19

@00:35:15 the first demonstrable proof to show

Q Anon/ News - Fuddy Waters - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.28.19

@00:11:06 senior of course without dna proof which

Q Anon/News - [Bob] - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.24.19

@00:30:27 this case we have proof of both in

Q Anon/News - The Squad - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.18.19

@00:03:50 this a q proof sure looks like it and

Q Anon/News - B2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.11.19

@00:29:41 what looks to be another q proof now

Q Anon/News - Coming Soon - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.24.19

@00:09:30 taking you back to this proof here this
@00:11:44 getting picking up on the proof usually
@00:12:22 were talking about a qed proof at the

Q Anon/News - Frolic in the Bird Seed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 5.22.19

@00:01:11 story that i would like to call aq proof
@00:05:40 posting about a little bit of our proof

Q Anon/News - Just Sayin' - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 4.18.19

@00:02:49 up any kind of proof of this or you know

Q Anon/News - Flags Out - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.29.19

@00:15:28 to me well it's just another cute proof

Q Anon/News - So Many Questions pt 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents 3.28.19

@00:00:56 previous q proof and let me go ahead and
@00:01:14 342 and then we see the proof here in
@00:01:31 connection our key proof right there we
@00:01:47 another q proof game
@00:03:01 future proof past kind of thing but i'd

Q Anon/Bake Your Noodle - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.27.19

@00:03:01 proof on that so i do want to tell you
@00:16:40 q adds on proof missed and then we get
@00:17:30 little proof e proof right here and on
@00:23:19 foe investigation cue proof the culprit

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt. 2 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:07:09 an anon gives us a q proof here zero

Q Anon/News - Last Resort Pt 1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.21.19

@00:28:33 for epstein however there is no proof

Q Anon/News - SRIKE! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.18.19

@00:19:26 looks like another qed proof there

Q Anon/News - ZEROCOOL - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.15.19

@00:18:57 don't have any real proof of that or do

Q Anon/News - SealedUnsealed - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.10.19

@00:25:09 hour of 6:00 a.m. we get this cue proof
@00:25:51 proof into play here we have the watch

Q Anon/News - Death Blossom - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.7.19

@00:34:35 i'm me proof of that but we have a lot

Q Anon/News - Thundercats - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.6.19

@00:01:17 take what is a cue proof for 1,000 alex
@00:05:52 nothing more to me than a q proof now it
@00:05:59 proof for a thousand alex but it is
@00:07:02 they have no proof of obstruction by
@00:07:21 gonna do anything you have to have proof
@00:07:39 reference regarding proof versus
@00:07:52 discrimination synonyms proof
@00:07:58 attestation documentation to find proof
@00:08:08 proof of your identity synonyms evidence
@00:08:31 proof equals evidence yeah we got none
@00:08:33 listen to the clip again regarding proof
@00:13:39 another you know another proof that

Q Anon/News - Promises Made, Promises Kept - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.5.19

@00:17:17 be in good order that will be proof

Q Anon/News - March Madness - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.4.19

@00:36:14 without the need to provide proof yeah
@00:39:01 get what looks to be another q proof

Q Anon/News - Huge Habbenings - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:03:51 tweets because it kind of gives us proof
@00:10:42 this year this is q proof 92 this is
@00:20:45 this proof we saw earlier important to

Q Anon/News - Roast, or Burn? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 3.3.19

@00:09:37 zero delta proof and that's what this

Q Anon/News - Power To The People - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.25.19

@00:01:49 so another q proof only this time q +

Q Anon/News - One Step Closer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.23.19

@00:04:41 new narrative q proof q says got popcorn
@00:08:25 another q proof for the anonymous q says

Q Anon/News - Handle With Care - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.22.19

@00:01:08 rom we says holy now this is aq proof

Q Anon/News - #WakeUp - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.19.19

@00:36:42 an on here says this was a great proof

Q Anon/News - Kitchen Is Hot - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.18.19

@00:03:39 able to furnish some proof of
@00:05:04 cannot provide proof of
@00:05:07 wait a minute provide proof of
@00:13:27 blatant q proof double zero delta trump
@00:16:21 a second q proof okay there were 2 0

Q Anon/News - F-15 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.16.19

@00:13:38 foreign and proof of residency the adult

Q Anon/News - It's All There - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:05:32 future-proof fast q let's move on to 27

Q Anon/News - #WinningBigly - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.15.19

@00:11:55 march and i've got proof of it right
@00:30:09 thing i want proof i want proof of these
@00:30:19 me some proof that's all i'm asking all

Q Anon/News - Give a Dog a Bone - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.19

@00:18:40 queue it's a queue proof one minute time
@00:18:47 proof
@00:18:53 other yet another queue proof nice work
@00:19:06 enough that's a pretty close queue proof
@00:19:59 ridiculous week after week proof after
@00:20:01 proof and when it all gets laid out for

Q Anon/News - #FactsMatter - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.12.19

@00:02:35 that this right here is proof that
@00:29:46 proof now i'm not so sure if the proof
@00:31:45 proof it's getting harder and harder for

Kimmels Chef Arrested? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.29.19

@00:10:21 proof and q was saying that wasn't

Q Anon/News - Lights On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.19

@00:29:42 like it's another cue proof there and

Q Anon/News - Ahead Of Schedule - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.6.19

@00:12:38 told me that i would require proof as i
@00:37:36 first graphic is in regards to q proof

Q Anon/News - News Unlocks. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.21.18

@00:26:02 26:34 we get more proof of the news
@00:27:01 so we've got another cue proof q says

Q Anon/News - Guardians of Intelligence - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.18.18

@00:27:54 no evidence of proof or collusion and

Q Anon/News - Misinformation? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.17.18

@00:18:01 conclusive proof the first picture is

Q Anon/News - Cherry On Top - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.12.18

@00:18:04 had the proof long ago but shining the
@00:19:43 there ananse had the proof long ago
@00:22:16 proof or other principles generally

Q Anon/News - 'Smocking' Gun - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.11.18

@00:02:04 proof that he was drooling back then
@00:06:26 proof after proof and people still don't
@00:06:33 burden of proof is on the accuser so if
@00:12:36 that must be a future-proof spaz thing
@00:18:38 hour of 2:00 p.m. we get a cute proof
@00:22:10 so there is a classic queue proof right
@00:33:08 cue proof as you can see down below
@00:33:35 proof and finally i am going to leave

Q Anon/News Who Is Scott Free? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.4.18

@00:18:26 sounds to me like a massive queue proof
@00:18:49 still waiting on that bang-up proof cue

Q Anon/News - Can't Stop This. No One Can. - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.18

@00:08:03 secret eavesdrop proof war court chamber

Q Anon - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.21.18

@00:24:07 see proof of it right here in the next

Q Anon - Enemy @ the Front Door - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.12.18

@00:23:45 so they must have some proof here

Q Anon - Midterms Meltdown - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.10.18

@00:23:25 proof middle eastern male and then the

Q Anon - Red Line Crossed? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.8.18

@00:05:13 we've got some bang-up proof of election

Q Anon - We See YQU! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.5.18

@00:01:06 a source of proof earlier this year a

Q Anon Dropping the 'Hatch'et? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 11 3 18

@00:05:48 theory we've got more proof than any of
@00:11:19 then here's some proof here from this

Q Anon - Guess WhQ? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.2.18

@00:07:52 really cool stuff another cute proof
@00:09:06 just another really cute cool cute proof
@00:12:47 for this direct knowledge proof to begin

Q Anon - Suspicious Package - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.27.18

@00:21:08 activated proof check locate a national
@00:21:26 don't really have any proof either way

Q Anon - Think Red Line - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.9.18

@00:21:59 wall street journal okay so more proof

Q Anon - Boom Week - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.8.18

@00:04:12 proof that that wasn't told to the fisa

Q Anon - Darkest Days - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.2.18

@00:19:45 one kind of an early q proof that q knew

Q Anon - Prepare - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.30.18

@00:13:47 that will lead to a future-proof past

Q Anon Red Tsunami? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 28 18

@00:27:48 proof and the anon says thank you for

Q Anon - Think "Football" - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.17.18

@00:20:05 just q helping to build another q proof
@00:24:06 bombshell fbi couldn't find proof of

Q Anon - Attention on Deck - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.11.18

@00:11:12 looks like we've got all the proof we're
@00:18:29 show a proof of it in a minute here we
@00:24:01 asking for some sort of proof in which
@00:27:20 essentially it's another q proof but
@00:28:12 proof guys request heard delivered no

Q Anon - Knowledge is Power - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.10.18

@00:18:03 ipod proof because i said quite a while

Q Anon Sleeper Cells? In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 8 18

@00:32:44 proof of the interview interference

Q Anon DECLAS : Nothing to See Here In Pursuit of Truth Presents 9 4 18

@00:17:19 another cue proof i think so i read this

Q Anon - DARPA /Google - Somebody's Watching Me - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 9.3.18

@00:01:44 proof and i'll explain what i mean in a
@00:03:59 as mr. nunez is proof the revelation
@00:05:14 is an eye pop proof because i called it

Q Anon - Hurricane Halper / Either Ohr? - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.28.18

@00:14:56 suspicion without any proof was then

Q Anon - The Trilogy Begins: FISA = Start In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.20.18

@00:14:55 eavesdrop proof war court chamber for

Q Anon - Alex Jones, the NSA and You! pt.1 - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.15.18

@00:23:15 proof and we talked about this in one of

Q Anon We Have the ServerS Wonderful Day! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 8 4 18

@00:20:53 a cue proof in the fact that earlier
@00:21:56 undeniable proof well remember eric

Q Anon - Manafort, Podesta, MAGA Movement Growing! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.1.18

@00:19:06 proof showing the very very very close

Q Anon Q is Back! In Pursuit of Truth Presents 7 25 18

@00:01:03 potus does not speculate future-proof
@00:04:25 beautiful' that turns out to be aq proof
@00:04:39 evidence so evidence is proof some sort
@00:04:43 of proof that would either be could be
@00:24:22 proof of a deep state conspiracy run by

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.5.18

@00:02:30 proof check locate a national guard

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 7.4.18

@00:25:47 and of course it was the proof probably
@00:32:43 get this one called q proof which looks

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon 6 21 18

@00:03:39 more obvious than that q proof is the
@00:35:55 bro i love you everyone's stoked q proof

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.20.18

@00:25:53 another q proof q adds on to that by

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.18.18/1

@00:10:02 proof for you there we are moving on to
@00:10:17 undeniable proof how do you share what
@00:21:29 it's just another cue proof as well and
@00:21:34 here what will this week bring proof
@00:38:55 guys think but there is another q proof

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.14.18

@00:07:01 another cue proof seeing that the post
@00:07:17 another queue proof for you for those

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.13.18

@00:28:47 proof really if you think about it which
@00:28:51 soon but it's another cue proof this

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.12.18

@00:28:56 pic proof we had gotten something from a

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.11.18

@00:06:27 posts remember q did a a proof pic of

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.23.18

@00:03:27 november 2017 q trip code equals proof
@00:20:49 proof of cute seems like he was having
@00:21:20 november 2017 q trip code equals proof
@00:21:35 proof of q ok and that it's the same q

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New - Q Anon - 5.21.18

@00:16:02 this is just another cue proof we talked
@00:26:48 any more proof to know that there are

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.15.18

@00:15:34 so cool stuff another q proof and you

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.12.18

@00:09:33 enough and you've seen enough proof and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.9.18

@00:24:41 he had his lynyrd skynyrd cds for proof

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.30.18

@00:18:49 sort of aq primer or a proof sub-q if

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.26.18

@00:02:49 delete the proof potus wind one of 20
@00:25:16 proof of course they did they had all

In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.21.18

@00:01:44 federal proof the standard hotel
@00:13:38 well it looks like they got proof and
@00:16:33 got proof and folks everybody party at

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon 4.12.18

@00:09:43 proof okay so what i think is really

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.10.18

@00:33:26 any definitive proof of anything and so

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.9.18

@00:14:57 this is proof which was released in 2017

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.8.18/2

@00:06:59 move on well cue it's on to proof and

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 4.7.18

@00:34:14 friend proof was murdered was he
@00:34:20 eminem's close friend the rapper proof

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 3 - The National Review - 4.1.18

@00:11:31 proof of the fbi's integrity steel they

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - The Real Collusion Story Part 1 - The National Review - 3.30.18

@00:07:00 from her server constituted proof of
@00:26:17 campaign team there it was the proof the

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.24.18

@00:15:35 proof of wrongdoing some of this money

In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 3.18.18/2

@00:01:28 blackberry offers more proof white house
@00:02:11 even more proof the white house knew
@00:02:31 pointing to the detail as further proof