North Korea

deleted Q Panic in DC, Follow the Money - Follow the Family Connections

@00:05:30 in north korea he was helping them set
@00:06:34 from north korea and the gmail thing

deleted Q Calls Quomo & Democrat Governors Murderers, And Trump Calls Obama Traitor - It's ON!!!

@00:00:25 helping to cover it up north korea
@00:07:25 out now we also have as i said north
@00:07:29 korea is threatening america again with

deleted Ret. Maj. Jeffrey Prather - Biggest Psyop in History - Whistleblower Reveals All

@00:39:27 up north korea so i was stationed in
@00:39:37 learned for black but opening up north
@00:39:39 and south korea as someone who served
@00:39:45 but the thing is north korea is a client
@00:41:20 then you see a north korean chinese
@00:41:27 to reestablish to get north korea back
@00:41:40 state sites north korea is your prime
@00:42:29 right the the they're grabbing north
@00:42:32 korea back during this period of time in

deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

@00:35:24 few exceptions like north korea and

deleted 6.3.2020- John Michael Chambers - Sarah Westall Reports on Minnesota & Deep State Attacks on Liberty

@00:15:08 north korea i can go on and on but i

deleted 5.15.20 - Q - Obama is On Defense Now, More To Come SOON

@00:13:42 and i think north korea is probably

deleted Q 5.3.20 - Win or DIE - The World is Waking Up

@00:03:38 with china with north korea rocket man

deleted 5-3-2020 Media Ignores Flynn Vindication, Obama + Hillary Implication

@00:07:43 north korea
@00:07:50 dictator in north korea

deleted Obama is Going to Prison for Treason BOMBSHELLS! OBAMA TARGETED 2016 Republicans to CHEAT!

@00:01:50 he had two things to worry about north
@00:01:52 korea and michael flint
@00:01:59 dictator in north korea okay and you got
@00:05:32 working with north korea before

deleted Trump SUSPENDS Immigration, Dems Panic, BANS COMING

@00:01:27 to be you know in north korea and then

deleted CoronaHoax - Lies the Fake News Told you pt5 - #FireFauci

@00:12:34 i was making it up but here it is north
@00:12:38 i'm sorry south korea says nearly 100

deleted Q vs The Federal Reserve - Trump Taking it Over

@00:03:29 nations as well and i think north korea

deleted #FakeAnon - Austin SteinBart - A Fake Q Trying to "Set Up" Flynn and WWG1WGA

@00:41:20 they go to hong kong or north korea or

deleted Q post - WWG1WGA Backchannels bypass Fake News

@00:07:14 japan china south korea i haven't seen
@00:07:19 any out of north korea yet but i don't

deleted Clown Show Continues, What Are We Being Distracted From

@00:22:49 dictatorship i bet in north korea they
@00:23:04 their own names because that's north
@00:23:07 korea okay but they teach them right

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:30:07 whether it was with north korea whether

deleted CoronaVirus Updates - China Lies, Everyone Else is Freaking Out

@00:06:02 korea is calling this a watershed moment
@00:06:05 north korea is saying we're doing just

deleted Violent Leftists (Again), Dem Mayor 4prison, Seth Rich, Bill Barr V Trump Myth, & Coronavirus

@00:22:40 north korea itself may have been badly
@00:23:06 it's going to be north korea so within
@00:23:14 know that north korea and china there's
@00:23:18 basically runs north korea so there's

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:10:24 can someone like in north korea are they

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:30:07 back channel over to north korea somehow

deleted TRUMP RALLY 12.18.19

@00:04:02 jerusalem hostages home from north korea

deleted DN House Impeachment Soap Opera Drama, Bidens Crackhead Son

@00:25:37 from north korea and oh by the way a new

deleted 12.8.19 - Trends in the News, Q on Fox News

@00:00:52 reporters we have north korea apparently

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:34:31 disconnected from north korea where he
@00:34:50 jong-un 11 times but north korea north
@00:35:50 e in north korea we already know through

deleted News Brief 9/12/19: McCabe Referred for Indictment/ POTUS Leads Moment of Silence

@00:18:26 war with north korea for so long oh

deleted News Brief 8319 Ratcliffe Withdraws From DNI NominationBrazil Designated as Major Ally

@00:22:06 that north korea is in violation and
@00:22:19 of north korea which of course is going
@00:23:15 north korea had recently come out and
@00:23:36 course china and north korea have a very

deleted 7 26 19 Q Update -The Epstein Fallout Leads to Clintons

@00:03:18 on north korea the day of the mule were

deleted Robert Steele Interview- Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, and the Deep State

@00:02:22 north korea by ben fulford who i'm a fan
@00:25:33 in russia and they're talking to north
@00:25:36 korea about a port new - on north korean

deleted Chris Fulton 1776 Ed Choi Why Don't You Trust the Government

@00:12:02 south korea without american
@00:12:05 the dictatorship in north korea my

deleted Mr Tweet is On the Offense Finally And IT IS GLORIOUS

@00:27:14 hostages are back from north korea maybe

deleted Jihadi Nukes?

@00:02:24 sort of like head north korea and with

deleted The Narrative War Reaches Peak Crazy - Left Has Nothing!

@00:28:57 understand kind of what north korea
@00:29:05 that north korea has been used as a sort

deleted BREAKING: President Trump SURPRISE News Conference

@00:14:07 great potential very much like north
@00:14:09 korea north korea has tremendous

deleted Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos: Economy - Eurasian Market/Gold/Silver Overwhelm US Grip? Systemic Risk

@00:22:59 trump era maybe with north korea found
@00:23:10 north korea little-known that's never in

deleted John Barbour, Chris Fulton, Dustin Nemos Authors Roundtable on Assange, Free Speech, Truth. p2

@00:01:59 started and there's a russia china north
@00:02:02 korea and iran and other countries out

deleted Q 3.23.19 - Nobody Walks Away from This (Including Media Traitors)

@00:01:11 already existing sanctions on north
@00:01:13 korea i have ordered with the withdrawal

deleted Those Violent, Crazy QAnon People

@00:10:37 expose north korea 9/11 saudi arabia the

deleted Ezili Danto: Former US Military Mercenaries Scandal in Haiti

@00:44:10 talks with north korea but the people he

deleted 2.26.19 - Hanoi, Tommy, Culture of Hate and Deception and Low IQ, Save the Babies.

@00:05:56 it's gonna turn into north korea if he

deleted 2.23.19 - Q - Hollywood Comes After Q, and Ann Coulter = Fake MAGA Mercenary

@00:07:31 issue and the coming summit on north
@00:07:33 korea dean declared our yeah north

deleted 2.14.19 - P.A.I.N. Coming. Phase III. POTUS: The Great Awakening.

@00:18:24 to north korea bigger than 25th

deleted 2.9-10th.19 - Q.ue Makes an Appearance

@00:20:37 with north korea leads to

deleted 1.26.19 - Mueller Arrests Stone to Distract, What Is Going On Right Now & More

@00:04:33 north korea on him on this crutch that

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:05:58 blown out north korea has was ripped

deleted 1.19.19 - Walls Work, Drama - Fake News OverExtends, Taiwan Preps for Invasion

@00:25:10 trump north korea to be held in february

deleted James Perloff & Dustin Nemos on The Shadow Government vs Trump

@00:09:59 korea and 49 stalin in the meantime had
@00:10:02 built up north korea with a huge army
@00:10:07 korea basically undefended they didn't
@00:10:12 was very clear that north korea was

deleted 11.24.18 - Dem Plays Update, Border, Assange, Censorship

@00:03:04 news but south korea and north korea

deleted The Many Attempts to Kill President Trump (Threats Included)

@00:13:06 that's when the whole north korea stuff
@00:13:10 right above north korea happen security

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:26:17 over in north korea remember he stepped

deleted Q Scholar Sarah & Dustin Nemos Breakdown Khashoggi

@00:22:18 to north korea and then what we were

deleted Alex Newman (TheNewAmerican) & Dustin Nemos: The Climate Scam & Communism as Tools of Global Tyranny

@00:29:13 you can go to north korea you can go to

deleted Q - 10.8.18 - D's Manipulations + FISA Next

@00:01:11 allowed into north korea nuclear site as
@00:01:17 secretary of state pompeyo says north
@00:02:13 north korea and kim jong-un thing is a

deleted 10.5.18 - Dustin & Baby Talk Q: Their Playbook has Failed

@00:10:57 that we had to fight with with north
@00:10:59 korea and and russia because war is

deleted 9.19-20.18 - FISA Sedition&Refusal, False Smear Campaign, Shooting, DeepState Video Sting, NK Nukes

@00:09:57 pompeyo is saying that north korea will
@00:10:24 north korea and there's the trade war
@00:10:30 using north korea as sort of a bartering

deleted Aslans Army Interview with Dustin Nemos 9.16.18

@00:18:59 negotiating with kimmy14 north korea you

deleted ℚ - Did Seal Team 6?! Just Pull Off a Secret Mission? And What is with This "All Seeing" Eye Sword?

@00:05:07 and a secure network over in north korea

deleted New Q - Prepare with Emergency Plans & Storable Foods

@00:12:31 haiti is right at the top north korea is

deleted 8.30.18 -Trump Demands Criminal Prosecution of Witch Hunt Conspirators-Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!

@00:06:41 but it's kind of like in north korea

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:07:38 pompeyo not to go to north korea because
@00:07:50 they're using north korea as a

deleted 8.15.18 - Something Moves Within The Night That is Not Good, and is Not Right

@00:30:24 closed north korea closed china closed

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:17:15 have north korea the nuke launch side

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:16:14 just another north korea i put out a
@00:16:16 tweet i said hey north korea called iran
@00:25:33 with north korea potus will cause war
@00:25:40 would rather see north korea peace

deleted 7.28.18 - The Coming Midterms Battle Begins, Censorship, Pushback, and more.

@00:35:04 flag to blame north korea but

deleted 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI

@00:28:08 pickup plane for otto warmbier to north
@00:28:10 korea to pick him up i guess i think he
@00:28:19 for consent from north korea that's
@00:30:04 and north korea has begun dismantling

deleted 7.7.18 - US Lying Bout CWs in Syria, clinton, fbi, Jordan under Deep State Attack! Dead Nephew

@00:11:20 north korea get the real powers out from

deleted 7.2.18 Censored all Over, Violence, Q Drops, Disinfo Liars Spread FUD

@00:40:04 the narrative north korea is not

deleted Left off a bit of video on 6.30 - fixing here - Q Proofs (Bike Pic +) are LEGIT

@00:03:13 the msm are pushing this idea that north
@00:03:16 korea is still building up its nuclear

deleted 6.30.Ձ٥۫١Ց - The Ultimate Q Plan/Question. Push for Civil War, Corruption Exposed.

@00:34:55 promote north korea to end talks with

deleted 6.21-22.18 - They are Trying so Hard To Distract or Discredit as it All Comes Out

@00:12:33 close just like we did with a north
@00:12:35 korea and it's gonna get scary cuz
@00:12:37 they're a lot bigger target to north
@00:12:39 korea and they can do some damage

deleted 6.20.18 - Ignore the Men Behind the Curtain (IG REPORT), The Kids in the Fake Cages are Over Here...

@00:44:48 the north korea 200 sets that remains oh

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:14:35 did he at why was es in north korea i
@00:14:37 was es in north korea what private
@00:14:39 networked a ts air for north korea what
@00:14:41 private networked a ts set up in north
@00:14:43 korea who else was in north korea during
@00:14:49 the chairman of google travel to north
@00:14:51 korea why would north korea allow access
@00:16:29 north korea many drafts many users many

deleted 6.13.18 - IG Report, Missiles Stopped, Tommy To Die, Economy, Crypto - EOS

@00:14:23 number north korea generals released
@00:14:29 the north korean generals were released
@00:15:19 and prosperity boom to the us and north
@00:15:24 korea will join their efforts to build a
@00:15:33 2018 pan mum john declaration north
@00:15:37 korea commits to work toward complete
@00:15:43 boom for the u.s. and north korea commit
@00:32:43 up in north korea not real sure this is
@00:36:15 talking about the north korea in peace
@00:40:18 will be freed like the people of north
@00:40:20 korea hugh told us it would be resolved
@00:44:56 attacks an attempt to blame north korea

deleted 6.12.18 - NK Peace, Iran Next, IG Report+EO, Cannabis FREEDOM, Crypto & More!

@00:23:11 and worth mentioning north korea has
@00:26:12 cheap and moving on north korea alright
@00:27:30 north korea is about to become the
@00:28:27 shower its gratefulness on to north
@00:28:32 korea because of what's going down right
@00:28:38 know north korea could be a hot spot to
@00:32:15 pictures over north korea and all of the

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:05:14 is going to visit kim jong on in north
@00:05:17 korea so this is kind of crazy right
@00:05:43 this is assad in the heart of north
@00:05:45 korea so he would they could take him if

deleted 5.31.18 - Roseanne! CIA, NK, Vegas, USA VS All on Trade & Currency, BUBBLES! and Bitcoin ICO Profits

@00:06:23 north korean peace talks just as it was
@00:06:27 u.s. and north korea was back on and
@00:06:31 the vice chairman of north korea was on
@00:06:41 quote north korea does not intend to

deleted 5.25.18 - Smug Weinstein Arrested - 4 More Attacks, Tommy Robinson Imprisoned, NK, Seth Rich, China

@00:01:26 north korea says it is still willing to

deleted 5.24.18 - Weinstein's PAIN, Syria Bombings, NK Peace Off, Dodd Frank, Isis In Vegas, Pedo Epstein

@00:03:09 with trump backing out of north korea i

deleted 5.(23).18 - The Pain has Begun - Q Offensive is Massive. 1st Amendment Victory

@00:09:15 north korean trip but the the air force
@00:09:20 the images over north korea that hugh

deleted 5.(20-21).18 - Q Being Setup? Brennan, RR, Trump Forces Investigation! Iran Sanctions

@00:01:25 he's dealt with north korea i think he
@00:13:14 even then blame it on north korea and

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:07:17 you're if you're sanctioning north korea

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.7.Alice Mack = Satanist, SEC on ETH, Security?, Israel & Iran, Mueller, Culture

@00:05:29 he'll do another north korea on them

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:23:10 look at what happened in north korea and

deleted 5.2.18 - Comey, Trade, HRC, Trump, Veritas, Nxivm+Obama?

@00:33:38 we're we're way past north korea we

deleted Roundtable Discussion: SeethingFrog, Antischool, and Dustin Nemos - Trump Attack Phase has Begun

@00:06:05 whatever it was north korea was you know

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.30.18 - Q On Iran, Eu, Jordan. BTC Crash coming, Culture & Deep State updates

@00:15:09 the president of south korea says that
@00:15:18 about that he did just in north korea a
@00:28:16 north korea i think that it's gonna go

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.28.18 - Trump Calls for Investigation into Clinton. Vegas, Syria, Cultural Shift

@00:13:28 between north korea and south korea and
@00:13:40 north korea and took out a nuke site
@00:14:02 are we already knew we had north korea

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.27.18 - Flynn, Peace in Korea, Mueller (White or black hat Narrative?)

@00:03:06 leaders of north and south korea shook

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.26.18 - MOAB Still incoming. Sessions to end Mueller Probe, KANYE ON FIRE vs Dems

@00:35:39 schmidt departure think north korea many
@00:39:23 eric schmidt set up comms north korea
@00:40:05 mention that the leader of north korea

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:31:14 north korea iran russia china mx why is

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.24.18 - MOAB Revealed? - Counterstrike targets Dem mental prison of blacks - Iran

@00:07:51 why aren't north korea developments
@00:08:12 trafficking wars etc north korea

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.22-23.18 - Culture Victory, Counterstrike Gains Momentum, Dems are losing it

@00:23:47 like with north korea and the clown
@00:24:16 north korea iran's cloud controlled
@00:24:35 and then north korea chains were cut now
@00:26:38 red cross pakistan red cross north korea

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.21.18 - Banning Bible, Tons of Trump Counterpunch, Tons of Q

@00:02:41 committee has traveled inside of north
@00:02:43 korea and she did this on national
@00:07:28 sessions we'll see and north korea
@00:07:45 world north korea is basically just
@00:23:54 south and north korea
@00:31:06 see malossi is admitting to north korea

deleted Nancy Pelosi slips up admitting classified North Korea intelligence trip?

@00:00:03 the north korea box obviously those are
@00:00:49 went to north korea
@00:02:47 undeterred north korea would continue

deleted Maga&Q Update 4.19.18 - Pelosi Screwed up, Giuliani Vs Mueller, Fake Memos, Q Q&A

@00:18:04 big error pelosi admits travel to north
@00:18:07 korea past archive immediately they have
@00:20:21 north korea will make heads roll so
@00:20:26 north korea is going to be a big deal
@00:20:32 visit north korea since future proofs
@00:22:27 pelosi visited north korea and at 13
@00:22:32 with north korea including missile tech
@00:22:41 found sold all of the above to north
@00:22:43 korea she is worth millions ill-gotten
@00:23:14 north korea share that way

deleted Maga Update 4.18.18 - Updates on Criminal Cabal, Russia, Trade War China, Mexico

@00:06:02 in north korea and at the same point we
@00:06:04 know that north korea and south korea
@00:06:27 lot of new things out of north korea

deleted Why do the MSM keep showing us Fake Video technology

@00:03:00 air force one flying over north korea

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.17.18 - Deep State planning FF to demonize Q / Taxes / Mccabe Vs Comey Vs Lynch

@00:17:05 stuff but first i will point out north
@00:17:08 korea and south korea are reportedly
@00:17:20 calling it post-trauma north korea all
@00:17:25 north korea and the surprise never ends
@00:17:28 with poster up north korea all right so
@00:17:44 korea i'm sure there's a whole different
@00:17:47 north korea they don't just hate them as
@00:17:49 much as you think but in in north
@00:18:12 done is is they merged north korea into

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Newbroke's Matt Lieb on Libertarianism

@00:29:56 north korea the united states would

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST 4.8.18

@00:15:14 trump taking pictures of north korea i
@00:45:26 north korea with the nuclear war threat

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.12.18 - Facebook, Syria, Deep State, Q&Trump calls for MEME Onslaught

@00:06:24 this is just another north korea trump
@00:06:39 over this especially with the north not
@00:06:42 north korea but with nuclear superpower

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.11.18 - Facebook=Darpa's 'lifelog' project. Is World War 3 here?

@00:07:44 we had posturing in north korea and we
@00:07:47 had big war talk with north korea even
@00:10:03 did in north korea

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.10.18 - RR in Trouble, Trump Tower Fire cover for Raid on Trump Attny, Syria, China

@00:13:19 a1 tarmac iran north korea uranium one

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:14:39 north korea because they could use iran
@00:14:42 just like they were going to use north
@00:14:43 korea and you notice that obama is the
@00:25:46 from wsj wall street journal north korea
@00:28:22 this north korea backing down because
@00:28:26 north korea is a dead issue for them

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.6.18 - Trade War & More Q happenings, Pedogate Leads, Figures Implicated

@00:29:58 on he reminds us that north korea was
@00:30:04 controlled north korea to start world

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 4.3.18 - Swamp, Immigrants, FBI, Mueller, Qanon: Arrests Coming

@00:23:10 stuff happened with north korea
@00:26:46 iranian regime north korea obviously
@00:26:49 north korea's been pretty quiet lately
@00:26:57 drills with south korea and nothing out
@00:27:00 of north korea over it that's a big deal
@00:27:05 athena north korea's actually having a
@00:27:10 orchestras with south korea right now so
@00:27:23 north korea went to china for a semi
@00:27:35 there's north korea there's uranium one
@00:38:22 north korea that's all he says in k so
@00:39:20 it was she says i'd say north korea
@00:39:30 use north korea to launch world war

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:10:13 is because north korea was basically a
@00:10:42 previously entered north korea to
@00:10:49 he says why did goog visit north korea
@00:11:19 think kgb us china north korea facebook
@00:13:00 canada to eu to russia to iran to north
@00:13:03 korea to syria to pakistan iran is next
@00:16:09 the face-to-face meeting between north
@00:16:11 korea and china was to settle the terms
@00:16:24 why did google visit north korea because
@00:16:26 obama sent them there to set up north
@00:16:44 google was helping north korea set up a
@00:24:39 what does north korea represent threat
@00:25:14 cleaning of north korea
@00:25:15 what does north korea represent ci is
@00:25:19 safeguard insurance north korea was the
@00:25:25 policy poof with north korea clean the
@00:27:30 later to destroy them north korea was
@00:36:46 north korea is now free to travel to

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.27.18 - Stormy Lied, Uranium1 Witness Ungagged, Guns, Pro HRC Sex Cult, Q psyop?

@00:13:54 enemy want us to expose north korea 9/11

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:13:05 mockingbird north korea suddenly wants
@00:31:11 down on north korea during potus trump's
@00:39:49 he averted nuclear war with north korea

deleted Maga Update 3.19.18 - Drug War, Mass Stabbing, Calls for Assassination of Trump

@00:05:20 north korean leader has actually
@00:05:25 given his word according to south korea
@00:06:06 having been behind north korea that was
@00:06:22 north korea obama and and the clintons
@00:06:35 between north korea and the elite behind

deleted Maga Update 3.17.18 - Mccabe Fired, Russia catches US training syrian chemical false flaggers

@00:09:48 i have also heard north korea has a

deleted Qanon Update 3.16.18 - We have the Sub, Boom! 1000 pieces - Iran Next

@00:12:51 from north korea and cloud control but
@00:13:05 hostages north korea and they have the

deleted Qanon Update 3.14.18 - Q and Trump status update on Draining the Swamp

@00:07:49 mockingbird north korea suddenly wants

deleted Dustin Nemos / Nemo V Qanon Live Chat Sundays at 7pm EST

@00:55:59 since then including the north korea

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:09:03 meeting with kim jong-un of north korea
@00:21:13 well it's a war 918 north korea has not

deleted Maga Update 3.10.18 - Cia Runs for office, Heat turns up on Clinton/Obama, Florida Lies

@00:02:47 progress with north korea even going so
@00:02:51 that trump is using this north korea

deleted Qanon Update 3.8.18 - Trump Already Met with Kim, @Snowden We can take you anytime

@00:06:48 announcement coming from south korea on
@00:06:50 north korea and that it was beyond talks
@00:16:46 north korea it's all starting to come
@00:17:15 out that this was actually north korea
@00:17:42 back north korea picks everything has
@00:17:53 with north korean leader 10 and anan
@00:18:07 defcon that would be blamed on north
@00:18:09 korea i'm guessing kim jong-un tipped
@00:20:00 kicked the cia out of north korea
@00:20:07 since then you know north korea has been

deleted Maga Update 3.8.18 - Developments, Nk, Weinstein, Mccain, Sessions, Culture, Climate Change

@00:20:03 tour over north korea so it already

deleted Maga Update 3 6 18 Daca Victory, North Korea Backs Down, Satanists want ABORTIONS

@00:01:57 official narratives so north korea is
@00:11:43 this north korea basically backing down

deleted Qanon Update 3.6.18 - Steel, HRC XXXVIDEO (pedogate), North Korea Backs Down

@00:06:03 of north korea and then there are some
@00:06:23 it signify why is north korea out of the
@00:06:39 my thought on why north korea is out of
@00:06:50 that so the north korea being out of the
@00:07:04 right now it's come out today north
@00:07:06 korea is apparently now willing to
@00:15:59 north korea
@00:16:07 this did we decide it was north korea
@00:16:42 has a nexus of cia nazi russia and north
@00:16:47 korea and it's all sort of coming
@00:32:13 864 talks about north korea willing to
@00:32:43 leader of north korea with bill clinton
@00:38:57 from north korea is worthy of a boom so
@00:39:10 than a boom the news that north korea is
@00:39:29 willing to bet the first boom is a north
@00:39:30 korea announcement of wanting to
@00:44:03 have the control of north korea
@00:45:27 north korea this signifies the end of
@00:47:14 from the air force one over north korea
@00:47:15 indicating north korea was no threat at

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives (better copy)

@00:17:11 google why has north korea out of the
@00:17:18 haven't heard much about north korea
@00:17:55 google he's talking about north korea
@00:33:16 uranium one north korea what is jp and
@00:47:22 power they north korea all over again

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives

@00:17:11 google why has north korea out of the
@00:17:18 haven't heard much about north korea
@00:17:55 google he's talking about north korea
@00:33:16 uranium one north korea what is jp and
@00:47:22 power they north korea all over again

deleted 3.2.18 Has Trump Betrayed his base on the 2nd Amendment?

@00:22:58 ridiculous number to escape north korea

deleted Who is Qanon? A FAST Primer

@00:08:45 who himself was tied to north korea and

deleted Qanon with Antischool 2.12-13.18 - Big Pharma 'white powder' to Trump JR, Nk Nuclear Neutered

@00:02:00 north korea nuclear many probably means
@00:02:13 seeing us from from north korea if those
@00:02:22 that north korea's nuclear has been
@00:14:36 same flowers were present in the north
@00:14:40 korea photo with bill clinton when they
@00:14:42 sign that north korean noodle and it's
@00:15:38 all right of them in north korea you see
@00:15:42 it's the national flower of north korea
@00:16:05 destroyed in the north korea photo and
@00:31:19 flower symbolism connected to the north
@00:31:22 korea photo with bill clinton okay so
@00:40:13 would have to attack north korea and
@00:40:42 countries north korea itself has icbms i
@00:41:46 we've got this north korean fake news i
@00:41:57 north korea was the united states i mean
@00:42:00 the positive media for north korea i
@00:42:17 you're talking about north korea and has
@00:42:24 they're calling the north korean ivanka
@00:44:12 so he says ask yourself why is north
@00:44:14 korea participating in the olympic games
@00:44:18 itself north korea i mean they what is
@00:44:35 i'd say the olympics why did korea come
@00:44:39 together as a country with north and

deleted Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi - Qanon Story Unfolds

@00:27:57 north korea obtain uranium out of the
@00:28:23 funded many things including north korea
@00:28:25 who controls north korea who really
@00:28:27 controls north korea don't think of a
@00:28:44 pass to both north korea and to iran
@00:52:37 possibly diverted to iran and north
@00:52:40 korea these are steps that go one of the
@00:55:31 north korea if they're a cia puppet
@00:55:38 talked about who really runs north korea

deleted The Vaccine Debate, Anti Vaxxer Evidence Compilation

@00:42:19 97% vaccinated in north turn i'm sorry
@00:42:22 south korea if flu shots are really as

deleted The Evidence Qanon is REAL! and Working directly with TRUMP!

@00:04:15 north korea shows up in the potus
@00:04:27 potentially in north korea at the time
@00:04:58 original image that kind of showed north
@00:05:00 korea in the background from air force
@00:05:06 north korea as much as that is hard to

deleted Maga Update 2.23.18 - Thing's are speeding up, Lots of points

@00:15:51 we also have some new sanctions on north
@00:15:53 korea basically really really stiff ones

deleted Deleted video

@00:18:08 out i mean yeah north korea is a big
@00:18:47 wow north korea big deal

deleted Deleted video

@00:20:45 that an attack on north korea was
@00:31:45 on and he just ended north korea as a

deleted Deleted video

@00:49:13 with china is how he uses north korea
@00:49:20 credit to north korea than they do

deleted Deleted video

@00:31:32 program in operation mockingbird north
@00:31:37 korea suddenly wants to denuclearize

deleted Deleted video

@00:29:54 shakers also to some degree iran north
@00:29:56 korea and india are well worth following

deleted Deleted video

@00:42:16 north korea with google's eric schmidt

deleted Deleted video

@00:19:02 that's interested in peace with north
@00:19:04 korea and tell the truth about something
@00:19:07 big like for the cia involvement north
@00:19:10 korea and how they were trying to start

deleted Private video

@00:03:02 or north korea or any of these other