
deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:30:28 it explains the child trafficking it
@00:41:11 just child trafficking symbols but

deleted More '17' - The People Know, It's nearly time

@00:03:41 the ci is involved in drug trafficking

deleted Q Panic in DC, Follow the Money - Follow the Family Connections

@00:11:06 oh man probably child trafficking front
@00:13:18 human trafficking for blackmail purposes


@00:08:48 trafficking okay this is from a senate
@00:09:44 biden and trafficking

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:00:39 uh and human trafficking thanks for that
@00:01:33 trafficking involvement connections
@00:19:01 human trafficking that's mainstream now
@00:19:06 trafficking that's now connected

deleted Fake News Attacks on Q Escalate!

@00:00:28 are running a global sex trafficking

deleted Kent Heckenlively & Dustin Nemos on the Fallout from Plague of Corruption & Plandemic

@00:26:45 trafficking and sexualization of
@00:27:34 are talking about child trafficking
@00:29:26 corruption and child trafficking and one

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:11:27 child trafficking and blackmail and
@00:12:19 trafficking and other things and
@00:12:29 in government for child trafficking and
@00:23:30 by the government of haiti trafficking

deleted QAnon is a Non Violent Movement - Change my Mind.

@00:09:31 trafficking but we're a citizen
@00:11:44 target human trafficking exposure groups
@00:24:57 child trafficking and stuff and and fox

deleted Free $3400!, WW3 Looms, Kamala CAN'T! Not Eligible!, Seth Rich Bombshell, Q Predicted 5 More Arrests

@00:17:46 child trafficking and the terrible
@00:26:29 child trafficking and the the damage

deleted Pamela Popper & Dustin Nemos on The Plandemic Organize & Resist MakeAmericansFreeAgain com

@00:34:33 child trafficking and some of the things

deleted Dustin Nemos on Truth Warrior Show: QAnon - An Invitation to Skeptics & An Overview of the Movement

@00:27:27 human trafficking and all the stuff
@00:28:37 trafficking than the last three

deleted Pete Santilli & Dustin Nemos - What Can be Done to Help Win 2020

@00:31:26 agency through human trafficking

deleted Executive Order Bypassing Dem Block on Covid Relief, Gold Will End the Fed Don't Miss out!

@00:00:19 rape and trafficking on an industrial

deleted Q Betrayals, Fake MAGA Alex Jones BACK on Q, Assassination Attempts? Executive Order & MUCH MORE!

@00:24:44 that that's child trafficking that's
@00:25:36 child trafficking issues things like
@00:25:40 trafficking so they distract you
@00:28:53 imaginable like the trafficking of
@00:34:13 the sex trafficking in kids and things
@00:37:59 laura silsby and haiti was trafficking
@00:38:07 openly discussed child trafficking

deleted End of the World Dem Hoax Falling Apart, Fauci Called Out by Bobby Kennedy, Assassin Targets Judge

@00:17:47 abortions a year and human trafficking

deleted Pedos v Patriots - The 2020 Election Showdown

@00:04:52 trafficking front or not
@00:05:26 into child sex trafficking
@00:07:43 trafficking i think people like bill
@00:25:25 trafficking children
@00:25:42 trafficking children across borders in
@00:30:22 trafficking and harvesting adrenochrome
@00:30:45 the job trafficking anyway

deleted Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg Receives Criminal Referral from Matt Gaetz & More!!

@00:20:36 looking for legitimate child trafficking

deleted Q Hints It's Time for Arrests. Meadows States It's Time for Jail

@00:07:29 trafficking and

deleted The Silent War Spills Onto the Streets of Portland. More Q!

@00:13:29 with the child trafficking and holly
@00:15:00 child trafficking little boys like

deleted Economy Distances from Reality. Soros, Fauci, Fake News & CDC Wage War on America

@00:13:33 child trafficking
@00:14:00 child porn and child trafficking money

deleted 7.12.20 - The Silent War Continues - Moves & Countermoves

@00:02:23 the problem child trafficking and all
@00:03:02 trafficking and grooming gangs is up

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:09:43 up more child trafficking than they've
@00:34:22 trafficking of children and i don't
@00:37:45 and trafficking recruiter and and all of
@00:38:23 you know child trafficking themselves
@00:45:56 every chance no child trafficking on

deleted POTUS DACA Executive Order, Arrests Coming SOON: Solomon

@00:21:00 hashtag wayfarer trafficking
@00:22:20 trafficking items instead and use that
@00:22:37 trafficking and stolen children i wish
@00:23:38 trafficking and expensive cabinets but
@00:25:01 trafficking front at the very least and
@00:25:13 and just trafficking children out of
@00:25:19 with the clintons and child trafficking
@00:26:17 support terrorism and child trafficking
@00:27:49 trafficking themselves across the border
@00:29:51 trafficking and do support truth based

deleted Ghislaine will Roll on Deep State Pedophiles

@00:00:47 trafficking ring

deleted Q - Ghislaine's Arrest Opens the Floodgate - CDC Busted in Fear Fraud.

@00:00:29 you guessed it child trafficking and sex

deleted General Flynn Opines. WAKE UP AMERICA! - AND MORE Q! China Smuggles Weapons to BLM & Antifa?

@00:25:25 that human trafficking is bigger money

deleted New Q. BLM v BLM, Hateful Fake News Divide & Conquer. Study: 1/4000 get C19. 1/1,000,000 Die !?!?!

@00:14:43 trafficking okay they don't look at bill

deleted Livestream w/ Dustin Nemos - The Silent War

@00:19:04 child trafficking
@00:19:05 epstein went down for child trafficking
@00:21:42 harping on the child trafficking issue

deleted When will the arrests happen? They’ve begun.

@00:00:45 trafficking this is one of hillary's

deleted Masks, tests, vaccine - spreading the virus

@00:03:18 trafficking georgia nader so be ready

deleted Dem Fixer Gets 10years for Child Trafficking. China Sanctioned. Antifa & Censorship JUSTICE, & QAnon

@00:00:19 he went down today for child trafficking
@00:01:54 trafficking wow and of course this

deleted Trump Calls BLM Traitors, Facebook ELECTION RIGGING, Deportion VICTORY and Q - Dem Govs R Murderers

@00:16:31 trafficking racketeering group of child
@00:17:00 seen instances of child trafficking of

deleted QAnon - "Saving Israel For Last" & QAnon's Position on Jews

@00:07:25 movement like human trafficking

deleted President Trump Signs Executive Order on Child Welfare System and CPS Abuses. I LOVE THIS PRESIDENT!

@00:00:14 consider a human trafficking racket and
@00:03:51 trafficking victims president trump

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:36:18 for all the child trafficking victims

deleted Q - Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden. Memes ON!

@00:36:16 trafficking victims and for every other

deleted 6.18.20 - Peak Hypocrisy, Peak Censorship, Peak Incitement by Fake News - Peak Panic in the Swamp

@00:25:40 trafficking we saw that in the pizza
@00:27:05 those who are trafficking children and

deleted Ret. Maj. Jeffrey Prather - Biggest Psyop in History - Whistleblower Reveals All

@00:21:15 trafficking big money big business back
@00:24:50 trafficking and and gun-running being
@00:29:50 along with drug trafficking money going
@00:30:17 really human trafficking is is is human
@00:30:21 human trafficking trafficking is sex and

deleted Q. It's what you can PROVE. And The End of Censorship is CLOSE. (I"ve been suspended for a week.)

@00:08:46 engaged in child trafficking comment
@00:09:33 trafficking but it wasn't like it was hq

deleted Q 6.6.20 - We WILL Have Our Country Back! Nat. Guard being Setup for Slaughter in DC!

@00:16:27 trafficking that happens there but power

deleted Q 6.4.20 - State of Crisis - Democrats & Media Coordinate w Antifa Violence

@00:05:09 trafficking and things like that so i'm
@00:14:19 this child trafficking the sophistry and

deleted Q Watch Party: Antifa Leaders to Be Arrested.

@00:46:39 knows about the human trafficking issue
@00:46:45 level human trafficking of children so

deleted 5.31.20 - QAnon_ American Burns - ANTIFA WILL be Dealt With

@00:08:11 start having child trafficking gangs and

deleted 5.28.2020 - Trump Signs Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship & Q Updates

@00:08:16 pornography or human trafficking

deleted Q 5.27.20 - BioWeapon. War. Stand or Die. Survival as a Nation.

@00:04:56 selling baby parts they were trafficking
@00:06:11 admitted under oath to trafficking the

deleted Sunday Night 7pm EST Livechat with Dustin Nemos - Nemos News Network Community Chat

@00:22:05 with like child trafficking and along

deleted 5.23.20 - Q Senator, Trump OverRules Governors, & More

@00:02:05 trafficking rings where they take
@00:02:45 it's not child trafficking but i just
@00:03:09 trafficking so this is the kind of thing
@00:06:07 trafficking our kids away from us
@00:25:49 investigating child trafficking stuff

deleted 5.22.20 - Q Calls out the CIA Control of Mainstream Media

@00:09:00 symbolized ad for child trafficking it
@00:09:27 trafficking historically speaking they
@00:09:35 human trafficking as well because
@00:09:45 trafficking as well there's a lot more

deleted 5.16.20 - Democrats Rig Election Amid TOTALHYPE Covid19, Weaponize Power to Cheat

@00:21:34 know is a conduit of child trafficking
@00:21:47 and and and child trafficking on the
@00:22:02 child trafficking so seeing a government

deleted 5.15.2020 - John Michael Chambers Ft. Dave Hayes, Praying Medic - Calm Before The Storm

@00:21:02 about human trafficking they were
@00:25:06 trafficking and corruption in fact eric

deleted 5.14.20 - Treason Case, 0bamagate, Biden Helped Unmask Flynn & MORE

@00:17:06 including human trafficking and drug
@00:17:08 trafficking so there's really no reason

deleted 5.11.20 - Forced Quarantine Prisons vs Reopening America

@00:21:18 pedophilia the child trafficking at an
@00:21:24 trafficking is well known and well

deleted 5.9.20 - Q - Obama was Behind it All - The Traitor Will Go to Prison

@00:23:21 trafficking among the clinton foundation
@00:25:15 made in regards to human trafficking i
@00:25:46 trafficking reporter at the nemo's news
@00:26:04 trafficking and she was talking about

deleted 5.9.20 - Americans Refuse Covid Vax. Barr - Perjury Trap Laid for Flynn

@00:14:20 heavily with child trafficking on an

deleted John Michael Chambers ft. Cyrus Parsa AI Dangers to Humanity, Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, China

@00:15:52 organ trafficking smart technology bio
@00:39:10 sex trafficking there is so much you

deleted 5-1-2020 - Q Calls Obama & His Cronies out - Traitors (Iran Puppets)

@00:06:49 trafficking things like the the poor
@00:26:08 child trafficking was happening on there

deleted FBI Indictments Coming In Days - Explosive Interview with Citizen Journalist, Ann Vandersteel

@00:09:53 the weapons trafficking through into
@00:10:12 address the maduro trafficking
@00:10:16 same global trafficking network and the
@00:10:58 in these trafficking operations which of
@00:25:24 secret of child sex trafficking and the
@00:25:26 rape torture and trafficking of our most

deleted 4.30.20 - FBI SETUP FLYNN! Trump Investigates WHO!, Big Tech Censorship is KILLING us.

@00:08:35 terrorism human trafficking and other
@00:08:56 involved in human trafficking especially

deleted 4.29.2020 - Important Updates From Economist Kirk Elliot, General Flynn Free, AG Barr Warns Govs.

@00:04:21 trafficking rings the tech giants who

deleted 4.16.20 - Q - Is Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey a Pedophile Satanist

@00:07:57 actually engaged in child trafficking in

deleted 4.14.20 - Q - Get Ready for Truth Media Mass Bans

@00:25:40 be about representing child trafficking

deleted QAnon Drops Major TruthBombs!! Evil Infiltrated America. __________ Gets Indicted Soon!

@00:07:42 human trafficking human abuses so he

deleted Q Calls out the Democrat Plot to Exploit CV to Rig2020

@00:16:09 no longer any human trafficking going on

deleted 4.8.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. Economist, DR. Kirk ELLIOTT

@00:02:36 trafficking rings very soon you bet will
@00:35:47 child sex trafficking of the children he

deleted Is Disney Really Just Pedophile Inc ???

@00:01:46 child trafficking for a little girl with

deleted A Short Word From Dustin Nemos on Fake MAGA, Fake QAnons, and Fake Hope Rumors

@00:00:38 trafficking victims that's really what
@00:00:50 real problem of human trafficking but

deleted 3.23.20 - Q - Did the DeepState Release The Bioweapon to Hurt Trump

@00:01:21 trafficking content or something like

deleted 3.18.20 - Coronavirus Shuts down US Economy, Helicopter Money is Here & More

@00:30:45 and child trafficking everything else
@00:31:04 trafficking issue and oprah and stuff

deleted 3.8.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:22:36 trafficking is a big part and drug
@00:22:37 trafficking is a big part of what we're

deleted 3.7.20 - CoronaVirus vs Flu, 4d Geopolitics, OPEC Crisis, CDC Admits Autism

@00:22:32 trafficking is a big part and drug
@00:22:34 trafficking is a big part of what we're

deleted 3.2.20 - Clownshow - Rollercoaster. Dark to Light. End of War, Killary in Court

@00:07:01 channel covers child trafficking it
@00:27:26 trafficking i want to be able to aid and

deleted Zach Vorhies & Dustin Nemos Discuss Coronavirus Covid19, Fearporn, and What Lurks Beneath

@00:30:58 lot of you know child trafficking

deleted 2.23.20 - Roger Stone v Deep State, Comrade Bernie v MSM

@00:07:39 trafficking but rings of child
@00:07:40 trafficking like the super bowl where
@00:07:42 they arrested over 50 people trafficking

deleted FAKE NEWS & Trojan MAGA Jack "Chatlogs" Posobiec Trolled & Exposed by Q Patriots - Hilarious! ALERT!

@00:15:52 human trafficking and child trafficking

deleted Deep State Triggered, Trump #Winning, Hoax #7

@00:41:28 trafficking reporter but guess what we

deleted Deep State Judge Sentences Roger Stone to Prison for YEARS! OVERTURN!

@00:01:01 trafficking you guys may remember when

deleted 2.20.20 - Q Posts - The Story goes much Deeper [Darker]

@00:11:51 without compassion child trafficking is
@00:14:21 trafficking so that's a big part of this

deleted Fake News Fears This Single Question Most of All

@00:07:54 sex trafficking and they fear monger
@00:07:56 about non-existent child sex trafficking
@00:08:18 international child trafficking epstein

deleted Q Drops 2.15.2020 - Dark to Light, McCabe is NOT off the Hook. President Trumps 10point Attack

@00:08:48 only be human child trafficking at the

deleted Violent Leftists (Again), Dem Mayor 4prison, Seth Rich, Bill Barr V Trump Myth, & Coronavirus

@00:08:31 things like human trafficking we also

deleted Child Traffickers. We're Coming for You. No Mercy

@00:00:17 trafficking and i want you guys to know
@00:00:44 never hear about the child trafficking
@00:02:10 the child sex trafficking in the foster
@00:05:29 trafficking awareness month and as the
@00:06:00 crime now human trafficking is we all
@00:06:56 manhattan with sex trafficking of minor
@00:07:34 anniversary of the victims trafficking
@00:07:53 human trafficking but i'd be remiss if i
@00:09:27 to combat human trafficking unless we
@00:09:41 trafficking in all its forms and using
@00:11:33 brought up the child trafficking human
@00:11:34 trafficking issue many times even made
@00:11:43 specifically child trafficking but i
@00:14:23 impact of people trafficking children
@00:15:40 trafficking stemming from her time as a
@00:15:50 trafficking accused of recruiting a

deleted 2.13.20 - Q Posts - The Silent War Continues, Think Depopulation

@00:03:49 alice thinking child trafficking in that

deleted 2.11.20 - Roger Stone Verdict - Too Cruel, Trump BLITZKRIEG vs DEEP STATE uploaded

@00:04:02 trafficking monsters my administration
@00:04:13 trafficking than any other
@00:05:07 are out there you know trafficking
@00:06:05 trafficking slave children and that's
@00:24:10 trafficking in code word things like

deleted Coronavirus is BAD, Global Warming is Fake, and Trump Keeps Winning

@00:15:36 trafficking operation and you'll never

deleted Q 2.7.20 - REAL Investigations into HRC, DNC Hack, Coming. Treason to China

@00:06:43 clintons with the child trafficking
@00:13:54 trafficking related stuff so i've seen

deleted 2.7.20 - Acquittal Segues to Justice Phase - Year of the Boomerang (Trump Offensive)

@00:16:10 in a statewide human trafficking

deleted 2.6.20 - Q Reveals Their Plan - Destroy American from Within

@00:09:52 involved heavily in child trafficking
@00:36:54 drug trafficking weapons trafficking
@00:36:56 human trafficking from 2002 to 2008 een

deleted 2.3.20 - Q & News - Wuhan, Coronavirus, Impeachment, FBI- Sorry Trump, Fukushima Seas

@00:12:53 trafficking and that includes nine

deleted 1.31.20 - Q - Schiff-Ukraine ties, Acquittal Overturns Impeachment next week!

@00:07:23 trafficking is a modern slavery and a
@00:07:46 trafficking is quote modern-day slavery

deleted Cynthia Abcug v Fake News - Kidnapper Mom or Systemic Child Abuse

@00:19:01 like a trafficking branch of the deep
@00:20:38 trafficking using the courts and their
@00:26:46 trafficking happens there as well you

deleted 1.30.20 Q - Flynn is SAFE, Dems are NOT (From JUSTICE!)

@00:08:45 out of haiti trafficking children and

deleted Q Posts 1.28.30 - Trump is Washington Crossing the Delaware- MORE TO COME

@00:04:47 corruption and human trafficking and how

deleted 1.29.20 - Viral Epidemic Spreads to USA, Fox=Fake News, and Impeachment

@00:29:23 trafficking or corruption you can lose

deleted 1.26.20 - Wuhan Coronavirus, Impeachment Tanks, Fisa Overturned, Mass Protests Iraq & France

@00:01:47 about human trafficking and she's
@00:02:21 you know the issue of human trafficking
@00:02:24 of child trafficking of these black male

deleted Q 1.24.2020 - It Won't Be Boring Much Longer...

@00:07:28 at least until the child trafficking
@00:20:35 human trafficking

deleted 1.23.20 - Q - Drip turns to Flood to Storm...

@00:09:13 trafficking for sexual and for profit

deleted 1.15.20 - Flynn FIGHTS BACK, Hand of Soros, Assange, Bernie Sanders VIOLENT REVOLUTION, Schiff...

@00:05:13 ton of child trafficking allegations in

deleted Dustin appears on Dauntless Dialogue with Adam Riva

@00:08:53 trafficking or i'll post something about
@00:23:59 trafficking and you know something that

deleted 1.9.20 - Iran, Paul Krugman's Child P0rn, QAnon Kidnapper Spin

@00:14:53 child trafficking ring made up of
@00:15:31 third or more of the human trafficking

deleted 1.6.20 - Trump Vs Iran, Jihad, Terror, Hitmen, Sleeper Cells

@00:16:45 pedophilia and human trafficking this

deleted 1.5.19 - Trump, Iran, Treason from NYT, And Dems Prefer Terrorists to Trump

@00:24:38 issues like human trafficking and stuff

deleted 12.27.19 - Q - Obama's $65,000,000 Theft of Taxpayer Funds

@00:07:03 trafficking involved in this high-level

deleted 12.27.19 - Epstein was MOS Spy, Trump SURGES, TROJAN MAGA Flips on Trump

@00:05:49 trafficking and the child trafficking of

deleted Happy New Year (Of the Boomerang) Obama&Biden Under Investigation

@00:09:36 basically glorified trafficking a third

deleted 12.23.19 - 25% TRUMP JUDGES, VA to ENFORCE Gun control, China Paying Fake News to Fake & More..

@00:20:10 child rape child sex trafficking things

deleted 12.22.19 - Q - Fisagate Bombshells Ahead! Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignation

@00:28:05 human trafficking reporter you guys know

deleted 12.19.19 - Q: Something BIG is Coming, Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignations

@00:17:51 instances of child trafficking and
@00:17:53 blackmail around child trafficking
@00:18:04 this child trafficking pedophilia child

deleted 12.18.19 - Q Discusses Justice Phase & Barr

@00:05:07 in human trafficking violations and

deleted 👀 QAnon: An Invitation to The Great Awakening -- Co-Author Virtual Book Tour Week: Dustin Nemos

@00:40:03 kidnapping or child trafficking across

deleted HRC2016 - Attempt #2, Ukraine Biden Money Laundering & More

@00:12:08 doing a report on human trafficking and

deleted 12.10.19 - Schiff & Clintons Exposed, Impeachment is Deflection, Fake News Layoffs 2019

@00:07:45 this is from the author of trafficking

deleted Fox News Watters - Secret Q Follower

@00:01:31 about child trafficking starts to talk
@00:02:36 the dnc is a child trafficking satanic
@00:03:06 around child trafficking and the

deleted 12.8.19 - Trends in the News, Q on Fox News

@00:05:40 trafficking you start getting grooming

deleted QAn0n on the Global Warming Con of Corruption (Fixed)

@00:10:34 trafficking issues we're gonna go into

deleted Lisa Page Plays Victim, Epstein Plot Thickens

@00:09:06 child trafficking situation going across

deleted More Q - Be Ready Anons, Public Awakening Coming

@00:11:25 and human trafficking especially that

deleted To WWG1WGA: Nemos (FAKEMAGA FINDER) Reflects on Liars in Q Movement

@00:03:57 focus a lot on human trafficking

deleted 11.27.19 - DeepState: "I Have Initiated the Destruction of the Republic"

@00:08:37 trafficking operations behind al-qaeda

deleted When CPS Steals Your Children - Mike Volpe & Dustin Nemos

@00:10:33 human trafficking but it overlaps a lot
@00:11:07 sexual trafficking specifically but if
@00:11:15 doing it that is human trafficking
@00:11:17 because human trafficking is the
@00:11:24 trafficking and then and i think we can
@00:26:55 trafficking especially that of children
@00:38:49 trafficking overall even in an executive
@00:38:53 trafficking so i think that under him
@00:39:10 attention in the human trafficking

deleted QAn0n - Information Warfare. THE GREAT AWAKENING

@00:06:12 these child sex trafficking types like

deleted Major BombShells - CLlnton Ritualistic ChildRape Victim SPEAKS OUT & MORE

@00:04:48 prostitution and child trafficking a lot
@00:08:34 trafficking something like that and you

deleted New Q - Who Authorized FisaGate Spying. OBAMA. 5eyes turns on Deepstate

@00:06:48 the child trafficking blackmail rings
@00:15:54 for the human trafficking crimes of him

deleted Q-Indictments 2019-BE READY PATRIOTS

@00:36:01 trafficking and those who are involved
@00:36:03 in corruption and trafficking would lose

deleted Impeachment - You Cant Fix Stupid (But You Can GITMO Treason)

@00:04:49 trafficking victims that were under

deleted Rachel Bruno on the Abuses of Family Court and CPS. One Mother's Fight for Her Baby that Won

@00:33:53 aiding in child trafficking absolutely
@00:33:58 with the human trafficking report and i
@00:34:00 believe it was 67% of child trafficking
@00:39:57 trafficking wasn't even on the agenda

deleted DN Drug Economy and Border Wars - breathalyzer Machines Bogus

@00:06:14 raping and trafficking the illegal
@00:14:58 means sex trafficking or torture if

deleted ABC News Spiked Epstein Pedophilia Story for YEARS - What else are they hiding?

@00:02:29 like the drug trafficking like the sex
@00:02:31 trafficking all of it let's dive in i've

deleted Interview with Tiffany Fitzhenry - This Fallen World is Being Cleansed

@00:00:42 victims of human trafficking and just
@00:14:51 trafficking of children specifically is
@00:38:16 exposing the human trafficking she's

deleted 10 26 19 Boom Boom Boom Boom Obama, Treason, Clapper, Treason, Brennan, HRC, Comey, Page...

@00:04:20 into any child trafficking conversation
@00:04:37 it's not human trafficking you know
@00:08:20 this human trafficking child trafficking

deleted Dustin Nemos - Heart to Heart We Will Never Stop

@00:01:31 have a voice you know child trafficking

deleted News Brief 102119 Bernie The REAL Manchurian Candidate

@00:02:21 multi-state human trafficking
@00:03:09 multi-state human trafficking operation
@00:03:16 trafficking operation because the person
@00:03:42 major hub for human trafficking robert
@00:03:49 involved in a human trafficking sting
@00:03:56 international human trafficking
@00:04:46 trafficking operation but then all of
@00:06:53 human trafficking operation who are
@00:07:13 is a major hub for human trafficking
@00:07:20 trafficking victims who are coming from
@00:12:14 international sex trafficking ring that

deleted David Stephan Vs Canadian Gov Parents Rights Vs Big Pharma

@00:14:58 industrial level child trafficking being
@00:19:20 child trafficking the whole adoption

deleted The Fall of CNN FAKE NEWS HATES TRUMP, Zucker and EPSTEIN

@00:03:53 of a human trafficking stuff deep dives

deleted War, CNN, Troops Home, Trump Murder Plot, Weiner Laptop, CPS ABUSES

@00:04:18 trafficking child trafficking especially
@00:05:06 rights trafficking and this was yeah
@00:06:31 speaking of child trafficking it's been
@00:07:05 cps departments for human trafficking
@00:07:08 child trafficking industrial scale in
@00:07:11 some cases trafficking of children so

deleted 10 17 19 Hunter Biden Fails, Cummings Dead, Schiff Fails to Setup President Trump

@00:06:04 trafficking in some cases now the
@00:14:14 trafficking investigation now this is in
@00:14:34 industrial level child trafficking ring
@00:14:47 don't stamp down these child trafficking
@00:15:08 to some of the human trafficking stuff
@00:16:24 the child trafficking industry is as big
@00:17:08 human trafficking issue is a big deal so
@00:23:09 trafficking such definitely involved in

deleted News Brief 10/15/19: CAUGHT ON VIDEO! Abortionists Harvest Organs From Live Briths!

@00:15:08 for human trafficking think about this
@00:27:45 they're trafficking baby parts to make
@00:27:59 trafficking it is not allowed in

deleted QAnon is taking over American Politics behind the scenes pt 2

@00:09:04 of these human trafficking crimes
@00:15:47 human trafficking and news updates

deleted NNN News Brief 10/12/19: Worldwide Extinction Rebellion: Go Bold or DIE!

@00:02:35 human trafficking adoption scheme paul
@00:05:18 involved in child trafficking
@00:12:43 for fetal trafficking and changing of
@00:14:09 they are a human trafficking because
@00:14:22 trafficking human baby parts for
@00:25:36 trafficking in the case of the mother's

deleted Biden is in Big Trouble Now

@00:22:53 into the system of child trafficking and
@00:24:00 is the purest form of human trafficking
@00:24:43 trafficking

deleted Arizona CPS Child Sex Scandal & Ukraine Truths Emerge (Audio Issues in tech)

@00:04:01 trafficking is doing as much damage to
@00:04:03 our society as drug trafficking as i
@00:05:35 we've been covering child trafficking

deleted News Brief 10/3/19: Jury Selection Begins in CfMP Case/ Turkey to Create Safe Zone Unilaterally

@00:05:17 them for the illegal trafficking of
@00:15:19 multi-state human trafficking ring
@00:15:27 this is about the human trafficking ring
@00:15:41 human trafficking ring is a man by the
@00:16:09 this human trafficking ring and of
@00:16:43 trafficking sex trafficking the other
@00:17:14 where a lot of these trafficking rings
@00:17:26 trafficking ring initially it was
@00:17:30 trafficking ring of course because it
@00:19:04 international trafficking ring so even
@00:19:18 trafficking ring now here's the thing
@00:20:03 that human trafficking is not limited to
@00:20:10 border crisis we have human trafficking
@00:20:38 hot beds for trafficking this man is
@00:21:07 trafficking ring then i will use someone
@00:21:59 multiple human trafficking rings that
@00:38:42 trafficking and i've talked about this

deleted Adam Schiff, the Traitor & Q's 'Justice Phase '

@00:00:43 was treason and human trafficking and
@00:00:46 child trafficking is really starting to

deleted 9.28.19 Democrats Weak, or Stupid?

@00:03:09 trafficking and you know economics an

deleted Biden, The Justice Phase of The Plan, and The Democrat Implosion

@00:12:57 didn't know about human trafficking most
@00:13:01 world at large like human trafficking
@00:13:09 trafficking of children you know and

deleted As Dems Flail Impeachment, Trump Conquers the World

@00:09:05 human trafficking and put these criminal

deleted dn 9 23 19 Biden Links to Hillary, Obama, & More

@00:21:27 with the human trafficking at the higher
@00:21:44 trafficking and the rape of children but

deleted Biden, Obama, Ukraine, Child Trafficking, and the Great Awakening's Justice Phase

@00:11:15 human trafficking child trafficking
@00:11:44 trafficking in a serious way you know
@00:13:03 now we've heard about child trafficking
@00:15:47 trafficking for crimes
@00:15:57 trafficking of adults for example you

deleted Dustin Nemos at the QAnon Rally 9/11 in DC

@00:05:50 to trafficking that of children these

deleted 9 16 19 Flynns Offensive, McCabe brings down the HOUSE, & MORE

@00:07:17 child trafficking this is a big focus on
@00:08:05 trafficking situation at some point in

deleted News Brief 9/14/19: IG Releases Draft FISA Report/ Elite Celebs Rally Around PP

@00:32:58 connected to the elite human trafficking

deleted A Rant about 2020 Dem Debates, Open Borders

@00:01:05 like vaccines and child trafficking and

deleted News Brief 9/12/19: McCabe Referred for Indictment/ POTUS Leads Moment of Silence

@00:34:16 trafficking all kinds of trafficking
@00:34:20 drug trafficking gun trafficking and
@00:34:22 human trafficking so it is very fitting
@00:43:12 with china as far as human trafficking
@00:43:15 so we have multi-state trafficking human
@00:43:19 trafficking networks here in the country
@00:44:13 human trafficking that is a piece of
@00:44:24 human trafficking network and they'll be
@00:44:41 money you can fight human trafficking

deleted The Q Rally Flop or Massive Success

@00:06:44 and child trafficking issues to the
@00:07:51 have accepted look child trafficking
@00:08:12 trafficking as heavily and that and the
@00:09:46 crimes you know but child trafficking

deleted News Brief 9/10/19: Foxx Funded by Soros/ Nationwide #HumanTrafficking Network International

@00:00:59 finally human sex trafficking nationwide
@00:18:04 trafficking children between the ages of
@00:19:04 counts of sex trafficking a minor one
@00:19:43 for local human trafficking case so they
@00:19:49 trafficking case that led them to
@00:22:05 trafficking net
@00:22:24 sex trafficking case in the beginning
@00:23:35 sex trafficking operation and during
@00:24:11 trafficking
@00:24:48 trafficking prostituting employees at
@00:25:13 human trafficking network or at least
@00:25:47 ones who they're trafficking they're
@00:26:22 trafficking
@00:27:00 for the purposes of sex trafficking are
@00:27:28 and they talked about how trafficking
@00:28:25 trafficking i was following a little
@00:31:02 for human trafficking at this point the
@00:32:06 known for human trafficking drug
@00:32:09 trafficking for example during the
@00:32:12 period of iran contra animal trafficking
@00:32:17 and organ trafficking and so in this
@00:36:02 involved in sex trafficking but we'll
@00:36:31 likely led to human trafficking of those
@00:39:27 trafficking network now the clintons
@00:42:59 it's an international sex trafficking
@00:43:55 trafficking network among the elites and
@00:46:36 trafficking victims were to them from

deleted 9.4.2019 Drug Pimps, Child rapists, and Book Burners - America's Elite

@00:05:15 but so is the child trafficking issue
@00:06:03 sues disney for sex trafficking disney

deleted 8.30.2019 Frontlines of the Digital War - Comey, Hurricane, Fox News = Fake MAGA

@00:17:54 thing human trafficking it's getting

deleted 8.29.2019 Fired up for 2020 We are WINNING

@00:26:29 trafficking rings at the elite levels

deleted 8.27.19 Trump Beats China, FISA ABUSE DEEMED ILLEGAL!, Prince Andrew & More

@00:00:49 trafficking issues that are that are now

deleted News Brief 8/26/19: Iran's Zarif at G7/ Modeling=#OverTheTarget

@00:01:04 the real sex trafficking network
@00:11:10 for sex trafficking and i mention that
@00:14:21 modeling is a cover for sex trafficking
@00:15:31 attended the un human trafficking
@00:15:51 human trafficking well at this point
@00:15:58 supposedly work against sex trafficking
@00:17:14 trafficking network

deleted 8.24-25.19 Major Updates To be Aware of NOW

@00:05:35 child trafficking nothing at all

deleted 2019.08.21 News Update

@00:14:34 the human trafficking of children some

deleted News Brief 8/19/19: Weiner Laptop Leverage?/ Tangled Network of Elite Pedos

@00:11:09 was holding hostage a sex trafficking
@00:14:09 sex cult it was a sex trafficking
@00:14:30 trafficking children so claire bronfman
@00:22:10 of sex trafficking going on there and a
@00:25:08 about sex trafficking of children now
@00:25:54 is a hub for sex trafficking also haiti
@00:26:01 involved in sex trafficking there so
@00:26:15 hubs for sex trafficking including haiti

deleted 8.13.2019 Epstein Updates & More

@00:05:40 trafficking case was very important to

deleted The Violence of the Qanon Movement

@00:06:35 treason and or child trafficking and

deleted News Brief 8319 Ratcliffe Withdraws From DNI NominationBrazil Designated as Major Ally

@00:18:29 trafficking or they're being recycled so
@00:20:56 trafficking victims the border is used
@00:21:01 for human trafficking drug trafficking
@00:21:04 and gun trafficking it is a pipeline of

deleted News Brief 8/2/19: Comey Not Charged/ Trump to Pull Troops/ ICE Most Wanted Arrested

@00:00:59 trafficking suspect before we get into
@00:17:43 trafficking suspect 50 year-old derrick
@00:18:04 drug trafficking
@00:18:05 human trafficking extortion and

deleted Qanon Update 7/29 - 7/31/19: #DECLAS Coming!

@00:03:53 trafficking says maryland has second
@00:03:58 trafficking cases who represents
@00:04:37 trafficking case but then they watered
@00:04:53 ranked in human trafficking but it's not

deleted DECLASS FISAGATE with DUSTIN NEMOS on Grand Torino-7.30-2019

@00:04:31 human trafficking case with with
@00:04:33 connotations of child sex trafficking
@00:04:58 everyone knows child trafficking is next
@00:05:15 trafficking system next thing is over to
@00:05:25 programs and i think human trafficking
@00:05:47 it's why human trafficking so let's not
@00:08:51 possible human trafficking so it you
@00:10:28 trafficking leads defendants we have
@00:11:54 and into sort of a human trafficking

deleted News Brief 7/29/19: Gun Control/ Ratcliffe for DNI/ NY Sued Over Vax Enforcement

@00:17:26 their crimes for drug trafficking gun
@00:17:29 trafficking human trafficking they don't

deleted 7 26 19 Q Update -The Epstein Fallout Leads to Clintons

@00:12:42 brutal form of people trafficking oh my

deleted Robert Steele Interview- Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, and the Deep State

@00:00:50 of inquiry into human trafficking in

deleted News Brief 7/25/19: Mueller Takeaways/ #SethRich/ BC & Epstein

@00:29:13 trafficking of minors had occurred also
@00:34:13 trafficking that was occurring at the

deleted 7.22.19 - Q "[Be Ready]" - Stealth Bombers away.

@00:10:43 child trafficking satan worship
@00:12:53 trafficking goes on obviously

deleted Updates from the Road. 7.21.19

@00:10:45 trafficking young boy
@00:11:22 missing from human trafficking monsters
@00:17:58 these human trafficking this children of
@00:18:01 this trafficking of children is hurting

deleted 7.16.2019 - Q.u Post - Many Q Booms to Be Aware Of

@00:21:43 human trafficking and the way the bill
@00:22:24 trafficking symbolisms the heart within

deleted What Epsteins Arrest Means

@00:00:49 sex trafficking of minors now alleged

deleted News Brief 7/13/19: Acosta to Resign/ Puerto Rico Officials Arrested by FBI

@00:07:19 trafficking operation it was not just
@00:08:07 charged with sex trafficking he was
@00:08:15 trafficking operation that involved

deleted News Brief 7/12/19: Vessel Busted With Cocaine Owned by JP Morgan/ R Kelly Arrested

@00:02:41 come under scrutiny for drug trafficking
@00:03:04 this drug trafficking operation of
@00:03:06 course this is drug trafficking on a
@00:03:35 drug trafficking operation so it seems
@00:03:43 actually has with this drug trafficking
@00:03:59 trafficking and you know they haven't
@00:16:02 sex trafficking operation they were also
@00:16:05 indictments of child sex trafficking
@00:16:11 trafficking operation involving minors
@00:16:27 trafficking operation of children is
@00:17:34 be charged with trafficking

deleted Q - Dark to Light

@00:04:32 trafficking and revenge porn the hunters
@00:09:15 involved in human trafficking and they

deleted Battle (ANTIFA.ct are trying to kill us) for Free Speech! In DC. Morning of

@00:02:33 trafficking as a common term that's a

deleted Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos Discuss The Emerging East Vs West Currency War

@00:19:04 like human trafficking and child
@00:19:06 trafficking and white woman trafficking

deleted 6.23.19 - 20,000' Overview with Dustin Nemos

@00:04:45 trafficking is coming it's coming and
@00:05:39 back to the child trafficking issue
@00:06:27 uncover these child trafficking types
@00:06:58 trafficking look the potential pedophile

deleted Leon Walker Interview on PTSD and Child Abuse. Dealing with The Aftermath

@00:05:44 around child trafficking and human
@00:05:46 trafficking and people being you know

deleted Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview Major Updates 6/20/19

@00:27:56 trafficking victims you know many of the

deleted 6.15.19 - Dustin Nemos 40,000' Overview. Major Updates !

@00:07:13 the human trafficking corridor probably

deleted The Truth About Nemos & WWG1WGA - Nemos Exposed

@00:11:05 many human trafficking reporters do you
@00:17:07 trafficking reporter and other full-time

deleted Ark@nc1de D3ath Counts Pile Up with 2 Former Lawmakers, 2 NYPD Blues, 1 Brother

@00:01:32 trafficking reading in arkansas state
@00:01:43 was closing in on a child trafficking
@00:02:12 there is this elite child trafficking
@00:02:45 including drug trafficking and
@00:03:33 human trafficking and it came to
@00:03:49 trafficking summit in washington dc june
@00:04:08 sex trafficking the legislature
@00:04:15 trafficking legislation in their
@00:04:19 trafficking with further knowledge and
@00:04:34 sex trafficking right and so arkansas
@00:04:46 work against child sex trafficking so
@00:07:57 trafficking that was going on too so

deleted Loose Ends Being Tied Up (Traffikking), Fetus Boxing Match. Yes. I'm Serious. It's Death Cult.

@00:00:53 closing in on child trafficking ring in
@00:01:04 trafficking issue because of the

deleted News Brief 6/8/19: Anti Abortion Pushback/Mexico Tariffs Suspended/ Narcotic Agent Charged

@00:19:58 allowed the trafficking of drugs in
@00:21:06 trafficking organization riley h

deleted Tasneem: Human Trafficking Busts/ Pedo Normalization/ #Parkland Update

@00:00:38 and human trafficking here in the states
@00:00:59 trafficking sting and worn nearly three
@00:01:08 human sex trafficking in the city
@00:01:58 trafficking hotline and what is a
@00:02:19 trafficking happening all across the
@00:02:57 have a major human trafficking ring
@00:03:09 trafficking ring after a year-long
@00:03:15 trafficking ring and arrested people
@00:03:28 counter human trafficking bust organized
@00:06:01 is 15 human trafficking cases exposed in
@00:06:13 trafficking and myanmar and how they
@00:06:18 those human trafficking camps in the
@00:06:55 authorities exposed 15 human trafficking
@00:06:59 anti-trafficking police force on friday
@00:07:12 with seven human trafficking cases while
@00:07:27 connection with 206 human trafficking
@00:07:34 trafficking police force unit in border
@00:07:40 region under the 2005 anti trafficking
@00:08:19 there's also this aspect of trafficking
@00:08:27 have gun trafficking we have drug
@00:08:29 trafficking and also human trafficking
@00:08:51 problem with human trafficking across
@00:11:46 trafficking organization the group
@00:12:45 idea of human trafficking it's not you
@00:14:53 heavily involved in human trafficking
@00:15:11 that is heavily involved in trafficking

deleted Mike Rothschild and the Paytriot Psyop on JoeM and Patriots

@00:13:30 on human trafficking if you think that i

deleted News Brief: James Baker Cooperating/ Mexico Folds/ Disaster Aid Relief Approved

@00:10:13 fighting child trafficking and she had
@00:10:24 child trafficking and investigating that

deleted "Learn to Play The Game" WWG1WGA Lawsuit & News Network Need YOU

@00:07:23 human trafficking reporter one more

deleted Q Was Right All Along? & The Coming Plague that Will Kill BILLIONS!

@00:06:27 trafficking is now becoming a common

deleted Trending Towards the Abyss - Deep State in FreeFall Panic

@00:02:25 human trafficking clinton foundation has
@00:02:26 involved in human trafficking all of the
@00:08:56 are a child rape and child trafficking

deleted CensorsHip Lawsuit UpdatE 5.23.19 - Nemos v Big Tech - "Will our ChiLdren Inherit Free SPeech?"

@00:11:50 part-time human trafficking reporting i

deleted BasedSouthernBelle & Dustin Nemos on Censorship & Lawsuit Updates

@00:17:02 doing sort of human trafficking focus

deleted #Tasneem - Myst3rious D3ath of Is ac Kappy

@00:09:41 sex trafficking within the the hollywood
@00:10:28 were talking about child sex trafficking
@00:10:43 this child sex trafficking ring globally
@00:11:21 child sex trafficking in fact chester
@00:11:37 investigating child sex trafficking in
@00:11:52 was investigating child sex trafficking
@00:12:12 trafficking and human trafficking in
@00:12:44 sex trafficking operation they are very

deleted Backup Channel, Backup Comms, Battle Plans for Cens0rship - [MUST WATCH]

@00:07:16 queuing on child trafficking i don't

deleted Which Side Are You On? Good or Evil? White or Black Hat?

@00:10:17 with human trafficking by the way you
@00:10:22 about human trafficking i found my

deleted Barr, Huber, Horowitz Investigating Fisa, Obama, HRC, Comey, ETC Good Vs Evil

@00:12:12 with human trafficking by the way you
@00:12:18 about human trafficking i found my

deleted Biden is a Traitor, and Much More

@00:02:34 sex trafficking child porn bribes

deleted Robert Kraft Florida Sex Case Update Medium

@00:00:53 international sex trafficking ring down
@00:00:59 talk about human sex trafficking
@00:01:43 human sex trafficking case and not just
@00:01:50 international sex trafficking ring so
@00:02:01 showing that this was a sex trafficking
@00:02:43 international sex trafficking case but
@00:12:46 considered an international trafficking
@00:13:05 trafficking case sexpot down in martin
@00:13:44 human sex trafficking case and this was
@00:14:04 trafficking case more anticipated now
@00:16:25 trafficking ring now they're just saying

deleted Dolly M Gee: Activist Liberal Traitor Judge - Flooded American w/ 500,000 Illegals Traffickers

@00:01:04 dealing with here human trafficking
@00:01:06 child trafficking is a crime where the

deleted The Narrative War Reaches Peak Crazy - Left Has Nothing!

@00:36:50 trafficking the numbers behind that on
@00:36:59 don't hear about human trafficking and
@00:37:25 brought into human trafficking or or
@00:41:33 human trafficking notes and updates
@00:41:40 know encouraging human trafficking

deleted H man Trafficking, the Golden Triangle, and the Cl ntons

@00:01:41 crackdown on human trafficking in
@00:02:02 human trafficking and also how the
@00:02:27 trafficking camps malaysia began at
@00:02:34 human trafficking camps in the jungles
@00:03:14 right now these human trafficking camps
@00:03:16 all of the human trafficking of these
@00:04:32 abuse it would be human trafficking so
@00:05:48 trafficking so that's where these human
@00:05:53 trafficking camps are coming from and
@00:06:49 trafficking camps discovery a malaysia
@00:06:56 trafficking camp and mass graves of
@00:07:41 graves at a similar trafficking camp on
@00:08:58 human trafficking that is going on in
@00:09:44 trafficking and child prostitution now i
@00:12:29 trafficking that was going on there and
@00:12:44 they've been trafficking humans and
@00:13:41 trafficking camps and all of that and
@00:14:52 trafficking camps were discovered so
@00:15:33 huge rise in human trafficking and in
@00:16:34 know trafficking people all right so
@00:18:31 and human trafficking and all of that
@00:18:57 trafficking so i wanted to know a little
@00:19:10 a picture of how this trafficking might
@00:20:17 targets for trafficking so to me
@00:20:25 familiar with human trafficking and not
@00:22:33 final post on the child trafficking
@00:22:53 clintons and trafficking so right here
@00:22:59 trafficking ring investigation monica
@00:24:01 reporting on human trafficking that was
@00:25:46 a trafficking ring would obviously mean
@00:25:52 trafficking ring again if the blind is
@00:25:59 connected child abuse trafficking ring
@00:26:21 for human trafficking according to
@00:26:31 human trafficking operation at carrick
@00:27:12 investigating clinton's sex trafficking
@00:27:16 human trafficking center died under
@00:27:20 investigating child trafficking in haiti
@00:30:18 children about child trafficking with
@00:32:53 comes to human trafficking and the
@00:35:11 major hub for trafficking and that is
@00:35:18 also another human trafficking
@00:36:00 trafficking investigation that was

deleted Dustin Nemos on Ladies for Liberty PSB 24/7 - Censorship and Solutions NOW

@00:30:59 vaccines and child trafficking and i've
@00:31:02 got part-time help and human trafficking

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman On Liberty Sentinel: An Introduction to QAnon

@00:11:56 trafficking arrests are up massively
@00:12:38 know human trafficking these were words

deleted They Fight For You Will you Fight for Them? Truth-Tellers Besieged: The End of Censorship ? Part 1.

@00:11:24 of these things in child trafficking how

deleted The War on Anti-Vaxxers is Anti Scientific & The Illusion of Majority/Consensus by Elite.

@00:12:14 still child trafficking going on and you
@00:12:27 stopping child trafficking in these
@00:12:37 trafficking behind the scenes you have

deleted Racist Left & Border Invasion Intensifies, And More

@00:06:28 trafficking cartels that are kidnapping

deleted The Left's Frothing Hatred of White Christian America & Trump, Weaponized Government Ignores Islam

@00:18:03 right there huge human trafficking flag
@00:18:06 child trafficking flag international
@00:18:08 industrial level child trafficking man
@00:18:56 debunked child sex trafficking

deleted Blockade is Over, Q Justice Phase Commences Blitzkrieg Attack

@00:02:41 in child trafficking and and you know

deleted 4.18.19 - Left Losing Their Minds, Wants to Ban Rightwing Media. RR Broken

@00:28:56 leads back to the child trafficking
@00:29:03 trafficking of course sex cult and all
@00:29:16 again child trafficking super firm

deleted Clint0ns NXlVM Linked - BOOM. Political Influence Meets S3xx Tr@fficking! BACK IT UP!

@00:01:24 trafficking to politics the boom and i

deleted Germany, France, Canada, Japan vs USA (Officially)

@00:05:15 on human trafficking constantly right

deleted Deplorable Mcallister joins Dustin Nemos to Discuss FakeMAGA Coalition - Bullies and Deceivers

@00:12:42 trafficking and everything else they're

deleted Recap 4.14.19 - Trends in the News. Bads are All Panicking! Brennan, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, etc

@00:31:11 or be human trafficking hmm why i have

deleted Patriot Father & Journalist Betrayed from Within the MAGA Movement!

@00:28:51 versus evil how many human trafficking

deleted 4.8.19 - Clintons Linked to "Coverup" with Deep State, & Much Much More

@00:05:52 trafficking over here guys and and how
@00:06:02 even worse than just trafficking them

deleted Marketing Thinktank? Our Victories Are Many From 2018-2019. NOW Let's CHANGE THE WORLD!

@00:02:20 trafficking i really want to get some

deleted David Seaman on Q: "How am I a Fraud?" + AntiQ Cult: Posobiec/Antischool/Alex Jones/+

@00:19:28 child trafficking but for the most part

deleted BIDEN, AOC, BetoFrancis, Ilhan Omar - All Sputtering Out with Dem. Coup Ambitions

@00:27:50 human trafficking vaccines real health

deleted #DrainTheSwamp Disaster Relief Blocked Border Update

@00:09:56 because it's a cover for trafficking and
@00:11:45 problem of human trafficking and drug
@00:11:46 trafficking and gun trafficking let's
@00:13:22 is the issue of drug trafficking and gun
@00:13:25 running and human trafficking so the

deleted The Democrat House of Cards is Coming Apart: Cabal Next

@00:11:40 perverts picking them up or trafficking
@00:18:22 word soon maybe even child trafficking

deleted X22Report and Dustin Nemos Discuss Current Political Trends and The Plan

@00:39:22 problem child trafficking everything

deleted Major News Updates - Obama to be Investigated? Smollett Coverup to Bring Down Michelle Obama?

@00:06:13 top fbi child trafficking and child

deleted Deaths, Coverups, RBG Tampering?, Mueller Retells DNC Hack 'Big Lie'

@00:01:19 child trafficking as an issue i've had
@00:02:30 human trafficking and well what that
@00:02:34 trafficking and when asked about if she
@00:09:53 trafficking and that's what pizza gate

deleted Epstein and Kraft Updates RC Marina Abromovic Link!

@00:00:13 trafficking case which unfortunately as
@00:02:41 update on the florida sex trafficking
@00:03:00 trafficking problem so this one is from
@00:04:12 an international sex trafficking case
@00:04:19 international level sex trafficking
@00:06:33 trafficking ring and not what they're
@00:07:41 believe sex trafficking was taking place
@00:07:58 trafficking operation not prostitution
@00:08:01 trafficking because you know when the
@00:08:24 sex trafficking not sex solicitation and
@00:09:14 in sex trafficking to mystery litigants
@00:12:56 trafficking is real okay so i had a
@00:22:49 people into these trafficking operations
@00:40:19 going on with the trafficking and all of

deleted Q - Chandler=ChildHandler - DIG ANONS - (x100 bigger than Allie Mack)

@00:09:17 the child trafficking is gonna come out
@00:16:04 camera sex trafficking is real wow we're
@00:32:53 some links to child trafficking

deleted Apologies for Lately - I've Been Overwhelmed!

@00:05:47 exclusively on child trafficking

deleted AG Barr Stands by Trump - Border Emergency

@00:01:16 trafficking of drugs and people and guns

deleted Qanon - Tarmac Meeting Epstein and Haiti Link

@00:24:31 not just about sex trafficking will the
@00:25:28 so you think that the sex trafficking is
@00:26:42 a global sex trafficking operation how
@00:37:39 this you know the trafficking of
@00:38:15 mentioning sex trafficking shepard smith
@00:39:55 involved in sex trafficking of children
@00:44:25 much involved in this global trafficking

deleted The Q is Good

@00:13:57 not just about sex trafficking excuses
@00:14:23 human trafficking thing but he says it's
@00:14:26 not just about sex trafficking
@00:34:56 human trafficking reporter as i

deleted Obama Knew! How Much and When?

@00:12:17 trafficking in human trafficking
@00:20:54 child trafficking and cannot sleep and
@00:30:56 involved in human trafficking you're

deleted Those Violent, Crazy QAnon People

@00:10:49 trafficking pedophilia luciferian cults
@00:18:56 evil and sick child trafficking

deleted Michael Easton & Dustin Nemos on Justin Trudeau and SNC Lavalin Scandal in Canada

@00:09:36 trafficking and child sacrifice well the
@00:19:38 child trafficking and child which you

deleted Minecraft For Q - Dark to Light (The Great Awakening)

@00:05:50 human trafficking and the vaccines it's

deleted 3.12.19 - NXIVM's Nancy Salzman Takes PLEA DEAL!! TURNS RAT - BOOM (PRELUDE TO MORE)

@00:01:23 light the human trafficking problem


@00:02:04 trafficking and all of that stuff which

deleted 3 12 19 Epst3in - International S3x Trafflcking Unsealed Soon

@00:00:25 trafficking operation and we know he's a
@00:04:17 child you know the child trafficking
@00:04:29 sex trafficking ring thing into a common

deleted Q's Ultimatum to Snowden, Instructions to Whiistleblower, Predicted JPBarlows Death

@00:05:38 trafficking issue child trafficking is

deleted 3.10.19 - MASSIVE NEWS! Climate Fraud, ATTEMPT ON POTUS? & To Trigger WW3

@00:00:31 trafficking and studying this again how

deleted 3.7.19 - Q - Parts 3-9 Coming Soon. Major Steps Underway against Google and Big Tech Control Grid

@00:13:47 the child trafficking stuff but the the

deleted Ezili Danto: Former US Military Mercenaries Scandal in Haiti

@00:03:06 in haiti for weapons trafficking their

deleted Game Theory : Jeffrey Epstein ReHash

@00:00:09 jeffrey epstein sex trafficking case
@00:00:28 trafficking case a panel of appeals
@00:00:36 epstein's alleged sex trafficking of
@00:01:15 florida sex trafficking case that's
@00:01:22 international sex trafficking case at
@00:02:16 an international sex trafficking ring
@00:02:25 tippy tippy top of this trafficking ring
@00:20:18 child sex trafficking ring and so they

deleted Qanon 3 7 19 Huber Hammer FISA Brings Down the House

@00:01:05 links to human trafficking which is
@00:15:17 human trafficking that is going on
@00:24:08 like the human trafficking like the

deleted A Rebuttal to ButthurtAnons and ::: Did Q and Dustin Nemos Try to Kill Alex Jones???

@00:10:00 to be full time child trafficking whole
@00:28:36 trafficking of reporter i would like
@00:29:18 trafficking reporter imagine how we're

deleted The Book That May Get the [?] Asked of POTUS! Q GOES MAINSTREAM.

@00:06:17 involved with human trafficking and that
@00:11:16 about human trafficking in high-level

deleted The Digital Soldiers Who Are Taking Back Our World from Evil. WWG1WGA

@00:01:48 human trafficking reporter so that would

deleted 3.5.19 - "CU" - NSA Humor & Chat (Segmented Clips Soon)

@00:11:30 and sex trafficking and and who knows

deleted Dustin Nemos Responds to Anon Concerns and the Shills, FAKE MAGAS & The MSM United vs This Q Book

@00:05:10 trafficking and they deserve to get paid

deleted US M3xico Bord3r Humen Traffcking - Dem0cratic Donors in - Fet@l Tlssue Trafflcking

@00:00:08 human trafficking as well as a scandal
@00:00:42 defended atlanta-based sex trafficking
@00:00:53 trafficking of women from mexico and
@00:02:37 quote sex trafficking is a form of
@00:02:49 these human trafficking survivors to
@00:02:58 represents by sex trafficking is such a
@00:03:10 human trafficking this case should
@00:03:29 to stop a lot of the human trafficking
@00:03:32 the drug trafficking the gun running
@00:06:37 defendants in this sex trafficking ring
@00:07:02 people being charged for sex trafficking
@00:07:10 trafficking all of these things that
@00:08:29 not heard of human trafficking that much
@00:09:23 of human trafficking but they're gonna
@00:11:05 to express skepticism trafficking
@00:13:07 trafficking to me i would say this is
@00:13:09 human trafficking i mean oh no that's my
@00:13:57 trafficking has a lot of people tempe
@00:14:05 sex crimes and human trafficking the
@00:14:22 trafficking and then of course they had
@00:14:56 attempted child sex trafficking with
@00:16:55 trafficking worldwide and aborted baby

deleted 3.4.19 - "Cu" - National CRISIS - FULL SCALE MARCH MADNESS PREPARE

@00:14:05 human trafficking you know terrible

deleted Sunday Night Live Chat! Nemos News Network

@00:46:05 it and that's the human trafficking she
@00:46:09 trafficking issue in florida i mean it's

deleted 3.1.19 - Recap, Major Events. Trudeau Scandal, Netanyahu Indictment, Mueller Past Blackhatting, etc

@00:23:01 trafficking case this has links all the
@00:23:38 sex cult human trafficking church they
@00:38:37 clinton is child trafficking this is a

deleted Trudeau's Sinking Ship, Socialism's Grip on Canada Weakens

@00:05:45 sex trafficking in the eastern district

deleted Tasneem (Welcome to the Team!) : Florida Sex Trafficking Ring

@00:00:22 trafficking ring here in florida and
@00:07:01 trafficking and all that and they're
@00:08:50 florida human trafficking probe that
@00:09:00 sex trafficking investigation involving
@00:09:51 course the trafficking ring of this
@00:09:53 magnitude an elitist human trafficking
@00:11:10 an international sex trafficking
@00:11:26 had you know drug trafficking gun
@00:11:31 trafficking mostly child sex trafficking
@00:11:48 and sex trafficking as well so no doubt
@00:13:00 heavily involved in sex trafficking and
@00:14:07 international human trafficking ring
@00:14:17 human trafficking ring i'm actually
@00:16:14 trafficking and prostitution sting
@00:16:33 trafficking in the u.s. that's largely
@00:17:02 trafficking info facilitating illegal
@00:17:59 into a florida sex trafficking ring at
@00:18:19 charity for human trafficking victims
@00:19:08 trafficking continued until she was 16
@00:20:06 talking about human sex trafficking
@00:26:46 sex trafficking ring that's being blown

deleted 2.28.19 - Cohen laughs, Awan Silenced, PedoCultWhistlebLower Silenced, NK Progress

@00:00:17 trafficking i mean it's kind of up to

deleted 2.26.19 - Hanoi, Tommy, Culture of Hate and Deception and Low IQ, Save the Babies.

@00:01:59 trafficking as much as possible deep
@00:09:07 trafficking and parties and rape orgies

deleted 2.25.19 - Q - Potus Considering Options RE: War on Babies (Millions of Babies Counting on US!)

@00:13:32 trafficking issue there are a lot more
@00:13:39 trafficking issue the vaccine issue like

deleted 2.22.19 -Q- Vows to Break the Evil

@00:32:02 a huge human trafficking issue there's

deleted 2.21.19 - Q. Recap Bonanza ( Major Gems! )

@00:05:02 then human trafficking in the child
@00:05:04 trafficking and oh
@00:34:11 the the childhood tract of trafficking

deleted 2.19.19 - MEGA NEWS DAY! BACK TO A COMPUTER! Such Things in Store.....

@00:26:33 working on human trafficking child
@00:26:35 trafficking and you can you can help by

deleted 2.12.19 - Ped0s, Cultural Attack, Evil Folks in Power. Bezos, Trump Cleared(Duh),

@00:14:54 all the child trafficking and everything
@00:15:10 with a lot of this child trafficking and

deleted Dustin Nemos Presents: Q's "Hammer"

@00:01:19 human trafficking and weapons and of
@00:01:56 itself the human trafficking and the

deleted 2.10.19 - Full Soci@lism Push, Ds Raising Army, Car@van Invasi0ns, Blood Libel vs Whites, Pope

@00:17:00 trafficking in his own past which we

deleted 2.9-10th.19 - Q.ue Makes an Appearance

@00:09:59 hotel potential child trafficking or

deleted 2.5.19 - Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

@00:08:43 statewide human trafficking operation
@00:09:11 trafficking lowest unemployment among
@00:21:50 started talking about human trafficking

deleted What Was Nancy Pel0si Wearing During SOTU? A Symbol of Power? "Mace of the House"

@00:00:32 trafficking but the point of this video

deleted Dustin Nem0s & Scott Benn3tt - Insider Of The Storm Weighs In On Current Thunder

@00:18:18 sex trafficking drug trafficking they

deleted Dustin Nemos & Liz Cr0kin on Hum@n Traffickking & Subsequent Cens0rship (Deception Fears Truth)

@00:00:22 arena of child trafficking liz thank you
@00:00:37 three the whole human trafficking
@00:01:35 trafficking what twitter did their first
@00:03:04 trafficking and i cover elite kind of
@00:03:15 and trafficking of children and so i'm
@00:03:34 trafficking and i i have the proof to
@00:04:42 sex trafficking and there are people in
@00:05:01 child sex trafficking and the more evil
@00:09:27 are involved in child sex trafficking
@00:09:34 sex trafficking and they're not harming
@00:11:57 clinton foundation is trafficking
@00:13:00 worshippers and the trafficking kids and
@00:13:53 child sex trafficking i wouldn't be on
@00:13:57 if a child sex trafficking i would i
@00:14:16 sex trafficking that's the most horrible
@00:15:09 sex trafficking and the pizza gate and
@00:16:43 sex trafficking business is one of the
@00:20:18 gonna take on human trafficking
@00:21:11 he'd go after the child sex trafficking
@00:21:33 was combating child sex trafficking as
@00:22:32 were going after human trafficking in
@00:22:33 child sex trafficking and well we start
@00:23:14 house to talk about human trafficking
@00:23:33 about all these child sex trafficking
@00:23:48 trump is tackling human trafficking and
@00:23:54 child sex trafficking and the reality is
@00:24:08 trafficking rings and not just here by
@00:25:25 trafficking was a takedown of back page
@00:25:29 sex trafficking networks in hundreds of
@00:25:33 facilitator for child sex trafficking in

deleted 2.1.19 - Kids S@ved, Antif@ Pl0tting 2019 Ass@ssin@tions, Tr3aty Killed, Cllntons Bhind RU Lies.

@00:23:54 victims of the child trafficking become
@00:28:10 trafficking charges ahead of the
@00:28:19 trafficking industry i mean they show up

deleted 1.29.19 - Jim Willie & Dustin Nemos on Venezuela, Vaccines, and Veritas Final Cut

@00:17:07 narco-trafficking center and papa bush
@00:19:08 trafficking and we'll give your

deleted 1.31.19 - (CuIt)ure W@r Ramps up: C3nsor Pr3vents Cl3@r Communication

@00:05:54 reasons of human trafficking in the

deleted 1.26.19 - Mueller Arrests Stone to Distract, What Is Going On Right Now & More

@00:12:51 trafficking to ending planned parenthood

deleted Dustin Nemos & Alex Newman on Roger Stone, Venezuela, and More

@00:22:06 trafficking efforts the the dictator in

deleted 1.25.19 - Optics Arrest of Roger Stone, Gov. Reopening Temporarily, War Moves, Monsanto

@00:08:12 trap human trafficking in syria just had

deleted 1.22.19 - Left has Once Again Overextended in Attack - Trump Uses Their Force Against Them

@00:02:01 with some of this trafficking stuff you
@00:19:59 possibly child trafficking in a lot of

deleted 1.19.19 - Walls Work, Drama - Fake News OverExtends, Taiwan Preps for Invasion

@00:10:51 child trafficking drugs terrorists not

deleted 1.17.19 - D3mocr@t Drama Continues, China Threatens Taiwan, Ginsberg = Pneumonia.flv

@00:25:40 trafficking and all of the corruption we

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Trump, MAGA, Change, and the Hammer Group

@00:10:47 where all this child trafficking and

deleted 1.15.19 - Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp in 14yo Abortions, China, Mueller, RU buys BTC?

@00:06:57 human trafficking aspect of it from the

deleted 1.15.19 - Q - GJ's Opened at State Level - Mueller Passing Ball to House? Won't Work

@00:03:48 trafficking and some of that such and

deleted 1.13.19 - Dirty Dems on Vacation while Trump Waits Patiently to Make a Deal. See America: Who Cares.

@00:01:23 to the child trafficking issues even in
@00:08:49 human trafficking cases by far look at

deleted 1.11.19 - PROWALL DEMS! Dollar Dump, Corruption, Virus!, Pedo Culture, 9 11 Monument to Allah

@00:01:34 trafficking across our southern border
@00:01:37 and internationally to feed trafficking
@00:01:57 trafficking and trafficking generally
@00:02:16 violent sex trafficking organizations
@00:02:34 nationals police sex trafficking crimes
@00:03:23 trafficking organizations in addition to
@00:03:25 these sex smuggling and trafficking

deleted 1.7.19 - *Quickening Intensifies* - War, Economy, and Setups, Assassinations, & Yellow Vests

@00:02:37 in child trafficking situations so this
@00:02:57 haiti and the child trafficking laura

deleted 1.5.19 - Q Breaks His Silence: Wall, Antifa, Corruption, Change

@00:07:09 just the human trafficking and the
@00:30:06 highlights human trafficking going down
@00:30:35 trafficking problem and then he says
@00:31:09 potus tweet about human trafficking and
@00:31:10 mentioned human trafficking 3 the
@00:34:55 trade human trafficking smuggling etc
@00:35:56 realized human trafficking is huge the
@00:36:31 human trafficking is a big business it's

deleted 1.3.18 - Culture War, Economic War, Tense Standoffs for Hot War, Major Events

@00:36:07 trafficking and you can see on top of
@00:36:27 victims of sex trafficking and that's

deleted 1.1.19 - War Talk, Culture War, Brazil vs Socialism, Giuliani on Assange, Yellow Vests WorldWide

@00:01:15 human trafficking month or human
@00:01:16 trafficking aware awareness month or i
@00:01:20 human trafficking prevention month
@00:14:50 remember nexium sex cult sex trafficking
@00:14:53 human trafficking charges were involved
@00:15:00 sex trafficking case saying what was her
@00:16:36 of this human trafficking plus the

deleted 12.29.18 - Caravan, Walls, Borders, Culture Shifts, Trade Wars

@00:03:32 the child trafficking money they won't

deleted Travag: UN Global Migration Compact December 5, 2018

@00:04:30 trafficking oregon harvesting you name

deleted 12.21.18 - Cultural Decline, Evil Flaunts, Syria, ISIS, Assange, Whitaker

@00:16:26 a kid branded with a child trafficking

deleted 12.19.18 - Canada Sold Out, Mueller Corruption re: Flynn, Possible Hammer Dropping

@00:16:58 criminals child trafficking human
@00:17:01 trafficking drugs etc etc not a race but
@00:34:12 into the the whole child trafficking

deleted 12.16.18 - Things Speeding Up, War Moves, Yellow Vests Spreading WW, Strzok Texts Recovered

@00:06:59 of human trafficking must end and this
@00:12:45 was still some child trafficking going

deleted James Perloff & Dustin Nemos on The Shadow Government vs Trump

@00:23:39 human trafficking arrests under trump
@00:34:03 with like human trafficking that term is

deleted 12.14.18 - Updates, Bombshells, Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional

@00:08:06 child trafficking and all of that maybe

deleted EducatingLibs & Dustin Nemos on Current Events, Q & The Social Media War on Truth

@00:19:46 sure especially the human trafficking
@00:20:00 human trafficking going through the

deleted 12.13.18 - Whistleblowers, Huber, Q, Justice Phase Progresses

@00:10:33 trafficking and everything else you know
@00:13:49 there's still some child trafficking

deleted 12.13.18 - Q: Justice, Gold Standard, Wall Showdown, S. Indictments ON FOX! #3@ Vatican Pedo, JFK Jr

@00:04:56 lannisters plus child trafficking it's

deleted 12.11.18 - Q Posts from 6th-10th - THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS

@00:24:43 trafficking and and worse in some
@00:34:32 trial trafficking which unfortunately

deleted 12.4-7.18 - More Q & Clinton Foundation under Scrutiny

@00:26:52 trafficking but you know if they were

deleted Everyone's Favorite Fake Maga Poster Boy - "Chatlogs" is at it AGAIN.

@00:01:03 trafficking stuff at the end of the day

deleted 12.1.18 - Huber Incoming, Desperation Palpable Everything Bubble is Popping! Get Ready

@00:08:14 as bad as even human trafficking and

deleted 11.29.18 - Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave - Pain Phase is Nearly Upon Us.

@00:28:19 administration child trafficking is

deleted 11.25.18 - Border Heats Up, New Q - 'Thank you Soros', Ukraine Vs Russia, UK Vs FB, Asylum "Deal" ?

@00:22:26 voices against the child trafficking
@00:22:55 the child trafficking and everything
@00:23:48 again with the challenge trafficking
@00:24:07 do is the child trafficking and the
@00:24:24 trafficking distribution change so

deleted Jeff Berwick and Dustin Nemos on Coming Economic Crash & Voluntaryism

@00:25:03 you're involved in drug trafficking and

deleted 11.18.18 - USA Invades Haiti, Antifa Violence, Haiti Protestors Being Killed & More

@00:21:36 organ trafficking co-conspirators a
@00:21:41 trafficking cactus connection to us

deleted Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

@00:09:16 corruption and human trafficking last

deleted Roy Davis CaptainRoyD & Dustin Nemos on The Q Movement & End of 2018

@00:35:33 human trafficking child exploitation


@00:07:08 human trap he news teaming trafficking

deleted Sarah Westall & Dustin Nemos - Censoring Reality: Keep Them Ignorant, Contintinue The Abuse

@00:00:52 with jimi boots the child trafficking
@00:03:59 trafficking of money and drugs and
@00:06:00 the trafficking and they are they're
@00:13:15 that's you know trafficking children and
@00:23:33 trafficking rings are being taken down
@00:26:20 trafficking money and you know the
@00:26:23 vatican trafficking money and drugs and
@00:29:37 trafficking let's make sure that we're

deleted 11.10.18 - Electi0n Fraud (Political Suicide) & Distractions from it

@00:08:06 human trafficking as well in the backend

deleted 11.10.18 - Q - Dem's = Sucide Boomerang with the Voter Fraud Voter ID Laws

@00:26:25 and those involved in human trafficking

deleted Brooks Agnew & Dustin Nemos on Suppressed History, Giants, & Science of Hollow Earth Theory

@00:11:02 massive quantities of child trafficking

deleted 11.8.18 - The New Acting AG Wants to End Mueller and Indict Killery

@00:02:12 trafficking children
@00:02:17 trafficking

deleted 11.5.18 - Scandals, Voter Fraud, Victory is Nigh RED WAVE (Jobs NOT Mobs)

@00:02:31 involved in trafficking children you

deleted 11.2.18 - New Q, Dem Tricks, Coverup Artist Exposed, and Caravan Updates

@00:07:33 in child trafficking but i can't think
@00:27:31 trafficking things like that or or you

deleted 10.31.18 - Caravan Brings Weapons & Bombs, Red Tsunami Incoming

@00:08:43 human trafficking we're still you know
@00:09:07 human trafficking plague for and it's

deleted 10.30.18 - Caravan Opens Fire, More Dem Scandals, Who to Vote For

@00:08:06 things like sex trafficking of children
@00:08:11 and other things like drug trafficking

deleted 10.29.18 - Midterm Updates, Caravan, War Positioning

@00:13:06 their you know human trafficking and

deleted Cirsten Weldon & Dustin Nemos Discuss Immigration - Legal vs Illegal, and Cultural Impact

@00:08:29 and the human trafficking and stuff too
@00:17:14 trafficking belts basically a way in for

deleted 10.28.18 - Hypocrisy, Shooter, Midterm Updates!

@00:05:24 it's not just child trafficking going on
@00:05:28 trafficking so keep new york city trash

deleted 10.26.18 - Mail B0mber Distractions, Midterms

@00:30:27 the child trafficking and things like

deleted 10.22.18 - Caravan, Midterms, And More

@00:08:09 trafficking time will move in and take

deleted 10.21.18 - Caravan, Tax Cuts, Midterms, War Treaties, World Fleeing Dollar

@00:01:37 household name it child trafficking is
@00:03:26 who are illegally trafficking
@00:03:28 trafficking or illegally crossing their

deleted Robert David Steele & Dustin Nemos on Khashoggi, Midterms, Fed, Trump, Q & More!

@00:06:48 inquiry into human trafficking and child

deleted pt1 - Linda Paris & Dustin Nemos on Giants, Demons, Aliens, The Occult Belief Systems & Antarctica

@00:46:36 all of their this child trafficking

deleted 10.15.18 - Assange UnSilenced, Stormy To Pay Trump, Pocahantas Fail, and Evil

@00:37:06 human trafficking sting this is reported

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall on the Current Bubble, Q, and Political Landscape - Ending the Fed?

@00:14:08 human trafficking and corruption and all
@00:24:50 i mean who supports child trafficking

deleted 10.12.18 - HRC Loses Security Clearance! The Left Mob, and Flipping Voters RED Before Midterms

@00:03:55 monitor and combat trafficking in
@00:03:59 human trafficking instead very strange
@00:04:09 the human trafficking stuff that's

deleted Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

@00:40:52 trafficking type of issues these are

deleted 10-11-18 - Trump Vs the Fed. Don't call the Mob a Mob! And Other News

@00:09:18 think he was trafficking over 50 boys
@00:10:03 trafficking in pedophilia and that's

deleted 10.9.18 - Quick Recaps of Noteworthy News Today + Mention of Chelation Heavy Metal Detoxxer

@00:00:25 passed that allows sex trafficking
@00:00:46 day including sex trafficking victims
@00:01:15 trafficking september 26th and that's

deleted 9.21-22.18 - Kavanaugh WILL BE CONFIRMED (Q) Despite Derailment/Smear PLOT (Yes, Plot!) +Observatory

@00:00:54 it would lead to child trafficking and

deleted 9.19.18 - ℚ Does Q&A, Talks Aliens, Moon Landings, RRs Failure, Trudeau, Rebuts Arguments V Sessions

@00:07:36 trafficking arrests surging so he's
@00:12:36 trafficking and everything else these

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 2)

@00:12:16 different trafficking charity volunteer
@00:13:36 the human trafficking and then therefore
@00:26:37 you know the the human trafficking thing

deleted Dustin Nemos & Sarah Westall Discuss Q, Alex Jones & The Great Awakening (part 1)

@00:31:32 involved with the child trafficking

deleted 9.13.18 - Gas Explosions in Boston. Panic In DC as Sessions Preps Antitrust HAMMER.

@00:08:14 children woman you are trafficking in

deleted Fisagate Ahead, Rats Turning on Each Other, Storm=12+ Possible Fukushima's in USA. Arrests Soon.

@00:06:42 trafficking stuff we have some
@00:06:56 in all this human trafficking all his
@00:11:44 multi-agency child trafficking operation

deleted Q: We will NEVER forgive, we will NEVER forget. Battle Stations. Memes Ready. Tomorrow is 9/11. GO!

@00:02:45 child trafficking arrests the sealed
@00:03:34 aka human trafficking and corruption we
@00:03:42 trafficking children will just seize
@00:04:02 human trafficking has gotten it's it's
@00:04:06 war folks human trafficking is big and
@00:04:49 trafficking arrests are up saudi arabia
@00:05:30 trump working to end human trafficking
@00:05:33 trafficking again coincidence all my
@00:05:52 a few countries left human trafficking

deleted ℚ: "Goodbye, Mister Rosenstein"

@00:19:25 trafficking and monsters and in

deleted 👀👀👀👀👀ℚ Calls Out Alex Jones & Jack Posobiec and Others as Mossad Propagandists. Holy Crap!👀👀

@00:01:53 they're involved in human trafficking of
@00:17:47 child trafficking and everything else

deleted 9.3-4.18 - Mueller THREATENED GEN FLYNN W PRISON for Supporting GOP Candidates. Oh Hell No!

@00:07:15 with the child trafficking and all of

deleted ℚ👀 - 9.3-4.18 - Satanism, HRC - "Almost Time" Everything is Now Prepared to DROP THE HAMMER

@00:13:33 traffic trafficking arrests surging
@00:14:43 like child trafficking pedophilia
@00:34:45 child trafficking stuff hard lately now


@00:04:03 the child trafficking and all of that

deleted Dustin Nemos & Curtis Stone (The Urban Farmer) Discuss Culture, Politics, Q, and Voluntaryism

@00:15:54 trafficking all of us yeah that's it's
@00:18:43 for me it's the child trafficking thing
@00:39:31 child trafficking thing and it's not

deleted New Q - Prepare with Emergency Plans & Storable Foods

@00:10:29 trafficking was going on
@00:10:40 trafficking was caught off but how could
@00:12:20 child trafficking human trafficking was
@00:13:55 human trafficking 2015 report they were
@00:13:59 trafficking so saudi arabia was a

deleted Jack "Muh Chat Logs" Posobiec: Exposed as Disinformation Agent of the Deep State, Doxxer, Liar

@00:04:16 trafficking pedophile success time is up

deleted "2018 Will Be Glorious" - Q. Your Patience and Suffering was NOT for Nothing, Brothers and Sisters!

@00:02:23 arrested and charged with trafficking of
@00:03:15 really wipe out child trafficking i'm so
@00:37:09 state in human trafficking and fake news
@00:37:15 trafficking is getting there but

deleted 8.25.18 - McCain Dead or Faking Dead. Pressure is Tangible. Something big is coming SOON!

@00:20:20 trafficking and you're gonna take all

deleted 8.20.18 - More Updates - The DC Police Call Donna Brazile a Liar, Q Gives us a Timeline

@00:21:41 regarding human trafficking and
@00:27:51 trafficking arrests and children being

deleted The Rumors about Dustin Nemos? Addressed. Context as usual is King. I have no dishonor in my past.

@00:01:50 trafficking heroin that's the big one


@00:00:44 themselves tied to child trafficking and

deleted 8.17-18.18 - Elon Musk Acid Trip Tweets, MORE HRC Server News, DNC Chair Prepares Flock for Losing

@00:19:24 looking into him for drug trafficking

deleted 8.15.18 - Something Moves Within The Night That is Not Good, and is Not Right

@00:00:19 human trafficking case is gonna move
@00:12:42 assassinations human trafficking sharing
@00:16:15 trafficking and that's what this video
@00:18:04 track to quote child trafficking victims
@00:19:12 involved in trafficking and raping over
@00:22:16 trafficking expert the problem in haiti
@00:35:03 the child trafficking they're still

deleted Tracking the Resignations with ResignationAnon Resignation.Info

@00:04:35 executive order for human trafficking

deleted Recapping the News - New Q Targets Epstein and Numerous Pedos / NBC Scrambles to Delete Pedo Tweets

@00:09:00 global human trafficking i remember like
@00:09:18 life global human trafficking is now a
@00:33:12 got the child trafficking arrests you

deleted Mercury Detoxxing, Antischool, Twitter Censorship Bypass?, Raw Cacao

@00:09:02 the you get the child trafficking

deleted #GaysArentPedos - Will LGBTQ Leaders to Push Back v Coordinated Pedo "Association"? #Walkaway

@00:02:31 statistics on human trafficking and we

deleted 8.9.18 - Get Comfy, Q:Time is Up! Fisa to Be Unveiled, Arrests to be Made, Clinton Going Down!

@00:12:38 the human trafficking hotline do you

deleted The Clint0n F0undation IS A HUM@N TR@FFICKING FRONT! - Q

@00:00:14 reached the national human trafficking
@00:00:32 the human trafficking hotline do you

deleted 8.8.18 - The Avalanche is Nipping at their Toes. They Cannot Escape.

@00:09:40 trafficking training camp that was just

deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

@00:16:53 trafficking arrests you've got people

deleted Making Youtubing Sustainable for Alt Media Figures - Monetization of Free Info/Labor

@00:01:35 trafficking arrests there's everything

deleted Sunday Livechat 7pm EST 7.22.18 - Ask me Anything

@00:18:13 arrested for like trafficking children
@00:25:21 child trafficking arrests very
@00:28:29 trafficking and evil and occultism and

deleted QAnon: Peace, Love, Unity, and Legal Justice. Don't fall for the 'Smear Campaign'

@00:00:57 trafficking problem and a lot of the

deleted QAnon Dangerous? MSM are Creating a Fake Narrative to Distract from Treason.

@00:15:08 go down the rabbit hole the trafficking
@00:15:42 trafficking of children but you know
@00:17:27 they're trafficking hundreds of

deleted Isaac Kappy Exposing Pedo's

@00:35:21 sorts of trafficking of children it's
@00:45:23 trafficking yeah cia has overthrown so

deleted 7.28.18 - The Coming Midterms Battle Begins, Censorship, Pushback, and more.

@00:14:36 with corruption and child trafficking
@00:14:37 and human trafficking and seizing the
@00:14:51 involved in human trafficking or
@00:29:52 about all the human trafficking did you
@00:37:01 human trafficking and the boom and bust
@00:38:13 satanism and human human trafficking and

deleted 7.25.18 - Q // Pedophile Exposure TRENDING, Left to Use Projection & 'Forgive' Routines - More FBI

@00:40:27 nexium child trafficking like guys five
@00:40:32 you heard child trafficking or you heard
@00:42:28 talk of pedophilia child trafficking all
@00:42:42 trafficking do you understand how that's

deleted 7.22.18 - Update on News, Back to Regular Content, Info packed video.

@00:34:48 trafficking types those types are

deleted Since they won't debate me, BIG QANON EVIDENCE COMPILATION VIDEO!

@00:02:06 child porn or for child trafficking or
@00:36:45 talk about child trafficking and
@00:38:56 trafficking to the clintons from trump

deleted Fast and Furious Part 1 - Introduction

@00:02:25 trafficking pipelines there is no
@00:03:47 trafficking routes

deleted Walking Through the Fire with Tasneem Conley & Dustin Nemos (Interview Series)

@00:23:30 human trafficking right now it's really
@00:24:30 comes to like you know trafficking of
@00:24:42 that and the human trafficking is a part
@00:25:03 trafficking and then when you get to all
@00:25:10 you talk about human trafficking then it

deleted Up and Coming Content Creator Interview Series: The Epistemologers - Foundations of Reasoning

@00:37:09 trafficking is coming up next my

deleted 7.11-12.18 - Maga Update: FBI//Strzok asked If he Lies to his wife also in public session

@00:16:35 trafficking steam operation as well by
@00:17:08 stormy daniels human trafficking and one

deleted 7.9-11.18 - Conservative Supreme Court Majority and what it means. More Clinton Murders. w/links

@00:17:36 trafficking and satanic cult ism and
@00:26:12 trafficking the pedophilia the occultism

deleted 7.5.18 - So. Much. News. +Q, + QDebate Coming.

@00:14:28 break up a child sex trafficking ring
@00:14:53 immigration child sex trafficking
@00:14:56 immigration sex trafficking situation is
@00:15:02 pushing this child sex trafficking thing
@00:15:16 tag and trafficking you are an
@00:15:22 did you hear the term trafficking or
@00:15:24 human trafficking or child trafficking
@00:16:25 really going after the trafficking a lot
@00:17:01 bad actors bad actions child trafficking
@00:17:26 he's moving us toward human trafficking
@00:17:28 and child sex trafficking as a commonly
@00:19:36 this trafficking stuff and united all

deleted 6.30.Ձ٥۫١Ց - The Ultimate Q Plan/Question. Push for Civil War, Corruption Exposed.

@00:04:32 this is a big human trafficking issue
@00:05:04 trafficking across the southern border
@00:22:51 of calling out child trafficking all
@00:22:59 they're involved in human trafficking
@00:23:05 trafficking and she knows that it's

deleted 6.26.18 - PowderKeg ready to Blow for Civil War - Trade, China Endorses EOS, More.

@00:28:56 sex trafficking on the southern border
@00:29:57 trafficking and we know that at least

deleted 6.21-22.18 - They are Trying so Hard To Distract or Discredit as it All Comes Out

@00:13:32 trafficking they really want to protect
@00:17:53 cages and child trafficking all that
@00:17:55 stuff obviously the child trafficking
@00:18:00 more lately human trafficking child
@00:18:02 trafficking it's making the rounds it's
@00:20:48 trafficking and then she's saying some
@00:22:42 trafficking children and pettifer wars
@00:38:47 leads us to more human trafficking and

deleted 6.20.18 - Ignore the Men Behind the Curtain (IG REPORT), The Kids in the Fake Cages are Over Here...

@00:05:26 trafficking you see why they're focusing
@00:05:48 investigations in the child trafficking
@00:42:10 and child sex trafficking i have also
@00:42:54 human trafficking you go trump yeah 72

deleted 6.19.18 - IG Report Fallout, Huber, Q: End Near? +More

@00:11:50 what is real regarding trafficking in dc
@00:12:00 child trafficking and stuff but i will
@00:28:08 terrorism drugs and human trafficking
@00:37:36 trafficking sounds about right

deleted 6.15.18 - IG Report Fallout - Clintons under Heat, Trade Wars, Canada Targets Trump Family

@00:12:53 against children the child trafficking
@00:13:05 come out but the the trafficking of
@00:13:42 regarding child trafficking that's what
@00:23:26 issued this is the one human trafficking
@00:27:49 trafficking whoo i get chills guys i
@00:30:35 trafficking and rape and murder and all

deleted 6.14.18 - IG Report, EOS, Ethereum NOT Security, Tariffs and Q

@00:07:43 trafficking such as laura silsbee

deleted 6.14.18 - Dustin Nemos Rebuts Antischool's Isaac Green on Qanon

@00:10:43 child trafficking these are homeless
@00:11:32 stage a child trafficking camp situation
@00:11:44 i'm not into child trafficking i'm not
@00:15:32 children in in sexual trafficking

deleted 6.12.18 - NK Peace, Iran Next, IG Report+EO, Cannabis FREEDOM, Crypto & More!

@00:00:37 trafficking camp is is being called a
@00:13:58 daughter we have the child trafficking
@00:14:15 areas look for child trafficking camps

deleted 6.6.18 - 160 children Saved From Sex Trafficking! But Skulls Found !

@00:08:38 so the metro atlanta sex trafficking
@00:11:14 for human trafficking there are signs
@00:11:20 documented of human trafficking coming

deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

@00:00:26 child trafficking camp busted that's
@00:26:09 trafficking camp and i'm talking condoms

deleted 5.18.18 - Q: "Be Vigilante" THEN: '3attacks' - PP DEFUNDED, Mueller FINAL Rpt DUE, Syria

@00:08:15 called something about child trafficking
@00:10:03 and quote 26 arrested in sex trafficking
@00:10:29 busted in australia trafficking like 50

deleted 5.17.18 - Q Shaped Asteroid about to Hit Clinton. Prepare for FF (Bogus Banners) Distractions!

@00:08:52 child trafficking you know they wait it
@00:09:26 all human trafficking child trafficking

deleted 5.16.18 - QAnon: Time for a Sealed Indictment (Weiner - UNSEALED 16th, Laptop!) Pedogate is REAL!

@00:01:19 trafficking director okay so she is over
@00:04:18 when this human trafficking attorney
@00:06:21 trafficking stuff so there's that over

deleted Maga & Qanon Update 5.8.18 - Trump withdrew from Iran Deal (AND took control?), Israel teasing WW3.

@00:18:57 trafficking children she's charged with
@00:18:59 trafficking children oh my gosh she is

deleted Maga& Qanon Update 5.6.18 - Corsi, Kanye, Karl Marx, Mueller, Sessions in CONTEMPT, NXIVM

@00:01:19 trafficking the list is over eleven

deleted Maga Update 5.1.18 - Bring Troops Home, WW3 (iran), Vegas, Kanye, Mueller

@00:07:32 colombian drug trafficking ring and this

deleted MAGA&Q Update 4.30.18 - Q On Iran, Eu, Jordan. BTC Crash coming, Culture & Deep State updates

@00:34:32 trafficking anti-fog cetera was at stake

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.26.18 - MOAB Still incoming. Sessions to end Mueller Probe, KANYE ON FIRE vs Dems

@00:22:20 the drops about human trafficking yet

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.25.18 - MOAB Revealed - Macron, Kanye West, Mccabe, FB, Comey, Dem New Strategy

@00:34:26 child trafficking especially now with
@00:42:42 potus there evil acts human trafficking

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.22-23.18 - Culture Victory, Counterstrike Gains Momentum, Dems are losing it

@00:24:47 and human trafficking is mexico

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.21.18 - Banning Bible, Tons of Trump Counterpunch, Tons of Q

@00:17:30 that human trafficking has reached
@00:17:46 trafficking issue including the
@00:18:04 trafficking news actress allison mac was
@00:35:31 child trafficking going on at the
@00:37:11 the information about child trafficking
@00:42:03 human trafficking raus
@00:42:43 october a mafia style racket trafficking
@00:43:25 trafficking as well

deleted Maga&Q Update 4.19.18 - Pelosi Screwed up, Giuliani Vs Mueller, Fake Memos, Q Q&A

@00:16:44 for those involved in child trafficking

deleted Maga Update 4.18.18 - Updates on Criminal Cabal, Russia, Trade War China, Mexico

@00:12:52 trafficking all over the world i mean
@00:13:14 got laura silsbee trafficking 33

deleted Why do the MSM keep showing us Fake Video technology

@00:14:31 you know trafficking of human and
@00:14:39 child trafficking and you'll be amazed

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.14.18 - Iran next, Syrian Terrorist chemical weapons taken out, Cannibus Victory!

@00:02:43 and sex trafficking this is a state gov
@00:02:50 ongoing human trafficking investigation

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.13.18 - WW3? Trump to hit Syria// Crypto Markets// Mccabe, Comey, sessions, RR, IG

@00:08:36 trafficking cite who has
@00:08:54 trafficking child trafficking thing come
@00:19:16 this child trafficking and human
@00:19:18 trafficking and basically a hub of
@00:19:33 trafficking of women and kids
@00:19:54 trafficking cases reported to the
@00:20:06 down for human trafficking which is kind

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.12.18 - Facebook, Syria, Deep State, Q&Trump calls for MEME Onslaught

@00:01:55 are illegal like child sex trafficking
@00:15:54 sex trafficking u.s. usa congress sex
@00:15:57 trafficking trump signs okay they're
@00:16:06 trafficking that's a necessity but i did
@00:16:27 queueing on okay as a sex trafficking
@00:17:54 fight online sex trafficking act it

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.11.18 - Facebook=Darpa's 'lifelog' project. Is World War 3 here?

@00:01:09 online sex trafficking act of 2017 i
@00:02:01 fighting online sex trafficking of

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.9.18 - Syria moves us closer to WW3, But Trust the Plan - Trump Knows

@00:43:35 trafficking sick donald trump was able

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.7.18 - Trump & Q: "We will Win Soon." / Trade War, Vegas, Shadow War Casualties

@00:28:22 rachel chandler's days of trafficking
@00:31:02 human trafficking crackdown rescues
@00:31:24 of course human trafficking of children
@00:44:55 trafficking terrorists ms-13 etc equals

deleted Maga&Q Updates 4.6.18 - Trade War & More Q happenings, Pedogate Leads, Figures Implicated

@00:40:17 is this a another child trafficking
@00:40:47 chandler trafficking young people in

deleted Maga & Qanon Updates 4.3.18 - Swamp, Immigrants, FBI, Mueller, Qanon: Arrests Coming

@00:18:29 the child sex trafficking so like i said

deleted Maga Updates 4.2.18 - Cultural Victories continue, Even Dems now distrust MSM And MORE!

@00:12:51 pedophilia and child trafficking in my

deleted Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts Too many incidents

@00:04:30 victims of sex trafficking 88 percent of
@00:05:09 silsbee trafficking 33 children out of
@00:07:50 sex trafficking of children and cover it
@00:08:31 trafficking and how do those in power
@00:11:14 trafficking arrests 2011 938 2012 967

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.28.18 - UN, Assange, 2A, Q under attack psyop and hack attacks

@00:05:42 human trafficking that was its name
@00:06:32 human trafficking obviously stands for
@00:06:35 children and trafficking of children

deleted Maga & Q Updates 3.27.18 - Stormy Lied, Uranium1 Witness Ungagged, Guns, Pro HRC Sex Cult, Q psyop?

@00:08:59 trafficking world another hillary
@00:09:32 sex cult and human trafficking obviously

deleted Maga Update - 3.24.18 - Was the Omnibus a Trump Trojan Horse against Dems?

@00:00:46 involved in human trafficking especially

deleted Dustin Nemos responds to Comedy Central about "Qanon"

@00:02:12 and laura silsbee trafficking 33
@00:02:34 trafficking and crew including v's i
@00:04:17 and trafficking of children is actually
@00:04:26 human trafficking and corruption in the
@00:04:34 now dealing with child trafficking so oh
@00:12:24 for people involved in human trafficking
@00:12:38 human trafficking thousands of children
@00:23:21 child trafficking sexual predation and
@00:24:01 trafficking we knew some of that it's

deleted Victurus Libertas Censorship Roundtable - Jordan Sather, Titus Frost, Dustin Nemos, and more

@00:18:09 have been for sex trafficking and soon

deleted Maga Update 3.19.18 - Drug War, Mass Stabbing, Calls for Assassination of Trump

@00:19:05 trafficking we have a massive problem of

deleted Qanon Update 3.14.18 - Q and Trump status update on Draining the Swamp

@00:07:22 crackdown on human trafficking thousands

deleted Video too hot for Youtube - See it HERE!

@00:01:12 the players in the whole a trafficking

deleted Qanon Update 3.10.18 - Merkel=Hitlers Daughter, Marina/Podesta Spirit Cooking Mentions, Antifa

@00:17:03 australia involved in human trafficking
@00:24:46 trafficking stuff and the clinton
@00:24:57 is covering the child trafficking stuff

deleted Maga Update 3.9.18 - Dems want tax HIKES, Sheriff's Corruption

@00:06:27 child trafficking trade they're involved

deleted Qanon Update 3.9.18 - Censorship nearly over @Jack going to Jail - "Don't drop the soap"

@00:16:40 uranium one human trafficking drugs etc

deleted Qanon Update 3.6.18 - Steel, HRC XXXVIDEO (pedogate), North Korea Backs Down

@00:43:12 involved in child trafficking look up

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives (better copy)

@00:12:18 involved in human trafficking and

deleted Qanon 3.4.18 - Q Returns, Boom, Boom, Boom Censorship and The War of Narratives

@00:12:18 involved in human trafficking and

deleted Maga Update 2.27.18 - 2018 platform: Vote for Dems or you hate Children

@00:33:36 trafficking and other crimes involving

deleted Maga Update 2.26.18 - Massive Theat To Free Speech, Supreme Court rejects Trump's request on DACA

@00:01:43 fight online sex trafficking act or 2017
@00:02:26 victims and online sex trafficking like

deleted Is Q a Larp or Disinfo Agent? Dustin Nemos

@00:02:01 target human trafficking and corruption

deleted Who is Qanon? A FAST Primer

@00:08:30 trafficking especially that of children
@00:12:35 corruption and human trafficking etc to

deleted Qanon Interview 2.1.18 - With Dr. Jerome Corsi - Day of Days, Trump shifts to Offense

@00:04:42 human trafficking and corruption
@00:13:26 pedal ring human trafficking at the
@00:14:00 trafficking at the standard hotel and a

deleted Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi - Qanon Story Unfolds

@00:06:25 trafficking and human rights abuses and

deleted Deleted video

@00:06:25 aliceandmac admitting to trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:16 a what's a human-trafficking oh yeah

deleted Deleted video

@00:26:29 them alleging child trafficking links so
@00:26:37 trafficking come out against him from
@00:36:24 trafficking himself or maybe he was
@00:36:28 champion child trafficking but his

deleted Deleted video

@00:45:05 corruption human trafficking i mean

deleted Deleted video

@00:04:10 last week related to human trafficking i

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:12 mostly focused on human trafficking but
@00:28:25 trafficking reporter it's gonna cost

deleted Deleted video

@00:11:18 child trafficking is a major issue these

deleted Deleted video

@00:56:56 trafficking reporting which really

deleted Deleted video

@00:41:53 connections with child trafficking that
@00:41:58 connections to child trafficking and if
@00:46:15 trafficking situation it's so it's one

deleted Deleted video

@00:18:26 child trafficking you know sex slavery
@00:51:16 trafficking in the corruption before he

deleted Deleted video

@00:02:53 trafficking ring
@00:05:35 child trafficking with hillary clinton
@00:24:57 talk about child trafficking issues
@00:26:44 scale child trafficking not to mention

deleted Deleted video

@00:47:23 monetization child trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:33 trafficking is from the cartels and
@00:25:40 put the whole child trafficking thing on

deleted Deleted video

@00:06:06 of hey by the way child trafficking
@00:29:33 trafficking and now it's child
@00:29:34 trafficking and then it's clinton's and
@00:29:37 obama's and child trafficking that's

deleted Deleted video

@00:41:29 of child trafficking hillary's involved

deleted Deleted video

@00:30:53 are none crackdown on human trafficking
@00:43:02 human trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@00:23:36 human trafficking and corruption i mean

deleted Deleted video

@00:16:37 american people are trafficking i'm

deleted Deleted video

@00:09:33 human trafficking especially child
@00:09:35 trafficking that she seems to be sort of

deleted Deleted video

@00:29:20 linked to child trafficking that is when
@00:29:25 trafficking is about to come out on them
@00:32:22 expect a lot of this child trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@00:25:58 trafficking i think that's out there
@00:26:07 posters about human trafficking human
@00:26:08 trafficking
@00:26:14 big poster about human trafficking
@00:29:19 trafficking of children and treason all

deleted Deleted video

@00:24:25 trafficking these people are they're not
@00:24:43 trafficking you don't take someone like

deleted Deleted video

@00:05:50 trafficking in tux son they found these
@00:23:17 i did hear about the trafficking tunnels
@00:35:04 into the the child trafficking tunnels
@00:35:10 some legitimate like child trafficking
@00:36:19 was that wick oh the human trafficking
@00:38:41 the sex trafficking story so if you want
@00:54:29 child trafficking tunnels being busted

deleted Deleted video

@00:11:43 but i think that the child trafficking
@00:12:01 trafficking and all on treason and we

deleted Deleted video

@00:12:57 trafficking and stuff things that the
@00:16:46 where human trafficking of children is

deleted Deleted video

@00:45:28 trafficking reporting him and government

deleted Deleted video

@00:28:50 included the whole child trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@01:26:12 trafficking domestically and all around

deleted Deleted video

@00:50:21 from human trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:27 child trafficking you know amy's crib
@00:10:09 talking industrial level job trafficking

deleted Deleted video

@00:08:30 trafficking tore child trafficking we
@00:13:25 trafficking that we have been dealing

deleted Deleted video

@00:16:50 like the child trafficking especially

deleted Private video

@00:10:10 trafficking as required by law now
@00:11:11 and sex trafficking while obtaining us
@00:11:27 prostitution and sex trafficking

deleted Private video

@00:23:13 drug trafficking scandals going through
@00:24:54 we've caught live trafficking victims

deleted Private video

@00:09:16 industrial level child trafficking and
@00:09:58 okay child trafficking government

deleted Private video

@00:01:24 q anon signs and anti-child trafficking

deleted Private video

@00:12:38 a human trafficking victim

deleted Private video

@00:11:38 child trafficking protesters gathered

deleted Private video

@00:19:59 human trafficking my gosh that's uh

deleted Private video

@00:15:25 trafficking and massive death rates

deleted Private video

@00:16:27 trafficking which is a bigger issue