
Praying Medic News - October 2, 2020

@00:02:13 no arrests no indictments i don't know

deleted Qanon September 12, 2020 - Now Think Fires

@00:17:07 doj source about impending indictments
@00:17:15 indictments or arrests
@00:18:21 foreknowledge of arrests or indictments

deleted Qanon July 19, 2020 - It's Time for People to Go to Jail

@00:01:45 durham will there be indictments sir
@00:01:49 indictments i know i expect indictments
@00:03:32 indictments near the end of summer

deleted Qanon April 29, 2020 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:13:24 all in this first section of indictments
@00:24:07 indicates indictments tracking non siv

deleted Qanon April 18, 2020 - We Are Ready

@00:01:15 indictments related to spy gate may be
@00:02:18 lot don't expect 10 or 12 indictments
@00:02:21 indictments in much more information i
@00:04:04 solomon's report is about indictments
@00:04:06 this placeholder is about indictments
@00:04:08 tracking indictments and it has set one
@00:04:22 it appears like these indictments may
@00:04:39 reading it q said that fisa indictments
@00:07:05 first indictments that are going to be

deleted Qanon April 15, 2020 - Imagine If We Were Not Here

@00:08:33 you know they're going to be indictments
@00:08:43 going to be bringing indictments against

deleted Qanon April 14 2020 - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

@00:03:04 hint that indictments are coming now i
@00:03:22 they think oh the indictments are gonna
@00:03:58 known a long time indictments are coming
@00:04:29 they're going to be indictments in this
@00:04:47 getting ready to bring indictments if he
@00:05:17 indictments are coming as we have
@00:05:28 thing is to bring indictments and the
@00:06:51 going to be able to get indictments the
@00:07:09 making the indictments having them be
@00:07:19 indictments are coming now
@00:07:47 indictments because of an election you
@00:07:58 indictments are coming yes they are for
@00:09:17 matter of time before the indictments

deleted Qanon April 11, 2020 - Together We Will Win

@00:07:44 fisa indictments equals a start public
@00:08:05 are going to happen about indictments
@00:09:23 so fisa indictments are the start we we
@00:13:09 you know are the first indictments going
@00:15:03 indictments it's going to be fisa as
@00:15:05 soon as the first indictments related to
@00:16:37 indictments that in the spring we might
@00:18:52 fisa indictments will be the start of
@00:31:36 placeholder indictments tracking non
@00:31:52 placeholder indictments tracking sieve
@00:32:17 similar placeholder indictments tracking
@00:32:19 sieve placeholder indictments tracking
@00:33:11 indictments this is a good place to make
@00:33:27 indictments that are going to be
@00:33:49 actually from the indictments are going
@00:33:58 because it says indictments tracking it
@00:35:05 the storm hits and the first indictments
@00:35:10 indictments are going to be related to
@00:35:31 counts because it says indictments
@00:35:35 indictments well we'll see charges from
@00:35:37 the indictments again speculation i
@00:36:15 indictments that are going to be

deleted Qanon April 9, 2020 - Covid 19: How to Steal and Election

@00:28:35 unsealed indictments i don't know i'm
@00:46:39 from today fisa indictments equal to
@00:46:50 the first unsealed indictments i think
@00:46:52 we're the first unsealed indictments

Supernatural Saturday March 14, 2020 - The Not So Audible Voice of God

@00:44:12 already wrapped up the indictments have
@00:44:17 the indictments this is uranium one
@00:44:31 indictments are already sealed we know
@00:44:35 140,000 sealed indictments well who do
@00:44:39 indictments right so we know that that
@00:44:46 waiting for indictments to be unsealed
@00:45:13 wrapped up in some sealed indictments

deleted Qanon February 18, 2020 - It's Going To Be A Hot Summer

@00:15:07 game over q indictments are coming d

deleted Qanon February 16, 2020 - Treason Sedition and Subversive Activities

@00:13:53 would be unsealing indictments and d
@00:15:45 indictments the date 221 and you know if

deleted Qanon February 10, 2020 - An Informed Public

@00:12:43 the first indictments i believe that is

deleted Qanon February 8, 2020 - It's Time to Wake Up

@00:07:20 is ready to unseal some indictments or

deleted Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

@00:02:10 indictments and arrests people have to
@00:02:37 website not all of them are indictments
@00:20:15 gonna see indictments related to general

deleted Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

@00:04:11 indictments nine counts total one of
@00:04:59 gonna see some indictments i think these
@00:05:01 are gonna be the first indictments to
@00:20:48 indictments well hugh has been telling
@00:20:54 prior to indictments being unsealed the
@00:21:21 indictments are unsealed than before
@00:26:22 indictments so like i said public first
@00:26:33 then indictments will be unsealed he
@00:35:58 probably already returned indictments

deleted Qanon December 16, 2019 B2 Bomber Revealed

@00:19:57 bar unseal the first indictments that
@00:24:52 and there's a lot of indictments against
@00:28:36 and the indictments are sealed

deleted Qanon November 20, 2019 - Information Warfare

@00:03:34 going and when they indictments are
@00:07:57 and cue indictments are coming oh yes
@00:08:05 indictments members of ukraine's
@00:11:57 indictments i didn't read that in the

deleted Qanon November 15, 2019 - Follow the Family

@00:25:48 they're gonna get criminal indictments

deleted Qanon November 12, 2019 - Dangerous Freedom

@00:11:22 wrote and why would sealed indictments
@00:23:21 indictments coming 2019 q denis said i
@00:23:30 indictments are coming and we're not

deleted Qanon August 1, 2019 - August is a Hot Month

@00:15:28 fight indictments arrests d-class will
@00:15:53 fisa five eyes indictments tracking

deleted Qanon July 30, 2019 - The Harvest is Ripe

@00:12:41 indictments i believe sieve stands for
@00:12:47 indictments non-civil ooh that's non
@00:26:23 the main indictments were unsealed
@00:26:47 were waiting for the indictments to come
@00:27:06 unsealing indictments on these people at
@00:28:10 probably until the indictments are

deleted Q on the Dilley Show

@00:30:36 indictments anybody yeah oh yeah let's

deleted Qanon July 22, 2019 - Traitors One and All

@00:38:39 and indictments are piling up in the

deleted Qanon July 10, 2019 - What Happens When...?

@00:13:28 i believe eyes is indictments when
@00:15:41 indictments i think we are gonna see a
@00:15:44 lot of indictments coming well if you
@00:15:53 indictments but that is the latest count
@00:30:44 vids videos along with indictments helps
@00:31:14 indictments and a lot more activity in
@00:45:43 these criminal indictments that are

deleted Qanon June 27, 2019 - Future Comms: On Ready

@00:06:29 to be tracking indictments civil so
@00:06:33 indictments that have been unsealed and
@00:06:40 placeholder for indictments tracking
@00:06:44 so military indictments and trials
@00:13:40 arrests that are coming indictments of

Friday May 31 News Update

@00:34:00 the sealed indictments and all that
@00:34:44 indictments grand jury matters having to

deleted Spygate Update May 16 2019

@00:13:02 know that these indictments are coming

deleted Spygate Update - May 14 2019

@00:11:45 sealed indictments ready to go and right
@00:16:16 why would seal indictments be done
@00:16:25 provide having sealed indictments
@00:16:37 indictments outside of dc on corruption
@00:17:56 up sealed indictments outside the swamp
@00:21:30 to them you get indictments you seal the
@00:21:33 indictments and then on one day you go
@00:39:36 get some indictments if it takes a

deleted Qanon May 3, 2019 - The Kickoff

@00:08:49 why would sealed indictments be outside

deleted Qanon April 26, 2019 - I Spy

@00:04:21 are going to be indictments there's

deleted Qanon April 11, 2019 - Panic

@00:06:55 hat there are no sealed indictments barr

deleted Qanon March 22 2019 - Who Is Rachel Chandler?

@00:24:14 further indictments so q has indicated

deleted Qanon March 20, 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil

@00:22:12 at patriots fight indictments arrests

deleted Qanon March 16, 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

@00:10:29 first several indictments will bring
@00:10:47 hinting that that was first indictments
@00:24:35 indictments regarding ivanka jared and

deleted Qanon March 14, 2019 - Stay in the Light

@00:01:43 indictments installed in dc and brackets
@00:01:50 indictments dc blockade last resort
@00:02:44 did actually places some indictments in
@00:03:07 that bar pulled those indictments got
@00:06:51 did intend to have indictments against
@00:07:08 indictments installed in dc prior to
@00:07:12 indictments in dc blockade last resort
@00:07:25 increase in sealed indictments in dc

deleted Qanon March 13, 2019 - It's About to Happen

@00:03:56 would sealed indictments be outside of
@00:06:13 time soon for these indictments to be
@00:11:43 unsealed indictments coming q
@00:11:47 indictments are indeed coming all right

deleted Qanon February 21, 2019 - A Traitors Justice

@00:04:10 fight indictments arrests and d class

deleted Qanon February 11, 2019 - Optics Are Important

@00:41:00 first one indictments tracking civilian
@00:41:04 placeholder indictments tracking non
@00:42:34 as the indictments are unsealed as five

Praying Medic News Update January 28

@00:33:55 lots of sealed indictments and there's

deleted Qanon December 20, 2018 - D Day

@00:02:49 sealed indictments as from sc sarah
@00:03:53 indictments john lots of sealed
@00:03:55 indictments i have very good sources i

deleted Qanon December 13, 2018 - At What Point do People Wake Up?

@00:21:50 lots of sealed indictments alright this
@00:22:46 indictments i have very good sources
@00:23:03 sealed indictments are piling up in

deleted Qanon November 6, 2018 - The Entire World is Watching

@00:07:46 pending sealed indictments i had no

deleted Qanon December 8, 2018 - Deep State Fake Out

@00:21:01 why would sealed indictments be outside
@00:34:33 reps caught up in the indictments right
@00:34:43 the indictments happen before january

Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval - Part 3

@00:19:09 all the indictments he never said that
@00:21:02 one who unsealed all these indictments
@00:24:34 in he'll unseal the indictments he will
@00:25:12 that unseals the indictments makes sense
@00:29:21 of indictments lock up a bunch of people
@00:30:22 indictments because it's a thing right
@00:30:24 indictments sealed indictments and they
@00:44:03 indictments tracking civil placeholder
@00:44:06 indictments tracking non civil right
@00:49:41 indictments and one of them was like i
@00:49:46 i think the sealed indictments are

deleted All About Q Anon With Dan Duval - Part 2 (August 6)

@00:23:06 indictments freeze soon actually that
@00:28:23 found the seal indictments oh yeah yeah
@00:28:57 of the seal indictments and according to
@00:29:34 indictments going to be unsealed that is

deleted Qanon August 8, 2018 - They All Claim to be Insiders

@00:10:09 indictments other things there's variety
@00:19:12 indictments counts think resignations of

deleted Qanon August 3, 2018 - Trump Attack Foiled

@00:21:21 sealed indictments around the country
@00:21:30 sealed indictments through the pacer gov

deleted Qanon July 28, 2018 - Something Big is About to Drop

@00:03:40 indictments happen when the arrests
@00:27:24 indictments come up can the swamp

deleted Qanon July 20, 2018 - John and Tony Podesta

@00:05:45 because indictments are not always made
@00:05:49 indictments in federal courts and
@00:08:13 would sealed indictments be outside of
@00:15:01 underway and sealed indictments were
@00:20:19 found out about the indictments found

deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

@00:13:25 be bringing indictments and impaneling

deleted July 4, 2018 - Qanon's School of Law

@00:01:53 that there are sealed indictments
@00:02:02 mention of sealed indictments brings
@00:02:12 sealed indictments pending for an
@00:02:20 that there are sealed indictments piling
@00:09:52 sealed indictments be outside of dc
@00:10:05 indictments would be done outside of dc
@00:11:41 indictments anons have been doing their
@00:12:04 are not indictments so you have to know
@00:12:15 cases or indictments a lot of people who
@00:12:19 are tracking sealed indictments have
@00:13:24 indictments this is a summary of the
@00:14:12 sealed indictments so a very small
@00:14:17 indictments and i'm not trying to be a
@00:14:29 criminal indictments there are a lot of
@00:15:36 proceedings they're not all indictments
@00:15:57 many indictments are this is another
@00:16:03 cases and sealed indictments and they
@00:16:25 many of those are sealed indictments but
@00:16:33 sealed indictments just hard to tell
@00:16:41 indictments it would take a very large
@00:17:14 indictments in eight months that's 63
@00:18:06 isn't think sealed indictments think
@00:47:00 tactic until the main indictments are

deleted Speaking Quite Frankly About Q Anon (June 28)

@00:21:41 sealed indictments yeah up to 35 but i
@00:23:42 be the targets of all these indictments
@00:32:20 unseal a couple thousand indictments and

deleted Qano May 18, 2018 - Gimme Shelter

@00:38:30 up any and all unsealed indictments in a

deleted Qanon May 13, 2018 - Now Comes The Pain

@00:27:40 but i'll read it sealed indictments
@00:28:44 criminal indictments are brought

deleted Qanon May 11, 2018 - Black Hats & White Hats

  • classified sealed indictments and
@00:09:07 like the sealed indictments and that was

deleted Qanon May 5, 2018 - Justice Has Come

@00:20:55 to see indictments we are going to see

deleted Qanon April 28, 2018 - The Plan is Revealed

@00:39:16 find sealed indictments and stuff on

deleted Q Anon April 28 - Q Reveals the Plan

@00:39:17 indictments and stuff on there why are

deleted Qanon April 18, 2018 - We're Being Set Up

@00:22:53 economically there were indictments

deleted Qanon April 15, 2018 - Trump Tweets and the Tarmac Meeting

@00:09:59 seeing the seals the indictments broken
@00:10:02 sealed indictments we're gonna see

Q Anon March 20 - Question and Answer

@00:37:02 indictments are sealed until they're
@00:56:08 escape so you have all these indictments

deleted Qanon March 12, 2018 - No Deals

@00:43:18 grand jury the indictments will be
@00:45:33 indictments i'm going to spare you the
@00:46:06 would sealed indictments be outside of
@00:46:42 indictments that need to be unsealed
@00:46:50 40 indictments were unsealed i think in

Q Anon January 18 - FISA 702 Scandal

@00:05:28 54 indictments today charging 14 members
@00:05:52 54 indictments you can find that in the

deleted Q Anon Made Simple - January 14, 2018

@00:05:00 11 sealed indictments who were opened
@00:05:23 expect more indictments to come the next

January 13 News - Unsealed Indictments, OIG sends 1.2 Million Pages to Congress

@00:04:23 all these indictments to open up you
@00:04:28 supposedly sealed indictments all over
@00:04:57 indictments were unsealed for his
@00:07:36 indictments out of that as the people

Dec 23 2017 - Will Andrew McCabe Be Indicted Before He Retires?

@00:05:54 criminal indictments based on their
@00:06:13 criminal indictments here's where we see
@00:09:31 forward and toward indictments based on
@00:09:45 indictments again using the oig findings
@00:10:25 same place where indictments are likely

Dec 21 News Update - UN Vote, Uranium One, Government Shutdown

@00:06:35 and indictments soon and what happens to
@00:07:02 going to see indictments and arrests

Dec 18 News Update - Amtrak derailment, Hezbollah scandal, Mueller investigation

@00:21:42 these indictments come down and all

Are The White Hats Ready to Make Arrests?

@00:00:10 of indictments in federal courts all
@00:00:17 are speculating that these indictments
@00:00:41 are 37 i think sealed indictments in dc
@00:01:05 these sealed indictments and some people
@00:01:14 looking for sealed indictments and

deleted Private video

@00:29:37 together indictments are coming november
@00:29:41 the indictments are going to be unsealed

deleted Private video

@00:15:02 why would sealed indictments be outside
@00:15:26 side of dc to seal indictments to

deleted Private video

@00:19:06 indictments related to that and we're

deleted Private video

@00:02:56 posting about arrests and indictments
@00:04:14 to seal the indictments you have to make
@00:19:31 indictments and we can we'll start

deleted Private video

@00:04:23 aren't sealed indictments none of these
@00:47:41 stupid indictments coming q indictments

deleted Private video

@00:02:18 these placeholder posts indictments

deleted Private video

@00:11:04 could also unseal indictments and then
@00:11:40 indictments is the kind of
@00:11:52 class happens and indictments are

deleted Private video

@00:12:15 and 45,000 sealed indictments q is

deleted Private video

@00:23:00 know about sealed indictments why did

deleted Private video

@00:11:39 by us prosecutors so indictments

deleted Private video

@00:19:57 think before we see the indictments

deleted Private video

@00:12:28 the sealed indictments if you are one of
@00:12:38 sealed indictments waiting to be
@00:13:08 indictments between october 30 and march
@00:13:11 31st so almost 25,000 sealed indictments
@00:14:03 check for sealed indictments on your own
@00:15:51 indictments were unsealed that's
@00:16:01 all right indictments and prosecution

deleted Private video

@00:02:46 indictments that are on the way there's
@00:20:24 indictments unseal the prosecution all
@00:23:33 and that they're going to be indictments
@00:23:48 indictments it will be an avalanche and

deleted Private video

@00:12:48 sealed indictments be outside of dc what
@00:13:20 were preparing sealed indictments and it
@00:16:14 why would sealed indictments be done

deleted Private video

@00:13:15 the mission now we're indictments are
@00:32:59 indictments in sealed and corrupt people
@00:37:36 placeholder indictments tracking civil
@00:37:40 then we have placeholder indictments
@00:39:22 the first one indictments involving
@00:39:26 indictments involving non civil or

deleted Private video

@00:26:28 indictments ready to go

deleted Private video

@00:20:30 and indictments are actually going to

deleted Private video

@00:07:52 first indictments that we'll see in the
@00:08:40 indictments are unsealed if the fisa
@00:12:56 going to be tracking indictments so as
@00:12:59 indictments are unsealed related to
@00:13:05 people or the charges in the indictments
@00:13:44 would be indictments tracking in a
@00:13:54 giving us the first set of indictments

deleted Private video

@00:11:57 indictments are coming all right

deleted Private video

@00:42:10 indictments they're supreme court cases
@00:44:49 going to see some indictments against

deleted Private video

@00:21:28 we'll see indictments sometime soon not

deleted Private video

@00:09:14 out that indictments have been building
@00:14:42 sure there's a lot of sealed indictments
@00:18:55 indictments have been building for some

deleted Private video

@00:42:26 cia they're all going the indictments
@00:42:40 indictments post eleven three you know
@00:42:47 elections i think the indictments will
@00:42:50 indictments before the election q has
@00:42:58 know if that's indictments i'm not sure
@00:43:53 indictments relatively soon
@00:44:18 indictments in people who illegally

deleted Private video

@00:09:39 uh broadcast is placeholder indictments
@00:13:33 and indictments are not publicly
@00:16:24 pending sealed indictments so that's
@00:18:26 indictments that placeholder has
@00:18:34 indictments tracking non-sieve
@00:18:40 placeholder indictments tracking sieve
@00:20:52 indictments tracking non-sieve set one
@00:21:07 indictments tracking civ
@00:21:30 either or both indictments tracking